. iegon City Enterprise ESTABLISHED 1SC0. VOL. 20. NO. 9 OHKOON CITY, OliKUON, Fill DAY, DECEMBER 2r, 1891. Oi HOLIDAYS- GOODS P,of,ssiontu curds. J WASHINGTON NEWS J JIU'CK 4 llltt CK, LKAIUNU IlKAL l'.STATE DKAl KUrf, Ort'ifim City, Or. Dlttce I H it the City Kotmirtiil. HOLIDAYiGOODS! 'it is an ntlmittotl fact that this wason baa witnessed tho fin- nt uVjIiiy of lliihtliiy (Ioom over brought to Orcp V it J, and tho l.cutlers in thin kind of goods M. HANI'B, NOTAKY PUBLIC, KKAL KKTATK4 INr-UHANCK. OftVe Willi the Willamette Kali, liive.imcnt Co. O'ou (Mi)f. Oregon. Duty Oh HiiKiir Likely to l)e He-stored. MUSI' AM MILLS ISIUUJIOJilOlH. N(Bu1r I'lumb Ilfid eikiin Apiliilc4 HrrreUrr f War Hlinvn Sol la Ik 'in i; tk i: t ri ii i:j i:"i i:i. Holly its Hanl'l yimt Agrr tu the Terms With Chill. Wakhinotoji, Di e. 18 The bureau of American republic is inhumed that the comfies of Bolivia, by a majority erf one j vote, Iim n-j-cted the treaty made with Hie new government ol Chili, in una Hull via granted Chili exclusive and per petual right of sovereignty over the nrovim-H of Cohiia. which liaa ten in of since the war SMUGGLE WOES. A San Franelwo House Pays a Large Sum. THE GOODS SIEZEI) AT PORTLAND. Happening of Itifrreat in Trlon Par! or the republic Briefly Told. on aro J 0. T. WUIJAM. KKAI. KSTATK AM' ISSlRAMh. Desirable Bin-int-a Property bii I Kub- lll 1 ill 11 II. ilncn III Oregon ny. Farm Property In tracta Ui .nil on termt. Corrfi...iidri,re iimtnptlr mnwirmt. OIBca. ricMilouru laull.bl A lluiille)'! drug ati.rB. New York, IH. 19-Presidenl Harri- province ot t ot-ija wmcn has en tn VK.m.lsCo. Dec.lO-The sum of on u, ...,r,liiitf to a WahiiiKUm twecial. possession 01 tnni since me r !lm.l,d,ledloeaer.;itherMwerv-U!d!with ol,v,a ... le a in MM. In, Newr in l,i... In the recipocity clause of ; conmuerawou lu" c''ae, IO iouvis ter- ' Co., the member of whii'h were II McKinley tariff bill. V'" ' ?.l7v " m Imm a proclama'.ion restoring the dut.e. : to pay Bolivia 14.000.000 for the benefit .atMartinn of the cWtn. on .gAr, cotr-e, te. and from o .ubje.ta danj-ae. d..r ... j ernment tllPm, ,nd it i.iu.it,.i I..VH not neotiHted re- the war of IXHl. It ia iimlerHtood th , , , ., . . . -,,.PJ,. n ... , ..... i.m 'la t v(l lllrj LlYll mm iu iwuinmio t.eaty w,l. ret. rm. w .or , Tie d4t(!, frotD laf)t septemlK-r 1 IS THOS. CHARW1AN & SON. At tho Pioneer Store. f AMK E. ItAVIK A CO., ' KKAI. KSTATK ANI MoKTMAOE LOAN Al.K.MS. Illy anil DtIiihiI llcinli ll..ulil mud Suld. Aefiili t"f lli CimiiiTilnil rirInirnrCo. H4 Hie rrinr wiTc imuu ni.iir.iiTO No i, MorrUou Ht., Fohthhii, Ob. L. I'UKTEIt, ATTOUNKY AT LAW iaaTBam or rBoraarv rrBMiaiiao. Olltca iwo dmira bIhivb Mlimc, Oren City. Inaporlairt to Hettlrr wnen a caw wi10 r - firm fell from a dray and burst ojien. Soith Bend. Dec. 18.-Tne following ' revealing the amii!Kled gooda. The Oar RrlprttoM I'.mbritreo r.lsal Arlmrnl of Fancy Toilet Cases, Albums, Mani cure Sets, Cups, Vases and Fine China Ware. tlproi ily treatie with out cow-try. The proclamation will tak eltett on Jan. 1, IS'.lS. and will be ianued in a few dnya, certainly not later than Chriatmaa day. The effect of the proclamation will , a . v,1 !,: nn.itfrnent waa aeiawd. aa were fur-re.chin. I he only co.intne. that Conimiwion(jr C(irter ig important to!aeveral aureqnent conigmenta, ard have concluded reciproctly treat.ea wIth t utings of! nearly all proved to be