WC Minion tprOcj 0 City En REGON TERPR ESTABLISHED 18C6. VOI.. 2(1. NO. 21. OKKUON CITY, OltEGON, FRIDAY, FKURUAJtY 5, '1892. k ( c, V2mmf ll. Illtl'l K, j.KAiiN(j real estate dealer. J t r u n I i i k In clly, mlni'li mid farm properly, onion Beit door to Bank of Oregon City Oiegon Cily,- Oregon. AM. A. HMITII, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice In any of the. State or Federal Count, Ali ttt'liil carefully to an business before the I!. H I.itii.l (Mice awl Interior lm i.nriiimiilv (itlti-ct Rooms 9 and (i, I'liarmun block, over l.lvefiuore a Hotel. OIIKHON CITY, OltKUON. lvays in the Lead ! aMMMHMMMMMI THOS. CHARMAN & SON. or Tin: I'MMii n niohi:, Are, ns usual, tlio first to announce their Grand Clearance Sale. For the next thirty days, to make room for Spring Invoices rioon to arrive, we will of fer goods at prices heretofore un heard of. Womusthavo more room. I K IIAYKS, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ohkoox City, 0 Will practice In all the courts ol tlia atn!. Orui-e.corhrr Main and r.liihlli streets, opposite oourt bouse AFTIIU THE WAR (HIM TREATS AMERICANS RESPECTFULLY. I'UXS OF Till! S AW DEI'UfTMEXT. The Nllver (ucfttliin Dr. Kpiirgoen DihiI-IIhI)' Imlcmiiitv-N.M. Company's Indicted, MAKING HEW BQUADB0K8. Secretary Traoy How Dlipojing of a Largo HumWr of Cruisers. L. POKIER, ATTOUSKY AT LAW AtmTKAITa Of l-KKPItBTY rCRKISIIED. Ofllce two doors above postoffice, Oregon City. T. A. Ml 'IKIIK. tllltlliB DHEK.SHU. A. I. DXilII ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ofllce III Jaggar Mock. Oregon City Q II. DYK. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Office over Oregon City Bauk. 0MC1OK city, owo r i KolttiK C. HKOWNEU, LAWYER, OHKMMI CITY, ORtnoX. Will practice In all the coiirta of the state. Of fice, next door to CauHeld it Huntley's drug Horn, 15 IIKill KKKHHlirOH. T. r. CoWINll, RoCKKNIIUOnill & COWISO. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All Cases before V. 8 Land Ofllce a specialty. Oltlce rooms Hand l. V 8 laud ortice building, Santiaoo rK Cini.r, Jan. 30 A dis putcli to the Associated Press late Thurs day lnnt gave a very brief synopsis of President Harrison's second message to the American congress relative to Chili's position In tlia dispute witli the United States, taii'l in a short time tlie news spread through the city mat there wan no further danger of war, the tenor ol the brief telegraphic reports showing that tlie United States was wil ling to cc:ept Chili's apology. Presi dent Harrison's first message caused great excitement here, where its warlike utterences were thoroughly d intra used in rafes and other places of public reaort, lint the second ineaeage caused a revul sion of feeling and the people generally became much calmer, and expressions of satinfaclion were heard that the dis pute had been amicably settled through diplomatic channels. For the flmt time in four months the Chilian press is publishing respectful comments concerning F.gan, the United Slates niin'iHter, and other American officials, who heretofore have been objects o? many vituperative attacks, and it is thought the Chilian newspaers henceforth will be more circumspect in their utterances regarding Americans. Congress adjourned today. Washington, Jan. Ill What to do with the naval vessels, now that the Chilian excitement has died out, is the question that is agitating (Secretary Tracy's mind. It is not unlikely that advantage will be taken of the presence of the unusually large numbers in both Pacific and South Atlantic slations to carry out the long contemplated project of dividing the I'aiiflc station into two separate commands, one to be named the North Pacific station, and the other the South Pacific station. There is also a sufficient nuinlier of vessels at San Fran cisco and other North Pacific ports to 3IAXY LIVES LOST. A VESSEL WRECKED ON THE COAST OF WASIIIMJTOX AFTEUMOXTASA HOItSE-KlSTLEM A Sew I'M! for Smre Brush IHsenrr r ed Fire at Eugene Ileulh of l'rofeitsor Arnold. Astoria, Or., Jan. 3 The ISritifh ship Ferndale went axhore yesterday morning at daylight, ten miles north of the entrance to Gray s Harbor and several miles north of the month of the Columbia river. Twenty lives were lost. make a respectable fleet, and by adding J mciumng taptam Blair. Three of the the Chicago or the Newark as flauship crew wele Mvea bv washed ashore and one or two other vessels from t!ioselnPn Piet:e of tlie r k- The dead in the South Atlantic to the Boston and ,,.v e mate, encased in life pre the Yorktown. now in Callao. a gjod servers, has been found on the beach. MEANT Bl'BINESS. On fcssitj is Ymr Optiti. Chapman S Son, nir. iio-r.i:ii ntokk. Main Street, : : OREGON CITY, OR. OKKliON CITY.