Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 18, 1891, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
WlMSa H. N.m'ii'-i,, Krra.? O.T , m.
Hv nmniiiii oiT.
tW HI.
MOW a lit.
I w i in,
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10 iu m.
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if. asiia ,.Tfi
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l"' nt.
IV W t M.
Su.m.r AU..H...I1 m.i,,.
mmnm fAcirit: railway.
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Kltll'AY, MHKMIIKK Id, lain.
Ill m .n.l uii 1,1.1 r , ,
Uti.tt.nir irt.i .i.Wri...
(Mil ami ,,.u .la n.. ., ;.,
mh 11.1. 1 bn. I i ,,,
Ti. rif mil ,.ni,
Mf't.M. ol Ul lllal (. riml if u U iml d,.
Ilfv.l luliitrr.
Tiu U.imorTAi.-Al tli tva-ular
numitiiy im ting of t, )HMf, ,4 ,r41B
Ul Monday ntK,i dm rliM mailer, i
eun tli road o,niion, In the
havm of Ilia chairman of the coin
mlH Kunreyor Ki.lury rtmyih nude (
verbal rtrt ul Hie reault ol lila inviull
galtolia iwuiiimeiiiluii m Ida tnnal
(avort. route (i Kiwnl Highland
r l in ll wain. Tha ioui outlined
by Itlm lre Ilia jirwiu Highland
road at rtprlngar hill and twara to the
Wralulthe (.rrwnt highway about fll
Un'ii chain. Ihaiira ) aotillirrlr tu
lli Ji4ba Msy flirt, Uirnr down Ilia
canyon U Ilmknar rwk, thrnoe down'
that to Milk rrerk crowing at the June.
ll.inl lb two dreamt and intertwclin
tlm nrrtwnt MolalU load in tt.a viiiml
ol lh grir hll. TI1I11 route mid
involve building tmtatHil thrreudletoi
m-w nwd, Mr, KiiihIi a.id, and Ihmejhuei will l.n the way aboul nix wuokt
would I no grade to ..k (4 on It, (during which tune the Matuauillo hat
Mr. Vaughn ol MolalU waa tn-lit at'her run
the meet lug and Un being Invited to
ipfva hi opinion on the rwd ipmtlon
he Mid that a gnd rtud conld not be
made on the Howard hill but that he jiUy with a load ol nieicbandiw, includ
thought th u!d r.Mtd the b..t mule Ihe -log 2tl,270 pouiidt of miiur for Kalcm.
lemainder of the diln. e. The ex(eiie
ot building a wholly new road be pie
iliiird would t greater than the lax-
pavera would lr. He thought Ui
preaent Mad could t ilanktx aacheatilv
new one could Ihi ptepare.1 for
planking, V. (. Letouretto laid every,
thing td bad been tried and fai'ed and
bantu In favor of a good plank mad.
Mr. ltinl.y, el Molalla. raited the
ohjecti'in ttiat planka would not do on
lillia teamt could not get a footint In
froaty weather In draw loadt. Judge
Mi'ldruiti drpwd in lo Ihe nulling and
ih callmt upon for hia opinion of Ihe
road matter. In tpeaklng on the tub-Je-t
he aahl no one ought lo feel very
bad about throwing away what had h!n
done on lb prrwent road (or moat of the
treea and tump Inat grew in the mail
way were ttill there, Thew ebotild l
goltou rid of. To let air ami aunllght
Opon the roadt ami proM'rly drain them
would vattly Improve the road at they
are. lie wae not In (nvor nf a plunk
Mad at a gneral thing but didn't know
Nt pUnkt were the lieet uiitteriitl that
Oould I provided for tint Mad. H
would ol 13000 to i:WH) for mile to
get a new road pmperly pl.tnkil, Hut
be thought an accurate anrveyol the
ditrerelit rotitvt thoulil tw madti, not
merely a curaory examination, and then
thorn woulJ be Miiietliing tangibla to
work nHin. I'pon the conclusion of
the tin. 'notion the nutter waa left in
the hand of the coimuitUie lo continue
the work.
