Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 04, 1891, Image 2

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The Entorrii CoiTospomlonts
Swm the Hold.
Hnpprnlntrs In l.ixatllliM Outside
Oregon City Industrial Itvms
N v I Kh li o r li txtt Notes,
Milwukik, Nov. S4. The Milwsuki
ferry lias bwn UuI up for repairs, but will be
rumitii); again in thtv weeks.
Considerable coniilainP is being made
about the lHwr walks around (own. If
very one would fix the walk in front of his
place it would siy the burg a better appear
ance. Miss Josephine 1'ahle just returned from
a pleasure trip to The Italic.
Work on the brides which is being con
structed across the waterway is progressing
slowly owing to the rain.
Ciackamas, Nov. '.W Mrs. A. Holme
"h as arrived from the Fast
At the debating society liiti license and
local option versus prohibition was decided
in lavor of the negative. About a doen ap
plications for membership were received.
C E. Pease and K. C. Hamilton were ap
pointed leaders for the next tpiestioti which
is, "Resolved, That the cruellies of Russia
have been equalled' by the infamous acts of
Workmen are busy on the new hall build
ing. Hamilton A Allen have stopped all credit
The null lias plenty of fruit boxes for ten
and twelve cents. Ti shiny a.
but is getting somewhat better, tihe is
nearly four soore years of. age.
Mr. tiilhroa on the John Haley place has
taken a job ot slashing twenty acre lor Mr.
11 titpcllrt for five dollars per acre.
Henry M'nldron saystie wants the people
to understand that it is too lat to dig pota
toes this year, as he lias Just finished dig
ging his crop of nine hundred bushels.
Somebody with a desire for mischief was
passing by Mr. Wilcox's house last week
and took the pleasure of shooting his dog.
The presence of Svba Norton and son was
noticed in our midst last week.
A pleasant time was had at the pink tea
social last Tuesday rentng. Sixteen dol
lars were raised toward getting the new or
gan. B. X. Harrington of Mountain View is
visiting hia grandmother, Mrs. K. J. Wal-dron.
home last week alter an absence of several
Oiaudma Welch was moved to l'ortland
last week to be nursed ami taken care of at
the home of her daughter, Mr, Hr. Welch
tiradnia leaves a host of friends at I'ark
Place who hop that the may regain her
usual heal Ih.
Mountain View.
Moi ktm View, Nov. 2.V Kred Kly has
sold five lots at figures ranging from K1i to
Air. Hall is buililing a " Traveler's Home"
where tiie farmer will he furnished with
K"od square meal and his horses taken care"
i.f at a moderate cost.
Beaver Creek.
ltBAVKR CkKK, lVo W. Cahill steps
high now it is a boy, born November iX
Mr. It. r. Kastman spent thanksgiving
with his family.
William Miller wiilnottarm Mrs, Stoker's
place as was his intention but has moved on
the tiraham farm near Cams,
The Stoker boys have rented their moth
er's farm and have already done considera
ble plowing.
Charles Uider will go today to Independ
ence to visit the lamily of bis uncle, 0. P.
Uider, and will lie absent about one week.
Kev. I.owtberis holding protracted meet
ing at the Central Point church assisted by
several visiting ministers. It will continue
for some weeks or as long as active interest
is maintained.
At theCeiitnil Point literary society next
Saturday evening the question,, Resolved,
That dancing is an innocent pastime, will
be debated with the sides represented as
follows: affirmative, lavid Penman, M.
Hyatt, Lottie Kastman and Klleu Hrown;
negative, Lester M. l.eland, 0. S. Randall,
Maggie and) IsaM Mr Arthur.
