Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 18, 1891, Image 4

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    (V'iiTAn PiM Pnt-nrnricr m"M ,wt hki,1l'!l toltscondi
VKiUIl Vll) ClllV.1 I11M.. lion-th iklm or th Irv. and Hi ti,l
Iubliiii?d Kvery Krklay.
On tr. .......
itu mouths, .......
Tur months, ......
(itiW rlr-itiMia ;aMe t advan
Avlvrtiainf ratea 0)1 application.
1 W
0 , . Q, W, Frouwr
Oaiihy. - - - K until
Cla'laraaa, . W,S.K'Un
Uliwanki. Arthur Hl.vh
Uulou Mills, O J. Tralllncer
Aim. K. S tlrsmli.il
JH.-adow Brxk. K A.Wrtthl
KuKm - W. 8 Nrtxrry
HnvlH. .... Henry Miler
Park Pi,, . . Hamilton A W hb.iru
Barlow. Harlow A I'o
lils.Mooe. T. M. Croat
siatl'.inl J. vt Uate.
Msrkstmrf. - - - J. 11. Joyuer
Miiiimv C. T Howard
kt.lUa. .... A. I. Cornwall
aUrquam. - - - K, M, Hartmaa
Entered at lh P.xl Otr In vireou 1 11. Or,,
a aetsuid ciaaa matter.
Trial Subarrlptioiu.
Trial subscriptions to lh KsTssraitis for
a period of two man tin wilt be recvived un
til January 1st for twenty-liv cent each,
strictly iu advance. Her is a fcoodchanr
to try th pafr v7 liltl money.
(it your neighbors and (hotitls whose
tistr.es are not now on our books to semi in
trial suhv-ri tenuis. Th paper will b
stoiel proniXlv at th expiration of tit
trial riid if it is not desired longer.
To Comcapo!iDEa.-Iii th rornwpoad
eitce for the patr of January t, KrJ, which
should all b in our hands not later than
Monday, IXveuilwr 2s, e would suKvst
tiiat the progress of your neixiiborhood or
lo n during the iat year tie the chief topic.
;iw na mes of those wi.o have erected ne
luildiru-s or built additions or ruaiie any
other improvement, ftortii while, and Mute
as nearly as possible ti e :tlueof Uie im
tenements. It would !, interest!,, ,
know tlie number of acres of lard eleared
t:iis ye;u". tlie nuinber of fruit trees set out
or ai y other facts showing the industrial
progress t! e co;unttiuily 1 as made. (icti.
cially it might be well to itemize all im
provement;' worth or more, and lump
.'hose of le-s amoui t in one sum, though In
some cases this may not apply. Mention
should also be ma'ie of important contem
plated improvements, lfcm't make your
letters too long; neither should you make
your staten. ents so shurt as to convey but a
frag'neni of the information Intended.
Please lie particular about spelling proper
naiiKS correctly and plainly. And dou t
orgei to s :;d your matter in early.
Th President's Mcsaafe.
Presidei.t Harrison s annual mes-sage to
cont-'n-ss is a paper that erery voter In the
land should read. Its lucid discussion of
the important questions tU at have concerned
the government during the past year com
mends it to all who wish a clear knowledge
of the internal and external relation of our
country. The year has witnessed an unus
ual number of important happenings of in
ternational character. The message of the
president deals with each in a style that is
plain and concise and with honesty and
In sneaking of the dispute about the
boundary between Venezuela and British
'iuiana. where, it has been understood, the
English were attempting to enforce their de
mands for territorial possession in much the
same manner that had been practiced in Af
rica, the president takes occasion to reassert
the Monroe doctrine. " This government
will continui'"' he says " to express its con
cern at any appearance of foreign encroach
ment on territories long under the adminis
trative control of the American states. The
determination of a disputed boundary is
easily attainable by amicable arbitration
where the rights of the resjiective parties
rest, as here, on historic facts, readily ascer
tainable." Although the friendly oflices of
the United States have not yet resulted In
settling the boundary dispute in question
the utterance of President Harrison may be
understood as a notice to great Britain that
her African methods will not obtain on
American soil, North or South.
