Oregon City Enterprise. OKK(iON CITY, OltKGON, FWDAY, DKCEMJJEK 11, 1801. ESTABLISHED 18CG VOL2rt. NO. 7. "1S53--1 SOX p I0KEER.SI0RS OF THE STATE. Professional Cards, f . t). BHI'IK, N. . KHIU I. jj-JKIfCK A WtlXIK, LEADINU REAL ESTATE DEALERS, Oreou City, Or. Office Over til City etauraut. M. KANIiH, NOTAIlY PUBLIC, KEAL EHTATE 4 INSURANCE. Offlrwwlth tlie Wlllamttte Kll Investment Co. O'ta-onClty, Orafon. TH08. CHARMAN & SON. Tho growth of Oregon City has become familiar, not alono to the people of Clackamas County, but to tho wholo of tho state. And now cohm-h tho " Tioneer Store," fully up to tho require ment and demand of tho whole country, and fully determined to offer such inducements as will attract tho attention of those, who are wishing U purchase a gen eral assortment of Merchandise at Ix-d-rock prices yes, Cheaper than Portland Prices. "We have jtint rwivol a very fine nnd well wlt-ctcd itock from New York, Chicago and Kan Francisco, which we now oiler at me wry lowest prin. We will not 1x3 undernold y anyone in tho tnUt. Our stock in every line Dry Goods, Fancy Dress Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, 1 -i?wLr-v IlurO.M.IIEMJERSON&COS A .O' fliC'- uumaho soots wots -Ay uAM IffialiiJlllf - NjOfcr Rubber Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Sash, Doors, Paints and Oils, (Including the Celebrated Clovoknd Mixed Paints), Also Agricultural Implements, Seeds, Crockery and Glassware ALL OF THE BEST QUALITY. Q 0, T. WILLIAMS, HEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Desirable ltuincn Property and Sub urban Homed In Oregon Lily. Farm Property lu trait to till on )f term. CorreiH,ti,tnre promptly enswared, Ofnea, net diuir tu CultW A Huntley drug tnr. TAMK4 K. DAVID 4 CO., ' Ki'.Al. M" I A I C A.l' .iiviliuniir. LOAN Al.ENTS. City nt School Honda Hou(bt and Bold. Atent for Hi Connecticut Kir Insurance Co. ml til farmer! A Mercliaul lusurauoe Co. No l' Morrison St., PoaTLAHD, 0. KUSS SAGE BOMBED. The Culprit Is lllnis. lf Jllown to rii'ces. KO FltKE HILVKR HILL WILL PASS. Toe World' mlr-The Notable , General triii of the Realm. Kick T L. PORTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW ircTorrorETT h kihid. Otfo two dor abov poiuiffle. Oregon City. Naw York, Dec. 4 Russell Page, the millionaire broker, ew-aped death by a uiiriicle to-day, his ollice and the entire Empire Building in which it wm located being shaken to the very founda tion by the exploaion of a dynamite bomb, hurled by a crank, who had made a demand upon rWe for the immediate payment of I ,2.50,000, the ultimatum being, in cane of refusal, the death of the millionaire, the crank himself, and those employed In the office. Never in the hint or j of the metroolii is it proba able that an event haa occurred which for the time caused inch excitement In Wall street and lower Broadway. Fully 50,000 peoplo were drawn to the acene ol Die explosion, and for an hour the police were powerless to bring order out of the chaoa. Four penona were killed. TlIK HOI' III I.I.irilt. I'brradrTrCoaal For King; Ahead In rrodurtlvn. DOM PEDRO DEAD. T. k. nt'ana. fHKIlJK A DltKHHKK a. a naauaa Our Dry Goods Consist in part of Cashmeres, Henrietta Cloth, riaids and Ladies Cloth. Our Fancy Goods llibbona, Laces and Trimmings of all Descriptions. Clothing Cassimero, Deaver, and Oregon City Manufactur ing Company's Goods. Ladies' Furnishing Goods Fancy Skirts, Vests, Drawers, and other Underwear. Gents Furnishing Goods Hats, Caps, Gloves, and Under weai of every quality. Ladies' Shoes of every description from tho best known fac tories. Hoots and Shoes Men's, a choice lot, from tho best factories in tho world. Fine Groceries a Specialty. None but the best kept. Notions of every description. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Oflle lu Jgar Work, Oregon City Q II. DYK. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Omc over Oregon City Batik, oaatioa imr, oatouH f K.Oltt.E C. BilOWNKLL, LAWYER, Okiuiik City, Oaioon. u in r.r.nlra In ill ihefourU ol the Mate. Ol ar neat iluor tu CauBeld A Huutlay'i drug E. UAYEH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OaauoK City, Okeoon Will prartlre In all the court ol the atale. Oflli-t, furiier Malu and Eighth utreeni, oppoall etitirt hou e j. a. im aariaaociia t r cowino, 1ROCKK.SIlKOfIH A COWING, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All ram- before V. S. Und Offlre a apeelalty. lillu-e room! Hand l. V S laud ollioo building, OKEGON CITY.