V" CANliY FRAIKIli. The Finest, Fruit Lund tr llio Whole Moi'IIiwcnI. Mi.SV ACItKS U M It N Kit IKS, The AtlvuiitutffH of I li Nlfiiiilleu Hf ginning lo he Itcall.iil. A VERT ENTERFKIHINQ TOUSO TOWN. Tbi Pralrlt Will Admirably Support I Froi pxrona Trading OimUr, Which It Browing Up la ib Towi of Omliy a Buu moat of Iti Advaatagai, luxated on the Hiiiilliiirn I'acltle rail way about auven miles southward of Ore gun City mid a few miles from tlie Wll lutix'lto rlvtir ami leaa Hihii a in ill' from tint MolUUa la the town of Canby. It ia not a largo, town lint It la attracting a good deal of alttMllon liy reason of lla surroundings. Tim Irai't of country now known aa Canhy pralrle was formerly known aa Knight's pralrle, taking lla name I ruin the pioneer litnilly tlott settled there. The lur brothers, (ienrgn, Joseph, Wil liam ami Charles Knight look up homes on the prairie a score of yearn ago and It waa but natural that tlial particular section of roiinlry alioulil receive tln'lr name ly way of dcalgnatlon. When the Kouthmn Pacific railroad waa built through tlm valley In IK7U a station waa established on Knight's prairie, anil, aa It waa aliortty alter tlm murder of (ien- eral Candy )y ilia Ireaeheroua Modoea It waa decided lo ierpetuate the name ol the ga'.luut aohller hy naming the plaee "Canliy. " Ami J the place waa named ami the hroail acrea aroiiml It have be come known aa t'anhv pruirle. Iti a euphonious imil honorable name, though prohahly then- waa more appropriate ness in the one It succeeded. Canhy prairie occuplca aeveral thou- ami acres of liiml in the angle formed hy the Join ' ' the Molulla and Willam ette ii.v.K"T5lnn north ol the fonner ami eurl u (he hitter. It Ima a sh toward the riveia junt sutlicielil for drain age, the html being otherwise almost peifeclly level. The anil ia of a rich ilutk loam with aullii'ient sund It ,ive it warmth and make it a quick growing soil. Ita fertility ia practically exhaust lei ., Il la deep ami Hculiurly suited lo the grow th of audi rropa aa send ronta dow n into the ground. It dues not hake in any kind of weather and no drouth ia aullicient to dry it up, lla filahle quit! ity la never destroyed. It Hiaeascs the chariicleiilic of the heat alluvial aoila and in thia climate-Its limit in the way of production Iiub never been reached. The town uf Canhy hua grown up around llie luilwuy atation. It la ml the result of wide advertising. No town boomers lutve built up Ciinliy foriqiecu lative purposes. It Iiuh simply enjoyed ti e growth that it m location has brotiKht it and (lie business houses liH'iited there Inivf been established in obedience to the law of supply and deimiml, There mo no five-story buildings mid real estate ia not 'J,(KH a front fool. The develnpineiit of the tributary country and the giowth of the town uru in entire harmony. There ia no dimmer of over straining in the race for industrial supremacy. The I' idled States census of IHW showed a population in Cnnby precincl ol 77. Of course many of these live outside the tow n and could not properly he counted in ila population hut the Itrouth Hini c the cciihiih year haa been Biich iik lo very largely luukc up for the deduction of those in the precinct living outHide the boundaries of the town. When the character of the country about Canhy is coiiHideied Ihe Wonder if that it ia not iibcady entirelv occupied willi on hnidH Thia and other hini llar instanceK found in the West im press upon the iniiids of visitors from the I'nst the fact that Ihe I'acilio slope is n new country, industrially speaking, and Ihe opportunities so abundant bete are not the discarded fancies of other people and other times. They nro virgin opimiliinitlcH. The inviting cbaracter and appear ance of the t'anby prairie need not be viewed with alarm by eoplB who ate uccustomed to thinking that if il were reiilly as tine as It seems it would loli hk have been overrun with the indus trioiis. It wan only recently that people w ho saw Canhy prairie realized ita im mense possibilities. Kruit culture bad not been Hystmnatically conducted in the, Willamette, yalley, but when thor ough calluru whs appted to tbo businesii the advantage "f a truct of country like that in which Canhy ia situated became appaiant and oIl'ortH were at once put, forth to reap the ndvanlnnea whbh ila peculiar lllttesH for fruit culture brought. Kruit