( Ths message gives considerable attention
to the new tariff law and the silver legisla
tion. It deprecates frequent changes iu tar
iff regulations as having a depressing effect
upon commerce and finds grounds for judg
ing the operation of the new law to be hen
iicial though it has had but limited trial.
The president is firm in the belief that the
present law is a great step in advance of
previous legislation on the subject. The law
for the purchase of silver bullion has like
wise not et proved what it w ill do and con
gress is urged to give it a fair trial before at
tempting to doctor present legislation. It
is clear that the president is no gold bug.
He is a friend of silver but he realizes that
the money question is one requiring great
delicacy of treatment and he w ishes to ad
vance, the experiments in progress with due
caution, studying the results of each step
and not dashing headlong into untried ex
pedients. The political situation is discussed with
patriotic vigor. The influence of the gerry
mander is declared to be baneful and when
carried to the extent it has been in Michi
gan it is demoralizing and subversive of
good government, bringing, as it does, all
brandies of the government within its
reach. The president points out the dan
ger mid invites congress to deal with the
threa'ening and intolerable abuse. In clos-
in.' 1 e savs : " I he vista that now opens to
us is wider and more glorious than ever be
fore, tiratilicatiou and amazement strng-
gle tor supremacy as we contemplate the
impulsion, wealth and moral strength of
our country. A ti nst, momentous in itsin
fluenee upon our people and upon the
wuiiii, iur a brie! time, is committed to us,
j inHitnc of th (wrd Iu (ho rhoiv M iul-
lie oth- and in th iimmJ of puhhVaf-
Th fnl Koad Mttr.
Th need for belter county roa.ls is so
ftvtwrat and itnpernttve luat it is no wonder
peotde have ditiereiil Ideas a lo Hi route
lh tint! on should traverse. Til popl
all want rI roads and Uiy tliuuld ha
Uim at th earliest posaihl luomeut. Hut
omebody must necartl,v bo disappoliibst
with the locution that i Anally delrmiud
on Kir th first on.
It is a difhYult ami thankless task In lo
cat a road through a wttle-l country. Those
who rnii:urd in tli present work ar not
In II from choice. It is a duty assigned
them and they must have in tie tli local
and through service reo,tiirvd of lit thor
oughfare together with the feasibility1 of it
construction No matter what tliir decis
ion may be objections to tt may arise.
Most of Uie objection, If mil all of them,
will have been considered biorliand by
th committee, the nitubvrol which must
b given credit for intelligent and cuiucien
timis action.
Now thr is greal need for pushing the
matter lo an rlv consummation. Th
board of trad proposes lo get lh prelim
inary work done so that it can b broiighl
before th county court in du form at it
February term if ossible. The speed with
which th end will be reach) will depend
in large measure upon the objections raised
lo lh route selected. If lh popl will
hold their broad view of the enterprise and
keep petty seltishnes and personal jealousy
out of th case they will greatly elpdil
Uie work.
W hop to see th farmers able to draw
loads of produce over the Moialla and Mar-
quant road all next winter.
Tut Coming Century, Portland's new lit
erarv weekly, starts out relying on th
strength of Mrs. Duniwav' nam to sustain
itN ah being the editor Of th periodical.
Th flrt number presents a good ear
ance and has an atlractiv table of contents.
Moat of th contributors will b recognited
as among the active workers in Hi woman
stiffrase cause. Some of those announced
for the future, however, are not identified
with the eual rights movement, among
wtiora is Mia tiigginsou, wn. nam ui an
elenient of strength lo the par. Topub
lish a literary periodical in the Northwest is
an undertaking ol considerable magnitude,
but Mrs. Duniwav does not taka hold of an
enterprise to make a laiture of it.
Tn only par In the Northwest of low
enough morals to sn,:ik lottery advertise
ments through the mails in defiance of law
is a religious hebdomidal published in Port
land, the Catholic Sentinel. On th sixth
page of its issue of tacetuber 10 was a Ham
ing advertisement of a " ratfle" for fourteen
town lots in certain northwestern hamlet
"l chance for 1 dollar," " drawing to take
place at the pastoral residenc," etc. etc. If
it were a wicked worldly paper setting such
a pernicious example we should be Inclined
to denounce it. We suppoe the Catholic
Sentinel is working under a special dtsens
ation. Theki are several prominent names miss
ing from the roll of the present congress.
