Oregon City Enterprise. A GRAND STRAnnLlUsiJT, FRIDAY, IHTOUF.U 0. lS'.U THF. MTV (01 M il. HOI ls V TIIUTFU MKKTIMM. I'RU. (r the tiitntlfrhiry I A l.ovir ltcl'l the pumping jlant, I to t ill ivoiM of l!in candie. . cigar, j had im doubt that Mr. Mtllivati waa!en g.'t vlm they want at hose conn-j Hkll.inl uii itiiiiiiuutr ill..,-., uua in t i I tor In III"' I'OstoltlcO tillilding. j .... .. ...... . . . om wt goit my ws ttoi miiiii vi u l CASH PRICES Clackomas Co. Clorfc ot Conn. hrirt. Kor,tr. Trwtmwr, AeMor. m-hxl 8tyrltiteuliit, Surveyor, Corouer, Commissioner, Johu W. N.U.I Al. fh.niiti !lll,,?Y Smvth Ir. C. P sSiillu I t'h.rlen Mivhiike I CnrntUut Hair No- OOfRTS. Clreutl conrt evnw drl Miut:y In Tcmoor and Uml jinu.tay in April. Probate esurt In nation Brat Monday lu each month. rommtaalfluer emirt m,t( ri WtttneMay after tM Morula? of each mouth. ORKtiOS CITY OFFICKKS - T. W 8ulllan I. U IVrter J. S. Purilotu S. K. Uiwu F. R. Charman II. S I MI l Iloberf W. II. Hwn SUInpv Smyth Mayor, kooorvter, -Vhief of Polic -A!wntir, - T7snirr, City AtoniY, 8nwtl,ommWlr.nr, fnp't. of Water Worki, t'itv Kneiurer. I'ouueilmeu Hiram Coehran, J. W. Nolit. J. li, Paner. Jam,-. Wilkinson. C. l. Ut.urtt, Kou Charman, J. W. OTonutll and T. P. KDiNll. Council meet Ant Wdnlay of aoh month in pity hull. THE MAILS. Malta etna ittin North. A. M 1J0 P. M. Mall elm (olu( South. M0 A. M.. :'. P. M. IIDI BOITK. Orpfon City to Mill!, Mullno. Cunt and Wilholi. Lmtpi at 101R a-m. Mondays, Wed laya and Fridaja and return ! lu.cOam. oo tnllowtnf day Oregwu City to Mink. darks. Mullno. fnlon Mlllt and Meadow Hrook: laave at 100 a m. Tncaday, Thursday and Saturday, and returui oo hiUowiut day. ' SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Rose keep just the cigar you want. Fresh peanutf hot from the roaster at Rose's. Our " New Today" column contain several wants that yon way be able to fill. W. V. Jessie, the enterprising mer chant of Barlow, was in the city Tues day. Hon. Tillman Ford, of Salem, waa in the city on Saturday last onjegal busi ness. ' ' At Rose's counter in the post office bnilding you will find the freshest candy in town. There are several announcements in the business local columns that will in terest yon. There will be preaching at Park Place -next Sunday evening at 7:30. All are cordially invited. For delicious pastry and elegant rolls, twe Red Seal Flour. For sale by E. E. Williams, the grocer. Directory. !Th Water Work InveMltratlmt I'ttt to w.-j.j.t.r5iiiKMi smcvu t tmitriiiiKii neakcu en . j w Mrf.ir,. . " .. , ployed by the city . . n. it. J.,h,n 1 here was a full attendance at the ; even the father of the v T Vhii""k !ri'Kulr council meetin Wednesday s. R. t iir nicht. After the atnrovaI ni tlm m n- utes of the previous ntvtiit) a statiMtient of the city engineer that Contractor Peters had performed work to the value of (HXX) on the Seventh strevt improve ment, with the ncomniendation that he I paid .'.VkJon the contract, was suU mitted and the payment was orderetl in atordauce with the recomtnendation. A petition for the cow ordinance hear ing sixty-five names m read and a remonstrance against its passage con taining thirty-eight names. The Elec tric Light company retried that it had nine 2000-camlle power arc lights and fifteen '.'5-eandle-power incandescent running in goed order. The location of the tight at the head of the Fourth street steps was ordered changed so it would better light the steps. A report from the citv engineer as to the tilling of ceHain city lots was referred, and the report of the recorder that seven drunk and, disorderly had Ken before him during September filed. Tax Collector Green reported that he had collected fcJftU of the ft343 due on taxes and asked for an extension of one month to complete the work, which was given A petition for a sidewalk on Tavlor street between Seventh and Twelfth was referred as was also one praying for the establishment of a grade on the same s'icct. Bills wete read and re ferred and after recess reported and or dered paid as follow s : George Rroiighton, lumber $4.r8 IS Mrs. J. E. Samson, bd, prisoners 14 87 John Kelly, salary fi" N J. . t'tinloiu, salary 81 00 L. L. Porter, salary 42 M) Storv Broa.. fire department ! 