ItOSEHUJS. 8tore .at :il3y? Or. Farn grain. Centra, CrcsntAiFoiKt. Jan.u has been tpiite low with ty. slowly ncovfring. The literary society was well v. Saturday evening as it was paps Lester Leland was editor ami he V how to get up an interesting paper. George Brown, of New Era. is buying ah the potatoes he can get at 20 cents jer pushel. Maggie McArthur is teaching a very suc cessful school at this place. Dave rennman, jr., got ready to take a trip east last week but has not (tone yet. Stafford Votes. Stafford, Jan. 20. Some cases of the grip are reported in this vicinity. Mrs. Case, also Ed. Carpenter, of the lirni of Case & Co., were quite sick last week. Others are af flicted with the prevailing bad colds. Our road boss is making a slab road to fill in the bad place at the fool of Gage's lane. The party at Case brothers' was a very pleasant artair to the few who were able to attend. H . Melcher visited his mother and sister of this place last week. Mrs. Neubauer was on the sick list Sun day. The secular union met last Sunday with a hill attendance. Miss K. Turner reatt a very interesting paier. Other exercises fol lowed, including a debate upon the ques tion, "Resolved, that there is more pleasure in pursuit than in possession." Wl I'M. News of Mountain View, Mocntaix View, Jun. 20. Hall have opened a meat market in their new building. Mrs. H. M. Jackson and daughter Amy are east of the mountains. Mrs. Jackson went for the benefit of her health, which has been poor for a long time. We hope soon to hear of her entire recovery. Mrs. A. T. Beatie and daughter have been very sick, but are recovering. Thos. Blanchard of N'ew Era was in town this week. He reports everything lively in that burg Mr. Tully. who has been laid up for sorne itinie by being kicked by a horse, is aroiun! again. H. Senders family have moved to Port land for the purpose of better school advant ages. We do not thiuk it necessary as otr schools are first class. ve notice considerable improvement about town, consisting of opening streets and alleys, planting fruit and ornamental trees, clearing stumps, laying sidewalks, etc The News of Molalla, Molalla, Jan. 16. Several days of fair weather have improved the roads in places. Moody & Engle will build a store build ing in the spring. The Molalla comedy company will give an exhibition at Needy soon. Born to the wife of Mr. Ingram, the Mo lalla gardener, a daughter for a New Year's addition. The garden will be enlarged. Mrs. O. W. Bobbins, on the 10th instant, presesented her husband with another bouncing boy. January 12th a daughter of eight pounds appeared in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. B. Thomas. Many of our citizens hold to the belief that if Oregon City makes a " babble bursting' of the present road question this time, their best interests will be elsewhere. Dr. J. Casto came up to Teazle creek last Wednesday to set the newly organized grange in spinning order. The new grange starts out with twenty-six charter members with good prospects of having a pleasant and prosiierous association. Mr. t. K. Cross, while grubbing with a a machine, was caught by a flying hook which tore his wrist considerably. Dr. Lea- vitt sewed up the wound and thinks Mr. Cross will get along comfortably. Riverside Notes. Riverside, Jan. 18. Quite a number of the people of this vicinity are suffering with the grip. Miss Belle Simpson of East Portland has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Eckerson, for the past two weeks. A. R. Shank is digging a cistern of 2000 gallons capacity. Several of the farmers have not dug their potatoes as yet, as the prices will not justify them in so doing. Born, to the wife of L. P. Howard, Jan. 9, a ten-pound boy. Mr. Likes of Oregon City has purchased twenty acres of land from the Willamette Land Co. at $75 per acre. He has the lum ber on the ground and will commence the erection of his dwelling soon . Geo. Russell, Canby's enterprising book agent, was in our midst this week. Mrs. Isaac Frost has been visiting her people in Oregon City the past five days. James Nolin, our farmers' alliance cham pion, still rides around In that buckboard nd advocates the road opening theory. If people would work in proportion to their glib we could have good roads throughout the entire county. Rev. John Dennison, superintendent of the Portland