From the house McKinley, Cannon and
Spinola are gone, the last named
having been removed by death and
the others by politics. But the absent ones
are more marked in the senate. Th tall,
wasp-like Ingalls and the diminutive Kvarts
and Spooncr are gone. Edmunds is not
present to rejieat the Ixnl's prayer aloud
with the chaplain. The erratic Senator
Blair has also passed Into history. And
their places are taken by Pt!er, Hill, Vilas,
Proctor and Gallinger.
What's in a name ? lt one read the fol
lowing names of California winter resorts
and then wonder why the Italy of America
is in such popular favor if he can ; San
Diego, Los Angeles, Coronado Beach, Mon
terey, Ranta Monica, Pasadena, Santa Bar
bara, Alameda, Calistoga, San Bernardino,
Han Juan Capislrano ami San Luis Obispo.
The poetry of such names is alone enough
to attract people. Add to this the reminis
cent poetry of the associations of the gilded
Spanish age and there is an attraction that
is irresistible.
Sehatob Mitchell has introduced in the
senate a bill providing for the establish
ment of thirty-eight lights on the Willam
ette river above Portland. There is a pros
pect that the Willamette will receive some
attention in the way of congressional ap
propriations this year unless the democrats
are stricken with a fit of parsimony to con
trast with republican liberality.
Asd now the Hon. Charlie Roliy, the
Portland tavern keeper, ex-postmaster, etc.,
declines the democratic nomination for gov
ernor which no one has been kind enough
to of1er him. The disease is epidemic.
Democratic Speaker Crisp of the house
of representatives w as born in England and
he was a captain in the confederate army.
Ncwr York Advertiser: Now that Earl
Russell lias been acquitted he should be
taken into the baccarat and Cleveland street
set. Ha1 hs been found guilty he would
be still more eligible.
N!W York Recorder: The democratic
party is a craft adrift, rudderless, and with
acrew fighting one another. The division is
about doctrines as well as leaders and spoils.
Can the country trust Itself to such a party?
New York Press; A German physician
has discovered twenty species of bacteria
which may be conveyed iu a kiss, and he
declares that people must quit the practice
or wear respirators during the process. How
would a base-ball mask do?
Chicago News: A Qnliiey (III.) woman la
churgvd with kidnaping hr lover and all
search ftr th missing vottih lias proved
unavailing. IVrhap nom one will now r
mark that lb era or woman's riglilals stow
In coining but I uaveriheloM on III road,
Milwaukiw Sentiul: The Mills opl
hav been tremendously whipd. It Is not
merely Hist Mills has been beaten but that
h has been beaten by Crisis who was his
tin! and most peraialml opponul ami who
subordinates Unit reform lo 111 Ire coin
age Issue, It 1 believed thai tlov. Hill s
spsKvh, which was aenl to Wadtliigtou for
distribution vn before it was delivered,
had omlMllg Ui do with III llual Sllives.
of Crisp,
ah eoiild sluf and h eouttl alar,
tin eoiil.l ilaue from lhl III! U.
Uti cmiM whlls lha hours at,
So lis aald.
fin rouU kl and th r-ulU paint,
Mba could ptajr I lit patron Mini,
Hut h rmildnl and sh wouldn't
h could sulia and h eoiild low,
8t could alwayshav tbwi,
Au I I'm snr lh l w all kuow
sh was sh
Dh could laugh ami b could prance,
Hh could play a m of ehaur.
Hill ill could in aud ah wuuldut
Malta pi
fn could etch and writ a hook,
Hlieut4 vauaulah villi a look.
Mti could via br book or cruok,
8n could aoold and th eotild Soul,
Oh could cry and ahv could pout,
Hut ah eouldii t aud ah wouldn't
Mat a a dnaa.
ah could talk of chureh affairs,
Hul knew nautht ol houwftold carta.