- Oregon. w, t. aeasaY. J. . Daana. t'KNKY A DRAPER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oregon City, .... Oregon Twelve year experience aa regltter ol th V. 8. IaikI office here recomuiendu ua lu our tiwo laliT of all klndu ol bunlneai before the land ol flce'aud the courta. and involving the practice lu tu geueral land ollic. W. CAKET JOIINIKIH. C. M. ItlLlMArt. TOHN80N A IDI.EMAN. LAWYERS. Corner Eight and Main tceeta, Oregon City, Oregon. REAL ESTATE TO SELL AND MONEY TO LOAN. Q D.i D.C. LATOUKETTE, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW MAIM BTHKKT, ORKOON CITV, OKKQ0N. rurnlah Abntract ol Title, Loan Money, Fore close MorlgaKea, and transact Ueucral Law Hnalneaa. J E. CROSS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will rmraci in All Coi'kts or ih Stati Real Estate and Insurance. Office on Main 8treet, bet. Sixth and Seventh, OKKIION city, on. rpilE COMMERCIAL BANK, OP OREGON CITY. Capital, - 1100,000 TRANSACTS A airllRAL BAMKINQ Bl'lINlaa. Loan made. Bllln discounted. MiiVei co lectiona. Buy and iclla exchanne on all points lu the Cnlterl States, Europe and Hong Kong. lt'ralta received suhject to check Interest at usual rates allowed on time deposit. Rank opcu from V A. M. tot r. H. Hatumay eveuluga Irom 6 to 7 P, a. D. C. LATOURETTK, President. F K. DONALDSON, Cashier JANK OF ORKOCN CITY, ' Oldest Baiklm House In tbe Citr. Pald up Capital, (TA0O0. rHtainiNT, V1CI PRKStnlNT, CAaHlKH. MAMAOKR. THOS. CHARMAM. OSO. A. KARUINO - I. O CADFIKI.D. CHAltl.KS H, CAUriKLP. A general bniiklng business transacted. Depoaita received subject to check. Approved bills and notes discounted. County and city warrant bought. Loana made on available security. Exchange bought and sold. Collections made promptly. Draft sold avallaole in any part ol the world. Telegraphic exchanges sold on Portland, Bau Franalsco, Chicago and New York. lntcroat paid on time deposits. Sub Arum ol THE LONDON CHEQUE BANK. Conareaw on Mirer. Nrw Yog, Dec. 6. The Press this morning print the result of a poll of the Fifty-aecond congress ou the silver ques tion, and give the following summary: Senate Rep. Dem. Total Washington, Dec. 5 Superintendent Porter has issued a bulletin on the bop production of the United States. The rapid manner in which the Pacific coast states have forged ahead in this industry is a matter which deserves comment. The report shows the production of hope for the year I89 to be 39,171,270 pounds grown upon 60,212 acres of land in seven states. The five leading states are : New York 20,O'3,029 Washington 8,303,20 , . t. amount..... w,iw OreKon 3,613,720 ! Wisconsin 42H.547 Oawego county, N. Y., with a yield of 4, Oi8,(87 pounds is the greatest hop-producing county while Sacramento county stands at the head in an average yield per acre witb 16-'(i pounds, and Oregon stands third in the rank with 1153 pounds The value of the crop of the United States for 1KH9 was 14,059.697. The bulletin also gives the cropotlSOO. The crop amounted to 36,872,954 pounds, worth $11,105,425 or nearly three times the value of the crop of the previous year. The Pacific coast states respect ively show the following increase in product and its percentage, as compared with the census report of 1880. Pounds. Per Cent California 6,101.311 353.39 OreKon 3,W5 1378.79 Washington 7,10,003 1OK2.08 He Passes Away Peacefully in the French Capital. THE ill.U.I TROUBLE 15 CHLNA. Sews Prom Mexieo, OKawa and South America Hrazll Growing (ulet. Pedro, late at the Hotel fhis morning. House 18 30 54 SO 3 33 9 1A2 171 70 37 107 6 48 54 1U7 222 Majority In lioute. Two-thirds vole ... This the Press adds, precludes the possibility of a free silver bill becoming a law, as the president's veto would kill it. The Worltl'a Fair. Chicago, Dec. 6. The Tribune this morning prints the following: The world's fair directors had almost decided to aak an appropriation from con n re aa of 15.000,000 rather than re quest a loan of that amount. The pre ponderance ol sentiment of the directors is in favor of an appropriation. This is due partly to the fact that the directors are careful readers of the newspapers and have come to the conclusion the general expresaion of opinion favors an appropriation. Then a recent interview with Cbanncey Depew, in which he strongly