lit! 1.1 ISH SCHEDULES OF TIME 0 U.T I'O 'K HTfAHKMM Vah On thk ClioHHiNd Ttixrn tim ilf . Mi'i I K Jl t 'tt'1 h t. J, Iwil i!P , i . i Sl ? mi in I'" in I i in. i I' hi ,., .. .v r.tiii u. a m. ) I in 4 i m li..nall " " ""'I' . iii'"M'l ", . up Jit V .... I li .1 i i if i. I . ' iiwi I'.niir i nil wu ... .iiiiiiiiii ' o.'nil l nt li nllti oi jii i ilni n I lutnlv al,i ai i a i I'.niir i nil u ... .mill, m ' !,.t,, ...I....- M I.Jh. "'III " .. . n .... ....... i.i, . . thi rtiMitiuiit litfrarlUiiiH nf tlm ..nil, 1 t"K un I llinl.-rwrHr. h , 1h Mt'llmiC u pruiniiiUii trulim (mm htuiiifiii.f ... truaalnu morn tluiii five inlmitt', In un 1'itmw rum Itiivo olmtiui tt., prici., that 111111101 I mi ln'ul. 1'ut li ii-rit liuviiiK tirniliiru 1o idl cull .UUIIt'ia iiiiviiik l.rmilHti in nun lit" ..I.. ....I ll .. 1 ' .1.4 1... I ......... ..I ... I. . r . li,1 ll.l,ini lllll RUI ll II ,1 ' Inti ill ilin Ntiitlnii nil iiMit nmliliii It viii v the I'm U I'l n o morn uml in rutin n ciiii tmonv.nliil for lliiwii Imi livnuii ilm """" f'' litilr thuti ! Imrf. l railway Iiiihi Hi 'MM muniKin ftinf luti.wtv N 'HI ! P"IMl. .) M" ' ' . jwi'lU- '"'"'I ,il lit MH Intra I"""' ,,1"", li,,.,!. I ! "'"''" . 7 ( a in ' in , liliilf Thi Volutin-, llltllllll'tl lllMli III lulu K I,,,,,',, J) ,,ril( ..rally IiiimIii .i oIiimtvh the Mili l li'tiimul tl t'tly orililiulliar tllt II J. W. O'Coinii'll tlm iiiitilnr t-lail tiinic iiinirliiiiit linn jift ri'cmvi'il n Iiuho 'ok ill limn' ymilli'n uml I my a clniliiiiK lor lilt' full ami ia Itiliir Iriiiln. wliiIi Ihi will ili'lhni t. Hit. iii'wanl,, triii kit.xnt.rti., !""!'"! I"'1' " n,'VMr '""'r'1 ol M"Ta '" ' a in n In ) in 7 l . in II u Ihr 1'ut tlantl lull'. fi,Stf. A.loiilll l"'vtr ()itxnn('ity i.. i ii... i.i ... mumi int. u.'ll'. ,,,, , u,ml,ll( (ulna mill tlirru will tin 1'iiiKur tin any lli-rranily fur ulialnlilin t-riMniliKH Whlln tlm nt'W Irurk Wlia ill inHi'aa ill r uialriii lliiii iiiiial n.iiitt iiiliinllti'il tit tilt' illrolivil lli il u It tli ill t ifrmiililiii.i I. nl ""r Iii'ii iillri tlm mli w ill kri i tin t' t nut l"l liliiii int'ii mIiii tiirilritaly viul,iln i till' lilW, M. CLCYDLAND' THE PHOTOOOAPHeR, Ciin tilvo you l'liotvniiliii ul to the linMt to I lni'1 In 1'urtluliU ttl priwu to :orruH)ini'l. All wik d livnnl jironiitly. linllnry twit door to llar.linx'ii lrt Htora, Ori'unii City. M. II. FlHiKxnn. J. T. Hill. iUllllllli, iinl U'l' Ml mill". .a. k. titfU HH"II) .i.lall.'' i U'lll 1IIIV.H V 111 1...!.. .. 'I'l... ;!'v ' I ' " " . ji .i i i ni srn iiir arUy i'iil't "l'l'"i l.rvrt ,. tin. Willum.-tL- vi.ll. ya iuiim. ,,, iii.lm. M'ny. -K-i. ;,..,,, r hii la jnat Bl,i,t Ihiialit..!, uml ,.vlli r.rlUi. t U .:ill , ,...t.,,.iv ,,;.,,.. I. i. !)u.Iim1 Id Ihi wri'tiljiy luri-r 1 1 ill II 1 i... ti . , mp yi'itr a rrni. .unity ni.w iirrimriiH (MHtltM HriH--.'"t!n niiii laiarin. tl.ia yrur nr tlm Ural limn, .1 I .. It.irn.lh lllimlllll ill altutt 1 mi.. I It,...- .....I....I ...l.l. ..I I., il. IJi'li'i '-" - - '! i. i'i'.iiii i, hii'i.