Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 01, 1892, Image 4

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
One yrnr, .......
8ix ino'tthd,
Throe months,
Suhsoripiions piyiiltlc iu ntvmir-e
Ailvor(iiiUK tuics givou on ftpvllmtton
13 W
1 W
service. Hut it is tint almost Invariable rule
that an alderman is prohibited by lv from
I entering into contmelti involving money to
I whioli tluM ily is patty. The need of tins
precaution is obvious. That litem is no
t - , law here t prevent lawyer from txvupv-
CiFFICI PArER CF CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Ji" - ooum-iumi at ti.et.ame
. ,, . , 'time prosecuting suit iiiruinst tlie city In-
MIWIHT f T Vl'PYPI'1 I wM'.g the validity of lite council s notions
iirMUv i, iV IjA m IXIjJNv- ! tlu.t he himself htvs taken part in iloes not
ITliUSHKKS AND rtiOI'KlKTUK. I , ,. -v,, ,,.., , .
I eureme bad taste, to say the least of it. One
I in such a po.-ition should expect to be criti
ciseil severely. We do not believe that Mr.
Latourette lias used his seat in the council
to further the case of his clients. Hut if
his motives be (Mire the position he now oc
cupies is a false one, and to continue in it
wronp. liiinsclf, his friends and the people
0. W, I'rosserl0' is l',,lv ,0 public
iiv Knisht that elected him to avoid the appearance of
ArthiirHlwl! i lisll01uls preserve his own in
0 J. Trullluser j tcsrity. The same conclusion applies to
K K. A.rvriltt!t ( '""citinan ("barman, though with niodi
Y. s New Ivrry . lied force Uc;tue he is acting, iu a sense, iu
Harlow A i ii , Ironi av.esiueiit the property which he
- J Q ilMiJ I ow,ll1 '' elected to ollii-o and which the
J. It. Joyuer people who voted for him might reasonably
' - A'l.T roVimaU j l,i,vc "Peoted li to defend should necea
K. M. Haruuau Uity for it arise, Still, it was well known that
lie had signed the petition for the improve-1
nient when he was elected to office. His
position is a delicate one and one that most
men of sensitive honor would shrink from.
Men acting in the capacity of public serv
ants have no moral right to place themselves
in situations that invito misconstruction of
their motives.
For the Kntkiii'Hisk.I
M. lwii.it. h
t'liiini toilN,
A' ins.
Mesii-iW llroofc.
New Ku.
l'rk i':.ue,
Filtered at the Post OtKee ta Oregvu t'tty
as seiMUtt class matter.
jf The way to build np Oregon City
Is U Kit Oregon City people your pat-roniijre.
A Tear of Prosperity.
The Kmtkkprisi this week sends out the
lirst sisteen-page paper ever published in
t'!ack;i.iias county. It feels that no apology
is necessary for the appearance of the pa
per, though many of the .iillicnlties attend
i;.g an undertaking ol this kind have only
partially been surmounted. The aim has
Iteen to present a view of the resources and
attractions of Oregon City and the various
other sections of the county. These have
not been treated exhaustively at all but it is
believed interesting facts are stated in away
that will attract the attention of people
looking for homes or investments in the
v.ide aad growing West.
Notwithstanding the fact that the vear
I-'U has been one in which capital has been
cautious it ca'inot be denied that this city
and county were never iu a more prosper
mia condition than now. A number of
manufacturing iiiftiiuii'm'i were established
here during fie year and those that were
The Postmaster lieneral'i Report.
The annual reporter the postmaster gen
eral is a document so di'lerent in its char
acter from the usual dry utterances of offi
cials that it is w ell sidled for general distri
bution. It contains a vast amount of lu
lu Ills shroud the Old Year lies,
Winter winds a re.pilum stubs,
Winter storms lw..t drearily;
Ostherei' to the sses pint,
Nature's at let II will not last,
New Yesr hells peal cheerily.
Thonith It jrleve our spirits sore
That we see Die old Year no more
New Year bells ring merrily;
New Year comes a smiling uuosl
Answering to our esuer piost
As we it reel titm cheerily.
