Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 05, 1892, Image 7

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A ritOHIAill.K MKKTIM. OF Tllti
Til Milwaukee l'0j.li IIInm ii llojal
lloiiiall(r-i'xl Mi'flluir to
Lc nt lliulow.
Tlie ri'KiiUr imiutliiu of Urn Clurlminin
County IWIitttV association waa held
In the eihool hoimi at Milwauktte last
Hat unlay. A bunt twenty towlmrefrom
Canby, Oregon (Illy and way atatlona
went down on the train and about
dutnn otlmra emu liom tho aiirrotimlliitf
country, awttlllnu His total number to
limre thun thirty, The erliool board ttud
litiiutiroiiM patrons of tlia aoliool Ht tlmt
ilui a lionuruil t Jit aimociatlon with their
iruiir. Biipl. Tliomaon called the
niwtliiK to order at 10 o'clock. Altiir
the mimitea had Imm read .y the eeere-
tury "America" u mug by the hk.k:
ntliiti, The (olluwlng named permine
were elwttHl meinlieri of the aeaoeiatloli
The MiHW'i Taylor, Yoiiiik, Thomaa,
Wltheri'll ami Kong, and Muoiini. Evant
and llawkina,
MIm Fannie 0. l'ortr read an euttl
lent iar on "How U Prevent Abaence
and Tanllneaa," after which Mr. 8tory
dixMiiwid motliodi of tuachliiK er
centaite. Meiwra. (iary, Draimr and
l'rof. HtraitKU took part in the dlecuenlon
of the nut'Ji't't.
Ilia aaroclallon then proceeded to the
election of olllceni, which oooure at-ml'
anmully, 8. A. I). Hurley waa placed
In nomination for vice-prcaldertt to iih
wed lilniaulf, hut ducllned, and placed In
nomination rrol, htrang, who waa
elucleil. For aecrwlary Miaa Fannie
Vorter and Mia Kunlce Donalditon were
placed In nomination. Mia Porter waa
elected . Chaa. l'tiaae ami T. I., (iary
were nominated (or treaaurer, but Mr,
(iary declined and Chaa. Peaae will be
the nuardian of our gold and ailver. The
aociation calld for iH'hea from the
newly elected olllcom who reaKmled In
happy vein.
The chair appointed H, A. I). Gurley,
C. Y. lrair and Helen Taylor commit
tee on program, aftor wlilch a receaa
waa taken till 1.30 o'clock.
The fc'od (HHiple of the town had pre
pared a dinner which we can truly aay
would have txen a credit to any city in
Oregon. y6 had umleratood that the
eople there would aerva ua a lunch on
that occaaion, hut we were not prepared
for audi an elaborate dinner, conaltt
Iik of all the dcllcac lea ai well aa an
abundance of the nihalantlal diahea. All
did ample juallce to the dinner prepared
by the ladiea of Milwaukee, and I am
tire I but voice the aentlmenta ot the
teacher w hen I aay that the people of
that place will alweyt I remembered by
ui for their whole-aouled hoepitulity.
During the afternoon aeaalon Miaa
Ponaldaon and Mra. Reed favored the
audience with recitations.
Prof, ll. 8. Btranga then delivered an
lntereating addreaa on "Our Public
8choola," which waa attentively listened
to. ,
Mr. II. G. Starkweather read paiwr
on "Language Work," allowing the Im
portance of this work preceding the
study of grammar. Prof. Strnnpe and
Messrs. Peaae and Draper also discussed
the matter at tome length.
Miss A. Hons minted the methods
employed by her In teaching language.
Mrs. Btorta then read a paper on
"Manners and Morals," which showed
ah waa alive to the Importance of the
8. A. D. Gurley discussed "Drawing
In Country Schools," after which Master
Win. Iteed gave a comic recitation The
association adoptodthe following reso
lution :
Kksoi.vrd That the thanks of this
association are due and are hereby ten
dered the people of Milwaukee for
the excellent entertainment given us.
It was decidod to hold the noxt regular
meeting at 'Harlow, on the last Saturday
in February for which the committee on
program reported the following :
llenelita derived from the use of the
blackboard in teaching primary reading
Miss A. Ross.
Discussion Association.
Methods of teaching orthography II.
8. (llhson.
Discussion Association,
When should pupils begin the study
of grammar Miss A. Ilicinbothom .
Discussion Assoclhtlon,
Recitation Supt. Thomson.
Teaching primary class nnmbori S.
A. D. Gurley.
Discussion A ssoclittion .