50 W. F. K. Co., light Sti 10 J. D. Slover. sexton 5 (XI Sidney Smyth, surveyor lOti (X) This Kxtkbi-risk, printing 7 ,V) C. Hoberg, salary isj oo A. W. Franc, extra on stairs 27 80 ,C. O. T. Villam. Treasurer M 75 Pope A Co., Supplies. ,3U Jft On the question of paying the bill of Hugh Peters, $206.40, for sewer pipes. j from the Seventh street fund, Latourette land Randall voted, no; all others, aye. I There was difference of opinion at to whether it was proiierly chargeable to that improvement. Then came what everybody was look ing for, the special report of the com mittee on fire and w.ter. Through twelve pages of legal cap the history of the water works, pump aad pumping I station and Mayor Sullivan's connec- tion with them was detailed and in con clusion the adoption of Noble's resolu tion, which had occasioned this report was recommended. That resolution There will be preaching at Mountain j calleJ uPon tl,B mayor, who was merely View chapel on next Sunday afternoon at j employed as an expert mechanic to set 2:45 p.m. All are invited.' I the pump and stution at that time, to j refund the money he received for such i service on ttie ground that lie had not I done his duty. The report was signed ! hv J V nTrmnall .n.l P T T (.,. ette. Then the mayor unrolled a bundle of manuscript, whh was even longer than the report of the committee, and with a prefatory statement to the elicit that he had not intended to present it but would do so because of the misrepre sentations in the committee's report, he proceeded to read his few remarks. He characterized the move as one inspired by malice, attributed the authorship of the disturbing resolution to some "al leged lawyer" who, it was evident, did not enjoy the esteem of the mayor to any extravagant extent. Then the history of the oump and the pumping station was recited from his standpoint a.id a conclusion diametically opposite to that of the committee was reached. He said that a pump to answer every de mand of the city could be obtained for 'V75 he was prepared to make that offer on the spot and he intimated pretty strongly that the difference be tween that sum and what the city paid for the present pump, some I'iOO, might be considered to represent the price of official influence in buying an inferior machine. When the mayor resumed his seat things looked sqnally. The electric light turned pale and the chief of police grasped his club with a tighter grip. Before the question upon the adoption of the' report was stated Noble was on on his feet declaring the mayor's allega tions as to the authorship of his resolu tion and the sentiment that inspired it to be willfully untrue and that there was no other, person but himself responsible for it in any degree. O'Connell moved the adoption of the report of the com mittee and afterwards took occasion to repel the imputation of bribery put, upon him by the mayor. " He said the trans-, action of the fire and water committee The best line of cigars at Charman & Co. "Genuine Estrella" ouly 10c at Charman & Co. city drua store. The home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Andrews, of this city, was brightened last week by the advent of a baby bov. The members of the Patriarchal Circle iiave arrangements made for a very suc cessful ball this evening at the armory. Red Seal Flour bakes better, whiter, sweeter and more bread than any other. For sale by E. E. Williams, the grocer. Remember