Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 11, 1891, Image 4

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
lvjlHlied Kvery Kridny.
Oil rr,
tJU mouths, .......
Thron mouths, ......
Subscription payable tn advance
Alrriltnf rmu' (lva on application.
to to
liuiou Mitla.
Minw Brook,
New Kra,
l'rk Flat-,
Barlow, -
. G. W. Prowr
Oeo. Knight
W. 8. Kiinvau
Arthur Itlivk
0 J. Trulllnttr
K. 8 Hramhalt
K. A. Wrinlil
. Newhorry
Henry Miloy
Hamilton & W-hburu
Barlow A Co
. . T. M Croai
J O (),
. J. H. Joyuer
. C. T Howard
A. I. Cornwall
K. M, tUrtmau
punishment is sometimes the best available
re-lnfotveiuont of weak point. If all par
fills would do their duty by (heir ehiUlren
it might bo Uitl down inflexibly that mr)HV
rsl punishment should ba hanlxhext trnni
til common schools. But in the fact of the
foot that parents are not always Uutihil to
their children ami that teachers are, aOer
all, but human beings, it will be ditllcnll
to do away with ooriHir.il punishment if it
bt administered with judgment.
Kutered at the Poat Omc In Oreou City, Or.,
as ecomi e.asa matter.
Trial Subscription..
Trial subscriptions to the KNTtcitrmsi for
a iriod of two months will t received un
til January 1st for twenty-live cents each,
strictly in advance. Here is a pxxU-lianee
to try the paper for a very little money,
lie! your neighbors and "friends whose
names are not now on our books to send in
trial subscriptions. The paper will lie
sloied promptly at the expiration of the
trial riod if it is not desired longer.
The Seventh Street Difficulty.
The othviuli of the Oregon City land
otliee seem to have fallen in the catajrory
that previously included, postmasters,
school teacher, railway conductors and
newspir men, whose blessed privilege it
is to see more than half of the (aulttlmtiiiK
side of human nature. It it not expected
that any ortlo shall be so conducted that
it will suit eerybody. The V nited States
land oftlec is a place where business must
lie done according to certain ftirmsor not
at all. Many attorneys who have business
to transact at the land oftlce for clients do
not bother themselves to learn the proper
forms to be observed but think the land
office officials should instruct them in their
duty. This cannot be done. Those who
do understand how to present business in
the land office tind no trouble in getting
proper attention. The land office is not
unlike any other where special (onus for
doing business are prescribed, and as has
always been and always shall be those who
take the pains to present their business
properly will be more successful than those
who do not.
The City ( ottncll Finishes the liuslinss
of Its December Session.
Fikst Kditor Scott declined to be a candi
date for either United Stales senator or rep
resentative. Then Uovernor Pennoyer said
a governor was greater than a United States
senator ami he didn't want any office of
less importance titan the on he now holds.
(A place on the national ticket, presumably,
is about the me of his idea). Then Die
preacher-teacher-politician-editor, J. R. N.
Bell, hastens to decline the democratic con
gressional nomination. If anybody else is
yearning to lie truly great let him stand
forth and decline some high office that has
not been tendered. It doesn't cost a cent.
The difficulty over the collection of the
assessments lor the improvement of Sev
enth street seems to have resulted as much
ii oin ignorance of the provisions of the city
charter as from any other cause. There ap
pear evidences that some of the nominal
objectors are the victims of the cupidity of
others, but in the main the iK'ople seem ; It is something of a surprise tothe public
guided by their ideas of justice, though ! Joseph Simon should have received the
those ideas may differ from the ones enter- j endorsement of the Oregon delegation for
tained by others. j 'he new circuit judgeship, but the fact that
The people who signed the petition prayed ! Simon's nan e was being urged has been
for the improvement of the street ith j known in political circles several weeks. Mr.
