Oregon City Enterprise. KHIIAY, mU lOl lU.lt 4, 1(411. Society Directory. " ' OKKuON I I I V IIIIAKI) OF THAt'K, Mfii at 1'i.tiii ll.iiK.M.ii Hcuiuiil Mmi'lar In i ll In. .hill Vinllun KUll'iilim. t. K. linNAI.IiNiiN, J. T. AI'i'XItHoN, Hnirii(iy. Praal'leiiL CANIlY IKMHIMiK TKAIlK. Mta Hi Kulnhll llnll, t'aul.y, nn Ural nil Uilnl KrlilVy ul imiib muiilli. Vlal.,ra Kallmann. . J (Uhhi.i.n, Him, W. KnIiiiit, "ilt'l.'l NliMAII 1,01x7k, Nl. I, A. F ik. M. llnMi Ita ri'iuUr piwiiniinlrniluua on Aral nl Uill.l Matunlaya n( aai'll month at 7 SO r. M, hraiiimii In mimiiI imiilUii ara lnvttil in attaint. T, F. UVAN,M.Tiilir)f, "oKKUo MUHiK. No. I, Ml. . t. Mwu avary Ttiurxlny avail ..a m T MO o'uliirk F . Ill III" (''! Kallnwa' Hall. Mnlll Irrol. Mf Ulliara ol llm llrilT ara linltn'1 lu atlrllil. hi onl.rr ul W A. Miillamu, N. U. Ttia, iiyan, Mwraiary. " iXl.t.H KNCAMt'MKNT. No. 4, I. O O, Y. Mnnn Aral mill Ihlril TiinB,1ayanf aah nidiilli, Hi'.lil Kvltiiwt hall. Hainlwra ami vlilllin .atrlarrha, mrtttally luviltHl in admit. i,, II. Jlr. i VY. O Ci.NKHI ln riprlli. C'lilnl I'ainarrh. onwi:i i,oi.i,k, no n, i. 0. o. r Mxoln ul Oilil Follnw'a hull, OfHiKu, tirry MatuMay voiiititf VUltliitf brethren niNito clr..iun II tl. rmatlla, N. li. J. t. Illal t, rtiw. MKAl'K I'OMr, Nn a A II,. 1KI'AHTKNT ul OIIKi.iiN Mta Ural Mniiilnjr ul rni-lt mouth, tl K "I Y Mull. lrr"ii t lljf Ytallllia; rniuliulM uiaila walooma. IIKO A. HAKIHNif. nimmi,tr. (JKN.t HOOK I'OHt N., tl II AH. i)o.tl uiviil ul Oregon. Mania In rhmil hmiaa at Newly on flrai Narf llMay In rm'h mmith at I o cc t in. All pomra.lea made pr,iina II. H llvi.aau. M, ll"l A I J I . riillilliallilrr Htkll'I.K Nn. I, IMK flTtf I'AIKIAK ( IIAl, lIHl t.K Urrii avrnml amt (mirilt Turnlajr eventual I 7 au al hultflit ul I'ytlilaa lull J !'. nrai la t, I'aiHraa, KwrHary. anTkk.m iiokkh i.oI'ok. nu. , hons or II m MANS Mrrl. vrry Hulnlur at 1 o'rlw l in at Tat'iiliaili'a Hall. Kant. UKaNi,a. Fra. Ai amy riiitu.iNu, Hit y TI AUriN lillANciK, NO 111, I' ol II. Ilrrli Haiut'laf ul rai'li nmiilli al their hall in WiUxiivlllf. II. II. Ilanar. Hi Hiuar. Mro'jr . N""",L. WAKNKIt OlIANOK, No 117, P. ol II. Mrrl loiirih Maluiilar ni'inih, al Ihelr nail lu N Kia. J. (' . Mn-r K C. M.-I,m k J"-; III TI K t'HKKK liKAM.K.N.i J, ?. i,l II Mim-u al UikIi lull In Harunam, ai'i-mi'l i iitiUy In caili nmiiih at lo a. lu. Ylillliia: niinlrali aolcmne. J. K JAI K. J. II WHITK, HmTi-iary , , . ,,,rt: Mol.AI.I.A ulU.NiiK.NO. 40.r-.nf H. MriMa al Oirlr hall al W'fliihl a HrhUo (in lha aM'liil Halur.lay nl arli tnniitli al III a. Ill Folliiw Uu'llilx-M ma il' nli'i,nm. liaraaM M ainiir. Haairr. N II lHKalU. Kpr, OAVI.l. l.ol'i.K, No. .A A O I'. ' M'iapM.iy llinrailny rnlii( al KiiKlila hall. I'aiihy. Vlallini linilli, r tiia.lu rli itio. M HIltNK. W Nk W (iniania ll.M-or,,.r iT-Al KAMAH l.nlll.K, No (.7, A O. I' W Mi-la ttrat and ihlnl Mnn.lay In narh m.ililh, al Hlralthl a Hall Vlailltias l.r. l lu rii wi lniitiif II.H.biaaoK. I- I'. J" Krr. X W. KAl.Mlll'Y l.'H'iiK of A o I'. W Uiwia awry arcniiil ami li unh Kriilay i-n-nii.lfarli in. mill iii Oilil r,.il...' l.iHMlim All ai.j.,nrnilii htfilirr mil all ir ln UH In al lomt ' H. W 11 KlNsiiS. M H. Al'llll l.M l."ll,K, NO. .W. K Of I'. Mrrla rtpry Krlln lili't'l Ml III K i.lr.liilll. Vlaltltiu K li Ik ma invitixi f M lUMia. C. t. J K idlnlii ", K i.l