Oregon City Enterprise. FJHIUY, PKCKMBKR !, ISHl. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. froth Crwnhrrii (or .! t W. K. TVkil for thr mmknurl will b for m! by the member of Ilia band. Knives of All lwcrulion at ll pritiNi t Charman A Co', Oily Vtng Store. Go to W. grvvru. W. Vdo' forjottr fsruiN Remember th grand maiuonttW ball on Now Year eve. Cash for county warrant. C. 11. Pye, owr Oregon City bank. Po the elegant ries to he given at the masquerade bull on New Years eve. We cordially invite you to osll and in lct our new line of lloluUy Attrat-iions. Mks. C, II. L. 1U KMKlsrKlt. Atocraph and scrap tnxk at Char man A Co', City Drug tre, from S cents np. Se the decorated dinner and tea e't nd fancy ciockery at the new crockery tow. " ' An t-ndlca vaiicty of X-maacardaat Chaiman A Co. City lru Sture, the leaders of holiday goods. You can get otne sco.nl bariiaina m IjimtM at Kich's Sew Crockery More opposite the IVietottic. " Perfumes of ail kinda S-e our dis play of cent bottles this week. Char man A Co'. City 1'rug Store. Tiano and oiyan tiininn and repairini; promptly done. L-ave orvtera at Uve joy'e store. City reference given. St Get your X-mas, and New Year'scarda at Charman A Co s. Ttiey have the best elected stock in the city at low prices. The attorney for the city hive been minted till january 5th to tile their newer in the Seventh street injunction matter. Renner at the Seventh street hard ware store will tell you anything ia his line at Portlarfd prices. Goods all tirst c'.ase. Autograph, Scrap and Photograph Albums at Charman A Co s. City 1'rug Store They have the largest stock at the lowest prices. ' J. M. Drake, a prominent farmer of Butte Creek, died last Monday of dropsy at the home of his son in Silverton. lie was a pioneer in Clackainan county. Our home made mince meat is a great surges. .Good goods always get there. We recommend it to the best trade. K. E. JJ'ii.liaks. the grocer. ' 1rl. K. Howell baa purchased half a block of land on Jackson between Kighth ami Ninth arid is get'ing lumber on the pound with which to erect a dwelling bouse. The family of District Attorney Me P.ride isdownwilh the prevaling malady, the grip. Mr. Mo Bride came home from liillsboro completely under the weather. Just opened a case of beautiful plush goods including albums, dressing cases and novelties of the season for the Holi day trade at the Park Place Cash Store. Come and see our show windows. The new ore pulverizer of the Michigan Reduction & mining company has ar rived from Portland and it will be in operation at the old cement mill within a week. E. B. Andrews ha purchased four lots near the head of the steps in Falls View and liegun the building of a com fortable cottage thereon. He has a nightly location. Bruce A Bruce have moved their real estate office to the corner of Sirth and Main where they will have the oflice formerly occupied by the Willam-tte Investment company next to the Oregon City bank The Willamette Silver band will give its masquerade ball at the armory on Thursday night. December 31. Great preparations are being made to insure a good time to all who attend. R. W. Porter has purchased the in tearsl of his partner, A. B. Koberson, in the blacksrnithing I nsiness at the cor.ier of Fourth and Main'streeta, and will hereafter conduct the business in his own name. Frequently accidents occur in the lnuitydd which cause burns, cuts sprains and bruises; for use in such cases Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite family remedy. This season we surpasH all previous efforts and present or selection the most complete and desirable lot ef Diamonds, $atelies. Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, etc., ever offered the people ol this vicinity. Mas. C. II. L. Bukmkibteb. Ex-Mayor T. F. Ryan Rtrolled out to Union Mills last week to look after the Lotfitn property that baa been assigned to him. He report that the roads are soft and springy and that there are no visible indication ol drouth in the locality be traversed. Isaac 8. Miller, who smvessdtlly run h Hint planing mill, brick and tite work, riiler woiks etc. near Hubbard, was in Oregon City thi week and iilmvd n advertisement of hi ware in the coluin ol the KxTKKrmini. Red Seal Fxtrart are the 'nret. Red Sel Colli the (inert Aavorvd. Red Seal Spice are the strongest. Red Seal S containn noroani Red Sen) Flour i on top ami will stay then). tf. K. K. Wii.uMiitlie itrwer. In making up the form of last week' Kntkki'miki one of the natanMptta per taining to Seventh alreel injunction new got separated from the rest of the mutter. It wo evident however to most readers where the try item be longed We pmmlse the best oualily, the niot quantity ami (lie lowest price to all, w ithont distinction of aire or clan and hack of our premise atanl our splendid slock of Pianiond. Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, Silverware, etc. Man. C. II. L.. Hi knmstkh. Janica Krana, of Canhy. a In Ore gon City MondrtV ierlvtintf arrange ments! lor eatabliahinK tlie lonc-talked-of ferrv acr the WilUmette near Canhv. I He i noini! aheatl with hi enterprise ; w ithout aaitint! fir or ask 111 any aob ' aitle. The ferrv will have iia eaUern landing at the old Shanks place. ,1 . . . 1 ,1 If vou want the beat xmhain llur made auk for llitrat'a Impriois) Medium lor Coarse Uiaham Hour umufactured at Aurora, t'rek'on. The Coarse i splendid for luiish and the Medium is just the thinir lir bread. ;enis, cake etc. Kor sale t'y K. K. Williams, the inner. J. A. Kenwortby and J. W. Adams, two youiij! men from Salem, have iur c based the roller akating nuk of O. T. Tourtellott, who has run it sevi-ra! months, and will cive attention to mak- ; irt it a popular pUi-e of auut-a-inent. The vouiii? men know their pusinesa unci tlierwill a pure npaiii to make the rink attractive for evervhodv. A. B. Walker, contractor, ha erected a shop on the river front and titled it up with light machinery for turning out spei ial sijes of sashes, hlind., w indow fiames, dours, store fronts etc. He gets power from an under-hot wheel, in the tail race of the brick tlonrmx mill. Mr, Walker is a good workman and will build up a flourishing business. Some long needed work i being done on the river road betaeen Oregon City and Milwatikie that w ill put in gH! con dition for travel. Peter i'atpiet ia do ing the piling in the slough caused by the pond at the Milwaukie mill and the rest ol the distance the road will 1 graled, the lulls cut and hollows tilled. loiter 1.11. The following is the list uf letter remain ing In the port oltlce at Oregon City, Oregim, December 24, 1S4U : Bvl, James Carter, C 11 Comiit, Mrs A O OcHsiell, Geo (irahain, Mrs 8 R McArtlinr. Eugene Martini, W P Martin, EW Muivinv. Miss Rose I'arker, George Klines, Jutinor B Msou fiower. John Hnnililer, Mrs Mary Scott. James M Hong, Al Witters, John Loonev. CP White, Mrs LM If called for, please sav alien advertised. E. M. HANDS. I'. M, NEW TODAY. D R. C B. SMITH, Graduate of the Eleetrtc M nil pal eolleee. nf Phllailrlphla, ami recularljr llreuaed bjr lha state Medical Board oi r.xauimer. Eagle Creek, Oregon. It will pay vou to buy your Christmas goods at the Park Place Store. The best line of cigar at Charman A Co. "Genuine F.sirella" only 10c at Charman A Co. city drug store. Caught Dec. 18, lHltl a small cedar skiff Owner can have the same by paying legal charges. 