gravel. Precisely that improvement is i Simon is an able lawyer and one whose serr
what the assessment was levied for. It was ! on the bench would doubtless be credit
folly to expect that every person on the'a'''e- But ''is political affiliations have
street should be suited with the grade or the ' mrt bee" suc as 10 point to a high judicial
maimer in which the work was done. Hav- j career for him. Still, divorced from practi-
ing granted the prayer of the petitioners for : ' olilics, there seems to be no reason why
At the adjourned council mooting Mon
day evening all wow present but Ootm
oilmen Randall and Chariiian. Chair
man Porter at the committee on streets
and public grottmla, to which was re
ferred (he request o( Contractor Peters
for an additional payment on his
Seventh street job, made a yorbal report
recvvnumimliiiK a payment of ISAOfl,
which, in the estimation of the com
m.ttoo, would be within twenty per cent
of the value of the work done. The
rtKirt was adopted and a warrant of
ftkW on the Seventh atreet fund and
UVO on the general fund was ordered
drawn for Mr. Peters, though no ad'
opiate statement could be obtained from
the committee to indicate how it arrived
at its conclusion the same committee
reported the ordinance for the franchise
to the Willamette Fall Eloctrio coin
any with a section added by the city
attorney Secitlcally assorting some of
the restt ictions that should rest in the
council aa to exorcise uf the funchlsx br
the company. I-atourelte added another
stvtion making it necessary for the
electric light people to get the conseut of
property owners or the city coun
cu neiurw cutting clown or lit any
manner destroying shade trees that
might touch their wires, and O'Connell
struck out " public parka and public
grounds, " from the jiortion defining
where the franchise should be. The
council adopted both amendments and
the ordinance was ordered published.
There was considerable diacusaion of the
clause pertaining to the franchise for the
transmission of light or power through
the city to points beyond its boundaries,
but a move to change it was lost,
Vpon application of the city marshal
that official was authorised to purchase
material ant! erect a shed to shelter im
pounded animals.
Then Mr. Peters wanted a still further
payment on his work and the council
finally oted him $4-12 U for filling i:i
the public parks and 175 on his
Washington street work and then it
1 (JIUMt It A 1.1. TO UK (ilYEM
of Heal Estate A Hny Let
l'eople Seelnl and Oilier
Motes of Interest.
the street improvement it became the duty
of the council to decide on the details anil
to have the work done in the best manner
and economically as possible. The proerty
owners interested of course had the right to
make suggestions, bin whether those sug- i
gesti'ins were given respectful attention is !
not a question that lias any bearing upon J
the validity of the charier or the legality of I
.the council's proceedings,
l tt rt.A M.lcu-f Inn tl. tl, anu.t ia ,,.. I
i . , . ... t Kngland
menu The charter gives the right to levy
the assessment as soon as the work is or
dered and it expressly states that if the first
.assessment shall prove after the work is
done not to be enough to pay the expense
another may be levied. If, on the other
hand, the assessment proves to be more than
the expense the excess may be refunded to
the person paying it.
The worst feature of the whole business is
the combine which has been formed to con
test the collection of the assessment. Many
of those who entered the combine did se
Mr. Simon would not make an able and up
right judge.
The organization of the national house
of representatives was completed last Tues
day. Congressman Charles R. Crisp of
(teorgia was chosen speaker in accordance
with the action of the democratic caucus in
which he beat Mills, of Texas, and Springer,
of Illinois. Crisp was born in Sheffield,
and it is fitting that he should be
chosen by a free trade party to preside over
its deliberations. His election does not
complicate the situation for the democratic
national ticket, for his foreign birth keeps
Crisp out of the catalogue of presidential
This is a great season for babies. The
Cleveland baby, the Jenness-Miller baby and
the Astor baby have come into the very
swellest ranks of swelldom during the past
three months and there has been no end of
gushing over them. The young Astor ex
upon urgent solicitation and they can allege , cites Interest becau. of the extreme blue-
no good reason for their action. It is cer
tain that no person would upon his own re
sponsibility risk a law suit without knowing
anything about the real points involved in
his case, and it is equally certain that many
of the people whose interviews appear in
another column of this paper allege frivo
lous and wholly irrelevant reasons for their
action, reasons that do not require a knowl
edie of law to show to be of no possible
value in the case
ness of his blood, which is refined unto the
sixth generation ; the Jenness-Miller daugh
ter because of a be ildrring array of freak
clothing: and the Cleveland baby just be
cause. IJabv Mi Kee is teniKirari ly eiliised
Punishment in the Public Schools.
One of the most perplexing of the prob
lems that have presented themselves to
teachers in the public schools is how to
maintain order in the school room ; and in
timately connected with it is the question
regarding the expediency or efficacy of cor
poral punishment. It is a matter that is
always interesting and sometimes exciting.