- C regno. Flam of tht larey Department is cue There Had Been War, sized squadron wonld be established in the South Pacific. One of the new cruisers, proliably the Baltimore, will be sent to the Asiatic station as a flagship This would still leave Acting Rear Ad miral Brown with the San Francisco, Charleston, Michigan, Pensauola, Iro quois, Ranger and Adams to look after interests in the North Pacific, chiefly at the Hawaiian Islands.tSamoa, the Pacific coast, and in the summer time in the Behring sea. With the addition of the ships named to the South Pacific there would thus be twelve vessels in Pacific waters that could be concentrated at any point of the Pacific where there is likely to be trouble within a fortnight or so while each ot the fleets when acting in dependently could be keeping constant surveillance of interests within their re spective limits. The command of the South Pacific station in case it is estab lished would probably fall upon Rear Admiral A. F. K. Benhain, who is next in order for a squadron command. but no other bodies have yet been re covered. The vessel is reported as a total loss. She was coal laden, and Bailed from New Castle, N 8. W., Not. 6th, for Portland, and was consigned to Balfour. Guthrie & Co., Portland. The scene of the wret-k is one mile north of where the Abercorn was wrecked. The Ferndale was spoken last Sundav fifty miles off the entrance of the Columbia river. Capt. Jueholls, of the ship Schottish Isles, who arrived this after noon, reports when he was in the neigh borhood of the wreck yesterday after noon, a strong wind sprung from the west and tacked his ship and hejstood out to sea. He supposed Caot Blair, of the lost ship, must have tacked another quarter and stood it toward shore, and was caught by ftal current and carried in a swirl to the northwest. The sea was the roughest ever known on the coast. AFTER THE HOUSE Rl'STLERS. 15 T. Mt'KSISY, 1'UNF.Y 4 MIAI'KK, J, W. DKAfKH. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 0 recoil City. Oregon Txelve vesta experience aa reirluh r ol the I'. (ir eil(r 8, l.Hiiu unice riere rei'mniiieim on in our ,iit Inliv ol all klu.l. i,l tuilu! belorn the laud '( fli v'aiid I lie court., and tnvolviug tlie practice lu tlieceueral laud ollico AY r CAKKY JOHNSON, LAWYER. Corner Klght and Main afreet, Oregon City, Oregon. UK A I, ESTATE TO SELL AND MONEY TO LOAN. c "ID. D:C. LATOCKKTCK, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW MAIN STltKKT, OBKO0N CITY, ORKOON. Furnish Ahutracte ol Title, Loan Money, Fore close Mortgagee, aud trauaact Ueuerai Law Kualneaa. 2 E, C it 088, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Win. PaacTiii in All CocKTa or THE 8TAT Heal Katate and Initiranre, Ofllce on Main Street, bet. Sixth and Seventh, 0KKOON CITY, OR. Q 0. T. WILLIAMS. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Desirable Bnsinens Property and Sub urban Homes in Oregon City. Farm Property In trRi-ta to ault on eaay terma. CorrcKnimdence promptly answered. Ofllce, next door to Caiirlold A lluutley'a drug atore. B. MARYE, SURVEYOR AND CIVIL ENGINEER. Platting, Draluage and Flume work promptly executed. BARLOW, OHEUON. rpiIE COMMERCIAL BANK, OF OREGON CITY, Capital, flOO.WO TRANSACTS A QKNKKAL BANKING DUS1NKSS. IjOHUs inline, jiiii. iii,niiuwii. m.ko v. leetiona. Huva and sella exehauiie on all pointa in tliu Culteil Sttes, Europe and Hong Kong. I'CpOBMB reeui' t;u .uujei'i. 10 euurfc ,mwn-f . umiiil rates allowed on time deposits. Rank open from 9 A. M. to 4 r. at. Saturday evenings from 6 to 7 r, M. D. C. LATOl'RETTE, President. an in Uiiti a t r-v 1 1" v rt-n1.ta B ANK OF OREGON CITY, Olilest Banking House In tie City. Paid up Capital, 150,000. Washington, Jan. 2S It was openly admitted at the navy department today, now that there is no lonuer