Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME O. (! T. MmTnTKA SI KIM. Wihti Hi niut.a--lii Krrirt Orx (I, IWI. Muva (lammx hit. 7 m, 1 UU ji. in, Uiii -hhtuim 10 mi k. m, S.uu u, III. HOITIIKIIH fACiriU RAILWAY Albany Ixm) (way tuilnui) ChIK tciIi Kinmu lllir"iili) ttoaolmrg local war iialluua) IDVTN ut HI). Hiwaliuri l.iicml (way stations) 1 Albany flM'nl (Way SlaMlHlSI (.'hlorula Kspreu (llirmili I t a. m. 4a . iii. l.M p. m. tm a. m ' twp.n 1M i. iu Till MA1I.H. MiiltiHi ilium North, m A. M.l'jn P.M. M ill. i'Im, .ohm Mouth, M A. M..7.JU I. U. mil aui'TM. Or.u.niClly kit Kly,M.,lIU, Mullmi.Carua anil Wilh.ill. l.-va al lut"i a in. Mondays. Wwl nir.),ia ami Fridays ami rniuiua at lu.Uia. iu, uu lullinrliif ilaya Oroajna (.'lit In Kl Mink. Clark. Mnllan.rnlim illlla tnd Muailnw liroiia: lana at Itim. ui. Vi'lay, Thursday ami Nalurday, and nturus iu following Uaira at 1.a. FKH'AY, JANUARY 22, W2. MO.IHV TO I.OAJ. Moui-jr to Innn In aunt ( tall oh rvail '(nit), liouavhvltl ffooiln, live-Mwrk, ami laJI ItlntU ofrhal lt-1 ax-mrlly. i:'ui:hmo.hvo., I MaahlailiiB lliilldinc, 4 lit 4t Waablagtaa Mrrala, 'rtlsanal. VrrcM. Tnr Ooldin OiAXT The presentation )( tlio weatern drama "Tim Golden Giant'' at the opening of Shlyely'a new theatre last HlurJy night by French's 4;oiiiitiiy ol Portland wan a hutch. Tint tht'utie was crowded to tin doota. Tlmrr) was roum lor Hri)f rittly aUgiim tin- piece which ri"iiiri'il coiiaidotahle IHvUI HCfimry and the company put it on In tfixxl shape. Some scene in Idaho minliiK life were depicted In rathur re alistic (Bullion. Mr. French at Jack Maxon timilo micveita of lliu character of the i;Htiililir, who i alter all rooted, away down lit good principle, and Eva Karl French was a chariuiiiK lteasle Fairfax . Annie Firuiiu was tlio woman in distress persued by three or four - villian and the carried the part well. Tim huue frame of John Jack, wlilrh lix-9 not IU many plocvs, made him an admirable rough diamond, Alexander Fairfax, of the (iul.liMi (Hunt mine. Th other characters wore skillfully sus tained throughout The Willamette (.'ornet band rendered tnuaic for the occasion. In short speech before the curtain Mr. Jack congratulated the people of Ureipm City on the poaaeiwion of to fine a theater and promised oilier attractions to I brought here from French' theater. CoMMIKIONKt MoKNIIKl's PoSITIOIf - In the last issue of the KsTKHrataa the eUU-iiwiil wan made that the commie eionwri of the county court were under stood to favor the route tor a county road to Molalla iifK't"'d by Judjre Mcldruiu. CommiHHioner M'X'luiku how ver doe not foi'l tittiatlud with the route riniiilim went of the proxent county road and tnkei the ground that no route elmuld be Delected until after a careful and complete survey and bhvr thut the court ounlit not to adopt any survey and mako a road to Molalla in the preneut state of the county finances without receiving lllmrul subscriptions from parties directly interested. A DuiriiDAV Pabtv There was a pleasant party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. (ieoruo Fox hut Tuesday niuht in honor of the birthday of M!ns Winnie Gmlmui. The youmt people played pri)gtt"iHive euchro and dnnred and pnrtook of refreshments. A handsome pair ol K'lUl brncelets was presented Miss Graham by her friends. After the purty some of tlio company were so happy that they Indulged in a little serenading. Tub Coi'ntv Uoad Matter There will be a special meeting of the board of trade to consider the report of the com mittee having charge of the Molalla road tmittur next Monday night. Tlio com mittee held a meeting at Captain