Oregon City Enterprise. Published Kvery FVldny. OFFICIAL PAFER OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY. MESEUVE LAWRENCE, 1TIU.1SI1KRS AND PROrKlKTORS. ei'HSCWPTlON RATKS, Ottf ytr, ....... Six uvuiths, ....... Iukv ui.uuhs, ...... s i-irri'iiim pyWe It vKntif Avtverusing raios givim on ftitlirtlon. l w AtiKNTS FOK THE KI YKKPK1SE, 0w.'iio, Cir.by. ksmss. l'nim Mills. Alius, XUvilow Brook. New fcr. Wlh-MlvilW, PsrlE P'.mt?, lMrl.m. iiUi'sione, Slaltorxt. MAcktiiry. v'uru. Mli!:. Mirnunm, Aurora, 0. W. pTossrr W. S Kiinysn Arthur Hleeh K. S ltmmhstl h. A. w rncht Henry Miley Jtsmlltou A whliru T.M.'cns " 'j fjjUJ C. T 'Howard K. M I'wprt A. I. Cornwall K. M. Ilmmu F. Ulesy Eutered l the Post Offiee In Oregon City, a tecoud class muter. Or., FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 12. 1SH2. lT"The war to build up Oregon filjr is to fire Oregoa City people jottr patronage. Must It BeHarrlsonr The announcement of Mr. Blaine that he will not be a candidate for the presiden. tial nomination seems to have been taken ! u,Bm' t-'rmmms oecause certain wad un bv most of the political observers as leaving ! .nild InMietil Oswego are the held Wear for Harrison. But is l'resi-! "ot nmde l,' cou,!,-v ool,r(- ' "O" lent Harrison the strongest man to succeed ' himseir? Admitting that Harrison's administration has been clean and able, that he has disap pointed his enemies and surprised many ef his friends by the stable policy pursued since his inauguration, that justice and custom demand that he w ho has given so satisfactory a government be retained in tlie public service, still the political situa tion is such that the success of the party might be jeoparded by an attempt to re flect Harrison. The labor vote will be an important ele ment in the next presidential election. The bulk of that vote is ineradicably opposed to any policy of government that has ever been practiced. It would oppose Harrison sim ply because he has been identitied with measures that are possible and practicable. Indge Walter Q. Gresham probably occu pies a wanner place in the hearts of the peo ple tlian any other man in prominent pub lic life lo-lay. His record is such that the ivprking people have confidence in him and ji is also a safe man to put in a position of trust. Would it not be better politics, in e of the temper of the people, to nomi nate Gresham than to crowd Harrison for the place that many think justly due nim? Presidential Possibilities. The Pendleton East Oregonian is discuss ing presidential possibilities and its first pa r is devoted to the consideration of Grover Cleveland, whom it considers at the head of the list. Why anybody should deem the fat ex-president at the head of the list of possibilities for the next presidential terra is not quite clear. It is more likely from force of habit than from force of reasoning. Grover Cleveland, as a presidential possi bility, has leen practically oat of consider ation since last fall's election. That elec tion made Tammany the dominant influ ence in the democratic party, and as Cleve land attained success in lv4 at the expense of Tammany that malignant organization will see to it that he gets no further favors. Tammany is perfectly unscrupulous and thoroughly disreputable at all times and un der all circumstances. It is worse than Cleveland. It is true, as the East Oregonian says, that Cleveland gave the democratic party an is sue when it was sadly in need of one. But it is also true that he lost on his own issue. The democratic party can't stand an issue that involves a principle. It lives in tradi tions merely, not in principles. And while it Is true that Grover Cleveland is a man j the democracy need not be ashamed of it is i also true that there is no man, however low and crafty and steeped in sculldugger.v, that the democracy need or should be ashamed of. It is truly happy only when led by un principled schemers; vide Dave Hill. Hill has Tammany and New York under his thumb. Cleveland not only lacks that support but he is at vanai ce with a major ity of his party on the silverquestion. More over Cleveland is inclined to have princi ples, and that is the one thing above all others that the democracy cannot and will not tolerate. The Louisiana Lottery Swindle. The sanctimonious righteousness