our cigars are all thorough ly seasoned as we have an improved ventilated Edison cigar case. Charman & Co. For 25 cents you can make your hens layby buying a package of Egg Food. For sale by Charman & Co., City Drug Store. Blanch Fitch and Carrie Laur, two of Eugene's young ladies, were guests at the Ackerman home in tnig city during the week. Justice Fouts went fishing last week and caught a cold which laid him up several days. He is attending to business again now. - Mr. and Mrs. Geo.' Howell and Miss Alice Graham, of Portland, were the guests, last Sunday, of Miss Myrtle Howell of Canemah. place lor engineer anyway and Mi. Sullivan probably knew more about pumpx now tiian Dclottt ho was em- He doubted hether resolution would be really in favor of making Mr, Siillt van refund the money he had received for his service though hit service had not proved what it Wat exnvled to be. There was considerable discussion and the more it waa discussed the haner the subject got, and the hour was getting so late that l.atourette'a motion to indefinitely poslHm received not a single negative vote. The ordinance vacating a portion of the public square east of Harrison and south of Seventh for the erection of a public school house wit read the that tune and ordered published together with a no tice for a 8ecial council meeting October 111 to consider the matter further. Ordi nance establishing the grade and assessing the cost ol improving and fix ing the time and manner of doing the woik on Washington street were read the second time and assed. The celebrated cow ordinance came up for passage and every alderman but Charman debated it moat of them two or three times. At first Cochrane was in favor of it if a little time should 1 given in which people could dispose of their cows if they chose, and prepare yit the enforcement of the oidinance, O'Connell, who introduced the ordinance was agreeable to susiending the altera tion of the ordinance sixty or ninety davs but he wanted the ordinance nassed. latourette then talked some, deprecating the putting on of city airs, urgint the retention of the row as a mat ter effecting the health of the babies and finally questioning the validity of the the ordinance as drawn because it d'd not apply to the whole city and wis, therefore, special legislation. He had bcenlin the favor of the metisure at first but had changed his mind. When he had finished Cochrane thought the legal objection was a good one and he shifted over to the opposition. Wilkinson thought the street were too good past ures not to be fed tlown by neat ami cultured kink. Noble waa in favor of the law because rattle educated to the high degree of Oregon City bovine I could not be trusted abroad in the city. O'Connell thought this ordinance no more special legislation then the one establishing fire limits. Latourette said it would be well to enforce ordinances already enacted on the subject. Porter and Randall were in favor of the meas ure. Finally it got to a vote, tho coun cil split in the middle and it was lost O'Connell, Randall, Porter, and Noble voted aye, and Charman, Cochrane I-atoiirette and Wilkinson no. As a favor to O'Connell, Cochrane gave notice that he would move for a reconsiders tion of tte vote at some future time and council adjourned to Tuesday evening. To the Public. Dr. I.. White, the dentist, will here after he in his oitlce in Orvmm City from 1Mb to ttie 2lsl in eiieh moiilh. tf For Heiil. A piettv, attractive and well finished house, eight rami, hard Mulshed, siglillv location, near school and post olliee." Kent ll per month. Applv to lUvu ros . Wasiiiioi kn, Park Place. County Treatirer's Notice. I have no in my hands funds appll culde to the payment o( all wsrranis en dorsed prior to IVc, 7, 18811. Interest will cease front date of till notice. S. It t'Ai.irr, Count v Trecisuier. Oregon City, Sept. 2.1, I81. iv Ui mutinied Sugar, 1m pmnid .,' " per suck, 100 list Extra V Siiuar, pel sin k, t H ....... tiiHhl I'ncoloied Tea, 1' I'1 Royal linking I'oader, per II Climax Tobacco, per lb Best Thread, 7 s'l" ,1.11 . Mm , 4 IK) . 