Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 30, 1891, Image 5

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    Orcop City Enterprise.
WlKTHH Srliai.ll.l -I KrrSI'T Ol T. 8, IMJl.
tatvs umiuiiN pit v.
7 i 111.
Id u hi.
I OU (1 HI,
I.K4VB ruarusn
)., in.
Ill una in.
I m.
m t in.
l naamiN en,
I in
i" . m
ip m.
tti m,
II i a in.
4 Ml p. m.
Hlnnui Alinm-ii iiaiiM nn Mnp at
lamtlugi Mt'tiit III Omf pgj.
wm'thkkk rmrw KAII.WAY
mmTN oi nu.
A I Inn J UmI (wy iialliiai) 7 M m
talltiiiiila Kif llliniiiilil M. la
ki.tmr l-uual la alatluiia) Mp, in.
OUTH w0.
hibiiri Ul (way national oa.m
Albany liMal (wajr iUII"!!. o p. in
('liluiuU KiprMt iliruiib) 1 1 p m
Aaot't Hmvkxtii KrT It waa nearly
year ito when llio project u( Im
proving Hevnnlh street bgan to take
practical ahae. Hot the Inertia of tlie
council and the legal rel tape prevented
tli boa-Inning ol rtul work on the con
tract tilt late In ilia season. Tim con
tractor ha iiiIi.h1 tli work a rapidly
a possible, but no portion of till Im
provement Is yel uouipletud while a con
siderable length ol lhe street included ill
th contract baa nut yet Imeit touched.
Kvtin thoiik-li tlm swasoll holds ulf
till late there in ml lo mm h uf tlio
hevuntli lmi wuik to complete aftnr
tlm lalnaahall haven't in. T I I will ttiti!
lo Ilia ditlU'iilly ol lining a good Juli. Hut
li Iim to Ilia mercantile Intm-eat of the
city by reason of tlm Inability ol faruiitis
to drive Intotiiwn down Seventh slriNil
will lm serlmia matter. Tliut In tlm
iniwt liiiorUiit highway to tlm country
ml while It ii iiinalln thoe who
have Ikwu in tlm habit of trading In
Oregon City will go elsewhere. Koine
moans should be taken lo give tlm Mo
lalla road a practicable entrance lo Main
ptrml. If It Is loft witli one on I In tlm
air !l will divert tnuih trade from re;ou
City, A ii. I ill Ihla could have been
avoided by roniit ml ion in starting tlm
Seventh street w.irk,
Tin Wav to II (ma Faiir. K, It.
Amlivw ban an on'liartt on tlm bank of
the Willauintlv a abort tlintanca ahova
Canxmali that he la making luoim) from
by ulng braiua in tlm uultivatioii of it.
It wa an obi or. Iianl wli-n lie took it.
The trtwa were Miili-barko.l ami moaa
ruvrrml ami tba groiiml hail lmin ilml
up bitch almiil their root a ao that during
tlm dry aeawn they nearly rwriahed.
Mr. Andrew cleared Ibe trh from
about Ilia treea, plowed the ground and
illrrwl It well almiit the roota, i-rnTil
off tba nioaa and rotigli bark and put tlm
treea In go4 growing condition. Then
when tba proer time cama to deal with
piaU tba. attack Ilia dovoloping fruit be
apraryod tlm trwa with a aolution nf
I'aria groen (liniloii imrple waa II rut
lined bill I'aria gniun produced better ro
aulla). lty thia aort of aitonlioii Mr.
Andrew rained 20iH) bueliul of applea
free of worma and beautifully develo) et
axt:intina of fruit. He ta curtain that
Ilia treatment, if mraUttnl In by fruit
minora generally, will rid the oicharda
naeet ta and reatore the fame of
the Oregon red apples.
