Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 01, 1892, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
O C. T ( (I N MTKAXKH.1.
WlNIKSm HKM-I.K -IN I'.tK. f 0, T. 6, '..
I.Mt K lIHgmi en V.
1 : in.
1 "i I' iii,
IKAVU l' I h 1 1. A R I)
I" im. hi.
II imp in.
N'lHlll , Nil,
AlUnt I.ih'kI iv tnliiu) . 7 :m ln.
CallloMilii Kthri' illiriiimh) . tt in h, tit.
Iloani,!!!,) lM-n iwj minimi.) . a r.it i. tit ,
un til lim'HIi
lliitliirit I ! Hrny at hi lima) 9 IM a, m
A Itiiuti y I I uiiiiii II m p. hi
I'llllmHln lui'tr.. Illuomilll . 7:.ii, m
Hill. ,,ihu Norlli. W A M ,JW I'. M.
Mil,. ttniuij suutti, A ;HI A, ,.J;I I', M
Ml.tt aortas.
i)i,mii,( li in Kly.M'ilitlU, Mnlltio.l'nrua ami
Willi, ,it l,i ,ivi' t mm in M,iu,y, ,.,
iik,l,ii. ami frhlaya anil fniiiriit at Hilda, m,
Oil lolluwlliif daya
''"it HI In Kly Mink. Clark. Mnllim I'tilim
Mill" hikI Miailnw lin,.ik, Inatn. at III lu a in.
1 lnwln) . I hur.ilay ami Hnl.mlny, ali.l rrlillli.
mi h.llnw ilia Ui. a( I .
Wanfj lo Inaa on liiirvfl
Inrmw ot mot ! ilimi au nrrra,
'. O T. t Mlliim.
. II. Iluritliurdl.
Kuril ami I l ott Klts Mia. Iloiuint
Wliillmk liriiiiia forward this wc-nk a
pound n'itr that weighs two pounds
mill a itm i r , altliotitrh it met with it
utixlinp In fulliiiit (runt I In' tree by which
two ot llirtK mulct' were curried awny.
ll iiii'itBiinia hiviti iiirlma in lenijtli. il
eipiiitoiiiil cilcniiilt'teniK la fiitiiteeii
indie and lis uxiul ciiciiuileriiui't) seven
linn nii'l three-fourth inrlii'il. ll la H
K'luit liiulllty specimen and will keep
a-! ml till spritiK. I.aal week (I in V.H
TKMl'klsn till unified Christmas red rasp
berries r i )! 1 1 1 1 ill tin' itardcn ol Unnj.i
milt Jit.'iiur uii'l a wHk or Imi before
tin- same tiling luippent'd in K. Warner's
Harden in M hi til ui ii View. Ami tin'
past lull Itua tn'i'M out' of unprercdento 1
Wl'tlll'S Ulld lint lit llll Hlllll'il to Hill 1'--
li'i liiiK ui Ui lituto Inula ua compared
Willi tlm weather of other full The
Itnwct have nUi hel l their own in "pile
ul till' iliaaii'i'Hliln weather. Chrysan
themum mnl rose Mill lilnuitl ill till'
umh air uikI luwn an frch iiii, jjiimmi
while iMit ul lln nitiitiiliiiiia everything
ia locked in icy fcltci and lint hlU.irtls
liinfi' ocr tlm pluiiiM
Cm AriuiiNKV lii.an.si City At
turitc lluiviv Ii. Cms Inn resigned hi
oll.i'i' uii.l n illnliitvi it liiitit I hn ili li'iini'
ui (In- N'M-tilli alrtrt injiiiirtinn i'iiw
I Inn nf I li rniiana tlm' li'.l In lila ti'inli'l
iiik hit nai)iiiitiiiii mm II"' iniirw 'iir
iti"i liy iln- iiiiiiiiiiKi'i' iiipiiiiiliil liy tlm
. i.miril lu i 1 1 1 1 . 1 y mlililiimal iimiiim'1 if
.Ii niin il iiAn"iiiry to ninkn prupiT la
Iniii'i' Inr Mm l ity. V tlnnil I'uiiniiltitiK
linn tlm tin' rotiiii il vtilt'il to I'tiiplny Mr.
