Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 09, 1891, Image 2

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Brief Sews Item From nn Kntorpibi.
luir Corps of CortrspomleMs,
Srtrroan, tW. 7. Tlu rains las! wk j
atoopod tin' threshing of clover, hut the sun-!
shine of the present week has dried thinpt ! l, lat Satnrda,
up so lliat they can begin again.
Hew K. Ueicliie, of lVrtlaud, lias moved
his family to his country homo near Staf
ford. Kev. H. Pullman who is su'H'riiifr with
consumption, has been taken to the hospi
tal at Portland.
' The rains have been too light to help
flow ii K, so fall work is still waithg.
Voter Kouch, one of the men sutVoated at
Osncsolast week, was intending to move
to his little ranch near Stafford this fall.
W "a Ins.
Maple Lane.
Mui.ir Iank, Or., tVt. Ii.-School com
menced. Monday with Miss Alice Faton as
leat her. She tnitlit a four months term
last spring, ami probably gave as general
saiisiaetion as any tea. her could expect to
.'. P. Watkin, our sometime deputy slier-
l.t. is turn una! present Willi a lame Lack, j (o keep up illi the time. I'erhapa there
We are glad to Welcome among us Mr. 1 are some other districts that should follow
F.lliott and family who purchased some land suit.
ef Mr. Brown, j , ,K i,,.,s, ws, l,ir,.iv ,,rlv
The Maple l ane alliance holds an open given by Mr. and Mrs. t.eorge liamlall, of
light rlgwhiih he purchased from Slaver &
Walkerone day l ist week.
August UiYinor is treating his new house
to a coat or white paint which makes tt look
' second to no farm house in tho eouniy,
Win, tiuterlett has gone Kick to Iowa on
j business and ihaps will remain aM winter.
Ooo. Kidder and faaily, ol Mount l'leas-
night and Sunday
with the family of K. I'. Madd.vk,
Mrs. lVincnt is unite low with intermit
tent fever. lr, Payne, of Oregon I'tty, Is
in attendance, and we hope tor a seedy
Mr. K. 1. Hutchinson is hauling out of
the timlvr a lot of lO.HV hop poles, prepar
atory to poling hia tifteen-acre hop yard.
Herman Anihony has been ordered by
the Southern Pacillo Kailroad Company to
go to the car shovs in Fast Portland where
he will ho employed as watchman in and
! around the shops.
The Hrown Uros. sliipl a car load ot
Htatoes to Portland la-t week
t'harles liacheler and family moved to
Portland last Saturday where thoy willie
main at least all winter.
The New Kra school district purchased
last week a complete set of handsomely en-
; cased maps and a physiological chart at a
j cost ol Jx'.iU l'his school district intends
i Orescent
meeting Saturday next at 7::0 r. St. Kvery.
body is invited.
Mrs, Andrus. an old time resident of Ma
ple l.ane, is in the neighborhood, agu-'st of
Mrs. John Pixsou. 0. 1. Sis.
Central Point
Central Point, Or., Oct it.-II. J. Kw
ing.of Portland, is visiting friends here.
. R. Wal Iron, of Meadow Hn vk, h.ide
a short visit home last Saturday and Sun
nay. Itclween 700 and lotObushels of potatoes
irv being stored ill New Kra every day.
Mr. Charles Hinton, of Kast Portland,
ami Miss Manila Penman, of this pl.ue.
were united ii wedlock at Oregon City to
day. Justice Punts lerlornii g the cere
mony. We wish the happy couple
joy and prosperity. They will reside in
K.i-t Cortland.
Mrs. H. P. Kastman is preparing to
buihi a new root house.
Potatoes w ill take the place of w heat and
eats very well in feeding horses, hogs or
caitle through the winter. I'so.
j Central Point, the occasion being the Stith
anniversary of tirandma Freestone, tjuite
t a numlHT of relatives and friends had been
; invited, and the morning was spent iu so
ciability. When the hour of noon arrived
all present wore invited into the dining
room w hew a well tilled table was await
ing them. After partaking of a good share
of the bounties there the party repaired to
the parlor ami spent the remainder of the
day in singing and instrumental music.
' Shoktv.
Local reraotml Note
Mr, ami Mrs. Hottjaman Uw, of v
na, Cuba, and Miss liraoo ltartlott. nl
K.rio County, New Yort have Wit vlai ling !
the family of A, 8, law ton, nt Mount I
Pleasant this ,vlt. Mr. Uw ia tint I
Havana agent of the Standard Oil coin-i
ptny. The parly come west ovr the'
Northern racilicatnl loft (or it !iort visit
in California when tltoy will hdurn Kast.