Company F or tii National Guam
Firal Lieutenant Oanontf of Company F
baa Iwen designated to take cha rgo of
tha property of the company in the tb
nance of Captain Warren, who baa moved
to Portland and roaigned from tlio cap
taincy of the company. Next Monday
night will be the regular annual meet
ing of Company F and Inspection of
olllcera. Colonel Beetle of Portland la
eapected to be present. Ist Monday
evening four new recruit wore received
Charles Postion. Thomas Moore, A.
II. Hpooncer and C. Shelian making
the atrength ol the company fifty-two.
Training for the athbtlo tournament to
lie held In Portland Novoiulier 11 has
already begun and the boys expect to
tak rliolr usual majority ol me prims.
T1k coninanv' committee ha begun
tirmiaration lor the third annual ball to
le given on the evening of November
2tl Thanskglvlng and the calculation
I to give the beat ball ever given by the
Tin Catiioi.ii' Ciii'Hcii Faih Tlmr.
.1.... ...! li'.t.tnu nvelttlitf'a nf hint week
my mitt . p - .
the Catholic church fair wna held at the
nrinorv. It had a Kood putroiuigo and
there was nearly tiHH) taken in on the.
two nights. Tlm prir.es JIhikmiihI of were
gold watch to the most popular young
ludy, which was awarded lo Mian Maria
Hiiydon ol the went eido; a dining
room set which C. O. Huutly ludd the
lucky number on ; a parlor stove to W
A. Hiintlv: a kitchen table to Mrs
8. Ackorman ; and a socretury to Georgo
T!,.,ld,iwav. The contest (or the gold
watch was a spirited one and the eandl
.t,.in ,f tba minor mills boys was sliccon
f,,l The candidate of tho east slilorn,
Visa (Iran Williama. was subsequently
presented with a gold watch by tho west
Hl.l.irs as sn evidence that the conwsi m
u,l,l..l, . Il.nu Weill HUCCOHsflll WHS not
,.l..Mllw.riinrHimiillv. TIlO lllilioSOfSt
John's church w'ihIi thanks exproHsed to
the Oregon City bnnd, Company t the
merchants and the public in gunural for
finportnnt purt cuiitriliiiUid by rm li tf
ward Hie aumiaa of tlm fair,
ami, of lb hardware llriu of Wllaon &
Cooke waa out In the Hprlngwaler country
I nut wnuk and b tolla tba KHTKUi'uiaa
that a great dual ia being done to Inctciife
the prima productiun of that locality,
Out man, Mr. (lutliurldiie baa thirty-
eight acrea of young bearing priiuu treua
fiiiiii wblcli be turned iilnely-eiiclil tone
IlHt,(XJ0 poiiinla of marltntiihln dried
pruuea tbla aeaaoii. The aauia orchard
la eapacted to greatly exceed tliia yield
next year aa the treea will lie In better
bearing condition, older and atronger.
Ilu will erect another drier In tima to
handle neat aeaaou'i crop, On Canhy
prairie great lutereat la being tuken In
ralaing peacli tiuna for the murket,
Hlxty tbounand were uiarketeJ fiom
there tbla year and ton tona of pita are
being planted tbla fall. The fruit Inter
eata will abundantly repay Intelligent
labor beetowod Uoii thoin.
laMx'ATa to OaiiAKlia, l.aat Fri
day bandbilla were eoaltered about the
atrenle announcing that thara would be
a liiaeting at Cauflald'a ball on Saturday
veiling to orgunlie a democrullc club.
It bring UnduraUtod to be a public meet
ing reimrter for the K.iTKici'kin waa
prcaenl to get the newa but it waa
at a tod lo him that tbla meeting waa In'
teiidml to be a " clone coiniiiuniou atTrflr '
and that no reiublicaua were welcome,
either In the capacity of newngiithiira or
otherwise. A lull hour alter fie up-
miIiiUh lime two deinocrata bad ar
rivml. Two or three othera dropnd in
Ller and a committee to draught con
atitutlon and by laa, conaintiiig of C. I.
I.atoiirelto, Jamea Thorn, II. 8. Mraight,
jr.. and I. LeMahieu, waa apoinled
with inatructiona lo rejiort at a meeting
lobe held ncit Katurday night for mrma
lient Oiganiaation.
