CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE EXTKIU'lUM! fOKKKSl'OMV E.MS SWEET THE HEI.I). Happenings In Localities Outside of OiT(co City Industrial Items Srlghborhood Xolos. Canby, Feb. S. The literary club at Us meeting Friday night debated the question Resolved, That Columbus deserves more honor for discovering America than Wash iugton has for defending it.'' After an in- teresting discussion it was decided by the judges. Miss Elvira Iee, Miss Mary Caroth era and Samuel Cox, for the Negative. It being also election night the following ofti cers werechosen : A. R Dimick, president ; H. C. Gilmore, vice president; Klla Stone, secretary; George Knight, assistant secreta ry; Elvira Lee, collector; Mary Carothers, treasurer; Henry Evans, marshal; John Roth, deputy marshal. The club has been orgauiied three months and now has I membership of about sixty, and is still gain ing. Next Friday there will be an entertain ment and social instead of debating. J as, Hodges has purchased the clear lumber of Hartle it Jones, and will rent the power of M. Campbell to dress it as there is quite a stock. Mr. Lukieand Mr. Koeblereach had forty bushels of feed chopped Saturday. H. A. had the misfortune to lose a horse Friday night The Chinese are having their annual i ew year celebration, consequently there ia no . work being done in the gravel pit. J. A. Cox commenced sawing wood in real earnest Monday morning with the help of seven men. L. Rogers is head sawyer. A. H. lee is building a new wood house, 1(5x20, with a garret above to be used as a work shop. W. A. Hart has gone to Logan to visit his brother who has been sick for some time. A. H. Lee and Wm. Orihble have been purchasing oats on Gribbie prairie. Tbey say that the roads are almost impassable, and that thirty bushels is a heavy load. H. A. Vorihl has improved Ids shop by building a brick flue and putting in a new forge. He also talks of putting up a street (amp. The lamp will be a neces.-ity to save somebody from broken bones if the obstruc tions are not kept ot! tbe street. The la-lies of the M. E. church gave an oyster supr Tuesday evening. About sixty ate supper, raising $12.50 to be used to ward lurnishing the new parsonage, which is about completed. George Slight has purchased twenty acres of the Willamette Land company for f 21100, and has a large new house building on the spot where the old Andrews house burned. Ueorge hippie has purchased fortvacres of A. R. Shank. W. M. 8hank has also TMircliased ten acres of the finest peach land i in -tlrf Willamette valley. The -estate of i'hilauder Lee, consisting . of 2CT acres was sold for 6,675. G. TV. Shank and wife and Henry Shank and wife have returned after a four days isisit in Corvullis, . S. X. Lee is just recovering from a severe illness. Mr. Rogers is also sick. Miss Bis sell had a slight attack of tbe grip Sunday. week with rheumatism. Vndcr the treat ment of Dr. (toucher we hope for his speedy recovery. Road supervisor Cahilt and Drainer have each been at work with volunteer forces on the roads, and have greatly improved many of the worst places. Nearly the entire potato crop has been shipped ;to California from this place and mostly sold at a price that nets the producer about thirty cents per bushel. Geo. Brown's new residence is fast near ing completion and when finished will be one of the best and the only latli and plastered house in New Era precinct. SaoRTV, Notes fra llaielta. H usi.u, Feb. S. Cool frosty nights and warm sunny days are very pleasant, but the ground hog can see his shadow today, so look out for a stormy spring. The warm days of last week caused tunc uneasiness among fruit growers, as the fruit buds began to swell, but the slight (reeling of the last few nights has been ot benefit. I he grip has many victims among us. but so tar no fatal cases. Mrs. F. Ford it no better. Her daughter, M rs, Copley, from Portland, is with her. Mrs, Coply is an ex erienced nurse and all hope Mrs. Font may now improve. Mrs. A. Wright, of Sherwood, has bee: staying with her daughter, Mrs. 8. R. Hays, who has been quite sick, but is how conva lescent. Mrs. Harry Shipley, of Oswego, Is visit ing at A. C. Waiting's. Mrs. Shipley was for many years a resident of Haxelia. L. A. Shipley