Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 12, 1892, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Clackamas Co. Directory,
Clrs of Courtl,
hriff, -Recorder,
AiwtMutor, . -
Bebnol Superintendent,
H. H. Johnson
W. W. H Sitmsoo
W. T. Whltloek
8. H. Culiff
. John W, Nol.l
Alet. Thornton
Stlmv Smyth
Pr. 0. IV SulUvtn
(t'htrli't Moehnke
It'oruelius Bir
Circuit court convenes lr MonJoy In No
Ttmtvrnd tliini MomUv iu April.
Pnbte court in session 4rst MomUy tn ch
Commissioners court meets first WeJnesUT
after first koudy ol eoh month.
MtTor. - - - T. W Sulllvtn
Recorder, L- L. Sorter
Chief of Police - J. 8. 1'unlom
larnkw. S. R. tireen
Treasurer. F. K. Chtrmtu
t:ity Attorney. - II. K. i nwt.
Street Commissioner, V. Hoi
Bup't. of Vter Works, W. H. Howell
t'itv Engineer. Sidney Smyth.
Councilmeu lllrtra Coehrnne, J. W, Noblest. i.
Porter, Jamti Wllkiuson, C. P. Lutourvtie,
Ross Ch&rman, J. W. OYounell tnJ T. F.
Conncil meets first Wednesday of etch month
la city hall.
Look out for
Deestnct Skule."
the 'Tunkinville'
Clocks at Burmeister
Everyone warranted.
A Andreson's.
Famished rooms to rent in private
house. Convenient to business center.
Inquire at Enterprise office.
Rev. W. Lund, of Salem, will preach
next Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m.
at St. Paul's Episcopal church.
T. L. Charman's new residence is
heated by hot water instead of steam as
was stated in last week's Enterprise.
The job was done by J. F. Shea, of
Captain Shaw has sold to a Portland
man nearly seven acres of his property
in South Oregon City for $4000. He has
reserved four lots on the brow of the
bluff for bis residence site.
V. C. Cobury has rented the store to
be vacated by O'Connell & Glass and
will occupy it on March 1st with a whole
sale liquor stock. Stores do not long re
main vacant in Oregon City now.
Annie Firmin and John Jack are
organizing a dramatic company for a
spring season in Oregon and Washington
and will present a comedy at Shively'a
theater on Washington's birthday.
Before building your new house or re
pairing your buildings, don't forget to
call and get prices at the Park Place
store for windows, doors, nails, etc.
We are sure we can save you money.
3. A. Buck is putting up a frame
building on the bluff at the corner of
Seventh and Center streets, 24x36 feet
on the ground. It will be occupied hy
David Caufield with a stock of groceries
when completed.
A party of serenaders was shedding
melody abont the town last Saturday
night. The musicians visited a number
of residences on the hill and down town
and it is suspected they trespassed a
little over the edge of Sunday morning.
Do yon want one of the loveliest lots
in town. Central, strictly inside prop
erty, level, free from rock, health v, mag
nificent situation, Such is Beattie addi
tion to Oregon City. Lots 66x105.
Prices very reasonable. Apply to
H. E. Cross.
There will be a dramatic entertain
ment given at Pope's hall, on Tuesday,
March 1st. for the benefit of the "lot
fund " of the Episcopal church of this
place. The best amateur talent of the
city is in the cast. Programe next
Judge Meldrum is out this week mak
a personal inspection of the Molalla
road route. He is well acquainted with
the general features of the country, iB
himself a surveyor by profession and he
is taking every means for getting a loca
tion that will be practicable and ser
viceable. The Oregon City Sash & Door com
pany is erecting a wing on the east side
of its factory to be 16x100 feet on the
ground. A lot of new machinery will
be put in and the facilities of the factory
greatly improved and its capacity in
creased. This factory is building tip an
excellent trade which compels it to in
ciease its plant.
Councilman E. R. Charman has buil
a substantial stone wall in front of his
neat cottage on Seventh street. It
serves the double purpose of a retaining
wall for tha bank and as an ornamental
and useful boundary to the premises.
He has other improvements in contem
plation that will make his one of the
most tasteful homes on the street.
Local Personal Kotos.
F. R. Charnmn is down with tonsilitts.
Miss Lottie Baird is visiting friends
in McMinnvillo.
R. L. llolmsn wont to McMinnvtUe
Saturday and returned Monday,
Mrs. J. V. Mewrve, of Rainier, is
visiting her aon.Oharles Meservo, in this
Postmaster Rands was confined to the
house by sickness the low part of the
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Montague, of
Lebanon, are visiting their daughter,
Mrs. G. V. Gibonoy.
