Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 11, 1891, Image 3

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The Olijwllem to ViyUg lh
moil for (lit liiiprori mi'iit of
the hlreel Net forth.
In view o( the ninny contlMlim Mtirln
m to the roaaon Klven ly the Heventh
troot liliiiitu-ni (or tlielr action in
I'l'lHwuig vim eoiieouon 01 inn aaaoae-
nient (or tlie Improvement u( Ilia atrnet
the KTxiii-aiit liaa been at uonaUlorahlo
palna to Kt Iroiii miiiiUr o( litem itinlr
view of iIid re which ere briefly glvon
herewith Home ol the ltiliiimniU
could not he Been.
Fred V, While, haa Un one ol
the most active In 0iwlttK the paymiiiit
( tli MKHfHMiiivnt. It win tin who K"t
iniwt of ilia ilnlliicUKiiUto nigii nil MKrcn
uient to juiii In attotiiplInK lo di'd'at the
matter; In fuel there urn only two l
lin(tinta who aKHfHuiiiriit I more
then hi. At tint lie aiKared diain
rllnttl to talk lo ft rfortr about the
matlrr hot eftitrwenl diacttaeiHl it et
length. " I wet one of Hie ietitlitira
fur the Improvement of Kevunlli atrwt,"
eaid h, -'hut I did not think it
w going to le im) rK'iiiilve. The par
tiality almwn In the work I another
thing we nhjtvt to. It liHikx m though
thnre wee some ouUlilii liiflunnre
brought to hear there will probably '
motor hnn out Seventh altvet eoine
day, Thnre should Imve lawn eonaiilor
hle tilling done et the interaei-tlon of
John Adam utraot frtiin twenty inchea
to two (wt and that would havs st-r-uilttvii
a much einallur cut in fiuiit of
my roHrty. I do nut ohjm-t to
rcaaonahle eapenae liitt I llilnk the ir
ent aaraeinent uiircamiiiahle and eliall
oppoae It in the courla." It wae fr
Ulnod that IIIK) or eo wae what Mr.
White considered reaaonahle. Ilia
street ta amount to $-175. "I also
underetood when I aigntxl the petition
for the Improvement that It w
rhanrahle lo the city and not to
the abutting proerty "said Mr.
Whit. 'Wo are Informed that (lie
cltarter la weak and that the prm-eeiling
of the council In thi matlcr were irreitit
lar ami an we do not InU nd to pay thin
Mr. Church aay her only objection,
and that o eeveral other i that the
atreet ia nut yet completed. Mie uhjvct
to paying for the work hefore it ia
fluiahed. Mie aay nite ia not in tl
combine and la willing to pay bur
ftjuM'DHincat aa eoon aa the itrool ehall
be (Iniiihwl,
Mr. t'taier joined tha combine Ik-
cauae it waa rcprenentrd to her that it
waa the ntHr tiling to do. She ia
Uurmaii woman unfamiliar with bunine
tranaaclKiu and aimply did aa aim waa
told to de without knowing any reuaon
fur it. She haa the idea that theeipenae
of improving Hevenlli atreet aliouid tie
paid hy ail the lax payer of the city
and that it ia utijuat for the aepiiiint
to he made According to the provieioue
of the charter.
J. D. Hcnuer joined Die combino at
tlie aolicitution of Mr. While and gives
ai hi) rvanoa that lie wanted to build
hia own sidewalk end waa not permitted
to io to as the charter directa. He
aaya lie ia heartily in favor of the im
provement and willing to pay for the
work on the street but he object; to the
manner the sidewalk matter haa txwn
bandiod. lie Intimate, rathur broadly
that auuieone h4 an Improper motive
in eo framing tbe contract with Mr.
