Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 18, 1891, Image 2

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Mink, 1W. J.V--1V voters of achih.l di-
! tict met nt the neliool liou-wim IV-
The Enterprise Correspondent!! tt ivwd h jiti,m i
Sween the Field.
Urtji irnlnit In U:Htlo. Otttsldf
Nclfhhorhimd V t . j
sumni. I
C. 0. IVrlatnl m cliiwun master mul J. y.
Uatre wereUry,
Tliivi, Join, tun of D. JKmeaof Went Or.
Urn t'ity, was Interred tit Hi cemetery here
lst SlllldllV, Mr. JlHle llMl t son lf than
year g. Thev formerly lived to this
mMflilvihvHHl, Tliey hve the ayiiipathy of
llie coninuinity in their iliilii aiUloiion,
The almost Impassable viiiIUIimi Ml' lh
lit shall he done l.i haw iriir behavior
at school, Tli majority were in (aiumf
i iisiiid wor liael. There Imve heeu Uttntr
e,f don here Ihe rpelrtttiir of which, I think,
should he, punished hv whipping school
ml Im sxhI on lun tliey ye-i hum. I J U n b made II msviwirv for
think it l wrong fur iwitntu in tvl III j Ht u-rvlor, K. Kurd, lo warn nut thei
( teacher lodo all the wlii.tii. t'harily be- j il makers ami repair III must lUiiyvrum I
i lin t home, plui-va, II. i
jsttrrokn, IVc. M. PHWr Rro. were' On of our neighbor had what miitlit j
busy a l days last wk leltinK don II i liar been nerioiis accident w hit peeling t'lai-iamait. j
lonees to iet the water out of their fields, ', 111 hark off suamling tree w ith rail. Tli j ' vi-'. I1'-. It.- t K. t'laike Is r-1
Case !ro. did some plowing. Uev. r'r. j railMnu k him in the I'm knocking liimovrr 'tooting a 'liim for inur i.U iiik, ,
Lurkilv h i-iiiVitvaI Iii low liruiwu. Ml NUM lli-tunw t vwltlitu (VU-w.l t j
Ki'K'lilfliv just put out smU on-liarit.
Tli sawr mill hrrv is stat-king up tola of
luinN'. Th mill li an lovator to carry
tue saw ilust out of tli mill. Wk Vss.
Ca,nly? Oi
I'iKis. lVv'. li. Tin1 'pl of this
vk-iMti :uv i.itieiitlv jiti:.g fur lair wvaiii
er, l'hri;nu!s liv!i.;(ivt r MH'lhttiii umis-
iia! 10 i .t; t VIE.
Clurl'.r 1'ortrr lias pt rrt-il of waitiiij;,
ami :ii S'Hn siait lor Maiio in xaixliol
laoto i'vli,j; Mt'M'S. Hi family t'Xji'l to
iv:i a.;, Iiriv lu lu spring.
Mr. John Jor.rs, the blacksmith, aiut Mr.
V or Saumirrs t.tMoiiaiiii a trl for
t:u- !:in.l ow i.cil by tiiv luiur.
I'r. Casio "iut not suciwl in orsuuUing a
J. ..li S llt
t'liarli Chinaman iinintf ton-nl anolhr la kaiua, W r soirv lo l. nin II. at
piiv of Krouiiil of K. Illuhni an.l plain it lo lhr ami liMtlir r in poor hrallh.
; hois. II was olli-rvo tl.iriwn ci,ls r Mr. K I ISMiuanU luul.llnif a m-at -oIUk'
i vuml for this yar's rop. ' ',,r hiiu'lf.
Martin A Suis luir ma.lo imo improv-1 t'Ui-kamaa ill haie t'lirislinas lrt In
i mnl at tliir saw null whii li i-iialil IIumii ; th M. V., i lunvli.
hav Iwn hav inu a to hamll a third mow littulwr wild Hi1 M II. Kn-lilmil 'has put a sivk of IWnt In
tli st frw sam lilp. ' th r'lw slui oppontr t i hrh k Morv, V
ltrown's 0. Honilinli an.Ui. A. S. huM an p'iKK : !' 'or hmi plrnlv lo do.