II ami S HI JUUN'H III! ASCII. NO ;, C. K ul A Mriilar.rry 'lllr,lny rwtMln al llli'lr halt rnriH'r Main ami IvnUi ttin i ia, iirrmm I lly K J Mi kn-iHH a.Hrr y I HI i.mvn. Vrta NKW KHA W. C T I!. Mi'Mi Ural Halur.lay In raih moiiih al thrtr hall in Ni'K Kra. frlrmlaol iln-i'auao ar In ltil In 1,0 iri'ati)l MHR CaHRV JullNauN, Nina Kam n, 1'ri.alilt.nt. CANIiY l.oliiiK. NO .V.I, I O. li T. Miilapviry Halunlny av..n(iiic al Knltrhl'a hall Canhy VlaltlnC Ilir-iut.ora alwa)a inailu wi'l runic. , Wm.iniN Hiitsa, W. C. ')' i J Cm . MKAUK HKI.IKK I'OHI'H. No l. IIKI'AKT- MK.NT lK OHKOON. Mra. M A "inart, Prallinl Mra K. I. I .irlirane, - Troaaurnr. Mra. J. H HarillliR, - - HM-Wary. Mi-fla on Ural aiirl Ihlnl Prlilaya ol rarh monih lu ( noiii'll l lian.lu'r. Ucmbara ol corna Inim ahroail, onrillally wiOwmr-U. " COI.I'MHIA HOOK AND I.AIHiKH CO. Mvela Aral Criilay of taih monih al Fountain eiiln hmiaa. CMAa. ATimv. I'rra, C M. I'n.uiw, HMi y. l.iua lliT, rrra FOI'NTAIN IIOHK CO., Nn 1 Iti-nllar nii.i'llin, aiM'oiid Wmlncailay In pari monih at aimliKi hoiiac, iaat alila Main ilrwt. Imiwmmi Hnvanlh ami Klahlh. I AianniuN.iWy. l.Hrii(lHiiHit, l'rna Kn. Nkoton. Forvman. CATARACT IIOHK CO. Nn. 1 MpctauHionit Tinmlay nl rarh month tl Cat rai't K.iilii hmiaa, W II. Ilina a.i l,. I'rra II. II. Iliirrow, Hoo'y J. W. O CoHNKi.i, K'rn HON 4 OK VKTKHANS. K. P. Kakir Camp, Nn. IK, mwta evary Ural lid tlitnl Thiirailav avrnluj ol aai'h miiuni t. K. Vii,u. l apt. HilM.A Mimli lal I. lent C. AJHkhmah. Jr. jM Ufut T COMPANY, rillHT KKUIMKNt' 0. N. li. Armory, Third and Main. Ilr-niilar drill night, Monday, Kciinlar liualunaa iiiihHIiik, Ural Monday ol cacli mouth. urnciM. K Warrrn, - , Cptln J. W.OaniiUK, - - Flrt Mi'Utfnanl T. P. Kandiill. Hproml l.lciili-iiwnt Sunday Services. riHbTC0N()HK(lATIONAL0llt'HCII.-Hv. 0. W. Lvva, Paator. Horvlooa at 11 . M. and 7 SO r M. Hnuilay Hclinnl allor innrnliiK ar vim. Piaynr niactln Wiidimaday vniun at 7:IHIo,pliii'k. Prayer mention of Young I'lioplo.i Hooloty ol Chrlailan Kndeavor every Sunday eviMiniK lil.Uirniit. K1HHT I1APTI.ST CIII'HCII-ltKV. OILMAN Pahkkh I'nator Mornlim Hurvlcu al ll:Hiimliiy Holiool at VI Hi; Kveulni) Mervlne e iM; Hi'KuUr prayer intieilnir Wednoaday evoiiliiu. Monthly Covunaiit Mimtluir every WeducadBy evening primiMUlm the drat Hiiuday In the month. A uornla! Invitation to all. HT. lOIIN'H ClU'ltOH.CATHOI.IO.-KKV. A. II I i.i. mi hand, Paa'.or. On HuniUy maaa at H and 10 :i A. M. Kvury aeoiiud and lonrth Hiimlny (lurman aerumii alter the H o'elnok maaa, Al nil other iiiaaaea Kuiillali acrmoua. Hunday Hi'hool at i II" P. Voapera, imoloijetloal nliji'dia, and lli'iii'dlctlon hi 7.30 p. m. MKTIIOIUHT Kl'IrtCOI'AI. CHUltCII.-Kitv Kow. UirrKNa, Paalnr. Mornlin aervlne Ht II; Hondny Hehnnl nt 111:1ft: Kvenlim nervine al7:mi. Kpworlh l,i'iiiii, iniM'luiK Huiiilny evening nt ll:!l(l: Prayer Mi'oIIhk Thuraduy oveulng at O HO. Irauiiera nnrillnlly luvlled. FIHHT PUKHIIYTKIMAN CIU'ltCII.-KRV. O. W.Uiiiokkv, Paator. Snrvleei at 11 A. M. and 7-HO I'. M, Haliliath Hchool at 10 A. M. Young People's Sonlety of Chrlallnu Kndimvor menta everv Hunday evenhiK at Il iW. Weilueailay ovoiiliiK prayur muelliiK at !:0. Suata free.i KVANO'tl.lCAI.IMll'KCII-Ki'Verend Al'ni'aT Kit NaT, nl the KvatiKidliml AhnocIkIIoii, will hold aervlcea every alternate Hundiiyat 11 A. M nlhiT Hmiilay at 7;ao P. M. Prayer Meollni every Wmlniinlay evenliiK at 7:.KI. Herman Sahhnlh aehool every Binirlay at 10 A.M. UNITKII IIKKTHKKN CIIUKCII.