faUelv invoiced, the United Slate., and will ,on j jje coiiiniiarioner, Lewia A. (iroff, 1 Nearly all the invoices received by the MMliwullT be not included It. the P'in . on odd-nura- firm during the year were InRpwUd hy .anmiion, are nrax... vuu. f u u .qm of nnBIIrveyed land wlthin Tlttn 170I1IIIIUO BOO I.IIlinu .I i T. . Mt BBII'B. IBBBB. BIIIHE liRKHHKK ATTOKNEYS AT LAW, 0(Hc lu JKr Uli-rk. Oreoo City The treaty with Germany is not yet ratilled. and reciprocity trealiea are now j 'pending at the atale department with! Mexico, Guatemala, Cob I a Kica, Balva I A, r-,.iit,.iKi. Vtun..la Kiiiiidor and rrn. But until thtae treatiea are ratified Into an accomplished fact the prenident wl! not take olllclal coitnizance ot them. Aa noon aa each treaty ib ratified, however, the embargo will be removed. Kit Ka4 rat M g to' a 'Writ -4UJl la ( rv4 w tcrt -avrl' amvi 4. tkOl I p(se af . taaaek IpWfl" at Hi I i a taw thaetV hao J-tmiU. jaJtM'4 1 aa by" All 'a.. dBat BllW lad'"! lafUtwf diHlcsllW 10 IocbW er. I"""' alllfttlWf! i th"'11 porti"" lMtff ith r from l'ut ,r chntet"1 nwirlr ur P-WJ1-' ir waUWf ,rnuKh ttJ , w fJ -A mirth n n.i-alO" A Hj.nM ii.1 lot for the Holiday Trado of the latest xtylcs of (Jcnlh'incn's Tics find Scarfs. t II. UYK. ATl'OUSl'.Y ASD 1 ot NSKl-OK AT LAW Office orar Ori"0 t-'try Bank, OBBMOB CITY. OBBOOB ; railroad indemnitr limita, re followed In the present practice of the general land office: Your letter of October 29, 1891, baa been received. In reply, you are ad vised that s settlement on unsurveyed land within the indemnity limits of a railroad grant "by a person qualified to make entrv under the laws of the United Stales, will, if continued up to the time of survey, defeat any right of selection the railroad company may assert. L M. CaBbin, the depu'.y collector, who has been dismutsed for alleged complicity in the smutrgling. U'..uiunr.t 1W lfl. The Criiw Mill correspondence was made public: brcomo MLhcp. ... . i ... af:it ! .... . n .. t il evening, in a leuer io mum jer, MiLWAt'KiB." WW., we. IB. nev. ----- , , . .... !.i, v,...l if li w,,irl lL V .... hi. I the freight was a conugnment of hard- Pobtxakd, Dec. 18. The customs au thorities have sieied about t'28,000 worth of goods belonging to two prominent hardware firms of this city, wmcn were brought to this port on the English bark Ocbtertyre under an alleged violation ol the United States law. Several days ago the British Bark Ochtertyre, of 12U6 tons register, under command of Captain Harris, arrived ut this port direct from Antwerp. She brought considerable cargo and among tenlaythe speaker asked if it would l Sebastian Messonor ha announced his """;' firm . jHm agreeable or .citable to be appointed ;Mim of notifu.fg the p.pj author- JZi HAWtuififl on Oie committee on ways anil :.:.. u..m .ht h will not accent v ... . . . . . . . - . i ,w" : . .. - a nuantitv of similar freight tor .napp. means, ana in auumou ue a,-,1""" , the position of btshop ot ureen nay, w - - - The ..I- i.... n a-.r iKtt Aalll Ititt lud nil Illllll.t'ri'A I . 