Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 02, 1891, Image 8

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(CVpfrighl by American riwa Aaaoclatttw.
w- -
AVar fM foot of thcs trees toy a woman
in a fut lit.
Across from a field, far to th right of
the dusty road, came the sound of
shout. The air, quivering with summer
heat, seemed reluctant to carry it
Everything had been so still before Uiat
the faint murmur of insect life and the
c hatterim; and barking of the red squir
rels iu the stoue walls had seemed like
disturbances, and the stillness, like a
entieut being, had merely moved a lit
tle to make room for an annoyance,
settling down again after each small
noise like a tired sleeper. Then the
thout came, flying straight and swiftly,
across the meadows and fell plump in
the dust Then all was still again. Not
even a bin! chirped.
Young Fanning moved uneasily in his
deep. He was lying on the grass in the
shade of a huge elm, waiting for the
"Which footr
"The left," With the wurd carn an
Involuntary movement and a sharp cry
as the spasm of pain followed.
"Don't move it," lie. said hatily, ami
iu a mutter of fact way ho raised her
skirt and looked. Feeling, not seeing,
her surpri1, for his eyes did not wander
to her face, he said simply, "I am a
Then, though he was too busy to know
it, sex assorted itself, and if he had look
first, and the young physician had mora
trouble than before in restoring his un
willing patient to consciousness, IV
tiently and steadily, however, he worked
until she opened her eyes again and
looked at him with an expression which
I100011M not understand. I'tterly tin
conscious of having given any cause for
offense, and fully alive to the fact that
he had seriously discommoded himself
to serve an entire stranger, he was con
firmed in his cynicism by seeing no
ed at her face instead of her foot he It"" f KtituI, iu her eyes, and he
Would have seen a pretty picture, most
interesting to a philosopher, though per
haps not to one of his school, he being
profoundly materialistic.
Margaret Latimer was incapable of
the petty trivialities of protest that a
weak woman would have made. It did
not occur to her to make an outcrv and
effect HiiiutiuniHhntttM- hut her eve Hush. ; form.
nl fire. Fanning, had he seen her face, ! "You say your home Is not far away,
must have humbled himself in abject i h "If 'im wiU llirwt 11 1
apologv, brusque and harsh as he was, j K help and have you carried
but fortunately he was entirely Ignorant thither. Your foot is all right now if
of her indignation, and took the swollen J WH " lerf.vt.ly still, hut I shall
ankle iu his hand without the slightest i uv "'v ) " nere aione.
cursed her in his heart for a selfish chip
ventional society miss an orlor of
lielug he heartily despised, llelng a
thorough gittlemau, however, only jmr
tially corrupted by meretricious phtUwo
phy, he could uot fail to recognise the
fact that she was a geutlewoiuau, and
hit speech was courteous, at least in
Kxceiltnr'l Selles,
heertiy Ive indiee that I lve Iwn duly -ii.iuiiu.l
liv i lu Il,.it Cuuiilv eenrl of I'lm'Vitnm
! riHiiily, Oreseii, exeeuinr et the will and lst
' nf Frederick llnckuiaii dceenacd All 'rnii.
j tirttiK clsliii o(ie wl'l t'reaent
them to meanly verified, at Hie ollleo id W,
('aryJidiimH. In Oicg.m Illy, Hri'ii'Mi, wnlilii
tx Hienihi fiem tht dm, lsied Kepi ii lvi.
j AdinliiUtmlor'i Notice,
Ntle U hereby stveu, that III iiudeiiiine.t
haahe tiy older el Hie County 1'imit el Clack
auma ooiuily, Oregon, duly ppiilhled admlU'
l.tMleret lite oMale ot Henry Miller, deienae
All pcrtona having- eUlnia alnl Mid lam
r required trt preacni them, lll r'ter
vnuehera allaehed al tlie nltlce oil' I' and
ti, ' 1 autumns, In Oregon I'liy, wiililii U
month Inuii l he data et Hill untie Haled
Annul U.IWI J. K. MOHrllS.
1 !Uh f f y ft V.V t! tit I i V. '
L v rr ,
l . t f lit
To her it was as if the ground had
opened uuder her. To bo touched and
gated at in this fashiou was simply in
comprehensible. Her face, that was
marble a moment before, became sud
denly like a damask rose. Her eye told
her that Fanning was a gentleman, and
1 am sorry to trouble yon so much,"
she replied, as coldly polite as he, though
her lips were still white from (tain, "hut
there seems to be no alternative. My
house is yonder," pointing, "and some
of the servants will come at once if you
will tell them. Will you kindly wam
them to say nothing to mamma till I get
his touch proved tliat he was truthful iu ' ',r"? 1 l" uot Lor to frighten
claiming to be a physician, but I J neeaiessiy.