-.! i'l int. iti'iiii;.' n-t, d-jllwriol rmly Ut "ik. ( r.ii in tin. t.l.l tiulntr.l, IhIiiu tint tutal minima ") U'l1 I'itl" H "! t.i: tnlinit m t.i a liiiiitlmiiiiit lltrnri!. Tin. , ,,.. lliri Ilm "riw Ii-iiM If ! iriniK l n In Oirumi U aur- .l lriiin I''" ""'V Piiltlrlfiil t.i t t.ia, itn.l lln-ir cultlvnti.iii limy xs ix- , ) ay .niMtly, llimpynr, .ilr mmIp. tn ini tnaart Itoin yrr tn year (tir itia '""lit tlrhvrrtxl in Mr. j many yvr. Clm kainua rniliity lina ifttli'i '" ltintil it I'.'i i many urift nlftiie priiim Uml. (iri' t lm yv i.ruiii-a rnniiimml kikI rii-in vi'ty- tti'H'llnil in (lit it.i uml Iti -v lmvt tlma fur tiiovnl T.i llilt jiriKwiluiK Mr. Yiiii)f ; (ItiMiiM.lvin a mir i-tntt, Tlm iiitiii ntii'im uofrr.1. Tlii'r.iiun IWrinlli tlimat- . m tlmt nrul vi r tlicrti will I tivt J In ihilal.'ii"ifl I'il. I'f " k li"iii"-. Imirii a many pruni-a rttim-.l tta tlirru intrrlwrB villi ai tl.ia yenr kinf nmiNM'l lm", ii. Imn tlm ' - - I in . noil lie iln.lciitaik In '(ily () mio to IIohm It U tlmt jWaiiirr riiiinint lrr.tjiii loniin i tin t.iKii u( ()at.(ti la ali.iitlv to iitve ( A, bun un tlm i i alli'Kod. i Iiikiiii. A iii'.icr ami a. Imnk are rtlWirrlli ttirt lt ol tli l iiti..Tti. t. lut amoiiK th ntriri" J lirarvl tiy Jualli't" I In raUlilialivJ tlirru. It la nlwi Haiti It j'iry trial and tlmt mi ltvlrlit nintnr ill conniM-t x ill the vidini- aa Mi tlm an iianrj;.) tnd I'nrtlaiid. Oawi'KO Ima tliu yn n-atliMl illi tlie Itmttrr till lat llHtral tiianiiliit tnriiiti ratau!i"lnmlit In tlm Nnrtliwirnt, tli aini'llcr and .i Kurka ul th Orrmon Iron A Stwl com imny. It it lao one o( tlm nldral town inOrptf .n. The t.l.l hotid atun.liiin on the river hank la aald to Imye ihi1 I'M, (Ml and a ruiiiiiionilctj itiurturu it la, loo. Tlmliiiiilwr In it a innufi turd in tlm aUl ol Maine end hrouitlit around Cat II rn eerly in the 40'e. It i now e boarding liouae lor the Iron men. mhl hi'n, Mt o Iwp" of twuiciil mmn verdirt they were .lnnil. The jury wa evenly (vJnl l t'nctnvlrtim and eMilttal. i cuunty 'y the t!. thia rily. I.uimntii", iiutlieaarH, cti!., run Un hniiKlit rli'tiit.r ut 1 1 .1 1 1 in n 'h thiin Hliv iii.r In tlm fit w, l.n iiiiHf tliry are iminii lui'ttiriid in hia aluip, uml hi' Hive" lii ruxtiiiiii.ia tin. riiiiiiiiiwuin otlirra iiiuhi mv to l'nrlliiiid ili'tili.ia. tf 'I cuina Hiintfil. Twriitvllve trulim wiinlrd on urmln ol Krvt'lilli 'atrrrt, Orvvoh t'ity. Apply oil Kmlllllla, 111 llll l'r.ll lirl. II hum- for Unit, A liniint. ill lUi. riMiiii. altiiiili'd Btlicnd ol Kourtli atri-rt hi iti rn. To biiihII futility .nly. Addrriaa "II, KnterpriM) omce. liniini For Unit. I'' riuim tlin.M lilmka from liiiainrn purl ol town Uiw rutn uivrll to iHTiiutnunt iti(, A.mrcHa u. l-.s rHPKiHK ollirt'. Thin la Your Clianre. due ol tin' licnt luiKinrKa lot ill Perk i'l.., .. ii. ...r tin. ilmiiit will lm Hold (or tat' i'l taken witliin tli next few day. Addreaa "li.iruin," hnttirpime oinoe. Tile LtiNt lull. All partiea indrlitt-d to Matoon A Storv, will ative theiiiilv liirllier lr.,1'1 In liv i.ulliiiLr anil Ki'LllillLT their BC rount". Sliott huve the money, it i lii,iiftly tine and we have wailed long ana pullemiy. Hteam KeRlne fur Sale. Two-horne itower kerowne engine. Will i ai. 1. 