I'etera that it eliouid include the con
Mr ml ion ol sidewalks and that the facte
that l'eter sublet tlx) sidewalk work in
ceordanne with an apparently pro-ar-raagnil
iin argue In favir of his
opinion, lie tliinka tho evideaicea of
unfairness on the part uf thou lo whom
the detail of carrying out whai the
putltiuiicra prayed for waa entriiHiod ia
etroug enough to warrant lilm in talcing
AilvanUyea of auy technically to enaijle
him to evade the payment of tihe
(i. 10. uuyes aaya he opKsce the
('(illoctiuii of the aetiuHamant iMtcauae it
ia an iinetiuul awnsiuent and too ex
tensive an improvement waa made.
These ruasona being entirely irrolovant
and Mr. Ihiyea being a lawyer tho ro-
norter asked him anccillciillv for the
legal grounds for hia course. He eaid
they were several hut he declined to
atate what they were.
J, V. (irmit said that his only objec
tion wua that the work win not yet com
pleted. He had odered to pny hia
assessment provided his money would be
returned to him in case the city should
ho defeated In the suit about to occur,
or even if he could be assured that he
would nut be assessed again for the
purpose in case the expense should
have to ho paid by general taxa
tion, but no audi assurance could' he
given him and he wanted to Bee the re
'BiiUoftho litigation before paying his
Councilman E.HoasCbuiniiin declined
to tiilk for publication on tbe subject.
Councilman T. T. Randall, whose
name appcaia on the list of dclinquunta,
hits paid the assessment on all the
properly he owns nliine but Is prevented
from pitying on that in which he holds
only a part Interest by tho objoction of
other ownera. Those who have paid up
aro emphatic in their characterization of
the dulimiuonta.
Tim l'lilr Work Airninill.l.l by AM lit Hit
(iranga Amnrlallnn.
To tiik Kiimia; Will you kindly give
plana to a lirlef iunii ortiniiigu work? Yes,
1 alniont know you will, lor almost every
on lis a friendly feeling (or the quint and
unolitriiiilva pal run ol liimlmiMlry.
Warner (lraiiK No. 117 held a very pluaa
ant tiiiwllng at their hall IuhI Hutunlay. A
coiiiiiiiiiileutloii waa rend from th National
(IrHiign which lias jimt cIomh! lis labors In
HprliiKlleld, Ohio, it being its twenty-imii
annlvcmary, which will suhmlt lo you
with lli niit that you print it in full,
and llxreliy aeeiire the thanks (r the many
patroiKof liushandrv and their friends.
Wishing the KaTaaraisasiiecrsa I remain,
Yoiira truly, J. Cakto.
Alplu Kami, i)ac. 4.
Patsusi or Axusir: Tim National Orni
imI hapt'jr irrMlng. Our Oritur It alwrnt to
ellirl lit allvvr woMliii-lwauty-fllih mil
vrury. You ar ennllillr limited ui lha wtl
itlni eoreiniiiix, which It U Iiih! will In hold
In (lie hall "I your uwn (lrn nil th 4th ol lai
oainlxr, Isvt, or at Ilia raular nimtliif of jrisir
(Jnuig. held ntarat that data lie auretoglva
(In alervaiie to this oi'lelirallon. lha Na
lluiial limits reipinia averr lulmrdlnale un
der lt jiirladleilon to iibiervathla irsnd event,
lei mmle, "V. lhnlnlyln and brotherly
loV prevail IM all that la nehle In you come
forth. Ilhla un Uahl txneath tin biulieU Mtand
like a hold, Ires, elmvre (latron, and hub Hi a
calm ol an order that (arm fur It alrk and
dlalreiied; biirlea tta dad;eduratea their ur
phaiia: idatila mtle-atonea on the road atdo of
)nilli't;deinanda euh before Hie law for hlh
and low: Iwllerea In arhltratlon raitiur than
llliaallnn; know so tectlou and nn aei; It
learleta hill not over forward, I faithful In lu
devotion ui tho true rliiiililet ol temperance,
education, patriotism, aud liellevet the rllhi
ulaiilciiltur ta the nobleal of all vocation!.
