Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 12, 1892, Image 2

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The Mini Who lall Twenty frnts for
Two Drinks or River Water
Other News Items.
Casbv, Keb. 10. The 0wl Templar In
stalled til fallowing otfloer last Saturday
tvenins: J. l Wilkerson, chief teniylar;
Klla Knislit, vice templar; Joseph Slinll,
chaplain: Bertha Knight, secretary; Nellie
Hit-ell, assistant secretary; II. I'.Uilmoiv,
Miperintci,.tcnt jnvc.iie nM". ?'!
knmnt, financial senw; viroiyo ivm",
treasurer: I.e R'rs, marslial; luck Lee,
deputy; Samuel Ox, guard: Milo l.e. sen
tinel: O. I!. Mack, past chief templar; Wil
liam Knight, Installing deputy. Mrs Mary
Carothers, Mrs. Kn ma Koland, Annie Ann
stmng, Minnie Judy, IVIla Judy. Willard
Knight and Frank O'Neil were initiated.
lt week !. Susbauer was arrested on
jwo chart's, namelv; selling liquor on Pun
day and selling without a license. There
was some trouble about selecting a Jury and
one witness was not present, so the case was
laid over till Wednesday. Sushanr giving
bond in the sum of JIUO. He was tried to
day on the first charge. C. K. Zeek was the
first witness sworn. He testified that he
did on the liHh day of January see Ueorg
Sushauer sell to Kdgar Uulcherson and his
brother Pavid Hutclierson what was sup
posed to he brandy, but the defendant
called it rirer water. Several witnesses
were afterward called. Among them Edgar
and Pavid Hutcherson, but both denied
paying for the liquor, although Zeek swore
positively that Edgar Hutcherson paid
twenty cents for two drinks of "river wa
ter." Several other parties were sworn on
the defense: but Zeek was the only one that
t-aid he saw money paM. Son e lively talk
ing was then done by Attorneys lirownell
l..r the defense and Dres.-er for the prosecu
tion. The case was submitted to the jury i
on the reliability of Clarence Z.-vfc, who i
was uni:itere-te 1, or E kar Knrclicrsoii
i-omewhiit interested. After being out
two hours the jury brought in a Terdict
of guilty. In siaking with a
about the matter Mr. Browned, attor
ney for the defense, admitted thai the
ii -leiula: t would probably he convicted.
There are three cases against Susbaner of
importance which will be tried in the cir
cuit court.
The C'anhy oehating society held an in
teresting meeting last Friday evening. The
society adopted a new constiiutioii and by
laws. After the literary exercises the soci
ety s paer, "The Telephone," as read by
the editor, Millard Lee. The next paper
will he edited by George Knight. The ques
tion for debate next Wednesday evening "
will be, " Resolved, That a graduated tax
-would be of more benefit than the present
mode of rating tax," with Dr. M. H. White
deader on the affirmative and H. C. Gilmore
-on the negative.
Weldon Shanks and his uncle Henry, in
company with William and Walter Grib
ble, started Monday morning for the moun
tains on a coyote hunt.
Mr. Avery and wife are visiting relatives
at Salem.
Chas. I.uelling has purchased Mr. Zeek's
place of ten acres for $1500. But we do not
lose Mr. Zeek as he purchased a half acre of
Wm. Mack for $100, Jand is now building
a house 18x26 with an L 14x18, two stories
high. He is also building a large black
smith shop. J. Foy Is digging the well.
8. J. Garrison has purchased one more
lot from 8. 8. Matthews. Also, Mrs. Hoyt,
three lots in the same block.
M. Campbell has received the plans for
his mill. It will be 33x50 feet, an eight-foot
basement, the first and second story each
ten feet high, with the third sixteen. The
boiler room will be about 20x24, and four
feet under ground. .
A man from Kansas by the name of Geo,
Swartz will locate here and put in a stock of
general merchandise if he can rent a build
L. Rogers is working up a very brisk trade
in the barber line.
W. A. Hart returned from Logan last
week and reports the farmers busy at their
spring work.
The Molalla merchants come to Canby
for their freight instead of going to Aurora
since our new depot was built.
Jas. Hodges today completed the sale of
his mother's place of five acres for $1100.
Isaac Frost is the lucky purchaser.
Camby, Feb. 11. George Sushauer was
again arraigned this morning charged with
giving away liquor without having a license.
He plead guilty and was fined $10.
Hen and Women Urged to Take an Interest
in the Hatter.