-ltev R. Mli.l.Kit, pnatnr. Hervioea Ural and third Hundiiy In eiieh inoiith at Maple I.iino, at II o oloek . m.: anooud Hundiiy nt M itnlu Homo at 11 o'eloek a. m : fourth Buiidny nt Harmony ohool houae ntll . m. Other appoltilmonu auiioiiuoed from lime to llina Til K XOUI.I.A 1(0 A 1) A Mtroiia; Kniliirtrniant of Ilia Houle KelM'ted hy Mr Kaalham, 'I'd Tint lCnitoHi In oniialilorliig tlio (itiea lloil of Mild In Hie Moliilln let ilk flrat rx mine Ilia country over wlilcli III roml imint I'ftaa. Tli rountry fiiini tli lni uf the llnwaril hill Ui Kly villi, la ilriilncil by llravir creek ml Ita lirnni lica Im livlliitf I'arrotl creek, All tlieao I'liiiverxe ml enter llm Wlllaiiieilo t New Kra. Near tlmlr wiitrco racli la ruled liy IiIkIi illvlile. The irnaent Mo lulls nnul 1'niaaiw aeveml nl tlirae crm ka, Kulng over llieae rldicea unuin ami tunUi, lima tnukliiK the rum! more lillly nml ruuitli than ll Mould lie Kern (lie c: reek a croaaed iienrer tliclr otillelaor Bltorlliey hvi unlled lain one tiri'iiu, lly KoliiKdown the titnyiin frniii Mr, Mo ('iiril'i plin e Heaver i-rvek U cnwui'tl vitlli IiiiiK aliiie on Hie lionli aide near Mr, I laiiil'i old l,iie. A lanyoii leada frniii there tip the lilll hetwpi'li Heaver crerk Kiill I'tirroll creek, imaali iiettr Mt. I'euiiiiiir place, A aei'iiiiil eunyoif ilea, emla from near Mr. Klndlcy'.io I'armlt creek near the old Waldrou fan... Km... there l ie road i-iMihl fullow up Hie weal hriinch of I'nrrott trm k toll aourreanutli of the Alpine farm, then deaoeud Hie trin k that empltca Into Milk irirk iniir J ink Kuolt'auld aaw mill. Tliiavrvi'k In alaiuttlie only una Howliia; lulu Milk i iea k ull the loirlli aide, lima KlilnK the roml i-haine lo eai apo klie aleep Kril of the Howard hill. On llila route there would hu hill three hill", and eneli would lie on Ioiik nl"ie llialcad of the aharp lillla on the Mnlnlla mud. Now lei na examine lliu rminlry U'lu liied hy aiii li a mad, lor Hie roml tnuat lie built on Hie principle of "Hie iimint K""1' l" the Kreutcal oniiilier " Tlml part of I'lm knuiiia county weal of Molulla comer and S lllioll HprluKa Ilea in Ilia almw of trinuitle with (Ireiron City al Hie imrlliern BKifltr. To reach (Iri'irun City note there la the pruw'iil Molulfu nunl on llm raat aide, the road from Itider'a, the one from Wlnidcr'a mill and the one from the (iuod lirldKe and Citiih), nil riinnlim nearly parallel and converging ul Orettoii City. Humid either of the old ronda lie repairwl II would only help a pari or the people liv ing in tliis great triangle which contains the iM'at part of I'lucknmaa county Dial alnnild and would I trilniliiry to (in-itn t'liy were it not lor I lie Iuipiiasahle rouda. The iihove roule would he iH'IWeen tlieae rna.U riiiiiiliK ilmoat tlirotiKli the center of the Irlanitli', eiuihlinit the wople Ironi lie yoml WriKlil'a lirhlire lo auve Mime two lialra In K"IK 'o t'o-B-H ' i')' "I''1'1 'he Iravel Ik-uiiiiI Ihe IIihhI hrlde could cuaily n ncli llie road lay paain the old Jacob lluucl, i hiiln with no lillla locniaa. Nome aay improve Hie river road from Oregon Ciiy to New Kra. Tlml will always lx' a dunuentua road on ai countol the cars and would only help the people living un the weal