Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 18, 1891, Image 3

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t0 null III
as conllnrj tu Ilia
Oregon City Enterprise.
I'lUDAV, Dr'.CK.MllKK IH, Imu.
Ural IVrmmal Nutn.
Malrlul Allornsy Mc llrtdms itUwdlng
iwurt In itllUburo this
K. II. KUmi.oI llm IlllUUiro Imlit(l
tut, m In tlila lty laat Monday.
Itlalmp Morris ram up (rum Portland
ml conducted Mrvli In 0 FitwiMkl
church laal Hunday,
C. O.T. William
last Friday and
Louan until TiMwUy
(iixirue W. WvUtur ol Clackamaa lfi
TuitwUy vi.i.lng liy tUwitiwr (or Han
I'unvlM-u to flail ralativaa
Mr. Ili'rUrt I. llloch, o Ccxiixr'i
Msdical I'ullcga of Han Kraurlaco, ! vim-
hit .1 lir.iiiiar, Arumr Woe n. of Mll.au
Herman Anthony has rfliimwl (mm
Oranta I'm lo his place near Nuw Km
He was snuwed In a hlle In iiiuUD'
Ulna at tititltarn Utkhii.
Mm. Alcmii'liir Thomas, (Ic.rinerly
Mm t'rtadijr) wenl Ui to Halrui laat
Holiday mul roturiMHl Monday. Mr. ml
Mm Thoiuaa have taken tip there rvi-
deme In Portland.
U 1. tlray. shll'lona clerk ol ttm
ft oil 1 1 nil mllU, has taki-n the rwiidcniti
on Kluvenlh Mil Adam slrwla (oriticrlv
occupied by 1 C l-alouirtlti alio has
Moved Into lila ticw liuiiMi.
TI10 f amity ol I'lMtiiiMlnr llaiida ta
Ulil up Willi tli prevailing malarial l
IWtUm. 3, Kiasirr In another one of the
aMIlcted. () 1., Hhaner Iim heen very
kli k Mil l nu gaining,
Mi MtY 1.. I'lllalmry, ol lllddetord.
Main. la flailing at ttia hum nl Iter
uncle, J.U 1'ilUlniiy . Hlio Iim come
to the l'rlilc rt tu see liuw II aeema
to eera lit rigura ol a Jiew Kngland
Very Re l Kchrain, ol Vancouver,
vlcor general ol Washington, Kv. 1,
IHlitian, ol Aatoria. w . L. Verhaag,
ol KmI Portland, awl Itcv. t.oiianl
Huclihalier, ol Near Km, er gticsla ul
llev, ft', Ililtvhrand ImI week.
Charles lahdcll. a Hull Kruno, o
architect who Iim heen Sieiullng a eon
pin ul ewks In Oregon City, U'lt for
homo last rek. lie ii n old friend ol
J, VV- Nuhlit. Mr. Utslell Iim decided
to if n an arrhltect'a ulttcaj here in the
lrpiity UnllfJ rtati Hurvpyor
llpnry Mflilrum ami Krmwt KanJa
I rrtmnixl ll TuriNlay Irom tli
i lalm rounliv n Tillamuok county
hr tliry have Wn rngagml In ur
rvytng mi tlian iIimhi niontlit, Tlitm
waa anr In tlm Coaat niuiintaini ami
IIik eiimripm-pd a gKl Jfalul tough
tthrr, hut thfy flnlahwl llixir aoik.
nun i;i:i)i(is or thk uki.ii.ak
Nccral Ituad .Mat lira Cam Mutcr.
Kama Ollim do Jlot I b Klcc
tluil lloothi.
lUpppnliim of Inrt A"""
Nairnhm Hrlilifi".
Mr. . Aakin, th HlWiimt rarn
tur ol thia pli, i making aoine Im
proviminta lor the Crown paKr com
pany. Mr. ('. Hiiiith'a litllo ilauglilfr In ipiite
111. tlm la tiii.lur the care ol lr W. K.
Carl), ami will oiihtln mcover.
V.. Kllimerhaatioiin buHiling a barn
ami making many iniprovnintmt on hia
Mr. K. I'arker la getting onl tliotiaamla
ol eonla ol woo.1 ami will aoon have the
fiima! 1'hamnxl tu nmirle.