any reason for concealment, that the government was fujly piepitred to enfoice its de mands against Chili, in case they had not been seemed by uiore pacific u.ellicoa of negotiation. through diloma- Tlie entire avaiiaiae navy loree had been concentrated so as to advance on Chili ports. The Pacific squadron, consisting of the San Francisco, Charles ton, Baltimore, Boston, and forktown, would have been speedily reinforced by the South Atlantic squadron, now at Montevideo, consisting of the Chicago. Atlanta, Bennington, Egex, Philadel phia, and Concord, of the North Atlantic j squadron, the two last named vessels now on their way to Montevideo. The Concord arrived at Bahi today and the Philadelphia is beyond the port on her way to Montevideo. The Miantonomoh, Newark, and Vesuvius were held in reserve for possible service. At the same time great stores of coal, ammuni tion and provisions had been forwarded on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, so tlie fleet should be amply supplied in case foreign ports would be closed to them. Arrangements were made for immediate use of a number of transports and auxiliary cruisers. Arrangements were made to secure the delivery of 10, 000 tons of coal a monht at a point con venient for the naval vessels. The plans contemplated the early seizure of some Chilian port for use as a base of supplies. These preparations entailed great ex pense, roughly estimatedatabout$2,000 000. The foregoing estimate includes coal, additional expense attending push ing up work on vessels now under con tract, and extra work at the different yards and shops. The order of officers and men to the Ohio has been revoked, and the work of fitting her out is sus pended. The department will now be busy for a long time undoing many of its preparations and restoring the naval establishment to its usual basis. Tha DS. 8FDBQE0H DEAD. Well-Inowu Engl; ill Uiniiter Diet Sunday Evtniog. Mentoxe Eng., Jan. 31. Mr.'Spur geon diet) soon aftr 11 o'clock tonight, aged fifty-seven years. His end was palutesH. He remained unconscious to the last. His wife, Dr. Fitzhenry and Mrs. Thorne weie present w hen he died. Once or twice during his last hours Dr. Spurgeon recovered consciousness for a few moments and recognized his wile. His friends have been confident he would recover, as the last attack was milder than the previous one, but the gout reached hie head and the congestion of the kidneys returned. During all tlie moments when conscious he constantly thought of his wife, and twice expressed himself as anxious to send a message to his congregation . A Vigorous Movement en Eoot in Montana to Cure the Evil. THE SILVER QUESTION. Diioui8ion of Free Coinage and Other Mone tary Matters, PRKSIPRNT, VII ruicsuiKNT, CASHIBIl. MANAUKK, TH08, CHABMAN. OKO. A, HAKIilNO. K. O ctvKim.n CHARLK8 H. CAUK1KLI). A general banking bualnesa transacted. Deposits received auhjeel to cheek. Approved bills aud notes discounted. County and oily warrants bought, Lonna made on available security. Exchange Ix ught and sold. Collections made promptly. Priitls sold Hvailaiile In any part of the world. Telegraphic exchange wild on Portland, San Francisco, ('htcng.i and New York. Interest paid on time deposits. Sub Arams ol THE LONDON CHEQUE BANK. Washington, Jan. 29. At a session of the national board of trade to-day the silver question was taken up, and a reso lution was adopted memorializing the ex ecutive and legislivtve departments of the national government to promote and se cure at the earliest practicable date inter national conference for the adjustment of a fixed ratio between gold and silver, and declaring that until BUch interna tional ratio is secured, any and all legislation aiming at the free coinage of silver or repeal of the present law should he strenuously opposed. A resolution was also adopted, after much debate. afkitig congress to take steps looking to the equalization of the monetary stand- aids and the unificalon of the money systems of the great commercial nations ol the world. The convention then adjourned. Italy' Indemnity. Rome, Jan. 31. It is reported that the Italian government has sent to Wash ington a list of the families that, accord ing to the Italian claim, are entitled to compensation for tho loss of