Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 26, 1892, Image 2

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    PI X PI' I C fYlTTVTV r' i"n' tliotkrmwnol tarn than twutv
A Ovist i f News from the Town
of rnnhy.
Poath or an Old t'ioneer
Bftit Wo.IiIIiik Xc of
Oankv, Feb. 34. Theilebntiiif! ocivty at
Its mating last Fri-lay night debated th
iurstun, " Resolved, That graduatiM
pMjHTty tax noul-1 he of more bem'tit to the
people than the present nuxle of taxation,"
The judge tlevitleil two to one in favor of
tlieattirmative. (So the rich men will hike
their money to other countries.) The next
question will he, " tieolvel, That women
should, have equal political rights with
men." H. A. 1-ee will lead on the affirma
tive ami Dr. M. H. While on the negative.
Wm. Mack ami V. W. fl'wl have laid
out ami platted several acres of land to he
south addition to Canhy.
One of our old pioneers, Mrs. Sarah Wil
liams, passed away tvUuni&y, the 'AMh, and
was buried the tallowing Monday. The
funeral services were conducted by Rev, 8.
Mathews in the M. E. church. During!
the funeral services the team that conveyed
thecorp.e became frightened and ran down
past the Ioou and Mr. Dcmick's but were
finally stopped. Xo damage was done ex
cept a broken wagon tongue.
The farmers' alliance held an open
meeting last Monday evening in Evans's
hall. A lecture was delivered by the
county lecturer. The attendance was
rather smail owing to a phrenological lec
ture given in Knight'a hall the same even
ing by S. R. Vincent. Mr. Vincent is an
able speaker and handles his subject well.
He says he will probably stay with us the
rest of the week lecturing evenings and
'iiakit g examinations and tilling charts
during the day.
H. A. Vorpahl, Morrison Campbell and
Benjamin shuil were ii.itiatcd in the I, 0.
it. r. last Saturday evening. The society
has been steadily increasing of late and has
a membership of nearly eighty.
Win. Knight is goiiH! to build a tenement
house in the near future.
Mr. Fred A. Rosenkmns anil Miss Jessie
flriirgs were married the is;h. Rev. C. L.
Lowthcr otlteiating. They took the evening
train for Salem on a two-days' wedding
visit. When they returned Mr. Rosenkrana
treated the o;!e so liberally with cigars
and confectionary that a serenade party
was not necessary.
Messrs. Shanks are blo ving out stumps
preparatory to planting a large peach orch- j
ard on the ground next full. The location j
is such that the fog from the river covers the j
ground every night durii g the frosty sea
son, and a failure in the peach crop has
never been k'iowu mere.
Mr. Zeak has c-jn pleied his dwelling and
is moving in.
Mr. John Sins commences this week the
erection of his third house to rent. Houses
are in such den. and that there is not one va
cant in Canhy.
The M. K. parsonage is completed and the
pastorwil move in this week.
Wm. Johnson and family have returned
from Salem. Tliex intend to make this
their future home.
Miss Annie Vorpahl has located here for
the purpose of carrying on a millinery
and dress making business.
James Gritfing of Marks Prairie was the
gtie st of L. Rogers one day last week.
Edgar Hutcherson'5 livery stable is nearly
David McArthur and wife attended the j
soldier's encampment at Salem the lltti ami
l.'tliof this month, Dave says they had a
most enjoyable time.
Millard Hyatt will close his term of
school in district Xo, 81 on Thursday of
this week.
Miss Maggie Mi-Arthur closed a very
successful term of school in district No, tiS
last Friday,
lleo. Itrown received a tine KpwortU or
gan one day last week from Cedar Rapids,
Iowa, lie is re.orted quite sick at present,
but we hope for bis speedv recovery.
Horn, on February ltlth, to the wife of
Mike StoentKir. a tine m.
Messrs. Slundler and Klohe, of San Jose,
California, are in our midst visiting relatives
ami friends.
Mrs. J. U. Foster has been quite unwell
for several weeks past but at present is some
Mr. Itauggus was in Portland one day last
week laying in a fresh supply of groceries.
He always carries the best articles to be had.
dive him a trial.
There are some home-seekers in our midst
looking lor homes, and there is still room
for mow.
Prof. II. S. liriiliih is delivering a course
of lectures on ti'irenolotrv this week.
commencing on Monday night and holding
for four nights. Siiokty,
Th Main h-ttvUlmi of the New
ballot System.
Property Improvements Explosion of
Steam Engine
Clackamas, Feb. 23. Mr. Perry is flar
ing twenty acres grubbed and p.iepared for
an orchard.