is building an addition to his house. To judge by the rock fountia tion he is having laid it will be a very fine dwelling when completed. C. Mileui, of Mount Tabor, is doing the work. The literary society at its last meeting de bated the question of capital punishment, with George H. Locev as leader on the af firmative and Professor Watts on the nega tive. The decision was for the affirmative. The boys of the school debated the ques tion of city or country life and the advocates of the country enme out ahead. Professor Watts has seven seeks more of school, and all regret that he cannot be per suaded to remain longer. Mrs. Geo. Nagle presented her husband with a fine sou on the 21st ultimo. H Highland. Highland, January 26. Everything in and around Highland ia quiet and calm at present. D. Miller, our popular school teacher, is contemplating giving tbe Highlanders an entertal n meut at the close of bis school. A grand time is anticipated. The farmers' alliance, according to re ports, is in a nourishing condition. Busi ness of importance called for an exra ses sion last Saturday night. Orlando Fellows lost a valuable cow re cently which died in an old strawstack. When will farmers learn to cut down their old stacks when they are undermined and begin to settle and fall down? Mr. Al. Harrington is improving the looks of his ranch by erecting a new picket fence in front of his house. Mr. May field sold a large band of sheep the other day to Charley Gale. Mr. Joseph Myers moved from the Hor ner place which be bought about a year ago back to his homestead. We can hear the shriek of Martin 4 Co.'s steam engine again. They have started the mill and will turn out a good quality of lumber. Beeson & Co. have moved to the Dickerson place which they bought recently, and will move their powerful steam engine and milling apparatus thither just as soon as the weather will permit. Beeson is an old experienced mill man and will make the saw logs rani.llv diminish when he sturts on the new p-'ace. Mis9 Florence Parish is home on a visit. She enjoys rusticating occasionally. A number of new families have taken np their abode in Highland recently. One party purchased an eighty-ocrej tract from B. Stricklin recently, and another bought Wm. Livingstone's place consisting of 1D0 acres for $3000. According to reports an other family will arrive soon to locate per manently. COHBESPONDKICT. Harks Prairie Items. Mabks Pmikie, Feb. 2. We are pleased to stale that the wood shed for our school district, of which we made mention some time ago, has at last been built One dav last week Messrs. S. F. Mark and J. K Gribbie took it into their heads to finish the job, which they did to the satisfaction of all and without the assistance of the ladies. Miss Bertha Marks has gone to Portland to attend school. Mr. 0. H. Cone, of Yamhill county, spent a few days on the prairie last week and expresses himself as being well pleased with our prairie and its prospects. Mr. Ed. Hilton is making use of a horse power stump puller in clearing up his land. The machine appears to be doing good work. Rev. 8. P. Wilson, presiding elder of Sa lem district of the M. E. church, held quar terly meeting at Rock creek church last Sunday. He preached a very able ana elo quent sermon which was listened to by a good sited audience. There will be regular preaching services at Marks prairie school bouse on every second and fourth Sunday of each month a't o'clock p. m. by Rev. C. L. Lowther. Every body made welcome. The plan for the new church building soon to be erected is now in the hands of committee, and active work will soon be commenced. Occasional. Sew Era Notes. New Eea, Ftb. 1. Farmers in this local ity are feeling rather jubilant over the prospects f returning spring and a good many have commenced plowing. Millard II) a't was compelled to close his school the latter part of last week on ac count of being sick with the grip. Mr. Hougliam is building a new wood dock just opposite New Era and iiitendseu gaging in the wood business quite exten sively. D. H. Telcher, wife and family are visit ing relatives at Bilverton, and will not re turn here until about the first of March. A couple of grangers from this locality paid Mr. Shank of Riverside