Tho mooting adjourned at about half
past three o'clock and all Blurted for
home feeling that It had been a success.
Tlio fact that school directors and
patrons are attending those meetings,
and that from five to ten naw members
are added to the roll of membership at
each meeting is evidence that the
interest in school matters is Increasing.
This augurs well for the future of our
School ofilcors, patrons and pupils are
cordially invited to attend theso moot
ing. 8. A. D. Guui.ky.
The nomination of Hon. Peter Paquet
to be receiver of the land ofllce here was
sent to the senate Thursday.
A lli lcf Di'Nci'lplliin of T, L ( Illinium's
New Home.
The first ol last August the site of
Mr. T. L, ('Illinium's new residence on
Seventh street was a wilderness. Today
It la one of the best improved pieces of
property In the city and the new home
that has been erected there will be
occupied in about a month. The build
ing Itself la practically completed now.
Only the maiitelplecoe and furnishing
remain to be done.
Mr Charman'a roaidunce, which is
one of the neatest and beat constructed
in the city, occupies a square 2Ui4(l feet
and la two and a half atorlua high above
Hie basement, It Is a frame structure of
harmonious and pleasing architectural
design. The basement walla are of
brick on a stone foundation. It baa a
concrete floor and is divided Into laundry
laboratory, store room, boiler room and
closet, each of them being supplied with
the moat perfect appliances for the pur-
poaea intended to lie served . A stair
way leads up to the l.ltclien, between
which and the dining room on the east
aide of the house are the buttery and
china clistet with door awinging either
The dining room la notable for Its
natural wood finishing. There are eight
kinds of wood set in panela around the
room myrtle, oak, maple, ash, walnut,
red wood, cedur and bird's eye pine. The
same kind of panel work extends up the
staircase from the front hall to the
second floor. On the west aide of the
house are two parlors connected by elid
ing doors ami back of them the library.
The second floor Is divided into cham
bers, closets and bath-room finished .in
natural fir and red wood. The attic Is in
one large room, off which Is a tank for
water supply.
An elevator runs from basement to
attic. A system of electric bells extends
throughout the bouse. The beating will
be by steam. The wlndowa are of plate
glaa with leaded stained glass above
and at the aidus of the upper sashes. All
walla are hard finished. Tho work
manship throughout la of the best and
none but the best materials have been
put into the building. It ia an entirely
creditable piece of work for White Bros.,
who have euperlntended the building
from atart to finish. The building site
i half a block on Jcftoraon street be
tween Seventh and Kighth. A large
amount of lllling was done to bring it to
Its present condition and a rock retain
ing wall nearly ten feet high waa
erected on the west side. The total
cost of the Improvement, including the
building of the rcldenc, will probably
exceed 7000. Mr. and Mra. Charnian
have one of the neatest and best ap
pointed homes in the city.
Tn Cot'NTr Uoad Suavar. Coun
ty Surveyor Smyth is out making
a preliminary survey for the Molalla
road, bis work thus tar having been con
fined to prospecting route for crossing
the Beaver creek canyon . I le has found
that the grade on the south side of
Heaver creek need not exceed throe per
cent. Coming this way from Beaver
the White ravine will afford an outlet
with a five per cent grade. Cahili's and
Mowland'a ravines are now being ex-
am'ned. It will be some days before
the surveyor is able to make his report
of the route.
J. Q. Adams's Cups and Saucers
The editor of the Brownsville Times says
that by the kindness of Mra. M. J
Wigle, on last Tuesday be was shown
the cups and saucers from which John
Qulncy Adams and his wife drank. They
were her grandfather and grandmother.
Mra. Wigle also has a solid silver mug
that was once owned by her great grand
mother, Mrs. John Adams. John Q.
Adams was the sixth president of the
United States, was elected in 18'.'5 and
served one term, going out of ollice sixty-
three years ago, and on account of those
cups and saucers once belonging to this
distinguished man and relative, Mrs.
Wigle may well feel proud of them. The
cups and saucors are solid silver, the cups
being plain and the saucers having some
neat engraving on them.
Tint Earth Quakes. At 8:32 o'clock
Wednesday night there was a distinct
earth quake felt in Oregon City and
other partH of the W'llamotte valley.