8. Kpi.kr. Kpler's Landing, ' Lounges, mattresses, etc., ran be bought cheaper at llolman's than any place in the city, because they are manu tactured in his shop, and he gives hi customers the commission others must pay to Portland dealers. tf Money to loan on lniiroTril I a mi ol not lean, than 0W a-r-. ', O. 'I'. M II.I.I VM, W. II. ill 1(4. II A Ills r. Ttirkejs. Two liundred turkeys wanted at the Fish Market. Yeast Foam. This favorite yeaHt can now be had of E. E. Williams the grocer. tf For !Sale. A Ifolstein-Frelsian bull, a year old . Applv to J. H. liisley A Hons, Kisley's Landing, 0)oHite Oswego, Or. 21 Tit This is Your ( liunce. All parties indebted tout are reriueKtad to call and settle up at once and save further inconvenience. Thou. Charman 4 Hos. Notice. All parties knowing themselves in debted to me will please call and settle before January lat. VV. W. Irvi.n, It Harlow, Or, Fresli Ojst'rs. Fresh Oysters todav. Fresh Oysters tomorrow. Fresh Oysters next wesk. Fresh Oysters all the time. K. K. Williams. ' lt ii 4 fcitlcitiiliiiiii'Kt. The member of the Molalla Comet band will niveau entertainment nt the i school house at Molnlla on the even' jlttg of Jan I at, Sew Yesi'a night, I consisting ol the dmma, " Htvwd upon the w alera, l.ughlil farce, laiiil anl string mi'sio. Admission ami cents, A Wise Man's Adflce. Wisdom crioa almiil aii'l says, "How loiin, oh ye sons of toil, a ill ye heglecl to visit the Second-hand and Notion alore where you can net more iroil for a dol lar Ihaii anywhere elein town?" I'tna, 3 paper, IV. ; neeillra, i apera, ftc. ; Ihh. per net, tV. ; 10 quail dish pans, !M. Opposite Ktoillce, Treasurer'i Nolle. I have now in my hand fund appli cable to the pavmenl of all warrant en dorsed prior to Feb. R, IS'KI. Interest will coe (mm date of this notice S. H. Co.irr, Treasurer of Clackamas Coiinlv. lUted Oregon City, IVc, i IM'I. involution of I'i1nerhlp. Sotice i hereby iriveil that the pari- nerbip heretofore eitili! belwi-en , ". I'urter and A. H, Hiheil"ii imdr Ihe nume of Toiler iV llnbeitaon him thi day ln diolvel hv noinial concnl, K W IVrter c-.tilimiiiiK the binuneM .Ml bill ow inrf to the a'Hive mentioned firm are livable to It W, I'orter. It. V, l'l'ltVKH I A II U.'ai:KI'-'. i treifin Citv. Orcein, IVc "J 1 . 1"H i ;' . Nictti'K roll I'i'lil li'AtloN I ami ( OUK.m ' (v, iWftl. IW ,'t. tv. S"llc ! her.-l.v lvtl llt Ole l.'ll.'n Hf ham. I r'ilev n n.,ili-r t.l mi tntcnii.-ti t. uk. rt -t I lr.,.,f hi i.ucl.,rl i.l lU Hlm. h. Ilitii we, I i-nf'l will I, un it' !.f"r, th l;,'u lrrattl lieeeUrr 0 llirt" S .l,-l Off. .1 Or Ko I lly. or'-n, on IViru.ty l' P'J. l Jam.. FiUfirli-k. Pre-I A S. mo. for tlie 1 , It t r . Ha Haute, lite lnwtt!( Wlttlt. a to rre i M" hii..h. n..i.l,-n,- m.n amt ruluaii. ., I . , h vv .-. v..,,,,, aa J.kn M. ?o r. u ,( s.u.i,. i". u . i la. k wit ir-raat I J T Arr.av.s. Ke..irr IKAMSKY'S STABLES, BARLOW, OR. ! Livery. Sale and Feed Stable, Horses fed anil cared for by the month at reasonable rate. Jay or THE KOHLER. HENRY KOHLER. Prop. Barlow, Oregon. ItAIHNO llnTtil. or TIIK I t Al K. Tables supplied with the Is-st Ihe market flo'da. TULL'S HOTEL-RESTAURANT BARLOW, OREGON. Ileal i' l.olinga and Meala in the Tnaii. Hot Meals nt All Hours. CIO A KS AND CONKKiTliiNKUY. 