asserted the fitness of an appro priation by congress, has had some weiicht. The general belief now is that an appropriation rather than a loan should be granted by congress, and the board of directors will, it is believed, when the matter is presented to it for determina tion, vote for an appropriation. World's Fair Collection. Portland, Dec. 3 The two solicitors sent to eastern Oregon and the Will amette valley by the state board of commerce to raise funds for an exhibit at the world's fair in 1893 have returned to this city having collected f2200 in money and notes after one month's work. The solicitors report that the people in the interior are waiting for Portland to take the lead in the matter and that until Portland raises her proportion, it is useless to teturn to the country for more money. The chamber of com merce of Portland has appointed a com mitted to solicit funds in this city, but so far they have not reported. Paris, Dec. 6 Doni emperor of Brazil, died Bedford at 12:40 o'clock ending was peaceful and almost painless. He received the last sacra ment of the churcb before bis death. Princess Inabella and her husband, Count d'Eau, were present. To the very last his thoughts were of the country over which he so long roled, and in whose welfare, despite the treat ment accorded him and hi family, he had so cloeely adhered. pAKisDev. 6 Cable dispatches from Rio Janeiro say tbe news of the death o Dom Pedro met with no official recogni tion in the Brazilian capital. A number of merchants, and shop-keepers in Janeiro closed their places of business for the day out of respect for the ex-emperor but otherwise the death of the former ruler was marked by no demonstration. Tbe king of Portugal, in a telegram of condolence, offers the use of the vault of the Brazanza family for the burial of the ex-emeror. Dom Pedro wsa fully pos sessed of his mental faculties to the end. Daring his last hours the ex-emperor repeatedly exhorted his heir, the Princecs Isabella, to pray with him for the peace and prosperity of Brazil. Hia body haa been embalmed and other preparations made for the funeral, which is to be held Thursday. Will Probably F.nler, Chicago, Dec 2 A Washington spe cial says : New Mexico and Arizona will probably enter the nnion of states before the end of the present congress. Utah will also be an applicant for admission, but lingering traces of Mormonism will probably keep her out. It is quite prob able that there will be no opposition in either house to the admission of New Mexico and Arizona if they will agree not to vote for president next fall. Cj riia W. Field Wre. New York, Dec. 6 Dr. Fields said this atlernoon he did not have such en couraging hopes about Cyrus W. Field's condition as in the two previous even ings. The patient was very much de pressed mentally, and it was difficult to build him up under those circumstances. Land Cnes Derided. Wash wgtok, Dec. 5. Secretary Noble today decided the long-contested case of the Las Vegas grant in New Mexico. The secretary decided that the lands are subject to entry under the general laws. The decision will open to settlement about 670,000. Oreateai in Yeara. Devil's Lake, N. D. Dec. 6 The greatest snow blizzard experienced for many years quit active operations after about a four hours' rage, depositing a greater quantity of snow than has fallen in the entire past three years. Tho Astoria Hallway. Portland, Dec. 5. W. H. Kennedy, chief engineer of the Columbia River & Astoria Railway, in his report, estimates the cost of the railroad from Goble to Astoria, fifty-eight mileB, at $1,500,000. The Montgomery Launched. Baltimors, Deo. 5. The United States crusier No. 9, known as the Mont gomery, was launched at the Columbia iron works at 11:30 this morning, Mleananhlp llurard. Olvmpia, Dec. 2 The steamship East ern Oregon arrived here last evening and went in the dry-dock. Soon afterward it caught fire by the burning of grease in the galley. The steamer is a total Iobs. She was formerly the city of Palatka in the Florida trade. In 1887 she was bought by the Oregon Pacific Com pany for the Yaquiua bay and San Fran cisco ioute. In 18P0 she was brought here by the Oregon Improvement Com pany, the present owners. The loss is is stated at $180,000. The amount of insurance Is unknown. The Colombia Fleet Ion. New York, Dec. 6. The Herald's Panama cable says the elections were