1 ;,. k.u al-klaaminttMi " ' If fnii tini .f ii tirncf ii-Mil tiiril if 111.11(1 tkUil lrop080 to 41 (UIV' J ...... " 4 make Drt-sciits that will be jireciatoil for their worth, . CHARMAN & SON f!arrv iust tho articles that y-u will want, whether it bo in Fancy Drvm (1o.h1h of tho latest patterns, or a stylish Cloak or Wrap, Silk llamlkorehief.or a Serviceable Silk Umbrella. Wo lead in our stock of Dry Goods, Fancy Dress Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, Rubber Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Sash, Doors, Paints and Oils, (Including tho Coli.lntl Cleveland Mixed Taints). Also Agricultural Implements, Seeds, Crockery and Glassware ALL OF THE BEST QUALITY. Our Dry 0,U Cun,il ftar-t of Catacm,, Henrietta rM4i. pi.a5.la ninl Tjiilios Cloth. V1U11I 1 lUWi" . DoscripUons 1 vonv m 1 (1 KOKUK C. HIIOWSKLU I . I.AM Ml, IIBBU..H CITV, - OKBOO. Will nrr0r in all the emirta nt Hi atale. Ol Bra. nat d.air Ui Cauilall Huiilley'a ttruf at.ir. or postotllcea, or some commmue wuu Messonor's only reason l ttiai tie tiae .,... i wa less laborious man tnose hig ,,reM.t work gs teacher of dogmatic .. ' ' , ,ed. In reply today Mr. Mills, in gnd (.ommon law in lhe Catholic uni- lortland. Ih.sprati i : . .,l.., i ,y a...... I Ol lttW. ( 1 It IIAYKS. AlIUH.r. Al j.Ait, OKBOON CITY, OBBUON Will nractlci! In all tlie court, nl the atnte. (irllrc, corner Main anJ Klulith imu i..ait court bou.0 I. B. BBOI BBKHBUCUH T r KOWIKO. BKtlCKKNIIUOl'UH A C0WIN0, A 1 1 vl. r. i a a. .i " ' All Ca.c hctom V. 8 Uni Offlco B apeelallj. ... . . . IT u I.m.I .,,1 ir.a. bilUtlilll. work nam part, siiid that " having been a member of the committee on ways and means ten j'iara, and chairman in the 50th con gress, the reason which have in your judgment rendered my chairmanship unwise would disqualify me for service in any other place on that committee, and it would not be agreeable to accept I vour tender . I leave to you without ai.y suggestion from me to niake such 'other alignment as you in the discharge of your official du.y may determine.' unoda were shippeJ from New York, and ro-shipfiea to tice is in violation verstty, near WaHhington, u. x,. VslsrtM.n. Dec. 18.-Thecargo of onor I.hs not;fid Archbishop KaHwr ol . benares. from his remarkable action, and the arcn- . .Q . , f(. h thB col. bishop said Rome might compel MeH consi9ttfd onor to weeept the bishopric, as mat . h.i t course had already bee,, pursued "HS Z t n;l,, Tr!,l ami Hieli.m "Kiiaul- .. . IKWUI IOIIUl MH- - I I ding, of Peoria, III. OKEUHN CITY.- C regno. W. T. Bl'BKBV. j. w. DBAria. 1 t'KNEY A DHAfKK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Orcitotiflty, .... On-gon Twelve vcara experience a rel,er ol the U. IjiihI orllc here rwomnnMi.l ua In our iec laliv ol all klmla "I Imaliieaa belore lhe land of tli c'aiiil the courta. ami luvolvl:i the practice 111 the (cueral laud ollice. Wanhinoton. Dec. 22 It is not be lieved that Simon is a possibilty for the fouvrxi judgeship and, in a rounuarjuui way, it seems that the president has indicated that he does not want to ap point Simon. In view ol some ot tne protests that have been made against Simon s appointment, there is general amatt'ineiit that so many men in public offico and ex-otlice-bolders recommeud him so strongly. W. CAIIBY JOKKSON. C. at. ll)l.I.AN. T01IN80N A ID1.EM AN LAWYKKS. Coruer Eight and Main atrceta, Oregon City, Oreaon, KKAI. ESTATE TO SELL AND MUSKY TO LOAN. Ambitions Joun. New York, Dec. 18 The current storv about the city hall this morning is that Lientenant-Govenor Jones called on Governor Hill the other day and begged him to resign. Jones, it is said ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW MAIN STKKKT, OHBUON CITY, ORSUOK. Furiilah Almtracta of Title, In