1 Manufacture and Sell BRICK and TILE of the Best Quality; also Rough and Dressed Lumber and Boxes. Prices the Lowest. Goods the Best. ISAAC S. MILLER. Four Miles East of Hubbard. Livery, Ft ed and Sale Stahle ORECONCITY. LOCATEIJ IlETWKFS TUB BttllJOE AND liKfOT Double ami Single. Itin, ami Hud dle horni-H alwitys on hand fit the lowest priceH. A corrull CDiuiectci) with the burn for loose stock. Information rexunlinif any kind ol stork promptly attended to liy nerson oi letter. horses Bought and Sold. WOOD TURNING A.2STD - SCROLL SAWING. BOXES OF ANY SIZES MANUFACTURED I'arties desiring Wood Turning, l'at- terns, Krackets, or Shop Carpenter's Work Will Vie Suited by Calling on Me. Doors, Windows and Blinds TO ORDER. Q-. HT. BESTOW, Ctf"0f. the Congregational Church All Our Seeds Are Ol (eclogue TplMtye teit j- 03 ?s f. L.Posson Tl? . j-ioliday Season l?as ome. JVl!s. C. H- I If ymi sutler pricking pain tin moving i the eiea, or cannot Isr-ar bright llld i and 11 "d v oir aik'lit aeak and tulinn,', i yon should promptly uw Dr Mcla'nit aj Mrengttii'iiing r ye Salve '.. crnta a Uix. I PISH MARKET, Neil Iwr l lha Arnoo jr. j J. 'ill MI'IIHI.i. raMlrlor. I Full St.a k of All Kin.Itt of Krcsh! and Saltwater Fish. Poul try ami (iiiiuc, lllghesl Ca.B Price Paid tor Ci.nllrj. JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER Comer of Front and Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON, IS STILL OS KAltTII. For gi-urrnl reimirlttg ho stiimls without is-cr. For lirst-cluss re (?ihmIs his store Trv him ! scciiiul to I llOtlO. cuffjjousi:, J. MTTXKH, IT"r. Ihe OMrsi II rat Ilolrl I at Oregon lljr . (Van rooms with cnmfo'tnldi- t-da. Tables aupphrd with the best the mar ket allords. FOR- ABSOLUTELY PORE ?RUGS 0.' A. HARDING. mink hit OOMPCTENT PHAHMACISTS EMPLOVEO Fine Perfcmeries aoi Toilet Articles. Alaoa lull itiK'k n( ri3srTa- oils, ktc. The Best Place in the City '10 III Y- 0 BUY CIGARS, iset I FRUIT, Confectionery, KTC, KTC, IH AT Q.C.CASLER'S STORE, Ne Jt IliKir to Uvsrmiire'i lliitsl, ICE COLD SODA WATER AND FRESH FEHIT IN HKAMnN. Tested Portland, al J. fl U ltrJ to ri W i.y it 0t L'v A , 6 Son. Portland. Or. Iii nntlrititn 'f a livrly wo lutvt njart'l iu ox'iiho in iurt lntHinj tint H.'inilsoiiit'st AiMni'iiii'it tf NKW tiOOPS tvt-r tliKiluytl in Ortpm t'itv. Wt uiv imw hhowtii) a lino of raiv ami lMntitifnl Attit lt'H, ' etiitui'lf fur CliriMtittaK giftH, iit t'lullt-f vnrit'tv. Kx Utiixiti' Nvtlti.' lltat will t leant fin IHU.-t ft-liili'ttt. If you an in tltt' tilv, t all nit in. Diamonds Li- Burmeisten, Main Street, Oregon City. WAR IS DECLARED ! Great Slaughter in Prices at Jamer Hodges' Store for Cash. I will si ll at a Sweeping Ke.mtim fmm furnirr p-riiim : 1(1 muiiuIm I ry tiramilutoil Suar , , JO " ltMl " 1IM) " Coal Oil Kxtrat! Dry (traimlaUH, Kxtra C iwr iallon . , Atnl fvorythinj; t-lst tltnvti JAMES HODGES, Canby, Oregoi- jtj HolidayiGflods. Coiuo iiml sec the rlmiri! CHRISTMAS GOODS wo ItftVO j H'im up at ti Park Place Cash Store. Parents, Remember Your Children CALL EARLY AND Plush Goods, Toys, Jowclry, Por- U; Hamilton cfe. (JOODSi Mar, The best plav Jbnr in mi ml I jm t'xclmngo forCiOOPH. CLOSINC aii ummn(i(K)(lH I cash Ny ''IV mt my immenBo Fall an lli)'uUy Triulo, Clocks, Watches, Jowclry, and Silvorwaro". f 41 In 1 " , " ,... ,,:, " . ..... . , at tatl-rock jrit"fs. AVOID THE RUSH. wislitoum' -JitCL f 1 . .. H V I t ' In J 1 JX J I. I -"if h t -J' f ! u ii r 1 my . f 1 f 'Vt At i- 4."tl -A ilH I . a M I; X t fc v