The National tlraiia aala arecta you. and
lorcaiiMol rejolelm, tuhmlui lor your careful
consideration, aa aoax of lit many arcoanplUh
nieutt durluK the first quartcrrtriite!ititn! nl Its
eilsteuce, the following:
lat lb (Irani ha (iriiil!i-d th farmer
nl America, who uever tiefor wer ofmamied
Id. from a few acattercd mceilnc held In
vallev, on monutaln nr prairie, year go, It
ha frown until now, In a year, at least a mil
Una and a half mtwtlnie ar held
M. II haa broadened th Held of neefuln
nl wianan, and ha preparad her f her place
la lb tru repuhllo th lull ual of nan a
4lh. It haa brouiht llfht, recreation and
ikI cheer to hundred! ol thousand of rural
Mb. Ptevrnlcl Hie rrneaal of patent nn
sewlni machluea. tlttia saving to tha people AO
per cent, nl their coat, struck uuotiat to mil
lion iiinually-
tth TransHirtatton eotnpantea wer taught
that th Creator la greater than the creature
aeeUrauger caaea dcchled by eilprcine court of
Pulled Htalea.
Jth. Had paased auJ have enforced oleonur
gerla law
eiiti. Have passed lawa semewhat restricting
alien landlords and corporations from gtltlui
goveraneat land
th. Had Interstate camoterce law pasted,
loth Had cabinet position rroaled for agrl
eiillur. thua gtvlng the president cabinet a
repruschUtlv of th parent of all vocation
lit Has had agricultural .rollcgee, caparl
menial itatluu and fanus, aud termers' matl-
lutrt slahllahed In many ttatea of Ihe L'nUu
lAh Haa had aome effect on local and stale
lai levies aud eatalillshed title arnor day.
l;uk Haa canard the relorm ballot law to be
passed In many atate.
Illk. Ha Increased Mat appropriation lor
public school.
IMk. Ilea at all tinww fostered th cstiHof
free education.
Ifitk. luteal achlcvcaacuts. such aa building
halls, waking roads, planting Uvea and vines,
establishing lllirarlet, riai1lng riutm. baiika,
th laturanco compauaca, co operative eutr
prises, trade card systems, etc., too numerous to
menlloa, might be cited Wrltcra. readers.
tpaker and parhntealarln without num
ber ow their succei to U Orange. But this
ought lo be enough to convince you that the
tlrangett rsoostir, not rcirogresslv In
politics the Grange la nun partisan; lu religion
nun sectarlau. In eaeeutialt It I uulBed; lu
nuu-esseuttal it is liberal; lu all thing It It
Th national Orange hereby urge on th or
der, everywhere, Ihe Importance of rebulldlnf
th Hons of the Urauge to many Mctioas
wher It arera to have been undermined or
abandoned. Urge upon those, once member
ol th order, to return lo their true love of by
gone day. Mrliig the young people of the farm
(o the Uranrte altar. Hlud Ihetm with our silver
cord ol frauvnlty and brolberly love to the
order that will elevate them to a high plane ol
aeofulnea and tatlon ol howor and respect.
The tlrange a reus the young people of the
faran Th ynaaf people need the Orange,
forget not the ated. Put Ponton' taff In
their hand; wattar Flora's richest, choices!,
tweeaeatofrvrlngala their puthwar, and tree that
they waut not for nay ol Cere' many rewards
alway In store for worthy patroua. Rally
'rimiidth (irautie atajidanl, with a fixed aud
atcailyurpoee to plant the oolore til every
part ol oVar Amerlna.
The National llraue want voca help; It
wauls th help of every tru farmer aud patron
In our land. To he a t ember of the Urange
cunts hut a Irllle In money, but It brlna a rich
reward In all (hut maket taiau or woman belter
ml lariier morally, mentally, toclnlly. The
Uruig Is national, not tecUuual . It t th old
est ol all faruKra' orirauliiitlona aud aa aiich It
jenlllled to your favorable collaboration, your
loyal support, your fullest endorsement, and
your active, earnest labor Hey a word fur It
ask friend lo Join It, anil aland close by the
tlrange yourself.
ltoiiiicatlUK tho prayerful assistance and ap
proval'ul It members, the benedictions of lllin
whodoetli all tilings well, and promising alio
glance aud fidelity to America a Ihi iii homes
nd larmor, tho National tlraiiKe aeud this
ouvrnlr of Its twenty nfth anniversary
llespoetfully submlttml. K. W. Uavla, JohtiB.
