CLACKAMAS COUNTY What the Ciiuby People Are, Di tiis. i Thf Bootl Templars Will Knlprtalii Hutch or IVrsoiinls mul Neighbor hood Gossip. Casbv, SUtfh 2.-Tho I. O. 0. T. will en tertain the puWie Friday evening, March lull, with a lecture by I'rof. John N. IV11 nison and an oyster supper in Ku'cMs h:l. A cordial invitation is extended t all and a gxnnl time is Anticipated. lieo. Hoyt has struck wateral a depth of seventeen feet. This is the shallowest well on the prairie. The aveiare depth of wells here is twenty-five to sixty feet, Mr. Godwin is di&inj! a well for S. Terry. J. Kay is also prepatini; to dig one for I'lias, knelling. The debating society at its last meeting decided that women should have eipial nclits with the men. Their next question will be "Resolved, that litiuor has caused more distress than war ami rebellion," with Geo. leader on the a'.iirniative and Kd ward I jet on the negative. The Chinese gravel crew are again at work in the pit after an absence of two weeks. IMxJt Co. have ship-ed t!ir thresl er engine to Portland. Last Saturday several of the citizens ol Canny attended the teachers' association at Harlow, but lonml w hen dinner time ar rived that they were in a sorry plight. Henry K iiglit is building a business house to be use I as a barl er shop between Win. Knights' store and the lwtotlice. Sonielnxiy be!ed themselves to one of J. C. Walgamot's stands ol tes last week. H. A. is pruning his on ha'ds. Win. Johnson has reined a house and garden spot of Joseph Slmll. Jas. liodjes, M. C'ampMI Mid W. At. 85'iaiiks were in Portland Mon lay. The neighbor g ive the pastor of the M. E. church a donation party Tuesday even ing. There is only one m ire week of school. Mr. S. Mathew is having a siege of the rheumatism. Mrs. Mosberger of W.wlburn is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. O. .Mack. Mr. White of Aurora is abo tb.e guest of his daughter, Mr?. V. L. Mack. PARK PLACE NOTES. The Close of the Winter Term of School Neigh. borkotMl rersonaU. Park Placic. March 2. The Park Place school closed its winter term ln.-t Tuesday, March 1. The closing exercises were very I liiieresung aim iiistrm ur, u'iiwuki, recitations and selections by the pupils, and was largely attended by parents and friends ot the scholars. Mr. Klliott gave some ex cellent advice to the pupils and pointed out to them, in well chosen language, their duties to parents and teacher. Prof. Hacket, a former teacher here, made some appropri ate remarks to the school, ami gave as a rec itation, "A Smack in School," which was greatly enjoyed by all present. "kr. Stupps's closing remarks were quite appropriate and to the point, and were listened to with due attention by all present. Some beautiful cards were distributed by the teacher to those obtaining headmarks in spelling dur ing the school term. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Leonard are visiting relatives at Silverton this week. Mr. Leon ard's sister is reamed dangerously ill. Machinery arrived Tuesday morning for F. D. Antrim A Son who intend to manu facture wooden handles of all kinds at this place. The enterprising firm recently came from the East and have been manufacturing oak handles at H. Bestow's factory in Ore gon City until they could make proer ar rangements for establishing a shop of their own. Messrs. Antrim & Son have not been able to fill all of the orders tor handles left with them. John Kent's only child i9 quite sick with the grip and much anxiety is manilested by the parents. It is hoped that the baby will soon take a turn for the better. Lanzing Kivers's little baby girl is very low with whooping cough. Mr. Rivers was in Portland twice this week for medicine. Since the first of the year there have been three deaths in our neighborhood. Last Sunday atternoon the youngest child of Levi and Leonora Rivers was laid to rest at the private burial ground after a short ill ness of only