AtllHTIONAt. Col'NtKt, hMIM.OYKI), -
Upon Ihe filing o( tlie petition for an it-
jiinction agiiintt tlie telling of the prop
erty for the Heventli ettwt nMHowmtuit
ImI Monday a tiieclal meeting of the
council wat called. Upon the convening
of '.he council in the evening all the meuv
beta were pretent except Councilman
ICImrman. Thofactof lb filing of the
)ietllion waa aUted and a motion made
iby Noble that District Attorney
','jIcBritle tie roUlned to aiainf In looking
rftr the city'a InteretU In the miiuer.
tlie nrotiotltlon wan carrliHl, J.atourtitie
MtingexiMiHod from vollng. Aa an addi-
joiittl meana of protection the cuy in
he eontrovuray a conimiltoo conaiHling ol
)Vonnell, Randnli and Porlor wat ai-
iitod to employ adiiitionai counsel u
iccHHiiry and to Biwint In getting tlio
,v'a ilefonto Into thuo. Liitonretto 0-
od thin alh-King that the employment
idditiomil counel would only be en-
.... t ..,.1....a n f inNU nivnn
dly. Upon the conclueion of this
untueMt there wat aotne infornml dis-
UHHion roiardlna the ownership of the
trip of limd along tlio river bunk and
hen an adjournment was takon.
nNt. John's parochial scliool will close
it Friday for tlio holiday yftcation of
1 weeks. On Christmas ovo nn outer
limit will ho given by the school at
La program consisting of recitations,
etc., will be rendered by the
. tit. John's branch of tlie
jlic Knight of America will fur-
iiluli tlm Cliriatinaa tree anil provide
lrM-nl for all tlm iMMmhi of a-linul,
0.1 Cliilnlinua day j tl,() rlnirt'h i'atlinr
llillnliraiiil will cumliurt tliffi)
lli lliat al H oVIwk with limilmli wrimm,
llm nut unci alO o'clcn k Willi a (ii.rnmn
rtiitiii ami a lilli iuhnhwIiIi KiikIIhIi
"inn,,, al 10;;:0, Tli choir will nmlr
Kriiitr't iiium, a umat LiMiiliful ami ilil
fiiult iuniiNiiiiun whii h it haa alivaily
iHiit wuik oil omit i'i'k. In tlm
cvmiiiin , a ,.im vhH r arrvli
ami lniiii(iin. Kvnrjr on U luviloil
la tiiii thaw M'rviii'i,
Namnow KacAPat itmom Dmuwninu.
( 'lm llaa Miller wai working nlmut
mil o( Ion iM. inn ilitnn e above I lie
lH one day I mil wwk whim h ! j jm-1
"lid lull In the river and wa tarried un
der the Ion. Uuaevnr, h iunafd Ui
l out Into tlm iij.ii wttUir, and wlni.
inlng down the river and toward tlm
horo, he caught a hul and Dually waa
rrwiied (rum lin huIIii aitualion. A
Ibw day ago Hairy HK-ni'nr waiciow
inii the rivur In a mull IhmI a almrt ilia
lame ahova the (alia. lie hud one
hroken oar whlrli made hia (irotiiena to
low that I he alrunu t urrcnt nrly
'l him over Hie cataract. The aier
11011 to avert thtt luiiendiiii diwtruction
waa to great that he waalaid up two
orthredaya by reaaon o( the exiiUi
miMit and enlmiinlimi.