hospital, delivered a lecture on teiiierance in the Methodist church at Canby on Saturday and Sunday evenings of last week. The house was crowded to it sum. 4 v work made, homestead ; is . charcoal and keij lit. Hood Alliance lOo ing at Clitlside school house Sattirua,. ,. r , 6. Program bogi ns at 10 a. m ; recess at uoon for social basket dinner. Everybody welcomed. W io n R t. The Haiella Neighborhood. Hazelia, Jan, 13. The heavy rains of last month compelled a cessation of all farm work, but the few pleasant days haw started all business up again. Plows are running, fences are being repaired and fanners are confident of an early spring. The acreage ol grain will lie much greater this year than last, as the very low price of potatoes has discouraged many from raising that crop: The New Year's edition of the Enter prise is worth the price of a year's subscrip tion. It is valuable to lay aside for future reference. Improvements seem to be the order in our county, and Haielia is not betiind her neighbors in that respect. There were some new buildings put up in the last year, but there were a great many fruit trees, grapes, hops and small fruits planted. lur hills are too valuable as tine orchard lands, and too close to a good market, to longer be passed unnoticed by those in search, of little homes. j There is a general disappointment in the coursetaken which deprived us of the ad vantages to be had in having a better road to Portland. '"Try, try again" isour motto. mere are a lew cases ol tue grip in our neighborhood, but so far no very serious ones. Mrs. Frank Ford is very sick with heart trouble. J. R. Hayes was called to hherwood on j account cf the aeere illness of his uncle. I "I'loie " Hayes is qui' old and has not : been well for some tiiuj. The chances are : small lor his recovery. . The Hazelia literarif lucitty could not isetu the tariff question to tl.eir satisfaction l will debate it amiiit in the future. tuc next question is, "R-soWed, that cap ital pu'iishment is justilislils. " The installation of the officers of Oswego grange was public. There were a number of visitors present and a pleasant time was had. Dr. J. Canto acted as installing officer. I would like to tell you of ou r holiday en tertainments, family gatherings, etc., but will only say we were all happy in spite of the rain. II CIltltRYYILLE NEWS. Bad Accident to a Lad with Team. a Runaway Cuebryville, Jan. 17. An accident befell Tommy Cully, a fourteen-year-old lad, on Wednesday morning which, though he has suffered acutely, appears like a fortunate escape. He was descending the hill south of the K)st office witti a load of fenceponts. A part of the load slid forw ard upon the horses, causing them to run and throwing Tommy upon the wagon tongue. A few rods of keen gallop brought them against a tree with a force that shattered the neck yoke and threw the posts forward, jamming his body in contact with the tree. Happily, his father was near and promptly extricuted him. Dr. Ingraham of Sandy and Dr. Chambers of East Portland were summoned. No bones were broken but the bruising of internal organs caused much suflering. Elder Trullinger preaches hereabout once a month; also about as often at Clilfside. The Christians hold a bible reading at our school house every Sunday at 11 a. m. Labteks. ITEMS FROM CL1FFSIDE. Panthers Find Game Scarce and Come out Into the Settlement. Cuffside ScHOOLHotsE, Jan. 16. Noth ing of importance has bappended here this month. The alliance meeting of Jan. 2 was rather interesting. A .New Year's lecture, a sumptuous dinner and a series of songs and select readings. But the best thing of the afternoon was an address by Hattie Sweet, giving a history of the demonitization of silver. Another meeting was held today; one Initiated. Three panthers, one very large and two well grown cubs, have infested for a year or more the woods near the mouth of Cedar creek. Last8unday they visited the house of Mr. Frick near the bank of the Sandy and looked In through the window; were also at the house of Edward Koppcr. The game is scarcer than formerly and their boldness will, no doubt, Increase until they happen to visit the wrong man and get a warm re ception. Miss HaKie Sweet has charge of our school. The term will close by the last of February. The Mt. Hood glee club met at the house of Mr. C. A. Sweet Saturday evening, Jan. 