David Davis, editor of the Nehalom
Journal, at Yernonia, was iu Oregon
City last Saturday.
Captain Apperson is suffering from an
attack of the r'.mmatism which makes it
difficult for him to get around.
P. M. .Veddoll is on his way back from
Pcnnsvlvama whore he was called to
the deathbed of his father some weeks
Mrs. E. S. Warren and Miss Eva
Warren of Portland were visitiim at C.
O. T. Williams's from Fridav to Tuesday.
Mr. Warren came tip Sufttiay .
Capt. H. L. Wells, secretary of the
state board of reform and corrections
was in Oregon City Wednesday looking
after the condition of the county and
city jails and the system of keeping
criminal statistics here. He will return
in a few days to complete his investiga
tions here.
Agnes, the three-year-old daughter of
Rev. and Mrs. Giboney, is in a critical
condition with chances rather against
her recovery. Pr. Carll has been un
remitting in his care. Tuesday Dr. J.
S. Courtney of Lebanon and Thursday
Dr. Kenneth McKeniie of Portland were
called in consultation.
St. Yalentine will make headquarters
at Huntley's bookstore from the 8th to
the 15th.
F. W. Puttkamer has taken out a li
cense for a saloon which he will open ou
Seventh street next to W. B. Jenning's
School Clerk Stevens Wednesday com
pleted the enumeration of the children
between the aues of four and twenty
years in school district No. 62 and found
the number to be 763.
A train load of steel rails went up the
road Wednesday for the Woodburn
branch of the Southern Pacific where the
old iron rails are being taken up and re
placed with the new steel ones.
Grand ball at Goulding hall at Pleas
ant hill on Friday evening, the 12tn of
February. 1892. Tickets, including sup
per, $1.00. Good music has been en
gaged for the occasion. (Positively no
liquor to be sold.)
J. B. Manning, ot Heppner, has just
received word from England that he is
one of a few heirs to over 1,000,000, be
sides two landed estates. He has a copy
of the will, and will at once put himself
through the proper course, into posses
sion of his share of the fortune.
Last week a protested land case from
Columbia county was tried in the land
office here. The entry was made by
Jala, the minor heir of James Dooley,
deceased, and protested by Chas. J.
Hooghkirk. It was decided in favor of
the former and a duplicate certificate
A change in the running time of trains
on the Southern Pacific went into effect
February 10, by which the Albany local
that formeraly arrived from the south at
7:56 a.m., now arrives at 9:31 a.m.,
and the Roseburg mail that formerly
arrived here bound south at 9:06 a. m.
will pass the Albany local here at 9:31.
The north bound Roseburg mail has
been changed from 2 :59 to 3 :29 p. m.
Dairymen, Attention.
Wanted, a location for a cheese fac
tory where milk can be bought, or to
rent a farm with twenty-five to sixty
cows. 3t
Address C. Lewis, Rock wood, Oregon.
Bank of Oswego. The Oswego Com
mercial and Savings bank was organ
ized at Ladd A Tilton's bank on Friday
last, the following directors being
eiected: W. M. Ladd, T. B. Wilcox,
Martin Winch, J. Frank Watson, C. E.
Smith, George S. Batty and G. Wheeler.
Among the principal stockholders are
S. G. Reed; A. N. Bush, of Salem; W.
M. Ladd, A. E. Borthwick, and other
prominent business men and capitalists.
Messrs. Baker and friend of Oregon
City are taking in the Willamette river
from Eugene to Oregon City on a hunt
ing expedition. They reached this
place the other day, and while here they
complained of being robbed of consider
able of their ammunition. Hunting on
the Willamete may proye a cool sport
for the boys at this time, but they cer
tainly have good field for ducks and
geese. Corvallis Gazette.
Many people habitually endure a feel
ing of lassitude, because thev think they
have to. If they take Dr. J. H. McLean's
Sareaparilla this feeling of weariness
would give place to vigor and vitality.
THE 110 A It 1) OF TRADE.
Itushipw Transacted t the Kegilar
February Meeting,
There was a goodly attendance of lus
inesa men at the regular monthly mtot
ingofthe board of trade hist Monday
night. It being the Hint regular nieetng
since the election of utNoers President
Cross submitted the following list of
standing committees appointed by hit):
On finance E. M. Rands, T. F. Ryn,
E. G. Cautlold, A. S. Pressor and S, 11.
On arbitration M . A. Stratton, James
Shaw, E. K. Williams, Julius Logus snd
George Broughton.