Am Oi.D Cohi'oration 8ai, The cor-
Hirutliiil aenl uned by the recorder of
Oregon C ity ia probably the oldeat in
the atate. The city waa liicortwrated
while Oregon waa a territory. The re
corder a acul cxinniata ol a plain dink in
the outer part ol which ia "Oregon City
Corporollon, O. T." A Oregon bocarce
a alale in iMTiti thia aeal muni have lcen
niado and uod Indore that date. A
laural wreath la twined oiitaido circle
on the Inaide of which ia a represent
lion of the aim aelting behind a pile of
rocke. TheneaJ la conaiderabtv worn by
long image but itiaatill diatinct In the
main and aeemagoiMl for aa many more
yonra aa it baa already aerved.
A Naw Moxoa Lin a A gentleman
who waa In thia city early In tba week
and who la In a poeitlon to know what
tie waa talkir.g aliout aald that to hi
pueilive. knowledge arrangement were
now twini nerlected to build a motor
line up the went aide of the Willamette
from i'ortland to Oregon City. Arrange-
niontn for building the rond are, he aald,
now living made in the KhnL It w ill not
lie an extcnaion of tlm Seco nd street line
nor the Horthwick A Hatty Oswego
aclume. The gentleman would not
atate any of the details of the enterprise
put aaid he waa positive that the road
would aoon be built.
Ciii'Hcii Imi'sovkkknts. The St.
John's Catholic congregation has made
improvements amounting to more than
$1000 about its projrty this year, consist
ing of painting the interior of the church
and elxra repair about the church,
school and sister' house. All debts
contracted this year have been paid In
full. The congregation ia in a nouriaii
ing condition and further Improvements
about Ita property are contemplated.
Father tlellebrand take much interest
In the work and is doing much to im
prove the condition of hi flock.
RiroHM School to ne Oi'knkii The
board of trustee of the elate reform
school, at a meetinit held last Tuesday
decided to open the school November 5,
18111, The siiiierlntvndciits of the school
and hi assistants, will, herufore be
ready at the above tune to receive boys
between the age of 8 and 10 yean com
mitted to their cuBtody as provided by
law. All correspondence relative to the
admission of pupils to the school, or
other business pertnining to the institu
tion, should be addresBedto B. J. Miles,
superintendent of the state reform school
Salom, Or.
Bcii.iiinos on Hkvkntm Stkkkt Wil
liam Wade is building a store 20x30 foot
on Seventh at the corner of Monroe.
Ho will occupy It as a grocery and notion
store and will run a delivory wagon
when he commences business. Shively's
new store and theater building on
Seventh and Madison is Hearing comple
tion. The finishing touches are being
If Villi T. L. Charman's residence. A
number of other buildings will soon be
erected on that street.
Real Ektas Chanoks-J. F. Phillips
has traded! his bouse and lot at the cor
ner of Fifth and Madison streets to J
M. Ilockert for the hitter's seventy-six
acre farm at Highland. Robert J. liu
tol has sold through Thayer A Alden his
seven and a half acres at the junction of
the Molalla and Highland roads to Mr.
Itndhnrir of Portland for $2200. Mr.
Uedborg will move on the premises.
HoAimto tiih N'ihtiiwk'T The Ore
gon Iron AHluelCo.owiialiioru than half
the land but W"en here and Oawego. It
ia unditralood that thia land will aoon be
iil on tlm market and it will prove at
Irai'llve for aettleia. On account of the
a i mice altlment there now tlie roaua
are in very bad condition o that much
of tba trado fiom tliat direction that
would naturally find Ha way to Oregon
City If the roada were reaanimbly g'xxl la
now divertad to other pointa. When the
land la cut Into auiall farnm It la probable
that the roada will receive the attention
their Importance dnmanda.