relatives by lynching at New Orleans, and that Sec retary Blaine has promised the Italian government to submit the matter to congress with the expectation of favora ble action. Most of the bereaved fami lies are residents of Sicily, and it is stated that several of them are left destitute, who were in the habit of receiving funds from their relatives who fell as victims to the lynchers. Mklf.sa, Mont.. Feb. 3 War on horsethieves will soon be vigorously begun in southeastern Montana and northern Wyoming. Detectives have been with the gang and lliey are now located together with 100) head of stolen stock. A posse of "Tlilr'y rtm-kmra struck their trail a few days ngo and news of an engagement may be exiected at any time. But this is only the be ginning of the war of exterm'natioD' which will be waged ss relentlessly against the horse-rustlers as it was against the cattle thieves. To carry it out, each roundup district will have a separate organization, but all working in harmony. A fund of $20,000 is being raised, and with this the growers believe they will be able to put a stop to horse stealing in the state. Agents will be kept at all the shipping points in Mon tana, Idaho, and Wyoming and every possible outlet guarded. Unless the rnstlei8 soon dispose of the horses they have coralled in Wyoming near the Montana line, and scatter, a big force will be upon them and the result will be a pitched battle for which the stockmen will be prepared. The rustlers are strongly intrenched in the montains and will fight to the last ditch. Bteamehip Oompaniea Indioted. If kw York, Jan . 29. The Grand J ury at Tienton has found four indictments against the agents of the Hamburg American Steamship Company and two against the agents of the Red Star Steamship Company for allowing de barred immigrants to escape. Prof, B, L. Arnold Dead. Corvallis, Jan. 30. Prof. B. L. Arnold, president of the State Agri cultural college, died this evening, after a brief illness, of pneumonia. A USE FOB 8A0E.BE0.SH. A Discovery Which May Be of Great Value to a Resident of Boise City, Washington, Jan. 29. The demo cratic majority of the ways and means committee, by formal action this morn ing, adopted Springer's policy, and de cided to attack the McKinley tariff by various separate bills. Upon this policy the democratic members of the com mittee decided to act as a unit. This conclusion was -reached this morning by the democratic members of the ways and means committee after a conference lasting several hours. The resolution was carried by a vote of 7 to 3. Those voting in favor of it were Montgomery, Whiting, Slmyely, Cochrane, Stevens, Byran, and Springer. The negative votes were cast by McMillin, Turner and Wilson. Thin or gray hair and bald heads, so displeasing to many people as marks of ase, may be averted for a long time by using Hall's Hair Renewer. Boisb City, Idaho, Feb. 2 Robert Laing, a resident of Boise City, has made a discovery which may be of great value to the swge-brush districts of Idaho, Utah, Nevada and other states. Some time ago he became imbued wivh the idea that sage-brush might be cuu verted into coarser grades of paper. He se cured a wagon-load of the supposedly use less shrub and began to experiment. By using a lime process and treating the limbs of the brush to protracted boiling, he secured a pulp that more than satis fied Ii is expectations. It was equal to the very best wood pulp, and the pres ence of a long and strong fibre was plainly demonstrated. Mr. Laing slates that he can manufacture sage-brush pa per at a small cost, and that he can make a profit by selling it at 4 cents per pound. Fire at Eugene. Eugene, Jan. 30. About 1 o'clock this morning a journal on the dynamo in the electric light station became heated, when a man in charge removed the cap. The boiling oil was thrown on the arma ture and to the floor ablaze. In a second the room was filled with flames The fire department responded promptly, but could not reach the station until the are dynamo was completely destroyed, and the smnller incandescent system nearly so. The loss is 5000 ; insurance, if 2500. The streets will probably be in darkn ss for a month, till the plant can be refitted. New Year Enterprises wrapped ready for mailing, five cents each.