Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 11, 1891, Image 5

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    Oregon City Kntcrprisc.
Wisrsa Hi tumii - KrrmT 01 t , imi,
l.atva nasim cur.
1 i m,
'HHJ ,,
I W l. HI,
'i Ul i. Hi.
!. MUTUmi
Mm a. m.
lu i ft. ui.
I ii l. in,
!W l. Ill,
i.V. OHEilnM 1'ITY.
!l III
J uu p. iii,
10 (HI III,
M f in
Hlamr A Itotin It MaVai mi itnp at way
lamlluaa iiii nwiim
mmrN RDi'mi.
Altiotijr ltnxl (way linn) . 7 (HI m.
t llfnrnla Kiiirtoa (iliroim It) o :i a. in.
Kiluii Uioal ar aiatliuia) '( u. hi,
iiriM mii HIi,
lluteliur l.m'-l (way lallnni) I il a. in
AllKiiy I iml iway alalliiiial a IM ii, m
l allliiriila Ktiraaa (ilituiiilil 7 M p in
TH Kl'Hai MlfT..N, -Til Km KUI'IIIKI
ill Iki avni on (rial fur two inuiillia ,.r
liiily.flv twiila. HoikI In a trlul ai'liwrli
tl.in ami If yuu ilci mil ki vutir lummy'
worlli llii two lilta will U ri'liimM to yuu.
1 he iar will j aliipixol inmptlv at tin.
eiiilialliin or tlm trial jhtIoiI 11 It limit dp.
airml lunifiT,
Til K OhKUUN FlHIIXHIKi. Tllfl llllllal
rHir( ul tlm Oregon llnli eoniiiilaMuii
gives some interesting information about
1i HaliliiK Industry of llt stale Tlie
mount of salmon packed waa Urn tbail
last year, w lili h foci limy be accounted
(or by several cause. Tim cutuuiU
ioner do not think t tiers la any causa
(nr alarm a lo tlm lulure iiii.ly ul
allium, or any reason wliy anyone
abould tliink tbat propagation o( flab ia
lullurt). " We itill li.vt a much laidi
in It aa oyer, " Say (be repot t, "and
believe It la Hit) only salvation (or aup
I'ly ul food lixli in the stale (or yeare to
come, " The season osiied uu April
loth ami eloae.1 on August 10th Thtf
total expense Incurred by tlm com
mission during the season Waa f .'H'.I.YH,'!.
fnlniou parked In (ina (lining tlm yeur
waa aK follow :
i'oliiitiiila river.
Tillamook Itay
Hnmlaw river .
11,71. )
4, MM
Tutsi ,, 13.MM.ttM l,.t!.l.iO
The nuinlwr of case 'JHl.tim. The
value ul Milium ami other (lull con
sumed locally ami shipped Kat (rvah
a: Hulinon ai7,ti.'15, itmufon lt:i,
6.f, ravair of ntur.cxin, :m), ahail IUMK)
ehttd KitMK), trout HHH), amrli l,tiiK),
carp $l&tK), ctmlflnh U0, touirud $.mhi,
Mnline MOO, oyatorn I.TOO, clanu lltVV),
Halt oil WKW, lertiliaer 1(100 ; total, .')H,
000, A total of SWA) men were employed
t valinerie anil DahliiK Iduring the xa
oii. The waifce amounted to $i31,7AI.
Am Old Rii.wt There worked up
tlirouuh (he mud of Main ntrert' the
other day eection of the old mile of the
tramway that did duty three or (our
yenrs In the early 'flo'i In traimfcrrinx
frttlirht around the (alia bt'twet'n the
upper and lower river. D. 1', Thompson,
A. L. Lovtijoy and the IVinnnla Luilt and
uerated that road and it made muie
money than any other mile of railway
in the NothwcMt. The motive jxim-r
Miut iiiuli'HH. The rails wito wom1. The
road extended from Caneiiialt down the
river, travetnliiit Malik etreul to Fourth,
and, turniiitf then lo (ho river linuk,
followed down to the prt'tiimt wharf of
thoOiesoii('ity TratiHportation company.