A hhI i into th .ho raisimr hustings l'oikisi Tliriutioit, "Klrl, fhal tli imi
of tli liiiu-s iint to a iiiotaivriy
il. i.lml in laior ol tli aillriunihr at th
liattiiKstH'ii'ly. Tli ni ipii'iioii, r'riilay
oVhal.vt at oiirtusl imiini; and ihvi.lrd in ; t ciiiiik. i " h""'lvd. I hat loirijin iniiui
favor of thrattirmativ. Th nl .pii'sliun srnliou slimUl l pmliihili'.l bylaw." K
for !!! is, Krxtiwd, That l;ht houm llolivmhand J. V Uo.il I.i.I.ts. j
should ootisiiim a ilny woik." I A l.irmrr Irom flnTiiiau i-om.lv lulls us
John M n'hnto is mi th siok list. llir. j that th allium- ami uraon hm hrl.l tin-1
lor th band lis not piaitnf w'kly
until his rvorv. Misk,
Loi.iN, Iv. K.-V
liiiy tiiin- in tni xioinity
wcs-ks. lJt Hk Monday Mr.
fam.iyj.il a lly hill damn.
croud was present and a tolly iuini! isirk at six .tnts wr lsuiml.
l ""l. ! Til nuslion, " Ki-soIkhI, That lh pr.'.
Mr. l lnis. Tmt-y jiav a party last wivk 'ent system of competition is wroi-it," was
T.n;rMi:ty. AKiu; fotlj, coupUs wctx' prvs
e.il a id a sivkt ti:u was cnjoycil.
Mrs, S. iV. Minturii ill return lo lir
Sell all Goods at Portland Prices or Under.
r 100 pounds Dry Granulated Sugar, only
100 " Extra C Sugar, only - -
Vinnmnth Virtual Sehiad.
M.1SMIR Til. Or., lkv. t. There are now ,
.f.s stmle t eiindied at the Creon !Slat '
rn.nl school, tli largest tiiiinbr ever in j
.I'tendam-e. "
SV. A. Shaver, auoiher student from '
' ai A.in:a c nii.ty, arrived a! Hie Heirimiins
. .' this tr a. He cii'es Irom Manpiam.
l.a-t Kr;.(ay vvetiini: at tli joint session '
!i.e ...IT 'i-rary s.v.i,- ,e .he play " I'l
er' a.- re--..erei in a .ery able manner J
i.t a.na'i-ii--.
i.a-t S.ii uday rvenii.i: the Axllo ciub,
I om Aibatii. aisli lr. Normal talent,
ca-. a com t for the liei.eiii of th reading
room nss iition. The receipts were JTl.Jft.
The sei i-r cias i-i!.sl-t i-f fnrty-threo
Maple Lane
..isi. !-. ! Last week our j
r. n or. ncconrt of the liii.ess i
. r. Monday she fuled to put j
.i.-iliK and it Was reported that ,
Nab Hill.
N -li II it I., 1'iv. 10. The f.irnien in this
pan o( theiouuty have not jp.t all of their
potatoes du, and ha no fa!) plomiiit
This part of III tsninly is fast fillintf up.
The latest arrivals are Mr. ami Mrs. Kowlry
and tn childrn (mm Nebraska. Tliey
ha Is.uht land of II. I.. Waybill.
Mr. tirawford, also from Nbraska. has
bought tuenty aires from II. I.. Wavliill.
Mr. Ht,, from Kansas, Uuij(Ut forty
Bin-s from Mrs. Kolarts.
Mr. Kdar Kichvy has hniiKlit chopper
and is doitij; work with neatnoMi ami dis
patch. Tli way k'raiii is coming in to be
chopped show that the chopper is til hi; a
loiiKb'lt want.