Apper aons' otllce last Tuesday and taked oyer the mutter of the report but it will not be public till presented to the board. It will probably indicate the necessity for a full and accurate survey of dilloront routes before selecting any. Anothkh Pionkkh Gonk Benjaman Cleaver, one of Oregon's most ren-peated pioneers, died at his home In Lebanon Friday, January 8. He came to Oregon in Ift.'tl) and settled on a donation claim near Oregon City. He was born in Kentucky in the year 1801, and was bunco over 00 years old at the time of his death. Mr. Cleaver was an honored citizen and bad a host of friends in the Willamette valley. ' William U. Wade is building an ad dition to bis store nt the cornor of Seventh and J. (J. Adams streets. It will be twenty foot long. This shows that business is in a flourishing; condi tion on the now stroot. There are a few copies of tlio New Year Gntrkpkihk still for sale. Trice five couts per copy wrapped ready for mailing. THIS I.KAI' VKAIt I'AKTYi The KITiirt of I lie ( Ir lat hiii a (ioigeuut hucreas. The girls have met and conquered the enemy. The engagement lasted Ova or ix hours last Friday night and it was an iridescent success from every point of view. It was the first leap year ball of the season, The committee of arrange ments, Misses I Initio Cochrane, Augusta tagui and Mamie Charnian had im proved etch shining moment for several days in Ihe preparations for the affair and their work was found to be well done. The reception committee was composed of Miaaes May Kelly, Nelta Harlow, Mary Conyers and Nettle Chase and the dancing lloor was under the elllciont management of Misses tiophfa Logus, Azalie Cochrane, Amy Kelley and Win nie Williams. The armory never held a mora enuakiug crowd nor witnessed mora er(ui:t arraiitfomeuU for the happiness of the multitude. The grand march hentn at t) o'clock and was led by Mis Augusta Logus and Cieorge Warner. The program consisted of twenty ntiuihers and in the middle f it supwr was served in Tope's hall a repas that made the young men marvel at the iiMrior blessings of leap year. It was 3 o'clock In-fore the medley was finished and chanticleer mingled his shrill vole with the last mellow toot of the bail soon, It was a great occasion. Tber were more than 1M dancers present at th ball. The interest of the ladies In making themselves pretty waa not on whit abated by the fact that it was a leap year party and availing them selves of their temporary prerogative to occupy the floor, the ball room waa made rfout symphony of beauty, motion music from start to finish. Hooa's orchestra of Portland dis coursed excellent music for the hall. A schottische composed for the occasion was dedicated to the young ladies of Oregon City. The surplus proceeds of the party was given to Ht. Paul's Guild. TH01IATK MATT KI!S. Hcrent Entitle Ilreuglit Ilefere the County Court. Letters of administration on the estate of William I. Lucas having been Issued to Wolfgang Haumann, and application having been made for the appointment of persons to appraise the estate, Kd. Carter, A. W. Bawtell and John Stewart were appointed such appraisers. The will of John M. Drake, who died at Silverton on December 21, sged 72 years, a resident of Clacktmaa county, leaving an estate of a probable value of fUJOO, was admitted to probate. No general administration of the estate was deemed necessary. tatters of administration on the estate of Owen P. Owens, who was killed at Os wego December 21, leaving an estate val ued at 300, were issued to 11. D. Trice. Thomas ("barman was appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Alexander McGurvey