aide of lite trliuicje. The rond hero oulllued la no new loeaof the wrilcr'a, hut the an ma aa lr. CaaUi'a nnd olhcra'. I have only attempted to elal orntelhis lil.ui, eiplnin Hie liiv of the coun try, nml tin- nimiiia why It would he of Ihe iu,i!.l Ix'iiclil lo the people in the .aoiitlicrn purt of the county II. K. Joiinaoii. Wusyn In AMiK So, 117, I lioly convened, Nov. iNl After illacuaaiiiK llie ideua of l'mf. John aim in rcpud to liHiitioii of lhetrc!on City n i id Mulalln rim. I. voted unniiimuu-ly to endoriMi the tainr. V. V. Wil l un, Nec'y pro tciu. Kt A NKW ItilAD. Ways and Means of Hullilliif hi a to Serttrt the BMlAd vantages. To tiik KiiiToa: In my lust ciminumira llon I promiacd lo Kive my views on Ihe kind of roads best lo be built in this county, and the iiufliner of rnisiiiK funds to do the work. Now there have been three kinds of material provided by our corresHindeut. First, plunk roads; second, slone or maca dimired; tliird, coiil ; each of which, doubt less, has Kood points. I am ditldedly in divor of the lirst, for Ihe reason that 1 be lieve it Is) the cheapest, ull tlilnpi considered, as there, is plenty of suitable timber all alotiKthe routes proposed. In reference to the funds 1 think there are hut three avs'; vim lirst, when the route Is established by' a competent engineer, let a subscription paper bo circulated along the line of lheproK)sed road and get the citizens to siihscrllie all they can, At llie same timo let tho board of trade In the city raise all it can lu their organization, and la.it, let the business portion of the cily raise all It enn, and then lei the county court add sulllcletit lo complete the work. Mecond, let the county commissioners when the road shall have lieen established by said engineer and a prollle mudo, advertise tho letting of the contract lo tho lowest bidder, giving the party or parties the privilege of collecting such a toll as will enable them to be paid tor building the road and keeping it in re puir, milking acml-aiimiiil reports of their recuipts tu llie county court; and whim said parties liave received a full recompense tor the money expended anil a reasonable inter cut thereon, turn llie road over to the county and reduce the toll lo just sultlcicnt to keep said rouds In repair; Third, estab lish these tnainthorouglifiiresiit the earliest moment and cause t lie timber and other obsl ructions to be moved and when Ihe next legislature meets have n law passed by which any county in the stale shall be permitted lo .issue liondr not lo exceed $100,01X1 for the building orrowliJ. Bay, let (he bonds run thirty years moreor less and put them on the market ami'no doubt they will bring their face value and pcrlinps a small premium. Ia the interest lie as low ns possible and without doubt the increuse in the value of real estate in tho'counly owing to good ronds will increuse, which the assessor will lliid will pay tho Interest on tliebotlds. Doubtless some one will object to paying toll and claim it as a relic of barbarism. To such a one I ask how much loll do you now pay bv trying to haul your produce to mar ket over tho present almost impassable roads? hook at your jaded horses and brok en witgoua to say nothing of the wear and tear of your own feelings and the loss to you of the best market. Others will object to tlia lionda liecauaa tliey will