a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Rivers have the heartfelt sympathy ot their many friends and acquaintances of this place. MOKE NEWS FROM THE IRON TOWN. New Buildings Being Krerted-It Is Proposed to Incorporate. Oswego, March 1. The new villa of Su perintendent Evans is rapidly Hearing com pletion and will be ready for occupancy in about ten days. Superintendent Evans is pushing the work of rebuilding the new blast furnace and he expects to "blow in" about March 20th. Excavating for the new bank is well un der way. Jack Monk, with four teams and twenty men, is doing the excavating. The building will be Sox'J ) leet. two stories high, with bank in front and a general store in the rear. Parties from Portland are building a store on avenue A. It is 2'ix40 feet and will be used as a general store. The Oswego Lumber company are doing a rustling business and are building an ad dition to their office. When the next grand jury meets they will be called upon to investigate some seri ous charges against some of the "bUods" of the town. The shingle of C. M. Balfour, physician and surgeon of Kansas, will be swinging in the breeze in a few days. It is rumored that the Oswego drug store will change owners in a few days, with G. 8 Miller, chemist at the furnace, on deck. Born, to Mrs. Win, Wellend, a boy. Born, to Mrs. Ike Austin, a boy. The question of removing the postoffice to New Town is being agitated by the citi ren of that part of Osw ego. They also pro pose to incorHirate at an early date. 1. Marks has purchased a cottage in New Town from t). W. Prosser. Geo. V. Prosscr has delivered eleven tons of groceries, dry goods,vo., today. How is that for sales for one day? A brother of Mrs. I. Marks, a boiler maker, recently arrived from Pennsylvania ami secured employment at his trade in re building the stack of the blast furnace, W, II. Miller, the newly appointed road master, started some men today to till tip some of the canyons in the roads around here. A team, and a gKd team too, was swamped, with an empty wagon on the 11 aii; st, vet of the town csterday. Hl.t XtiKKllt'S. TI1K NKWS OK VRlH" IVXIl Quantities of Potatoes Shipped -A Jurisdic tional Case of NVeibling. Ftto.i Posn, Fi b. The bulk of the po tatocrop has been shipped from here mostly to San Francisco. There have heeen '--' K sacks shipped from Krnse a landing ami Saldern's landing and some more to ship vet. From all returns receive I they have brought about twenty five cents per tmshol, clear of (n ight and commission. Sharp Urns. & Sohraders are hauling oil' their heat to ship as they think it has got low enough 111 price. Some have been plowing and sowing wheal around here and improving the line weather. John Tyler and Hnllalo Hill have finished their job of grubbing for John Krnse. John Tyler is going over by Woodburn this week to begin on his onion patch where be thinks there is a fortune 10 l made for htm shortly. Miss L'lla Turner is expected back from Dayton, Wash., this week where she went I, ,r a short visit with friends and relations. Tt os. Huckman and wife from Coos Hay ma le Fmg Fond and vicinity a visit and everybody seemed glad to meet them, 11s they used to be our neighbors. They lioth look well and hearty and seem to younger than they ued to Ik. Tnalliu grame met Saturday with a good attendance, and the usual routine of busi ness was irone through with. P.. V. Short, T. I.. Turner and John Kru-e were elected delegates tu attend the county meeting to j elect del, gates to the state grange which is held in Albany this year. j Tualtin secular union met today with a j fair attendance and had a line program of j select readings and declamations. Mr. II. II. Robb had the paiwr and it was gotten up in first clas style and was a credit to him an I his assistant. Miss Reda Shirp. The! union meets again on the loth of April, which will be the day for election of officers for the next vear. Mr. John