In lHtV) the ''bantu" waa completed mo
that boaU could come to the prenunt
lniK'iial mill. ArratiKvmenta were
made for traniifurrinK freight there, punn
ing it throtili the warehouse and down
to ntrainera below the falla. Then the
old tramway went into (limine and the
at rent w aa graded over it. That mode of
trannftir continued till the lock were
completed in 1M72. There waa no eleain
riiilwny it) tlie valley In thue days and
the river IrannjioiUtion bnnlnean wan
iinnii'tine In vottimo and in the profit it
A Valiant Colok-II-akick Julius
1'ilenter, who Uvea on bin farm near
Ktall'urd in Dili county, la a Hue ipecimen
of valorous German-American. In 1HU2
be enlinted In Company E, Twenty-sixth
Iowa infantry volunteers, and waa one ol
the color guard, loan engitgemont at
Arkiinnan l'onl ho wits the only one of
the guurd who ntood by the Hug and wan
mudo color-beiiior for bingnllunt aorvjra.
lie curried the ntunduid of bin regiment
from Aikunnua l'ont to Tentit'Hnoo and
wilh Sheninin on bin inurcli to the eea
an fur us Atlunlii wbero a rebtd bttllot
mini him to the rear. However, lie re
covered und ronumod his periloiiH duty
w hen the nriny ruitubed Kuleigh on ill)
northward march, lie was mustered
out tit the grand review In Washington
after the war and bo bore the colors back
home to Clinton, Iowa, where the two
Hugs he bud carried were deposited in the
court house. The first one bad twenty
three bullet holes In it. and a ahnttored
BtufT. The gallant color-bearer suffered
u severe wound from a shell at Vieks
burg. His Atlanta wound whs a bullet
in the mile.
M.iiiiiikii and Haim-y. Honry ltfwis,
II half breed Cherokee, and Lucy Smilh,
a California lndittn woman, wore mar
ried at the residence of J. A. Cbase, in
Turk I'lrtce, last Tueaday by Key. O, W.
Lucas. The groom la about sixty yearn
ofngnuiid has been well known here
uhoiitnforadiwi.il years or more, Hit
occupation ban been that of wood chop
ping. Home time ago be acquired a lot
or two in park Place and he bun lived in
cabin lliere. Keci'iitly be bccuinii un
well and be hired J y Hiiilth to keep
houae (or Mm. (She did this In such an
engsglng manner that-well, they agreed
U) get married and sent for the parson.
11. i .
inu iwniu were mitiie one in the reguia
Hon style ami Ihcy were as happy i
eluiiisat high tide. Henry Is not abovf
some of the weakneas of His kind uiJ
Lucy's repiilalloti Is a little shady, lt
they have begun life anew and with
much promise of succens as If their nkli"
were nut ol copper butt. j
FlKHT ItKI-t'Ml.tt'A.N Cl.l'H The JUt)g
men of Milwaukiu precinct, it thin
fount)', received the colintilution aid by
laws from the executive toinmiloe of
1M... ... . I . . ..
the Young Men's Hepubllcan Club of
Oregon lont week and Hafurday night t
meeting was held t the I. O, (i T, hall.
John I. Ayer, president of tht dub, and
Wallace McCammeu, of Itn fxectltlve
coiniiiiltee, weie printout un created
iniicli euthunianm by their addrenw i.
Theor.anixallon of a mianion club was
completed. It. Kcolt was eleited preaid-
lug ollicer, A Dhn-li secretjry and O
Wissinger treasurer. The executive
committee la T. J Orav, It. H. Me-
I.atighlln and J. C. llunTfurd The
club outntimtiera both the alliance and
the democratic clubs amf bldn fair to
become the star club ol Clackamas
Hoax I.AacxNV CAsan. Thomas Hcott
who was arrested wit I) William Gurd
ntr for slealing a boat, ito. from the Wil
lamette I'ulpand I'sht mills, was, upon
examination before Justice Fonts, dis
charged from cnntoily, Gardner escaNd
from the 'ollicer shortly after his arrest
and It is onilerntooj 'bat he is now In
San Franninco, Thoman and John Mints,
of Csnby, were arrented last week on
coniplaiiit of Paul T. milb, for stealing
a t of liiirneawn valued at 1 10. Iimtice
Fonts held them to the grand jury in
the sum ol f '.'no each which they could
not provide. The testimony against
them was given by the wife of Tboinai
lliggs, and her sinter, Mrs. Armstrong.
Wind ami Main, The worst storm
for a eriod of several years pre
vailed here last Monday. The wind
was strong from the southward and
some damaue was done to telegraph and
telephone lines. The rain fell in tor
rents must of the day. The steamer Al
tons lost a trip In the afternoon on ac
count of the inability of the Madlaon
street drawbridge to turn in the wind.