On navigation Geo. A. Harding, A.
B. Graham and F. R. Charnmn.
On legislation C. D. I-aUuirvtte, A.
S. Dresser and C. 11. Dye.
On trade and commerce 0. O. it
bright, Sam Sidling and J. W. O'Ctm
noil. On roads and highways J. T. Apjvr
son, C. O. T. Williams, J. G. lHlsl.uiy,
D. C. Latotiatte and Sidney Smyth,
On manufactures C. II. Cautlold, K.
O. Wahlen, T. W. Sullivan, James Shiw
and J. A. Chase.
On advertising Geo. C. Brownoll, J.
M. tawrence and W. II Riirghardt.
On membership E. E. Charnmn,
Charles Meserve and F. E. Donuldsc'i,
The report of the finance committee on
the treasurer's report referred to it it
the last meeting recommended that tie
members in arrears in the payment of
dues te notified of the fact and given a
statement of the amount and if mn
such notification they failed to discharge
their indebtedness that the names he
Iropped from the membership list, Tlie
report was adopted.
Captain Apperson offered a resolution
and asked unanimous consent to have it
considered at once. It deprecated tha
resolutions passed by a certain body in
this state (the Astoria board of trade)
opposing the improvement of the chan
nels of the Columbia and Willamette
rivers, and urged the improvement of the
navigability of these and other navigable
streams ot the state from the head of
navigation on each to the mouth. The
resolutions were unanimously adopted
and at once telegraphed to Portland
where a committee of ti e board of trade
had gone to gel the endorsement of the
Portland chamber of commerce to the
urgent request for the improvement of
the Willamette
The names of Alex Lenthwaito and II.
8. Strange were pioposed for member
ship and elected.
The chair brought up the subject of a
cotintv fair and on motion of C. O. T,
Williams a committee, consisting of J
... . ...
Meldrum, was elected to investigate and
reKrt upon the feasibility of the project.
Judge Meldrum expressed his preference
not to act on the committee but it was
suggested that the service required
would not conflict with his duties as
county judtge and no one was named In
his stead.
Bills for advertising were referred to
the adyertising committee and the board
FORD At her home near Oswego,
Satunlay, February 6, 18112, Mrs.
Frank Ford, aged about fifty years.
The funeral occured Monday from the
residence and the interment was in
Oswego cemetery.
WILSON Feb. 2, 1892, at the resi
dence of J. L. Crouse, Wilhoit, Oregon,
Lula A. Wilson, aged sixteen years,
three months and sixteen days.
W hen she was eleven months old her
aunt, Mrs. J. L. Crouse, took her to
raise. To them she came with all the
sorrows, the cares and joys of childhood,
receiving in return sympathy anil lov
ing words of advice and encouragement.
She was kind and industrious, striving
in every way to reciprocate their love
and kindness. She was a general favor
ite with those who knew her, as the
large gathering of friends to assist in
performing the last sad rites to her
memory testified.
Her remains were laid away to rest
February 3 in the Donaldson graveyard
near Needy.
Thy merry voice no mora we'll hear,
Its sound so well remembered.
Oft hits filled on heart with cheer,
Brought a sense of peace snd rest.
There will be a mlsnlng face
Gone to rest beyond the grave,
Where there is no bitter race,
For life's ever transient (tains.
Have you a good pair of spectacles?
If not go to Burmeister & Anderson's
and have your eyes fitted with their
perfect eye tester.
Last Monday morning work was bpgun
at clearing Main street but the rain that
fell Tuesday and Wednesday made it a
rather unsatisfactory job. The street
is greatly improved, however, and it is
gratifying to see manifested a disposi
tion to be clean.
Hueklen's Aml:n Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands.
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by G
A. Harding.
Offloc In the IVt time HnlMIng,
0'i'gon Cliy, oiviion,
. iii'itsT,
Moiiev lawncd ou Approved Security,
Fresh Cranberries
for sate at
W. U,
Go to W,
W, Wade's for our family
liroforio. "
Cash paid for county and cilv warrant.
M. E, Ti'hxkk, Enthki'misk ollice.
Rcvarnishmg of bedroom suits, tames
and cha'ia done at Itellouty A Hum-It
op;osite the postotllco. tf
There are bargains In bedsteads, wire
springs and wool matrasxes at the sec
ond hand store th ii it celt. tf
If you have not received a February
fashion sheet, cull at Huntley's Rook
store and got one. No chaige.