Tyler has the next paperaml we expe't a good, witty one ' for he is the boy mat can do it up in stvle. Homer Krnse went to Salem yesterday to see his old professor and visit schoolmates and relatives. Prof. Kobb attended the teachers' insti tute at Harlow yesterday ami he reports having a grand time and being highly pleased with the meeting. Frank Kruse attended the mask ball at Newburg last Monday night and hail a high time. He was dressed as a clown with fourteen yards ot calico in his suit, A mask ball is the place for fun. John Kruse has shipped fr.l sacks of spuds to 'Frisco, which is all of his crop this year and will plant fifty acres this season on the place. Supervisor A. C. Sharp, with the help of August Voigt, has just finished as good a bridge across Moses creek as there is in the county, and if the county court would come up and look at it they would agree with me. The court would not let the contract as they have done in other parts of the county, but made the district build it with their work. The bridge is done now and we would like to have the court inspect it. A wedding took place in the northern end of Tualtin precinct a week ago today and they sent for a Washington county squire to tie the knot, but when he arrived on the scene he found he had no jurisdiction out of his county, so he persuaded the couple, Miss Bamgrover and Lee Spencer, to cross over the line a few yards oft in a neighbor's pasture where he tied the knot hard and fast. The collide went home happy and Sipiire G. C. Day had the fee in his pocket. Mrs. Eva Shaw from East Portland gave Frog Pond a call yesterday to see old friends and relatives. Prof. Robb's school will close next week, providing the directors do not hire him another month. He is a good teacher and liked by every one. H. M. B. THE NEWS OK OSWEGO. The Washington Rail Pleasant Personal (Jos sip and General News. Pleasant weat her has deserted us the past few days and rain, rain, rain lias taken her place. The grand ball at Prosser's hull given by the I. 0. 0. F. on the evening of Washing ton's birthday was a financial as well as a social success. The I). 11. liussard orchestra of Oswego furnished the music. An excel lent supper prepared by Landlord Wigaud of the Portland House was served at the midnight hour. Every one had a good time. The light fantastic was tripp'id till the wee sma' injurs. Ike Austen wears a broad smile a leetle boy has come to stay mit him. We rniss the bright smile of E. L. David son behind the counter at the drug store. He thinks of going to Portland to work at the druggist's trade. Mrs. A. Hodge and family of Sherwood, also Miss Gertie Hantion, were visiting friends in Oswego, Washington's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Magner of Tualtin were among the dancers Monday evening. The store building of Thomas & Co. is being completed and will be ready to receive merchandise in a few days. Harry Flannigan of Albina was in Oswego Monday. The handsome villa of Superintendent Evans of the Oswego Iron and Steel Compa ny is being rapidly erected. It will lie a beautiful addition to our little city. C. P. Sullivan has moved his family on the first floor of the Odd Fellows building adjoining hisdrng stow. Jotmiiie Woods, operator at the P. ,v V, V, deHl, has resigned his position and a man from Taconia fills his place. We understand there will be a new barber shop in our town this coming week. A muslcalo will lie given by homo talent about (he middle of March. Base hall on pleasant Sundays Is the fa vorite pastime of members ot the Pig Iron Nine. Manager V. W. Todd intends to have a strong nine for the coming season and will not W afraid to cross hat with any of 'em. Their motto will be " e have met the enemy and they are ours." The grip is still visiting some of us. Mrs. T. J. Hrown, Hugh Waters and Tom Cllne feller seem to he its particular victims, T. V. Ittissard of Milwaukee visited his brother and friends of "Ailld Lang Syne." Sll V Mil, UK. MARKS 1'HAIUIK kEWS. The t'liiinliigham-liass Weddlnir-Newt of the NelghtmrliMHl, M aks Pk.mkik, Fell. IS'.