NawCimai ii at Woodmch. Tha new
Methodist church at thia place waa ded
icated laat Hunday. Kv H. I. Wllaon,
ol Halem, presiding elder of thia district,
officiated. To free the Indobledneaa It
waa nereanary to raise 11,200 and In
few momenta 1.4()0 were rained. The
church and ground have coat fS.nOO and
il would he an .ornament to even a city.
It la probably tba finest church for a
city of tbla aixa In the country. Wood-
burn Indeendent.
Law and Kkal Estate Ham A. Hrnlth
and II. V. Wallermire have oiened a
law and real estate office In the Char
man block, rooma 6 and 6. Mr. Kmith
was formerly a leading attorney of Mess
county, Kansas, whs re be waa connty
prosecutor and be makes a awcialty of
criminal and land office business. Mr.
Watteruilre has bad experience In bank
ing and real eatato. The Arm ia a strong
Hfri sK on Tiia Kivkh Fkont There
is considerable complaint about ieole
who deposit refuse on the river Irint in
such a way that it lies and decomposes
ihme, giving rine to a stench that ia not
only unpleananl but must lie detrimental
lo health. The olTal from flab loarketa
and butcher ahopa is said lo find it way
to the river bank in violation of the city
Wln all remedies for scrofula fail,
Ayer'afamatarilla,if persistently used
effects a cure. Being a powerful altera
tive, it cleannea the blood of all Impur-
atics, destroys the germs of acrofula,
and imparls new hie and vigor to every
(line of the body.
Use Kcd Heal Hour.
Cse Red Heal Klour.
Use Ued Seal Flour.
Who sells lied Heal F.lourT
Williama the grocer.
E. E
Who sella Ked Seal
Williama the grocer.
Klour? E. E.
Who sells Red Seal
William the gtocer.
Flour? E. E.
A complete line of Hanging Lamp, at
E. E. Wllham. ,h. grocer.
(in to Ilellomv Bunch for your tin
ware and notions. 6 and 10 ct. counters.
V.ia Viaririiina in hhIi. doors and
mouldings, go to K. Finley, shop back of
Pope a Co , hardware store
Table, ciiairs, uiireaim, jxtinvcauo,
etc. .repaired at ltelloiuy Husch' second
. . . , TJ I... I-
hand Btore.
It. I.. Holmsn ha some special
i,...,,.,,. fn cliuirs and beadsteads:
slightly damaged but good as new. tf
Remember our cigars are all thorough
ly seasoned as we have an improved
ventilated Edison cigar case. Charman
A Co.
R. L. Holman, undertaker and em-
balmer, Oregon City bank building.
Room at left of head of stair over store
irr '" rani von ran make vour hen
lay by huving a package of F Food.
For sale bv Charman A Co., City Drug
Call and examine llartman's fall and
winter stock of clothing arriving this
week. You will get a bargain in suns
from $7.00 up.
ti,o (1 nout uWI inn of aociet v badges
and emblems ever Drougiu to uregon
Ciiv is now on display at Mr. Burineis-
ter's jewelry stoie.
Owing to the war between the great Watch Companies, the Waltham
and Elgin Factories have reduced the prices on all their stan
dard works to a price never before quoted. For the
next thirty days, commencing October 15,
Will sell all kinds of Waltham and Elgin Watches at a Sweeping Re
duction from former prices. Don't delay, but come at
You bad belter call on O'Conrmll and
nee lila cloning pricea on anininer cloth
ing an i undorwear, aa be la aellirg a',
pricea, that cannot be tfat.
Fnrmera having prwlucxi to will can
alwaya get the biglmat inrkct price at
the I'ark l'luce alore and In return can
get more for a dollar than eliwwlmre,
.1 IV nWiniii.ll llm tmimlnr elnthlnir
niuicbant has Inst received a large aU'k
of men's youth's and boys clothing for
me lati ami winter iraue, wiicn ne win
sell at prices never heard of before in
this city.
The I'ark l'luce Htore lakes the lead In
l.aM, t.ri.,11 Hml unrul I.ArtutMM A friaah
lot of shoes are just in that we are selling
at n g urea lar oeiow uie usual price.