Long, M 11. Hunt, lanhel Trualer, I.aura C.
Houglni, J, II. Brliiham, Murtlmor Whitehead.
retpect for the teacher, That auch aclinol
liBVtt Ihoii UiiiKht III (In atate cannot he
denied. And this fact alone prove thatotli
ar and all may he so launht.
I waa sent to tha coininon school" alxiut
twclvB vcars of my boyhood day, and the
best Il linois atleuilcd durltiK thoawyear
were IIkimi in which the teachers wsenind to
dltilaiii the use of the rod a a Kovarulng
lower, Wore iulctiie prevailed III the
ehoola. The scholur sccnied to advance
aa fast or faster in their stinlie, and patron
eciiicil lMjtt-r pleaaed. And since I became
a man with children of my own to educate
it wua niy lot to be chosen director of
rhisil from year to year. And during th
years I served aa uch director thera were
several of our teacher who xoverjied their
school without Ilia uk of the rod. Ouch
MiiooU were always more pleasant to the
directors and nave them lea trouble to man
K than where the rod wa used to enforce.
ihe rule. And now that I have passed my
three score years, and havejno more chldren
to educate 1 huve not lost my interest In
tlielcoiiimoii schools, and observe with pleas
ure that acboola are occasionally taught I"
(hi and lu aome other district w here, the
rod ia discarded a being ft necessity to
maintain order.
lu studying the rcliool lawa of Oregon I
am satli-lied our legislator, when pasting
those laws, took the unit view of this mat
ter that I now take. The first duly of
teacher Is. " to maintain orderln school and
to comiecT himself In audi manner before
hi school aa to cousuan ari T from hi
A great many of both teacher and dl
rector, for want of Invesligalion iwrhaps,
Kite a w ronit meuuiuic to the word " inain-
tain" aeemliig to think It mean to enforce
when, according to Welister, the meaning
of the word doe not contain that property,
hut to re.' it ire a conformance to the rule of
order. Thu word, " ahail euforcforder," do
not appear lu the list of teacher duties.
Teachers may, for misconduct or lnub-
ordlnutlon, suepend a pupil, and director
tuayeel such for the present terra trom
the school. This bring the mode of pro
cedure laid down hy the legislature for the
maiiiteiiance of order lu our common
schools I do not see how the use of the rod
can be Jualilled a a substitute. Kor cer
tainly a school mut become " refractory or
disobedient" before either Diode of punish
nientcan 1st applied. and when ao "disobe-
ilirul'' the lesial mode Is all that can be jm
tilled. It will not do to say that custom
rules in MH h case, fur custom often grow
out of barbarous practices, and ia a relic of
darker age, besides, the custom it being
Irowiitxt UK)ii under tbe advancing light of
the age. And teachers, patrons and direct
or ol our common schools thould take the
hint Wat. 1'niLiir.
Clackamas, Irc. 1.
A Canby Man Write A limit aa Ontlet fur the
Southern l'art of the Cunnty.
To th a Tax I'aykk or Clackamas Coca
ty: There has been a great deal of talk
In regard to wagon roads in this county.