-Owing to a change in the program of the weather clerk, our farmers have Ikvii slightly iiilcrrunted in their work. However, farmers really have no cause for complaint for a good deal of spring w ork has already Iwen done. Mr. S. F. Marks is thus far the luckiest nun on the prairie, having sold two car loads of potatoes at go,l figures, Mrs. F. 11. Hilton and her brother paid Clackamas a two or three days' visit last week. Mr. John McClelland has just returned from eastern Oregon, lie left again yester day lor Yamhill county to engage in hop raising. The niarriaui" of Mr. K. K. Cunningham and Miss Lulu M. Bass, formerly of Jasper counly, Mo., was solcuinucd ai ihe resi dence of Mr. James 1. Poiier last Simdav afleniiMUi. February lb v. C. L. l owtio-r officiating. After Ihe ceremony a splendid dinner wa-s served to the newly wedded pair and a houscfull of Invited guests, to which all did ample justice. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham join in wishing them a long life of happiness and prosperity. Among those present were lion, and Mrs. S. F. Marks, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Hilton, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. May, Mi. and Mrs. P. A. Gilliam, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Poiier, Xliss Flavill Hilton, Miss Mary Spagia, Kllis Toogou.1, Kev. J. II. Wolfer, J. P. Hitler, Kev. C. I.. Lowther. John Abbott and Toddy and Myrtle Wail. A slight accident happened to Hon. S. F. Marks and party last Sunday evening while on their way home Irom the wedding at Mr. Power's. The king bolt broke and dropped the hack info a ditch, throvying the occupants out promiscuously. The follow ing persons were in the hack: Mr. and Mrs. Marks, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. tiilliain, John Abbott, Toddy Walt and Myrtle Wait, and all were considerably bruised and shaken up by the fall, though luckily none were seriously hurt. Occasion vl. From Klliott Prairie. Elliott I'kuiiik, Feb. 2 '.Klliott Prairie is in the extreme southern end uf Clacka mas county. Geo. Killen has moved into his new house which is one of the finest Cuiintiy residences in the county, J. A. Stanton and A. Woodcock still hold their hops for better figures. Mrs. M. K. Gaines and Mrs. J. A. Stanton are at Monmouth, visiting their children who are attending the slate normal school. Wyack Itroylesof Woodburn is oil the prairie doing some top-grafting for Mr. Bush. Alexander Hamilton is staying with Mr. Bush, wintering his horses and helping to plant onions. Mr. Bush has over 1U0 bush els ot sets in the ground. Mr. Basher, living on J'rof. J. S. Gra ham's farm, is putting out five acres of hops on the farm and twelve acres on Geo. Killen's farm. Ross Roseiicrmitz & Sou are going to move to Troutdale to establish a butcher business. We would like to have organized a grange or alliance in our prairie, as we are all anxious to have one or the other or both. We have nothing of the kind nearer than seven or eight miles. Our Immediate neighborhood is also des titute of a emirch. But our people are quite moral citizens and more thun average good neighbors. Mr. Shuck is now preparing to put new roller process in his flouring mill, machinery is ordered and on the mail, intends huving it ready for the fall crop the His He Politics In Needy Nkkhv, Feb. 2i(. Politics is the topic of the day. The republican county cuinmiltee has una and dealt out the allotment of del egates to each precinct and we hope that every precinct will send men of the very best common sense and sound judgment to make up a convention, the result of whose work shall be a credit and uu honor to the party. By the way, the alliance political hen of this precinct has been set and is coming off