M.'liiiiin to iikhini liim, Tlmt iirlinn,
Mr. A luMM any ua iikii'I'iiI'Ic lu liini Hinl
the pll'pllllltiull llf tilt' lli'll'lll'f Mil K'nlllK
mi witinliuioi ilv till thi' coiinnitlt'tf went
out of town for alill otlinr i-niltiael, Thi
artinn Mr. Cro Hiuiil-IiI uniim'nmtry
mnl uwliir-sly t'xpi'tmivi' to tin' city, mnl
iniianuii k ua liia iliitic Ini'l lu'i'll irkiiotnii
h coni'lililril lo ri'Hn;n I'.nl llin iniiynr
rt'fiiM'tl to urri'pt llio ri'aiitnulioii mnl n
iMiiirii'iii-n wan hi'lil, inaiiliini; in Mr.
Cr'-'fa H miIIhImuwhk hin ri'iiunutinn.
A I'amii.v Khcniun. At llin hoino of
W A. hiio Iwt'iilylhu'i' piTamiH aal
ilnwnto tlifir ChriHtiimH iliuiu-r rnpre
M'lilinit Ilimi' ni'iicriilioiia of tlm liunily
K. I'. HiiiiiIb. Tlit'iu wen' Mr, mnl Mm.
limnl. Hon it ml noiiH-in litw.iiml duuli
tors mnl iliiiinlilfm-iii-liiw. Tlio i-liU'Ht
IH'raoit pri'acnt wmi Mr, KumU, wIjowhh
seVfiiiy yt-mH of um', ami thu yotniKimt
wna aix moiitliH olil. Tlm Hum uf the U(ina
ol all pti'HBiit miiilii 57il ynaiH. Aftor din
iir ut Mr. Whitu'ii tliti conipuny wont to
tlm Inline of tlm old eouplti wIiito a
ChriBtiniiB l roe was pifpari'd and mi old
fnnliioni(l CliriHtuiHH wits I'l'lclimled.
PiiKBHvminN Ciimicii ash Kkvknth
StUKavr. While the petition Hied in the
Seventh street injunction mutter alleges
that thu name of the I'teshyterian
church was signed without uuthority to
the petition for the Improvement of the
street the fact is that tlm church hus paid
its aesiment and ia well pleased with
the improvement. Inasmuch us un im
pression bus gotten ubroud tho Hint Pres
byterian church ia among those combined
to defeat the city in the pending suit
this sliitcment ia made. It oll'nred no
objection to thu work nor to the pay
ment of the expense incurred.
Sai.k ok Suvkntii Sriitiin Lotb. Lust
Saturday Cily Collector Green, accord
ing to notice duly given Hold tho property
of the Seventh street delinquents, ex
cept that of those in the combine that
enjoined tho sale. Those whose prop
ei'ty was sold and the amount of ouch
was us follows : Culub Cross $101), T. 1'.
Uandnll mid Mm. 0. W. Church $!,
Mrs. Melinda Welsh $17 and the Will
iam nmnent estate $175.50. Tao owners
have three years in which to redeem
thnir property though fifteen per cent
is added by Iho sulo.
The United Hrothren denomination ap
Ij!irs to be flourishing in Clackamas
county. A new church was erected in
Oregon City in 181)1 and now a church
hnlliliiiK la uiiilnr coiiBltni'tloM ut liar
Hn my u I ion t two inilna htilow Clm kaiiiuH,
Hint will hn u ft ii 1 1 1 Blnirliitii h! ii 1 1 1 ui' to
I Im "tin In till city, lla Kninnd illiiutif
nioiiB urn :'ilx III fi'. t. John II. Hilinner, of
Ihia clly, la foii'iniin mid limit of tint
linriiaaiuy litlior la uonti iliiitinl liy thu
pi'opln of Hint liB-alily ,
TiiitBii.K Wabiikii Oct Tlm ruiUay
trt.nl In iit'ioKH ii iniiiahy Bmt lit tlm I'dnn
of iim Willuiiniltii aliort ilintitiu'ii thin
nil In ul Nbw Km WHHhi'ilont Monday iiftnr
iHBin. Tlm truck javt) way Jnat Hflcr a
coiiBlnii'tioii train hud croaHml Tlm
conBlriii llun rmw ut own went to work
to ri'palr tlm Blriii'tuiu mid hud II In
Bhiipt' to pnrinlt tlm bhhx of triiina
Tnnaduy, IhiriiiK llm Intnrviil pubhiii
((nra wmi' IruiiHli'rrnd. The trainB from
thuBonth lay ut Canhy until llm trt'Btlu
wua rnliuill.