JoMoli IVliiro, a native of flackania
coiiutv, who lias -eiit the la-t ei'ht years
in llastern tTviron ai.d Idaho, has i-oine
j lurk to make his home w ith us. lie savs
he eaimot liml any place like t'lai kamas
I conniy to n.ake a coirlortable home.
I "Notu ithstai.dll x the dultt ea of the hi..;
U r trade three ol our live saw mills have
j orwer euonli ahead to run llietn six
months. Tliey liml the aorst trouble is to
I tret the lumber hauled o ini; to the bad com
: dition of the rikids.
i Mr. Vi. H. Kanbiiin had the mi-fortune to
.break the ale out of his uaoit w bile on the
j road lo Oregon t'ity with a load of shin
; i:les, w hit h makes him think that something
should 1 done to improve the roads.
Mr. J. S'eieus had a shooting mat h (or
turkeys thank-i;i ini; day. There was ahifi
crowd and the crack shots had a chance to
get cheap turkey.
The most of our young people attended
the ball at Ka'lc Creek thanksgiving night
and report haiinu had a splendid tii.it.
Seventy-five tiuinU'rs were sold.
Mr. ticort; Cone has moved to Troutdale
(arioers tit si'eur
prvKtm ts this year.
b:ler pin- lor llieir
Ma pi r
s-:iool did
of the teai
lit an :
she was itii tyi hoid b-.er. lint this
week she ran e on time and school is run
ning aain.
Mi s S Parks, of Mountain Home,
has Ijeeu v -i.ii g her i'liit, Mrs. Surfus, for
A ffVL ihll s
The Ma; Une alliance has chanKe.l its j b surinU-ml the lu.nl.er yard there
phue of ii e.tittir to Kh's hall. Mountain
View. I
The Iite.-.iry society jiave an entertain-! ( anynn t Ity
ls.o.t hi-: -a- irdav ev.-nine whii-ii'ivas a CisiyoJi Citt. Ic. II. The firrrrn of)
di -.-ideil '. --. A'l did v .'"., but one re- ' this vicinity have coin t the cm clus..n
i-ir.it'"n -t. ' ."it so tun itieiil !y both as ' thut silting iir.iund the lire tlii kind (it
literary pr... uction and the si le of delivery j weather is far belter than following the plow,
that w eannot help metittoiiing it. It was Win. Smith, w ho bus lieen very low with
' U"n-:ii. -. ;:h Old Nick," rendered by Mr. j typhoid, is convalescing, and we hope to see
Oiilhon-e'i. The so. ie; will giye another , Iiitn ,'Ut with us sonn.
I-. IV -Mis. tiinway, M '. II lllllhoii.
Mis Ite.c.ooe, Mr. Tiiomon a id Mrs, Cur
tis 'are on to si. k h-l. and son. c of the
younger melids-ls ate siek lit the laliitltes ot
Mr. loin, Mr. Ih.hhol! a. d Mr. Ogh-.sby.
All ate rei-oient i; s.i far as w know.
Win. Veil and lamily of seieti have r.
rlicl from Minuesiiia Mr. Ited savs it is
tiHi cold in Miuni-Mita lor him. He has
been to Oregon beloi and brings Ida family
along this ttme. Another ttewcomer has
bought a piece of land from Mr, llohvmb
and will go into the fruit business, j
At th ilehailug society th iUelion.
' lie-Milled, that foreign iuiiiiig'Wiion should
I prohit.ited bla,' was decided in favor
of lb altlruialiv. Th licit question ts.
' liestilvml. That there Is more pleasure in '
anti 'ipation than in rvalit ilioii ;" II.viuil
ton and Clarke leading disputants. j
Tli dance Saturday night at liray'a hah j
was well attended. There will a mas J
, pier a le ball t'hrutmasnutitatth hall and j
t h ii-l ttias iris- Christ ma. eve at the -M. K
chon li. Tiukivi . j
I anby.