Still I'm m fa Itiat Uutit oowiis
With ! Nan
Ktn If tli souldn't bak '
Hrvad and pita and am'tt caka,
h nraplunni aud lb cajHurtd
A rich aiau
Bar 11 arbor Basoo
OrrgoM rws Jlolet.
Miss Urac P. Isaacs, ol Wall Walla,
who was Injured in the Lake Ijtbisb
disaster on the Southern Pacific over a
year ago, rvsftveil a verdict iu lli U S
lislnct court Wodnosday evening (or
11, WW.
I'matilla county (aimers are jubilant
over the prospects tor a Hue harvest this
season. Hum has levn (requent and
aluiiuLnt lately, and everything is fav
orable for the ram her the bone and
sinew of the country.
Hugh Clawton, one of the best hunt
ers in Southern Oregon, whoe prowess
is well known in Siskiyou county, Cali
fornia, a tew days ago killed cinnamon
hear near William tfybee't stock ranch
w hich weighed over 1100 pound.
It tianspirv that 11 . C. C-sik, the
narrow-gauge section boas, who aom
uiue ago killetl Flitor J. II. Kline and
altera anU suicided, was the man who
several year ago ran away from Mon
mouth accompanied by Mr lien Church.
The demand seems to hr Increasing
for the horse of this state In the mar
kets of the East, and the dealer will
likely reach out to the Klamath ranges
for alock before another year. No land
under the aun raise a belter clasa of
livestock .
A charter of Baker City provides that,
"The office of mayor or treasury shall
he deemed vacant whenever the In
cumbent thereof shall be absent Irotn
the city for a eriixl of lUteeii days "
The newly elerbnl mayor, C. A. Johns,
having been absent from the 7th until
the Wrd ol the present month sixteen
days a question is raised as to the
authority of Mr. John's olllci.il acts It
is dunned that the Words "deemed
vacant" mean that the law itself, with
out any Bubseque ut act on the part o
council, declares the office vacant when
the mayor's absence exceeds the limita
tion fixed by the charter.
The sale of '.he Oregon l'acillc, w hich
was to have taken place last Wednesday
was postponed until January "Hth, the
head parties in New York City having
agreed upon the movement. It is prob
able, from r-orlii received, t'lut the
road will not lie sold at all, that all
debts will be paid, and that future ojier
ations will be in accordance with the
wishes of both factions, who have, It Is
pretty well settled agreed upon a certain
program, not yet made public, but
which will result in the continuation of
of the road eastward. The men Wednes
day were paid (or three aud a hall
months up to October 1st, and the pro
gram is to pay monthly, btireaftnr.
There is a general expression of cotifi-
dunce, among employes and public that
matters will proceed in a satisfactory
manner hereafter. Albany Democrat.
Feeble and capricious appetites are
bcHt regulated by the use of Aver's Cath
artic 1'ills. They do not debilitate, by
excessive stimulation; but cause the
Btomuch, liver, and bowels to perforin
their functions properly. Ah mi aftor-
ditincr pill, they are uiiequaliid.
New Map of Oregon,
The Oregonian, at great expense, has
prepared a sectional map of Oregon, ard
offers it as a premium for subscriptions
to The Weekly Oregonian . The mun is
correct up to date, 40x50 inches in mze j
scale, six miles to the inch. It is neatly
finished and on rollers, ready to hang up
on the wall. This is the finest map of
Oregon ever issued and should be in every
household in the stale. Any onu send
ing .'t.OO will receive The Weekly Oro
Ipnian lor fifteen months (if the sub
scription is received prior to .f urinary
1, 1H92,) and one ol those maps as a
premium. The price of the map with
out the paper is 2. 00. Address, "
i'ortland, Oregon.
4 soi vr.MK mi l. MOWS A M l-
Svhool Clerk im Ilia lUuwU - si 1st
ma Loukfti Vrward T IVi
annul ami tlthel- JUt.
Tut Clunk's At W ,K.-Mr. T. An
drew, the 'hool cUnk, ha sill tniltwl
hi asmasumnt lo thdtri toi. It tool
up a total of U,i. Th iii'nt
as made low owing to lh kmkiiI organ
Ualion ul the distttol. Th amount ol
money lo rit l small, lieuc li will not
conm heavy on any murly holder.