raiHiiiK baa been tried on Canhy prairie and tbo business baa been dem onstrated a fiucccHS there. It haft passed entirelv beyond the experimental stand. The rich, warm soil of tho prairie makes it adapted to tlie Krowlh of fruit trees and plunU. The climate ir so mild and on,nnble that those fnulH reipiirinn Bomi troplcal conditioitH llimrish surprisimjly. I'eaches, apricotH, Btrinvbenies, nielona, (.'tapes, nectarines, walnuts, chestnuts, etc., take kindly to the soil and cliniate of the prairie mid they yield lare crops of choice proditctH. Sweet potatoes and peanuts may also be grown. Of course all tho common friyjts of tbo valley, such as apples, roars, plums,, prunes, - ttiCJeJIriJ1' rjj'fOtJ ' Mil.',, are aucceaafully ralxed hern, aa well at other farm vnipa, It waa only two or three year ago that attention began to be given lo the ayi temutie culture of fruit on Canity prai rie. It hna alwaya been more or lnaa grown tbeie, but when the marketa of the world were opened to the Northwest hy tlie completion of the transcontinental rallwava from the East and Houlli, there waa offered an Incentive for fruit liua bundiy. Then, Instead of falling off the treea and rolling on the ground there waa a market for the fruit that bud formerly gone to waste, The market comliliona have ronaiaully improved. The aliipplng of fruit to Tort land la made cheap ami easy by rail, ami to Oregon City it ia delivered by teama. Theie are fewer peata than elsewhere and the pro duct la conespondingly Improved in quality and appearance. The policy being put In practice by the Canhy prairie aople ia to divide the land into tracla of live or ten acrea eack, or even emallcr ate.is, and get the eo ple who wish to make a hpecial'y of rait ing the more sensitive fiuila, More lach pita are being planted in that locality probably than in any other sim ilar area in the United Statea It will take a few yeara 1 1 bring the treea Into hearing condillou, but in half a decade there will not be better H'Uch orchard anywhere than on Canhy prairie. Many are elw setting out large areaa lo atrawbeny planta and the melon crop of each year ia greater than that of the preceding m-ason. Currents, cherriea and lierriea are ralwd in abundance. Now that the tlrat atepa in atarting the fruit industry have Is en taken Ibeothere will follow in natural ai-ipience. The production ol fruit inakea necessary iiieana for handling it to advantage. 80 drier and canneries are to he estab lished steps have already la-en taken in the matter and aa the treea come into I earing there will lie ample facilities for handling their product lo the best -aibla advantage. The fruit can l mar keted in at least three dill'ereut forms green, diied or picaerved in cans. While the town of Canty ia the mar ket place and trading center for one of the flueat prairies in the West, and (mil raising ia pre-eminently the industry lor which it ia snited.it doe not depend uK)ii any one resource for ita eupport . At the southern edge of the town ia the Molulla river, which lull aulTicient fall and ia of large enough volume to afford, reliable water power for many factoriee. A bead of twenty-live feet can lie ob tained at comparatively small cisins. A line bank of gravel an the edge of the stream ia valuable lo the railroad for ballasting track and It hat a crew of men there nearly all the time getting out gtuvel fur use along muny miles of its tracka That ia said lo be the best gravel pit in Ihe Willamette vallcv. Hut (he bank is only a few lods w idii. The soil of the prairio is not at all grav elly. The ground wbeie the water power could be utiliziil to the best ad vantage is well suited for building sites. To the eastward of Cnnby is a fine body of timber that the inanufactuiiiig interests of the neighborhood use to good advantage. Several InmlN-r and ahinglu mills aie now turning out a considerable volume of timlier for building. Much uf Ibis ia sliliicd to other markets, being hauled by teams to the railway at Canhy. The roads are much better than are usual In the Northwest and teaming over them in continued through all kinds of weather and at all seasons of the year. Tbo conformation of tbo country is such that Canhy ia the most conven ient railroad point for many square miles of territory. Large amounts of wheat, Mtatoe8, wool, hops, etc., go there for shipment. And the people who