Money, Fnre- cline M(iri-Ka, a"" t..i. Law Uuatneaa. a- w m X 1 D.4 D.C. LATOl'KKTTfc, c Senator Dolph's bill for a gun factory of the Pacific coast has for its ultimate obict the location of svich a factory on the Columbia river. The bill goes to his committee on coast defences and will soon be reuorted back by him. It provides for an appropriation of $1,000 000. Ki-imtor lMiiiub l-ml. Washington, D C. Dec. 20. Sena tor 1'reston B. Plumb who has repre sented Kansas in the United States sen ate since 1870 died of apoplexy this morning, caused by overwork. It is probable that J. J. Ingalls may be appointed to the vacancy thus caused. by way of Antwerp, in violation of Sta tion 4347 of the revised statutes. . . The Sioux, Keaernation. Pierbk. S. D., Dec. tS. Referring to the recent decision of the interior de partment thai balf-breedsare not entitled to the rights of Indians, half-breeds - beitired him to resign. Jones, 11 w tuuu - uei.g w .. . 8 . , , .... aert that if this is upheld tlie necessary pleaded that it naa Deen ,us amoiuon f.n, , , . , , . ,j k number of names are not secured for the from bovhood to be governor ana ne irom iwviiuou b ... nnAn nanf tnn oreut Sioux reservation. would be satisfied with one week wot- , . ... . 4 I u-,,1 1.1 i. t.i..-,Q. and therefore the onemng w illegal, a flee. Hi 1 frankly Batd: ";annot trust i,i: iui . . .. , , , , arge number of filings on Indian alm- you. because I believe .u would art . with the republicans." Jones said he " . ' ..K ,,. i T.-n .j serious irouuio kd c, uuuiju would make an amaavii. nui inumaieu - . . . .1... It. 'a ,r,t ,,1,1 anthatatan B4ua.-u.cu .u.. ..u. an affidavit could hardly make the mat- wlth ' un er more sure. II. K. CHO88, ATTORNEY AT LAW. WiLt PaACTica m All Coi KTa or Tit Stat Real Estate and Insurance. Oinco on Main Street, bet Sixth and Seventh, Held to Await Trial. San Fbanci8co,Djc. 18. Harry Miller, aon of Joaauin Miller, "Poet ot the Sierras." was held today on the charge I ot stftL-e robbeiy by Commissioner baw ver to await the action ot me unueu States grand jury. His bail was fixed at 110.000 which was not immediately forthcoming. He is wanted in Oregon to serve a year and a half of a two year e term in the penitentiary, but Oregon Arbitrators Appointed. t Washington, Dec. 19. It is annonnuei that an agreement has been reachad with the British government as to lhe seal tisheiies. The number and poww of the arbitrators are fixed, aud it is con fidently expected that their appoint ment and the terms of the arbitration will be announced in a few days. OBKUON CITY, OR. r.lkln'N dominated. Washinciton, Dec. 17. The president todiiy sent to the Benate the nomination of Stephen B. Elkins, of West Virginia, to be secreWry of war, vice Redfield Proctor resigned. !a Oregon City Manufactur- ,cy Skirts, Vests, Drawers, aps, Gloves, and Umlor- tho best known fac- ,m the best factories ,o best kept, rilllK COMMERCIAL BANK, OP OREGON CITY. CBpttal. 