Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 01, 1892, Image 2

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Happening In localities Outside
Oregon City Industrial Items
Neighborhood ,otos.
Loo, 1h 27. A Christinas tive was
prepared for the Sunday school children
and a sood time was had.
Mr. Frank llutchins lost a horse lately
ami has some more sick.
A party was giveu at Fisher's hall Christ
mas eve, and one at Viola Christinas night.
Central Point
Ckstr.w. Point. lVo. LU George Randall
i huil 'inj! a nuichiie house in which to
keep his farm implements.
Kev. c. IV on titer preached an able ser
mon at the t t. tr.d Point M. K . cliutvh last
Miss Jess Waldron and Mr. Kdjiar Wal
dron are spending the holidays visiting re
lations at Prownsville, Oregon.
Some of our young ladies have been to
town buying gilts lor the gift social that
was mentioned in last week's paper.
We hope to see that surveying party this
way soon, and are Billing to give them any
assistance that we can in hunting up the
best Mine. Oi'M Moots.
rark Place Improvements.
The following improvements have been
made in and about Park Place during the
year Iss.ll:
Empire MTg company, dry house
Hamilton A Washburn, house 7u0
M. J. lute, house "00
A. Koli, house ,W
Henry l.oli, house
' iar Jones, house licO
W. 1.. l'.eckner ;Vk)
J. A. Chase, adddition to house 400
A. M. Condit, meat market and stable 4ot
Clif. Jsarver, house 3,M
Mrs. A. Maple, house, oOl
Hamilton A' Washburn, add. to bouse 2U0
Gladstone saw milt office . Jul
Gladstone addition to store itui
II. Nacnan.l, add. to house and barn 2.W
I.. 1). Leonard, barn and add. to house
If. Harcreaves, house
Win. Ktters, addition to house
Hamilton & Washburn
plcted enterprise of tho year In the 1'pper
Molalla country, which amounts to some
flXi; miscellaneous larminir Improve
ments, jVhXX), making a total of I0,0iW
These figures are only approximately cor
rect. Oswetro.
Oswoio, lee. 2S. Christmas was eele
brated hero in proper style. On Christmas
eve the members of the Congregational and
Methodist churches had a nice live in the
Congregational church. The evening was
passed pleasantly and enjoyed by the audi
ence, especially by the children. The occa
sion was honored with music by the Oswego
brass band.
O. W. Prosser gave a large ball Christmas
night, which was immensely enjoyed by
those who trip the light fantastic. Some of
the young folks went out to Ford s.
Jack Monk is Improving verv fast with
his broken leg.
Misses Maud and Uecea Fox are on the
sick list.
The wedding lu lls rung right merrily here
on the iard. The hanpy couple, Mr. John
Lcland and Miss Agnes I.ee, have the best
wishes of the community, ami we hope
they will have a happy voyage on the
stream of life.
Chas. llaruiuan has gone to his ranch in
The furnace started this morning, ami
the foundry will start Wednesday.
Miss Ada Kishburn, of Corvallis college,
is home during the holidays.
J. Corts wears a smile a girl.
Miss Norma Fox, of laurel. Is visiting
her parents.
Win. Cray, of Oswego, and Miss Ida
Wallace, of Detroit, Mich,, were married
Christmas eve in ICast Portland.
We see the smiling countenance ol Ceo.
Wygand in the midst of us again.
Harry Flannigau and Jake Miller, of
Portland, wei? here for Christinas.
Master I.cntiie Ilallinan it able to be
Mrs. Karl Marks had a most beautilul
Christinas tree. It was decorated according
to Eastern stvle and was said to 1 the
handsomest ever seen by Oregonians.
barn, sawing moat or the lumber himself In
hi new mill, 0. W, (trace raised his build
ing, making It three stories with a public
hall Mine at a cost of $id. Mr. Miller
built a nice barn to replace the one de
stroyed by lire last spring.
