Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 05, 1892, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
O 0,1 .('((.'NNTKAMKHN.
In V.trmt KmmvuMV 7, m.
1 eu in, I mi in.
Kloaiiwr Allium will leava Hiimtay. liilWiwr
in. u ui a. III.
u in, 4 an i. in.
Hem ii mu Mu.
AHinll Jf l.wal (war lalloll) ? M hi.
allf.itiila rn.ro.. (llironiili) ( 4.1a. in.
Ito.cl.tirti t.voal (way ilallin) II ,'v p. in.
auitit Itot'M),
ltiiM.nir IjikI (wny (limn) . on a . in
Alluuy I (way HUtttiiiB) a tin j,. m
t alilunila Kii llliriiiiuli) 7 !U i in
M,,tl. r!,..c K.tiiK Nurth, a .11 A. M ,3 'JU IV M
M 1 1 i,,,m itIat Muiiili, a nil A. M. 7 :i) I'. II
II, HofTM,
irciii lly li KI) .MUIU, Milium, I urn. anil
Willi, u. U'kvi'i at luoi a in Mumlaya, WM
lii-..lnvt an, I Fridays ami rutnriia al lu.ixja. m,
on full, mlnif ilaya
llr.ni City In Kl Mink, Clark. Mulliiiit'nlmi
Mill, ami Men. low llrook : li-avea al Iliuua m.
)uttAUy, Tliur.dajr ami Saturday, ami rinurua
uu nlliiwlii data al I a.
noi:i to i.ovv
Money la loam In auiua lo null
u rrul rklKle, liouarlill iiooiln,
IIt ! It, mid nil Itlutlsj ti"ria
trl w-rnrllj.
14 ki:ilNO. A CO ,
I H Mblnlan IIiiIUIImk,
4th Ac Wnahluclon Mrrila,
I'.rtlnud, Orrcton.
('aitaik Shaw Wii.i, Itrii.u OniUtn
J. 1", Shaw in nutting inHUtritiU on the
ground (r a II uu residence which lie will
erect on I lie brow of tint tiluir in South
Oregon City. The excavation fur the
basement ii already made, Uio rm k Is
ready for the walls, iiiuh) ol the logs of
which llio houae Is to be constructed urn
cut mul annul of tin) lumlier In on the
ground. Everything la ready for begin
ning building UN a, kiii an tlm ruiwU shall
lie in shape tu jwriiiit liAiillng lumber
over them. TIid plan fire for a house
Itilx 15 feet, llirttn stories in height. The
ui, nut walla ol tlm biseinent will ruacli
about II vii feet alxivo the surface of tlie
grolliltl. The 11 rat story will I hi built of
rou ml fir log nino inches in diameter,
jieeled. TIio log for tlio second story
will I right liu-hea In diameter. The
architectural alylo of the building will
be nniiuit mul pleasing. The Interior
arrangements will be o j ul lv miitiueand
entirely modem. The Iniihling nit e ia
4'KI fii't nlKive Miiin street, affording an
unsurpassed viuw of the full unit long
reaeh of the Willamette river with the
city of 1'orlland In the distance. Tiie
enow fiik of the Cascades will nino ac
centimle the eastern and nurtlutrn land
ciiie. The dwelling will cost between
f.siKX) and (12.0(H) ami it will bo una of
the pleaaantest anil in out elegant homes
In the N'orthweut,
A Nicvr Tkiai. Dksikd A few week
go the Entkiii'Iiimk ninntioneil the trial
in Portland of a unit Imniglit by Ainoa
1., I.ovi'joy and other heir of General A.