What hsve I In store tor you?
Pnn't ynii winh you only knea f
I will tell you readily;
As the dsys and weeks go by
You will Und as well as I,
l.tte moves on thus steadily.
Here a 1on and there a vain,
Now a joy and then a pain,
Tilings mix up so curiously;
Itosei bloom to lade and die,
If you laugh you're sure to ery.
Allay oil shines spuriously.
Hut pure gold la always her.
Smiles toon fallow every tear,
All's arratiited so cleverly.
So the story e'er foes on
With each year new alms are won,
Time should ne'er pass heavily.
Ill the sirlle'twlxt right and wrong.
He who learns the victor's song
Scorneih all iisiitraltty.
tHanl forces are In play.
Arm thee for a mortal (ray,
' Lite is stem reality.
M. 1. C. IUywaiiii.
OIIKtiON (KXSIS r l(i lit KM.
The Washington Ofllce Compiles ami
1'ublMics the l ist.
The rocent circular from t!u United
Statos I'onsnfl otlii'A uliou-d tit,,, .ii,.,,,,.
" ""J-"" " " tilings about the Oregon population, but
terest and, strange to say, it is told in a wav f ,, , , , , , .
that makes it popular reading. ' " tho rVrt n,urt ,l"ml M ol,)l-ml ,,,r
The n-isirt shows that the usual annual I tl'n 'ei,rs-lt contain "i'l that is of in-
deticit in the finances of the department is I tln'at- Kollowinn are the figure for tlie
gradually but surely disappearing. It
amounted for the hist vear to onlv a little
more than $;,OO0,OiX, and that, too, in spite
of the fact that the reienue suffered a loss
of over il.OtX'.iXXl ow ing to the pas.-age ol the
ami lottery bill.
Mr. YYauamakcr describes the pneaiuatic
tube service in Berlin and London and
strongly recommends its adoption in the
large cities of this country. The rural free
delivery he declares to he a great success
where it bus been tried. It is louiid to in
creae the earnings of the department as
already here have enjoyed a prosiverous 1 well as to srive bettor serviee to coimtrv nm.
year or business. The farmers raised large pie. The estabh-hrnent of )X)Stal savings
crops and sold them at good prices, lint , luniks is recoinineiided. The alKilition of
the be-t feature of the situa'ion is that the i box rents in small frce-dcliverr offices, the
operatioiv, of the year leave allairs in a very I reduction of letter postage to one cent, and
healthy condition with every indication in j the free transmission of newspapers are ad-
iiivor of unusual business activity in ls'ij.
VVIiile many iKrthwes:er:i ttovns haveun
lergone a readjustmeiit of values and con
ditions during the null year, Oregon City
kei t its steady ecu: -e. real estate values
Cvuitinued to advance and u firm foundation
for future prosress has been lixed.
The report ilescrilies in detail the plan by
which promotions have been made during
the j ear within the department itself, and
also recites how this general plan is to le ex
tended to the whole service. The examina
tions lake into account the adaptability, in-
countiea of the state together with a
statement of tlie mmilx'r and per cent,
of gain in each according to the very in
aeeurute enumeration in lSlKl:
So, rejoicing in the general pnisrily, j dust.-y, and'loyalty of the applicant for pro-
,1 hopetnl and confident for the future, j
the EsTEm'KisK greets von today with the
invitation to join it in the resolution to !
make the new year one of solid and constant j
progress for the whole of C'iackamas.
motion, and his general deserving character,
and his work from day to day counts sixty
: per cent in the calculation, and his success
1 1 &sing a mere written examination only
forty per cent. Harder physical exarnina-
tions for the railway mail service are recom
! mended, so that the separation of a ipiarter
or a third of the railway mail eligihles may
I be avoided, and so that the clerks who are
Last week the Kstekpbisk published a j found to be capable may lind it easier to do
communication criticising Councilmen C. ,1't'lrl"iri1 work accurately and well. Sev
D. Lutourette and K. R. Charman for hold- j er;l1 line illustrations are a featureof this re
ing their seats in the city council w hile en- l,ort' wmm
gage 1 it: a law suit against thecity, in which
the legality of the council's course in regard This is the Day of Hesolntions. For
to the Seventh street improvement is the about eleven months past people have been
Position of Counrilnien Latourette and !