100-000 TRANSACTS A UKNBBAL BASKINO BUS1NK8S. Loam mado. HlUa discounted. MaVea co lections. Buys and sella ex. liame on all pol ta open irtnn v . . hj r. sv....., , o- irom o w i o i - . . xnuiMf nuaiiAir D. C. LATUUKCl " ... X. m v.. " BANK Or 0KEUCN CITY. Paid up Capital, IM.0OO. FKKSIOKNT, - - TH0.CHABA. VIC PRltSH'tHT, - GEO. A. MABiunu CASH1BR, - - B.O uacr...... MANAUBR. CHAB1.B. . A general banking business trnsactcd. Deoostts received subject to oheek Aonrovcd bills aim noma Comity and city warrants boiiglit. Loans made on available security. Kxchanne iiouhih Tclcuriivhio excliatmca Bold ,,n Portland, bau Francisco, Chioaao aim - TUUrd Will Wot Kelsu. Nkw Yokk. Dec. 18. Kiernan's News Aironev announces the following: The chairman of the finance cotnuut- the of the Northern Pacific authorises no fn ntnt a that there is not one scin tllla of truth in the reports which have heen bo indtistriouslv circulated mat Villard, chairman of the board, is not in full accord with the members oi me board of directors or its respective cone mitteea Villard is hold in tho high est esteem by them, and the character and methods ol his management are moat fnllv indorsed. The finances of the Northern Pacific have never been in an easier condition, and the want of har mony does not in the slightest degree exist. Uoinpera Re-elected. Bikminoiiam, Ala., Dec. 18. At the session of the American federation of labor today Goiupere was re-elected prss-Ident. Pacific "oat Failures!. San Francisco. Dec. 18. Bradstreet's term in the penitentiary, uui uregon - - . , . must wait til. the United States is done Mercan U le with him. , ... , ., , ,. . territories lor me i w cuuiuk lumoituw u .ii u i,ii.,,a,,.r.diiln BBi-oimiared with fourteen for the pre- .( . . v " , ' j M vious week, and twenty-five for the cor- 1 iulaDKLPHIA , iec. w-ino conu.v.o.i Walt Whitman, who lies seriously ill at e ..l,., ,nil v. hot. ha, is. steadlv AgreeiaeBtActepted. 4. . rr- .... " T.rtvT r.Ai A lur.fw niAOtitlvT itf bronchial pneumonia and acute weak- English holders of Virginia debt bonds negSi I WUO lICUl lUUBVt 11 o unrara iv..- cept the agreement attected Between mo Virginia Btate debt commission and the New York, Dec. IS. The very latest Olcott committee for settlement. Cyrus W. rield. report from the sick chamber of Cyrus W. Field is that he is in no immediate dancrer of dying, but has been as persist ent in the refusal of food as his son. Drs. New York. Dec. 19 Rear-Admiral Thomas Pattersou, U. S. N., died sual- ,1 . . 1 ..4 I.aiiia rn PlintiAn ac-Dtillat mil 111 11113 irnini vsa awwv. w uv... , UUIIIV UV ULO liuuirj vu V nil ion v i'iv, Fuller and Kries believe they will be New Brighton, L. I Thursday night -i.i. . ii .i.:. ii.w,,..,!, i. .i. . i able to pull their patient through. Iieath waa due to heart failure. Rear- Adnural Patterson was born in Troy, N. Y., February 8,1832. Irwin Resigns. o . n Ol II At Tru-in has tendered his resignation as superin- Washinqton. Dec. 18-Representativ. tendentof the government Indian train- uauseii, oi reiuiBymu.a, ....v.... infiohool .t fihemawa. near this city, himself as a candidate for the United . ... In... a. T - ..n. 4vJ.,,. U -1 J 4 mmiotrir I nrfirPS NHII RLUrnlillJ. 1 B IHlIt IWOT Uv tie resiyiieu iu ic-cuici mo mhhwiji r- Irwin was appointed under President spoke of the sentiment in Pennsylvania Harrison in 1889. agamm i wj MnntAna Itubr .Minos. London, Dec. 19. Solomon Hirscli, I . . , n. . ...a a m. i -..in oi ti r - t United stares minister io mrwv, win t ftvrinii Top 21 Thft (IirflitorB of the """"""t - 0.,.1. frv rnnat.iitinnn A. .Montana Rubv Mines company, who ' . . nnin nmiir iu iitoi'uv. piui-i j t 'v t .... quisition of which the company has in Chicago, Dec. 18.-A rate war is about consideration, have cablod their approv- l" "F " a.. ... r ! I I lf e 1 , ?. )1 3ig iffer al of the purchase. "" "e "