Clackamas Park is being cleared up and
will be a beautiful place. Strite's five acre
tract opposite is nearly cleared. Captain
Wilson has a crew of men at work operating
a stump puller and grubbing stumps. Dan
iel Talbertis also clearing land.
Geo. Oglesby had the misfortune to cut a
great gash in his knee with a drawknife.
Some of the town boys were playing with
an improvised engine when the boiler ex
ploded. The boiler was a five gallon coal
oil can. Xo one was killed but Fred Rieb
hoff was badly scalded in the face.
There is an excellent opening for a black
smith at Clackamas. Write to A. W. Mills
about it. Mr. Mills's physician tells him
that he will not be able to do any more
heavy blacksmith work and he will sell his
Mrs. Dickerman died Sunday morning
and was buried in the afternoon at the cem
etery. A people's party club is to be organized
here Saturday at 2 p. m., and on Tuesday,
March 1st, at the same hour there will be
held a people's party caucus.
Zeller Bros. fe Warner are getting out
about300 cords of railroad wood per month.
They have got out about 900 cords already.
Saturday evening last there was quite a
lively time at the ball at Gray's hall.
Beaver Creek.
Ukavkh Ckkkk, Feb. SS. The quarterly
election of ollicers of the literary society
takes place next Saturday evening.
Mrs. Mary Rider is now at borne.
Jacob Thompson is making considerable
Henry Sturm is improving his fields by
burning out the stumps.
J. M. Robertson, owner of the Reynolds
place and a recent arrival here from Fast
Portland, has gone to work with a wilt and
no doubt w ill make a success of farming.
li. C. Le!and lias hipd his Hitatoes to
San Francisco. August Slaebli is hauling
bis to New Era and will ship to the same
Mr. and Mrs. Terril Orhorne have gone to
Wasco i ou it v. Mr. Osborne will work for
an uncle until fall when he intends to
take up some government land.
Frank Ray lias completed his job of
grubbing for Wm. Sturm and will shortly
go to Portland where he will work in a liv
ery stable.
A eon le of piowling coyotes were In this
loo liny tue other morning.
A very pleasant party was had at the resi
dence uf Win. Rider Friday evening, the oc
casion being the seventeenth birtbduy of his
daughter I.etta.
Joseph Cahill talks of returning to Kan
sas this coming summer.
Mrs. Stoker's health is quite poor.
At the a' juestof toe school directors Miss
Thompson will teach two weeks longer than
her contract called for which will make her
term four and one-half mouths in ail.
Tim new Australian ballot law is a buga
boo to a good many persons, who imagine
It to be a cumliersome piece of election ma
chinery, and who have an idea that it Is so
complicated voters will not be able to cast
their ballots intelligently.
This in altogether a wromj Impression.
When rightly understood it Will he found
that the Australian system is the iinnlest
of all election methods, and the voter can
cast his ballot with more ease ami satisfac
tion than under the old law.
If there is any trouble nt all it will I
originated by the officials who are charged i
with the duty of putting the law into opera
tion. 1 be law requires the several county
courts to appoint the election otllcersand
judges at the January term. Possibly I hi
has not been done in all the counties and
may produce some confusion. Hull the
omission will not invalidate the law. The
failure of a court or of an otllcial
to perform a specihVity does not deprive
the voter of his constitutional right to cast
his tin Hot In the form proscribed by law.
I Oder the new law, w hen the voter goes
to the polling place he will lie admitted in
side of a guard rail where the election otll-
cer.are seated. He will b furnished with
an otllcial ballot, on which the names of all
the candidates for the several offices are
printed and properly classhled. He then
retires to a booth or private compartment,
w here he proceeds to scratch out the names
he does not vote for, leaving the names ol
his chosen candidates printed on the -apor
without erasure. The ballot is folded and
handed to the election judge w ho deposits
it in the box. During the time he is in the
room ami while he is preparing his ballot
the voter cannot l molested by any one.
Nor can more than one ersou occupy a
booth at any one time. If a person cannot
read, or for any cause cannot prepare bis
ballot, he then has the right to select two of
the election Judge to prepare his ballot for
him, but they are sworn to secrecy not to
reveal bow ho voted.- Portland Telegram.
Receiving New Spring and Summer Goods
To talk about war in Chili or anywhere olso. Hat if you wish to talk about (1001)
COOPS ami LOW THICKS, wo aro at vour service.
Wo will tjuoto a few html hitters:
5 gallons best Pearl Oil, - $0.85
5 pounds Arbuckle's Coffee, $.05
22 pounds Nice 0 Sugar, - - $.00
Carlton & Rosenkrans' New Gash Store,
CJcixxtoy, Or.
Th Successful Teachers.