Mm. C. Mm'hi.kt had U.a mlafortune
to fall on the aldi-walk loading to town
and fractiim aevrml rib. She in alowly
Mr. II. 1-lnn, the pular proprietor ol
t !...' milt, waa here thia eik.
i. Tl. ...hi haa eriK-ti'd a picket
(.,.. arMiind hia lota here.
.loaed hint Kriday. A larg
f vlaitora were iiiraent.
Mr. Win. Aakina, ol Toronto, tana.ia,
a l.r.vtl.i.r of Mr. lien. ai"i "'
on a llv Imr vUit laat wk. lie ia agent
for the Northwe.l Transfer Couiiany
which runa a line ol ateel aleamem t.e-
tween Piilnth and narnia. no
much pleaaed with thia place.
r.. i tVrknr conducteil lo x,,r"
claea at the funeral ol Thoa. Jonea liwt
Sunday. A large numlier of f.len.w were
preaent to aympalliiae with the alllictod
family. , ,
We vielled the poultry yard of Mr. h.
Parker a few (lav ince ami found a fine
oolleotlonof fowli, conHiMtlngof nuim
m varletlea of line tlucka, large turkeys,
In. beat breeds of chicken anown.
i.wi,ftf thia kind ia a valuable
adaition lo "V l,Itu;u al1(l we t,,i"k ?"
be made to return a fair compensation
r the trouble and expense of carrying
" . . 1 i ..1... ...n f lily
It on. Mr, 1'iirker n''
oultry yard an exporienoeu mai,. ...
eiHiraonol Mr. wooua.
i..i, 1 w..nilni. giiiierinuui'ienv 01
i.a rmwn Paiair mill, 1'hh bought the
eHldon ce property of Frank Ponieroy.
)nr home made mince meat ih a
t aneoAHa. flood goods always gei
L W reoommend It to the best
tadd.E.iV'ii.i,iAMH. the grocer.
I JiiHt the thing fora OliriHtnms present,
gold pun with a pearl handle at Char
bmu ft Co'a City Pru(j Btore, tlie leader
M Holiday goods at low prices.
At the regular monthly aeaalon ol the
county eoiiiinlaaiouera held laat week
the reiHirtof the viewaia. ami field notes
ami plat together with the eaiwuae
account of t(l, and petitions (or damages
byT. W, Dully and Karl Ktudemaii in
tha Moruhke and Howard mill road
matter war Iliad Tl.a riu.ri ava im
proved and eiMtiiaa ordered paid and
rioyu Kiik, ItulMtrt Conner and William
Oarna a)iM)luted to appraise damagea to
uiwit at Mink poatollUe at 10 a. m. Icc
emla.r III
In the milllnr lif itiM taftiyl tirlitiA Mini
will) IlHlil Hula Mini ttliat kiwi nviMtiiiyi
till uf 1-4. ;) wun Alml ; alwj jwlitiun ol
t . . . . .
J. inn iiirilunug.il. K4.Krt approveil,
xwiie aivouut ordered paid and 8. F,
ii 1. . .
,.mi, w, 11. iiarma aim uenry nmiiii
apuliiUd to appraiae damages, lo mmt
at the (iuud litidge at 10 a. in Dec. 111.
The report of yleweis on the private
road ol public eaaeiiicut of Andrew
WpIm. waa Held, and, all expeiiaea hav
ing been (mill by the K)tltioner, It was
ordered that the Mad lie ojwiied.
The reiMiit of the viewers with field
notes etc. on the 1'rlce Fuller road was
lil.nl and approved and the expense bill
ul t J'J 10 audlled.
In lb matter ol the Onweiro and conntv
line roail the repoit ol the viewem re-
couiuiended that the road le nut eatab
lishnl until the iwiitionera build a bridge
acruaa Iryoa iwk without exana to
the county. The ex ienae account ol IH.
30 wm ordered paid.
It was alio derided not to establish the
N. O. Waldon road and the expense ol
fii 50 aa paid by petltiouera.