The ready penknife w.vt cutting awav " bowed. ' uother moment
th snWanlud IkvtL When that I Was gone. As the Sound Of his footsteps
off it passed steadily and swiftly around ! ,lw rus,ltf of I'"l'i through the
alwve the ankle, and with one dowuward , uuoergruui wjr
sweep dstroyeil the sttK-king. Then
came again the most excruciating pains
as his skillful fingers prwsed gently here
and there.
Physicians say there is an order of high
Intelli nence which helones to a mirth ill
of the human race and which makes , command, and it was confusing to
most difficult patients. Even sickness ' hv gentleman say "bosh!" to her,
and pain fail to subdue it, and one gifted! but lu'r Imtiv aft,'r fu u
with it is as recalcitrant under treat-! weuts' reflection justified the man.
nient as a lawyer's client who has a i Moreover the shock to her dignity and
died away the stilluess
grew intense agaiu, Margaret Latimer
closed her eyes and thought deeply. The
fury of rage that had swept upon her
when this young stranger so coolly de
fied her died away. She had been uw-d
to having her lightest word treated as a
notii'k run rt'M.u'vrtoN,
Usti Orru T UsiieM f itv, Oa
SVtl. is, l',il,
N.:lt It hswhy slveu Dial Ilia fnllewlnt
llamtsl wltlpr ha Sled nolle of lll Itileltlloli
in iiikI Snal iinnd Hi i:,port ot lim elaim and
IH nld pr.Hil will l, iu i.le Iwfor 0m Itenl.
lor and lie. lr of Hie I' S I nnd eille. al lir-
. v sun I lly, ortnon, mi Nitv, 17, lvl. ill
I. nk J in ei,
lliiniriiead nlry No 4ia. for Ilia iit of
it n. I mVt of ink of set-, 4, 1 1 1, r ft a.
' Ho liiime III fottowliitf w ilii l,t prut
hi voiiilimoui roaidttuea iiikhi and etilnvalluii
i'l, nalil laiul, t li
Arthur Sanudera. Heler I'atilaeit and AukihI
I'aulnoll, ut Ulourell fall", and Kied Ion
Iti'ld.ot laylor, allot Muliuouiuli ooni'it. nr.
J T .ri aos, Keaxler
Filial Settli'ineiil.
In the t'mielv I'.mrt o the Stale of Ore
gon fur t'hn kMiai County, Hitting In I'rti
luite :
I In the matter of I ho Katateofl
j I. 0. Ilsrtey, iliwiiaeil, I
I hitrehv (ive notlie tlmt I lit lllr'l
in the shove sntiileil Court, my accounts
' sil t voiu hers for llnal ai-ttlenirnl Silniin
j isirstor of the esinte of I. IV Harvey, tie
I ceased, slid Hie Court has appointed tlie
.'ml tiny ot oviiiImt, A.I'., I.tt'l. s inn
lime lor hearing ami setliiuit aaid accoiinta
ami tlie i'c'lHin tlienull any,
Uii ihkii Scutt, A'lmr.
,i!ai'h aeraul
, , - -ill I" '
ft t a f 4
iirutia lima. II .,h...
tiveral litindlr.! ii.
Khali lata an mi nil to Ui
OKtr'ltl IMH i fMKNf T'l
modesty seemed a trivial thing after she
had thought of it What had he done?
He had treated her with the most pro-
prove themselves to his mind, and double found delicacy and consideration, poe
l the doctor's task by forcing him to over-' lly consistent with his dutiiw as a
: come mental obstinacy together with i",Keon, and had. moreover, rendered
i physical ailment The surgeon meet , nr service wnicn sue coum nanny
! with less of this passive resistance than overestimate. Supposing she had lain
: the physician, since his work is not com-, a ' niht 'y llv hapned,
! monly complicate.1 with meatal process- ! by, even all night, before help came.