'lL.lTION. 1 INCKRislt.
COl'NTIKS -- -. - ! -----
; '' j NU; cent.
The State. Kvm. :iW) s
"aker .?ii4 .id 2.UH1 i..iS
Hentoli k.li.M 6 W! VUT, .
I'laekamas.. 1: its b,7i m,,1,
Clatson. 10 016 ";tti' 'J.7H1 SMIll
I'oluiubia Slid J.int a.u: l.d .'I
i'i s;i in. e.tmv w.7
t.'roiik .H,.'tl . ....I 3..M4
l urry i.rosi i.ae, M, m:
loiiKla ; tl.HK ('li: at. id
lillliaiu. .. ;t.NNt i a ioii
irailt. j S.IWI i,:U 777 lS.Oli
Harney. . ; '.Voy 2..v,y ...
Jackson : 11.1.V. a.tM a.:M: .
Joaephine 4."s: 'J.tsi 'J.wi Kil
Klamath.. I -J ui nt
hake . . I 'iH J,S(V1 .ihm "7.1H
Une .'i.;ia 11. 1 1 1 ti,7s7: fil.l'.l '
l.iun. lO.Jtw, 12,o7t a.vv) s.;il !
; Malheur. .. 'J.mu: ' xcjh ' !
j Marion. . . 'ii,M u.:7t .x .Vf.Jt i
j Morrow j 4. jo', '
I Multnomah i 74, sm: 2.'.-Ski 4'.i.ij, li7 p. '
I Folk. . 7.vs li.Md 1,.'.,7 1'JOl
I .slierman . . l.7'.f.,! I.7VJ . j
nilainook. 970 l.'. rij7 !
I t'inaiilla,. . . l;i.ts p.tiir: a,774 ;.js
I'nloii .... lion, ti.us) f.:flp si.n i
I Wallowa ;i.iid . ain
Wasco . , ..ni: ll.l.li i..7 7 !
VVashlnirtou .. . ! 7.0s;; 4.s'ai ft'.t.u, i
Yamhii; . .! liVHrJi 7is '2.717 M..i
i in; m:w town.
Chinese riiciisHiils Laud Clearing Iu
I'rogTiss (Mhcr es Nulea
of Minor Impmliince,
Clitislinas t Huilow was one of the
enjoyable evenlH of llio year. The iniin
aion of lion. William Ibulow Christniaii
eve was luillianlly illtitiiiiuiled an were
also iniinv oilier rosidencoa, I'lii istnnia
1 1 cos wore tuiinoioiitt, and ninny coetly
presents were civen. About Ti'Oil. in
snow hcim full.ng and coiilitinod for
two bonis, only pultink' a light mantle
on the bosom of old mother earth, Hut
liofoie night it had entirely disiipHnirvd
Turkey, t"oee, duck and chicken, with
many oilier desirable eatables formed
tho Christmas dinner in the comfortable
hofiea of our eoiilo.
Though the weather wna disagreeable
Sunday set vices at Zook'a hall were well
attended. The discourse by the Kev
Mr. Low rev waa very appiopriale In the
occasion and those w ho heard it w ill ever
remember the kind muds of guidance
Mr. II. ,M. Urown liaa lmen actively
engaged for the past two weeks, lilusting
st ii nips on his teu-acie lot, and fiom the
present indication, it will he hut a short
time until the land will he in mutable
contition for the plow.
Mr. John tireeu, of Portland has been
spending the past two weeks here In the
interest olliis future poach orchnid It
is his intention to plant a million and n
half in the spring, and his expecta
tion ie to have the largest ami lines!
poach orchard in t'hu katnaa county in
the near future.