They were much pleased with tint Not tli
west ami Mr ltw i conHideiiuu the
matter of I. Haling in hnsinesa In tlii
counlrv. Mm. I,aw in a ouai:t of Mr.
Law ton. I
l"rof. T. (t, llrow ns-in, proahloiit of '
the MeMinvilto ctdlego will comtuct Hie i tl't'goil ('it V
aerviiva next Sunday niornlng ami evott- j fc-BJ
nig at Iho Haptist church, Kov. Parker
InMiig under engagement to conduct the
dedicatory oxer 'isca' at the new llnjitist
church at Logan.
t'assiua Hurlow, the live rvil eatale
man, was in lngon t'ity Tuesday. Mr.
Hailow rejiorta the new town of l.iiow
growing steadily ami that tlrm is
lisiosingof censidcraldo property both
town a ml acre tniolst.
A. I.. Cornwall, the Molalla tlrugiat,
wa in Orogt'tt City Monday. Mr. Corn
wall has a good word (or his town., busi
ness) he reports Wing very goinl with
bettor prospect (or the futher.
Major and Mr Clutrman, Mi Char
n an ami J. T. I.ogus and the Misses
l.ogus arrived home troni their California j
trip last Miiml.iv.
W. W, Irvin, who runa the Hurlow
moat market, waa in (he city Monday
for a miort time
Kev. K. I.. Yerhaag.ol Kast Portland,
w as iu the city on husinea last 1 ucsdav .
' 1M Front St r,n.t; HARDWARE
Nortliaeilern Aielil lor
Portland, On-gotl,
- IMnmoml,-
-1. uce
-tieeldeni "TiitllelooiH irier Miio- -ineriitH. h,,
tut ifitiAv'tit
Wedges (wanantcil,) H S Proof Cluiiis. Amnio Filox.
I.tois iiinl Wtxnl Clioj't'is Spocialtios.
p!it, ......
Wll,S(N 4CUi
Cool loinp'iatuic mid (nisty uigltin
have picvitilod. tienerul raiua tell on
the I'Sth and :s.':h of Soptember, with
snow iu I'uioti, Wallowa, Hiker and in
terior counties.
The Iriwt nipiH'd a few tomato ami
other vines, hut did no serious dulimpc.
Some out a and wheat that wcro not
threshed, wen slightly damaged by the
rains. Plowing on stubble laud was
oouinienood and considerable summer
tallowed wheat lias been sown. Pota
toes are being dug and the yield is very i
large, Apples and pears ar.i Isung I
picket. The grass is growing nicely.
ami allords good atiitngc, tiinc
picking and win making willlngiu next ,
week iu the southern counties. j
llavo opt'iiril out tlto la t j.:'t Stock of (iciicral
ii r n n il A Mrtlrtr
liver Urouuht to .Molalla.
Our Sim k iMHlottCi- ct'tnpletf hliv of
IMit ti(H)i.s, t.i;ucii;il',. l lioi. ht.lli, Jl 1U' .KK, (i,,
n ml SHUKS, MATS ninl CAI'S, I.ADIKS nii.l tiKMS Vyv
Mti.w .M'Kir. Or., Oct. 7.-Mrs. I.. II,
Whatcon b, of Pomeroy, Washington, ac
companied by her (laughter, is visiting her
I aients, Mr. and Mrs. ,1. Ii. Bonnet.
Richard Scott, Ks p, the prominent sheep ! ent of one ol the gleat cotton plantations i . .
much iirower of this Coiinly. captured M-eral ! in .Mississumi. Smmkiiitf of the imliiHtrii.l I .
A Visitor rrnm the Smitlt.
Mr. K W, Harvey from Jackson,
Miss., i attending few we'k in Ore
gon and is at present the guest of Mr. A. j
K. Stokes, ot Caneinali. Mr. Harvey is
m northern man and ha been south for'
several years, and has been siiH'rinlend-
A-onts for KNA1T. lU'KlM:!.!. .V CO'S. (in.i-u
Full Stin k of landing- T ill uiul Oil,
1 1 if.-ln t ir it
Oic us ii call. Yu wi
iir prices arc siicli tli.it volt can't
j-tti.l f.tr nil kituls ,.f I'UulM
II U fairly 'Icnlt willi, jpj
ill!of. to pi flc here.
Hninnxn, Or., Oct. 5. The exs)ition is
the talk this week. A number hare returned
delighted with the magnificent display made
in Portland.
School began today with D. A. Miller as
instructor. Mr. Miller is a successful teacher,
and we congratulate the district on procur
ing his services.