Mr. I.ee Tiuncrstet and several others
have had considerable clearing done, In all
probably lil acres. The area ol grain sow n
is not as laige this yearaa last, owing to
the constant rain.
lH'ath has visited the community but
once during the year and claimed Mr.
Six births are on the list to Mrs, Jewell
a son, Mix Clarke a daughter, Mrs. Miller
a daughter, Mrs. Kvans a daughter, Mrs,
Tinuerstct a daughter, and Mix Flmer a
One notable wedding is rceeorded, Miss
tirace Jewell to Paniel Fellows.
The village now has a line church w ith
the second one under way, a school house
second to none outside of Oregon City, with
school running all the year except during
summer vacation, a posl olll.ie, general
merchandise store, blacksmith shop, two
sawmills and several shingle mills.
The year is closing amidst gay festivities,
A Christmas tree was given at Highland in
which (Tarkes joined. lanees ere innum
erable. Money is plenty and everybody
wishing evcryUidy else a happy New Year.
Improvements to the Amount f t't.Vi Mails
During the Past Year.
Mew OcTili
Sell all Goods at Portland Prices or Under.
Buildings Krecreri, Land Cleared and Fruit
Trees Planted.
isT.uroiio, IVc. 27.-
Nkkdy, IVc. :'7. Following ts a list ol the
building improvements of this neighbor
hood for the past year and a hall, all but
two having been built during Istll.
Samuel Wolfer, hop house !
Mr. Crocker, hop house
tieo. Miller, hop house and storehouse
Addition to Needy public school ... .
William Thompson, barn
William Thoniis,n, hop bottle ......
William Stewe, hop house
John Schnciter, dwelling
S. W. Hardest)-, barn
Pavtd Zimmerman, dv
Jacob Miller, dwelling.
Joseph Myer, barn
John dates, dwelling'
HllU'lt Johnston, dwelling,
Mr. Woirie, dwelling
Jacob Spuria, dwelling
Samuel Hess, barn .
100 pounds' Dry Granulated Sugar, only
100 " Extra C Sugar, only - - -
All other Goods at Rock Bottom Prices. Highest
Price paid for Produce. Wo carry a full lino
1M Front Street: HARDWARE I
NitrthwniU'rn Aiiem fur
-Occident Tuttletiuiili Deiler Unee
Portland, (begun.
Dexter -
-PUinntiil, t.mire-
-silver HU'cl. tiawa
.V ,l
Total .
Miss Dec. Srt. An entertainment will be
given at the Beaver Creek school house
January s. Good speaking and singtng
will tw provided and music will be fur
nished by the Mink amateur band. A good
time is expicte 1. Misk.
Following is a list of
m .mmings. eiear.ngs, etc.. ma.ie in the year j aggregation.!! ,..urch
- s Minim me ueuvery ot tne Mattoru
.$7,tWt) j postotlice: Sharp Bros., barn, (Wxsti: K.
Oab. Pelker. bam. IKx.'Si: Sam Maver. bam
Wx.iti; J. A. Saner, barn, ilx lti, house, M:
and bixAl; John Weiss, house; Sam Mayer,
house, lli.x'J.i; J. IV Cage, addition, liix.1l;
F. Oldenstadt, house, PixiM; C. Schrader.
I, hi
Total f.,
We have a graded school with (I. H.
- ! Crescent Weilges (warranted.) tfe 8 Proof Chains. Arcade Files. Kojie. Crescent Steel
lty-! Lowers and Wood Choppers Specialties.
j land as principal and Miss Katie Thompson . ,. ,
assistant. The average attendance is sixty- I Ul'CgOtl (.. lty AgCIlt, --...
j live pupils. j
i Tin, i.,n l,u ti, r,,n.,u.i,,,f ii ,:,, i,,,.i I -
.Mayer, Schtewe ,v I o., saw null; H. Keodt- : n., illin s 11, .,.,.. .,.,ri : lira precinct to the l sl of our Judgment
ernieier, barn; 1'. Siliiewe. house,
14xX; Mountain district, school house,
i'xtl; John Aden, cellar. llix.'O; John
i Deneui, bum under construction; F.