iieoeaaarlly lie iiiiii-taiuhla. How la It wllli cuimty war rantaT They draw Inlereat but are not tax uhle. Now In reference U the Alpine route from Orison Oily to Maripiaiig If It lioiilil be cIiohdii It would lie at leant on mil weat fl Ihe Alpine Caalla, anil not loan, and per hups more, limn WKl feet lower than nalil caatle, so I truat no una will charge me Willi enllre aelllslineaa In this matUir aatha Alpine rampany would lie otillK") to buy and build an outlet to the new rood. Hut knowing thl mule lo lie altogether tliabeat yet proponed and one Ifeatiihllalied that will 1h for the bencllt or the greatest number, a (lie nearest and eaaieat K'', ' ,lve 1,0 doubt but every one on the route will rreely and cheerfully give Hi right of wey and IImiIkt to build It Willi. If the Alpine route la ealahllahed the Alpine will give $100 to defray preliminary eniienae, no matter which of the three iikhIiis of building l,sl1 be B'lopU d. Now, Inconclualoii, all (he citizen ask of the coiumlttce la lo give this route a careful survey and if it In the eaaicst and i.earest, u.1,.,,1 n if li al, imlil lie fiiunil that aoine- ,,,,,,, u It and the wfit).r w, ,tty 0. K; I aay 0. IlcNpei'It'iilly (iibiuilted, . Alpine Kami, Nov. al, J. Casto. l ltl Ji LINK HOAO. The. Nercsalt-r for lliillitliift tli Uonil at Once Si t r'erth. To tiik Kihtiik : On the road question ami'.iinciil i dividod as to w hutlmr atiy tliing will U) accoiiipliHlied in that line bv llie Into stir up. Surely aometliing w ill be done as the inittUir is in good hands. Hliiking while the iron ia hot ....I .... ul.lt... ... ..!,.. will, vitmr la the wav lo gain Ihe desired end. The rond to Molalla will he the trunk hue of tlie eoiinlv. When it is couiiileted three o'her iniiin Mads will liave to lie looked j after on Ihe east side), one lending down j tho riyer, one leading up the Claclia- f inns and one leading to Highland. It la ; a mistaken idea that one road will an-j swer for the llighhuulem and Molnlla-j item for tlm Molalla iM-oplu demand a j direct road to Oregon City. They will . not listen to the idea of hnving a road leading through the tipH-r Heaver creek country as Ihe iireeent road ia a round about one Tho M'tt mentioned by "Native" muim weeks ago siiould re ceive careful fxauiinu'inn and no doubt a favorable report w ill Irft made when survey is made. This; route has received the SMiwtion of the Molulla eoplo and all those residing on Ihe prowed roiUe. The right of way enn bo serurnd easily. The ipustiun ia how can funds lx rBisedto build Ihe nnid? As other roads nil! Ui built w hen this one is completed the pinple throughout the county should tH-arlho ex -no of building and to bo paid in cash. Hut if this dm-s not meet with approval real estate which ia bene fit'i'd hy the road should be aed. Hut Ihe luxation should lie regulated so as to lo no injustice to anv real estate owner Bv tliis last nii'thod owni'ra of iirMrty should la? allowfd to do a limited ainoiinl i lrt moe about without theuaeof a cane. Uear of work on the Mad. i hg, thromrh a friend, of the wonderful cures ef- TliC inU'H-Kt tliut OrO(!in CllV haa ; fecled by urepm Kidney Teal waaindnceiltotry luk..,, in ,h, rond ,,,., is in ansW,r to , "W ni'i'pHHit v. llto mmUii'rn (M)rtion ul the lff()X U)C in my batk tirtiy disappeared. rouiliy is eimi iu uny in mr yiui Ul Clackamas