Miss Klla l)vis wjis out driving when her
horse became frightened and threw her from
the cart. The result was a sprained w rist.
Mr. B. Tucker and wife are the guests of
Mr. and Sirs. T. 13. Jones.
Several families have taken up their abode
iii Highland, and still there is room for
Mrs. Win. Farlow. who lias been visiting
friends ami relatives in this community,
wus suddenly called home to the liedsiii !' j
her son Marion uho was seriously hurt by i
tiie ialii'.gof a deni. k fork. (ivi-stv. j
Mink, r., Oct. 5. Farmers are busy dig
ging potatoes. The yield will be about an
f harle" Moohtike threshed alxnit ;i,'i i
bi.-hcls of grain in thirty days this season.
Fred Mochtike has about two days thresh
ing to do yet.
Mr. Chas. Horn, of Ashland, Pennsylva
nia, is here visiting his relatives. He is
well pleased with Oregon after visiting all
die western states. Possibly he will stay
till spring.
Perpetual motion is found this time by
Richard Schoenboru, with power enough to
run the largest machinery, so he says. The
contrivance is so simple that he would not
risk it in the hands of a lawyer to get it
patented, but went to Washington himself.
He says he can make a model in a few min
ntes to prove that it will do as he says. He
has run a sewing machine and churn with
it. Waterand air are the forces, so we have
been informed. When he returns from
Washington w e can tell you more about it.
While taking in the sights in Portland
last Saturday night Charlie Martin was
knocked down by three foot pads and re
lieved of a watch.
Some one helped himself to C. Hornshuh's
dried fruit last Sunday night. He saw the
thief, but being crippled with rheumatism
he could not overtake him. There are sev
eral other complaints that some one !s help
ing himself to stuff which docs not belong to
him. Perhaps he will get his foot in it one
of these nights.
C. Mochnke just returned from Seattle
where he was visiting his daughter. j
School opened today with Miss Williams !
and Miss Ely as teachers.
Miss Rosie Ouenthcr was home on a visit
for a few days last week.
C. Moehnke is going to take his engine to
Oregon City where he w ill use it in the man
ufacture of pumps. Moxk.
prices at thef.it stock show
j Pied, Oct. ;id, at the Coiod Sarcaruan hos
: pital, Portland, al'ler a lingering illness,
j Professor W. F.. touch
j Me have been informed that the Farm
ers' alliance will hold a meeting here next
Saturday evening, Octolwr 10. Professor
Kork and other prominent speakers will
seak. Come one, come all, and bear what
they have to say.
About 5 o'clock last Saturday a very seri
ous runaway occurred alout a mile and a
half from here. As Mr. H. llottetnillerand
family were driving through an on gate
on the Beckley place, the team took fright
and ran away, upsetting the wagon and
throwing the occupants out. Of the seven
persona in the wagon four were hurt. Mrs.
Bottemiller had her right leg fractured in
three places, her lelt leg was badly cut, and
her shoulder dislocated. Mr. H. Bottemiller
had his left hip dislocated and spine hurt.
Mrs. A. Bottemiller, a daughter-in-law ot Mr.
Bottemiller, recently arrived from Wiscon
sin, had her hip dislocated and back hurt.
I.ydia Bottemiller had her wrist sprained
and suffered brui-es about the head. From
what was learned it seems that some cattle
:ot into the field and the sons of Mr. Bot
temiller were driving tiiem out of the gate.
Thev crowded the imr-es whirh took
(right and ran. The horses escaped un
hurt. The injured lire under the cure ol
llootors Kay of Sell wood and Sullivan of
Oswego. At last accounts all were doing
grow th of the south be Mat. that great
progress has been made in all linea of
manufacturing, especially in iron, cotton
anil wollen. At M'eisoti, in Mississippi
ia located the largest wollen tnilU in the
Cnited States, tb motive owor Wing
steam, coal being in such abundance
and so cheap that water power ia no
Of the future of the negroes Mr. Har
vey doea not entertain very bright hoie.