It lasted about ten seconds and there
appeared to be two seperate vibiating
movements. Glass bottles rattled In
drug stores, the wares of hardware
stores jingled and buildings swayed and
trembled. Klectrlc lights and chando
llers depending from ceilings were sot
swinging. The shock was accompanied
by a slight rumbling noise. In moat
places it was not unite so violent as the
shock experienced last fall though in
Borne instances it is reported as having
been worse. Boports from the country
and from Portland Indicate that the dis
turbance was quite general throught the
lower Willamette yalley at lonet. No
damage to property is roportod. Some
people say they noticed a similar quak
ing of the earth about 4 :30 Thursday
W. T. Burney died in Portland
last Tuesday.
A Young (Jlrl Killed While Assisting;
her Unit her to ('lean a (iun.
A terrlblo accident happened at the
home of Joseph Held, of Kocky Point on
the evening of Junnary 13, John and
Annie, the former about fifteen and the
latter thirteen years and three months,
had been to singing class and returning
home between 8 and 0 o'clock the boy
began to clean his gun, a Winchester
repeater, and got tho ramrod fastened.
Ilia sister tried to help him get It out
but their efforts failed.
He placed a cartridge loaded with
powder only, in the gun and in some
way, no one seemed to know how, the
gun was discharged, the ramrod entering
thb sisters body about two Inches above
the navul and part of It projecting
through her back just above the hip.
Dr. Frank, of Kagle Creek, extracted
he ramrod in three pieces, buried in
parts of the clothing, one piece coming
out at the thigh. She died at 6 o'clock
on Saturday morning the 10th and was
interred at the Springwater cemetery on
the 17th, Kev. Mr. Crane officiating.
The biother and sister were greatly
attached to each other and John Is con
pletely prostrated with grief over th
dreadful occurrence.
Report of (internment Obserrer for
the Month of January.
The month of January, opened with a
cool wave over the interior of the Pacific
aloe and with a disturbance advancing
over the upper coast. On the 6th a
depression advanced from the ocean,
attacking the entire coast, but centering
on the uper California and Oregon
coasts and causing liubt scattering rains
in northwestern California and in west
ern Oregon .
The passage of a disturbance north of
Washington gave rains and snows to
Washington and Oregon on the 10-I0th,
and a centering of a high pressure area
over Nevada and Utah and the develop
ment of a storm on the upper coaBt on
I9-20th gave strong winds and rains to
the upper coast on the 20th.
Fair and cool weather prevailed in
nearly all districts from the 21st to 24th.
An advancing storm toward the upr
coast on the 25th resulted in rain
and high winds In western Oregon
and northern California, the rains ex
tending eastward and southward to
the liockias and nothward over Wash
ington and Oregon. Generally un
settled conditions prevailod from the
27tb to the close of the month, u
Precipitation fell in Washington on
23 dava during the month; on 22 days
in Oregon.
Everbearing Strawberries.
I have a quantity of everbearing
strawberry plants for aale at $1 per hun
dred. Warranted first class.
T. II. Organ,
4t Eleventh and Jackson streets
District School Teacher Wanted.
The Board of Directors of school dis
trict No. 102, are authorized to hire a
teacher for the winter session. He must
be a man, sound in body and Intellect,
not afraid to use the rod. Wages $10 per
month and board around.
Obadiaii Billings, Esq.,
Deacon Waybacx,
Ichaboo Slowcoach,
Notice of Public Examination.
Notice Is hereby given that for the
purpose of making an examination of all
persons who may offer themselves as
candidates tor teachers of the schools of
this county, the county school superin
tendent thereof will hold a public exami
nation at the court house In Oregon City
Wednosday, February 10, 1892.
Teacheis desiring to take examinations
for State Certificates and State Diplomas
will have special attention Thursday the
11th and graduates of Oregon colleges on
Thursday and Friday the 11th and 12th.
Dated this 1st day of February 1892.
Alex Thomson,
County School Superintendantot Clacka
mas county Oregon.
Notice Is hereby Riven, that I have bran ap
pointed RilmiutfiirKtnr o( the estste of Mrs. Je
mima Csppii, dtiooafled All pornmis having
clftlms SKsina, twill enisle are notiltwl to pre
sent them to me properly verified at my ofllce
ill Oregon City, wttlilu six months from the date
of tlin notice. H. E. Cross,
Administrator ot the estate of Mra Jemima
Cappa, deceased.
Oropiu City, February 4, 1892, 2;5 3:S
Ed. L. Huntley, mention of whose rob
bery was made in last week's Long Creek
Eagle, is said to have lost $0000 in dia
monds and $100 in cash in the little
transaction. - A neat little clean-up for
the follow who got thorn. ?
Now Try This.