10, to practice singing. It being a very dark night and the roads muddy, two couple I the members in Conversation and nftisic. A grand leap year party was given by the young ladies of Aurora and vicinity in Hurst's hall last Saturday evening. The larty was a grand success in every way and shows that the ladles know how loeiitertalu. Ot course each girl took hor fellow home after the party. Prof. C. K. Millard, the sweet singer, gave j an eiiieriainmeni nere lasi .Monday to a small but appreciative audience. The pro I fessor posssesses a wonderfully sweet and clear voice which he handles to perfection, W, 8. FROM MAKKS PKAIKIE. Farmers Sowing liraln-A New Clinn-h-Nelfh-Imrhnod Note. Marks Fraihie, ,Jan lf. The weather tor the part two weeks being more favorable, farmers are busy sowing wheat, believing It better to get in what grain they can now, rather than take the chances on spring wheat. The Methodists are making preparations to build a church on the Prairie early In the spring. They have the necessary funds nearly all subscribed and the project is meeting with lavor all over the prairie. If the great city of Harlow can have a church why can't we? is the way our people look at the matter. Messrs C. W. and Arch Howard arrived in Arkansas on Christmas i.y. The lumber is on the grotnd f r the woodshed for school district N' Jt, but for some reason the building does no material ize. The teacher, Prof. Wim l. l th. lik ing seriously of calling the you, g !ao ns of the district to the rescue. Ti e siieJ sluuM be erected at once as now is the time when dry wood don't go bad. Shields', sawmills are now running full blast and turning out some fine liiuilier. Hon. 8. F. Marks has a force of men eir gaged In ditching his farm, which will re sult in permanent good to the place. Dr. M. Giesy Is having new board fences erected on his farm. Mr. E' A. B. Howard has charge of the work and appears to lie doing a good job. We look for a number of eople from the East who expect to settle on the prairie. We have plenty of room and a cordial welcome for all who want to come. John R. Murks left for Grants Pass last Sunday morning, where he has accepted a position as foreman on a large fruit (arm, Occasional. THE PARK PLACE NEIGHBORHOOD. Various Improvements Being Made The Grip has Its Victims A Big Salmon. Park Place, Jan. 20.-Mr. E. C. Maddock of N'ew Era was in town one day this week. Mr. George Howard, the genial clerk at Park Place store, has fenced and plowed his lots. Mrs. J. A. Chase was taken (juite ill on Wednesday of this week. It is hoped tliut Mrs. ('base will soon recover. (.'apt. W. H. Smith has material on the grounds to build a picket fence in front of his place which, when finished, will add greatly to the appearance of his property. Thecaptain has made a good beginning and Hamilton & Washburn will soon follow suit with asimilar fenceenclosing their lots. Clilf Sarver has his picket fence about fin ished, which adils greatly to the appearance of his place. H. L. Minkler is laying the foundation of a flue large house, almost opxsite Capt. Apperson's place. Mr' Minkler says he is going to have the finest house in Park Placo. Henry Hiiunieier caught a fine Chinook salmon one day last week, which weighed forty pounds, dressed. After reserving a large piece for his private use, he sold the rest in town, netting him the nice sum of $!i.')0. Henry wishes that he could strike a bonanza of this kind every day. It is reported that a second landslide has taken place on the river road, about five miles up the Clackamas, making it impas sable. Joe Collins, the florist of Clackamas Heights, is just recovering from the grip, Several families around here have been down with the disease lately. Mrs. Cyrus Straight has been very sick for some time. It is hoped that she will soon recover. Mrs. J. T. Apperson has been entertaining her sister, Mrs. Dr. White of Portland, this week. There has been a society of Young Peo ple's Christian Endeavor organized here and its first meeting was a decided success. It meets every Tuesday evening. The Rev. Trullinger of the Christian faith preached with good audiences at the Park Goods at Rock Bottom Prices. Highest Price paid for Produce. Wo carry a full line of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, and CASH BUYS RIGHT. HABIGIIORST dfc rt " HARDWARE j Norihw0itrif