who died last September, leaving an estate valued at $1,000. The last will and testament of Charles A. Moehuke was admitted to probate. He left real estate of tiie estimated value of $1000 devised to the memliers of bit family. It was ordered that muniment of title vent in the heirs named in the will but it was not deemed necessary that there h a general administration of the estate. Ileal Estate Transfers. T P Randall to II E Bulleter pt 8 N Vance 1) L C 1.45 acres. . . . $ 30 Rudolph Winterer and wife to 0 TLowlgll, 2 and 3 b8 01 .4 8 Go's ad to Oswego, other con siderations 502 Oregon Land Co to Mrs E A King 1 10 b -14 1 21 b (it) Minthorn ad to Portland 250 D C Latouretto and wife to M O Guard pt E,ra Fischer D L C 2 acres 300 U W Holcomband wife to Richard K Hartnell pt Isoui Caufleld D L C 3 acres 300 John S Jennings and wife to II E JenningB 1 17 b 40 Sellwood. ... 500 COT Williams etal to Llrzie Wil liams 1 1 b 0 Falls View ad to Ore gon City 350 Michael Shafer and wife to Louis Niedringhaus pts4t3srle.... G5S Martin Mauch and wife to Wil helm Weisy 16s 34,1 Is 3511 s2 t 2 r 1 17 84 acre GOO Albert II Lee and Anna Lee to V L Mack A3 square rods 55 Oregon Iron & Steel Co to Robert II Wilson 1 3, 4, 5, 11,12, 13, 14, b 20 0 I & 8 Co's ad to Oswego. 3000 Oregon City to T A McBride 1 1 and 8 b 34 County ad to Oregon City 1400 O A C R R Co to Henry A Hosa nwl so,' a 1 1 4 a, r 1 e 100 P L 8auders to John Jones 148 acres 2100 Total.... 1,10,220 Hall's Hair Ronewer is pronounced the best preparation made for thickening the growth of the hair, and restoring that which is gray to its original coror. Subscribe for the Entkkfio.. LiABORlNGEH PARSERS MERCHANTS EVERYBODY M Grades If you peed We mean just what we say, and if any doubt exists in your mind come in and see for yourself. Tlxis is o, Chance in a, Iiifetime REMEMBER, it ALL e GOODS AT COST Everybody will notice a large Red Sign in front of the store, so they cannot mistake the place. The sign will read: "Boots and Shoes at cost for 30 days." A number of clerks will be in attendance, so that all will be waited on properly. Wo must make room for our Im mense Spring and Summer Stock. N. B.-Sale will begin on Saturday, the 23d of January. Our doors will not open until 10 o'clock a. m., citing us a chance to mark down the goods. A disordered condition of the etoniach or malaria in the avetem will produce tick headache, yon can ramove this trouble by lakinif Ir. J. II. McLean'i Little Liver and Kidney I'illeU. 25 centa per vial. JOHN DUFFY Oregon City Express No I. I.iK-lit freight and parcels delivered to all parte of the city. , Iv onl.n with F. T. Barlow. R. W. PORTER, BLACKSMITHS. Wagon Work, Machine and Gen eral Repairing. HORSE SH0E1N8 INFIRST CLASS SHAPE Shop ou Main ftroet, oiipoalte V. H. T. A L. Co tables, Ort-gon Cltr. LEWIS ROGERS, casiiy. om:uo.n. Candies, Nuts, Notions, Etc. Fine Tobaccos and Cigars. Complete line of Holiday Goods at Tort land prices. 3, OOO STITCHHS PS miNUTH. , The Rotary Shuttle Dow It. STANDARD SEWING MACHINE, WOMAN'a BEST FRIEND, Faitoat Running, I.lghleit Ruuntntj, and Eaai eit Kopt tu Repair of any Machine made. Ttvuia Kasy. Ji LANPHBIH, Agent, With Thayer A Alden, Okiooh City. MMSBY'S STABLES, BARLOW, OR. Livery, Sale and Feed Stable. Horses fed and cared for by the day or month at reasonable rates. THE KOHLER. ' HENRY KOHLER, Prop. Barlow, Oregon. LEADINO HOTEL Of THE PLACE. Tables supplied with the best the market afl'ords. Meals 25 cents. TULL'S HOTEL-RESTAURANT BARLOW, OREGON. Best 25c Lorfings and Meals in the Town. Hot Meals at All Hours. CIGAHS AXD CONFECTIONERY. We will, for the