about the first of March with three full fledged delegates minus one in consequence of not having a full setting, lint as Needy has already been gouged out of one of our own delegates to pacify the new Barlow precinct and conform with the rise and im portance of that city we might help our al liance neighbors out by allowing them also to choose one to fill out their hatch. Hr.runi.icAN. Mountain View Items. Mountain Vikw, Feb. 21. Ed. May's house is Hearing completion and will soon be ready for occupancy. K. A. Ely has erected a street lamp in front of'his stores, which is a great con venience to pedestrians. The ring of the hammers of our two black smiths is heard from morn till night, which shows that they are kept busy. I I. S. C. Phelps of Few Era was in town one duy this week. Quite a number of our school children have found spring flowers. We are glad to see spring so near. Omkoa. npii 1 kmiowiicemiGH .! Receiving New Spring and Summer Goods To talk about, war in Cliili or nnvwlioiv olsc. Hut. it' you wish to talk nlxuit 0001) COOPS ami LOW l'KK'KS, wo mo nl your st'ivico. We will 4110I0 a IVw hart! hitters: 5 gallons best Pearl Oil, - $0.85 3 pounds Arbuckle's CoiTee, $.65 22 pounds Nice C Sugar, - - $1.00 Huiluors' llartlwai'tMunl Nails at I'ortlaiul prints, ami all othor j;oh1s in proportion. Our stock of Hoots ami Hiocs will suit tht most I'asU.lious. Thoro is no Mtyr Imo of Hats am! Taps in Clackamas ('ouutv. Wo arc rccoivin;,' a complete line of 0l01 ami MILUNKKY direct from the Vlast, which we will sell at Trices that will surprise you. (live us a call am! he convinceil, Carlton & Rosenkrans' New Cash Store, Lcmlors in Low Prices for Clackiiiiius County. IlABKJIIOKST .: COMPANY, 1M li nut Street. HARDWARE i-..rtu...i. r.-.... ' Northw-fsii-ru Audit Ut r; ATKIWS SS-'-STST'S M , tiii.,i.,.,o, . n.,.i.,r liiu Hllvor Hieel. Hr. Crescent Wetlges (warranted.) U & S l'roof CliAins. Arcade Files. Hope. Crescent .-W Loggers ami Wood Choppers Specialties. Oregon City Agent, ...... WILSON & COOK News uf Nmintalii llmiie. Mot stain IIomk, Keb. '-'7. Tlie gr hat attain made ita appearance in our nem'lihor lioiKt. tiramlpa lloylnn ha.i been very tick, but i slowly Improving. 1 There is a broad ; mile on the fare ef Mr. II. N.'Voolartl, all on account of an eifjbl pouml Uiy, who I'li'ne to live at hi hoim last Thiirwlay, Kehruarv 111. Mr. tiray of Spring-water was Ihe KWt ol Mr. Sylvanu.H Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Hoy Ian Inn been Improving hl.i house ny a coal of ruitic and a new nrcli. Mr. Taylor has olio had a new porch added to his already neat cottage. Mr. M. Park ha bii new house almoit completed and w ill noon occupy It. Mr. Dibble's little boy has been very sick, but is Improving. Mrs. M m in Harrington was the (tueit of her father, J. V. Taylor, lust lucidity ami Wednesday. Miss Susie Park has returned limim from Maple Lane where she has scit most of the winter. Toesv TruvKY. Curtis Happen lugs. Ca lira, March 1. Mnt. Will Porter Is a myth. It is Mrs. Charlie Porter whose se rious illness we recorded lait week. She Is making fair progress toward recovery, A. O. Hayward returned last evening from o short trip into Ilenton county. Ill found the land bio much on end for settle ment, and a worse prospect for wiikoii roads than there is in Clackamas. Fanners In this vicinity arc briskly at work pultiiiK in sprii.n crops. Some have already made Kardcn ns ,,0 j,ri,M4-c-t is (rood for an early spring. Mr. VV. W. May has a pile of lumber In hid yanl and will soon commence upon Ins new buildings. His daughter, Mrs. Dora Williams, bus been making her parents a short visit. Mr. Will Miller is moving from the Oraliam farm to the Williams place in the vicinity of Maple Lane. Cai.i.a. The Sandy Country Sanuv, Feb. 2'i.