Agrim for liextvr Mamoud, Unre Crescent Wwlgea (warranted.) Oregou City Agent, Place church both morning and evening last Sunday. It Is reported that over IUI has been subscribed by members here ol hit church toward building anedihVe In which to hold services. NEW ERA NEWS. Teacher Captures a Plstol-A Big Wood Contract New Era. Jan. 18,-The literary and de bating society at the Phelps actuol house is progressing nicely. The question for debate next Wednesday is, 'Resolved, there U more pleasure hi pursuit than possession." The new mills have their new turbine wheel lu position and are ready to do chop ping. K. N. Foster has a contract with the Southern Pacille railroad company to set out 5uO cords of wood at this place and has six men at work at the same. Millard Hyatt has Just tluished punning the Interior of the New Era school house, which greatly Improves its apiwuranee. One of our enterprising senool teachers In this locality succeeded in capturing a pistol Iroiu one of his young men scholars, who had said if the teacher ever laid hands on him he would give the teacher the contents of bis gun. Evidently the boys struck the wrong man this time, and should the boy tie prosecuted for carrying a concealed weapon and fined, say o0 ur$75, (icrhaps he would leave the gun at home next time. Miss Myrtle Howell of Oregon City is making splendid progress with her class In instrumental music at this place, which she instructs every Thursday and Friday. Grandma freestone has been rather tin- well for the last week, but at last accounts was some better. Miss Lena Engle came home from Eugene City a few days since to spend a few weeks with her parents. Rev. A. J. Joslin of Centralia, Washing ton, risited old friends in this neighborhood short time ago. He Is the same good- natured, jolly fellow that he used to be years ago. Pomona Grange will meet next Saturday, Jan. 23, at Grange hall In New Era. It is expected that there will be a large repre sentation from other granges in the county and Warner Grange will be pleased to have as many visiting members as possible. Euos Cah ill has purchased of his cousin, Joe Cahill, his interest lu the Rider & Crite- ser saw mill, and Intends soon to start the mill running on full time. Some of Mr, Randall's family have been sick with typhoid fever, but at last accounts were better. Miss Alice McArtbur has also been confined to her room for several days, but we hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Miss Rosa Hulras came up from Portland a few days ago and visited her sister, Mrs. Joe Briggs, and returned to Portland last Thursday. We suggest that Canby put on a police force and Shorty will make application right here for situation as chief If no one has any objections, W. J. Rauch of Mt. View was the only man that drove over the road leading from the Brown's school house to Oregon City last week and we would like to ask him when he thinks of trying it again? Siiortv. Copies of the New Year's Entkiu'kise for salu wrapped ready for mailing at five cents each. The supply is fust dis appearing. I it Portland Prices or Under. .nulated Sugar, Sugar, only - ATKI1VS Occident TiitllHmuh IS & S Proof Chains. Arcade ..oggers and Wixxl Choppers Specialties. CANBY Oirl'UKEM tS Meetluf rf tlx Rord af Traile-Gsaeral Nwi Notes of lulrwt. Oashy, Jan 1U.-AI the regular meeting f the budtd of trade Tuesday tilglit the membership wo Increased by the addition ol the iiauiva of Messrs Carlton and lUwen krans. The ieciul committee on roads re ported regarding the road between Malluo and Canby that either ol two Mutes eiMild be chosen an there was but one brlln on either and lluy would give espial satisfac tion. A committee consisting of J. C. Wal gamot, C. C, Howard and J. A Cut was appointed k draft a tltlon to the ceunty court for ths establishment of the read to Mullno from Canby. The commltk't on ferries then feported that Mr. Crouse had dropped the terry busiuess on accovnt of the sickness hi his family. Mr. Evans's terry Is In good running order so Canby does not lack a ferry. On motion of V. L. Mack, the ferry tpiestkxi was postponed Indelllnittly. Dr. Knl.t has fallen In Hue and put a struct lump lu front of his hotel. Dr. Wni. tllesy was Lu Canby Monday, to visit Joseph Knight, who is sick. Friday evening E. M. Hosford sustained a severe fall by walking oil of the platform In