Cir. 1W. s The (armer-'' ailiaui-v Is;
prophesying Iwtter weather. I
Mr. Jenmtigs has ah-ad of himls-roti the
i'Muiid lor hi phnlograi-h guhiry. lie in
tends to tmil I jie. as s.m as the Weatlo-r
w ill permit. ,
l!v. Illakely is going to put up a furniture j
store t.n the lot he pufelia-ed of yfr. I'.trirr. '
Th new deit that the Southern I'ai'ltic
eotrpunv is building will be completed lu
aisnit eight or ten oays and w ill be a build- j
ingth.it Canhy can well I pmud of.
A. II. I.ee lias la-en sick for se.eral days
but is recovering. ' j
llr. Whit evi.-cts his family alsuit the S
jotii. !
A. H. Lee's new barn and well are coin -pleted.
Canhy nurserymen are still planting j
peach pits. Iletneen forty and
All other Goods at Rock Bottom Prices. Highest
Price paid for Produce Wo carry a full lino
IM rro.,1 Mr,. I HARDWARE I
t uii'oi.iti . taars.
I'o.tland, ttrwgon,
leir -
- Pl.uo.ii.l
. Im- -." vhel.twul
.-ill imli a.
i .
('rt scciU WYtlp-si (wanantcil ) H X S 1 'rof 1 1 a i 1 1 - .
I.i.o,.! un, WikhI ( 'hoJ''r,t
(ht piii City Ap-nt, ....
d.Mibth ms a tni'c-s. and a ill I a la's. r -a -ills;
i-omi'iiieme to ttl-.se in t! r pcic'i loirs
erv bilslm-ss. lll-lit l''.
..-nt Saturduv the i -tu.
0. I. Skk.
Centra! Point
f'o st, Pec II.-Mr. Iz.-tte, of
i:.i!, ij vi.-:t:r.: I'r:-: i is and rela
i ple.ee. He has come to take
Whitby i
fives at t
tiraudina Fii
A oolite;;..
sc k for -he puri ose of getii:
the church. Th sum of sir.
h;V home with him.
was taken up at church last
an oran for
0 was raised,
and with tl e l;h'!-" from 'he pink tea social
make-. $ I'.'.-m how av.-iilahh-.
A g-it -. hi! will he ' n in the M. K.
t h'.'.r'M oi' :!.;- :h'.c- on t1-- ."iii:--' of Jan
uary 1. '..:' h young ;:e!.t!i-tnan w ill present
a gift to a lady friend, and each young lady
to a gentieii.aii friend. Tin-re will be an ad-mi--ion
fee of ten cent at thcd'or and ten
ce'.t- tor r tke and roib e. We always havea
f.....I 'in e here at Central I".. int.
M --. Ha h::i's no'fl.er. M -.. i'r'-ctoue, is
in poor LeiKii. She is ei.rhtv-sevcn years
and lu
;-i to
X:. H.
-e a ov,
IV can
;o..i a! M
I-;-, t i h
,i -e t in
. If:-;--,
Irom lin'hind.
i Mr. Molson's little girl that has been
j troubled with a felon on her linger, is iin
i proving, and it is thought that the memU-r
i is beyond danger of auipiitittiou.
! Our school is progressing nicely with
j nearly sixty scholars enrolled. I'rofessur
i Hyatt has charge of it, and under his man
agement we feel thill the school will meet
with unlimited success.
Tin.' spelling n atch given in the I'helps
I school hou-e la-t Thursday nigiitwa largely
': attended and very much uppr. i lilted by the
! young folks. Mis i';in-y Smith was the
champion of the i-ieniug.
' Mr. 11. S. C. I'lo 'ps has moved into Ids
new dwelling bm.'-e and we hope that he
I may fiel comfortahie ti.ese dreary days in
j his new home.
j Our literary society meets next Thursday
: night for reorganisation. Come everyone
and help us along.
i Mr, John llnrtis, who'has lie.-n cntiing
, rails for Mr. Smith, has oomph ted Ids con
will Ik- planted this full on the prairie.
I Mr. liiaos ha-, d" hired his intention of
hii-lding a ferry to ply bet .icon bi phi. e
and Mr. Nolan's on the Wilhmietle river.