Chinese pheasant are becoming so
numerous here, that it is no uncommon
night to see a Hock of a doaen or more in
the beautiful walnut grove of Hon Win,
Harlow. They are uIiiiomI as tame as
domestic fowls. The law prohibiting
the killing of these birds is strictly oh
served here.
Our old time friend Mr J. K. Morris,
deputy sheriff of I 'liickutuas county, made
Harlow a flying visit this week on official
Mr. Adams, from Napavine, Wash
ington, is here with the intention of
purchasing laud and iu the spring com
motiving the erection of a home thereon.
Mr. I 'ass I' Harlow made Portland
a Hying visit this week and report
everything lively there
There ate prospects of good weather
and everybody is making preparations
to commence work gaideiiing.
The Beautiful and Useful.
Wo have now on lh way Ihe most
beautiful line "I Misses' Hoys' Ladies'
mid Mens' (am y slippers Unit the eye
ever behold or the inliidever conceived,
Iu all style and Iu all eol.ua. HeaulKul
plush, genuine alligator, silky Uuala,
calf, etc., etc., varying In prices (mm
l.imio;l.lK. Those slippers Ml LOO
aw as good an anything we've had !!
Chrlslnms at 1 Ml. Watch our display
window in about twenty .lavs. Wo
will be able to please the nn'sl fasll.lioin
and at prices remarkably low.
Hunk lllo. U, )rra Hj, Or-on.
Kverylssly k,nowa Mr. ('. H. Hose at
the Kmt olllce, and everybody and bis
brother eats bis fiesh roasted a.aiiuts
and line candies, while smokers know
that they will Hud the best brands ol
cigars on Ins counter. Mr, lionu also
carries a full linn of stationery, Including
the II nest imported writing aNrs,
latest styles and novelties in Ink papers,
envelopes, tablets, etc., while if you
want pens, pencils, ink eraser, a diary
or a pocket ni hil! book, be will
tipply you. Mr, Hose has only been in
business in Oregon Cily a little over a
ear, yet his upright conduct has won
for him the entire cuilldonco and good
will of the community.
3, 000 STITCH"! PBR miMUTM.
The Itutart Mm Kir in It.
AN & HI tT f Hit ND.
Ktilcat Kunuitis. t lMfet Hunnln mtl Kil
tMl Ktl in Hrtitr t( miy XUrltluo
in ule Term i
J. I.ANI'MI'IU, Atfiit.
With I liyiT t AStU'U, ottK'nt.N ('it V
Oregon City Express No I.
Light freight and parcels debt ered to all
parts ol the city.
Leave orders Willi K T Harlow
If you sillier from any affection
caused by Impure bhssl such as sciolula
sail rlieiiin, sotes, bolls, pimples, tel
ler, ringwoitii, take I'r. J, II McLean's
House, Sign and Ornamental painting.
ti.Hxl woik guataiiteed.
suoe on rirru, nk i'. u. t. V l. srvai is
Vrtitil, titrrn A I ArutMrttftg lfin.
win vur u MKUf . Mui riM of luittuu.
ISuhhu'SM. Shorthand,
fw,ttn, frmmmtltf, J V1" t tmtm ft
ImI i rmji tiw 4uau hum IllMtt (in
( 4-IIV. OIIIXsOl.
iCiuulit's, Nuts, Nittituirt, Klf.
Fine TolnUTos uml Cigars.
Following is a list of the cities having
above 1000 inhabitants. It will be ob
served that Salem, with a population of
probably 10,000, is omniited from the
ISIS). I 1SS0.
direct issue. The criticism was pointed and
vigorous, and, as is common in such cases,
it has been characterized "libellous." Mr.
Latourette. in a letter iu another column of
this paper, denies the charges brought
against himself and Mr. Charman.
Now, the EsTKKfwsE is no personal
organ, and it will not Become a vehicle for
ventilating purely personal matters. But a
man occupying a public office must so de
mean himself as to he above suspicion, or
he is a subject for legitimate criticism. The
people wl.a place him in office have the
right to discuss his actions with reference
to their bearing upon the public interests
placed in bis keeping. And the public must
be forgiven if it base its conclusions regard
ing the fitness of an officer upon the
course pursued by him in the performance
or neglect of his duty. The public has no
other means of judging what a man's
motives are except by his acts.