! es, but there are cases in which he must i buppoeing she had been moved b-fore
first reduce his patient to submission be- Broken none was set and sue Had
! fore he can proceed with treatment Such i b"u lamed for life. She began to fel
! a case, to his great urpriao. Dr. Fanning j kindly toward the man she Just
found this to be. couueiuueu as a rumiesa ooor. Ana sue
Amazement kept this yonng woman j remembered, with a slight blush that
! silent for a few momenta. Theunprece- : h WM Bl,wl llk at, and that his
dented situation at least it seemed so nianner when he was not employed as a
to her bewildered her, and strong as ' physician was perfect She could forgive
she was it was a little time before she everything but the "boshr lies, and
! could decide whether to submit to this e -'ulll forgive that
benevolent stranger or not At length i Meantime t aiming was thinking very
; she decided. ""'8 er and very much of the snnoy.
"Stop a moment, doctor," Bhe said be wa lmt to- nd started out
quietly. 1 fr day of rest, and here he was en-
Fauning looked up. He turned his ; K"K"J 111 uisuucwy uisagreeume worn
face merely. The hand which still held of compassion for a woman in whom he
ethers. A woman was calling and her ! her ankle was as riihdlv immovable as bad not the f.vntest interest. However,
Toice was throbbing with pain. j if it were graven out of steel. "I know ; there was no way to avoid it, aud he
Fanning was bored. He had left his 1 that the pain is intense," he said kindly, went un- Presently he came to a large,
chambers in the city for a lazy tour on "but it is inevitable that you most suf- old fashioned country mansion with Sa
foot, feeling that work was out of the I fer it There is a bone broken, and it cious grounds. Near the gate was an old
question by reason of the heat, and here ; must be set." gardener, whom he hailed and informed
on the first day he was called on to res- j "It is not the pain that I am thinking f the facts. The gardener went at once
cue an unknown woman from unknown of," said Miss Latimer; "that is bad 'ur tMo coat-hiuan, and ull three were
trouble. He felt that it was an iuiposi-! enongh, but the situation is worse. 1 ' speedily driving back to the grove in a
tion. but could not see his way clear to am more than thankful for your kind- low' carriage,
ignore the demand, being very human, j ness, but we will suspend operations for j Very little was said fill the lady was
Tightening his belt, he sprang lightly ! the present My hou.e is only half a ' placed in the carriage. Then Fanning
over the low stone wall and ran across mile away, and I prefer to wait nntil I lifted his hat and would have turned
the fields directly toward the spot where : can be taken home before I am treated." ; away, but she detained him with a gest-
Fannimr looked ut her closely and nre- "n will surely not leave me
thought he understood her. The flush
: had not left her face, and it lent nnusual
j beauty to a countenance that showed the
smattering of lecal knowledi. He will
cooler part of the day before rambling oppose theories, question methods and I
further on the purposeless stroll he had even refuse medicaments that do uot a- i
-undertaken, ihe sudden noise, taint
MS it was, broke his deep slumber and
aet him dreaming. The dream awoke :
Another shout followed the first and
as u nature had been roused from a,
slumber like his own the air stirred !
snore readily the sound came less like !
rifle bullet It was more prolonged j
than the first, and there was an accent
to it sufficient to bring young Fanning
to las feet Some one was calling for
help. j
He listened a moment, but the air was :
still again. It was a stillness that, like 1
fVTJt's darkness, could be felt Raising I t
bis voice, he sent out a mighty cry that I
shattered the repose. A little breeze !
tirmi. A bird called back with a little
caroL A crow cawed lazily from his '
perch somewhere in the woods. Fan-.
aung waited, listening keenly. There I
was a brief delay. Then the third call 1
caxue, fainter aud yet plainer than the :
Filial Settlement.
In the County Court of Ihe State of "
Son lor Clin ksnias County, Silting in I'm
lisle :
In the mutter ot the Kniatei
of M. A. Hurnell, tlisvatitl i
1 licrehjr Kite notice thai I hat hied in
the static entitled Court my acrouott and
vouchers fortlnnl artilenu nl a rvtt ulor of
the will ami estate of M. A. Iluriu ll, df
censed, and Ihe Court i iiiiinti'd Ihe
.'ml day of Not milter, A. 1 , sil, a the
Urn lor tiriiiliiK slid settling1 aid sc
eouiil, and the exception thereto ils'i v.
S. II. lUkvstr, Kiit ulor.
III the Cin nlt Court of Hie Stale of lire
Kun for the county of Clstkamsa.