This will bring in. .re country within reach
of the IciMtics mnl n Canhy as w as
giving us a direct route to Portland.
The board of triiiln met la-t Cndae. The
chiel t'.pieof dieu--.iim iva-. the adl ant :o.o
a din-el road between Canhy and Oregon
I ity would lie to the public. ,
M. Campbell is preparing to begin build
ing his flouring mill. It is to he nhmt "iii i
feet wdh a hoih r mom id about lux J".
'l'he ChiniMi,. gravel crew are -did hov elllig
in the pit. Our photographer, Mr. Jen
nings, wdh his camera, and Mr. l-' M. Hus
ton!, a-dMa:il, went down hi-.t Si. inlay
tnorning to take a view of theChineie gang.
He had his camera nearly set before the
Mong.iliaos disi ioi red htm. l'he Chinese
eha-eii them out ol the cut with ph k-,
crow bars ;md anything they could nn bin
the way of weapons,
Mrs. Hodge's home is completed and -he
has moved in. It is liui-diod on the inside
with huh iiml pla-ier.
The M. K. Sunday school will have a
Ohri-'nt'is tree in the church Ob y ear.
Mr. Oior.e M.ller has sold ti n lots to Mr.
John Holer lor Jlio in the shiith Albert I .re
addition. Our real e-inte mini is a rustler.
He lots also sold tl bull' of the Williams
Cism, IW t-V- I r. While s tamtty ar -
rivid la. i Saturday eieMiug truiu Hakota, j
Mr. Alls-rt Tic has putoliascd lot m tr I
from Ahtt Hurl f..r .'-. I
Mr. (iis.rg Knight Imuse . comph tedj
and Mr. Carletun ha. inoid hi (or the term (
ofunryiar with the privilege-l live. I
Mr. S. Terry is coii.fortahlv willed In lb I
home he land on the three lot. be pur
chase I uf S S. M.itthe s.
Mr. If J. Parmenier is plmsii); up th
old pasture on Jmhe Wa t s phue lur lb
renter, Mr. J. Shull. Mr. Slrdl has not
titty acres i .,. wj, , ,K ,e it. lends to slav .
Bed: Room: Suits
Frcm $1 1.00 Upwards this Veek.
hi it ii tii mioks:,
Opposito thv post Offlco, Oregon City, Or.
VI . I! V SO. - . 1. t
t Vy Saturday,
The Mis.es N'.-llic Ihs-.-ll and I'.lla if ,
tlertha Knight were in Portland Sal May.
Mr. lieorge Miller, Lewis 1hi-.t rs ami A.
II, l.ce acre in Portland Moi. lay.
Misses Jennie and Matti. Terry tin t .)
cob Si hinder joined the .,. teinptars hi-t
Saturday evening.
A. It Ij-i- has giv fn tip well Isirmg with
his ma, I, In. '
Mr. J I.. l'roiis. was In nurtowii Momlav
n,ri!aling the otn-.tioii of ll sHain lo'rv
across the VVdhim. tie at ti, W, Shank s
place, in- propos... t,, hmhl ns noon as pos
sible, ,
Prof. C, i. I'rn.ti-r lectures every Tin-
day evening on lyuiiomy, tin .ro, , , ds to i,i,
O.vv.ir Is purchiis,;,,. tt dietiunarv lor the'
School. ' ' j
Preparations are living mil le In have a
Chri.tiiuis tri e I,, th,. chur, h. !
All Kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Work
Promptly Done.
Mli oil fcrtrlllh mi., - lrut.
Ciinhy literary, m nil mid debating
lancet-ionics oil the evening ol the
W. II.
II K MnI.AI.I.a IlilAll.
iimettiliig l.i Say
Ahiiiil the
Ouite a number of the Oiinvon Cilyiles!
reUltlie-l lrolu I l,uVp hcen Htlendihl' tin- on it moled liieetillt i
lb-i- ex, e.-tiiig j ,lt ,). Cctral Point M. V.. ohnrcli, and we j ,,"rk M"- ,;"wr'-
ar future. ' i,,.!,..,,. ,n.,. has In-,, a ,'oei. e.mversions 1 -Mr- ell"g' Has sold his nuteticr -ho,
. Miasfiauer vvtio win move im- noii-i
Cl.'.IIK--. I
II.-: Mr. a-,.