1 1'liauti lnriTHr ittiwnr m neetled. Can lm run much rlieiir than a wood enuine. end i perlerlly ante to Imndle. Compart and lmnt, and jnat the thing lo "in a pump, iwti nun, or aieam launni Atl.lreaa l'..HTlilii'KiK wnn. Flanagan & Hill, WIIOf.KHAI -K ANIi KKTIL LIOUOR STORE. .... iiil'Ii i'lltf UVHT Uf.V.t:TI(lN Kr.r.rn 11.1.1' ..... - -ill Wlnri,, Ale. It.or, Ac, In IK Iminii In Hit Hiala. j (II vr ma a call. In lgui-KalUam lllixk HALF AND HALF ON DRAUGHT. CLIFF HOUSE, J. II1TTNKK, rropr. Tito Oltlral l'lrt Uii lloml lai OrtK.iu Hy. C ten n room with romfortabte IkmI. Taldre aiipplird with the iot the mar ket all'iirdH. GROCGRieS. Crockery, Glassware, Lamps Lanterns, Lamp and Lantern Fixtures. E. E. OlILiLiIflCDS, THE GROCER. Ri tiiT va, Tiu rWii'Tiieee Pai iir. .d rk W. T. Iturner Iwnan ;. atjaliial tlm Houllmrn IVlftc rail uy company lo rraliain it from aril I rartatn land In Ihla eotmty which . pttrrliaawl atiine time ao. The com- int reiitix the liUloiy m ttie larnt ma to the Orenon A California road, J atalee tlmt plaintiff bought from de sdnt eonit llVW arree of land In kainaa county, einbrar! In eaid tel. whirU la now tJW per i n He iUt for a part of the land and u lo have lime to 1 the Ulence. It it llleitwl that the company now de lude that he pay llile balam at once ' il will rani.Ml hia tltlo. and a"!! the ind to kiiimina elan. He aake that an i.-Jr be grantetl rwitrainlnn the railway lny from aellinn the lnd h'"" (wndency of tlm entt, and alao tlmt cominy'e title, be canceled and land revert to the government it IVady Rrante.1 an order citing the ndant to apir and ehow cauee hy the Injunction akcd fur eliould not grantisl. City Restaurant, ANDLOIXilSUHOl'SK, Mrs. MARY T3CH0RIXG, I'ropr. Main HI., Oiegop City. HOT MKALH AT AM. IIOl'KS, 1.AK0E KOOMrt AM) CI.KAN BKI8. PKICE KEAHONABLE Bed: Room ' Suits, From $1 1.00 Upwards this Week. BEIailjOMY cSfc BUSCH, Pii: 0l IIA.O MTOKK, Opposite the Post Office, Oregon City, Or. ohnsonTheJeweler, AM) OPTICUS, Hat Ju.l i.pi-nei up complete line ot Watebei, Johnson The Jeweler, AND OPTK'IAN, Opposite Cliarinan Dros. Klotk, Ha opnl up a rnmplete line of Watchea. 1 , i. ...... .nil Ullverwar. biu..if.iw, Fine Knpalrlui and Eurvlrtf a ipelHr All Work Guaranteed. Carn-a in ma PAWt aa CotTY K J.h lleiMwIllne, writintf to the F.nTite uii from Fairfield. Htiokane county '.ih , eaye: ' Threahiim I two-third" 'i. Weather, windy, cold and wet, ilh Inuila at I.1..1.I CrOIHI front HX ium to Oarflold in Whitman county are DiJerahly below Hie averaite. in W tlclnlty ol Garfield, ColtaX. raionee i ity. Pullman and I'nlontown in waen ikUiii and Mnnrow. GeiieMce and the b otlatrh emiiitrv. In Idaho, crone are n- . ' " ' ... rally U'tur. but not near ao rooo a Put year. Wheat anile here (or eiaty- Ibree tn litv.itlirht cent a btiehel, ill. MVHnttf.flviimnta nor 100 lb. The rlliem Paitlflo and Uie TmMo Eleva 'irctmiimnv ara dnliiif a very alini buai m thl anaann owlntf to tho tmnienae llmimiana ami nther f lift 1 1 1 H IS II1R rmera allianre ha built alonil the HlWtM tl Xln.ll.ilrn Vail IHn and