have such goods to market do their pnrchasinK in Canhy, thus making a cousideratdu volume of commerce for Ihe low n . Tbo business men of Canhy 1110 wide awake und progressive. It is true that in many iesvcels the stores of the tow n have tlm same qualities of goods and mell at tho same prices in some cases cbeas'r as Portland merchants. Tlie conservative, business. like methods pur sued cannot fail to challenge admiration. The w hole prairie is occupied hy thrifty Americans w ho tire contented and happy in their intelligent labor for adynnco ment. Thoy have provided themselves the best of school and church privileges and they take pride in every moans of promoting their own social and indus trial welfare. The Methodists of tho Northwest have a large tract of land on tbo Molulla river near Canhy, and an itnnienso tabernacle on it where they hold campmeetings annually. A ferry is about to ho established to afTord a means of crossing the Willitm- otti) for tho rich country about llutto- ville, wboto vast quantities of bops are raised . Tho now depot erected r.t Cnnby Is the dest one between Salem and Toi'tlund, which allows that the railway company recognizes the place as one of future importuned. Tho following succinct account of the year's progress in and about Canhy, written by one of her business men, gives an admirable view of Its advance ment during the past year and its pres ent condition : Wo notice many improvements in this village since last year. There have been twenty-five new buildings erected here since January, 181)1, and two moro dwell ings will be built ye this winter. Boine are already preparing for building early In the spring, ami we expect to see thirty or forty new buildings erected here next season. Our new depot is about com pleted and la a credit to the town. Il Is a roomy frame structure of neat design and agreut convenience to shippers over the former small station. Our school Is progreasing finely under the able management of Charles Y, Draper, of Oregon City, and Miss Nellie Illasell of this place. There are now ninely-ftve pupils enrolled agalnat sixty six last winter. If the increase contin ues In the same ratio we shall have to employ three teachers next winter. Our nurserymen are still planting peach pits. There are now about 100 acres of nursery on the Canhy pralrle, and still there la plenty of room for more. It has been demonstrated beyond a doubt that Canby prairie is the beat soil fur nursery that can be found In the slate. The slrawUrry industry is growing rapidly here, there being about fifty o:res cultivated on the prairie at the present time with moat gratifying re sults; lu fact this prairie is the natural home of this esculent fruit, and those who cultivate it proerly are making a good profit by shipping to the Portland market. The soil here is well adopted to the cultivation of all small fruits such as raspberries, gooseberries, currants, etc., as well as peaches, prunes, plums and apples. The grape also does very well here, The ground It very easily cul tivated owing to iu sandy nature. There are about 5000 prune trees on the pralrle outside of the nursery, and thous ands of peach and other fruit trees also A good business could be done here with a cannery soon as the trees come to hearing, which will be one year to two years hence. We need a good hardware store and tin shop at this place, which we think could noon build up a good trade in that line, esieciullv when the cannery is put up, which must come soon, to save the iinniei.w crop of fruit that will be giown in tnis vi. lnity. Our merchants are now selling goods at Portland prices and handling a large business. The n-ople are flocking in from the surrounding country and the farmers go home happy, having pur ctiased more goods than ever before with less money. The Canby board of trade consists of a memlierahip of forty-five with officers as follows: President, Wm. Knight; vice president, (1. Whipple; secretary, S, J . Garrison ; correa;ainding secretary, W. M Shank; treasurer, V. L. Mack. Co titteeon finance: George Knight G. Whipple and and G, W. Shank. Committee on trade and commerce: James Evans, Louis Kogers and W. 8, Kellogg. Committee on membership: W. 8. Gribhle, M. While and H. O. Mack. Committee on roads and highways: I. A. Cox, S. J. Garrison, Win. Knight, II. A. Vorpahl, J. C. Walgiimot and