Tu Latuna IUai'ii.MNd The Ore
"n City TianHrUtion company'!
leatner Ijilona iaon the waya InJohn
on & Oleeirg ahlpyard at the (oot of
Jitfleiaoii atieet, l'ortland, and i being
rtthiiill Hhe ia being aawed in Iwo
amliUhia and about twelve (eet will I
tutted to Mr length waking tier 102 (tt
long. A new cabin w ill tx put on tier
w that ahe will be much like her filter
ti-ainer, Altuna. The new ojra chain
I' eallng the cabin have already been
onlerrd and when the boat il put back
J the walr the will b on o( the diieat
j eo.ed pa-wnvr ateaniera on Hit
j river, hhe will be nearly aa large at
jlbn Altona. It it not yet di'tvriiiliird
i,ii... .1.. win 1... 1 ti...
-f wu Hill UO lUIIBIIIl'tl. 1 IIU
l'r Kivaa Navioation. The tteaiiiei-
ll.iag came down from Corvallit ywli
After diwharging her cargo the lioag
went on to l'ortland. The llenily ar
rived (mm l'ortland hint l ight on her way
i to Corvallia with nine tuna of frviubl for
uierchanla here, The Thre Hiettr ia
, working belwiwn Satom and lmlcneiid-
enc, carrying wheat, Tlie rivw regit
tered ten feet and a half yealcrday after
noon Hunday night the water rote four
inrhet, but it wat aboul at a elandclill
yetterduy. The approachea lo the Ore
gon Pacific wharf-boat were being put
back ytvterday into their former peti
tion, no they can he lined (or the preiwnt,
Wkit Sidx hoolClohko The acliool
In Weal Oregon City cl(Hk-d last Friday
jr the winter vacation which I am a till
pring Thit term of echool made
thirty-two month! S. A.D. (iililey liaa
taught in that district and bo hat been
verv aucceiMtlul in hit work. The en
rollment for the term jutt closed was 108,
which waa much greaier than ever before
in that school. Miss lirace Huird, now
in l!ie Oiegnn Cuy school, was the first
assistant teacher oil the west eide nm!
Mish Tacy Wilkinson, also now teaching
on (ho east side, succeeded her. Miss
Anna llicenbolhiiin waa the assistant
teacher for the lust two months.
Akhkstkd A! an AccoMi't.tcK. Frank
Kellogg, of Klyviltc, wat arretted
Wednesday morning on complaint of
Fred Ely and charged with being an
accomplice ot Ray Fischer in nibbing
Mr. Ely's tulo, for which young Fischer
waa bound over to.the grand jury in the
turn of 2M) about two weeks ago. It
appear that Kellogg understood the
lock to the safe sufficiently to open it as
the lock waa kept during the day and
that be turned the dial and opened the
safe for the Fisher boy to gut the money
that was taken, Upon examination
Wednesday .afternoon Kellogg was
bound over to the grand jury in the
turn of 3i)0.
Mauk an Asskinmknt. J. P.Logan,
the Union Mills miller, made an assign
ment last Monday to T. F. Ryun for the
benefit of bis creditors. Mr. Logan
leased tlie fiViring mill of the owner, 0.
T. Trullinger, who on December 5, levied
an attachment on Logan's grain, flour
etc.. held there, for a claim of $,r00, $105
of which was for rent duo, 250 for wheat
and .ri5 for an asshjnud labor claim,
On account of that attiieliuient Mr.
Logan asuigncd 'lo Mr, Ryan Monday.
The schedule of assets and liabilities
shows the farmer to aggregate about $800
and the lutWr about U00 . Tlio mill is
now boing ruby Mr. Trulling-or.
Pomk Rio"jPo,' atom. John Githons, a
farmer rosldiiigWiar Highland, comes to
the front withlV
hi lit potato sjieci mens
,1 brought to the En-
of the season ,
week a tuber twelve
and a Imlf inches lW nd oloven inches
In clrcuniforoutM that woighoa just
threo iHjunda and bW ho had fifty bush,
els of potatoes f tM wine size. One of
his potatoes had io'il branches to it
ml In (IIkkI'ik II tiruki-n inlu two or
tliti'K nliHHa, which loKclhiT wctixhml ten
mihh, Mr (iilhiiiia'i vnUlcx'ii are ol
llm 1 11 In tiiv varlxly whii:h h Will malcll
aURltmt Hi world (or ijuiuilliy and qiml
ity uf yUild.