front ol Evans's hall and falling on the picket fence of George Knight. Mr. Alex. Covat, of Dutteville, Is In town looking for a location. Prof. Denlson held a series of temperance lectures In the church Saturday and Sun day evenings. The meetings were well at tended and after the lecture Sunday evening the remonstrance was handed around and enough names secured to more than defeat the suloon of Geo, Ktuthauer. He also preached a sermon at 11 o'clock for the bene fit of the Portland hospital and raised a subscription of about fM. C. C. Howard, a successful miller of Mu lino, was in town Tuesday agitating a more direct route to his mill from Canby. S. A. D, Gurley, of Oregon City, Is mov ing lu the house of C. P, Dix. Mrs. Geo. Gurley has been visiting her parents of Oregon City. J. M. Nolan has recovered from the grip, A. H. Lee sold a fraction of an acer to A. A. Dix, who has lumber ou the ground to build a huuso. Mr. Hoffman, deputy surveyor, has laid out 215 acres In five aoro tracts for the Wll amette Land Co, The Lee heirs talk of having the estate of Philundor I-ee laid out In twenty acre tracts. The litorary and social club have a dance in the hall next Friday evening, free for the members of the club. Warren Slater has sold out his Interest In Canby and changed his location to Wash ington. The Good Templars hore received Wm. Uoiand, John Elliot, Thomas Wondlan, John Roth and Miss Ella Stone Into mem bership. F. A. Woeil has been troulbod with the grip for six or seven days. V. L. Mack is moving his fence out to the street line. M. J. Leo Is fencing his latest nursery. O. It. Muck is clourlng a building spot preparatory to building a house. W. M. Shank Is contemplating building on the lots he purchased of S. S. Muthnws last week. Mr. Uirrell has moved In Wm, Knight's old store building. Legal blanks of all kinds at Uio Entekfkihe office. only - - S5.15 4.40 COIVAIV T Portland, Oregon, -ltr Unce- -Milieratwl. Ham Files. Ko.e. Credent m.1 WILSON 4 COOK Cash for county warrant. C. II. Iy over Itvgou City Uuk. irtt:K KOK Pl'llU ATMN. Laud uttloe at Ortfi I'll jr. Oretiu. Jo 14. NiUlr hmhjr then tli4 the ..l.,wlnr nsmml mkIiw ItUxl uitn ul his luiuiion. lo iimkrltluil pt.i lu liirt M 10 cUlm. n4 lhl Mldprvxil l tiiU'le More His Kil ler tint UiNwKvr ot tl I a, LsshI um,-. ai urv ou Clly.Urtv", iiu March 9, U-HJ, U. J Ibw), hmi.l twrji No. call fur Uio u ot is, t i t, lie tonne the following whamus to prove his oouilhunii fvi,cuc upou U'l culilvailuu ul. MM Iwul. vu J. P. IHmu, Vim V. Iln.hucr. Tern Martin, Tom, Urece. all ol Clark! I', ll, tarkaiuaa Co., urejom. J.T, Arrtaa.i. Urililtt. la ,x4- an IMjMolutton of to rartuershlp. That co-partni'tHhip heretofore existing between the nudornigitod under the Una nanw of Iloyer A Lacey in this duy d; solved by mutual consent and the bust lies will Imi continued by II. Dover, wh will pay Ilia debts ood by the lalo tlrm and collect account due it. II. HOYKH, fi. M. Lac Kr. Oregon Cily, Orogon, Jan. 20, fcVpubllcun Meeting. The republicans ot Oregon City pre clnct ar invited to nnet ut l'uie' hall Tuesday evening, January 2(1, for the purposoof organizing a republican club, Speakers from Portland and this city will tie in uttiinduiKe. IIknkv Meuuii'm. l'nnusHctd disorders uf the kidnoys are rt spcinsililo for many of the ordinary uiluit't.tB of Immunity which neglected, develop into a aerlous and iwiliap fatal malady. Kxperineo would suggit tlw uso of Dr. J. 11 . McU'ttti's Liver and Kldnoy liulm. MARKET KEI'OHT. Italnwlsalvsn til Oregon Cltv Market Re port corrected Jan, 21t, from isolations mr. ulthed Tiik Kntkui'HIsk by the (uoal merchants: GRAIN. Wheal, Valley, bmhel I go Oats, per bmhel 40c. Oregon Cltv Mills, Portland lirand 8 20 Couutry llruiul 5 qu run. Shorts V ton 01 Hran, ' , Clover hay, Baled ,. !! J, Timothy bay, " JJJ raonuci. Potatoes, ewt Onions W 100 m 40 SO Apples, green, W box Annies, dried. , dried, 1 It, Ilutter, V ID kkks, Wo, ...:.v::::::::viiw ncfitao 17(1N A Honey, w it, Primus, dried Plums " " meats, Hoof, live, V l , Honf, 'dressed Mntton.llve Hhend Mutton, dressed, 'fi b 2.S0(3.00 rur, live, in in , Pork, dressed, W tt i Veal. live. Win 0 S Veal, dressed , tb '! '' Hhiiis 'P lb , ,!; uaoou, lu POUI.TBY. oicKniis. vo llinr. nut no n w.n doz . Chickens, old, per ios S ?r.K'J:ei.rt",.'.;:vu' "no mmn, fyai puuuu, Ul VtWJU , , , ( ( JjJ