J. Knight. Contiuitteeon advertising: Win. Shank S. J. Garrison, L, P. Howard, V. L. Mack and J. C. Walgtnot. CHHISTM AH AT f A.N BY. Ilnpiumlnga vf t lip Week In the Town anil on Hip Pralrle. Cashv, liec L'X. The Christmas tree in the church last Thuri-duy evening was laden with presents lor old and young. There w ereatioiit tw o hundred present w ho listened to several Christmas imtiiems sung hy the choir, a lew verses spoken by the children, and an address by the pastor, after which (he presents were distributed. Then about a hundred pounds of candy and nuts and two boxes of apples were passed around. When Ihe congregation finally dispersed it was with contentment and well-tilled pockets. It was a Christmas long lobe remembered by many. The literary and debating club gave a dance on the eve of Christmas. There were just enough present to have a good lime. The dancing commenced at an early hour and continued till about midnight when Mrs. Mary Carol hers served a delicious sup per, alter w hich dancing was again in order and it continued till the crowing of chanticleer. Several of our citizens are sick with la gripjie. (leo. Knight, W. S. Knight, W. 8. Kellogg, S. II. Kelly ami 11. W. Shank's family are just recovering from the disease. William Dunn, of Nebraska, is the guest of Herman Lee. William Johnson and wife, of Salem, spent Christmas with Mr. Avery and family. Mr. 8. A. I). Onrley, of Oregon City, was In our midst Sunday. The railroad company is taking up the ties of Campbell and Harlow this week. The depot carpenters have departed south where they will continue in the good cause of building depots. II. A. Vorpahl Is remodelling a cart for tbo minister. When it is completed it will bo free from "horse motion." Rev. Richards, of Portland, preached to the people Sunday at eleven and Kev. Louther in the evening, Mr. John Slovens left last Friday for New York city where bo will remain for some timo. Miss Elizabeth Ulonnt is preparing to open tho street hot neon her two blocks. Tho I. 0. O. T. will have a basket festival, a lecture by 11. Harrison, of Jefferson, and a watch parly In Knight's hall on New Year's eve. Mr. Joseph Shull has rented five acres to Messrs. Campbell and Ferry for nursery purposes for Ihe term of five years, also live acres to J, A. Cox for the same time and purpose. 1 gXAwKroTmETtf bank. CANBV'8 VVHIHMH JIOINKS. Home of Hi Enterprising Concerns of a Lire Town. CARLTON ROSKKKHANt. Messrs, Carlton and Koaetikrans, two young men recently from Portland, have leased Wm. Knight's big store in Canby for a term of five years and have stocked It with a full assortment of general mer chandise suited to the trade of a growing town like Canby and have started in with the Intention of building up a good trade. Their well-arranged store well fitted with choice and well selected goods in every line shows that they know a good article and mean to give the patrons of their store an opportunity to buy goods ol the best quality, and they promise them that customers shall receive as much for their money as they can get the same class of goods for any where. To enable them to handle country produce to the best advantage they have Just completed a large warehouse and will give enjiecial attention to buying and shipping farm produce of all sorts. If active capable management associated with square dealing and goods sold on their merits will enable the Arm to build up a good trade they mean to succeed and make the business a permanent one. Both partners come to Canby with the reputation of being thoroughly reliable and entitled to the confidence of the community. JAMKS HOIX1KS. James Hodges is well known in and about Canliy as a merchant of thoroughly reliable qualities whom all can trust and deal with confident of square and upright dealing. He carries a full stock of general merchandise including dry goods, huts and caps, hoots and shoes, clothing, groceries, etc., and has by close application to his business built up a good trade which be has no difficulty in holding Mr. Hodges does not want the whole earth but is content with a part, as he means to slay in Canby, assist in building up the town which is surrounded by the finest fruit belt in the state. Mr. Hodges also bandies fruit in their season and has quite a trade in farm produce. He Invites farmers living within reach of Canby to brine in their