To I'iimi tiik Uiiao MArriiB.i-The
himrd of trade committee having the
Molallu-Mpinmam road matter in
chaige wmil out Thuraly to peraonully
iiiHct the diircrent route (or locating
the mad. Upon their return t nclul
moetiug of Ihe board will be held
and the niK lur ol the location definitely
detnriiiiued to tliat the Alitor prelimi
nary wcirk may proceed, (or it il real
iad that there U 110 time to be lott in
getting the work ttartJ. The petition
for the Mail iituttt ) brought before the
county court at ill Fubruary term.
Watku WoKga to ONgKN Point.
lUmideiiU 'n the Green I'oint dittiict
have luid a water main to connect with
the city water worka ayatem near
llroiighton'a huw mill and are having
the benefit of the water eervice. The
city la at no expena in the matter. It
wataetured f4 60 a inoulli revenue bo
fore the (irccn I'oint aorvice wal er
iiiitlcii to conned with thecliy main and
there are now fourteen conaumert on
the Green I'oint main outaide the city
limita. Every couaunier added addi to
the w ater worka revenue.
Imi'hovkmxkt at tii Local. The
Willamette Ftlll Electric company It
constructing a reinforcing flume around
the guard lockt acroaa the river in order
that the water drawn from the canal (or
power purpose! may not in any manner
interfere with bayigation. Jt willcon-
ant of flume twenty feet wide, five
feet deep and nearly 300 feet long. It
will take aeveral weeka to construct the
improvement whlrh will cost about
ViaiToht WaixoMK. We are now fully
prepared to meet the demands of the
sea ton, and assure the public that vis
itors will heinrdlully welcome. Whether
you with tu purchase or not we thai! be
glad to entertain you with our charming
exhibition of Ihmnomla, Watches, Jew
elry, Clocks, Hilverware, etc.
Mat. C. H. L. IiiaMxitTKH.
A IIiimimy (-HKgTiNU Mm. Trier re
lume thanks to her friends for past
favors, and askt tier to cull and tee her
new stock of Chriatmaa gooda aa the
haa quite a variety on I. and thit year at
the old established Candy Store.
Week's Transfer in Realty.
T W Tetler and wife to J L
Hill I 40 b 43 Minthorn ad to
Portland $ 100 00
William Rehliein and wife to It.
W. Jouete1, iw t4' 1 26 tl sr
4 e SO acre 660 00
Geo Swygert and wife to N W
I .own A Trust Co ow'ne'i
33, t I a, r 3 e 40 acre
1200 00
Oregon Iron & Steel Co to N B
Atkinson executrix I 8 b 28 0 1
A S Co'a ad to Oswego 250 00
Susan T W Stearns to Marion
Johnson dower interest in ','
ne (4 and lots 3 and 4 a 8 1 1, 2
and 4 a 0 t 2 1 r 2 e 123.30
acres 750 00
Oregon Land Co to John Shearer
1 31 and 32 b 44 Minthorn ad
to Portland. . 300 00
Oregon Land Co to TE FarnS'
worth I 21) and 30 b 71 Mill'
thorn ad to l'ortland 300 00
Emma and Eugene liaiineiiiaiin
to II Ilranschweiger 19 b 49
O I & 8 Co's ad to Oswego. . . . 1000 00
Elam Frost and wife to Mary E
Stevens pt t 3 s, r 1 e, 90.18
acres 5 00
Marlon Johnson and wife to J A
Logan I 4, 5, 8, 9 and 21 Clack
amas Park 25 acres .' 2600 00
Marion Johnson and wife to
Silvoy Stuart and J. A. Logan
11,2, 3, 6, 7, 11 and 23 Clack
amas Park 30.5 acres 3G60 00
J A Logan snd wife to Silvey
Stuart half interest I 10, 17, 18,
and 19 Clackamas Park 20
acres... , 2000 00