Cards. Or., Feb. 8. To the Emtob:
The time is near at hand when voters of the
several school districts will be permitted to
meet in annual meeting and elect a director
and clerk to assist in conducting the affairs
of our common schools. This event is one
of the greatest importance to our common
wealth, and yet sometimes owing to very
small numbers being present at the annual
meeting it would appear to be of the least
importance. Now to both men and women
I would say, attend this meeting In your
district, and see to it that proper persons
are placed on the school board, persons
who have a personal interest in the schools
persons capable and willing to make the
necessary sacrifice to promote the very best
uossible results.
I said " men and women," for both sexes
are on an equality; both have a right to vote
and hold office in school districts.
I would like to appeal to the many mem
bers of the strange in this county. We say
to the world that " we will endeavor to de-
veloD a better and higher manhood and
womanhood among ourselves, to enhance
the comforts and attractions of our Homes,
and strengthen the attachments of our pur
suits; that we will advance the cause of ed
ucation among ourselves and for our cb.il-
iln-n by all Just means in our power," ami
on (he first Monday of March of each year
let us attend, Hie school ine tings and do our
whole ilutyin the same.
1 world likit to call the attention of tha
district boards in some of the rural dis
tricts to th practice of calling this import
ant meeting in the afternoon, say 1 o'clock
p. m, instead of 7 o'clock p. tn. At this
season of the Year the road are it) a had
condition, iinl in dark nights it is almost
impossible lor rotors to jret to the meetings.
1 have heard it stated in defence of night
meetings that to hold them in the afternoon
would interfere with school hours, and the
teacher would not like to lose half a day.
It appears to toe that the teacher should not
lie required to lose the time, but that he
aml Uie pji, sho(M kimlly invit.il to
remain, and the teacher he requested to
make any suggestions he or she might
deem best for the interest of the school in
presence of the patrons of the school. And
the pupils would be attentive listeners and
would early learn something of the routine
of business connected witn the running of
the common schools,
ltesectfully submitted. J. Ctato.
The Grip Still On-Valuanle Dog Killed Other
News Notes.
Sxw Era, Feb. 9.-Miss Maggie Me.Vrthur
will close a four months term of school next
week in district No. t3.
The attendance of the school in the
Phelpsdistrict has been reduced greatly in
the last few days Jon account of the grip.
The entire family of H. S. C. l'helpa except
one has been laid up for the past week with
the grip or something of that nature. Miss
Mary Ranch is also a victim of the grip and
is confined to her room. In fact a good
many in this locality are suceiing and
coughing most of the time day and night.
George Randall is having fifty cords of
woodcut which be intends to haul to Oregon
City for a trial tosee w hether it will pay or
George Horton, of Needy, has been en
gage! to plaster George Brown's new house
and will begi:i work nevt week.
Henry Waldron has about two hundred
(jlie two y,,ars 0, jH.a,., ir, which he of
fers for sale at reasonable prices.
Some one who was evidently out of a job
shot and killed J. L. Mattock s little dog.
As a rule this would be but small loss. Hut
in this case they killed a valuable dog and
one that every person in our neighborhood
regretted to have killed.
Thos. Blanchard, jr., is clearing and pre
paring to break quite a little piece of laud.
1 n spite of so much rain he is making quite
a showing. John Keif is also clearing an
other piece of land.
George Brown is building a new board
fence along the road where the telephone
line is, and the telephone poles are left al
most in the center of the county road.
Steps should be taken to have them set
back close to the fence.
J. L. Mattocks was granted a pension last
week through attorney Lockwood of Wash
ington, D. C.
The tjtoney Point literary society held an
election last Wednesday night which re
sulted as follows: President, Henry Wal
dron; rice president, Fred Pentbrook; sec
retary, Miss Mary Rauch. The question
which was debated was, " Resolved, That
horses are and have been of more benefit to
man than cattle." The decision was in fa
vor of the affirmative.
On Friday evening of last week the ladies
of the M. E. church gave a sociable at the
Phelps school bouse for the benefit of the
minister. There was quite a large attend
ance and a most enjoyable evening was
passed. The receipts were $7.40.
Durand Swindled the Wealthy Farmers-
of the Neighborhood.
Clackamas, Feb. 8. The Durand rascal
has got in his work among Clackamas
farmers. Marion Fhillips, Marion Johnson
and Geo. Websters are holders of Durand
stock. It is reported that Durand has
forged Marion Johnson's name to $14, OX)
of notes and M. H. RiebhotTs to $3000 of
notes. Mr. Reibhoff had caused the com
pany to take back his stock. Considerable
uneasiness is felt concerning the notes and
the general opinion is .that hanging is too
good for Durand.