Following is a list of the successful appli
cants forcerliticates at the recent quarterly
examination in Clackamas county:
Mrs. Kmnia Storts, John Callat,
t 1 tirav,
Ida Starkweather,
Win. Ilankins,
Mattie l!eed,
W. K. I'ayne,
Mrs. Annie Heed,
M. 1'. Anderson,
Addie Merrick,
I'. S. M. Ilargue,
Hiram Overton,
(i. VV. Swope,
Madge Hill.
Maud Salisbury,
Daisy l.ee,
A. Coles,
Katie Thompson
O. W. Stricklun,
W. A. Shiver,
R. W. Haygooil,
John A Diir,
J. II. Nelson.
1M Front Street. I HARDWARE I l'mtlaml, Oregon,
foirihwe.tt'rii .ttfetiu b,r
Lance m-ehleui TiitUHomti . leter Utira-
-Mllver Hteel. Kw
1 wni i'iwh n ...pwinimin.
Crescent Wedges (warranted.) 11 it S Proof Chains. Arcade Files. Rojie. Crescent Nool
Several others passed satisfactory exam
muttons but did not take certitleates.
Delow l irlven the Oreirnn Cite Mnrk.t Ko-
pori enrreeirn reti. atll, Iron nuouuMn (ur
unueu uiktSTHRfRis by ihc locsl nierchaun
w nest. V alley, y bushel w
uaia, per imntiul 0c.
Couutry Braud
Carat Hews Items.
Cakts, Feb. 21 The series of meetings
held in the Oraiiam church by Revs. I.ow
ther and (iittens, were brought to a close on
Thursday evening of last week. While tile
results were not all that was hoped and ex
pected, reconciliation was effected between
parties at variance, and some new names
were added to the church.
Grandma Grnhnm is still von- Harbinuiv
ill and her condition is not considered ho.,-! (i"" City Mills, Portland Brand
Mrs. Will Porter is also lying very ill.
Dr. Powell attended her last evening and
reports favorably concerning her recovery.
The disease is inflammation of the bowels
and is the third attack within a abort time.
The familiar face of our friend Joseph
Eaton Is once more within our horizon.
Colorado is not the place he supposed it
was, and the Willamette valley improves by
We were glad to see that the road survey
ors did not pass the old route by without
examination. We understand that the Mo
lalla people generally are in favor of having
this old road receive the proposed improve
ments. Calla.
Blown From a Bridge Five Thousand Sacks
'of Potatoes are Shipped.
- Park Place Notes
Park Place, Feb. 21. Died, February 10,
of consumption, Mrs. I.ucinda Struight,
wife of Cyrus Straight. She suffered long,
but was very patient until the last. De
ceased was aged forty-five years, and leaves
a husband and ten children to mourn her
Died. February 13, lslK, Herbert, only
son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, YeUke, aged nine
months. The funeral services were con
ducted by Her. Allwardt, of Portland, from
the Congregational church Monday thel.'jth.
Mr. and Mrs. Penny, of Sellwood, spent
Sunday in our midst.
Rev. Trullinger, of Beaver Creek, occu
pied the pulpit of our church last Sunday.
Porn, to the wife of Mr. John Tyacke,
February 20, a nine-pound boy. Johnnie is
the happiest man in town.
Hamilton St Washburn required a two
horse delivery wagon the most ol last week
to accommodate their customers.
5 10
h ou
Shorts ton
Bran. "
Clover ha
; n)
Baled ... LI
14 00
Potatoes, V ewt. 40
uumni iw ID
Apples, men, bos W
Apples, dried, V III , a
Butter, y m ', 30
r.KK", rH ?.'S
Honey, ' lb mlJ
Primes, dried uss
. 2'
Beef, live, f, lt
Beef, dressed
Mutton, live fthesd
Mutton,! 'esut't, ft t
pork, nv, y tb
Pork, dressed, ? ft ....
Veal, live, is tt,
Veal, dressed . th a
Hams (I It) 10 12
uacou, , jo
inicsena, jtouok per dot rW m
Chickens, old, per doi 4.i..s0
bucks, perdnz
fieese, per doz 12 00
lurjLiuH, yer nouiia, uresseu , is
New Eba, Feb. 22. There has never been
8 week in the history of New Era when
there were as many sick folks as during the
past week. Fortunately there have been
no deaths and thegeneral health of the com
munity is at present improving.
Next Saturday will be the regular meeting
day of Warner grange and it is desired to
have as many turn out as possible. Visiting
members are always made welcome.
A Mr. Higgins met with a very painful
accident last Sunday while crossing the rail
road trestle just above New Era. The wind j
was blowing furiously and blew him off the
trestle breaking his right leg just above the
There have been about 6000 sacks of pot,
toes shipped to San Francisco from this
place this winter, which bare sold at prices
The Xews from flarkes.