- We are sorry to hear of the untimely death of Mr. Hunch' Infant son ot: February 25 by scarlctina. His age was ten months. Sandy Is to have two singe-lines from Portland this summer. One oftlicm will reach nearly to Mt. Hood. Campers in the hills will this year ho more numerous than ever before. Our new postmaster, Fcrdii:anil l' I.. fJoctich, having bought the postolllce prop erty from Fred Hatch, will continue in Ihe sale of provisions uml notions. The new mail carrier, Mr. Kroiik, lias come. He occupies the house formerly Dr. Ingruliani's olllce. Woiiiuiat. Maeksburu Nates. Mai Ksiitiiio, Feb. 24. Two young men by the name of Hchlief, old ucipiainliuiccs of Win. Yohan, arrived last Saturday from Wisconsin. Died, Feb. 1!), 1802, Mrs. Nordlioiise. H!ie leaves a husband and seven small children , one a babe nine days old. Deceased w as forty-three years old. The remains were laid to rest in tho Aurora cemetery Sunday, the 21st. Died, Feb. 20, of the grip, Mrs. Willianm, uged seventy-four ycurs. Hbe lina been in ill health for several years". Her husband died about two years ago of the same com plaint. The remains were Interred at Canby the 22nd. Bchihiiwcb. 9 YK AUK TOO lU'SY GEORGE BROUGHTON, M VNI'KACTl'llKK UK A I.I. KINI'S l)K FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. IT I, I. STUCK OK KLOOUINC, CI'U.INC. lU'STIC AND FINISH ING LCMIU'IU, DIMENSION STUFF AND LATH. - -t - Special Dills Cut to Order-. Mill mul Vunl on tho Hivrr. Foot of Main Street, t)Ki:tiiiN CITY, OU. Freni the Mink Nrlfltlnirliend. Min, Feb. 2fl,-T. W. Ilullylost vain- able horse last week. Several bunds ut Martin A Son'i saw mill I ar-j down with the grip. The report that J. II, ilceson shot himself is a hoax. John Shannon la the right man in the right place us supervisor of roads in the district lietwccn here and Oregon City. He has done more work than any of his prede cessors, lie intends grading some hills here which will lie a benefit to all the farmers of Chirks or Highland. U't the good work go on. Considerable spring grain win sown last week. Kobert (iuenthor left for Portland last Monday where he intends to remain until next full. John Heft is laid up with n sore hand. A iniuibcrof the voters of Heaver Creek precinct met at the school house and elected the follow ing delegates to the people's party county convention to meet, at Oregon City March 8: W. Hill, M. Hill and W. F. Kirk. Monk. I.ctl.r I, lit. The following Is the list of letters remain ing in the post olllce at Oregon City, Oregon, March I, IM. Apple'.vbile, Willie Mc)miiiugli, John Davis, Miss Jennie Paiisliiin, Charles Fletcher, Win Purler, tl W Fox, A O Hois, Miss Mila. Frey, Mrs l.oreu, Heliwiib, Mrs Annie Friizer, Mr II Shill, Mrs Nancy Fry, Mr Hpilzig, Dr (inn Hyde, Chus Thomas, (I II If called for, please say when advertised. K. HANDS, I1. M. On Improved Farms of not less than (10 acres. C. O. T. Williams, W. II. UimoiIAKDT. DAVIE'S GALLERY. The Leading Photographer of Portland. CORNER FIRST and TAYLOR STREETS Money ii CJXil3y, Oil. 3 Great Reduction Cabinet Photographs ONLY S2.50 PER DOZEZST AT T lx alto's, 1 il 7 First Street, llet, Morrison and Yamlilll l'OKTLANU, OKKCON a ir. FuiDRicii, (IKNKHAI, Blacksmithing and Re pairing. Wagon, Baser Wait and Horse Sboeins. All work lirNt-clusH and promptly done Shop ut I'lyvillu. Ica3J3L.:alI7, . Livery, Fwtl mul S;tle .Stulilo OREGON CITY. I.OCATKU IlKTWKKN TUB 1IKIU0K AND UKI'OT. Double anil Singlo HinH, and sad dle horsi'H always on hand at tlio lowtt jiricon. A corrall conneotud witlt tlio barn for Iooho ntock. Information renurdina any kind of Hfoek promptly utteiided to by portion or Idler. Horses Bought and Sold. IF. H. l&'ATT, Pmcticiil Horse si loor, Simp on MiiIii Ht.,npp Woolen Mills, Specie! Attcntloa Given to Contracted or Bad Feet, NIIOKl.NO sm'I) IIOIISKH A hTKCIAI.TV. Tun yours nxpiilloni'i) In onstnrn cltlos, CLIFF JIIOUSkT. J. lUTTNieit, l'riipr. The Oldcwt l lr.l 4'Iiimm Hold In Oi-cKoii I'lly. Clunn rooms with comfortabln boils. Tubliia supplied witli the beHt the imir ket alloriln.