Though the stern methods of inculcating
knowledge practiced upon our forefathers
are not in general favor today, there are still
many who point with pride to the adaman
tine schoolmaster of the days gone by as
the ne plus ultra of pedagogic wisdom. It
is not probable that Solomon's epigram will
ever be entirely outgrown.
In another column of to-day's paper Mr.
Phillips writes very fairly on the subject,
taking the ground that corporal punishment
in the common schools is always unneces
sary if the teacher be what a teacher should
be. All tin's may be admitted, however,
and still an argument in favor of corporal
punishment maintained. There are very
few rx-ople who appear to have been de
signed for the precise niche they occupy in
the world. A good farmer is too often
spoiled to make a poor law yer, a good sailor
to be a poor teacher and vice versa. Mont of
the square ople have gotten into round
holes and the round people into square
hole9. So the school teaching profession
contains and always will contain many who
are utterly unfit to guide the minds of
young children. Not that they are espe
cially vicious, but they are unsuitcd to the
work by instinct, temperament and train
ing. There are few children who are naturally
studious. To bring out the best that is in
thr average pupil in the common school re
quires intelligence, quick intuitions and
sympathy as well as lirnuiefs and thestrict
el Integrity, in .1. ii-u..h in rchool manage
ment will H 't ve tiic-e. Ho while I he con
diiio'is of scln.rd teaching are imperfect
The first republican club organized in
this county thisyearisat Milwaukic. Harlow
is about to organize one. It is not too early
to begin organizing these clubs so they may
be in healthy working order when the
campaign fairly opens. The republicans
must not let their confidence in their
strength prevent them from preparing thor
oughly for the contest that is coming. They
have everything to gain by getting the issues
before the people early so that they may be
discussed and understood.
Scraps About the State.
Peanuts are to be extensively grown
by Ir, Elmer on his ranch on the Colum
bia next year. lie made an experimen
tal trial this rear which proved a success.
The steamer Chance, on her last trip
from Siuslaw to Portland, brought out
10,000 feet of clear cedar hunter, which
ia worth from 25 to f;tO per thousand in
8.(3 Kelly, superintendent and en
g'neer ol the sewer now being con
structed at Rosehurg, states that moat of
the work is done, 116,000 of the amount
appropriated having been expended,
leaving but I2500.
The school teachers in Morrow county
haye struck for higher wages. At the
teachers, institute recently held thete
they organized a teachers' association
and passed resolutions limiting the min
imum salary to he accepted by any
member of the association to $50 per
The Salem grange met Saturday, cele
brating the twenty-fifth anniversary of
the grange. Resolutions were passed
endorsing the state board ot railroad
commissioners in their efforts to reduce
freight rates, petitioning congress to
carry free mail delivery into the country
and to protect settlors un forfeited
Northern Pacific grants.
Stale Exchunires.
Tint editor of the I.inkville Star says he
can lick the editor of the Portland Mercury.
There are ways of attaining fame, it seeinsi
other than by declining untendered con
gressional nominations.
We met; we loved;
We quarreled, md
With angry words we parted.
A rival came
And won her hand.
And left me broken-hearted.
ing years have passed
bluce thttUail day;
My heart la still unmended;
And still I urn
Not, truth to say,
Lonely or unbefrieaded.
And this I think
When this I tell
Wnat Joy It would betoken
If other things
Would work s well
As hearts do when they're broken.
Semervllle Journal.
Cleveland Leader: Jay Gould has retired
from Wall street again, hut all the same the
prudent speculator will refrain from at
tempting aii assault on the ffould stocks.
Louisville Commercial : A week ago the
niissiun government reported that it had
grain enough lor present needs, hut the peo-
there will lie more or ieus fiiciion in the j pie continue to uie of btarvution just the
nu.wgeuit.i the schools and corporal J same.
Bay City Tribune: It ia all very
well to abuse tramps for being dirty.
But did it ever occur to one of us to con
sider that in all the cities of this broad
land there is not a place, if he was nut of
employment and had no money, where
the cleanest man in America could wash
his own shirt?