county in Ihu fertility of the soil, ils productions and general resour ces. The people residing there urn enterpris ing and thrifty but they must have a passable outlet lo a railtoad where their production can he marketed. If a road can l and will lie built they prefer one lending to the county seat. lint if steps were not taken to build a aui'ahle road into the part of the county mentioned from Oregon City the )ieole of that district would without doubt build a road to Harlow or to some other place on the railroad liarlow is an en lei prising town and a pmi leading there to accomodate all travel from the Molal la country would be the very making of Harlow, which would be very detriment al to Oregon Citv . With Harlow aa a rival town it would take but a few years w hen a call would he made for the set ting off of a new count v It ia time that the people are awakening to the mailer of building a good road to the southern part of the county. Lkstkk M. I.ki.and. " At lust, I can eat a good square meal without its distressing me!" was tlie grateful exclamation of one whose apH'lite had been restored by the nee of Avers Sarsaparilla, after years of dys peptic misery. A tnaspoonfu! of this ex tmct before each meal sharpens tlie ap petite. Red Seal Extracts are the purest. Hed Seal CoflVe Ihe finest flavored. Red Seat Spices are the strongest. Ked Seal Soap contains no rosin. Red Seal Flour is on top and will Btay there. ' tf. E. E. Williams the grocer. Call on T. W. Fonts opposite the Rail road Depot, for your Christmas goods as he bus the most complete line of such goodB to lie found In this city consist ing of Toys of all kinds, Albums, Manicure Sets, Checker Boards, Games of all kinds. Children's Books, Magic Lanterns, Wagons etc. Ho also keeps a tine assortment of Polls. 4 t Frequently accidents occur in the household which cause burns, cuts sprains and bruises; for use in such cases Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite family remedy. THE NORTH AMIUIClJf Mutual Benefit Associ ' ation. Of Chioaqo, Illinois. Easy Monthly Payments a The plan challenges comparison. Reliable Life Insurance at cost. Iimise w hile yon are young. J. W. THOMAS, Dentist. CIKNKRAL AGENT, Molalla . Oregon. JOHN DUFFY Oregon City Express No I. Mgfit freight and parcels delivered to all parta of the city, Leave order with F, T. Harlow, 0111:4.0 4 ITV CIGAR F1CT0R.Y, AKilHI FISHER, Propr. Manufacturer of and Iicaler In all Uradot of Fine Cigars. Order from a distance promptly filled. Next Hoop to P. 0., Oregon City, Or. Cooke's Stables, W. H.'COOKE, Menager, Buceeaaos u V. H T A L. Co. Comer Fourth and Main Streets, OKKGON CITY. Tho LEADING. UVEHY STABLE of the City. Kiga of any description fiirninlied on abort notice. All kiinls of Trni'k and Mivery Bujii nesa promptly attended to. I lories Uoanled and Fed on reason a'lle terms. WOOD TURNING - -A. 1ST ID SCROLL SAWING. j i BOXES ! OF ANY SIZES MANUFACTURED Parties desiring Wood Turning, tern, Brackets, or Vat- Shop Carpenter's Work Will be Suited hy Calling on Me. Doors, Windows and Blinds TO ORDER. " Gv H. BESTOW, CVOpp. the Congregational Church A uJ ui b" QUiRTER k county. Ore-rp n , iron, ntar what VJT l is now Bakrr City. pCMTtTDV a maa who haa aiuce VvCIl I will hrcomc lilcntitird with the reaounxa and n f r development of thai country. ThiamanllVlVJ la no other