an all-day visit last Saturday, anxiously awaiting the com ing of the Tualatin justice of the peace. But the justice failed to appear. The flouring mill at New Era Is progress ing slowly but surely. It would have been in running-order ere this had the machinery which was ordered been supplied at once. But we are going to have a first class mill in the near future. Joe Brigga hat been suffering for the last Mountain View Items. Moi-ktaih Vtiw, Feb. 3. E. E. May has purchased the property lately owned by W. F. Kellogg, and intends moving on it as soon as be can get the house enlarged. H. 0. Inskip is building a nice picket fence in front of his property which, when completed, will add greatly to the good looks of bis premises. The owning of May street gives that part of town, a more cityfied appearance besides being a great benefit to the public. August Schoth has built a fine fence around his henery and expects in the near future to supply the public with an abund ance of hen fruit Mr. Frost has fenced In his property lately purchased of George 0. Ely, and intends building a house thereon in the spring. Professor W. H. Dobyns, of Alhina, was the guest of W. J. Ranch this week. J. G. Foster of New Era, paid our burg a visit this week. A sister ot Mrs. Pulley is visiting her for a few days. Burt Beattie, who has been on the sick list, is up and around again. Mrs. J.N. Harrington's mother hat; been visiting her and other friends the past week. Omega. THE NEWS OF CLACKAMAS New Sidewalks to be Built In the Town Personal and General Mention. on Monday to Molalla where the mother of Mrs. Noyer is dangerously ill. Rev. Katou Is laid up with a 11 knee. Still thev romv ieopU looking for small tracts for homes, and they generally locate. The Southern Pacific olllecrs sav Clacka mas will have a depot and telegraph oltlco. Two location are spoken ot the Albright brick yard and the old drug store corner. The A. O. il, W, meet Monday evenings, The lodge is prospering, Truhmii-k. NKWS (r BKAVKR UliKKK. The Head Surveyor In the Field-Some Nelgti. Dornoott renoualt. Beaver Crkkk, Jan. SI. Miss Thomp son is teaching a very successful school here. She will close when the lour months term expi-es as the has made arrangements to return to Portland. George McCord, the saw ndll man of Ca ms, was In this locality the other day. Mrs. John Wright, who for a year past could not articulate distinctly, regained her voice a short time ago, Lottie Eastman and Ctiarlee and Iietta Kiilt-r have the grip. Mrs. Henry Smilh, ol Alblna, ia visiting her sister, Mrs. Gregory. George Rider is hauling railroad wood for E. N. Foster, of Now Era. Mary Rider Is also working lor Mr. Foster. Shlprs of potatoes from New Era are holding that product as prioca have fallen in San Francisco. Robert Matheson Is building a good sub stantial frame bam. Enos Cahill lost a work ox last week by sickness. Four persons united with the Central Point church last Sunday which makes thirty-six converts in all this winter. The road surveyors were at work her Friday and Satuntay and will return Tues day. This is on the route proposed bv Judge Meldriim. A nice grnde has been located from Mount Pleasant to the creek which is about like the suensiou bridge for steepness. Persons living along any of the routes proposed should extend to the sur veyors every assistance as Is being done here. Native. FROM CLEAR (REEK. A Han and a Bear Have a right Within Mountain Cave. HIB New Osisli tore at Sell all Goods at Portland Prices or Under. 100 pounds Dry Granulated Sugar, only 100 44 Extra 0 Sugar, only - - - $5.15 4.40 All other Goods at Rock Bottom Prices. Highest Price paid for Produce. We carry a full lino of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, and CASH BUYS RIGHT. Clear Creek, Feb. 2. -Most of the farm ers are getting ready to sow grain. Mr. Fay and son have Just completed their contract of hauling rock for Mr. W Watt Mr. Alf. Sprague is very low with ty phoid fever. iir. uautner s nouse is enclosed with brand new picket fence. Mr. M osier, of Logan, has succeeded at last in capturing one of the sheep killing dogs. It was a coyote. It packed off one of his tra but be found It all right Mr. Ely and two other meu went qp In the mount, us looking for