of apy 5l?s BOOTS All SHOES AT COST Within the next six months, now is 33o.ri.lx. 2S.loGl3t, Oregon City, There are times when a feeling of lassitude will overcome the most robust, when the system craves for pure blood, to furninh the elements of health and strength. The best remedy for purify ing the blood is Dr. J. 11. McLean's Sar saparilla. F. W. DUKES, House, Sin and Ornamental painting. Good work guaranteed. SHOP Oil FirTIt, KKAB 0. H. T. A L. STABLES JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER Corner of Front and Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON. IS STILL ON EARTH. For general repairing ho stands without a peer. For first-class, re liable goods his store is second to none. Trv him ! ELY & HARRINGTON, DEALERS IK Merchandise. Store located at Mountain View, on Molalla road, one mile south east of Oregon City. We deal in Flour, Corn Meal, Feed, Groceries of all kinds, Boots and Shoes, Gents' Underwear and other styles of Clothing, and numerous other articles suitable for the needs of the farmer and bis family. By prompt and fair dealing we hope to receive in future, as in the past, a liberal share of patronage. Tlie highest market price paid for llutter, Eggs and Fowls. a- n a- n There aet. niin nTtn tiedtuBa-UUnnl La ker county, ore- rT n von. near what UP il' ia bow Baker City, - fpNTfTRV a man wno naa aince waw w . . hMi. t,wtf firA with the reaourcea and n f derelopment of that country. ThUman flvlU . .. . . . .. i a.. nf IV. a la no otner man wr. junu o.w-., v -wealthiest and most fuauentuU citiaens in the county. In a recent tetter he aaya t I had Been suffering from paina in my back and general kid- i f . : ... .ml V. a . I 1 1 m, ney comuiaim lor auiuc umc, - , . . . ... ,.Mnn-in,-.llf TH nmeaiea wiintim may u. ... j -trains in my back had become so severe that I wa " . i .... u .,..1 preveutea irom aiienuing iu my ww, - noi move aooui wimuw " ins;, through a friend, of the wonderful cures ef fected by Oregon Kinney i ea, . w uw uvw r a box, and from that very Crat dose I found instant relief, and before using half the conteuta of the box the palua in my back entirely disappeared. I have every faith in the virtues of the Oregon Kiduey Tea, and can conscientiously recommend it to my friends. I would not be without it for anything." r v1.1 -l-.a .iiH. honlrfiM,.. InmntL vrcguu iviuucy . v n ,iuv. ..... , nence of urine, brick dust sediment, burning or paintul sensation wmie unnaung, aim tioua of the kiduey or urinary organs of either sex. FOR SALE BY CHARM AN & CO., DRUGGISTS. ATTENTION next 30 days, sell Oregon City M-y 3' i "( rini tern. I ULLJjun GEORGE BROUGHTON, MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS 01 FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. FULL STOCK OF FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC ANI FINISH ING LUMBER, DIMENSION STUFF AND LATH. Special Bills Mill and Yard on the Rrv-er, Foot of Main Street,. OREGOX CITY. OR. C. P. WIKKSin WINESET & UNDERTAKERS Largest stock of Coffins and Casket kept South of Portland. Also cloth covered and Metallic Caskets furnished to order. Ladies Burial Robes and Uents' Burial Rolxea in stock. Also Wagon and Carriage Making, Horse Shoeing and Gen eral Blacksmitliing on short notice. P0PE& CO. This old and reliable, firm always keep in stock a full line of Plumbing, Gas Fitting & Jobbing Attended to Promptly. Es timates Furnished. OREGON CITY your opportunity Shoe House Or. For Tnnrtmc Prrvtvni Training Al BOQUEFiliG. uirrnmnr UUUMIUA1IV, orumuetrtD TH,.) anon is rxt OffSOX BEST. Cut to Orders 8. fSCBIPTCRK. SCRIPTURE, & EMBALIYIERS. OREGON