F. W. McKeclihlc, (daliitilt, )
I.lnlr It. McKei'hiile.ileremlatil.l
To l.ltsie H. McKccliiile, thealaoc named
defemlsnt :
In the name of the Slate of Oreirmi : Yon
are hereby reuiml In u'f ur and answer
Hie eomi'liiint hied nuih-t you iu the atstte
entttletl court und enue, on or In-fore the -d
dav of Not piuImt, Istil, Ihe same U'Iiik Itie
first day of I tic- term of stud court net! fo. i
Inning si weeka pulilicatiou of tlila sum- :
moils i ami if on tail to ai'tH-ar and answer, ;
for w ant thereof the plninlllf will lake jmltf i
mint against you, nml wilt u, If to the;
court for th rt lief . rated for Iu hi com
I'lainl lilisl herein, to wit: fur a ilwree
di,,oltUH'tlie tutmls of imitrtimmy evistin j
between yimrel( ainl iluinliil. and fur such i
other and further relief lis tiio court tnav '
decree iu the remi-es, and for costs and
i!i,linrscneitts in this suit, !
this putilicnlion is made hy order of;
Hon. i'l.ink J. i'ay ,ir, Judcr of the uhove ;
entitled court, noide ami tinted on the "Jiitli i
dav ot August, ts'.il
II A UK O N Kl I..
i'i II '.','i 17 Attorney fur I'lamiuf,
Wo litivo luti .iU., feet, HXU'J'H) f.-et, all favuralily lia-t4
lots twice the or.litiary sue nre but tith umml jricn f utlirrki
iliulv Watctl. We have uiu'-acris Imo iicro. live nml ten ,,
suitable for suburban homes, convenient t town, schools, r';
etc., niul of very 'inaliicttve sil. A larije, grow ing "I'mue Ouh
wliich in' will m II part in small tracts to suit urchrtcr, amis
Call & See Us & Get Pric
at in;. ws tnv o. t u F. u ox
K0HKI.T k TAR at Portland Office,
d Klark Ml., IMIK 1 l. tl.
the woman lay. It was rough ground, I
and he ran very swiftly, but his breath
was easy and measured, his head was
erect and his chest well out He was !
rather small man, but his spare frame ; highest breeding as well as marked in
telligence. As if she had spoken all her
thoughts, he knew that even in her pain
ful plight she was mindful of the pro
prieties, and that the ministrations which
she would have accepted as a matter of
course if her mother had been present
were simply insupportable under the cir
cumstances. To her it seemed that virgin
pride was asserting itself. To him it
seemed that she was the slave of a fool
ish conventionality. He did not hesitate
an instant
"Bosh!" he exclaimed roughly. "I
was all bone and muscle, and
muscle was well developed.
A quarter of a mile of this easy run
ning brought him to a little grove. It
was a neglected place. The undergrowth
-was rank and tangled. Briery shoots
were interlaced like a network without
order or design. Weeds choked the bet
ter capabilities of the soil Saplings that
cumbered space drained the vitality of
worthier trees, and none were thrifty ex
cepting a few old ones that were strong
enough to hold their own and that looked
down with lofty contempt at the brush
beneath. It was a world in little.
Near the foot of these trees, as Fan
ning saw, drawing near, lay a woman
in a faint. The man looked, in a dis
gust that was almost unnatural, and his
first word was a malediction. Then ho
ighed and mopped his face with a hand
kerchief that was at once wet through.
Then his fae took on a professional
look, and he muttered to himself,
"Lucky I have taken my degree. There
might be a scandal about this."
Then the woman became the patient,
and the man, equally unconscious of the
change, became the physician. Sex was
eliminated from the problem suggested
by the situation. Like any other verity,
however, it failed to remain eliminated.
thus," she protested. "I have not even
told you how greatly I feel indebted to
you for" Then a spasm of pain
turned her face white again, and Fan
ning entered the carriage.
"You need not feel indebted," he said
very coolly. "I have only done what
any physician was bound to do. But I
will see you home if you desire it, though
your servants could doubtless take you
safely." He remembered what she had
said about her mother, and had hoped to
escape a scene of hysteria and thankful
ness, but seeing that his patient still suf
fered greatly, he felt bound to remain
with her.
All came hysteria and gushing thanks,
Nam lilona
In tlit t'lrenlt fnurt of the state of nrftfuu, for
the County of I lackaiuan, m.