Mink. Dec. 24. A good time is reported ' Kcichlc. house, biv'.Mand Hxbi; O. Moser,
tnun the Lhnstnias tree entertainment at
thedermau Kefornied ohurcii and the Evan
gelical i 'lurch.
Mis. J. G. Cummins is ipiite sick with
lung trouble.
Karl Stuedeman will build a new house
in the spring.
The most netable improvements for the
year an- as follows :
M. Moelnike, house and burn $I.VM
F. Bliihm, new house hOO
E. Guenther, new house SO
Owen H.iglies, new granary 2iVi
C Hor!..huh, water works 200
1 am in favor of a law allowing no ex
emption on account ol indebtedness, also
the plan for improving the roads mentioned
by J. C. Bradley in the last issue of the En
TEKfitisK. But to get such a law we must
elect a legislature ol" a different color than
our lust one, tor the same thing was before
them and they did what? Nothing.
Maple Lane Improvements.
M.ipi.k I .axe, Dec. The following im
provements have been made in this neigh
borhood during lssil :
Thos. I'avies, new residence, tlbto
merchandise; Karl Huffman, horseshoeing,
wagon-making and general hhirksmithing;
Walt Nohlitt, feed and boarding stable;
ijaeoh Ititter, butcher and meat market:
Ilavld Zimmerman, h-uther iiuiiiuf.u'tnrei--
granary; O. Weollle. house; J. A. Saner, 1 k,,,,,,,,,,, Zimmerman, harness ami saddle,;
orchard, 3 acres; K. Ueichle, or. har.1, 1 : ,,. 11. ltyland, notary public, attorney and
c.e, cam .uaver.on-i.aru, i acre; .m. reiers, ( innuraiK'n awnt: M. K. Hard,
barn under construction ; V. A. Itaker, clear- ,' ...
sty, post-
John Ilixson, barn
Mr. Richards, granary
Fred Wourms, fruit dryer and out
buildings A. Moutz, fruit dryer
Mrs. A. E. I-atotirette, fruit evaporator
Mr. Hoy, dryer
Frank Taylor, new rustic roof, doors,
windows, woodshed, etc 400
Mr. Shorth'gc, porch, bedroom, etc
W. F, Urayton, stone cellar, raising
house, pump, etc
Mr. Fliun, new kitchen, plastering, etc
A. lloutz, roof, etc 15
Thos. navies four and a half, John Dix
son eight, A. Moutz three, Mr. Cummings
five, Geo. Bishop five, and Mr. Shortlege
three acres; total, twenty-eight and a half
The roads have been very much improved
by building culverts, grading, blasting out
old stumps, trees, rocks, etc.
ing, !l acres; K Ueichle, clearing, 2 acres;
S. l'eters, clearing, 9 acres; and other
smaller buildings, clearings, etc., which I
have not had time or space to mention. j
The mail carrier, J. Blowart, has to go
from Wilsonville to Aurora on foot, the
river being so high that he cannot cross
with his horse.
Fred Schiewe, part owner in the saw mill,
has sold out to his brother, John.
Wl l.NS. !
Heligious services are held twice a month
at Smyrna Congregational church, of which
F. V. I'arker is pastor. There is a Sunday
school at the same church every Sunday.
Mr. I.ee, of the M. K. church preaches a
Bock creek once a month.
i for the year Wl.
I. and cleared and plowed or ready for the
plow and names of persons who luie
cleared live acres or upwards: liohcrt
llrowp, .'III acres, Geo. Ilrown 2o, Gillicrt
lUmhill l'i, Geo. Itamhdl III, A. liupyski
'.", It. Bypcyski 12, James Houghman 12,
John Bu t II, Win. Strum A, E. C. Mad
dock in, Iinvi.l I'eiiniiuin 10, I'uvid McAr
thur N, additional small trai ls HI; to! ill Jus
Cash (or county w arrant,
over Oregon City bank.
C. II.Pvo,
Dissolution f I'liKm-i'-hlp.