Clarkks. Feb. 22. A large crowd at
tended the dance at Sager's Friday night
and hail a jolly time.
George H. Dunn closed Ins second suc
cessful term of school at this place Friday
and has gone to Eugene for a few days on a
business and pleasure trip.
G. W. Grace, our popular merchant, has
gone to St. Louis, Missouri, to lay in a large
stock of goods for the summer trade.
Miss Lena Beck and her sister Annie con
template attending the high school in Port-1
land the coming spring.
J. L Clark hud $2000 in his pocket book at
one time Saturday morning, all in twenty
dollar bills. He says paper is good enough
for him.
Hahlon Moran made a trip to Oregon City
Saturday. u.
W omen who suffer from nervous and
physical debility find great help in the !
use of. Avers KarsaDarilla. It nrnd
the rapid effect of a stimulant, without
reaction the result being a permanent
increase of strength itnd vigor, both of
mind and body.
Letter l.lM.
The following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postotllce at Oregon City, Oregoi
February 20, 18!I2:
Altny, C'has E Forsberg, Frank
Anderson, Kev.A PHoxey, It D
Hounds, K A McDonald, Mrs Sarah
Baker, A W Porter, Klpp.
Diving, Martin
If called for, please say when advertised
E. M. RANDS, P. M,
Walla Walla Union: A lurgo bee-treo,
a rare tiling in this country, has been
discovered on the farm of John F. See
ber, on the Yellow Hawk, by Mr. Parr,
who hag the place rented. The tree
is an immense cotton wood nearly three
feet in diameter. Mr. Parr inlends to
cut the tree down soon.
Klamath Star: Gen. II. B Compson
informs us that the mobilization of the
national troops at the world's fair is in
tended to make a grand American mili
tary display before the world. Gen.
Miles has already sent his orders to Gen.
Compson to the effect that the Oregon
state militia will leave Kalem for the
World's fair in August, 1893, and will
be there on the 20th of that month.
rs and Wood Choppers Specialties.
Oregon City Agent,
Paper ?
Do you read the Entkhphihe?
It la the bcHt County paper in the
Its matter is condensed in the
shortent space and drwwcd neatly
ana etynsiiiy.
It Riven news that the neonlo aro
iniuremuu in.
Xo County paper in the worl
has a better lint cf correspondents
covering us special Held.
and Clean.
People troubled with sick and ner
vous headache will find a most effb.
cious remedy in Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
They strengthen the storaache, stimulate
the liver, restore healthy action to the
digestive organs, and thus afford speedy
and permanent relief.
Subscribe for the Oregon City
Enterprise. $2.00 a year.
-; Special Gills Cut to Order -
Mill and Yard on the Kiver, Font of Main Street,
Ill total
On Improved Farms of not
less than 00 acres.
W. H. BuuunAitirr.
The Leading Photographer of
I Manufacture
and Sell
of the Best Quality;
Rough and Dressed
Lumber and Boxes.
Prices the Lowest.
Goods the Best.
Four Miles East of Hubbard.
Great Reduction
Cabinet Photographs
1B7 Firit NtrM-t, lift, Morrlnon it nil Vnmlilll
ir. friduicji,
Blacksmithing and Re
pairing. Wagon. Boggy Work and Horse Sboelns.
All work llrMt-diiHii mid iriini.t!y dono.
Hlioii lit Klyvilli).
Livery, Food nnd Sale tfUtlilo
Work Brut plrnw and prion rpMonnblo, oilliM)
nuoy Drug titoro,
ovor Cuiilliilil & Hun
Ornn'iu City, Oriigiw.
Double and Single Rigs, and mid
dle hnrnon alwityH on lmnd at the
lowest prices. A corrall connoctod
with tho barn for lotwo stock.
Information rKiirilinit biiv kiml of
stock promptly atfmnlcj to hy ptrnon or
horses Dought and Sold.
0, I,. HTOUY.
Blacksmiths and Wagon
me Wagon and Carriage Work a specialty.
Twenty yean einnrlcnnn a. II, ...o qi,.
None but first clam wurk done.
Shop on Malu Street, near Sutjienilou Bridge.
3T. II. RAY,
Priicticjil ! IforsisliocT,
Hhop on Miiin Ht., npp Woolen Mills.
Siicclel Attention Given to Contracted or Bad Feet.
Ten yenrii pxpoiloncoln cnntorn cities,
J. HITTNKH, I'ropr.
Tlie Olili-Nt l'lmt Vlnnn Hotel In
Oregon City,
Clean roomn with nnmfr-il,l. i,.i.
Tables supplied with the best the mar
ket affords.