held throughout the United States of Columbia today, attended by a number of exciting scones. In this state several attempts at rioting were made but sup pressed. It is impossible to say bow the elections have gone. At the closing of the polls tonight the liberals are claiming a big majority in spite of their opponents' union. Chance Tor a Mexiran Market. City of Mexico, Dee. 3. The bill granting the president power to decree a suspension of duties on cereals and all classes of animals coining from for eign countries so as to meet the emer gency caused by the loss of crops in in various states, passed the chamber of deputies. The passing of this bill will furnish farmers of the West a good market for their crops. The Chine Trouble. Pabis, Dec. 3. The situation in China is attracting great attention in political circles in all European capitals. This ia not only from the fact that the sever J powers have made demands upon the Chinese government regarding the treat ment of their respective subjects in that country, which the present condition of affairs prevents being settled, but be cause of the extreme importance of re ports that England has come to an un derstanding with China by which mutual aid will be tendered in the event of cer tain contingencies. Le Eclair today publishes an inter view with the Chinese charge d'affaires here. The representatives of the Chi nese government express the most im plicit confidence that the government will have no occasion to take any ex treme measures to suppress an attempt at a general uprising. The charge d'affaires declares the news lately re ceived from China, regarding the dis turbance in several parts of the country, particularly in the north, ,is greatly ex aggerated. He further said he wa9 not aware that any power had asked ex planations from China. " We are quite ready to assure the powers that we have done and will continue to do our utmost to protect Europeans in China. " A correspondent of Figaro cables from Shanghai that negotiations are opened tr brinrf about an alli'nce between England and China for the purpose of coping witb Russia. The correspondent adds that China is sending troops to Pamir to check the Russian movements in that part of tbe world, China claiming that Russia is encroaching on her territory. Minneapolis SubNCrlptlou. Minneapolis, Dec. 5 A reply from the Russian charge d'affaires in New York has been received favorable to the gift of a cargo of flour by American millers to the starving peasants of Rus sia, and thirteen cars of flour have al ready been subscribed in Minneapolis alone. . Canadian Finances. Ottawa. Iec. 5. Returns issued by the Dominion government show the total net debt of the Dominion on the SOthult. to be $236,392,112. The reve nue declined $105,406 last month, owing to the removal of sugar duties. (Jot.- Campbell Gaining:. CoLUMi)tJ8,0. Deo. 5 Governor Camp bell is slightly improved today. Dr. Lavings says it is nothing more serious than an unusually Bevere case of grip, Will Iluild Hallways. Santiago, Dec 5. The council of state has authorized the purchase of $1,500, 000 worth of railroad material. Uracil Quieting Itawi. London, Dec. 5. A dispatch from Brazil was received today after a silence of four days. It 3hows that affairs in Rio Grande do Sul are assuming a more Pacific, aspect. Senor Castillo has de cided not to accept the governorship of the state. He was governor under the Fonseca administration, but was per suaded by the junta to resign . The new government the other day ordered him to be reinstated. This created great ox citemont, and for a time trouble was feared, but Castillo's action in declining the governorship has caused a better feelingjto prevail., The national guard are disarming . and quiet ia being restored. A Volcanic Eruption. Citv of Mexico, Dec 5. Thursdav was a day of terror in Colims. Between the hours of 4 and 6:30 p. m., the vol cano of Colims was in a state of violent eruption, and at 8 Jo'clock that night a heavy shower of ashes began falling upon the city. It lasted ovr an hour, covering the streets and roofs of build ings and greatly terrifying the inhabi tants. Keciprority With West Indies. Washington, Dec. 8 The British commissioners from the West Indies were in conference with Secretaty Blaine several hours today, with a view to the establishment of reciprocal trade rela tions with the United States.