Notice is hereby given that tlic
Needy, Iter. IK On Christmas we were
treated to a few snow Hakes but it turned to
rain again and the utreams have reni'lied
their highest stage so far for this season,
and the small hoy is the busiest Iwingout,
except the beaver, building dams ami man
ufacturing water wheels.
A Christmas tree was erected at the new
rhurch on Christmas eve and everybody
went to see it and everybody got a present.
Tbp e verciups were ui-ei ,ni ihim imt In- tin. l.,sl
not been able to gather many items relating , , - r . r ,
nership hcri'toforu existing between 1
n. Curler ami A. II. liobertxin under
the inline o( I'm tor A liol eitsoii has this
day been dissolved by mill mil consent,
I; W I'orter continuing the business.
All bills owing to (be above mentioned
Progress Made by the Farmers During the
Year 1BUI.
Circs, Dec. 2S. Your correspondent has !
Jlolallla's YeHr Story.
Mo:,a,.:a, Dec. 2-!. It might be well to
state tlcit. ortr village is a country town and
composed of more country than town.
Just n'ittre its limits end is not an easy mat
tertoih leroiine. However, the inhiibitants
at bif ' ro s roads insist on resiricting the
ima;:inc.ry villnjre limits to about twenty
rods t... t and '.vest by sixty roils toward Or
egon City. Then we nun her about sixty
souls. We have made the following im
prove;n(.-::ts since January 1, IH) :
Jlola,:si scale corporation $100
M. X ' ;;ald, on dwelling W)
F. If Dii'.smii. divcdling
His' :': cons 1H0
to improvements in this vicinity made dur
ing the past year by land owners, but oilers
such as have come under casual notice.
Dr. Casto has slashed and burned about
twenty-five acres on the Alpine farm, also
built a good addition to his barn.
Mr. Edwin Howard made a slashing of
about eight acres last spring.
Mr. Bryor Saunders has about three acres
recently slashed.
Mr. Carrick Cassiday has a building in
progress a house, we believe. Mr. Rob.
Cassiday has built a good barn.
Since a year ago a considerable amount of
slashing and grubbing has been done on
the farm of Mr. Frank Jaggar.
Bro. Lorenzo Hornshuh has lately em
ployed two or three hands in grubbing out
hazel on his farm.
A. O. Hayward made a slashing of five
acres last spring, and seeded it down for
Humphrey Jones has made a good slash
ing along the road in front of his house and
also about four or five acres on another part
of his farm.
Some person has evidently borrowed or
stolen a cross-cut saw from the premises of
A. 0. Hayward. He wishes it promptly
i-erhaps no land owner in this vicinity has
done more in the line of general improve
ment of premises than Mr. David Hunter.
House, barn, woodshed and other buildings
have grown up like mushrooms in a night.
Fencing, clearing and breaking land all
has resulted in making his new farm of
some filly odd acres very attractive.
The Needy school closed last Thursday
until after the holidays.
Mr. John Yoder is at home on a visit to
his parents. He has been attending the
stale normal school at Monmouth, and will
return to the school after the holidays.
Mr. B. W. Zimmerman has moved his
family to Needy and taken charge of the
tannery formerly run by D. Zimmerman.
He proposes to embark in the Imsinrx of
manufacturing all kinds of leather, and we
sincerely lioie his ellorts will be attended
with success.
acres. j linn me p.ivulilo to H W. I'orter.
Laud that has been slashed and brush! H. W. I'olUKU
burned or rendv In be bnruiid mid i 'V. II. linllMt ISON.
down for pasture: J. Casto An acres. Win.
Gutperlet .'nl, J. M. I'lmlley In, additional
small tracts. 'SI; total I'm acres.
Improvements in the way of new build
ings ninl repairing of others with names of
most important ones:
Oregon! lty, Oregon, Dec 21, lMtll.