L. U.
Yntiii, i iainiirr.
shall not allow you to be moved until nd he was more than thankful when he
tne Done is properly set and your ankle ; eecapea irom me nouse an nour later,
is bandaged." And without more ado
he turned his attention to his buaitiess,
which, as heconceived it, was to see that
no further injury should come to her
It was perhaps well for him that he did
not look at her face again for a time.
For her the world seemed to have come
to an end. Here was a male of her spe
cies who not only set her expressed wish
at defiance, but who was actually hand
ling her person as if she were the tools of
his trade instead of a relxjllious princess
of society. Evidently "the divinity that
doth hedge about" a maiden had no tor.
rors for him. He was to her first a man,
and secondly a physician. She whs to
But that was afterward. He looked him first a patient, aud secondly noth-
keenly, and seeing that he had a swoon
to treat first, he deftly, and quickly
loosened her dress at the neck, and lift
ing her a little with his left hand, cut
the laces of her corset, sbishing through
the dress with his penknife, unhesita
tingly. Then with his strocg, nimble
fingers he tore the gap wider and
ing whatever,
Pride would not allow her to make
further protest in words. One movement
as if to arise, and, confronting, to sU
having given his patient a sleeping
draught, and assured tier mother that
no danger was to be apprehended.
"At least you will tell me, doctor, to
whom I am indebted for my daughter's
preservation," said the sweet faced, white
haired old lady, after he had protested
for the twentieth time that she owed
him no great gratitude.
He fumbled in his pocket aud brought
out a card which read:
: No. Wist Foktiicth St., :
: New Yoiul
Then he strode rapidly away, forget
ting utterly that he had not learned ties
name of the people who had failed to ex
cite even a faint interest in his mind.
A week later Miss Latimer looked np
I ; . 1 .. .. ; I , . tr
him with her eyes, gave her such a pang ! " ""5 , ""V
that she recognized her nowerl eaei I hoW Prett' thlS it,; and sbe read:
How often it our path
tVnrl KirlmnU. ttnUut.)
To Pearl K.rharrin, mU tlp(pnlmit:
In tht name of the Hute f Oregon Ymi r
hffpby rtwiuIrM to irnr und nivrw Ihocnm
plaint fllfl mrit y tn (he Imv entltln.
milt within Irn lnjf from th (lute t thi prvir
of thin iiinimuim upon vmi. If rvl within
thin county; or, tf 'rvl In miy nthrr county j
(lute of the mtv ire of thin Ntitt.muii unon
you. nml If nerve! by jMitillontftm,
thim by th flmt Uv of (hit iifii
term of mtld cfiiirt, to wit: Turmlny, ism-ember
M, IH'U; h I If you full no to ntmvrer, nr wmit
therunf the plnimitT will apply to the court fur
the reltef flcmnndeil In the rnmpimnt, to wit:
for a Judgment ntnptt the defendant in the mi m
of two hundred dollnm In I'lilted Hiti gold
coin, with Interest thertnn from Jon lt h. lHh.t.
at ten per rent per nnnum, Icm J.iUifU pntd in
tetnhfr nth, and 9AI Mitmtd Hf(rtenil.er inn,
two: for the further mitn of 0J0itH attorney
ie herein mid for the coM nnd dltbiireiii'Mtj
of thin action: Alwi, for a deere of foriTot:ri
of that certain rnoriKiire executed by ft irl
KiehHrdft nd Hi nth A. Richard", on Oit l it li
day ut June, 1kh,1, In favor of thl ptntntllf, to
Been re. th um and Intercut above initned,
which mnrtitaK 1 rcorded on pKe ;ii;t nf
Hook ''M" of mortKHtfCH for ( InrfcrtniHB cmitity,
Orctfnn, Thin aummonii in puhlifihed by order
of Hon. Frank J. Inylor, JmUo of tald Court,
ninlo at ('hnmbem on the 2kh i day of Auitu-t,
iwi. H, K. CUIWM.
Attorney for Flalntlff
HI, 10-10
If viut pilfer ff utu any alfiH-lioi,
rmim l lv .nipurtt hUA am li a tulul
Mil rliemn, tirt, lnU, 'iui'!ra, U't
irr, rinwifm, lk lr J. II .Mrlttn'i
novii r. row itiuii tus
Uud m. at (r.. I Ity. tirrcon.
pfl J. l"l
S.ill.V la hrrrby (lotl tbl I he filwln
hauiM ctttr ha lllwl iiiir of her tntrti
tbUi to tuike flntl pr-f tit ujiport ct h
claim, and that ld pr.f nillt made t-f'ii
I lift ri'Kl'trr Mild rrcrlvrt of tho t tittc-1 Mate
Und "tii. n t ifrcK ti i ity. Om-gon, w
It, iwl. vi
VUltle 11 ':nttr,
llomeatead entry. No. X fof ttt n cf
i, tii, I J
tw name (lie fnlli witi wHtirr to prir
hr rotiitintt'U rfalijpttr ujwii and titMlta
Ib n of, aald land, i( nvth J-'t-e of lafmt.