Salem Statesman : Kvery paper in
the state has something to say about the
necessities of good roads. Tis a univer
sal want Astorian. And the Oregon
legislature at its next session will do just
as much as all the rest have done noth
lortlaml Uregotnan: those persons
who were innocently sent over the state
to collect money for an Oregon exhibit
at the world's fair have returned to Port
land, thanking heayen that they had
brought their hats back from tliiH con
gregation. There is a great moral
lesson in this. It will probably be
underHtood now that it is uhcIohs to try
to collect a dollar from the state for a
world's fair exhibit until Portland bus
subscribed a good round num. That
ought to have been understood before.
Parceling out land in sevoralty to the
Indians makes a change in the old
reservation appearances. The Pendle
ton East Oregonian says that the appear
ance of the reset vation north of Pendle
ton is undergoing a decided change.
Much land has been and in plowed, and
many farm dwellings, some mere cabins
to be sure, are completed or in the
course of erection. Grain sown is com
ing up splendidly under tho influence of
the ruins, and several ltooii tinted fields
may be seen on the rescrvo. Next year
lots of w heat will bo added to the pro
duct of thin section.
Sot'VKNia ItAt.t. A (hand Souvenir
Ball will be given In Zcck's ball Friday
night the 11th. The Aurora band will
airman tnuir usual good uiusio aim a
good time i looked for, Souvenirs will
ho given to every lady and gentlemen
and two handsome pi lues given to the
best lady and gentlemen dancer. This
is a novel feature lit dancing circles and
will no doubt be one of tho most
enjoyable events of the season.
Pt tiKT Sot'Nii lNVKsroKs Min Kate
Koliiu Smith wife of 1. W. Smith the
Port Townseitd, Wash., capitalist has
purchased three lota on Main and First
stieota ami in the spring will erect a
fine building. Mr. Smith hits had his
eye on Biiflow for a long time and we
are glad to have such iiitlucntial men
become one of us ,
Pat's Ci'mthk Mr. II. M, Brown
of Tacoma Wash., sent a few days look
ing a mu nd ami purchased of Harlow &
Co a Un acre tract of lend n the rich
Molalla bottom. He la a man of capital
and will at once have los laud put out in
Bt'siNissfioon Notwithstanding the
heavy ruins and south winds we have
Ihx'H having for the past week, business
with our relotute men has-been good
and the Indications for the spring open
ing are fine. On last Mondav during the
heavy storm could lie seen men In their
oil suits surveying and locating land for
purchasers and In the office uf Barlow
A Co three sales were recorded. Pretty
good for a wet day .
Miss l'.u kk's Krriisc Pahtt At the
residence of Mrs. Win. Irviu on last
Friday Miss l.ydia Bauer gate a pro-
giessivo euchre party w hlch resulted in
Miss tiussie Barrett and II B.uer get
ting the tlrst prize, ami the booby was
captured by Miss Annie Bauer and J.
Mollett. An clcgmt spread was then
served and the parly broke up in the
small hours. Those present were:
Misses Bessie Sheppard.Veva Tull, Anna
Bauer, Clara Irvin, Oussie Parrotl,
Mrs. Win. Barlow, Mrs. John Mollett.
Mrs. W, W. Jessie, Mrs. tieo. A. Shep
pard. Messrs. W. W. Irvin, Win. Bar
low W. W. Jesse. Jake Mollett, L. B.
Jesse and J. Morris.
Naw Phoi'kiktoh Mr. K. B. Ramsay,
the former manager of the City stables
in Portland, has moved up and taken
charge of his feed sale and livery stable
he purchased of Barlow A Co. a month
ago. Mr. Ramsby is a thorough livery
men, lie is now ready to tuko rare of
all transient at alt hours of the nigh', and
in the spring and summer will put on a
fast passenger service to Wilhuit springs,
making the trip in three and a half houia.
This w ill be ot great convenience to the
traveling public.
Henry M. Brown, capitalist of Tacoma,
ia at The Cafe .
Mr. Frank Walgamot, a clever cigar
denier of Portland, was in town this
Jams R Minroe Ksi. and ('has.
Prexwellof Riparia, Wash., are registered
at The Koehler.
Mr. Goo. A. Sheppard came up on
last Sunday's train and Hiauit a few
hours with his fumilv.
Mr. J. Woodcock a real estate man
with Hart A Co., Portland, and wife
spent a few days in town this week.
Mr. John Wilhoit sr., tho discoverer
of the famous Wilhoit springs, was in
town a few days last week and was the
guest of Mr. Levi Shanks.