Niillre f Application for l.lipmr Mceuar,
i no
The Industrial Advancement of the Town for
the Year Just Past.
saw i
cry, 1 as the neatest cottage, ham
, ami ha:-: planted out more-hade
iniy other one property holder in
art sixty-five horse power steam
on the Molalla river, capacity 20.-
000 fen- of lumber daily, is the largest com-
Tiie People Have Made Many Improvements
anil are Happy.
Cl.M'.ki:s, Dec. 28. The prosperity of this
community will eiind any in tho county.
Dining the past year a large an a of grain
was sown and a bountiful yield with good
prices has m.'ide times easy and farmers
A MnvGcunn ehurch has been built at
a cost of about S1.200. Mr. Moran built n
barn nt a co.-.t of ?::00. T. Jj. Clarke com
ploted his large barn which had been under
nay. Mr. Tinncrttnt built a water power
sawmill, with a large dam and reservoir at
a cost of about $1,0X1. He also built a large
New Era, Dec. 2S. Christmas passed
rather quietly in this locality, which was
largely due to the horrible condition of the
D. H. Telchnr, arrived here last Wednes
day from Graysvllle, Idaho. He reports
everything in a flourishing condition in
that country.
Prof. W. H. Dohyiis, of Alhina. spent a
portion of the holidays with the family of
E. C. Maddock. He says bis school in
Allium is progressing entirely satisfactory
to all who are concerned.
Miss Josie Waldron went to Brownsville
last week to spend Christmas Willi relatives.
Warner Grange met last Hal unlay. The
attendance was good taking into considera
tion the kind of a day and condition of
the roads. The third and fourth degrees
were conferred upon one new member, and
ollicers were elected for the ensuing year us
follows, (ieo. W. Kidder, master; J. G.
Foster, overseer; Mrs. I). McArthur, lec
turer; E. C. Maddock, steward; Geo. I.uzcll,
assistant steward; J. ('. VVolganmft, chap
lain; I'. McArthur, treasurer: Miss Maggie
McArtliur. secretary; E. Ecrgjisnu, gale
keeper; (Mi's.'Geo. I.uzcll, Ceres; ,Mrs. Geo.
Kidder, i'onionn; Mrs. K (,'. .Maddock,
Flora; Miss Aggie .McArthur, lady assistant
A literury society was organized id, Ibo
1'helps school house last Wednesday even
ing, with the intention of organizing u de
bating saciety next Wednesday evening.
Wo will make an attempt to give an esti
mate of the. improvements throughout New
Repairing New Era lh Hiring mill with
a complete set of rolls by lingers
A Co .1,
Eider. Cnlzer A Co., saw mill 2,
Thomas blituchard, resilience
Augu-t llremer, residenee
C. II. Foter, residence
Joseph Itilggs, resjili'iiee
Vfni. Gutperlet, residence .
M rs. ,1. Madden, residence
Churles Knnlh, resilience under con
struction Frank Spurhik, residec.ee under con
struction George Ilrown, residence under con
struction Mrs. Eastman, cellar
H. A. Waldron, cellar
J. Casto, cellar
E. ( . Maddock, wood shed 1MI
Other buildings and repairs would
probably amount to ,'HO
Total f 1;i,iho
The cost of clearing land ready for the
plow and breaking same would probably
be Mot less than 12.1 per acre. Hiioutv.
To All whom It Mnv Concern :
Take notice that the undersigned w ill ap
ply lot lie count) court ot t' lack am as county ,
slide of Oregon, on Wednesday, the 4th dav
of Eeliriuirv, NI2, for a license to sell spirit
nous, unlit and luniis lienors in less iUiiu
titlcs than one gallon In Ciuihv precinct in
,i4)n said county of Clackamas, for the period of
" O SI I "IM . in , ii ' i I I ir I i-ioiio tin in- cs ins 1 1,' I ii ii in
" ' which he will present to the court at niiij
'"""j Hme. GkoKGt: SlMt.( Elt.
l.ioli . ..