Tim Msaav Muu lUirv-Th
Souvenir hall given by th Aurora Slilng
baud on last Eily vmmt wasoiiBol
h novtd aud uj iyhlivnls ol the
urn. Eviry ladv and gentleman i
ivived huiidsoine Chrialuiaa gtmHiug
and at eleven o't h k an opportunity
a given lo h wishing lo uiiul (or
tli In st Udy and gvnlli nian damur lo
give In their liaim. Tliei wers ihl
rtiupleawho w.u willing to make th
contest and a coiuiuitte ol llnee, ,Miw
.ydi lUuri, Win. Irvln, and TS AlleU,
were then called up Iroui lh udimi
lo decide utoi thecouiwil It resulted
iu Misa Beanie rhepiiJ and Mr. J.
K. Kelly winiilng lh prise. After
siipiwr the crowd tetuimd lo lh halt
and in lh small bouts id th morn
ing lh paify hrok uu rxpreitu tli
highest siiUi lion.
Cut'Ki-il SkavuM.-(ul Sunday last
Kev. l.owery held set vices In Zoek'n hall
with a alteultve i-ongrrgj'ion. Thnr
will l arrvirwi again lc. 27 al II
o'cUakand we hom toaeea large al
io ndanc.
AaatNuixti roa CnirA.. Nver
ha there bn'ii a t'hrialma o noticea
ble as now upon ua. A yet no arrange
ments hav been mad (or a public
Cbritilmaa Ire, bill lhr ar ral
homes rHvivli:f? their Indoor diH-sirations
and ChtiatiiiM iret's, pieparatory to old
(ashiomd family reunions. Christina
is a day which l looked forward lo, not
stiilv !v the children, but by lh old as
Foai'K at WoaK Mr. Henry Bmwn,
a recent pun'hawr of a leu acre tract
of land from Barlow A Co , ha a (ore ol
men at work grubbing and clearing land
prepara'ory to pulling out len acre in
Italian prune next spring.
I.Axn Sai te. Still lh sale ut real
estate continue bich la evidence ul
gool limes. Mi-rs. Ilnlin A Carton,
the real estate men o( I'ortland, sold
two ten acre tract (or Win. Irvin last
week. I'artie buying now are wis, as
certainly in the soring ami summer,
when th flood ol Immigration com
mence to pour In upon us, value will
be considerably higher.
Mr. and Mr. Burt Huffman, of Island
City, is nt the Cafe.
Mr. J. II. Trruibath, o( Oregon City,
was registered at The Koehler Friday.
Mr.J, (iteon came up Irom Portland
last Friday where h had been on busi
Mr. John Kelly, id Oicgon City, was
among the registered at The Koehler
this week.
Miss Myrtle Howell of Caiiemah, a
bright arid accomplished music torn her,
was in town a few days last week and
has secured the leaching nf a large class
to begin after the holidays,
(ieo. W. Sweeting, the Oregon CltV
bootblack, was shining the Ixiots
up at the dance. (Inorgo was I he most
noticeable one iu the house, as color was
a distinction.
On All Sides
Aycr'i Mils are commended at the liest rrg
ulatur of the iler, sloniwh, and tmwslt.
iJr. Thutnas Cornier, of Ontr Bridge, pa.,
says: "Having lung uh Aver" Pills with
good results, 1 can eunOilantly rcconunriid
tlietn above all others." Dr. (ieo. p. Kpenr-er,
of I'ulty, N. II., writes ; 1 consider Ayer's
Mils fur siiierlor, a a cathartlo, Ui any that
are furnished by the pliarniacopojla."
"After suffering for eight years from chills
and fever, with only ornnlutial Intervals nf
rest, I w cured by Ayer's Pills alone. My
eas had resisted trsattnent with tin usual
doctors' prescriptions ami a great number of
proprietary medicines; but under the In flu.
cure of Ayer's Pills ths chills and fever
cessed, my liver and stomach were restored
to healthy action, and oiy furuier good health
returned. A yen Pills cannot be excelled at
a remedy for disorders caused by malarial
polsoru." 8. L. Harrow, (lorilnrj, Tessa.