Union I mW vi tun nuihin'iii l'oill railway! tliroiiliout tho ralotieo ounirv . A (.axrixK Cadtilivib. The bin can Hlmar Lridire whli h I lieinu built acroea the Willamette river at Albany Is under the upervllon of Frank J , Miller, eiom u( the boaid of railroad eommllonera, who I the engineer eelected by the city m amrintnd the comtruction of the bridife, which, when completed, will lie il,. .,! cantilever brl.lue in the ttate. Ttie etrurture, with the exception ol the .w.. lll wi antlmlv olateel and will be 2,000 feet In lenKh. The central apan ie to be 4W feet long and three other will be 300 leet each. The entire worn ofi-uUing It in place, lok'e'.hcr with the material, wilt cot l(X,t"J. n w peeld to have the elruotiire completed by January 11. Au.iii.ii filTV MANirACTt'etNU Com- Wmi.-rjMt Friday the cae of the Oregon City Manufacturing oompeny r Contractor John Martin ana mi inroiie. . w . -!...! E. J. Jeffrey and lieorge nam w. mm. In Portland . The company made a con tract with Martin to build the ad Ji'ion to the woolen mill here ami 11 ciaimeu ... . i .. i..t ti,. htiildina accord- in onior i" " Ing lothe plane and pe.;lflcUonii under i.ui. M.rtln wa working It had to ex- wiuti. . - i urn .fi. Martin bad Quit. The jwiiu '- company got verdirt for 750. When wa uee nerlutue we certainly should ue only the best; n! Jll8e of perfume good Judge, you know aay there are only four or five perfumer who make the best-thel n, ttie very best. There are a doten good Ones, out only a lew best. The best lo "i'"1 yu 11 "nt in P"r,u,ne if in anything, particularly when they mat no more than the next heat. Connoieieur aay that 1 aimer, Wrlght'e and 8tearn'a are tho best, a complete line ol which you will find at CaulW'ld A Huntley' Pharmacy. A. W.SCHWAN, Tlxo Tinner, ill xi. .' or Tin, Shan Iron, Copjxjr, Roofing, bnouting ana numoing. Jobbing Work Done to Order At Short Nolle and at Reasonable Price. Tin Fruit Cam at Portland Prieea. 8hon on Seventh Street Near the Ipot. li;' DiWOra ADDITI TO OREGON CITY. LOTS AND TRACTS On the west side of the river on the Oregon City and Portland road, and Willamette river. Twenty-five minutes walk from the suspension bridge. Affords a splendid view of the river, Portland and the East side. This tract has been slashed aa& sown in grass. Will be sold cheap on easy terms. Apply to J. TOMPKINS, OREGON CITY. W. T. 8P00NGER & GO. i ,. fiem CashGPocepy- NEW STOCK, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES. i v TnwHameTO aa OraNo The atirvey of townahip 1 iontn, range 6 east, . ill 1.. Ait ha been approved ana win t .1.- ...!... n..t Monday. October 19. Thia town.hlp con.iet of wme of the flneettlmlrer land In me vaec bill and It Ii comparatively accwalldo. There wilt undoubtedly be a brink de man.! for tract in the now township. CUtKAHA HlltOOI. ClMMIKKH. AC Urtlil.i, In llm niiuirt of Muimrlntendont nionmon tiled with the etntn u(Hirin- n.l..nt of public Instruction tho nmni'or ildiil,li..i, i.f .i hool ami In CK'knniaa Willy ,Mttrli 1 wiiHtHto of wl"" !ro(.irnd on the record of the county -I'lioolw. Only four conntlea l" lnu ititii,iii ii xfiirtnii. l.ann anil - i iiiiiiiiiiiiiii, in i '"in-hud grtmlur mimbom ul school ng ""l only Mnltnottittli. Murioiiund Lane '"'I grentt'r iintnhoril otirollod. Tho 1Jll mnnlior ol school children rei"rtea 'tlie etnte wn 1011,172; number en rolled 72,!t'2, BUSINESS LOCALS. ANkw l'm.i.Tiiv Vaiui.