The iwtition ol K. Parker et als for a
county road waa denied because it was
defective In that the notice was not
signed by all the etilioncrs
The petition (or a change in the
county road limn liock creek bridge to
Ihnnascua was denied lic auia) of defec
tive description ol the part of tlio old
road proH)M'd to lie Vacated,
The county aurvcyor wua ordered to
survey and James Mar.piam, I. h Kcott,
and Marion Sainpaon to view the road
Htitlourd for by Uotwrl Thompson el
als Tho viewers aie to meet at the
place of tH'ginnlng IK. '.'i
The rM)rt ol C. Mmdinke on the
Milk rreek hhdk-e was approved and a
warrant n ordered issued lo I. 8.
Scott In lull payment for the same. j
The proposition of tne Portland Water
comiwny for a bridge across the Sandy'
waa declined. The Judgment of the
court was that the present need to the
public of a bridge across the handy
would not justify an txianditum on
the part of the county to build auid
bridge ol more than forty per eentot
its costs.
The petition of J. M. Jones et ala for
a county road as lU-nied because defec
tive in not stating at what term ol court
application weuld lie made.
The resignation of J. M. (Sibson aa
supervisor ol road district No. !t8 was
accepted, and Jamea Smith was ap
oointed lo suciwd .him .
r ....
Ten dollars a week was allowed lor
the maintenance of W. 0. Work who
was burned on the train and sent to the
Portland hospital. '
The resignation of J. 1". Strowbridge
as euiwrvisor of road district No. 54 was
accepted and Kisloy French appointed
in his place. Mr. Strowbridge'a report
was approved and his bill of JS ordered
The petition ol W.B. l'artlow et ais
(or a roiintv road was denied because it
was ucfei tivo In that not all the petition
ers signed the notice.
In the matter of receiving bids for
election booths in Clackaiuaa county,
bids were submitted by The Oregon City
Sash A Poor company, Oeo. l Barnard
A Co., Joseph A Henry Jones, Howell
A May, J. H. H'tow nd U R' H
Miller. Tho two hitter had no guarantee
deposit as required. Upon due con-
.ideration the contract lor mrnien-
ing thirty-six complote sttwl nooins
...i .mmntv-nino steel annexes was
awarded to Ueo. D. Barnard A Co. for
111 the booths to be delivered In Oregon
AHHOHHor Noblo waa appointed
..i..,nd the state board of equalisation
to look alter the interests of this county
betore that board.
rwi..Llnne( Mofliilike was instructed
to have done at once work to protect the
rnoniv road between JleadJW urooK
and Union Mills from erosion.
n niMmmier Buir was paid u ami
Commissioner Moenbao :!0.-tOT milage
and per diem fees.
The following bine were unoweu.
r r,.p Nnvitmner lenn ui
4 m. w
court,., T
1,,-., .wILtiUHSSS iuu w
State w Ban Thomas ""f
" Win Henderson l-i '7
" John Hanson
. '. CliaaVelly. elaU
" NOTh' ??
" KoberlOaVlner J
' James Wflls...-
n " jamesStilltala
.. MicliaoHJnilV1' ' ,
Sidney Smyth, suryefor.. J W
State vaH Harlow, et alsA... ....... M w
A Thomson, teachor. axamlnaUon 00
0 1) Barnard, supplies 123 t
l osi A Co, supplies B 80
Noblltt's suhle, back hire 10 00
HluU vs Keir.eiistein H 28
CMiMilinks, exMuiMM 2100
Htt vstlso Young 1W
" " Bdardiier and THiott... 70
" " Uaac KUhardt 4 00
" " Hay Klher 12
" " Thomas and John Biggs SI OA
W A Huntley, supplies 30 41
II J l.iverniore, Jury exiiennti 8 60
J W Noble, asM-Mor's fees. 221
II II Jnlinaon, clerk's fm-s H 10
W T Whlilis k, reiordor's fwa 203 K4
0 11 Itodd A Co, powder 22 10
Dr. ('aril, medical service 20 00
W W II Kainaon, .her Ill's lees 442 82
Oksoos Cut Kstskckiiis 22 00
Get your X-mas.and New Year'acarda
atCharman A Co'a. They have tha best
selected atoi:k In the city at low priws.
Oregon City Express No I.
I.luht frelirlit and parcels delivered to all
parts ol ths city.
Uavs aritcrs wltb T. T, Barlow,
A (ueer Customer."
Rev. Arthur J. Brown, pastor ol the
First Presbyterian church ol Portland
and chaplain ol the First regiment O. N.