Many cili.i'iiB urn ri'iflvinn Biimph'
copit'B of papi'i and limiiiziiifa throutili
llm Hiatiillli'n, Tlil la an uiiuiiucini'iit
of Ihi' Hook Hlom miiti, V. A. Iliintliiy,
ho prnai'iila llifin ilh Ida rolupll
lunula and would hn plnuxntl lo rnrnivn
ami (oi ward uny BiihaciiptiuiiB I'ulriiBli'd
lo lila l arti,
l.onil I'i'rBiiiiiil Nnlra.
K. 1'. Kami hua l.ni'ii l.dd up with llm
grip all lht wt'i'k.
J. K. Hiilny from Hinlnyii' lu-.illnif wua
In town Saturday
Miaa May Killy la a victim of llin pr
vailluK fad, llm urip.
Allrt'd lli'ulin, nf I'l'iiilli'lnn, la viaitinK
frit'iida in Oii'ifon City.
Mia I, mill MoCown Ib Iioiiii' from
llubhard lo BH'lid llm hullduy vacation
Kiank llurcli and Frank Vandtiyn
BH'tit Hunilay w ith their (rinmla inSah'in.
TIhim Slnito of Clai kaitiiiB waa one of
tlm i-ullnra at tlm KmkkI'kik olllcu Sal
iinliiy. Miaa Nora Scale, of Portland, i
BfK'inlini; the holiday waaon with Mr.
C. A. lI'Tiiiann .
Atviu and John ISuird raitm up fiom
I'uilluml and H'iit Chridina with rnla
tivn and (rit'ltda linre.
lr. H', It. Mora-, ol Salt'in, waa In
the cilv ovnr Sunday iiiithl tlm (tunnt of
In coiiMii, Pr. O l iTxam.
Mian' Ana liaird and (initrudii I'inlt'V
urn lioiim fiom tlm .Monimni li Noruial
ai lnxil for llm holiduy vtuulion.
MiamB Klla llin k and l.miin' Itnll, of
rorllmid, viaitnd ul C. O. T. Williains'i.
ChrialiiniB, ruliiriiiiin lionin Sal'irday.
S. M liaiiiahy and (it") lluni;;tti, of
Molallu, wi'tti in Oregon Cily, Monday
on hilaiimaa ln(or llio l S. land ollici'.
Miaa Aliit) liialny, of liialny'B landing,
and Miaa i;u liiu k, ul I'urtliuid, were
llm itiii'BtH ol Mia Nullin WallB last Sat
urduy. Kt'V, and Mr, ti, W. (iibonoy uro
viaitniK Mra. tiiUuicy's parent, ut l,cli
anon. Tliniu waa no Bcrvii t' in tlm 1'rna
hyti'rinn ihurch lat Sundny.
J, 11. liolaton, a well known mechanic
of tliiB city, ut pri'Hpnt ctnployi'd hy tlm
S outhcrn I'ai'ilic ritilrord ua fomiuau uf
oim of their Inidgo gaunB in Soiitlmrn
Origin, hub lioiim for ChiiatuiUB Kith
h i family.
Among tlm young people who attendnd
the Knight of l'yhiu hall hern lust
ChriHtmn night were Hie following from
Mi'Minnvillo : Miaaea Kdilh Wnlluce,
Anna Adam, Joaiu (iardner mnl l'.lla
OIiIh, mid MeaarB. A. 11. Apperaen 1.
1). (ilenn, J. K. iMirhain, Wayne Ctirlyn
and V. tiiirdiier.
He Kavorrd linjirtiveniMits, but Krarrtl the
Cimni'U'i I'l-iK-fedlng ua la-fiT (hp.
To Tin KuiToa: Inasmuch as your issue
of last week contained a liMlous article
auliscrila'd "Indignant liliieu" which ad
verts to a matter of public concern of
which my Impulsive friend knows nothing,
except perhaps from malignant hearsay it
Bt'i'in proper that t lie facts nf the case be
clearly staled.