Uf-kaifeaa County, t f . J-ililt 'Jtualltr, Jtt.-ptt
liivallii). Jottu (ytia, of Haody, CUraaa
county. r
J T .M'l'KltSiiN, trfl!rr
I'nlle 1 Miatea tjiud Omce. Orej.ui City, Oreftt.
July il. Wrfi
N'tlre ti herrby ftven that In compliance
with tho proviilittia of the art of t iif rra id
June 1. I-S. entitled "An a t for ihe a!e of
tlml'er ian.la tti th Htaira of Callbrula. Or
go li. NfvaJa, and Whiit(iton territory, "
Thoniaa II, MiHire,
nf Currtiovtllr, county id Clarkamaa, atate of
Orcffoii. haa tht day filed In thla i.ftica hit
worn tatemrnt ho 'jt-it. for the pnrcha of
the a l, of iu and n of '4 of awtiou No.
Ill townatitp No 4 loitth, ratine No ft, rit
and will ofTitr proof to ahow that
the land ukM la mora ratuahle
for Ita tlmU r or iiniif than for lla arKrtrultural
fiiirtoea. and to cUUth It I at rlalm lo aald
and before the l(c(lier and It reel vm of thla
office at oreon City. Oreffnuoii Wcdueiday, the
i'tth day of November. IMI.
He nauiea aa w tme avld Hatch, of
rortlmid. ori-Koti. ami Hiram tiieiton, tiv.tgp
l-ockerhy. and H Hey Hoyer, alt ot CnrrlttavUIe,
Any mid all peraoni rlalmlinf adversely the
atxivivdeitcrltKid lauda are rt-jueate.! to fllethelr
claims tn thla ottiro on or Ih (ore aald rth day
of NovrinWr, iHUt, J, J, Anperaon,
H-.HHaJ Kriliur,
z7.i A
l V.,M
W.9 rr I MK
M tl mm k ,
l..l im
II Ulllll a ,ll ruK
Keferee Hale.
BUto of Ornon, I
County of Clckam,l "
that she recognized her powerletumeeg I
again, iiien, like a destroying tlaeh of
lightning, came a single throb of agony
loosened the string. Laying her back j wnen the bone slipped into place and
on ine ground ne lannecl ner witn Uii all became a blank. But even as she
"Naturally in such a case," he grum
Wed to himself, "there is no water at
Luckily, however, the swoon wag not
deep, and she sat up presently, looking
at him with a question in her eyes that
disappeared almost instantly. Pain
chased it away.
"Take a swallow of this," he said, pro
ducing a pocket flank. She obeyed, and
the raw whisky made her cough. She
looked reproachfully it him.
"That is all right," he said reansur
ingly. "Now tell me how you are hurt."
"I slipped and wrenched my foot, and
when I tried to walk 1 fainted. I fancy
it bone is broken."
swooned away into unconsciousness she
was raging like an insulted empress at
the single word "steady," which he had
spoken coolly when she moved first.
Once more Fanning looked up, after
he had satisfied himself that the bone
was properly set. "H'ui! fainted again,
eh," he said to himself without emotion.
(YomwI hy mme being whom bright uplrlt ahedi
A paKginK KkidnM o'er It, but wlione oourso
Learia down another current, nevermore
To blend with ours. Yet far within our aoula,
Amid the buitleof this bunjr world,
Dwell", many a thought that llngere climely mill
Around that image,
' "Yes, it is pretty," said Mrs. Latimer,
"but I don't see anything very remarka
ble about it, do you?"
Miss Latimer made no reply, hut she
presently asked for sciHsors and cut out
the scrap, laying it carefully away until
Thafs well. Now we'll get this bound j she should have time to paste it in her
np, and then see to getting her home.'
And forthwith the :n:(!y penknife was
at work uain, whi...ing out some rude
splints, hi hin slali, ul lingers it moved
rapidly, and a few iiiiuir. -i more ,.vr
enough to put muU'-r.i r..;!,t i- fi:r u
they could he put. K'iti::! i..i;.-,t d-j tiio
Tiio second b'.vouu v.';..- deeper il.u:) t;.o
scrap book.