CahilKssaw nill is not running, as no lum
ber can be hauled owing to the fearful con
dition of the Mads. Nstivi. '
Prof IVnri
Fkou Ponu, Nov, !!!, We have been hav
ing a few Hue days during Thanksgiving
which went off very nicely out hero,
The dance given in Tualati n grange hall by
Frank Kruse, John Tyler and Altwrt Tur
ner was. a grand success. Had sixty-two
numbers and a line crowd, stud everybody
seemed to enjoy themselves,
Tualatin grmgo met yesterday with a
good attendance and performed their regu
lar routine of business. Mr. Henry Kobh
look the first and second degrees of the or-
dur. The next meeting will lie held IVeeui-
ber li'th for the election of officers and In
itiations. A good masiy farmers are improving the
fine weather by plowing and digging pota
toes. I don't think the usual amount of
wheat has been sown here this fait on ac
count of so much rain.
John Kruse sold his wheat Inst Monday
at Oregon City for $l.ir.' per bushel. ,
tieorge F.tans from Portland is visiting
, 30.-. Mr. William
Osw Ftlil Y.W 30 Mr U'lltiu.., ,r
vn-onre i . ,.,y nas soi.i a lot to Mr. frost .Woodbur... is visiting bis sister, Mrs. Albert
w ho contemplates the erection ot a neat col- Hulloik
t:ie thereon in ti e near future.
Frost ,t May have just completed a line
house for.Ueorge F.iy who linds no trouble
in keeping all his houses rented in advance.
Mr. Francis has completed his cottage and
occupies the same.
Darling's feed mill is a success; its busy
hum is heard contiiiuallv.
&ASDY, Nov. 25 Mr. and Mrs. Ole Mick
leson rejoice in the birth of a daughter, born
November 21.
J. H. Revenue has been adding extens
ively to his large stock of merchandise and
has made many inirtant changes since
taking possession. His father, Francis Rev
enue, has retired to the farm where he lives
a quiet life and seems healthy and active
for one in his seventy-ninth year.
Mr. Henry McGugan's new house is al
most completed. It is tastefully built and
nicely painted, and much improves the
landscape on the north side.
Mt. Hood lodge farmers' alliance still
'Jives. Hereafter the meeting at 2 P. M.
-on the first Saturday of each mouth will be
open to the public. After the business
usual In such organizations the program
will be songs by the choir, essays, and read
togs on the science of government. Every
one invited to attend and participate. The
meeting on the third Saturday of each
month is closed for initiatory work.
Cbcs, Nov. 30. Farmers i-i this vicinity
are busy between showers plowing and
seeding or digging potatoes.
Mr. Miller and family recently moved into
the house lately occupied by Mr. II. (J. Hig
,ley. We do not understand that he has
rented the land.
Jlr. Castoa has been lately interviewing
some of us in the matter of starting a
grange. We trust that he may be success
ful in locating one at this point. '
" Hie hie hie aren't we a jolly crowd !
See here, mv boy! hie- you'd better not
take too much out of that hie bottle till
you know h ic what it will do to you."
Four young men whose ages vary from
fourteen to twenty-two, celebrated thanks
giving night "not wisely but too well."
With utterances like the above, and others
more or less polite, they tumbled about in
drunken glee, smashing rocks and tramping
mnd till they presented a pitiful yet ludi
crous sight.
Prof.tiriffuh, of Portland, gave a series of
lectures on phrenology on Monday, Tues-1
day and Wednesday evenings. I
.Miss Shonig has been at (I. W. Prosscr's
the past week.
A new lumber yard has been established
in the new town by J. D. Eaton.
An entertainment was given at the Con
gregatnuial church Thanksgiving evening.
tl. W. Prosser intends to enlarge his danc
ing hall for the Christmas ball.
Miss Annie Hums, of Portland, is visiting
the Misses O'Brien.
Andy Hodge wears a smile a boy, you
The band boys will give a negro minslrel
concert before long.
Mrs. James Kiser and family were visit
ing in Uswegolast week.
Quite a number uf Oswegoites are on the
sick list, Mrs. T. Brown, Mrs. P, Worth
ingten, Jennie Haliuan, and the Misses Flo
Dyer and Bessie Fox. .We hoi for their
speedy recovery.
Jean and Pbllo Zimmerman of Portland
w ere in Oswego last week.
The drug store has been repainted inside
by E. L. Davidson, the popular young drug
gist. Tohtt.
MABitCAM, Kov. 24. Farmers are
dirting their spuds.