In the ilrst place, Couiicilnien Latourette
and t'harntau did not vote for the proposed
Improvements of seventh street not that
they were opposed to the Improvements,
but because thoy feared Hint the previ
ous council had not followed the law, and
Unit iho proceeding was detective.
In the second place, they both did, then
mid there, volo ugulnst such improvements,
and at llio saute time, and lor the sumo rea
son raised the voice of protest and warning.
In the third place, Couiicilinan l.atourctw
diil not vote ugniust nor oppose the employ
ment of additional counsel to assist Mr.
Cross in the defense of the city against Hie
injunction suit.
It is tltereloro to he hoped that our
friend's "indignation" will gradually sub
aide, n ml Hint he will snarl no more. Next
time ho should make sure of his facts, be
fore drawing so severe a conclusion. In all
probability his righteous "indignation" was
aroused more from a desire to "appear in
print," stealthily, to be suro, and be
hind the mask of a sobriquet, rather than
to serve any intelligent or lawful purpose;
hut I know him, and I love him, never
theless. Let us have no more of this nonsense.
You cannot settlo a principle of law by
backdating men right before their luces, nor
parading before the public in tho role of
moral critics. Let the defense of this high
handed schome to destroy private property
by the dread 'power of taxation, bo relegated
to the courts, whore it properly belongs, net
to the local newspapers.
Very truly yours, C. D Latoubistt.
Tlm Hunt t'f t t(t l'rllaiid Klfnirlitg' Hllln
Ciiiiiliany in (iri'cun I'll'.
Tlm Oregon City plant of llm Tnrlliim!
I'loiiilng Millu coiupuny Include ,lo
htrgti ttiilla luiviiig a eupiieity for turniiiK
out ik4 I ImiM'la of Hour iluily, and un ele
vutor Willi atoiiiuii ciip'icily ol K),XK)
huahnl. It gel it aiipply of wheat in
llm WilliuimtU) valley, about W,M
hilnhela being iliiliv'ernl direct to the
nulla by llm fnniioi of tlm county. The
product of tlmat) mill i uiurkeled childly
In Liverpool and China, when) they
Imvn un ealabliabed trade, The J'ort
luml I'loiiring Mill coiupuny la on of
tlm Btroiignat buainea concern In tlm
country and ila properties are valued up
in thu UlilliollH.
Tlm preannt large mill wu built in
lHitf upon tlm ground where bUkmI llm
ainiill one of l'r. Mi'Ioughliu'" that wui
enrtind away by the IIobi ol tlm preced
ing year. I'uiiiel llttryey, a, boimh-Ihw
of Hr. Mcbiughlin'B, built and owned
the mill ll llnallycaniM into poBaeaaion
of the pri'acnt owner, and la one of their
moat valuable proptutica.
Thirty three umu are reunited to oper
ate tlm whole plitut. Ua aituution i
un h that grain (rout hoala and car are
landed duect into the mill or elevator
and aliipment of flour are made both
way. The equipment ia nualern in
every rcapect and the product iiiinur
paaaed in quality. The Oregon Cily
mill coiiBtilutn the lurgeat Hour manu
facturing plant in the Willnmeita valley.
Oregon City ia not without auhlun
tial monetary ItiRlilutiouH with good
nolii) barking. The oldeat of tlmae ia
the Hunk of Oregi.n City at the corner
of Main and Sixth atanet. From a
Bimtll beginning ll hua Been the hanking
huaineaa of tlm cily grow to giajd propor
lioiia, and from tlm llrat it haa grown in
tlm cnnllilence and rcB.-cl of the buai
nea men of tbiacoiuinuuitv. Nolhought
of uiieuxiiif a ever croaaea the mind of
of the dnH)iitor a be pit.-ic hi moiipy
! over the counler of the Hank of Oregon
1 City lie know that hi money ia aud.r
than in hi own pia ket. The otlicera
ol tlm bunk have earn fully aelecled the
Ih'bI correapondent in ull purta of thi
eounlry and can uccouniiodutu their pa
trona with the verv laiat rxcbaugi) on
( the " Cheipio Hunk " of Ixindon, which
; la it' Hid on preaeututlon in all part of
, the civili.ed world.