L. Lovejoy againHt the Willamette 1'ulln
Klectric compHny in whiuh a verdict for
the defendant wan found. The nil it wait
for the K)iwit!tlon of Abernethy inland
where the eleotriu light xtution in thia
city "tiindit. It involved the validity of
a trunad'r of the proiKirty in for
2."00 property that la now probably
worth half a million dollars. General
Lovejoy wa a pioneer of 1S43. Twenty
yeara after that John II. Moore, and a
few olhera allied with him, negotiated
the purcliiiw from the general of the
Alwrnethy ittlmid for $:'500. Of the
tranNferol the property, the gold coin
Blacked upon the desk, anil the deed,
afterward Illed with the recorder of con
veyance, there are two anrviving wit
neaaea, In eo'irncuf lime, Moore aold to
Harvey, Harvey to the I'eoplo'a Trans
portalion compHiiy, and through varioiiH
flrmaand railroad and navigation cor
porations the Locks & Transportation
company comes tu own the island, being
the real defenders to thia action, though
the electric light company, under their
'lease, aro tlio nominal ones. After the
verdict against the plaintifls in the suit a
motion for a new trial w uu made. Judge
fihattuck last Saturday rendered a de
cision going into the case at considerable
length and denying the motion for a new
atoin, who was before the county court
Homo time ago on a charge of being in
sane and discharged, has not possessed n
kindly feeling toward those whom ho
holds roMponsihle for Unit action against
him. ilis domestic life is not peaceful,
Lust Fiiduy ho reported to the police
that ho hud been shot at while splitting
wood, but that ho was in the act of
picking up a nl ick of wood and the bul
let passed over him and lodged in a door
beyond, lie showed where one door had
a bullet hole in It and the othor had re
ceived the ball. Ho was sure his ene
mies wero plotting to take hia life and
that this was one of the manifestations
of their machinations against him.
When the police came to analyze the
matter, howevor, It was found that th
shot marks were made by a bullet of the
same size carried by a revolver owned
by himself, and an examination of the
weapon, which had been left at a Main
street saloon, disclosed the fact that one
chamber had recently been discharged
and reloaded with a fresh cartridge.
Other circiiiiiHtiinces which the old man
alleged In connection with tlio all'alr
were m dlapiianous that' the whole
thing was shown to be a fuke,
Tiik ItocKir Bi.vrr Tlit Kotithern Pa
vlllc smple have to keep an eye nut for
luose ris ks along the edge of the lilull' at
the foot of whl.'h their tracks run In this
city. Last fall It became iweasury to
dislodge a rock weighing many tons In
order to prevent Its doing damagn hv
fulling InopiHjrtunely. Recently aome
smaller rocks directly opposite the depot
have tukeii on a threatening aspect and
it was deemed best to take care of tbeui,
ao P. A, I.linlstrom, a Portland con
tractor, bus been at work thia week re
moving the nhlei'tioiiablu rocks, Hi)
ertt'!titi a crane on the lop of the bluff
uud reached down the face of the rocks
with blocks and tackle, lifting the hsise
rocks to the top. This crumbling of the
abrupt rock ledge that forma an Impor
tant feature In '.he pictures motions of
Oregon City Ii entirely too trilling to lie
noticed from a scenic point of view
though worthy the solicitous attention of
IKionle whose ieraoiia or proarty may
be threatened by the imiendiug frag
ment!!, Tu Oi'tinq Ct.ru'a Party The Out
ing Club gave a pleasant party at the
Woodman's hall last Tuesday night.
Progressive euchre was played, resulting
in the following prizes being awarded:
First ladies' price, Misa May Pilabury, a
copy of Lalla Hookh ; ladiea' booby
prize, Misa Mina Kelly; first gentle
men's prite, Clyde Huntley, a potpourri
jar; gentlemen's booby prize, Miss May
Kelly. The Twilight Symphony club
furnished music for a brief dance; ice
cream and cake were served by the gen
tlemen and a abort prwgram of a gro
tesque declamatory order was rendered.
Those present were M isaea Grace Balrd,
Amy Kelly, Metta Brown, HattleOe Or-
say, Cora Harding, Haitio Cochrane,
Grace Williams, Mamie Clmrman, Ali-
bitt Hobb, Winnnie William', Kittie
Paine, Ionise Cochrane, May Kelly and
May Pilsbury ; and Messrs. It. L. Hoi
man, G. O. Kinearson, H. C. Salisbury,
A.J, Lewthwalte. B. F. Burch, W. B.