The literary and debating society argued
the question: " Resolved that the president
and the United States senators should be
elected by direct vote." After a lively dis
cussion by Messrs. Oglesby, Pease, Hol
comb, Clarke, Curtis and Hamilton the
question was decided in favor of the affirm
ative. The society then adjourned until
A dance was given at Captain Wilson's
Friday evening.
Henry Woodrufl is having clearing done.
Mr. Hartnell, J. A. Talbert and O. R. Ded
man are also having land cleared. I'ruj erty
is selling quite freely. E. C. Chapman is
preparing to build a fine house for himself.
Dr. George has sold his place and an
other family will soon be added to our com
munity. Mr. Ruth has gone over to Oswego to
build another bouse.
Mr. Street, the florist, has a fine lot of
flowers which be is marketing In the city
and the adjoining towns. Tekbence.
A Runaway Team and a Broken Arm Candi
date for Justice of the Peace.
Froo Pokd, Feb. 7. The weather is fine
and people are improving it by plowing,
digging potatoes, and shipping spuds and
grain. John Kruee, T. L. Turner and
John Tyler are shipping spuds to 'Frisco as
fast as they can get them ready, and are re
alizing a fair price.
Tualatin secular union met today with a
good attendance and had a very interesting
session. The next meeting will be three
weeks from today. Professor Robb will edit
the paper with Miss Beda Sharp as assistant.
II. K. Hayes, UU grange master, and his
daughter Alice, from Salem, made Frog
Pond a pleasant visit for a few days last
Hen Turner and Misses Miirvatid Amv
Andrua returned Friday from their visit In
southern Oregon near Kosehurg where tliev
i have been to see relatives. They expect to
: start for Dayton, Washington, their home,
on Monday ttie mm. luey have made a
host of friends while here.
J. P. Gage, of Stall'ord, bad hta arm broken
last Monday by letting his team run otl'with
hint hitched to a sled with plow on it
Fortunately the plow was not hurt.
There is strong opposition here In the
lumber business. Geo. Saum and the Tooth
pick mills have put rough lumlterdown to
$ i.0der one thousand, and other lumber
Fred Koellermeier has moved with his
family from here to Meckey'e hop ranch
near Aurora where he will superintend the
business for the coming year,
(Juilea number are sick bore with the grip
hut none dangerously. Miss Ella Turner is
the taut victim reported,
William Evans is gradually becoming
weaker from his cancer.
I wish to announce to the voters of Pleas
ant Hill, Tualatin ami In ion precincts that
Henry Miley, post master at W'Uaonville,
wishes to come before the people as nomi
nee for Justice of the peace at the coming
election, and hoe he will get there,
1 wish to say to the New Era 'squire that
he must have come through Canby last Sat
urday week, for the Tualatin 'squire wason
time at the place apHinted to meet the le
gal gentleman, but detailed to appear at Mr.
Nolan's, the place appointed. II. M. B.
Park Place.
Park Place, Feb. I). A recognition
meeting will be held in the congregational
church Tuesday evening, February lti. It
is to be a lormal recognition of the Park
Place branch ol the first congregational
church of Oregon City. Supertendetit Ce
phas F. Claiqi and Rev. T. E. Clnpp, pas
tor of the first congregational church ol
Portland, will be present. The latter will
deliver the address of welcome.
Marksburg Notes.
Mvckshi'roh, Fell. 8. Horn, January
31st, to Charles Gilbert and wife, a daugh
ter. February 1st. to II. L. Woller and
wife, adaughter. February 4th, to F. Par
tner and w ife, a dai'g'iter.
Miss Lula Wilson uas bu' d at the Don
aldson graveyard the 3d instant. Miss Wil
son died near Wilhoit, of dropsy.
Died, February 7, ol heart trouble, Mrs.
Eckart. She leaves a husband and eight
children to n-.oum their loss. It is a severe
blow to the family as they have lately come
to Oregon from Nebraska. 8c kibbler.
Mink News.
Mini, Feb. 8. War is declared notwith
Chili or any oilier foreign nation, but the
farmers are going to begin an exterminating
war on the chipmunk and ground squirrel
nations. These have increased more the
last few years than anything we can think
of. I think there should be a bounty ontueir
scalps. It would be an inducement for
boys to hunt and kill them instead of killing
game birds when the season is closed.