(I ., will give a lecture at the Presbyter
Ian church in this city next Tuesday
evening, Deo., 'I'l, under the auspices ol
the Y. 1. H. C. K bis subject being "A
Queer Customer." The price ol ad
mission la twenty-five cents.
The lecture was an eloquent appeal to
young rtien. It waa enlivened by bright
points snd wit'y anecdotes, and will be
long remembered by tlioae privileged lo
hear it. Portland Orcgoliian.
Meals served day and nlabt. Oysters and
Chops in any style. Hide entrance
lor tallies.
aaiasraatr.' - - oasuoaciTr
Oregon i'Mf, rgvm,
Concrete and Artificial Stone.
Sidewalks. Steps and Curbing. Base
ment Hours, Monuments, r,ic.
All work iruaranteed. Estimates fur
nished free.
Address care Charuriao A Co.
Letter to Santa ( Una.
There was mailed in the Oregon City
poatotllca the other dav without an en-
veloe or stamp the following letter
neatly folded and addressed lo " Santie
Clans, Santie Clausville, North I'olo. "
Owing to the lad that communication
with the North Pole fiostolfice la aome-
what Irregular thia season on account of
the unusual amount of rain the tender
hearted people in our potttollice gave the
letter to the Kntksi-kiks knowing that
Hunts Claua would be sure to see it here,
rain or shine. Hero it is:
I tear o'd Santie Clause I want A stove
if you have any and a little doll buggy
little cuhbard knives and forka candie
and nuts I wold like you to bring me
tbes things
good by Pear old Santie Clause
your little friend IkaNXTia.
don't forget tha Buby
Candies, Nuts, Notions, Ete.
Fine Tobaccos and Cigars.
Complete line ol Holiday Goods at Port
land prices.
Can give you Photographa equal to the
beet to be had in Portland at prices
to correspond. All work de
livered promptly.
Uallery next door to Harding'a Prug
Store, Oregon City.
,!, W. llT.lli
Till '
Leading Clothier. Hatter and Fur
nisher of the City.
All tli a latest Stvles always in stock, and we are tho
.... - V 1 t
Only House in the City who carry a first class line of
ulotliiiiyyii Hats.
We are also Sole Agents for Oregon City for the Cele
j. "w. o'ooiyirjsxaiij.,
Oregon City, Or.
Nothing ia neater or more acceptable
for a Christmas present than a gold pen
and holder. Tno Book Store has just
opened up a :K)0 assortment in which
you will find the regulation styles as
the latest noveltiea.
The following is the list of letters remain
ing in the post otllee at Oregon City, Oregon,
IVrenitier 10, 1801 :
Armstrong, Mrs I, E Miller J O
It, ill. Mr. XI M l.vle. MmJnliaA
Kdimmds. K I) Oregon City Steam
Kllmoker, 1. A Laundry
Kricon. P rullev, JM
II M....LN Mni
jnunon, K Thompson, Mrs John
Kutic. Ksrl I hompiMin, tliarioiie
KutuI, Carl Wlle, Tsaiu
If called for, please say when advertised.
K. M, HANDS, I'. M,
Retnw Isalven lh Oregon Clly Market Ke
,Mirt eorreetct lee. lil, Irora qiiouilons fur
ul.hed Ths Kntkhi'RI tu llio local nierehanu:
),...! '.lli.r W huihel I H9
Oalt, per tniiiu'l... Sfc.
Mrs. G.W.RICH,
Needle Work Supplies.
Special all ntlon given to
Commercial Bank Block, opposite the
Post Oflice, Oreeon City, ur.
Oreirnn ('lit Mills, Portland Brand
Country Brand
Hhnrla Y ton
llran, '
('lover hay.
Tlmulliy hay.
Croclsery Store.
Dinner Sets, from $13.00 Up
Tea " " 6-75 "
Water " "
Fancy Cups, Saucers, Plates, Etc., at lowest prices.
W. G. Cups and Saucers 25 cts. per set
Hanging & Standard Lamps
tl 20
b so
Poialnea.V cwL
Oulonn 'f 100 It.
Apple, Breen, ihjx....