Wiggins, K. F. Priggs. C. O. Huntley.
K A. McDonald, W. A. Huntley, F. J
Louis and F. S. Kelly.
Lanii iMPROviiMKST The Willamette
Falla F.lectric company baa eight or ten
men at work clearing timber from Ita
land across tho river. While the com
pany does not announce that it ia going
lo improve Ita whole tract attout 800
acres it has put these men at work
without any specified limit to their op.
erationa and it ia likely that tne entire
tiactwill be cleared up and the timber
disposed of. Most of the timber will be
cut into cord wood and sold in that form.
If it shall be determined that the whole
area owned by thia company shall be
improved, the force of workmen will be
increased and a season of lively work
will ensue. While the company dims
not claim to be anticipating the arrival
of the motor line from Portland most
people will construe this action as In
dicating that the lino will soon be built
up the west side of the river and that a
boom in west side property will be the
Dkatii or JniiiK Holmes Judge Lo
ander Holmes, who was committed to
the asylum from Portland last week in a
nearly dying condition, passed to the bo
yond Thursday. Judge Holmes came
weal at an early day and was promi
nently and plenaantly associated with
the early history of Oregon. He settled
in Oregon City In 1860. lie was delegate
to the republican national convention
inlSOO. This was the convention that
nominated Abraham Lincoln for Presi
dent. Ah Mr. Holmes was unable to at
tend be sent his proxy to Horace Groely,
and the great, editor became a member
of the conversion, and the claim is now
imule that l.inculn g nomination was
largely due to Ureeley's efTorts in his ho
half. The romnhiB of Judge Holmes
were buried Sunday at 1 o'clock in Port
Wild SntAWHKitHV Blossoms There
are not many countries in (lie forty
fourth parallel of latitude that can show
the mid-winter blossoms that western
Oregon exhibits this year. Koses and
chrysanthemums are in nearly overy
door-yard. Last Sunday, January 81,
a numbel of wild strawberry plants wore
found in bloom on tho hillside this side
of Citnenmh. The fresh young blossoms
wero smiling in lite warm sunHhine and
some of them had acquired as pretty
tints as any dainty April posy can show.
The flowers appeared to bo there for
business, too, and it will not he long till
delicate wild straw berries will be found
ripening in tho open air. Apples and
pears in a perfect state of preservation
can be pbkod from the trees In many
orchards in thia locality today. Truly,
western Oregon has a glorious climate.
Arthur Bloch lias sold bis general
merchandise business at Milwaukee to
Messrs. Gary & Wissington of that town,
who took possession the first of the
month. Mr. Bloch will viBit thePugot
sound country and eastern Oregon and
then return to San Francisco where he
will engage in the book binding busl
If you will peed apy 5I?S
For the
Every i ShoeiinitheiHouseiatiOriginalffi Cost
Tho crowd of purchasers that have attended our 6ale during the last few days shopld convince the most skeptical of
tho sincerity of our oiler.
The rush of people to our stores since Saturday (opening day) has surpassed our brightest expectation, conse
quently wo wero not prepared to wait upon them as we should have liked to have done; but our force of salesmen has
been increased, thus enabling us to serve all promptly and properly.
Follow the crowd and look for the RED-LETTERED SIGN.
lOaxxlx. Block, Oregon City, Or.
N. B.-During this sale our doors will open at 9 a. m. and close at 9:30 p. m. and II p. m. Saturday.
A disordered condition of the stomach
or malaria in the system will produce
sick headache, you " can remove this
trouble by taking IV. J. II. McLean's
Little Liver and Kidney I'illets. -'5
cents per vial.
Parties desiring Wood Turning, Pat
terns, Brackets, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will be Suited by Calling on Me.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
CVOpp. the Congregational Church
'.:ijy. oki:uoi.