Scarcely any fall wheat has been sown.
Several of our hop men are disposing of
their crop at fifteen cents per pound.
ML Angel and vicinity is badly infested
with petty thieves.
Quite a number of immigrants are locat
ing in our midst.
"The roads are in a miserable condition"
is the general by-word with pedestrians, but
h'nv to remedy them and make passable
that which is impassable is where thestick
. ing point lies.
Dr. Casto, of New Kra, visited our grange
last Saturday and had a very pleasant time
during his visit.
Sir. Allen Graves of llolalla has moved
to his rented farm near town.
JJiss Anna Thompson commenced a term
of school in the labour district Monday.
The grange association in connection with
their store of general merchandise will pack
pork during the winter season.
Mr. Bentley is clerking for Mr. Hartman
"since the absence of J. V. Hcckart, a former
' Central Point
fVifTRAt Point, Nov. 28. Protracted
meetings have been, going on at the M. E.
church this week, Mr. Richards, of Port
' ls' d, assisting our circuit minister.
Grandma Findly has been quite ill of late
Hazilia, Nov. 28. An entertainment
was given by the school children thanks
giving eve. The school room w as tastefully
decorated with evergreens and flowers. The
products of the farms, orchards and gar
dens were represented in the pieces bf
sheaves of grain, fruit, and the beautiful
pumpkin. This was the first enterthin
ment of the kind ever given in the district
and w as a decided success. The scarlet fever
has had its run; all the children are again
able to attend school, there is now no
sickness in our neighborhood.
J. It. Hays and family are visiting' rela
tives at Sherwood.
A. R. Shipley spent several days visiting
his sons here. He says Corvaliis is a pleas
ant place to live in, but not like Hazel ia.
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Carter and son of Al
bina gave their old neighbors a short call
last week.
Mrs. A. W. Shipley has a little mere
staying with her while the parents are visit
ing in the East.
Kev. R. M. Jones and family of Oswego
s nt thanksgiving at the house of 0.
This morning's " Iron Worker" is at
hand. Each week its strength increases ami
we hoi erelong to nee it an eight page pa
per. H.
Park Place Notes.
Pabc Place, Dec. 2. Parties in this vi
cinity intend to meet in the near future and
organize a literary society;
We understand the Empire Manufactur
ing Company of this place intends to increase
its capacity and will give employment to
many more men than at present, and will
turn out a large amount of first grade furni
ture. Mn. Halwachi who has been lying very
kt at her home at this place for a long
time with a fever is now convalescing and
is able to be aronndoncc more.
Arrangements are now being made, com
mittees appointed, and all are busy at work
his father for a few days. He was one of
the boys of Frog Pond in years gone by.
Now he is in tbegaiueaud poultry business
in Portland.
Tualatin Secular union meets next Sun
day and a gooit attendance lsevwted, J,
Q. liago is the editor ol the paper and we
expect a good one mini him as he is gen
erally up with the times.
Mr, Moser has bought a new cabinet or
gan and his two hoys are going to take mu
sic lessons from Homer Kruse.
Misses Mary aiidAtny Andrews, who have
been stoppiugat John K ruse's for the past
month, Vent to visit old friends in the vi
cinity oi lanny lor a lew nays, t uesoay
they will to Aumsville, Marion county, to j
visit a sister thev have not seen for nine
years and will return here to spend the hol
idays. They seem to like our part of the
country verv much.
The Frog Pond butcher, A. Cae, was
married last Wednesdayal Mount Tabor lo
Miss Milem. lately from the K.at. He made
a line choice and we hope bis lite will be
happy with bright sunshine all through.
irs. rranK iitirger went to t'orttami )es
terday to visit friends ami relations for a
few days.
Mrs. John Kruse returned home Monday
from Portland w here she has been visiting
her niece, Mrs. Caddie Crane, and her sister, I
Mrs. lAztw Kent, While there she fell I
down stairs and sprained her ankle severely
but she is aide to be arouinWall right now.