PETITION Edit l.lol'olt LICENSE.
o the llniioriilile County
county of I 'lai'kamas, state
We, lite uiiin-rsii;iieit, neii.i:
Court of the
of i iregiiu :
residents ami
hgal voters ol Cauliv pin-inct. in said
coiinlv and stale, lu-rebv lespectfullv peti
tion that a license mnv he granted to George
Susliinier to sell spirituous, mult and vinous
llipmrs in less ipuiutitics than one gallon
winnii t u 1 1 Ii v precinct lor the term of one
1,1V 0 year.
150 ! VV S Kellogg
i,-si Chas M-hmiit
... J M Nolin
j James Wagner
If you sillier pricking pains on juovliif
the eves, or cuniuit bear bright light
ami Hud y ur sight weuk ami failing,
you should promptly use Ir Mclean's
Strengthening Eye Halvo. 2.') cents
11 AH h FT ItFI'OHT.
Ilnl. iw Is ul veil Hie llregnti City Msrki-l 10"
,inrl corrected Pee :ttli. Irniu ipiutAtliin fur
mulled ills tstsarsiss til Ilie local men-limit
WhMt. Valley lni.ln-1
Until, per bushel
Drritmi City Mills, Portland llrainl
laitinlry brand ....
Mtiiirli ton
Clover llay.
'llinolhy hay.
I m
0 U)
Jl m
VI '41
A Is'tter Knll of Interesting News nf the
Mut.iNo, Dec. 22. C. T. Howard has built
a neat collage for his miller to reside in ami
since the old otic has been pulled down
things look ignite dilleretit in our little burg.
The hum of the mill can be heard daily,
rain or shine.
We understand that J. W. Smith Is to
assist the Molalla bund at Iheir entertain
ment on New Year's night. ,
Mr. Wood, ft comity pauper, died ut the
residence of Mr. lioguo on the llilh Inst.
He been there nearly four months, ami it, is
hut just In the family and neighbors to say
that, great kindness was shown to the old
man in his lingering illness, and that he
was decently buried the next day in the
Howard graveyard. A wreath of flowers
und sprays of evergreen decorated the grave
and a substantial post and hoard fence
enclose It..
Mr. George McArthur has closed his
j school nl Ihis place, and he and Mr. G, W.
; Htrieklin (lenchcr of the school In the Hlipp
j district) gave a joint exhibition at the
I Grange hall oil Ins' Thursdav evening. The
scholars of boih schools ncpiilted them
selves in a very credilalilu manner. Two
prizes were given by each teacher to his
pupils, one to the scholar declaiming the
best, the other for the best acting in the
Concluded on page 7.
Join. T Sclioeh
Jacob A. Woiirnis
Frank Schwart
George Bussed
1'iiulT Hehinitt
G W hlpper
-lames Wright
Lee Adklns
A II Dimick
.Incoli Schneider
S II Luiiipkins
Stephen lliuilii
Jahsh Wilson,
Chas Knight
S II iless
I' red Ilolr.mau
J Foy
George Miller
J II Flovd
Win Adkin
A .1 Manilla
F Hot Inker
F Armstrong
G G Walling
II D Wilson
C llinros
Karl Bfischo
I'll Busche
ll.vrain I Pierce
George W Town
Yitlcnilu Khioho
'J h I'almer
.Ink A II
II Knight
Geo Hastings
II .1 Goodl'cilow
Gus Luiigreu
.1 W Hcoggin
W I. 'I'u 1 1
E 1! Bnuishy
Wm Harlow
John Sims
V Evans
Cass C Barlow
W B Marye
George Sell 1 1 i I Uijl
Thotiins Grady
.Lines Biggs
W W -Ics- e
.1 llciiheruilt
II Kochlcr
Ch Schivarz
John McGmlh
George Sehieli
Edward llono
Harvey Ball
B 1) Ball
A E Hall
A I MoGcc
Andrew Koeliler
11. W Holt
G I) Burleigh
Chris Zieglcr
J F Yost
Geo Siegle
II II Sutherland
Solomon Miller
Isidor Isaacson
David Nleiuliai h
M Bacbeit
Tom I'oineroy
D II Wolfer
David Bachert
Chrisliau Koeliler
11 W Will
C. M Van Biiren
Joseph lliiiras
G Itlggs
H M Adkins
F. T. I'emhroko
I' M Walling
II G Vorpahl
Wm N Brown
Lewis lingers
F Hampton
0 W Armstrong
John I'l'enlng
(' ilildchrand
Win l.iteren
Geo llov
II II Knight
it D SI. urn
.1 Van Devenler
(I A Gurley
L A Adkius
I' Bavmls
.1 II Jesse
F "'Noil
N Dllllcef,
John Elliott
II Brown
Will Twohig
H A Steams
Clarence Wilson
.1 W Jones
A J Hurtle.