The citixens of Canby ami vicinity have
some remarks to make in regard to the
We have a road that is already established
and being traveled that with prossr work
could be made one of the best roads In the
county with leu exiensc, and would ac
commodate more ieople than any other one
road In the county. The road is as follows:
Starting at Klyville and past the Appertain
farm; thence to the Warner place; thence
following the riiU-e to New Kra, and from
there to flood's bridge on the MoUlla;
thence to the southern part of the county by
the way of (fribble's prairie; thence to
Maritiani. This due i running through a
thickly settled part of the county, aud there
ia plenty of gravel, rock and material close
by that can lie had to make a first class mac
adamised road which ran be traveled at all
times of the year. This road can be repaired
with very little expense, and when once put
in proper condition is just what the eople
want, Is an outlet for those living in the
southern and western part of the county,
and will be road that will be a down grade
all the way to Oregon City, with the excep
tion of one hill at New Kra that could be
graded without much expense to a very easy
grade. This Mad has been need for a great
many years and bits all of He bridges and
culverts in very good repair. The stumps
have all been removed and the road tied is
in verv good condition to make it a macad
amised road. This road is the most natural
outlet lor those living along Pudding river
and at Canby aud vicinity; also as far east
as Molnlla corners. We bope the officials of
this county will give this matter their at
tention. J. C. Woluamot.
Canby, Dec. 7.
Bests can be secured for the Original
New Orleana Uncle Tom'ft Cabin at
l'osp'i Hardware Htore.
Unaiiapected disorder of tbe kidneyt
are rt sponsible (or many of the ordinary
ailment of humanity which neglected,
develop into a serious and perhaps
fatal malady. Kxtwrinee would suggest
the uae of Dr. J. II. McUan'a Liver and
Kidney Halm.
Aug. Ifornung, wcllknown manu
facturer of boots and ahoei at 820 Nolan
Ht Han Antonio, Texaa, will not Boon
forget hia experience with an attack
of the cramps which he relate as fol
low! : "1 waa taken . with violent
cramp in the stomach which I believe
would have caused my death, had it
not been for the prompt uae of Cham
berlain'! Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea
Kennedy. The first dtae did me ao
much good that I followed it up in 20
niinttlea with the second dose, and be
fore tbe Doctor could got to where I waa
I did nut need him. This Remedy
hall always be one of tbe main stays
of my family. For aale by Geo. A.
lltickleii' Arnica Halve.
The Best falve in the world for Cuta,
liruixea, Bores, Ulcers, halt Kheum,
Fever Korea, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all r-kin F.rup
lions, and positivoly cure! Piles, or no
pay required. It ia guaranteed to give
farfct satisfaction, or money refunded,
'rice 25 cnta per box. For sale by O
A. Harding.
Speculation Dangerous.
Scarcely a day pasaea without the
newa of some large failure flashing over
the wire the usual result of aitecula
tion in stocks or some eouallv danger
ous venture. The same electric ctlirent
carrie to dear distant friends the Bad
tidings of ditati. of dear ones too often
the result of speculation in patent nos
trums. Moore a Kevealed Kemedy is
no speculation but is sold on positive
guarantee. Do not tail to go to vom
druggist and ask (or your money if not
satisfied. We know you will go and
buy another buttle, For sale by all
ker county. Ore- AP n
too, near what Wl II
ia now Baker Citv.
a man who ha eincc
become identified with the reaourcea and n f f
dnelonment of that country. This man l3J
1 no other than Mr. John Stewart, one of the
wealthiest and most tnfluentnU citin-nt in the
countv. In a recent letter he aay : " I had been
suffering from pain in my back and general kid
ney complaint for aome time, and had need many
remedies without any but temporary relict The
pain In my back had become ao severe t hat I wa
prevented from attending- to my work and could
not more about without the use of a cane. Hear
ing, through a friend, of the wonderful curea ef
fected by Oregon Kidney Tea, I waa Induced totry
boa, and from that very nrat nose i iouna instant
relief, and before using hair the content of the
box the pin In my back entirely ditappeared.
I have every faith in the Tin net of the Oregon
Kidney Tea. and can conscientiously recommend
it to my friends. I would not be without it for
Oraon Kidney Tea core backache, inconti.
nence of artne. brick duet ediment, burain- or
painful sensation while urinating;, and all affec-
Uona ol tn kjdnry or urinary organs at ciioci "c.
rawri m) F'j
Jr Bawaf vjttrw b5..t I J
Shall the Ulght he Maintained to Apply to
our rtihllc SrhuolsT
Don't fail to see the street parade
Wednesday noon by Mithlatigh's famous
Gold band. This band tinea tbe most
expensive set of gold Benson instruments
Kfjd Seal Extracts are the purest.