tlian Mr. John Stewart, one of the wealthiest ami most influential citiiens in the county. In recent letter he say: " I had been aurlerlng from paina in my back and general kid ney complaint for Some lime, and had uaed many without anr but temporary relieC The . . i . l (..jkHwi.Hiwwr.thittail : fmm ttcndint: to mv work and conld I I haw ewrr laun w w nnuei 01 me urrnuu Kidney Tea,' and cau conscientiously recommend it to mv friends. I would not be without it for anything." Oregon Kidney Tea curea backache, inconti. nence of urine, brick iluat sediment, burning or painful aensation while urinating, and all affec tions of the kidney or uriuaryorgana of either at. FOR SALE BY CHAKMAN & CO., DRUGGISTS. Moore's Revealed Remedy. Will brace you up, put the bloom in your cheek and the sparkle in your eye. Strictly non-alcoholic, its effect upon persons suffering from liquor habit is wonderful. Vtra. Koaaen, of Portland, Ore,, writes: "Moore's Revealed Remedy cured me of drunkenness and made a new man of me. All who ara cursed with the liquor habit should take ll." A. B, Case, of Monterey, Cal., says; "II entirely destroyed my taste for spirituous liquors." Try it once. Bold by all druggists, or 8tewart Holmes Drug Co., Seattle. Wash. F. L. Posson & Son, SEEDS General Agts. for D. M. Ferry & Co's SEEDS Garden Seed. SEEDS Trees, Bulbs, Fertilizers, etc. SEEDS Bee Keepers' Supplies. We want you for a customer. Give ns a trial order. F. L. Posson & Son, , 209 2d St., Portland, Or. Successors to Miller Bros. ' Catalogue Fr Night A fv-tr doses of seeds great mm mm J W oi:oi.iEM O'CONNELL & aucccsaoHa to ARK Leading Clothiers, Hatters, . and Furnishers of the City. All- the Latest Styles always in stock, and we are tho Only House in the City who carry a first class line of CLOTHING AND HATS. We are alno Sole Agents for Oregon City for the Cele brated BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN MILLS. O'CONNELL & LEWTHWAITE, . Oregon City, Or. NEW STORE ! FRESH GOODS! S. S. JENNINGS!5- Has oiHjned a choice selection of Fancy and Staple Groceries, Fruits, VEGETABLES. WOODENWARE AND FEED. Remember the place on Seventh street, corner of Jackson. Mr. Lewis May will bt in charge of the sales department. Goods delivered free to all parts of the city. POPE & CO. Thin old and reliable firm always keep in stock a full line oi ltoj, Slf ail Manufactnrefl Hardware, Tinware, etc. Plumbing, Gas Fitting & Jobbing Attended to Promptly. Es timates Furnished. OREGON CITY GEORGE BROUGHTON, makufacturer'of all kinds of FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. FULL STOCK OF FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISH ING LUMBER, DIMENSION STUFF AND LATH. . Special Bills Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street, OREGON CITY, OR. R. FINLE1T, DEALER IK Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and Repairing of all kinds. Wagon and Buggy Work a Specialty. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. FltlCES THE IWIST. HTShop corner Fourth and Water streets, back of Pope & Co's, Oregon City. MAYER & THE OLD RELIABLE DEALERS IN GENERAL - MERCHANDISE! Headquarters for Boots, Shoes, Clothing and Dress Goods. Pay tle highest prices for AV ool and Pro ducej and sells the best Goods at the very LOWEST FIGURES. A J I.KWTHWAITB LEVVTHWAITE, THE OREGON Cut 'to Orders ACKERMAK,