The I-atona landed at the JefTerson
street wharf. Wednesday morning the
river was at the highnet stage this sea
son, l.'i feet above mean low water
Htsamsr Stnikks thx Kocfs.- Last
Friday the I-atona was going to her wood
station above the waif when a floating
log caught in the wheel making her un
manageable so that her bow ran upon
the rocks with considerable force. Not
much damage waa done, however. Go
ing down the river Sunday morning the
fog wits dense and the l.utoiiu ran on the
rocks oir F.Ik wk. Her eiiitinc hid
been stopM'd so tbenbock was uotgieat.
There was some delay in getting tbronvb
that crooked pait ol the river, which in
dilbcult to navigate when the fog is
thick, but no serious damage was done.
The Manxanillo is running in place of
the Latona while repairs are being made.
Had to Comb to Tim County Skat
F. 11. lienor, a farmer w ho resides near
Damascus in this county, wanted some
money last week to get which he
had to market some produce. He also
had buninens to transact at the county
seat. Hut the roads to this city wore so
bad that he took bis produce to Portland
where he sold it and bought merchandise,
and be left hie team there and came up
to Oregon City by boat. Thus does Ore
Kon City lose trade 'hat justly belongs to
it, '
NovK.xn.si Watkh. According to Cap
tain Pratt's daily record of the stage of
the river (or November the highest water
was on the twenty-fourth when it was
4.2 feet above the falls and 10.4 below
the falls above the mean low. water
niitik. On the flint and lust days of the
month water was at the same stitgo 2.0
above mid 5.5 below the fulls above mean
low water. The river has been at a
good navigable stage since the first ruins
in October, an uuiisiiul circuiustaiice.
Straw For Paper Throe or four car
loads of straw uro being delivered hero
daily to the Crown Paper mill, each car
containing about eight tons ef straw in
bales, Most of this product comes from
the vicinity of Woodburn. The ship
ments by boat have exceeded the amount
brought by mil. It is an important
item to farmers to be ablo to disposo of
a hitherto unmarketable article for a
good price, and a new industry is also
added to the businoss of this town.
A Holiday Ohkktinu Mm. Prior re
turns thanks to hor friends for pant
favors, and asks hor to call and see her
now stock of Christmas goods as she
has qu,to a variety on band this your at
the old established Caudy Store.
TlyHotitlmiu l'aclllt) Company's lo't
frel lialns which have hitherto ln
riiniiily, south-hound arriving here 6 M
, f, north-hound 1:3ft p. m., have
he cluiiiged lo run on the following
.s . ... w i ur.,.1-
J7s only; souiii-iioiiim monuuya,
iiiiiiiys auu f.rioays; noriu-woiei
eaduys and Saturdays. No change
leaving time.
A . J. H.wtell. the Oreiron teasel grow
J,, mM tw a,t week. He supplies
t ' .
the Oregon City woolen mills with teasels
used and In ordor to do so he draw the
burrs to Aurora and ships from there to
Oregon City, though bit place is no
nearer Aurora than here. But lie
cannot travel the roods to Oregon City.
Mr. Hum lull bus uniipie industry and
is the only teasel grower In the went.
Vmiroits Wklcoiix. We are now fully
prepared to meet the demands of the
season, and assure the public that vis
ilorswill In-cordially welcome. Whether
you wish to purchase or not w shall be
glad toentertuin you with our charming
exhibition of Diamonds, Watches, Jew
eby, Clocks, Hllverware, etc.
Mas. C. H. L. Bt'HMKISIKa.
letter l.lftt.
Tha following ! the lint of letters rtnialn-
nit in tlie mi1 oltli al Oregon City, Oreicoti,
IieceinlM-r II, 1XU:
Hrannoii, Mrs Johuaon, Miss
llrow n, J W Parrlah, A J
Chandler, Lulu lla, Mi" M M
Cainplmll, J Hnilth, Alfred
Dibble, Charles Hhaler, Mls Hertlia
PtXMiii, Amxi ACKAua.
Jaaimr. William MrsU Green.
If called for, plena sav when advertised.
K. M. RANDS. P. M,
Week's Transfers of Realty.