Mr. Latourette occupies a position that is
unique, and, we believe, without precedent.
For three or four months he has been the
retained attorney for a number of Seventh
street property owners who are fighting
against the city's collecting money for an im
provement that some of them induced the
city to undertake. During this time he has
sat in the council and taken part in its pro
ceedings. Some of those proceedings per
tained to tiie Seventh street case, in w hich
Mr. Latourette, as counsellor, might have
reaped a reward had the council blundered ;
thai is, he might have hid a sure case for
his clients by reason of an opportune mis
take on the part of the council. Now, there
are few men who can occupy at one time
different positions having opposing interests
and discharge both of them with fidelity.
It is generally viewed that Mr. Latourette's
position as councilman, to which he was
chosen by tlie people with the understand
ing that he would use his talents and inltu.
etic" for the benefit of the city in every
wu', is incompatible with his acting as
counsellor for a combine that is leaving no
atone unturned to defeat the city in the law
suit now pending. To argue that it is in
tha interest of the city to have a knotty
lcaai point , settled under these circuin
sU.cts is taking a view altogether too
Iwis ranged for the average citizen to appre-
Ci '.
Of cnurte it is not necessary that a lawyer
giT tip his practice in order to serve his
eonstuueuta faithfully in the city council.
Noiu.erie it necessary for a contractor or Wi sngge
merhandiser to go out of business for auch I Oregon City
: saving tiieir numerous reforms for New
Year's, and the accumulated stock is so
vast to crowd into one small day that only
the most convenient ones are rinally selected
for the vicarious experiments. It is not a
had thing, however, to observe Sew Year's
day by making a few good resolutions. It
is better to resolve and fail than never to
resolve at all. So mark this upon the calen
dar as the Day of Resolutions. Then in
ventory your stock carefully for use next
The Russian famine, Chinese massacres,
Spanish earthquakes, Chilian war, Ilraziliun
turmoil and Aiueiican prosperity have kept
the world trom getting sleepy and moss
grown during lKtl. Sir John McDonald,
King Kalakaua, Parnell, Boulanger, Pom
Pedro. V. T. liarnurn, George Bancroft and
Madame Blavaksky have been added to the
death roll of the famous or notorious.
American politics have been intensely en
tertaining during the year. On the whole
it has been a pretty interesting twelve
. t ; : ! :j i
I 1'i.nlan.l. . ..! W,:ts5 17.W7 . Hi!t'
I Kt Portland i lo.'as li.'.tu T.v
' Ast'.riii . . i iUM; i.u s.;ti Uuij,
I Alhii.a. . . ! .Mil. It:: 4.'..v, ;t,w,.Ti
I Albany. ....! a H7y i,w,7l );j, in . I
I (irmm t'lty :i.ovi l.va. Wi u 'i
linker city ! 2,M: t,. 1,:!M J07.uu .
i Iitjr'lli'ie i.- i.r.sa I
I'en.lletou. i-""1 7:io 1,77.', mar
A-hlsnd . ... 1.7M' MJ' !'.'. lll'Sl
a'orvallis 1..V7; l.ljs' ;iY:t7
Kiinebtirg l.lTlj hs! t'.'rfi' "y.is
MarshHeld 1.4'il M sin 17.17
lirant Pass.. . . I l.Vti
lluMlnnvllle .. C7wi (Ms; mix
The following detailed stutcment of tlie
population of C'iackamas county, by pre
cincts, is given iu the censtin bulletin :
Cure is Cure
However it may be effect. it; lint unjust
prejudice often prevents cople fn.ni trying
a 'proprietary medic luu,' until other reine.lies
prove unavailing.