A small percentage of them are Indus
trious and are accumulating pro'rty,
but the mass are indolent and shiftless
and labor only w hen compelled too, to
provide the necessaries of life. The
race is rapidly deteroating owing to their
utter disregard of all sanitary rtilei a
well as to their licentiousness. Yelieral
and other deseasea are doing their dead
ly work and the younger generation baa
not the vitality that the race formly bad
and as a consequece tbedeath rat"5 of the
children ia incrersing to such an extent
that the negro population w ill not in
crease as fast as heretofore.
n wiw.sr oikK,
Harvest is pniclically over Thelatg
est and most successful crops o! all kinds
except ho ever experienced in the
state have been gathered. Yields have
1 10011 large, and nil products of go,,, I
quality. Tlu' people an' to be congiatu
lated on the success ol the season's la
bors. I'rosix'iity and good tunes exi-t
!in every poition of the slate. Stock
red Well, increase of sheep was
large and clip enormous; climatic
conditions favored the growth, develop-1
j meiit, yield and barvet ol hay, cerels:
ami fruit. Tlio water bus been quite
plentiful for the miner livery body up- i
j pears to have been favored, and bappi-
I ness teigns,
These weekly bulletins have given,!
from the commencement of growth iu j
the spring to the finishing of harvest.!
the weekly condiliona and prospect. . Tlio la st of iniil. rial ti'., ami iimie to.lt okillnl lals.r fiiip!c
They will now 1 discontinued until the ! G'Vl' U tt trial inn see if our .rices n tint an low ait tint lowest,
next growing wason. The monthly bill- "r Kui,r'",,, rt'rcMttli"l. All work ibdio promidlv. St
, .. ... . ' :..l.u .. ...... . ...:.l. ... i i . tut- i 1
louna will continue aa usual iJ""" '"" """i wuimm ueiny.
br the!
Volt will save money .y taki ng your MACHINERY to '
Tlio )m:;0N (TIT IKON W011K
Valuations uf Properly Fixed
, KquulUutluii Hoard.
New Era.
New Era, Or., Oct. 5. Every body is busy
harvestingthe potato crop which is yielding
rather lighter than was expected, though the
crop is of good quality.
Quite a number of New Era folks went to
the Portland exposition lust week, and they
say the exhibit is much better than ever before.
Gen. Carl Knoth intends to purchase a
nv. steam engine to run his tiew separator
that he got last week. He then failed to get
any power at all by which he could run it.
Our worthy postmaster, J. C. Newberry,
is the possessor of a new and very neat
The StHte Normal School.
.MoXMol Til, nr., tictober 5. M urk at the
I normal school has begun in earne-t. A'smt
forty-live classes recite daily to the ditlerent
professors in their resctive rooms. The
large gymnasium is used daily by the gen
tlemen students. The apparatus consists of
horizontal bars, Hying rings, trapese, double
bar, etc. The young ladies have calisthenic
exercises in the chaise) under the supervis
ion of Professor Tuthill. The exercises con
sist of dumb bell drills, Indian club swing
ing, broom brigade, wand exercises, etc.
Last Wednesday evening the library asso
ciation met and aptoiutcd a committee to
renew the subscriptions for the coining
term. All the leading papers and maga
zines of the day are thus placed at the dis
posal of the students, besides many new
books being added to the library.
Last Friday evening the literary societies
resumed work. There are four societies,
two for young ladies and two for gentle
men. The Vespertine society for ladies has
been running for the past three years.
Two companies of cadets have been or
ganised this year. The staff officers are, C.
E. Henklc, colonel; B. C. Miller, lieutenant
colonel; E. B. Moores, major; R. Butler,
adjutant; E. Smith, quartermaster. Olllcers
of Company A: H. 0. Bushnell, captain;
T. E. Zieber, first lieutenant; A. B. Bailey,
second lieutenant. Officers of Company Ii:
F. Hall, captain; W. I. I.accy, lirst lieuten
ant; F. S. Harris, second lieutenant.
The old part of the college has been hand
somely decorated during the past vacation.
A lot of new chemical and physical
apparatus has been received duringthe past
week, and will Boon be In pluce ready for
work. The dining hall in connection with
the school has been enlarged until it will
now accommodate two hundred students.
Eightstudcnts represent Clackamas county ;
Misses Ana Bairdand Gertrude Finley from
Oregon City, Frances and Ella Currin from
Currinsvillc, Lennie and Louise Mayfield
from Viola, Kate Casto from New Kra, and
Horace G. Lake from Damascus.
The legal linn of Haves A Urownell
lias been dissolved by mutual consent
Mr. Hayes will continue to do business
at the ollice formerly occupied by the
firm, and Mr. ISrowiictl has established
his ollice with (', O. T. Williams in the
Ciinfield block on Main street.
The Umpire Manufacturing company
of (iiadstune bus sold out to Mr. Mosier
formerly superintendent of the Standard
box factory in Portland. Mr. Mosicr ia
a practical furniture manufacturer and
will pUHh work vigorously at this factory.
Mr. and Mrs. II. F.. Cross gave their
little daughter Dollio a peasant party
Tuesday evening to celebrate the. eight
anniversary ol her birth. There were
a score of her young trienda present.