To be continued.
It is said that R. C. Duncan, the
American who tried to kill his wife in
Wales, has a mania for discovering an
cient ancestors, and that he went to
Wales to find proof of his descent from
Rhys Funr, a Welsh chieftain,
By virtue of a decree of piirtltlnn tuinnM out
of end mifti'r the k1 of the Clrnilt Court of
Ihe riutc olOrruon fori lacknirnn County iliiinj
the lutilKy nf Mny, A t) , MM, to me ctlreolo.l end
delivered referee In a certain milt wherein It
II Johimon l;plalntlir and W.T. Vhltlo k A K
Whlllnck, Sarah A.Camphell and Kriuik Wl'lxir
Camptiell, Hurle A. Campbell, Hazel CainiiU-ll,
minor helm of F. W. Campbell, dorcancil, md
fcte I,. Newton arcdefendeiitii.eominendlni; me
In theuameof the Btntoof OreKim to make mile
acdordlnn to law of the hereinafter dnnorlbi'd
reel property altuateil in Clncknniaa County,
fjtete ot Oregon.
1 will on Hmiirday, October the fllat, A. f ,
ltll, at the hour of 1 o'clock, I1. M., at the
front door of the court houe In Oregon City,
Oregon, aell at public auction to the hliiheict
bidder, for caah Iu hand, the following den
crlbed roal eatate altuated In aald county and
atate. to-wll:
Hcglnnlng at a point In the eaalerly boun
dary of Main afreet in Oregon city, In aald
county aud atate, acventy-two and 7-li lect
aoutherly from the northweat corner of lots
In block No. '11, running thence aoutherly along
the eaaterly line of Main atrcct thirty two feet,
thence at igbt anglea with aald eaat line,
eanterly through anlil block Wlo tho naatcrly
Imiiiiilary of block No. thence northerly
along aald eaaterly boundary of block No. W
to the northeaat corner of lot 2 In aald block
No. 27, aa agreed upon and eatabllaherl by A.
C Hally and wife and J, tt Itonnett and wife
by a deed between xh Id pnrtlea duly recorded
In book M, page llecorda of Deeds for
aald county, thence weaterly along the lino
of lot 2 aud lot 7 na (."tnblLlinl and agrcrd
upon In aald deed, to plaeo of beginning. If
denlred aald Bale can lie mado aubject to a
mortgage of I10O0 and Internal due Knto I,
W. W. II. Bamhon,
Hated at Oregon City thla 2llh duy of Hen
tember, li'Jl, t:lSM
Notice of ADDlicatlca for Llwor License.
To Al.l, Wiiiik it Ma Coni aim:
rPAKK linllre that the uinli'rulgned wlllapply
t t" the i imnly l niirl ut ( I x k o m t nly
Miale of Oregon oil vt rdneday. the ,ih day of
(i. inbrr, r a Itcenav in I.. II apiritn, u
mall and vllioiia lluuri Iu ! iiiautllii,i than
one gallon iii canby preeluci, In aald county of
(.Inekamaa, lor Ihe perio.1 nf line year and
herein auiiei hla pellllnn. whlrh he will
prearnt In ihe eniirt at aald lime.
I'KTITIIIM filK l.lgtloK Ml KN.I
To Ihe MnnnrHlile Cnunly Court of Ihe County
of Clackamaa, Stale of Oregon.
We, the uuileralgued realilenu of aud legal
vutera In Canby preilnci, County aud stale
afore.ald. do hereby roprclfnlly pelltlon and
pray that an .1 court l,l ,rant a Meeiiae lo
Henry Knehler In apliltuoii malt and
vlnou. Il.ii..ra In aald Canby prceii t In le..
Iln'.'I'v.li,''" '"" V"ll
till v y I'ttr,
W W Irvln,
Wm Itarlnw,
Chaa Hi-li m lit,
C I' llarluw,
1' f.UHliauer,
Frank Hchwarti,
Chaa Knight,
K llntlelier,
J M Nolan,
A II lilinuilek,
A Kncher,
J W Scogglu,
K M llrnckctt,
Havld Wllla,
Frank ilulgruan,
W K llaldva,
II W Win,
J Zeek,
John Hlm,
N llrlgga,
(leo Zelgler,
II If Wolfer,
Ned lluchert,
Solomon Miller,
Havld llackrlt,
Mitchell llackrlt.