1,00 , .4o . .45 . ,25 Urown .villo Clothing, Flannel slid Blanket, the lt lit Aiuerl,, General Merchandise In g'cat variety. Hi:!' UOOIitt !! LOW 1.11' I'HK I HAMILTON & AMiKaX, (lackanias, Orun. A W'liemnii' Adrh-e. Wisdom cries alottp nd says, 'How NEW STORE I NEW GOODS! long, oh ye son of toil, ill ye neglect to i W. . J IVOO I IV, I JUrlOW i tf,, visit the Second-hand and Notion store where vim can get more good (;r i dob lH,Wl the. Ixst ftix'k of gisal ever ImHIght to ('lnekltiim VtiMi lar than anvw here else mtowiiT I in. 1 I the lollowlmr ati.l if a ,,,.,. ft,..; ii,..h le. 2 naner. 5c,: o.nn,... ... . ,v . spoon, per et. 5c. : 10 quat dish pans, there. 18 HliythtliK J'otl lre in itceil of. .M I WklkiUli!., iMMlltlltt'M. 1 A California Home. At a bargain one of the !et located fruit farm in Placer county, California ol 40 acres. Teea Just commencing to bear, all standard varieties. Hue mile from railroad shli'piug inditt. Good uil and pure water. Good building, and la one of the most desirable home in the Scromonto valley, a line view ol which tan Iw had from the house. Dry COOd$ Finhrai-lng, In addition to regular sto.lt, tine lino of l-adie' lte Good, ol the latest style, bet qtmlilv.at reasonable pritt-. Furnishing Coodt-H"'''" " tlemen and ladies. Millinery Coodt-l I" Hal ami Bonnet, RlbUm. Trim mings, Etc. Term on application to Tiiayk A , u and Curt a Complete aaort Autkx.Orvgon City. Oregon. ft I , . . fl,r ... .... boy. BooU and ShOOS-'rgaln III thi line. Every ie an I alyle de manded by the trde, Great Reduction Cabinet Photographs -0.NI.Y- Cl0th!n-AII wool, price an,! tie to tiit. t or men ami Ihiv. CrOCOrlO-All lreh and t1rt rhu In quality, Full l'-k of ntitiiod dried fruit. Hardvaro-"riiir' nd men' ul, lttillders's and 8lj Hardware. Nlt, Itolt and thing wntl In this ln, All tW leading brand In CnlUry, Tinware, (iUwaro and tWkrj, Chk, Patent Madhlne, Hctx and Account Ihwk, Nuiinnt, T b.iond Cigar, and a full lit. 4 Toilet Alttch-. S2.50 PER JJOZEN ml H,,ltt11 J'Miu U ,u-v rul' such inducement n will get it. Thwaito' fWTlw alnive U but a lucre outline of whiit I carry in stock. I nui after your trmlu and willofo fit l7 First Mrrt, Het. Morrtioa and Yamhill, j PORTLAND, OKEtiON I Cily Res ami MASON WliTON, l'ro. Hot Meals at all Hours Mo VIore Wet peet! Nil MOUK L'SE F0I! lillllllKIIS. Lunches also served A full line of Clears, Candles, Nuts anil ('mined Fruits. Give us a trial ami renteuilsr the plac at OI ,n A Lout' old itund. We have now on hand a complete tin of Children', Youth', 1W;,' Misse' ine Calf Cnlined Mioe that r guarantee In every parll, ular. Tls shoes are made very n-l and are s.rfn't filter. The children' and iniw' try a lring heel, the vouth' and Iwya' in heel. t'liiUlrrn ran wear lhee l3 w inter long WITHOUT Vndertaker C. P. Winsett ceived a new hearse to urn- in iness. has re his bus- NEW TODAY. Highest price paid for by Blimey A Iraper. county orders There will be a regular meeting of the board of trade next Monday night. Members should note the change in date of meeting, and make it a point to at tend this meeting. Buv vour boots and shoes at Hamilton A Washburn's. (Jliulity the best and prices as low as the lowest. 