Oregon Iron & Kteel Co 10 B I
Cardwell, I 1 and 2, b 44, O I A S
Co's ad to Oswego I 270
Miss M 8 Clarke lo H P Cardwell,
I 14 and lfi, O I A 8 Co's ad to
Ueorite (iibbs to 'ieo Uribbey sc'i
ne' an 1 1 1 and 2, s 4, t 6 a, r 3 e
Hill W acres
Harm I, internum and wife to Vtruer
Oils pt Thomas Hons D L C, 20
acres 4K)
Catherine Woods and husband to
R Livingstone, trustee, I 7 and 8
b 211, O I A H Co's ad to Onwevo 1
Clackamas county to K lions and
Matilda Cbarman, I 7 and 8, b Ul
Oregon City 610
John Hognnaiid wifetoOottlieband
Odolf Casper e. se'nwsSl
1 1 a, r3e, 20 acres 1200
Oregon Land Co to Miss Lucy rihat
tuck, 1 & and 8, b 77, Minthorn
ad to Portland 300
( has Meyer to Frederick Lind un
divided half of I 1 and 3, b 6,
Kobertson 109
Silas M Tillman and wife to Henry '
C F.ngel and Anna Kngel pt s 33
1 1 s, r 2a, 10 acres
Aurelia M Gerdes and husband to
Lazarus Jacobs, 1 i Hecker's ad
to Oregon City
J II Cunningham to James D Hart
1 8 and 9, b 22, Cambridge 500
Jane CaufioU to David Cautleld 1 3
and 4, b V), Oregon City 1
Frank White and wife to J A Thayer
and wife pt Charles Walker I) L C
70. !KJ acres 2300
J T Apperson and wife to J S Pax
ton, I ,b 2, Park Place 125
Oregon Iron A Steel Co to K M At
kinson and John W Noble, I 5
b 47 O I & 8 Co's ad to Oswego 150
John V Martin to W R Garrett
20 ' acres 350
Mary F. Robinson and husband to
John L Kobinson ne nwl s4, t
5 s, r 3 e. 40 acres, 275
Elmer E Cbarman and wife to John
S Arnoldy 1 1 b I, Clackamas
Heights 150
Geo C Kly and wife to Minnie Ins-
keep pt William Holmes D L C,
1 acre
Fred C Kly sc'' nw V a 18,Vt 4 s,
Mrs Carrie K May and husband to
L J Gardner et als to M II Flana
gan U, b 103, Oregon City 850
Marion ilelluary and wife to Thou
McUrath b 31, Clackamas Ilts.
David Caufiold and wife to Mary J
Williams 1 3 and 4, b 19, Oregon
COT Williams et ala toC M Mason
1 3 and 4, b 8, Falls View ad to
Oregon City 110
E V Elliott and wife to Win R
Wade 13 b 3 Mt. Pleasant ad to
Oregon City 1250
0 M Mason and wifo to John A
Hurst 13 and 4, b3 Falls View
ad to Oregon City 350
Walter L Holcomb and wife to
Marion llllleury pt A B Holcjinb
DLC, 30 acreB 800
Ellen A Gerber to Jacob Gerber pt
N P Mack D L C, 40 acres 1500
Win 0 Mack and wife to John Har
rlsberger pt Philander Lee DLC
1 acre 100
W 0 Muck and wifo to Maxwell
Telford pt Philander Lee, D L 0
1 aero..... 100
Total $17,051
The corrections of the maxim
"nothing succeeds like success" is well
uxotnplitlod in Ayer's Sarnparilla. The
most successful "combination of altera
tives and tonics, it always succeeds in
curing diseases of the blood, and house
ita wonderful popularity.
Weak Lungs
May tie mads to do food m-rrlcs tlirwjKh a
long life by Jinll:oiu use of Ajm t Cherry
I'eepiral. Th hIkih ul weakiKis are "liort
Ms uf hratli," pallia In tlie chest sad back,
a pnraUtent ciiikIi, b-verlalincaa, and raining
of bbxnt. All or rlllir of tliens symptom
may lii'llrale weak liuiga, Bud lUould liava
Imiiifillate attention.
"I bars been a life-long sufferer from
weak limns and, till I used Aynr't Cherry
Tectoral, was scarcely ever free from a
cotiKh. This nieii-lne always relieves my
cough and atri-nnllieni my lunga, aa no other
nieUli.'liia ever did. 1 have Induced many of
my acquaintances to use the Pectoral In
lb rum and lung trouble. It has always
proved banelklal, particularly so lo the eaae
of my son-in-law, Mr. Z. A. Bimw, of this
place, who u cured by It of a severe
wsigh."-Mr. U I. Cloud, Benbin, Ark.
"I have had lung trouble for about on year
and hare tried uuuiydlftVreut remedies, but
nothing does me ao much good a Ayer
Cherry Pectoral. I heartily recommend till
bmhIIcIu." Cynthia llorr, Harmony, Me.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
rasraasD ar
Dr. J. C. AYER 1 CO., Lowsll, Mats.