Rev. A. Ernst is holding a series of meet
ings here.
Quite a number of farmers have just fin
ished sowing their winter wheat.
Mrs. Berry Buckner is qui to low with that
dread disease, consumption,
Miss Maggie Williams, assisted by Miss
Lottie Ely, has Just closed a four and a
half months school in district No. S. The
board has retained Miss Williams to teach
the spring term beginning March 14 An
interesting program was rendered at the en
tertainment closing the term of school. Su
perintendent Thomson and a number of
the patrons of the school were present and
made short addresses.
Items from Mountain View,
Mochtais View, Feb. 10. Messrs. Ely
& Harrington have sold their stock of mer
chandise to F. A. Ely.
Miss Lottie Ely is at home, the term of
school where she was teaching in the
Moehnke district having closed.
Messrs. Gillette, Nicholls and Pierce are
at home again from Yamhill county where
they have been for some weeks past.
Mrs. H. M. Jackson, who went east of
the mountains for the benefit of her health,
we are sorry to learn, is not much improved.
Mr. Cannon's house was discovered on
fire bnt the fire was extinguished before
there was much damage done.
Jacob Ranch, of New Bra, was on our
streets one day this week.
Mrs. Pulley, who has been visiting at
Highland, has returned home.
The grip has made its apearane.e In this
neighborhood and has fastened its clutch on
a number of citizens.
Bom. on Wednesday evening, to Mrs. J.
L. SwafTord, a fine healthy boy baby. Jim
my and the baby both doing w ell.
Oregon NenslctK.
The value of gold bricks received at
the Baker City National bank from the
White Swan mine since the two-stamp
mill was started In October last is $46,285.
Over $200,000 were expended for brick
business buildings in La Grande last year
and the value of si miliar Improvements
for this year will be equally as much.
A family consisting of middle-aged
parents and eighteen children passed
through Albany Friday, en route to
Irving, Lane county.to join the Mennon
ite German colony, which has located
there on a tract of 2800 acres. They
were from Marion, Dak,
Some of the counties of the state have
been sending East for fine and expen
sive steel voting booths, but Sheriff
Moore, says the Gold Beach Gazette
will prepare burlap booths for Curry
count v precincts. A vote cast in a bur
lap booth will have equal weight with
the vote cast, in the high-toned steel
booth. J
Mew OtfLfsIi toie at
Canity, Or.
Sell all Goods at Portland Prices or Under.
100 pounds Dry Granulated Sugar,
100 " Extra C Sugar, only -
All other Goods
Price paid for Produce. We carry a full lino
Ji J1
teur IHsmouJ, Uuce
.1 1
Crescent Wedges (warranted.)
Oregon City Agent,
The best bargains yet offered In City, Suburban and County property.
FIRE AND ACCIDKNT. Policies In the loading Com panics
The leading and best toned Instruments.
The celebrated fast and light running Standard.
Opposite Corner from Court House, Oregon City.
Portland Jeuueler.
Importer of and Dealer in Diamonds, Watches,
Jewelry, Clocks and Optical Goods.
flyLadiea' Private Entrance Up
Largest stock of Coffins and Casket kept
and Metallic Caskets furnished to
dents' Buriul
Also Wagon and Carriage Making, Horse Shoeing and Gen
eral Blacksmithing on short notice.
Great Reduction
Cabinet Photographs
S2.50 3?I3I DOZEN
167 first Street, Bet. Harrison and Yamhill
at Rock Bottom
' I ilVKJJ VV AiiJi I Portland, Oregon.
Nurtlnt'irn Auti (or
Occlilutt Tutllelimtli . . IH'ster Unc Silver bineli Hsws
" fst jTjtijcA"Nire .
1 & S Proof Chains. Arcade
Loggers and Wood Chopprs Spocialties.
Stairs. Ordors from the Country
South of Portland. AUo cloth covered
order. Ladies .burial uooes anu
Robes in stock.
Work first cln anil prions reannnable. Ofllce
over csuneid & uuntiey's Urug store,
Oregon City, Oregou.
- -
Prices. Highest
' -..,vjeJ
Files. Rope. Crescent Neol
Paper ?
Do you road the Enterprise?
t It is the bout County pajnir in the
Its matter ia condensed in the
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It gives news that the people aro
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No County paper in the world
has a better list of correspondents
covering its special field.
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Subscribe for the Oregon Citi"
Enterprise. $2.00 a year.