land luteo.iee .ien lug. Owl ii( to the snow they got bt and came toactve. They thought ily wonU go in the cave and ne what the prospect wts for shelter. They Mxn discovered it occupied by a black bear. Bruin reared on his hind legs and prepared for t attle. Mr. Ely presented his gun and the bear grabbed it in his mouth and smashed it, but Mr. Ely fired, bursting his gun and doing more damage to himself than to the bear. But they are both doing well at present. Mr. John Wlniiingham, while work- ng in the quarry the other day hit his thumb with a hammer and broke It. Mr. S. Mumpower is moving into a small building he saved from the fire. Central Point Happening!. Ce.itral Poist, Feb. l.-A praise meet ing is held at Central Point M. E. church every Sunday evening. A new or gan has been furnished the church at this place. , We have been informed that Bro. Walga- niot's horse broke loose instead of being turned loose as has been stated. But some body or some thing has been mean enough to cut the fringe off ol the altar of the church at this place. A reward of $20 Is of fered for the detection of the one who did it. Tbe members of this church have voted to buy twodozen Gosei;Hymn books. Tbey also voted to pay the circuit minlstcr$l3 due him instead of helping to furnish the par sonage at Canby with the money. Dr. Casto has been seen in our vicinity lately helping to look up a good route for a road to Molalla. It is believed a five per cent, grade can be had anywhere on this Eastham route. That ten ier cent, grade can be reduced to a five or six ir cent, by running a short distance southeast, which I m w illing for it to do, as it is on the farm I occupy. Joseph Lee was the guest of Mr. Kandull ' last week. I' no. '1 It it " HABIGHOKST cSc "lM Front ! iw. HARDWARE j NorthwitMi AgriiU far ATKI1VS COIVANT Portland, Oregon, Dexter- -DUmoud,- -Lauce -OccMenl- -Tullleiuuth -ltoil.r Lance- -Hllver Steel. Bawi yOrrlrf cf iiiuvvY-'-' Ropo. Crescent Meol Crescent Wedges (warranted.) II & S Proof Chains. Arcade Files Loggers and Wood Choppers Specialties. Oregou City Agent, ...... WILSON A COOK REAL ESTATE The beat bargains yet offered In City, Suburban and County mHrty INSURANCE FIIiE AND ACCIDENT. Policies in the leading Compaul ei PIANOS AND ORGANS The leading and beat toned instruments. SEWING MACHINES The celebrated (ant and light running Standard. THAYER & ALDEN Opposite Corner from Court House, Oregon City. jOl. Wr. SCHWA3V, DEALER IN STOVES, TIN & HOLLOW WARE. All Kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Work Promptly Done. PLUMBING AND GENERAL JOBBING TO ORDER. athop on Nerrndi tit., near Depot. Clackamas, Feb. 2. C. B. Pease and 0, A. Linn have returned Ironi a trip to Cath- lamet, Astoria and Skamokawa. They re port the latter town the best opening. R. W. Johnston and family have moved to Oregon City and their house was imme diately rented by nearly a dozen men who are clearing Clackamas Park. C. E. Pease commenced the school In the Oatfield district Monday 1st instant. After this week Clackamas schools will have a vacation of two weeks. A. W. Mills is quite sick. Mrs. Pease is under a physician's care in Portland. Mrs. V. A. Johnson, of Eureka Springs, Arkansaw, is visiting her relatives at Mrs. Hamilton's. C. F. Clark has the thanks of the com munity for tbe sidewalk enterprise. lie has about $100 collected for a three-foot walk from his gate post to the church on Mount Hood street; thence to the post office; also from that walk at J. A. Talbert's corner past the brick store to the post office. Mr. Griffith and family are occupying Wash. Smith's bouse. Mr. and Mrs. Noyer made a hurried trip , The Carus Neighborhood, Carus, Feb. 2. Our school closed last riiiay for a vacution of two weeks. Mr. R. Nelson is engaged to teach for another term of three months. It speaks well for the prosperity of the district that we can have a nine months school. Kev. E. Gittens. of Oregon City, began a protracted meeting here lust .Monday even ing. Brother Ixjwther, the circuit preacher, was not present, but expects to be on baud soon. Mr. Bryan Saunders has left Carus for Missouri. Will Jones has begun in earnest to clear up the farm recently purchased from Mr. Saunders. Mr. William Miller has been