A.ple, ilrleit, r I
Hiltlor, Yto
Kkk, t'l's
Honey, V IS
Pltiuia "
19 IW
J- A
There act.
ker county. Ore- OF n
goo, near wnai ui at
ia now naacx ..., l n i i i w v
a man who has tine Ut,l 1 1 Ull I
hrenme klenUlifd with the reaonrcea and n F f
development of that country. Thia nun
' . . .a SaUawwatrt Ana nf the
wralthicRt d most InfluentUl aturnt the
Atmw liaw v " I had DC4Mt
COUtllT. n TUl J" . .
urTerinf from pi in my back and fntrl kid-
" . . . V UA ud man
remedies without ny but temporary relief. The
i- . i k ! V.J Kamma awt VTMC thftt I fU
pains in my " , . , .
mrvented from attending to my work nd could
r . . .... ... . .v..,rirB rtnp Hear-
. . . i r . ... wnnitrful curva ef
ln(r, mrouRn a ir.ru . ... . - -
, . . t- "r t wa. Induced to trr
a boa, and from that very first doae I found inrtant
reller, andberor trninu nan mc .- -box
the paina In my back entirely dlaappeared.
I hare every faith In the virtue of the Oregon
Kidney Tea. snd can consdentiou aly recommend
It to my frieuda. I would not be without it for
"ore'fton Kidney Tea cures backache, tnconti.
eence of urine, brick duat aediment, burning or
painful senaation while urinating, and all aJlec-
tionaol tne aianeroronu.ij
Headquarters for the Rochester Lamps.
G. W. EICH, . ,
Oppeslle the Pot Office, ORECiO.H CIT , OREGON.
Baled Vi
13 00
.. M7
. ':.)
, lT(sl
Beef, live. T re
Iim'!, druased
Mnllon.llve yhead ..
Mutton, dreaRiHl, f. -n.
Porlt live. W Hi
Pork, drt'RMMt, V !h. ..
Veal, live, 't th
Vi'al, dreHr.cd, V tb. . . . .
Hnina ft lb.,
limoll, "
. 10 VI
doi l.WM.Kl
Chicken", young. Pol
Clilcki'in, old, ier dnx
(liHme, per doi BJ
Tii.irlAa iinr miiiiid. drpaaed Is
House, Sign and Ornamental painting
Good work guaranteed.
Portland, Orrgon. A. r. Arninnii. rra
Breach SrbMil : CiiMTAL Bua. ai.aua. le,"j Oragon.
pamao.iurwi.ui aiuujr,
ltnclnosa. Shnrlhanti.
I . . .v I..,.. I tl.aa araup St llllattltal OjttlHl.
ta at any Urns. CaiJogu from tiUier scboo., ft.
The War is
danbij the place to Bug Cheap flood?.
Gontinued !
Hosford buys his Goods for Cash and can not be
Below is a sample of his prices:
Dry Granulated Sugar, 16 pounds for
Other Sugara in proportion.
Coal Oil, per lallon '
Men's Suits All wool Salem Tweed
Youths' Suita
Boy a' Suits '
No. 8 Cook Stove
Depends on tlie eomlltion of your stomach
and liver. These make your blood good
or had.
nt n..n.al Innlp. tctT thA Rtfim
ach au.l liver. It regulates both surely aud
Are you billions?
Are you constipated?
One Teaspoonful of Moor's Be
vealed Remedy will gite
you Relief.
O. H. Reeae a well-known Seattle drngglst,
aaya Moore's Revealed Remedy cured him ot
severe oiiiiuim uautvuoo.
(.Sold by all druggists.
T. CROSS, Manager,
' V ...T,
Holiday Goods and Gents Eimiishing Goods.
srsaT-lTnll linn of l)rv Goods. Clothinii. Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Hard
ware, Stoves, Tinware, Crockery, Furniture, Sash, Doors, Etc.
Cash Paid for All Kinds of Farm Produce. .
Remember and give Hosford a trial.
Doors, Windows, Mouldings,
Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and Repairing of all kinds.
Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed.
rShop corner Fourth and Water streets, back of Pope & Co's, Oregon City.
tm mwM mm
Headquarters for Boots, Shoes, Clothing and Dress
Goods. Pay the highest prices for Wool and Pro
duce, and sells the best Goods at the very
1 am aa ttmirv'-'',