of Presi dent Morris of the Louisiana lottery is quite refreshing at this stage of the desperate gaVne he has been playing. He has been engaged in his nefarious swindling business all these years because he thought the liber ties of the dear )eople demanded such a no ble exponent of unshackled freedom. Now that the supreme court of the United States declares constitutional the law of congress denying the use of the mails to the lottery company, thereby somewhat clouding the high moral nurposes of the concern, Presi dent Morris declares that he couldn't for a moment think of accepting a re-charter. He is shocked beyond measure that his highly beneficent business should be placed under the ban of the law. Of course he could not be induced to engage in any ques tionable occupation. So the good people of Loueiana will please not worry any more aliouttherecha.'tering of the great gambling shop. President John A. Morris is going home to New York to try to eke out an ex- Utetic with Iht twenty million contributed by the ople who are so oppressed by the money power and the government II t not yet announced what General lteaure tfarvl and Jubal Early will Jo with tlioir it tances. For twenty years the Louisiana Stat Lot tery has been permit tint to conduct tt swindling business under sanction of state law. For each monthly drvit it sells tickets amounting to l-.iW.tKKl ami (lives prises amounting to $l,iVSl,mx--neroiisly return to some of the people $.2 (oreverv rt, $100 paid to it by the people. If the tickets ; are not all soul the proportion of gain Is the same for the company wins when an unsold : ticket or part draws a priie. Tw ice a vear it has special prijes and special receipts. Out j of its annual receipts of :K$AW.ikH It re ! turns in the sli.tiie ol prieU,."'i0.iiiH) and j keeps l:UtO,ttXVa ranher handsome ir I l" gam wnere no investiuent ot money ! ismniiml. All i r., . n. j profits from local daily drawings. President Morris'ssentenlimis mwti.in i ! we" calculated to cause the oponents of the lottery in Umisiana to cease their vigi- l"lce. The idea that he or any ol his con- i'cienceless gang -cares for any law. moral or ! except as it bears U(Hn their business, i is preposterous, Hut thev are rich now and . 1 " " ul,a llle,r purpose to attect a lolly I scorn for anything less than the most puiic I tillous honesty. Oswkuo is a live and energetic town and it is enjoying a good growth. It has recently become extra ambitious bv reason of the booming oerationsof a Portland real estate firm. There is no fault ! be found with this and it is hoped that the iron city will experience all the prospority its boomers have in prospect for it ; but it should re member that it is not all of Clackamas coun ty, and that it cannot best judge of the ex penditures proper for Uie county to make to encourage its growth. The Ironworker pet- given mat tne county lias not funds enough to justify making those ex eiisive improvements the Ironworker professes not to believe for it says the county court has funds enough to apply to the new Mo lalla road. In the first place this is not true. No new road to Molalla has yet been oeiermineii uoii inougir the survey is in progress and it is hod a new road will lie built. In the second place if the new road shall be built the county can stand only a art of the ennse the interested prorty owners must pay the remainder. It was excted that just such criticism as the Ironworker makes would be passed upon the court if the Molalla road or any other should be built, but it was scarcely expected that people of intelligence and liberal spirit would be among the carping fault finders. To find fault is no evidence of merit. About a year ago when Idaho was in its first legislative paroxysm of statehood it elected three United States senators, Hhoup, McConnetl and Dubois. When it devel oped that McConnell drew the short term, anlitling him to serve but one session, north ern Idaho was not pleased for that left both senators, after McConnell's term of office ex pired, from the southern part of the state. Then the legislature chose Claggett, a north ern Idaho man, to be senator, notwithstand ing that it already had namedDnhois to be the successor of whomsoever should draw the short terra. This remarkable action precip itated a contest