The olhi'e'B are well known aaaolid
j hiiaini'iB men of the rity and are ub ol
jlowa: rrenident, Tlioina Cliitrni.in ;
; vice preaidnnl, lino. A. Warding, caali
ier. K, (i. Cuulinld; inumiuer. CharleB
i 11. Cuulleld.
; The Clill' llouan, undnr the itianitgo
j meiit of John Ilitner. ia loo w idely and
well known to require an iiitnuliirtion to
; the eating piildic. This hoatelry ia con
I venienlly lia'ated lo the business part of
j the city mid within sight and sound of
I the gn at lulls of tlm Willamette which
not only purify tlm uir making the vicin
ity healthy, but the Bound of thu waters
soothe the tired and induces restful
sleep. K.veiything ia kept neat and or
derly and guests will be Burn of the boHt
of treat incut.
Lounge, mattresses, etc., can be
bought cheaper at llnlnmn's Hum any
pl n e in the city, because they are manu
factured in his shop, and he gives his
custouieis the commission others must
pay lo Portland dealers. tf
Tn int. i. ut I.. MnnniK, a Minor, sr to all
Fasti its Intrkkstkii:
Yim aro hereby tiotlSeil that an applf ration
for I he nnniitiitiiii'iil nt iitanllan at mi hi (iillle
1.. MixMlie haa been flled lit the County Court of
t'larkainaa County, Htate nf Oregon, ami will
come up fur ht'ariiiK at the Court Hoiiae lu Orti
iron (M(y, said County ami state on the ftra(
Monday ol February, A. P., WW, anil If you fall
to appear or full to nominate Kitanllati, such
appointment will be maile hy the Judge of aatd
Court as prayed fur In the application on flle.
ny oruer oi jvnn ni. air.i.i'Ki m
()ii t". Hkiiwnku,
County Judge.
All y.
Harper's Young People.
An llluxtratcil Weekly.
The Thirteenth Volume of Haki-rr's Yocnu
Pitoi't.R beitau on November 3, lsttl. For the
coinliiK year this beat anil moat cottipreneitatve
weekly fit the world for youthful reader offer
a varied and fascination programme. In aerial
fiction It will contain "lieo Pinion," R utory of
(he first voyage, of Coltimbua, by John K. Coh
VKl.l.; "Canoetnalea: A alary of (he Florida
Keefa and Kvergladua," by Kirk Mdnkiir; an
other atory by one of the beat known ami moat
popular of A'mertcnti authors; end atoriea ln
three unit four part by Thomas Nrlson 1'aos.
K. II. Hoi'sk, Anuki.ink Tkai., Ki.la Koiiman
Ciiitti'ii, slid Mary 8. Mi Cobb. Morethautwo
hundred ahort stortea by favorite wrKers, ani
eloa on travel, out-of-door aporta, In-door game,
and all aubleeia dear to the hearti of the
young, besides huuilreds of Uluatrationa by
leading artists, will combine to make lUsi'RR'a
Yoi'Nit 1'icol'l.s lor ISM an trreslslable reposi
tory of pleasure and Information tor boys and
"The beat weekly publication for young people
tn existence. It la edited with (critpuloui care
and alteuttou, ami tnatrtiotiou ami entertain
ment are mingled In Ita pages ln just the right
proportions to captivate the mluda of the
voting, ami at the same time to develop their
Diluting power. Uhbriivrr, N. Y.
TK.RMS: Postage Prepaid, B.O0 per Year.
Volume V VIII., and XII. of Harkr'
Younu Pkoplk, bound in cloth, will be sent by
mall, postage paid, on receipt of 13.50 each.
The other voluutus are out of prlut.
8DJUI.R NnMnKRs, Five Cents each. Speolmen
Copy sent on receipt of two oeut stamp.
Remlttaueea should be made by Post-otllee
Money Urder or Draft, to avoid chance ot loss
Newspaper are not to oopy this advertise
ment without the exprais erder of IIari'br
New York.
WM. It, WAIlK.
Win. K. Wade liar, rncently eBtiibllsbed
himself in biiainefB on upper Seventh
street at the soutlincst corner ol John
Quincy Adam wlreet, where he ha
erecti'd a neat store and stocked with a
line of groceries which he oiler ut ex
ceedingly low pricif. Mr. Wade also
bundle real estate, haying on bis list
several pie,;e of choice property
which Im can sell on desirable trm.