Best and Cheapest Grocer.
Fancy and Staplo Orocorioa in Groat Variety.
Vogotablos, Fruit and Food.
Fifteenth and Main, ORECON CITY.
Hotli furm anil town jirojwrty i ikiuixI to tilvanon in jrioo, until the
man with small menu will II ml it next tn ittiHHsilin to buy
a home for hiuiHclf. 1'ricos nro low now, ami
ran give you prices not to bo lutJ of any other Real Ktnto firm. Ilavt
choice Fit rtn I.amU in largo ami hiiiiiII tracts, on cnay icrius. Also uV
girable Town and Suburban iroinrty. CorresjiotHlonce solicited. (Jiyt
ux a call.
P. J. RIDINGS, Manager,
mui ta in
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Everything Required for the Country Trade.
I1" Your trade ia eulirileJ, and our prices will be found as low as the luwest.
Give us a trial.
No better prt'purutiuns fur the hair has
ever been Inventnil than Aynr s J I hi
Vitror. It restores the tiriuuml color to
faded and gray hair, anil imparts that
natural gluss and freshness, everyone so
much admires, its reputation is world
Can give you Photographs equal to the
best to be had In Portland at prices
to correspond. All work de
livered promptly.
(Jallery next door to Harding's Prug
Store, Oregon City.
Mrs. G.W.RICH,
Needle Work Supplies.
Bpecul atti'iitlon glvim to
Commercial Hunk lilook, opposite tho
Post Office, Oruuon City, Or,
F. F. WHITE. W.a.WlllTI
Practical ytrchitecti Builders-
Will prepare tUn, elevattoui, working
ttl, ainl ii(H-lfl iion fir all kfiuU of ImtM
fKM HjmnMhI attention k!vii h minimi! rot
Uku. r.nltmnU' furulktioU mi nm1 lent inn
Call on or aildrtru 1111 K HUoH .
OrNnu City, Otta i
C. I taiiiii,
Drayage & Expressing
Freight and parre oVIivered to all
parts of the city.
UeNernl Mlarkaralthiitg (tad rt
nagoaj and lluggj Hnrk
llurwnliivlng In i
a Specially.
Unit rlniH inonnrr.
c. I., slum.
R. Prier,
ths old eitillhel mill rollslile
Cabinet l'liotogritlis,4 er doa.
Dr. C. P. Sullivan,
Tli omif DRUGGIST betweti Portland and
Oregon citr.
Citrrlca (nil lino uf
Work flrt clous nrl prices retsonshln. Ollloe
over Caullnlrl fc iliintlnjr'a drug Mtoro,
Or eg os City, Oregon.
Store located at Mountain Viow.on
Molalla road, ono milo Bouth
caHt of Oregon City.
00" '
We deal In Flour. Corn Meal. Fend.
Groceries of all kinds, Hoots and Hhons,
fients' Undnrwear and othnr styles of
C'lothitiir, and niimnroiiH other urtiolos
Hiiitublo for I ho needs' of the farmer and
his family. Jiy prompt and fair dnitlin
we hope to rocnivo in fntnro, us in the
past, u liberal share of palroniino.
AW The hiulioHt market price paid
lor liutter, Kgijs and Fowls.
llhtvhsinUlis and Wagon
Flat Wagon and Carriage Wort i spcclairr.
Twenty ypr -wrlriir . a ll. no HWr.
Noli, but Aral tlun work. dull.
HhoiHiu Mulu Hirvct, ntsr Mii.iinlon Urll(
Oregon City, Orogon.
Full Stock of Guns Ammunition.
Hcpnlrson all kinds of small machine
promptly mm In. Dnpllraw keys to
any luck utnmifacliirvil. Nliupuit
Mill n Hired, Hour Hi x It).
F. 3HE. RAY,
Practical Horse slioer,
aiiiipoii MnliiHt.,i.p Wixilaii Mills.
Specie! Attention dim to Contracted or Bad Feet
Tuu ytinra eiioiluiii i In onaisrii clttua.
The Li-adiiitf riiotoraphcr of
C MtNKIt K 1 It HT a n i. T A V 1 ,0 It ST UK KTH
Great Reduction
Cabinet Photographs
Tli wo,i to'a ,
l7 First Ktreet, Met. MnriUmi anil Yamlilll.