Refreshments were aerved and a very
happy time was enjoyed bv the little
' The county board ol equaliition, con
aisting of County Judge Mehlrum, Clerk
Johnson and Assessor Noble, revised the
assessment of Clackamas county last
wild.. The only material changes made
in the assessment were the addition of
land valued at lrl'i', city In! t.ilisl. and
'improvements i.1oo, and allowing
! claimed indebtedness atnounling to .',,
j Lid, and cancelling fill of moitgages.
i Hoiihlv assessed proper! v to the amount
of l!li) was also deducted The as
sessment roll, after the equalization,
shows the following figures for Hid. ami
for purposesof comparison Iho figures lor
the preceding three years ate also a
pendcil :
All kinds of
Machinery Supplies Kept on Hand.
CuMitigs ftiriiishe-l. Agents for War. I A llra.lv'tt (Vlol.ratrsj A j
Friction .Metal, and M..rris..n'ti Self I.ulirioiWiiij; IVkiiig-.
JA3IKS HOAKE & CO., rroprioiors.
Shop, 5th and Water Sts., Oregon City, Orego
Near I.ugtiH A Albright's Hulclu r Shoji.
: fi ?
Tllfi Prill Jt
flier. DQ
I IMI'ulilHt uK I AM., K AI.Mt IN
Report fnrSepteniber... Oregon Weekly
Weather and Crop Report.
Following is a report of the total rain
fall and average temperature at the Pa
cific slope stations named, for the month
of September:
Mr. R. Wade has traded bis' farm of
09 acres near Union Mill to N. II. Dar
ling for bis addition to Oregon City.
They both got fine property in the trade.
Mr. Wade w ill push tne sale of lots in
his addition and having very saleable
property will doubtless meet with suc
cess, i
Balnfall. Temptr.
Statloui. d ? if
a S 2 f a
M to to ?. V,
Spokane 0.70 2..KI 1.2!) W M
Olympia. 3,00 fl.07 3.10 fi7 M
Port Angeles... 3.00 ? 1.10 ft! 4(1
FortCanby 4.H0 0.03 3.37 .Vi ftf)
Walla Walla 0.40 l.Wt 0.00 ( an
Portland 2.20 3.02 1.77 01 M
Baker City 0.10 2.43 0.2s 57 54
Koseburg 0.00 2.13 0.H2 02 57
Wiiineinuca O.so 0.70 0.31 00 fi4
Red Bluff 0,IH 0.34 0.41 73 00
Sacramento 0.10 0.10 0.11 70 05
San Francisco ., . 0.77 0.8!) O.IH 02 57
Fresno 0.30 0.20 0.10 75 78
Keeler 0.20 0.25 0.21 HI 71
Los Angeles 0.10 0.1)0 0.11 73 02
Han Diego 0.10 0.0 0.03 70 04
Yuma Trace B.08 0,15 83 71)
V . ri
to f' r" o
if f
c x
i "
8 ?.
$ 5
, SjXS 7 S:Bi'5K I
2 ii
The weather for the week ending Octo
ber 3, lias been cool and cloudy, and
general rains have fallen. Frosts oc
curred in various portions on Keptomber
27 and 28. Hnow fell on Marv's Teak.
Ronton county, on the 2!)th, the first of
the season. The temperature averaged
three degrees a day below the normal.
Over one-half of an inch of rain fell dur
ing the week,
.' . .' i v
: : :' " -:
: Z;
: : iS-23
3 "5S
. ? . 2 :
'So I'.Ti R .
V Z . .. E
The reason for the decrease in tbo
numbor of cutllo, Hhciip und swine on
the iiHseHHiiieiit roll this year is that the
assessor did not list such animals whero
a family had not enough to como to more
than the .100 exemption allowed by
r . :
SL : :
: :
c :
V) i.
i l
Watches, Jewelry, Clocks and
cal Goods.
ICR Firnt Stns.t, Near Morriw.it St. Lailiea' J'rivatc K.itrn.ioo U-U
Hill. Kits r'ltl.M TIIK ft.l NTltY HOI.ICITEI)
To Dress Well and Neatly
o 3
s ?
Have the llut assortment, embracing Iho latest styles of
Ever Brought to OroKon City.
I lll lll Nl l.lci,,,, W,
Ladies' Wraps and Jacket
Ih cxwj.tiiinaiiy cmmii 1(,.to, and nt
Prices Never Before Offered in This City.
,r?t( VT1 ' 'fw"fl:ww"t''"qs'i
'"mull ,1 V -