in the senate which has concluded that Dubois is all right. The Idaho panhandle is a very greedy piece of territory. It already bail the congressman Sweet, but still made a bitter fight and one of questionable honor, too. for a senator. But the politics of that commonwealth have always been of the rip-roaring, lurid kind, and they will probably continue so for some time to come. The contest which Dubois and his friends made against the confirma tion of Judge Beattie has been decided in favor of the latter. Judge Beattie's ap pointment has been susiended in the air more than a year and the probabilities are that the experience has been profitable to justice if not to himself. Idaho is rather a tittering young thing, politically speaking. The project of organizing a county fair which the board of trade has in hand is one worthy of serious consideration. In too many communities of this stute there is a lamentable absence of local pride and a consequent sluggishness in industrial and social functions. Clackamas county has not been very energetic in this respect, it needs to wake up and to grasp its opportunities when they are ripe. There have been very creditable fairs held in the county for a dec ade and they have been productive of much good; but there has been nothing that has really risen to the dignity of a rep resentative exposition for a large county possessing the richest resources and most varied industries of all the counties of the state. It is time this matter were taken in hand and dealt witli liberally and energet ically. The hoard of trade has placed it in the hands of a strong committee but the people should aid it in its work. It is instructive to read in this leap year of grace that the Barlow debating club has concluded that man would not go farther for woman than for money. As an encour agement to coy maids Barlow is a flat fail ure. The British ship Ulida cleared last week for England with l.iSO.fi'i bushels of Walla Walla wheat, valued at $lt2,(XX), the largest and most, valuable grain cargo that ever left the Columbia river. Fob a rainy weather forecast the Oregon City street cleaning brigade beats Uncle Jerry's signal service all to Hinders. People who use arsenical preparations for their complexion, do bo at the rink of their lives. Ayer's Karsaparilla is guar anteed free from any injurious drug, and is, therefore, the safest as well as the most powerful blood medicine in the world. It makes the skin clear. NEWS FROM BARLOW THE TOWN HILL TREAT TEACHERS' KOTAI.LV THE Hoard or Tin do Orioinlnod litre lira tins llto Oil Field Other fiotoi ef Interest. Mans Mkktisu. On last Friday tight a public meeting was hold with Mr, Win. Irvin in the chair. It was announced j that the. object of the meeting wis to tke steps toward the entertaininenl am) enjoyment of the teachers of I'lackunas county, which are to meet here the '.'7th of Fehruaiy. Kvery one felt an iutiivsl. The following committees were ap- i pointed : Oil reiYlitlolt -Misses lidie l!uer, M.S. Barlow, Bessie Shopman! nn,l M,.sr Win. Ircin Wn it,i... Jay tireen, V. V. Josso, Henry VilU and T. tiilliam. On finance and re freshments Mm. Ueo. A. Sheppml, Mra. T. C. Andruso, Mm. W. W. Jose, Miss l.idio Bauer, Miss Callie Willsand Mrs. Wm. Barlow On mimic Mr, tieo. A. Sheppanl ami W. B. Mitryo. On decoration C. l Barlow amlW. W. Jesse. The teaclirm will be nut at llie depot by the committee and escorted to Zcek's hall. A few words of welcome will be given by Mis M. S. Barlow and V. Gilliam. Tttit Oil Fikld A few people from the oil fields of Ohio and Pennsylvania claim the indication here are similar. mere will no doubt be arrangement made for prospecting the field with lr ing machinery in the near future and it is hoped the prosiecting will prove rk cessfnl. Oh and Ball Keel's orchestra will give grand ball Fiidav, February !2, at Pioneer hall, Aurora. The supper will be served at Aurora hotel. The or chestra w ill consist of ton pieces Hot His Ijcknsk. Mr. Geo. Sitchbor, of Cauhy, the saloon man, got bis liquor license at last, and on last FrMy ,ie gsve a free opening and from the ccn- Btant stream of ieoiile to and from tie place all day, one would judge that the majority was In favor of licensed liquor. F.NTKKTA1NVKNT AND DiBATK. MyTe interest is taken in our literary