February is a quiet month but IIol-
mnn . Yt artier s simp will tie busy wiMi
repairing old loumtes and making niat
tresj.es, chairs, etc.
Rentier at the Seventh street hard
ware store will '.! you anything I his
line at Portland prices. Goods all tirst
ctass. When you gra not ready to make your
garden and arr in need of seeds, come
and select tliem from the large variety
on hand at the Turk Place store.
Ixmnges, chairs, etc., upholstered t
llolnmn t Warner's All wotk guar
anteed. Rei air all your old lounges for
little money and they will be good as
There is no use in paying high prices
for poorly made tip furniture when vou
ran buy go.nl honest goods at Itellomv A
Hunch s store opposite the posloluce.
for very little money, tf
They are constantly receiving novelties
In glassware, china, poreelain, lunch
baskots. Iamw etc. at the New Crockery
store opiiosile the postofllce. Some gooil
bargains tn hand lamps to close them
Hamilton A Washburn are tlaily ex
pecting the arrival ot tcvcral laige in
voices froLt tho E;ist ot lrv Goods, Hoots
and Shoe anil Notions. The selections
and varieties for tho spring trails ran
not be surpassed.
Wantko A ivrt mun or woman at
J once to sell lots on the installment plan
Highest commiHKion naid. A fw lots lo
f live away. Addres F. D. Bruce, the
sading real estate dealer, next door to
Bank of Oregon City.
Red Seal Extracts are the purest.
Red Seal Coffee the finest flavored.
Red Seal Spice are the strongest.
Red Seal Soap contains no rosin
Red Seal Flour is on top and will stay
tf. E. E. Williams the grocer.
Many citizens are receiving sample
copies of papers and magazines through
the postollice. This is an arrangement
of the Book Store man, W. A. Huntley,
who presents them with his compli
ments and would be pleased to receive
and forward any subscriptions entrusted
to his care.
least Foam.
This favorite yeast can now be had of
E. E. Williams the grocer. tf
Wood, Wood.
Four feet and 16 inches. Leave orders
at butcher shop on Seventh street on
Sudden change of temperature and
hnmiditv of the atmosphere often pro
duce disorders of the kidneys and blad
der. Use Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver
and Kidney Balm to check these trou
bles in their inciplency.
Saturday Evening, Feb. 13th
Magnificent I'rodiicllon of
Supported by superb company of high
class players.
Seats on sale todsy at Frank Barlow's,
Prices GO and 75c.
The Best Place in the City
18 AT
Next Door t Llvermore's Hotel.
Fuller & Lewtliwaite.
NO. 2 Commercial Bank Block.
The best footwear for tho money over oiTorod
in Orogon City
All Now Goods ami of tho I.titcst Styles.
T. 3VI. CROSS, IVKcuxcipsor,
Dry Goi
t r i a
Holiday Goods and Gents Furnishing Goods.
mh'4hi: itiMi.ixj m tit wn:i.i.
Gladstone - - - oileooit.
DR. L. M. ANDREWS, Prop.
A Full Line of Fresh Drugs and Medicines.
Patent Medlclnesof all Makes, Notions, Confectionery, Cigars.
iitr.M itiii io.M (MKi:ti i.i,v rii.i,i:i.
Slilveley'i HU'k, ...... Huvtttilli Htroot
All Our Seeds Are
F.L.Posson 6 Son. Poutland.Ou.
Doors, Windows, Mouldings,
Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and Repairing of all kinds.
Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed.
SIiop corner Fourth and Watur (treats, back of Pope it Co'i, Orctfon City.
Headquarters for Boots, Shoes, Clothing and Dress
Gootla. Pay tho highest prices for Wool and Pro
duce, and sells the best Goods at the very
The War is
Canbj ig the place to BuiJ Cheap (joDd$.
Hosford buys his Goods for Cash and can not bo undersold.
Below is a sample of his prices:
Dry Granulated Sugar, 10 potindH for $1.00
Otli'jr Sugars in proportion.
Coal Oil, por wllon ; lQijJ
Men's Suits All wool Salem Tweed 12.60
Youths' Suits 7.00
Boys' Suits
No. 8 Cook Stove
iFtill line of Dry GoodH, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Grooorios, Hard
ware, Stoves, Tinware, Crockery, Furniture, SuhIi, Doors, Etc,
Cash Paid for All Kinds of Farm Produce.
: Remember and give IloHford a trial.
Continued !
,,. .12.00