Ked Senl Coffee the finest flavored.
Ked Seal Spices are the strongest.
Med Seiel Soap contains no roain .
Ked Seal Flour is on top and will stay
tf. E. E. Wii.ua MS the grocer.
Shall the right of corporal punishment lu
ourciiinninn schools he maintained?
Tills Is a question that is now rising up
liefuro the people for adjustment. What
their verdict will ho In tlie near future is
easy to guess. Our ooimnon schools will lie
taught without the use of tho rod. And
only those will he employed as teachers who
have Ihe governing power of will strong
enough to draw out obedience from tbe pu
pil for the rules laid down for tho govern
ment 'of the school through reverence and
Call on T. V. Fouts opposite the Rail
road Depot, for your Christmas goods
as he nits the most complete line of such
goods to bo found In this city consist
ing of Toys of all kinds, Albums,
Manicure Sets, Checker Boards, Games
of all kinds. Children's Books, Magic
Lanterns, Wagons etc. He also keeps
a fine assortment of Dolls. 4 t
A feature of the Original New Orleans
Undo Tom's Cabin is the orchestra con
nected with the organization. Between
the acts of tlie performance this superb
orchestra will render some classic and
popular selections, descriptive overtures
and solos on the Saxipbone, double
Euphonium, Xylophone, Cornet and
Woman's Friend
So successful and delightful have been
the enecis ol ' Moore s Kevealed Kem
edy" upon the delicate ailments of
womankind, that this wonderful reme
dy lias been called "Woman a nend."
Moore's Revealed
In a few doses shows womankind its
peculiar virtues for their ailments. Its
effect are gentle, soothing and uniform
ly successful.
Hundreds of testimonials from ladies
all over the coast bear witness to its suc
Sold by all druggists.
j, w. own 11
Leading Clothier. Hatter and Fur
nisher of the City.
All the Latest Styles always in stock, and we are tho
Only Houee in the City who carry a first class line of
Clothing and Hats.
We are also Sole Agents for Oregon City for the Cele
Oregon City, Or.
jNEW reliable
Crocltery Store.
Dinner Sets, from $13.00 Up
Tea " " 6.75 "
Water " " 2.25 "
Fancy Cups, Saucers, Plates, Etc., at lowest prices.
W. G. Cups and Saucers 25 cts. per set
Hanging Standard Lamps
Headquarters for the Rochester Lamps.
Oppos.lt the Poet Office, OREUOI CITV, OREGON.
F. L. Posson & Son,
General Agts. for D. M. Ferry & Co's
Garden Seed.
Grass, Clover and all kinds of
Trees, Bulbs, Fertilizers, etc.
Bee Keepers' Supplies.
We want you for a customer. Give tie
a trial order.
F. L. Posson & Son,
209 2d St., Portland, Or.
Successor to M iller Bros, Catalogu Fn
The War is Continued
(kilHj i$ tbe place to Bnij Cheap Joodg.
Hosford buys his Goods for Cash and can not be undersold.
Below is a sample of his prices:
Dry Granulated Sugar, 16g pounds for 1.00
Other Sugars in proportion.
Coal Oil, per gallon 191
Men's Suite All wool Salem Tweed 12 60
Youths' Suite 7.00
Boys' Suits 4.po
No. 8 Cook Stove 12.00
f"Full line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Hard
ware, Stoves, Tinware, Crockery, Furniture, Sash, Doors, Etc.
Cash Paid for All Kinds of Farm Produce.
Remember and give Hosford a trial.
Doors, Windows, Mouldings,
Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and Repairing of all kinds.
Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed.
PRICES lilt) I.OWfcST.
ClkSliop corner Fourth and Water streets, back of Pope & Co's, Oregon City.
Headquarters for Boots, Shoes, Clothing and Dress
Goods. Pay the highest prices for Wool and Pro
duce, and sells the best Goods at the very