J E I'atlon
G L Caediiy
0 LCacilay
G Wilson '
II I'Sngcr
James Adkins
Jesse Adkins
Win MeCiiuxhml
II II Wl ler
John L Thomas
T ' I '( 1 1 1 H (Ut;
V Siishnuer
tile Anderson
('has T Pembroke
W A Cascduy
John Molzan
Jotimli I'eiinger
.1 F Bony
Null Jackson
P.itatnea. 'f ewt
tinliitii r tun it,
Atiie. iireetl. f' tio
Aiiliis, dried, ft Iti
lluller, f lb
Ki!K. film
Honey, f 111 , . .
Primes, dried
l'luniN "
Href, live. lt
licet, droscl
Mutton. ltv f hent
Miitlini, drecd, f n
I'o'k, live, f Iti
Perk, dressed, f It, ... ,
Veal, live. f th
Veiil, dressed, l lb
iiiiiiui f in
Ilacuu, "
CtdeketiN, yc-llng, pel tins .
Cldekens, iihl, per dog
Inck4, per ilox
ilcoau. per dux
Tnrklut, per tuiuiiil, ilressud .
Hi 41
Hints I
l ic
i.UO.' 7.-I
. ,i ,
, . 10 Vt
'2 Mkl 110
4 ilu,H ,SJ
Sou. horn Wwiim Houfo
Kxpress Tritina leave rortlanil Daily.
7 w i'Ta
7;lir. N
Portland Ar
Oruniii:iiy i,i
H. KraneUeo j.v
I b'orlli.
4.1 I S.
I :00r. u.
Above trains amp oulf at tho fnlbiwtng its
"""".,!""'' !."' Hosehurir- Kant Porllaml, ore
Jiill lty ttiindlnirii, S,dinn, A lh.lt-. , Tsineiu
H .edil, llslsey, llarrl.hur,. Juiielfon City, It
vIiik and Kiikcuu
ItOHMIUIttl MAIL (lially).
I I.v I'lirlhin.l Ar
M- I I.v Orciiiinciiy ,v
l. Ar ItoKi'lnirir I.v
'O.HANV LOCAL (Dally, except HlllnlsyJ
I-. n. i.v rur ninl -
:0 4
111", A
.Vie, .
4 IH) M
II 20 A. M
icon i: m.
I:00 V. M, I
I'rcKiin ; y I.v .
.B, M.
h:lHl A. M.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
H'.iriieeiiiiimoihni,,,, nfHeei.nd Cl Passengers
iilliiclii-, in Kx press Truiiia.
West Hnte Divislnti.
-"'.'Jl"1'"' l1"1' Kxl'''l't mindiiv.l
.i a.m. i,v I'orihiinl
iil-J'.:."'! r Cirvalll,
I fc'lli h
I IV ,'.r,i
l'.X,ress Trnl n Dully (Kxeepl
7 :'ih r.
pi Humbly)
I'lirlhilnl Ar
MeMliinvllhi Lv
I Si'.'llA. M
I ft :4a A . IK
Pur tickets nud (M informal!,..
nil ,. o , 14 ' "S
ua. limps, eto,
"I'eK'in City,
Cull oil (Jllllipiuiy's ngc.nl, l
As t 0. C sua fan. Agent,