Christian Kocher and wife to
Catherine Kocher et als 24.72
acres 1500 00
Clara Eastham to Mary Mader
14b 120 Oregon City
1 00
J T Apperson and wife to Munon
II illeary 14 b 3 Park Place .... 125 00
JW Davis to Laramie Mayer
two-fltths interest in silver
mining claim in Bold mining
claim in Bold mining district. 1000 00
Junius Kyan to Clackamas
county pt Clackamas Heights
1 00
S W Carter and wife to Henry
Buck man nw4 nwj and sw,
nw?4 and 1 4 of s 6 in 1 5 s, r 2
e 114.24 acres..... 1160 00
James Jones to Rudolph Strick-
Hn nwtf sll,t4B,r3.160
acres...;.. 60 00
Sarah Williams to Jorgon King-
nea 1 1, 2, 3, 10, 11 and 12 b
24 Canby 240 00
Susan R Crooksbanks to Susan
Ciookslianks jr pt A P Smith
DL C 1500 00
Win 0 Muck and wife to John
Harieborger pt Philander Lee
DLClacre 100 00
W O Muck and wife to Maxwell
Telford pt riiilandor Lee D L
CI acre 100 00
J 11 met M War and wife to
Ulchard F Davla iwaw
a 14, tif, , r2e 3100 00
Mary Maderto C C Itobbim I 4
b I20()regon City 200 00
Harah William! to Lucy Rogera
I 4, 5, 0, 7, 8 and 9 b 4
Canby 200 00
21, HH2 00
I)ld you ever buy a borne and not have
tome miHgivingt aa to hit pointatill they
were fully tetled. Not ao with Aver'a
HartHiarilla: you may tie lure of it at
the atart. It never diMappoliiU thoee
who give it a fair and peraiatanl trial .
Kpicure, the beat Flour made. tf
It will pity you to buy your ChriBlina
gooda at the Park i'hicv htore.
T.I.I... !..'.. II. tl.l.
etc., required at iiellomy liuncb'aaecond
hand itore.
Epicure ia the bent Flour aold by all
grocer. II your grocer uoee not keep it
go to one that doe. tf
liemeinher our cigart are all thorough
ly seasoned at we have an improved
ventilated Ediaon cigar case, ('barman
4 Co.
Hamilton A Washburn at the Park
Place. Store do quote price on all goods
lower than elsewhere. Call and judge
for yourtelvei.
R. L. Holman, undertaker and em
balmer, Oregon City bank building.
Uoom at left of head of atairi over atore
building. If
For 25 cents you can make your bene
lay by buying a package of Egg Food.
For tale by Charman A Co., City Drug
Milrta Cow Wanted.
A first data milch cow with young calf
il wanted. Address with deacription of
and price. Hibam Anthont,
New F'ra, Or.
Taken I p.
Came into my enclosure at the United
States Fish hatchery, on or about Nov.
til, lrilil. a mare colt supposed to be
alniut three year old, no marka ex
cept hav with Mar in orehead. Ownei
will please call, prove property, pay ex
penaetand take the animal away.
John A. Bykb,
About Perfumes.
When w use Per
fumes, we certainly
should nse only the
BEST; and judges of
perlume good judg
es, you know say
there are only four
or five perfumers who
make tlie best that
is, the VERY BEST,
There are a docen
Good Perfumes,
But onlv a few best.
The BEST is what
you all want in per
fume if in anything,
particularly when
they cost no more
than the NEXT best.
Connoisseurs say that
Palmer's, Wright's,
and Stearns' are
A Complete Line of which you wi
find at
Gauficld A: Huntley's
For Christmas!
Is There Any
Suggestion Here P
Elegantly illustrated Gift Books, $1.26 to
Photogravenrs In Ornamental Binding,
$1.25 to $2.50.
Four editions of the Poets, $1.00, $1.60,
$2.00, $3,00.