J. II. Hltrhic, Commission Agent, Kingston,
Australia, writes .-
"For years a ruiiunned seeptle as to the
merits ..( proprietary medicines, I was at last
converted hy the use of Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral. Lor month a bottle of this medicine,
(if which 1 hud mine Into poseHli.n Ihroiigh
the kindness of a friend, remained unnK-uel
in my closet, till one niuht I a seljed wltli
a violent cold accompanied hy a racking
Poilltll. IhrinQ notif nf my uwfl rtmnltn ill
Ann., I thiMiylil nf the cherry Pertoral, anil
determined to give It a trial. The result was
truly magical. Itrllef came almost Instantly,
ami after repealing the dose, rtalnly not
more than half a do.-n limes, I found my
self thoroughly cured. Sulie.ii. nlly niy
daughter was cured of a severe rough hy the
use of the Cherry Pectoral. I rcrnnimeuil
this preparation to all sulterers from throat
and Iiiiik troubles,"
I'or crimp, whooping rough, hronrhltls,
asthma, and consumption the hest remedy is
j Livery, Sale and Feed Stable.
Horses fed and cared for by the
month at reasomtl e rate.
day or
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
rnnrAKKD nr
Dr. J. C. AYER 4 CO., Lowell, Maw.
Bold by all brutfifliu. Price $1 ; ill bottM, t.
Thk pressure upon our columns as this
edition approaches completion has been so
great that it has been impossible to lind
room for much matter designed for it.
Among the things unavoidably crowded out
are the statement in detail of the building
improvements of Oregon City and descrip
tive articles of Clackamas and Milwaukie,
enterprising towns that deserve special men
tion. Considerable desirable correspondence
is also omitted becauseof the lateness of its
The year that began today belongs to the
girls, If leap year were not an American
institution it would be a good opportunity
for our boys to play eve'i by going across
the water and glittering before the titled
damsels of some effete aristocracy. How
ever, Uncle Sam's boys are too good judges
of femininity to thus cut their noses oft to
spite their faces.
Senatob MitchclIi and Representative
Hermann have at last discovered tho Wil
lamette river, and if all the measures for its
improvement become laws there will be no
reason for complaint.
Wk snggest that the Oregonian serve its
society news with a spoon.
Beaver Creek
New Era
Canyon Creek
Milwaukie, (Including town).
Millwaukle town
KftRle Creek
Viola ..
lyivrer Mollala. . )
Mill Creek
Oregon City, (Including; city)
Oregon city
Oswego, (including Uiwnj
Pleasant Hill
Hoda Hprings
Upper Molalla
Clackamas county.
a si
4in 1
an I
i (
1.SH8 j
I v;m
Two years ago O.K. A. Froytag de
termined to try the experiment of estab
lishing a grocery and provision business
on lower Main street at the corner of
14th. AlmoHt from the outset bis busi
ness was golf sustaining, and it has now,
under Mr. Freytag'B strict attention to
business increased to a very fluttering
trade, more than meeting the owner's
most confident expections. Only honest
goods are kept, and these together with
courteous treatment, prompt delivery to
any part of the cily, and square dealings
The Commercial Hank of Oregon City
has a capital stock of one hundred
thousand dollars and solid eastern and
I'ortland associates which enables them
to command a largo amount of capital.
Although this bank bus been established
but two years it has built up a good bus
iness and has the colidunce of the bus
iness men of the coiiimutiily. This in
stitution has for its correspondents such
well known institutions as the First
National bank of I'ortland, and can
furnish exchange on any desired place
It makes a sjiecally of small or Havings
deposits, and for tho purpose of en
couraging small depositors keeis open on
Saturday evening fiom five till seven
o'clock. They occupy a lino building
erected expressly for the bank, and have
it fitted up with a good vault and lino
furniture. In point of local ion the bank
is cen ti al and convenient to all the busi
ness interests of the city, being on Main
street opposite the post office. The
Comnuirciul 1'ank is under the manage
ment of the Messrs. Latourette of this
city, who conduct the business care
fully, 'systematically and successfully.
The ollicers are: I). C. Latourette,
president: F. K. Donaldson, cashier.
Barlow, Oregon.