It. will cost you nothing and will surely
do you good, if you have a Cough, or
with any trouble with Throat, Chest or
Lungs. Dr. King's New discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Cold's is
guaranteed to give relief or money will
be paid back. Sudererers from La
Grippe found it lust the thing and under
its UB6 had a speedy and perfect recov
ery. Try a sample bottle at our expense
ana learn tor yourself Just how good a
thing it is. Trial bottle free atU. A
Harding's Drug Store. Large size 50c.
and $1.00. .
imt Mm.
The following Is the list of tellers remain
IiiKiiilhe post ollice at Oregon City, Orrgon,
reiiruarv a. I Ho.!:
Arlon, Frank II Nelwll, John
HrlM-mline, KJ 1'riel, Charles
linker, Mrs Jeiie yuiMii, itiin
ivi, ieu a nuyuer, Jl
llong, AI Thomas, Thomas
Kaiser, AJ Tate, (,'has
Unduii, W II Walsh, James
McliiiKhlin, Wm Weuzel, Anton
Mnminert.F K Yeuger, Mr Hiram
Miller, Alonto I,
If called for, please say when advertised.
K, M. RANCH, P. M.
You can never tell what a slight cold
mav IhiuI tsir It ! lu.u tlu.ai,,va A
yourself the benefit of the doubt, and
cure It as soon as possible with Ayer'a
Cherry Pectoral . A day's delay, some
times an hour's delay, may result in se-
Work Brt ela and prices reasonable. Office
oterCaufteld Huntley's liru blore,
Oregoa City, Oregou.
Next Door to the Armory,
J. IIIJnPIIRKV, Proprietor.
Full Stock of All Kinds of FreBh
and Saltwater Finn. Poul
try and Game.
Highest Cash Price Paid for Poultry.
Great Reduction
Cabinet Photographs
167 First Street, Bet. Korruwn and Yamhill
Best 25c LotlinKS and Meals In the Tewn.
Hot Meals at All Hours.
On Improved Farms of not
less than CO acres.
C. 0. T. Williams,
General lIlBrkninl thins; and re
Wagon and Buggy Work a Specialty.
Horseshoeing in a first class manner.
Canby. ... Oregon.
c. L, STOHT.
Blacksmiths and Wagon
Fine f agon ail Carriage Wort a specialty.
Twenty years experience aa a Horse Shoer
None but first class work done.
BIiod on Main Btreet, near 8uspenalon Bridge.
IP. H. ttA.T,
Practical Horstslioer,
Shop on Main St, opp. Woolen Mills. '
Spetlel Attention Given to Contracted or Bai Feet
Ten years expeiieuce In eastern cities.
1. BITTNKR, Propr.
The OldoMt FIrt CIiin Hotel in
Oregon City.
Clean rooms with comfortable beds.
Tables supplied with the best the mar
ket atiords.
. Oregon City, Oregon.
Full Stock of Guns s Ammunition.
Repairs on all kinds of small machines
promptly nimie. implicate Keys to
any look manufactured. Shop on
Muin Street, near Sixth.
The Leading Photographer of"
Mouey to Loan !
Hats !
And we can ehow you
ever before offered
See our Hat display and
you will save money by so doing.
The Clothiers and Hatters of Oregon City.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Fresh Beef, Mutton, Pork, Ham, Bacon and Lard.
Haa opened a
Fancy and Staple
Remember the place on Seventh street corner of Jackson. Mr. David May will bt
In charge of the sales department, (ioods
Best and Cheapest Grocer.
Fancy and Staple Groceries in Great Variety.
Vegetables, Fruit and Feed.
Fifteenth and Main, ORECON CITY.
Great Slaughter in Prices at James
Hodges' Store for Cash.
I will sell at a Sweeping Reduction from former prices :
16 pounds Dry Granulated Sugar $1.00
20 " Extra C . " 1.00
100 " Dry Granulated " ; 5.65
100 " Extra C " 4.65
Coal Oil, per Gallon 20
And everything else down at bed-rock prices.
JAMES HODGES, Canby, Oregon.
Carpets, Matting, Mats, Rugs, Eeed and Rattan Goods, Up
holstered Rockers, Etc., .of all kinds
Special Bates on Upholstering this month.
All work guaranteed better than when done in wholesale
houses, and wo sell them cheaper than others can who buy
from wholesale dealers.
Undertakers' Goods.
Always a complete line, and can be turned out at the short
est notice.
Oregon City Bank Ilulldlng,
more IL1T3- for less money than
in Oregon City.
learn our prices, and
choice selection of
Groceries, Fruits,
delivered free to ait parts of the city.