society each week as could be seen on our meet ing last Friday. More than fifty persons were present and quite a few members were added to the list. The subject for debate wan " Resolved that man would go further for woman than money." The affirmative was led by YV. B. Msrye aud the negative by P. Gilliam. The de bate was decided in favor of the nega tive. The judges were Mrs. V, W. Jeeae, Jay Green and J. Scov'gins. Fol lowing the debate was the entertain ment consisting of music and recita tions. All took their parti creditably. The society will meet attain Friday the HKh. The subject for debate is " Resolved that horses are more useful to mankind than railroads." An enter taining program will follow consisting of songs, recitations, readings and comic farce. Everybody invited. School Mektino The school meeting will be held Saturday the 13th. It is hoped that every voter will be present as the matter of a Bchool house and site comes up and it is to the interest of all to he present. Mokk Land Sm.es Two sales of ten acre tracts were recorded at Barlow & Co's. office the past week. What the purchasers intend doing with the tracts is tiot yet learned. Ouuanizino a Board or tbadk Four teen citizens met at Barlow & Co's. private office Monday afternoon for the purpose of organizing a board of trade Mr. John Cole was made temporary chairman and C. U. Barlow temporary secretary. The object of the meeting was made known and the bylaws of the Port Townsend board were read. It was then agreed to form a similar organization and a committee consisting ot Jacob Keek, W. Jessie, J. Cole and C. U. Barlow appointed to report bylaws at next Wednesday's meeting at 2 o'clock. All wishing to become mem bers of the board ol trade will be present at the meeting for permanent organiza tion. PKKSONAL. Mr. John Sims went to Portland Mon day on a flying business trip. Mr. Geo. A. Sheppard camo up last Saturday and spent a few days with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meldrmn and Ex. Judge White came up Sunday and were the guests of Wm. Burlow . Mr. West Conkle, of Philadelphia, Penn., was in town a few days last week and was registered at The Kohlor. An Overworked Editor. Being editor, compositor, pressman, book keeper, news rustler, and a thousand other things connected with the maintenance of this excellent ofllciai paper, besides milking a few cows, churning, Hipping flapjacks, stirring buckwheat batter, wrastling pots and dishes, and looking after a few libel suits all at the same time, it keeps us " a hustlin'." We are laboring bard to keep tire Globe up to a standard that should require the work of three men, and it is gratifying to us to see that our labor is appreciated. Condon Globe. Ayer's Hair Vigor keeps the scalp free from dandruff, prevents the hair from becoming dry and harsh, and makes it flexible and glossy. All the elements that nature reauires, to make the hair abundant and beautiful, are supplied by 11.10 uuuiuauie preparation. FKUIU'AHY. This month la the shortcut mouth at ttit ywr, Hut 'tis loii( tuouih for Hoslli: Five years win. In Iho wild rslutsU, fh yleldfi up her bnMth, Five years siio, and never the Mine la the world aluee that drasd dsy ; Khali 1 find her sksIii, when the wild ralus lull, And I go on niy lonesome way? Samivtlme, sonifwhrrv, si the end ot the dark Slotll 1 estoh Ih Until ol a undo, And knew I litve reach! my (out al last, Though lh path he blind ineauwldltr The Unlit ol a mil will Hindis the dark -I shall hrealhs anew Ufe't tumuli; This month l the shortest month o( the year, Yet 'tin loin aiioim h fur IHwlli, houUe Chandler Moultoii, In l.lpplnoott'a. Krpillillean I'uuveiitliiii, The republican stale central committee met in Portland February 3 and divided to hold the stale convention In Portland April il. They recommended that the primaries tw held March ID and county conventions March ai. The representation divided on was based on the vote for Dinger Hermann In June, Ism, one delegate at-lnrge being allowed each county, and one for each 'Jou voles or fraction over hi). This gives the following numlier of delegates to the convention by counties: Baker tans Hellion 7 I. Ill ll . . Ill 1'Uekamaa. 