Tables supplied with the lu'sl the niarkel
allorda. Meals 'St cents.
lUst J.rs' Uidings and Meals In Ihe Town.
Hot Meals at All Hours.
Complete line ol Holiday (i.ssls at l'orl
liind prices
( nil give you Photographs e.piul to the
best to he bad in I'ottland at prices
to correpoiid. All woik de
livered promptly .
(iallery next ihsir to liar ling's Drug
More, t Invon ( 'ily.
Mrs. G. W. RICH
Needle Work Supplies.
H (.Willi ui,M(iM given lit
Coiuiuorcial Hunk block, oppoile the
I'onl 1 lllice, Oregon City, Or.
u.ty, .lie. np n
t.at ur n
When it conies to horses and their
feet, F. II. Itav, recently from Minne
apolis, Minn., is thoroughly at home.
He has made a spec'rul study of his busi-
havc made the trade which Mr. Freytug ' ness and can fit a shoe to a nicety. He
had has tin extensive expenunco and
most successful in shooing speed horses,
lie may always be tumid in the shop on
the loft bund side of Main street, nearly
opposite the woolen mill.
rnows well how to hold. This store
is in a position to command a large
country trade, consequently it is always
supplied with tho freshest and best
country produce.
I Manufacture
and Sell
of the Best Quality;
Rough and Dressed
Lumber and Boxes.
Prices the Lowest.
Goods the Best.
Four Miles East of Hubbard.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stablo
Double and Single Rigs, nnd pad
dle horeefl alwayB on hand at the
lowest prices. A corrall connected
with tlie bum for loose stock.
Information regarding any kind of
stock promptly attended to by person or
horses Bought and Sold.
' -A. IN" ID ,
Parties desiring Wood Turning, Vat
torns, Brackets, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will ho Suited by Culling on Mo.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
Opp the Congregational Churcli
tlr.t in
k-r county,
(tin, ttrar
i now lUkrr Otv,
11 man wliu Iinn jhmi e
IrTt iimr itlrntllir-l with t lie tcui r .ut l n
tlrvr Inn in ml ofthul count iy. Thi mutt J
in itotithrr than Mr. Jnhii Rlrw.nt, op ol the
wrulthkKt mxl mt iiilluritiUI itll-ti in (he
county. In k rrTiil Irltrr lit- uy : " I Iwrn
milfr ring Irum paiui in my lm k au1 nirtnt kkd
ncycoiii)litint lor wimr thnr, au'l lil uwtl mmty
rrmrtltr without any hut lnttMirnrv irltrf, Th
pnlti In my hark hail hroome n trvrtr llmt 1 wni
prrvriitcil from HltrtnUiitf to tuy woitt mtl could,
not movf nlxiut without thr u of a cbup. llmr
Uif, throtiKh fiirml, of the wottl-rful ctirri rf
fcvtftl hy it rutin Kiutiry Tm, I imlumltotry
boi, nnd from tltnt rrryftrt lo-1 found in tun t
rrliff, ami brfutc uniug half the cmtnli of the
txi the piiln lit my bark fttllrrly t!tpjMnrcd.
I how every futth in the vlrlun fifth Oregon
Kltlury Tea, atul can comw lnttlimly reitnumruil
it to my frinuln. I would not he without U for
Oregon Kidney Tea curea hnikache, Inrnnli.
nence of uiiue, tirit k dual ardlmmt, bmnltiR or
painful ftenHatlrui while urtiialiui;, and all afire
tlonaof the kidney or urinary orxanauf either wl
run HAI.K (V
Woniaii's Friend
Ho HiieeeHHful and iluliKlitfiil liavo bees
the elleets ol "Moore's Unveuled Item
wly upon tho delicalo ailments of
womankind, that this wonderful reme
dy has been called" Woman's Kriend."
Moore's Revealed
In a few doses shows womankind its
peeuhar virtues for their ailiiimitH. Its
elleets are (rmitle, BoothinK and uniform
ly stieeeHsful.
Hundreds of testimonials from ladios
all over the coast hear witness to its success.
Hold by ill drugiiUti.