produce and to examine his stock of goods. OEOKUK KNIGHT. George Knight, the Canby Nasby, ex press agent, station agent an! mer chant is the best known man in Canby and probably the busiest, as be is always at work. In his store is to be found a good assortment of general merchandise all well selected which be sells very close. Mr. Knight baa been so closely connected with Canby and its interest so long that the place would not seem like itself with out him. He is al ways pleasant and ready to oblige all parties and is generally liked bv every body. In his store he has a very good trade and good class of custom which would tie lost trading any where else. Ho has seen the town grow from a farm on the prairie to its present prosperous proK)rtions and has increased his stock to meet tbo demands of the place. M. UOSFORI). M. Hosford is another of the famil iar Canby names which every one knows. He conducts a general merchandise bus iness with a good stock which he is adding to as the growth of the phce warrants him in extending his invest ment. He lias a nice trade which is improving with the growth of Canby and the rich country tributary thereto. Like most dealers in general merchandise iu villages surrounded by a farming com munity, bodoesa good and thriving bus iness in farm products, which be is al ways ready to buy or exchange, giving the highest market price and content to rely upon the small profit made on the sale of the goods for bis share in the deal. It will pay the residents of Canby and vicinity to call on Mr. Hosford for prices and samples. 1)11. KNH1I1T. Dr. Charles Knight, of Canby, in addi tion to bis practice owns a drug store, which has done a very successful busi ness in that line during tlie past year. He is also interested in real estate, confining bis attention in this line to property in and about Canby. He has on liis list many pieces of choice prop erty, especially of fruit lands of the very best quality, which be offers at very low figures and on easy terms. When look ing for a borne or any investment call on Dr. Charles Knight, of Canby. THE CANBY 1I01SE. If you go to Canby you will be Biire to stop at the Canby house kept by mine host, W. W. Weed, who prides himself on his clean and well kept house. His hotel has the well earned reputation of being one of the best places along the line to get a good meal and a clean bed. Canby is fortunnto in having a hotel so well conducted. A Wise Man's Advice. Wisdom cries aloud and says, "How long, oh ye sons of toil, will ve neglect to visit the Second-hand and Notion store where you can get more goods for a dol lar than anywhere else in town?" Pins, 2 papers, 5e. ; needles, 2 papers, 5c. ; spoons, per set, 6c. ; 10 quart dish pane, 20. Opposite postollice. Subscribe for the En ihki'Mbe. Ehwuris office. H POINTER. The fruit induntry has brought more wealth to California than all her gold mines; and Oregon's orchards are a mine of inexhaustible wealth. The Shrewd Man Will secure for himsalf a tract of land suitable for fruit growing before the choicest lands are gone. Canby Is one of the ppots in Oregon where the fruits and vegetables grown in the Middle and Southern states mature and ripen to a perfection not excelled in their native soils. It is the home of the prune, peach, mel on and strawberry. The Takes the lrrd of the fruits grown on this prairie. Its thriftiness and ease of handling, combined with its early fruiting, makes it the tree to plant for quick returns. The Willamette Has an immense body of the best prune land on the prairie, set out to the celebrated Italian prune, which they will sell in small tracts on the most liberal terms ever offered on fruit lands in Oregon. Fruit In this garden spot of the Willamette valley can yet be bought af pri ces within the reach of all. The Willamette Land Company have both improved and unimproved lands which they will sell in tracts of from two and one-half acres to as large as are wanted. Remember That exorbitant freight rates have killed some of the finest fruit dis tricts on the Pacific coast. Canby prairie is within two hours drive of Oregon City, and four hours drive ot Portland, two of the best markets on this coast. Full particulars by addressing the Willamette Land Company, Oregon City, Oregon. -aecessors, Messrs. mgans aim riuuiw Prairie Prune Land Company Lands r jniuuu miliums m --