20 H. sugar 1.00 this week. , Porter i Robertson have put up an other fire in their shop. They are good workmen and are prepared to do all kinds of blacksmith work at short notice. Humphrey & Tretnbath have re opened their fish nmrKct on Main street next door to the Armory Hull, and receive all kinds of fresh and salt witter fish. Prices reasonable, tf JohnsonTheJeveIer. AM) OPTICIAN, Haft Jtml itnrtt uj fomHetf linn of M Alt-lira, C'ltM-tcs, Jrwvlry ul silverware. Johnson Tho Jeweler, AND (il'TIi'U.N, Opnnsile ( Imnniiii Ifrns. II lock, II aa cirnril up a i iimplHi! litis nl Wlcln, I'ltM-ki, irwplrjr an.l Sllvrrwire. Flue KrvalriiiK ami Kruiravliif a vrclitlt)r. All Wurlt ifiiarautrvil. UiiIiIk-m, anil yet have DRY Feel. The h- are entirely out of the r.-gilbtr line t. x tosit hoe. I'sraiiti' buy these ho- for your children, and stve d's-tur lull. We will have, in txt ten day, a full line of the alov hta' in ladies' ite in bull. .it. OREGON CITY SHOE HOUSE, lluok lllorti, OrrKnn 4 I(). Orr(M. FOR- ABSOLUTELY PURE DR.UGS on Tn f A. HARDING. AT TIIK- MiS'K HIT COMPETENT PHAHMACISTS EMPLOYED The business Of Listinan & Witz, les sees of the Oregon City brewery, was put into the hands of the sheriff Wednes day on attachments by San Francisco parties having claims aggregating about 1000. . , Mr. R. B. Linville returned last Friday from a trip to the Kalarca river country in Cowlitz county, Wash. As a fanning country he was not impressed with it, but for timber lie thought it could hardly be equaled by any section he had yet visited. I The Park Place store is the place to trado. JSelore layinii in your Fall and Winter supplies call on Hamilton & Washburn and see their immense stock of goods. Pktkis Cvrlink. 50 cent bottles war rented to keep the hair in curl in warm or damp weather from three days to three weeks. Ask your druggist for it, or address Frank Kau, druggist. Hotel Portland, Portland, Oregon, or Petris Hair Parlors, 514 Nicollet avenue, Min neapolis Minn. Wanted. To make a contract with man and two teams to take slab wood from our mill. Good sale and steady supply. H. E. Ckoss, Mgr. Floe Perfomertes and Toilet Articles. . Aim a full utiH-k nf ZFjHTTS- OILS, etc. The Best Place in the City TO lll'Y Meat iFine illine i ! ParH i i i I Gooi s piaee ) Jtore. ALL NEW STYLES AT LOW PRICES. iaT'oiiTs CIGARS, FRUIT, Confectionery, Do You Want a Girl? Two young women from the country, capable of taking charge of a house, de sire positions in a private family, iiest of references given. Address Entkk pkisk office, To Tlie Portland Fulr. Tiia litr Allnna nill l.,a. fr, .... f.t.. ever since he had been a member of it I Saturday ' night at' fi:;i0 stopping' at had been reported in writing, at various times and the records were open to in spection. If anything could be found indicating that he had profited in this pump transaction he would pay the city's loss from his own pocket. Then Latourette poured oil on the troubled wat(,"-s for ten minutes. He thought the object of the resolution had been accomplished ; namely, to have an in vestigation so as to bo able to fix the Meldrums, Kisleys, Moreys and Oswe go, iietnrning leave Portlund at 11:30 p. in. Kound trip 50 cents. Millinery. The ladies of Oreggn City will find at Mrs. Dutoher's millinery parlors all the latest styles in hats and bonnets. Full stock of trimmings and ribbons. Only tho best quality kept and ot Pot Hand prices. KTC, KTC, IS AT G.C.CASLER'S STORE, Nmt Poor to Livermnre'i llntl. ICE COLD SODA WATER AND FRESH FRUIT IN HKAHON. Tin; t'niMi' amii:n. WOOD-TURNING 1 A.3STID . SCROLL SAWING. BOXES OF ANY SIZES MANUFACTURED Parties desiring Wood Turning, ; Pat ' terns, Brackets, or Shop Carpenter's Work Will be Suited by Calling on Me. Doors, Windows and Blinds TO ORDER. Q-. H. BESTOW, . 4fjsir0pp. the Congregational Church iVforo lWliasinj your Hut f..r thy Fall ami Winter, givo tin a call. HAMILTON it WA8I1IIITHX, COOllS CHEAP AT Hart man' It tMt 111...... axruiau jtAi'KKT STORK. lVIxrcio,rri. Or. -The best place to buy Goods tho cheapest,- wir in mind I pny the l,iKM.Ht exchange fur (iOODS. market prico' for PRODUCE to CLOSING SALE OF SUMPIEF? COODS. I r-rvj- '!"flwf" (msfis)".-tin- i Vi iiiKniiam.