suffering for several weeks with erysipelas on his arm which filially resulted in a gathering near the elbow. He had it lanced last Saturday and is in a measure relieved. Grandma Graham is quite HI from a com plication of diseases. A year ago she had the measles, and then the grip, and she has been ailing more or less ever since. Call. Aurora Mills Letter List. List of letters remaining in the post office at Aurora Mills, Oregon, February 1, 1892 : Smith, J. P. Miller, Johnston Pine, Geo. S. Spencer. F. Giesy. P. M. Stafford. Stafford, Feb. 1. The fine weather of last week set the plows going again. The Tualatin grange had a public Instal lation of officers on Saturday. State Master H. E. Hayes, assisted by C. Dickenson, put the incoming officers through their paces in good shape, after which Mr. Hayes gave a very Instructive lecture upon the subject of taxes. Meyer & Schrieve will have their new on- glue and boiler on the ground this week. Miss Alice Hayes accompanied her father here and will stay a week or so to visit old friends. Mrs. Kate Moore and young daughter of Oregon City are stopping with her sister, Mrs. Farson. There are some cases of grip around, but none in this Ininieiliute vicinity. Friday alteruoon wus recitation dny at, Professor Hull s school. Some of his pupils did remardubly well. Nteel Country Hoods. Mackshurg Notes. Macksbuho, Feb, 1. Died, January 24 and 20, the twin boys of Peter Kister. James Marsh's family is suffering iron, the grip. Professor Marsh, of Forest Grove, made a fling trip visiting his son James lust week. Born, January 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Grave, a son, Mrs. George Kiggs and daughter, Mrs. George Moore, of Oregon City, were visiting friends in this vicinity last week. . One duy lust week thn little daughter of Al. Wing fell from her high chulr and sprained one of her arms in the elbow joint. The alliance meets at Bachelor hall every second and fourth Wednesday night In the month. ; Scriiwleb. Blank note, receipt and order books at the Entkbi'rihe office. i For half the year, writes E. A Slaro, 81b ley, Illinois, to Orange Judd Farmer, the furni products are locked up on account of hud roads or harvest season, mid are not available for market Uiillroad transporta tion rates have been reduced until It cost hut little more to carry a bushel of grain to the neabourd than It does to haul it from the farm to the railroad. Good roads would greutly lower the eoHtoftrnnsportutlon, and bring the farm hearer the market. In no better wuy can the selling value of the farms be increased lliiin by good Hindu. to makk tiik iikkt no a ds, first put a tile druiu on each side of the road way about threo foot deep to keep the under water away from the mud bed that It may he solid and firm, Keep the side ditches well open, so thut a ilnshiug ruin can run oil' at once and not souk down. Then tukc 4 by 8 Inch oak lumber for stringers, lay them broad side down lengthwise., the right distance apart for the wagon wheels to run on, tie the stringers together with Inch round iron rods, 8 feet npnrt, Dpon the strinuers spike iron or steel rails, 8 Inches wide and inch or more thick, having the outside edge turned up one inch to keep the wagon wheels from slipping oh. Therulls are laid exactly like railroad rails with the ends butting together. They ura made 8 inches wide to allow cither wide or narrow tired wagons to run on them. Make tho road doublo track that there may bo no need of driving off of the track. For economy's sake switches might he put In at frequent Intervals on a single track road. Teams going In opposite directions could pass at these Between the rails and also between the two tracks till In level with the rails, with either broken stone, gravel or paving bricks. Itii the wheals rather than the horses which cut np the road. Do You Read Your County Paper P Do you read the Entkbphibk? It is tho bent County paper in the Northwest. Its matter ia condensed in tho shorten spaco and dressed neatly and stylishly. It gives news that the pnoplo are interested in. No County papor in tho world has a better list of correspondents covering its special field. It Is Crisp Bright and Clean. Subscribe for the Oregon City Enterprise. $2.00 a year.