Bold by all DruggUla. Friea II ; all kotllaa, $.
For fresh taffy go to Caster's.
Epicure, the licit F'lour made. tf
Casler will from ibis date have fresh
taffy twice a week from Portland. Call
and try it.
Tables, chairs, Bureaus, Bedsteads,
etc. .repaired at Bellomy Huscti's second
hand store.
Epicure is the best Flour sold by all
grocers. If your grocer does not keep it
go to one that does. tf
For bargains in aash, doors and
moulding, go lo R. Finley.sbop hack of
Pope's Si Co's. hardware alore.
Remember our cigars are all thorouirh
ly seasoned as me have an improved
ventilated Edison cigar cane. Cbarman
A Co.
It. L. Holmati, undertaker and em
bnliiier, Oregon City hank building.
Room at left of bead of stairs over store
building. tf
For 25 cents you can make your hens
lay by huvina" a package of Egg Food.
For sale by (barman A Co., City Drug
About Perfumes.
When we use Per
fumes, we certainly
should one only the
BEST; and judge of
perfume gtxnl judg
es, you know say
there are only four
or five perf timers who
make the best that
is, the VERY BEST.
There are a dozan
Good Perfumes,
But only a few best.
The BEST is what
you all want in per
fume if in anything,
particularly when
they cost no more
than the NEXT best.
Connoisseurs say that
Palmer's, Wright's,
and Stearns' are
A Complete, Line of which you will
find at
Cauiicld & Huntley's
For Christmas!
Is There Any
Suggestion Here P
Elegantly illustrated Gift Books, $1.25 lo
Phototraveurs In Ornamental Binding,
1.26 to 12.50.
Four edition of the Poets, $1.00, $1.60,
$2.00, $3.00.
Favorite Poems in Antique Vellum Bind
ins. tinelv illustrated. 50 cts.
Novelties in Celluloid Music Rolls, Card
Receivers, Xinas Cards, Photo. Easels
must be Been lo be appreciated.
Hand Painted Glass Photo. Easels.
Leather Card Cases and Purses, 75 cts
to $2.50.
Albums in Plush and Leather, 75 cts. to
Autograph Albums.
Finest Oxford Bibles in Leather, Family
Bibles. Prayer Books and Hymnals.
$300 Assortment of Gold Pens, with the
Latest Designs in Kustic and Antique
Fancy Ink Stands.
Paper Knives.
Lap Tablets Leather.
Diaries for '02.
Choice selection of Xmas Cards.
Fancy Papeterie.
Juvenile Books,
rieture Books, Etc.
aTjaT'Come in and look tbein over; if
you don't find anything suitable, you
may get an idea at
The Book Store,
Next I)oor to the Tost Ollico.
W. A. UUmXISl .
Holiday Announcement
We will give the Lowest I'ric
t' on CandieB for the Hol
iday Trade ever made.
Special Prices given on large
Large line of Fruits and Nuts.
Carpet Weaving.
I have a new patent loom from the
East and am prepared to do carpet weav
ing and fancy weaving, silk rortaim,
rugs, etc. Price aa low as the cheapeek
and satisfaction guaranteed. Any order
and work left at I. Belling' store will re
ceive prompt attention.
Ma. A. M. Bbattow.
C. r. WINBaCT.
Largest tock of Coffin and CaskeU, kept South of Portland. Also cloth covered
and Metallic Casket furnished to order. Ladies Burial Robe and
Gents' Burial Robes in stock.
Also Wagon and Carriage Making, Horse Shoeing and Gen
eral Blacksmithing on short notice.
4eui CashGioeety.
16 lbs. G Sugar, $1.00. Coal Oil, per Can, $1.20
fjF A full line of Groceries at these redaiced prices. Remember the place,
near Commercial Bank, Main St., Oiegon City.
In Connection we run the only Exclusive Flour and Feed.
Store in Oregon City.
Portland derjuelep.
Importer of and Dealer in Diamonds, Watehe
Jewelry, Clocks and Optical Goods.
fSaaTLadies' Private Entrance
Every Garment Warranted to Give Satisfaction
or Money Refunded.
3Exxx3Liltoxi $c
We will have for
Turkeys and Chickens,
Fresh Oysters,
Home Made Mince Meat,
And Everything Good to Eat.
for Thornugk
prrtrtieal Trnimno
urft vwr. BEST.
Up Stairs. Orders fro the Country