" For headache, Ayer's Pills are th most
effective meillclne."-0. Rude, Homer, N Y.
" When I feel the need of a csthartle, I
take Ayer's Pills, anil find them to bs mors
rrTcctivi; than nuy other pills I ever took."
Mrs. It. C. (irulih, liurwellvllle, Va.
Ayer's Pills,
rKxrAnin it
Dr. J, C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.
8uld tiy all I'ruggiatsauu Iiuslura Iu Uidlciuui.
If you fol "out of sorts" cross and
petfvisli tako Dr. McLean's Harsnim
rtlla: iliRrftilnisi will nitiirn and lifts
will acjuire now nest.
Work first elsis and prions msniniblo. Oltlco
over L'sufleld It lliintlny's Drug store,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Best and Cheapest Grocer.
Fancy and Staplo Grocorlos in Croat Varioty,
Vogotablos, Fruit and Feod.
Fifteenth and Main, ORECON CITY.
lUli farm ami town rojHrty in
man with small mcaim will
a luuiio for himself,
ran givo you prii'ca not to t lm-l of ant other Ural EUt firm. IUr
clioic-o Farm l.amls in Urgo ami small tracts, on rasy icrma. Also ilo
sirabln Town ami Hulmrbnn .n'erti. Corrsj.uiJiir aolU'lUnl. Om
us a call. .
i Creek Graop - Associauoi,
P. J. RIDINGS, Managor,
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Everything Required for the Country Trade.
CaVYwir trtds I lit-itHl, and our
fiive us a trial.
J'ractioul tirchittcti Iluildcn
Will prepare Mam, Uvtit.ina. wi.tlln, i
111.. Bil l .ilSi all.'lu h.r all kill, I. nf kulli)
Insa HtuM-ial aiii"itl.n , Iven in m.li.rii is
tafns k.tlmatffS (tlrl)iiiHl (.11 lllt-!lita
t all on or addm.a W ltltK Mtns ,,
oiaa riijr, u,o
lalillshral 03.
Drayage & Exprosdng
Freight and parff dnlivnreil t all
iarta u( tlu city.
R. Prier,
tli old MalillhKit and rallatils
lablart lkoluKraha. tt prrdoa.
Dr. C. Sullivan,
Tie oal7 DRUGGIST between Portland and
mm cnj.
Carries a full line of
Store located at Mountain View, on
Moialla roa.1, one milo Bouth
oimt of Oregon Cify.
We ilnal In Flour, Corp Mottl F,l
run,, of ullkiii.lH, lloofs tt, i lKii w .'
fii-nlH1 Undorwiiur ami , i ,'0,,l
1 1 taiii.
Til - -
kuiiul t ..Iviuh In rit', until Ut
fliul It next Ui iniiawsiblo to buy
l'ric arc low imw, an
& ALDfiN
l -
(irlcra will t found luw a lli luet,
4a'rarrMl lllar l.mUlilH( a4 !
Haioa and Hmr; Wort ftpwlallj.
llursrsli'irliii; In first rl matirwr.
Canl.y. ... Ori-tf'ii.
. st.'S. f, u sroat-
llhivhsmlfhs ami Wagoti
M (tint's.
rise Wa3i i:l Carriage Work I Rttlilif.
Tiit)r reara iiiMrlrir as a H4M
None tint ffr.t clasa i,ra iloii.
StmiH.il Main Sireal, SM Su.fa.lo0 tlrldl
Oregon City, Oregon.
Full Stock of Guns & Ammunition,
K-mlr mi all kinds of small msrliliK
'Minitly mad. Iiiitiral key 10
any lis k tiintiiifactuml. Hliuion
Main Hlrwt, iwar Hlilh.
Practical Horseshoer,
Hhrip ou Ualu Ml., oj.p Wolu aHII-
Spcclel Attention OlFen toContracted or BadTcct
Ten vnars eipnllmre la eastern Oltlea.
The U-ading l'liotographcr of
. i
Great Reduction
Cabinet Photographs
Thwalto's 9
187 First Ntriwl, Bet. MorrUon svnrt Yamhill.