Dont fail to give us a call aa we are luro
we can aave you money.
f .nntiien. mallreaaea. rilr.. can ls
bought cheaper at llolman'a than any
place In the city, because they are manu
factured in bia shop, and be givea bin
customeia the commission others must
pay to I'ortland dealera. tf
This Is Your Chance.
One of the best buainesa lota in Park
1'lace, near the depot, will be sold for
$1)' if taken within the next few days.
Address "iiargain," Enterprise office.
The Ut tall.
All parties indebted to Matoon A
fttorv. will save themselves further
troiii.fe bv ailing and settling their ac
counts. Must have the money, it ia
honestly due and we have waited long
and patiently.
County Treamirfr'a Sotlce.
I have now in my hands funds appli
cable to the pavmeut of all warrants en
dorsed prior to Dec. 18, lHM'.l.
Interest will cease from date of this
notice. H. B. CALiry,
County Tieasurer.
Oregon City, Oct. 23, 181)1.
Steam Engine fur Kale.
Two-horse power kerosene engine. Will
be sold cheap, as larger power ia needed.
Cau be run much cheaper than a wood
engine, and is perfectly aafe to handle.
Compact and atrong, and just the thing
to run a pump, feed mill, or eteam launch.
Address Kntkhtkik Omoa.
About Perfumes.
When we ose Per
fumes, we certainly
should use only the
BEST; and judiresof
perfume good judg
es, you know say
there are only four
or five perfumers who
make the beat that
Is, the VERY BEST.
There are a dozen
Good Perfumes,
But only a few best.
The BfefT it what
yon all want in per
fume if in anything,
particularly when
they cost no more
than the NEXT beat.
gnnoiur. thrt
lZtiJ a"e '
A Complete Line of which you will
find at
Cnuficld & Huntley's
Your Subscriptions!
Between now and January 1st you
will have to renew subscriptions for
most of your papers and magazines,
and choose the new ones you wish to
put on your list. You can
Save the Expense,
1 lie cnance Ol loss or ueiay aim au
the annoyance of remitting direct,
l.v louvinn vniir nnlnr at the Book
Store. We guarantee sate arrival of
the first number; or ol an numoers
if rou get them at the store. But a
still safer and more convenient way
is to get your periodicals at the
The News Stand.
Tlie nrice is the same with but few
AYepntinna : vou can usually get
tnem a day or two earlier than by
mail ; there are no missing or delayed
copies : you do not have to pay in
advance, and you can change when
you please or drop out poor issues.
Under The Yellow Awning,
Kext door to the Post Offloe
once, lor these prices
-r it km ii
Pure French Candies,
Hurst & Son's Buckwheat Flour,
Maple Sugar,
Welsh Bros. Maple Sap Syrup,
Log Cabin Maple Syrup.
But we do not sell Chinese Sugar I
Look Out For It I
es e. williams, the grocer,
Bed: Room: Suits
From $1 1.00 Upwards this Week.
Opposite the Post Office, Oregon City, Or.
On the west Bide of the river on the Oregon City and Portland road,
and Willamette river. Twenty-five minutes walk from the suspension
bridge. Affords a Kplendid view of the river, Portland and the East
side. This tract has been slashed and Bown in grass. Will be sold
cheap on easy terms. Apply to
luteal Cash Qpoeepy.
16 lbs. G Sugar, $1.00.
tW A full line of Groceries at these
opposite the Armory Hall, Main St., Oiegon City.
In Connection we run the only Exclusive Flour and Feed
store in
Keeps furniture made only from kiln
a short time he will offer
w..o v;. TV.TN an.i Rat Mattmfuwia of all klnda and sizes. Chairs, Loung
es, Windyw Shades, Etc., the best assortment in the city at prices low as the low
Undertaker & Embalnier.
win not last, very
to;k or
Coal Oil, per Can, $1.20
reduced prices. Remember the place,
uregon wiy.
- dried lumber, which is warranted.