.1 A Hniiiherland,
C Kncher,
If A Vurpahl,
0 A Hurley,
II .1 I'len e
lonciih liuvici'a,
1. II l,nmiklna,
W A Work.
Inn T Hchock,
1. 1' 111 rk UK.
Henry Knehler.
Hen Hiulaner,
A T IIkmi II,
II II WIn,, n,
I F. I'altou.
H H Wheeler,
II I' Mngcr.
N M Ailkma,
Jeaale Ailkim,
1 I. 'rtlnuiaH,
l I. Ailklna,
Chaa ) I ii I nl a.
Jainea Adklua,
I'e-cy (ICIiinc,
Anlnne 7..ih,
Chna Schwarg.
I- M llrlgga,
H K Harbour,
H f llaehler,
Hen Miner,
Jacob Hchnelilor.
J If Jeaae,
11. w rinlrong,
Win Adklna,
Valentino Klolie,
John Mnlleit,
N Vim llnreii,
II Knight,
,lna . i,..
Ilariy Wella,
Win flnuz
Wnhcr ICvnna,
Kit m,e
j ii cia
Soul hern Pacific I!
Ktprre Train leavr I'ortUai ;
a,,it.h i
:i j t v i'.,,uoi ai
7 l r I I V Otr,..nl II l
, a Ar Faitrlco l
Alwue Iraln lop.Mily al lha ti
II,, m li,,rl.i .,t li ,,.rl.,ir r. -foil
I'lljf. W ,-l.,i,n Kirtn, A!lii
filtr.t la iU!-y, llarrliliil'l. Jullfl'
Ting and Koarue
Kii.Ht'Ki MAIL it)
t (
S to r it I
I V I'lirllalvl Al
I V tlrei,Hilr I t
Ar Itiiteloirt Lt
AI.IUNV I.ih'AI. (Hally. irt
4n r. M 'j ' f. Vorliaml Al
i" r l.v Oregi'iil llf
hf . f Ar Alliatiy l ,
Pullman Buffet Slee;
yiirai-i-.iiniiin.WUnn nf Hemind CtiuN
attached lu Kaprvat Ttl
Vt eil Hid Hivlilel.
Mall Train. Hally (Ktrr.pt I
i'niA H j
I; K'r h I Ar
Al Albany and Cnrrallia eountfi'
ul urrgnn Cai-mo ttallroad.
Kipreaa Train Hally iKte'P1 '
i lr l.v Portland '
7 r u I Ar McMlmnllle
to At. i. rotsti
Fiirtlcketa and full Informal!
ram. niaiia, etc, pall oil CiitnP"!''
Ilretf.iii I 1 1 w
it .... tr t, (i iiiiKKIl,
.v. Aiir.iii.r.a, e i
Manager. Aaa'l II. F. '"
Oregon Pacific Rail:
T. K. IKXifi, Kfelr
I'n-liflit nnd fnrr Ihe
Tmln No, 3 will rim Tiiw"
diiva nml Hiiinlii.m, ml u" 1
in vm wliiMi nccfwanrv:
trniii N'n 1 will run MolKlll".
(Invaninl Krlduv, ami I"1""" I
when iiei nHury ;
Hlwimfr SnllliiaT
I.avk YAgnNA-;Wlllarnetv'j
, l, it, al.
l-AVa aArirHANcini'0WIIr
July III, Aug. II, la, ...
Thoeomnanv reaerv tht fll"1
lalllng rtalra wllhaut untie". . ,
Train connect wtlh lheO.' "
11,,. I. .1 l',u. Ilia and Alliatlf,
Tl.o OroKon I'nrlrlc tf"'l'l
linn .. i .CUInn ' J
nuinmmio rivnr t
I'ortluncl, nout-boiiiul, MondiJi
,1,.,, ..,.1 .1 II Al '
Corvallia Tiiowfuy, ThmM I
uuy hi, o ,.hi i . ,.,,n.i;i
nortli-botinil, Momliiy. WJ" 1
rriiiiiyat a, m- ,,,I
r. m. on Momliiy, "u"' , h0,
lity, bolli north ftml "ul 1
Im over nlxlit at Hiilom, !"'
(I A.M. , .
ir..........JTii,. tmico. Balm01"
rortland. , i)l
n r.i IHXIIIK. 0. F' r' I