Hen Turner, from Dayton, Wasbiutou, is
eiected to urriie in Frog Pond thecoming
week to stay all winter, and in the spring
he intends logo to Missouri, his birth place,
on a visit.
Geo. Sail to, our saw mill man, is turning
out lots of fine luifdier now. This is a line
fall for water mills. They can do lots uf
I understand there has been a farmers'
alliance organized in Pleasant Hill precinct,
the only one on this side ol the river.
M. B.
Mew GtfLsIi.
Sell all Goods at Portland Prices or Under.
100 pounds Dry Granulated Sugar, only
100 " Extra C Sucar. onlv '- - -
All other Goods at Rock Bottom Prices. Highest
Price paid for Produce. Wo carry a full lino
IM Front Street. I HARDWARE I
Nttrthwiitm Agmu fur
l'ortland, Oregon,
--Tulllel until
lHtr Iaqc-
-Mllvsr Html. Haw.
11 jl7u,A,VAoMiD
I'rt'scoiitWc.l's (warranted.) U & S 1'roof CliAm. Amnio Kilos. K.tjio. Croscont Stool
Lowers and Wood ihojjMrH Sju'cialtios.
Oregon City Agent,
Helnw l nlven Ih. nrejt.in Ciljf M.rkel Ho
,Mrl corrected Ivr. 4th. Irro ttuoutmu. tur
ulalird 1 lis KsTHHt-msl tj) lie l.s.'l airreljauta:
, . UHA1S.
Wheal, Vulley, l t.unhel
New Era Hcho.il Entertainment.
Thanksgiving evening the New Kra school
assisted by the young people of the place
gave an entertainment under the manage
ment of Miss Mailge Hill. The following
well rendered selections constituted the pro
gram Opening Hong Hereout
KeclUUoo-'Ths rirst Thanksgiving; Prtnk
Essay, Thsnkiglvltn-KsUs Mutt.
KecltattoD, Liberty Hermaa iurKiie.
Recitation, The Umbrella hrlnaile KMle
Instrumental .Mimic Myrtle Howell
Dialogue, TheUaoat lu the Kllchen-Uaveral
Kecliallnn, The Featal'Boaid tUtle Mott.
Recitation, Shopping katl Newberry.
Song, Balor Recess By the School.
Recitation, The Belle ot Modern Society-Sidney
Recitation, The Isle ol L4ng Ago Sadie Durav
ham. f
Instrumental Music Myrtle Howell.
Dialogue, The Btahful Young Mau Several
Characters, f
Recitation, My Experience In Farmlug Wil
lie Newberry.
Song, Chrlatine Leroyand Satlle Burnham.
Recitation, Oh, why should the spirit ot mor
tal be, proud?-Mailge Hill.
Recitation, The New Church Organ Myrtle
Song, My Mother Is Dead and Gone Kllen
Recitation, AuntTabltha- Delia Judy.
Recitation, Grandma's Pumpkin Plea Tlllie
Kiel i
After the program was exhausted baskets,
each containing supper enough for twV,
were sold to the highest bidders. The bas
kets spoke well for the ladies of Hew Kra.
Many of them were models of beauty, and
all contained a bountiful, old-fashioned
thanksgiving supper. A cuke containing a
gold ring was then cut and sold by the slice.
TMie proceeds of the entertainment were
$20,110 which will be used for painting the
school buililing.
Oata, pr buhl.
Oregon t:tiy Mills, Forllaud Brand
Country- Braud
Anuria Y iim
( lover hay. Baled
Timothy bay, M
4 SO
s OJ
ID uu
U uu
Potatoes, Tp rwl.
union, f uu n
Apple, grevu,
Apple., ilrltsd,
Holler, r .
ttt: fdoa ,
Honey, tt iw
... I7rl
A li i.i. i.i i: or
Doooratotl Dirtnor ami Toa St-tH,
(Jlass.Wator Sots,
Fancy Cups, Sauoors uml riats,
Kochextor Stahdanl, riano ami Hanging r.aniw,
Mr. Myen Feels Hit.