Those wanting farm properly will do
well to consult 1 in t before buying.
At No. 5 Commercial Hank block on
the east side of Main street between
Fifth and Sixth streets is located (j. W.
Kicli's crockery house where may be
found a full assortment ol crockery,
glass, I'hiiiawure and lamps in fact
everything usually kept in a first class
crockery store. Parties now have no
occasion to go to Portland to have a
lurge stts'k to select from,' and when it
come to price Mr. Kich Is prepared to
save hi pulions money and trouble over
Portland houses. lie also keeps a fine
line of toy and game.
Ladies and other deiring fancy work
of any description or material, ordeaivn
for fancy work will find ut Mm. 0. W.
Kich'a funcy good emporium, occupy
ing one corner of the crockery store, just
what tlmy want. Mrs Kich is Just from
the Fast, where slid wait thoroughly fa
miliar w ith the latest styles and designs,
and ia securing her materials and nov
elties in her line direct from Boston, so
her patrons may 13 certain of getting
the very latest styles ol materials (rum
HulcrilH3 for the Kntkhi'Kisk .
Remember our cigars are all thorough
ly seasoned as we have an improved
ventilated Kdison cigar case. Churman
& Co.
Hamilton A Washburn at the Park
Place Store do quote prices on all goods
lower than elsewhere. Call and judge
for yourselves.
H. L. Holman, undertaker and em
balmer, Oregon City bank building.
Koom at left ol head of stairs over atore
building- tf
For Sale.
A Holstein-Frelaiaii bull, a year old.
Apply to J.S. Kisley & Sons, Kisley's
Landing, opposi'.e Oswego, Or. 2-l'M
Taken l'p.
Came into my enclosure at the United
Stales Fish hatchery, on or about Nov.
iiO, lS'.il. a mare colt supposed lo be
about three years old, no marks ex
cept liny with star in forehead. Ow ner
will pleas call', prove property, pay ex
piiBosand lake the animal away.
Joiix A . Hvkb,
About Perfumes.
When we use Per
fumes, we certainly
should use only the
BEST; and judges of
perfuuie good judg
es, you know say
there are only four
or ti ve perfumers w ho
mnke the best that
is. the VERY BEST.
There are a dozen
Good Perfumes,
But onlv a few best.
The BEST is what,
you all want in jkt
fume if in anything,
particularly when
thev cost "no more
than the NEXTbest.
Connoisseurs say that
Palmer's, Wright's,
and Stearns' are
A Complete Line of which you will
find at
Caufleld & Huntley's
800 lbs.
IMroct from the East
just opened up at the
Book Store.
Over 30 styles of the
latest and best in fine
stationery. Tell the
school-children those
long ilooked for 10c.
" Foot Print " draw
ing taWets are here;
and that those bar
gains in 5 A 10c tablets
" Arma," " Flora " &
" l'rodigion," are all
W. A. Huntley,
Next door to Tostoflice.
P. S. I carrv Butterick's Tatterns.
Have you had a' January fashion sheet?
Free at tne aiore,
The Best of
.' TO
"to la
XjA.IT'S, etc.
A Full Assortment of Dinner
and Decorated Ware, at
and let me show
Headquarters for the Rochester Lamps.
G. W.
Opposite the lot Office,
Furniture, Bedding, Stoves, Tinware,
Second Hand Household Goods
Of all kinds, Bought and Sold.
Opposite the Post Office.
J. L. Swafford.
leal Estate Hgts.
Choicest City, Suburban and Country
Property for sale.
Muney Jo Loan on ImproTert Real Estate. Cor
respontlcDce Promptly Answered.
Your Job Printing for 1892.
The Enterprise has by far the largest and best equipped
Job Printing Establishment in the county, and one of the
most complete in the state outside of Portland.
The most skilled printers are employod, and the most
perfect machinery. Every job turned out by the Enterprise
is artistic, and the work advertises itself wherever it goes.
Patronize the Enterprise, and get
the best quality of work for
the Least Money.
Sets, Tea Sets, Etc., in Plain
Portland Prices. Call
you the goods.
J. W. Gront.
Citif Store