-K. l'arkor i llttilitr it,. n nf tho finest poultry """he in tho sliito of Oregon on tho wHtsl,li. ii.., ,lunr. Ho hue liua ex- Plenc.o in tlmt lino of liiiHinoss ami is tiding eoiiHidorublu money In piovid iK every fmillily for rftlHiunaml knopinK KtndHof poultry. J Ut will give attention tobred)ng fowls for fimelors WH un . tho morn firacticnl brunch of I'mvidinu poultry prodticlH for tlm ut. .. ii,n nniich for your tin- wand'noKs.ndlO ct. counter. t. ....ul, .t.uirn lit K I pope A Co imri." TaI.Ios chairs, llnreiius, UwlHteads, oJSirodatllomy-lluh;-'' hand store. T) T llolnmn bun sonio spoclid ...',h f, t'luirs uml beedstoailH; iliKtitiydn.n.ige.Hmgoo.luow. tt . ..!.... a fli nil thiirotli:l liememherour - ,,.,, y aeaHoneit ft " rh iriiian . .ii i i.'.iia..n enriir dine- tnarmuii VeiHIIHU." & Co. . R. L. Hulman, ..nilorlakcr end om- suBscuirnoNS Tatie AT Publisher's Rates, roa ANY PAPER PUBLISHED. ar I 14 4l.A n.iMA WA laO thU ffiit. Save youreelf the trouble and expense of remitting, by calling at the NEW BOOK STORE, Noxt door to Port Oftloe, under The Yellow Awning. P. a All the monthly mglnii hve ar rived. Com in end look mem over, Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECON CITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THE BRIDGE AND DEPOT, i TV-tnlila and A incrle Riizs. and sad dle horses always on hand at the lowest imces. A corrau conuevieu wit Vi the bam for loose Btock Information regarding any kind of tock promptly attended to by person or lottnr Horses Bought and Sold. JUST LOOK I 16 lbs. G Sugar, $1.00. Coal Oil, per Can, $1.20) T-itfaT A full Una nf ttraM-iftft at ttkese reduced prices.. e.a - opposite the Armory Hall, Main St., Oiegon City. Remember thv place, A. L. CORNWALL'S NEW DRUG STORE. Molalla, Orescon. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES. NOTIONS, TOILET ARTICLES, ETC., ETC. Full Stock of Patent Medicines. Prescriptions carefully compound in Pnstuflice Build- CV1. WVV v - " - Aijont for all lead ing newspapers Keeps furniture made only from kiln-dried Wer, which ia warranted. a short time ha will offer For Bed5teads i o nr .i. t .11 Vinita ami aiie. Chairs. Louftg- woven wire, iopanu i" - . ea, Windy w Shades, Etc., the best asaortmwt in the city at prices low as the low eat. Undertaker & Embalmer. " . - i n natircnti niirs fflfi IS DECIiRED I ..... I. a vMiti 1n!lrt For 28 cents yon can "V" i layby buying ft paekaKJ ' "j Kor mile bv Chiirnmn A Co., Htoro. from 17.00 up. ter's jowolry stoto. rwine to the war between the great Watch Companies, the Waltham aid IE gSctories have reduced the prices on all their stan a dard works to a price never before quoted For the next thirty days, commencing October 15, MRS. C. H. L. BURMEISTER once, for tnese prices win uui mdi .uj - D. STREET. OREGON CITY,