Favorite Poems in Antique Vellum Bind
ing, finely illustrated, 60 cts.
Novelties in Celluloid M usic Rolls, Card
Receivers, Xmaa Cards, Photo. Easels
must be seen to be appreciated.
Hand Painted Glass Photo. Easels.
Leather Card Cases and Purses, 75 cts.
to $2.50.
Albums in Plush and Leather, 75 cts. to
Autograph Albums.
i'inest Oxford Bibles in Leather, Family
Bibles, Prayer Books and Hymnals.
$300 Assortment of Gold Pens, with tlie
Latest Designs in Rustic and Antique
Fancy Ink Stands.
Paper Knives.
Lap Tablets Leather.
Diaries for '92.
Choice selection of Xuias Cards.
Fancy Papeterie.
Juvenile Books.
Picture Books, Etc.
)(r'Come in and look them over; if
you don't find anything suitablo, you
may get an idea at
The Book Store,
Next Door to the Fost Office.
W. A. HlVNTLEl .
Holiday Announcement
We will give the Lowest Pric
es on Candies for the Hol
iday Trade ever made.
Special l'rices given on large
Large line of Fruits and Nuts.
Carpet Weaving.
I have a new patent loom from the
East and am prepared to docarpet weav
ing and fancy weaving, silk curtains,
rugs, etc. Prices as low as the cheapest
and satisfaction guaranteed. Any orders
and work left at I. Selling's store will re
ceive prompt attention.
Mas. A. M. Bbatton.
c. p. wwKsrr.
Largest stock of Coffins and Casket keut South of Portland. Also cloth covered
and Metallic Caskets furnished to order. Ladies Burial Robes and
Uents' Burial Robes in stock.
Also Wagon and Carriage Making, Horse Shoeing and Gen
eral Blacksmithing on short notice.
fiem GashGroeepy,
16 lbs. G Sugar, $1.00.
A full line of Groceries at these
near Commercial Bank, Main St., Oiegon
In Connection we run the
Store in
Portland Jerjaelep.
Importer of and Dealer in Diamonds, Watches,
. Jewelry, Clocks and Optical Goods.
Ladies' Private Entrance
W. W. JESSIE, Barlow, Or.,
Has opened the best stock of goods
outside of Oregon City. Look at the following and see if
there is anything you are in need of.
Dry COOdS-Enihracing, in addition
to regular stock, a fine line of Ladies'
Dress Goods, of the latest styles, best
quality, at reasonable prices.
Furnishing CoodS Both for gen
tlemen and ladies.
Millinery Coods Latest styles in
Hats and Bonnets, Ribbons, Trim
mings, Etc.
HatS and Caps -Complete assort
, meat in latest styles for men and
Boots and Shoes Bargains in
this line. Every size and style de
manded by the trade.
jpflfThe above is but a mere outline of what I carry in stock. Big
sales and small profits is my rule. I am after your trade and will offer
Buch inducements as will get it.
We will have for
Turkeys and Chickens,
Fresh Oysters,
Home Made Mince Meat,
And Everything Gxd to Eat.
xrec ffVPi rof ctmoeur.
For Thorough
Trntlical 'A-nOiintf
Coal Oil, per Cas, $1.20
reduced prices.
Remember the place,
City. .
only Exclusive Flour and Feed
Oregon City.
Up Stairs. Orders from the Country
ever brought to Clackamas County,
Clothing AH wool, prices and quali
ties to suit. For men and boys.
CrOCerieS AH fresh and first class
in quality. Full stock of canned and
dried fruits. ,
Hardware Carpenters' and Woods
men's tools. Buildere's and Shelf
Hardware. Nails, Bolts and every
thing wanted in this line. All tlie
leading brands in Cutlery.
Tinware, Glassware and Crockery,
Clocks, Patent Medicines, School
and Account Books, Notions, To
bacco and Cigars, and a full line of
Toilet Articles.