Candies, Nuts, Notions, Etc.
Fine Tobaccos and Cigars.
Completo line ol Holiday Goods at Port
land prices.
The Hutar.T Shuttle Does It.
Fastuat KunnliiK, Miditont Itunnlnir, ami Easi
est Kept In lU'imir of any Machine
niatlo. Terms Eaay.
With Thayer A AUlen, Orkoon City.
Livery, Sale and Feed Stable.
llurses fed and cared for by the day or
niontli at reaHonanle rates.
Oregon City Express No I.
Light freight and paroels delivered to all
parts of the city.
Leave ordera with F. T. Barlow.
House, Sign and Ornamental painting.
Good work guaranteed.
shop on Finn, nkab u. h. i. A l. btablks
We will, for the
next six months, it will pay you, and
purchase them now.
"lA7"o Mean Just
There are times when a feeling of
lassitude will overcome the most robust,
when the system craves for pure blood,
to furnish ihe elements of health and
streiiKth. The best remedy for purify
ing the blood is lr. J. II. AicLean'a Sar
saparilla. Legal blanks of all kinds at the
Entkki'hisk office.
Corner of Front and Morrison,
For general repairing he stands
without a peer. For first-class, re
liable goods his store is second to
none. Trv him !
Store located al Mountain V'ew.on
Molalla road, one mile south
east of Oregon City.
Wa itaiil in Flmir. Pnm Muni. TVpd.
Groceries of all kinds, 15oots and Shoes,
lients underwear ami other siyies 01
Clothing, and numerous other articles
suitable for the needs ol the farmer and
tiin f.iiTiilv Uv nriMtmt Ami ftiir iliMilinir
we hope to receive in future, as in the
past, a liberal share ot patroniuie.
fiFThe highest market price paid
(or Butter, Kggs and Fowls.
to- n
- n
There set
kcrcounty, Ore-pip n
Ron, near what UT ii
ii now Buker City, P C N Tl I R V
a niau who tins since L C J 1 1 U 1 1 1
become Identified with the resources and n H f
A..in..,t.tr,rthiit pmmtrv. This man Avlw
is no other than Mr. John Stewart, one of the
wealthiest ana most lunuemmi uimu, ,
county. In a recent letter he anys : " I had been
suffering from pains in my back and general kid
ney complaint for some time, and had used many
remedies wlinom any oui iciupoia.j .i.v ..v
pains in my back had become so severe that I was
......,i fw.t,i BttttiMir to mv work and could
not move about without the use of a cane. Hear
ing, through a friend, of the wonaenui cures ei
fected by Oreiron Kidney Tea, I was induced to try
a box, and from that very first dose I found Instant
relief, and before using half the contents of the
box the pains in my back entirely disappeared.
i .:!. j.. . ) - lrtii. nfth rirmn
Kidney Tea, and can conscientiously recommend
u to my menas. 1 wouia noi w wuuuuv
a pun. n... ni... backache, lnconti,
nence of urine, brick dust aediment, burning or
painful sensation wnue unnairag, aim u no
tion! of the kidney or urinary organs of either sex.
next 30 days, sell
XrVlisxt we
Portland Jecnelep.
Importer of and Dealer in Diamonds, Watches,
Jewelry, Clocks and Optical Goods.
Ladies' Private Entrance
Largest stock of Coffins and Caskets kept South of Portland. Also cloth covered
and Metallic Caskets furnished to order. Ladies Burial Bobes and
Gents' Burial Robes in stock.
Also Wagon and Carriage Making, Horse Shoeing and Gen
eral Blacksmithing on short notice.
This old and reliable firm always keep in slot a ful! line of
Heavy, SMi al mm
Hariware, Tinware, etc.
Plumbing, Gas Fitting & Jobbing
Attended to Promptly. Es
timates Furnished.
pay you well, to
Up Stairs. .Orders from the Country