;s in i ire-.ron City the
ol T. li. ilankii.s.
:!ty were pre-ci.t a! t
beliee the-e has h-i
i in lids neighborhood,
rtaue to The ro;id ipiestinu is the tuaiu suoji i
.conversation with us nowaday a. 'lie
1 route known as the " Kadham route" n
t of
his omi property nnd rent
ivd for a meal market. Mr. K
r ki.
; build ll livery slahlc
11 to
Mrs. Charles
If pl-t Week,
' tl
a iMer
J-s l-o'li-i .-at-er iii soend ihe winier i
i;!i in r nnut in I'orihii.d and attend I ho I
high 'i:ool f i. r--. I
I. f C'a'i:" ainl family are Kiting in j
i..rii .1-;.- 1 I
,'.! - i Ida .' v ; sbii'.r, of Meadow firook,
is vi-iii; g frinri'U in this neighborhood.
, M.-. Tini.ersi.ri took Peter Olson to Oregon
City where lie took the train for .Minnesota.
J larn.o.'iy alihr,' e .o. H-' I, as cha!i;.;ed itM
i 7 P. M. to 1 P. M.
hiisjue.-s trip to Oregon
n.o.'iy a!i:
ry l.ee mn
Ci:y h.r his fail,
lb nrv Jewell
plea S!1 call Tu.--hty
A d. legalioii oi aili
Hi-' -lei (I l-iilw U..tnnlav. (
Mai Peest iS home from Portland ami is
viMliog with Aunt Patsey Parish.
Oran Moran ftustiiined a severe burn of
the right hand Sunday. Ivah.
Hazki.ia, Dec. Ii. -The farmer : are not
yet through potato digging. T hey think il
hard work and no pro-pect of it market
price for them soon.
Chrisliuirienh-rtuiiimi ntsare mui h tail.
of now, f'loh-s or W.-i'ts and puoiis are
very hii-iy and hope to made tin: entertain
ment of Wednesday evening, December 'li,
a decided Miioce-s.
In view of the fuel that l-lt-jis election
'year the literary society is to delude the
' I ui -stion of " In ii Iriu'' lit its first meeting
I in January.
Mrs. Hampton of Perrydale, Polk county,
i is visiting her daughter, Mrs. I.. Kalon. Mr.
C. Hays--" I'nelv," a- be is familial I v culled
j of Sherwood, lipoid a few- days with his
nephew, J. it. imyn. He rcjiort s Siienvood
on the Vacated lot.
W.viiai Hon rs
A Wmmiic; Has S-
To Tli Jr. Kiutor: Will you kindly permit
a wondaii lo " speak In meeting" on this
Important subject? Certain il is that the
woiiif-ii ureas iniieb interested in the result
Albert l.ee has today
if twelve lots in the
1 rl ,;,y. and Kiirrouinliiig country booming,
ado our public w.-hool n. n jj,.,.il(.;ti -j, ,',l8 ,e,;ll visiting his
,,v- ifiiuiid and coinr.vh;, .1 tnlge (,'nllitm, has rc-
pioplc visited the j lr(tlM,,i tohinhome at Salgtii.
J. (.". Duncan, of Aaturia, who has been
working for George I,oay, left for bin home
The Oswego grtthge ui its lut meeting
elected olBcera to nerve the lollowing year.
Canhy, 1oe. ft
couij-ieou Hie sail- oi ivveive inns in i.iii:
soutben-t part of Canhy. 'l ite puichaser I
is a man of means fioui Portland uhoin-
tend s building a house on each lot for the
1 1 purpo-e of renling,
i- j 'l ite lung li It want i d' a pood hai in---, idiop
we are told Is soon to he supplied at Canhy.