10 Mallimr ... Clatsop 10 Marlon Columbia .a Morrow Coo Midlothian Cr.k S folk . .. lurry 1 tUicrman, ... ...as . , io ixtuaia V l lllamook .. (illllam i t'maillla liratit I'moti ttartlfy 4 Wallows .... Jarkaon Waneo J.metdiuio ft Waatdnttna Klamath 3 Yamhill .. Lain S Total wa This gives 11" voles lo the llrst congres sional district aud IHI to Iho second. Polk lacks one vote and 1'onglas six f having another delegate, as their vote was Upland I.VH respectivaly. The great advances made In pharmacy dur lug the past few year make il necessary (or the druggist to be constantly adding to his stock new and ex pensive preparations, many of which are ditllcult to obtain and not to be found out side of a city store. We lake ((HHtiul pride In anticipating the demand (or these new remedies and cus tomers can depend tip on finding thum in our stock. Our prescrip tion department is our HOBBY, and we be lieve our facility (or Antipyrine, . Antifebrin, Antikamnia, Phenacitine, Sulfonal, Aristol, Paraldehyde, Exalgin, Naphthaline. doing this kind of work considerably above the average. Caufield & Huntley, Prescription Pharmtoliti, 800 lbs. of Stationery Direct from the Kast just opened up at the Book Store. Over 30 styles of the latest and best in fine stationery, 'fell the school-children those long looked for 10c, " Foot Print " draw ing tablets are here ; und that those bar gains in 5 A lOctablotB " Anna," " Flora " & " l'rodigion," are all ready. W. A. Huntley, Next door to PostofTlce. P. S. I carry Buttorick's Patterns. Have you had a January fashion sheet? Free at the store, Cooke's Stables, W. H. COOKE, Manager, Successor to U. H . T . 4 L. Co, Corner Fourth and Main Streets, OREGON CITY. The LEADING LIVERY STABLE of the City. Kigs of any description lurnisnea on snore notice. All kinds of Truck and Delivery Busi ness promptly attended to. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason able terms. E. E. WILLIAMS, THE GROCER, i:i.i.n The Best of SPECIAL SALE. :WAY DOWN PRICES: O.V Crockery, Glassware, LAMPS, LANTERNS, ETC. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Come and See what Cold Cash will do for you AT - -: CROCKERY STORE:- Opiolte (he lot OlDr, MHH. E. M. lU UMKlSTEK. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN, Successors to Kn C. H. L BcrIsler, MALIK! IN Watched Clock;?, pilwto&f e, Jewelry Repairing a Specialty. Main Ntrert, Oregon '!()' Ori(on. F. T, WHITE. W. A. WHITE WHITE BROTHERS, Practical Architects J- Builders. Will prepare plum, elevatlonii, wnrkliiK 1 talln, and pn'lflcllcn for nil klmlo ol builil Iniri. Hpn!itl attention xlvuii to modern cot tK". EatliniitM (iirulaueu on nppllcKtloii Call on or addroai WHITE HKUH., Oregon City, Ogn E. F. KENNEDY, Or'Kn 'kty, Oregon, Concrete and Artificial Stone. HidewalkH, Steps ami Curbing, llano mont Mourn, MontiiiioiitH, Kte. All work guaranteed. KHtiiimtea fur ni.slied free. AddroHB care Chnrniiiti A Co. M. II. FlHtiuxnn. J. V. Hill. Flanagan & Hill, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR STORE. KEP.PS ON HAND THE I1F8T BEMCOTION ol Wtiie, LI(iior, Ale, lifer. Ac, to be found In the Htato, la Uigm-Eaituain Block Give ma a oall. HALF AND HALF ON DRAUGHT. I:tabllMlicd INO.1. C.N. J Drayage & Expressing Freight and parce's dolivored to all parte of tlio city. LEWIS ROGERS, Candies, Nuts, Notions, Etc. Fine Tobaccos and Cigars. Complete line of Holiday Goods at Port- land prices. HID m.v Everything. AIX ..... Till! oitr.uo -itv, our.uo. WM. ANDUKtiKN. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECONCITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THE BKIDUK AND liEI'OT. Double and Singlo IligB, and mid dle horneH always on hand at the lowest prices. A corrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information reKardiinr anv kind ot atoi'k promptly attended to by ponton or letter, Horses Bought and Sold. I Manufacture and Sell BRICK and TILE of the Best Quality; also Rough and Dressed Lumber and Boxes. Prlcesthe Lowest, Goods the Best. ISAAC S. MILLER, Four Miles East of Hubbard. C. Jr. FRIDllICU, QKNKKAL Blacksmithing and Re pairing. Wagon, Baggy Work ml Horse Shoeing. All work flrst-clasB and promptly done. Shop at Elyvlllo. NEW YORK GALLERY. Photographs Delivered Promptly In the Finest Style of Art. Fine Crayon JVork a Specialty. Old Pictures Copied to Any Sisto. Satis, faction Quarantoed. QalleryHarPoitOfflu, OBEOOB OITT, 0B,