To the Kiiitok; I wt by your.last paper
of the 2iil an article headed "Anal tempt
tn fiido o Knur MS V.,liK.r ua u-rtitl,! IitA
pre aring a program for Christmas tree ex-j haye ymf , , ht.
ercises to take place Christmas eve, Itecein
ber 24th, at the Congregational chapel. The
outlook seems promising and we expect to
have a grand good time on that occasion.
The Hirnmelar brothers are snaking drifts
each evening in the Clackamas and are
catching quite a number of fish w hich they
ship each day W two to Portland. Messrs.
Huerth Si Htraight also catch tbeir share of
salmon, as do Messrs. Rickards, Wheeler
and others. The fishing industry is good
although the high water proves a detriment
at times.
Mr. and Mrs. N. J. White, formerly of this
place, spent thankspirlug with their friends
Mr. and Mrs. Witzig.
Mrs. M. Frar.zcn and son, accompanied
by her sister, Miss Fenny, returned to ber ,
ing one.of the alliance officers I shall deem
it an Injustice to the county alliance officers
as well as to myself unless you give your au
thority; and if you refuse we will consider
the source from whence it came, etc. I ntn
thinking that you cut your fuse a little to
short and your gun went ol!' before you got
ready. 8o far as fusion is Concerned I have
the first alliapce otllcer to rneel that advo
cates it, cither state or county. We expect a
fusion but the people's party will not be in
the fusion. Demo-republicans will though,
ail the same Kansas, Nebraska and Boull)
Dakota whew! W. W. M trails,
Oregon City, Nov. 30.
Beet, live, t
Bei't, dre.sed
Million, II vs fhead
Mutton, drewed, f
Po-k, live, t n
Pork, dr.-i;.i. V tt ...
Veal, live, 'ft IS
Veal, drc.ied, lb . ..
llama f n
Bacon, "
... y,,
.... Re
... 10 li
Chickens, yr.ung. jmo dos 2 rsft.1 00
Chli-k.-u. ol.l, pvf do 4 UUIM.M1
Duck., per ilna
der.e, per iU II 00
Turkles, per pound, dressed . .. . Is
Cull 'Examine Goods Get Prices.
0Mlle ttir lut Ollli-r, OHI.UOX ITV, Oltl'.IJOH.
House, Hign and Ornamental painting.
Good wotk guaranteed.
siloroN rirrit, nkar u. ii. T. A L. htabi.icr
Branch SrtiMl t'Capitai. lis.. (VihLatta, Sai.m. Oragon.
saaM oourmtj. ur .may, mui. raic or luioou.
BnsineNH. Shorthand,
Tynmritinf, ftnmmnni, and F.ngtitk tUfiartmtnH
ln iwlon ttirouBliimt tit ywnt. Htudt-nU ailiuH
tc4 at Miy Ubm. Cavuloifu frata Hhr Kboul,
Meals served (lay find night,
f style. Hi
for ladies.
Ovslers and
Chops in any style. Hide entrance
lor tallies.
- omitoii city.
Or'Kiii 4'kty, Orrgoa, .
Concrete and Artificial Stone.
Sidowalkn, Steps anil Curbing, Biwe
mant floors, Monuments', Ktc.
All work guaranteed. KHtimalcs fur
ninliod"free, Address cure Channun (i'C'o.
A.IIV. OltlOK.
Subscribe tor the ENTmii'itiBit,
Candies, Nuts, Notions, Etc.
Fine Tobaccos and Cigars.
Complete line ol Holiday Goods at Port
land prices.
16 lbs. II. (J. Sugar $1.00
18 to 20 lbs. Hrown Sugar 1 00
100 lbs. I). 0. Sugar 5.65
100 lbs. Urn. Sug. 4.00 to 1.05
Aibucklos Cofluo 25
Prt'HH GoixIh,
Christinas Goods.
Brownsville Clothing, Flannels, Et.
HAMILTON & ALLEN, Chwkamas, Oregon.
Portland Jeuuelcp.
Importer of and Dealer in Diamonds, Watches,
Jewelry, Clocks and Optical Goods.
fWLadies' Private Entrance Up Stairs,
Ordors from tho Country