A good barber shop is very much needed at
Ibis place, and vve think one would do n
good business here.
'I lie live nnd wide uw like board of trade
at. Canity luiM! recently got out. a huge lot
of advertising enveliipes w hich will bit tisod
by the initjorily (il thecilieiis of C'liiihy uiid
vicinity. It is a very ingenious itriungu
meiit Ibr iid-.eilising, anil one we Iru t that
will be of greal, help as well lis being bolh
cheap tnd convenient.
A. A. Dix has recently purchased a smiill
tract of lund adjoining. Canity w here lie in
lends to erect a neat cottage the miiteiial for
which is on the ground,
Chun. Hchmidt has shul down hia saw miil
for a short time owing to the extremely had
ctimlilion of the roads.
Mr. J.C Wolgainothaa recently invented
a machine (or planting pe:li iiu which fa
of Vttr nresout lufllalion of the i-ntid iiueMiun
j liny iniiii rati he. i-'or are tln-y not shaken
ol, llattened, nnd rounded up, made Initio
Xtml sure in their bones lor days in the sorry
ll'nrt t iniirket. rggs mnl butter and trade
i little un their own account?
As the engineer is out making ti survey,
til tuny prove that further suggest Ioun lire
nt of time, especially as to roide, llow
ver, in the hope that we may gniu his nt
enlion before it. Ik loo bile, We would urge,
lir a, Unit Hid present road running noulh
rnm Klyvilld to Moliilhi corners lai nut
.verlooked In Iho pieseid. survey, l! Is tin
loiihledly the shortesl, must direct road be
ween Ihe poitds linnicil, lis Ihe extensive
ravel over it proves. It. is nut an exnggorn
,iou In wiy that from lil'ty lo one hundred
I fifty tcaniH pass the wriler'n residence,
luily, when the road is at all passable, Tim
I bed In all niiidc; mnl material lies close
t bund for either planking or rook lilting.
lie rum I is of good wldlh, nnd well fenced
ii either Kiilo., The money nnd labor thus
i veil could be expended in lei'seiiing tlu
nidus lied ileiti'iiif out the. stumps, rocks,
nil dead logs, between fences.
We are not in fuvor of u plank road, nnd
; sneak for the majority ol hind ownem in
I ll 1 1 h vlclnitv. f liven a gond, annua, lasting
laeadaiulzod rond and money will not be
anting along (lie line.
Iteliectfully, ' M. C. JIaywakii.
Vim will Hitve no. in v l.v tukei.x your MACHINERY 1"
Thtt li'-et uf iiKil.-ri.il tisnl, )uI none lmt hkillml lnltur oinlo,VfA
(!ivo tis it irinl mnl Hi-n if our priccM uru tin! ns low na lln lnvpt. All
work (.'UiOiiiili . il ns r.'.r. mi iiIi-.. All tvotk ilmii' tin.iiititlv. .w'p''il
jnl.H nit. -mli-il to will,. un ili-iay. All km. is nf
Machlnory uppllos Kept on Hand.
Cii.stinH fiiniiisli.il. Ag.-uln f.,r Witnl A r.nuly'n (VlflintUi'l Anti
I'l'idloli Mi-lal, mnl Mur, i-.l(M Self I.til.rii'iitiiicr I'm-kini.
.IA3IKS KOAKM A CO., Proprietors.
Shop, 5th and Water Sts., Oregon City, Oregon.
NVnr Ian.'!! A All.ripht'H lliili'litT Sln).
17 lbs. I). (I
1H to 'JO ll.s.
100 lbs. 1). (i.Supr Ml.-,
10(1 Hi'ii.Sii;
Ailiuckics ('(.('..(
mwii Sii;r:M' I o 1 1 Ircsw (ioixlst, f
Cliristmus (iootlrt.
I. 10 to 1.(1.)
Brownsville Clothing, Flannels, Etc.
HAMILTON k ALLEN, Chickamas, Oregon.'