Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 02, 1891, Image 4

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    , through the rnlted Slates immigration lnwj
VltyV'll VllJ liH,iv..jitinl ItKnt tliein--otlttde ,.f liival Hiitiiill.
( ll we had not the most implicit .vntlitenee
in the iin!tih iteneivsitx of our IjicIi.-Ii
cmmLrm'Ror clacukas cookty. ! Z'ZZ tZZ STM
lhi action.
Seriously, lioweer, the idea of hrtittitijr
i luixmn Jew to America in lot-ate tlieitt on
i lrw trai ls of puliUc land Ii I'ooliOi, -ide
WATKM, llvm """'I''heinrt'lcciloil of tin- Isti-lUli.
J i T1 Jw s h-i('U art n( iiiirieultiirinK
I mi Tlicy are traders nnt llimtu-ivrw, not farm.
- N, hm :, . .... ,.. ,.
,1:,, i iivj w in i;ii il-tie UMI1C Clue III Hpuy
of all llio colotii.niti.in scheme ftfr dcviied.
lint tli quality of the auiitctl iiiie.riiruni
from Kuvi is not snich a to render it do
ll. W. Prwioer i sirahle in this countrv in anv coii!.i,li'riiliU
vfllSHH'yi!!! i. vohme. diul it Is to he hoci tliat in this
Anlmr mock i can' the law will aitlml a ineiiMirv of Ilii' iro
O J. TrnUnmer .... , . . , 1
K. 8 liramlull '" " dc.MKiied for
On year,
Vhiw month, .
ji.itiserlr.iion -tyatle in advance
A.Ut'rtiMiis ru itiveu on at'i'tlcallon.
A i.i K NTS K 1'tlK K.N I'KKrKlSK.
V ni.Mi Vil1,
MeaJow Brook.
Nf fcra.
i!.'is die,
Purl, I'm,-,
M ieln.l'iirx,
K A. rutin
It. l l.eit lsl
W. S New berry j
Henry Nitey j
HamiUoii A lituiru
Harlow Co i
T. M. I'NM '
J li. ti. I
J. ii. .loyuer !
C. V llooar,!
A. I. IVrnw
- K. M
Tb Money Qitftttun.
The shipments of Kold from Knrop to
tin1 I'lilted States now twinjj made will proh
My rvasjuiiv the money tinkorvrs anil civc
a fresh impetus to wild schemes of tlnane.
aUi f uvk hfi a iH'ing
Itarunau i "n irwin imsnnuiitry almost ly llu'ship-
-! lod, oiromnsiaiii a viinti out dv
jjjjij j tl' a,tvHates of a somul moni'v s-yslom a.
wiiat siiokitit na bwii n'ctot in view Of
1'iu Kwmii hiiik lia-i from time to tiimv
; noli'il yicliln of (train lost wetnod lniHiti-,'
; lilo to tlioe not aoiimiintotl Willi the ro
j iln. limuow of tln t'onnly, I l week it;
; inhli!ioil In tloiuil hum two ni'inlilioiiiooiii' j
j m the county the m iv.i.ue vi u anil amoniil
I Ii irvotiHt liy t veiy t'.irmer. The lljiuii m !
weiv earefully i-oniiil.'il ami none of lliem '
I linve Ik'i'ii iiii.lmii.il miih- 'Ul'lii ation. In '
! one district ihe lueinne j ichl of onta wa.i'
I nearly Ihirly tHilici to tlie aciv, ami ol '
j wheal nearly twenty three IniOieln, ami in ,
I the other iliMricl foil y one huiliel of iml
to the acre and twe.il ei;lit blicls el
wheal weiv lnirveste-1. I'Iicm' weiv not e
lHil htrnin hut lin liided nil the Kraiii html
in the respective neijihlvn hoo In, (food, had, !
and tniUII'etviit, , One man liarvesled tst !
hvishelsof wheat fnmi twcUe acrea, anotl er ;
8ni husheln from N'enteen acrva, Ktiolherj
T.-' Inishcls of oat from leu ami a hall in re, j
and still another I ITS liiisheln trom Iwenlv
acr'a. Thes ilcurvs lell their own torv.
IM I'lont (street,
Morlhwainern Atetila tor
VMl,r ..... utamomt. !. IM-l.teul Tilltlelimlli . l.anee. ailver air.U ,,
r-"" " , ".' ;". .
. (- it!luWAitiUlv .
t'rtwont Wt'.!i;vs (wiirnmtfil.) U A S l'rouf (Mt.uux. Amnio KiW. K'1h. ('r,.M(.,,llt
I.I'Jlt'tS IVIUI Wtul (')ltMl'H SHTillltiort.
()vpn I'ity Ap-iit, WII.SON f,
j i ne .suver legislation ot congress, i n con.
Analojcvitu llalluoInatli.il. j .liiion became so alarimim' that even the il-
li is said of the exhausted traveller in j ver men and suh treasiiry scliemcrs wen
tlie desett that tie is subject to most wonder ' silei'i-e,l in the fa,vol the umlenialile fact and
fill lialliicinatious. Kven when lie has fallen j its Hissihle ivsise,iienoes. Of course they
on tlie scorching sand and seems powerless J will hail tlie return of Ihe (fold as provim;
to rise visions of crystal water and suecu- J that the previous alarm w as entirely uu
lent KhkI and shady groves seme Umn his ; warranted, ami that these shipments of
fevered mind and nerve him to stic.-swr on ' the yellow metal re mere incidents in set
to grasp the relief he thinks so real and so ; tling the Iwlanivsof international trade,
near. The things most fervently desired j ltut let u look at the reasons underlying
present themselves most vividly in the reel- these transactions, Kirst, why did gold in
ing brain of the tarnished wanderer; but j such unusual miantitiesgo to Kuroe? He
they are unreal and there is no profit hi j ratise Kurope is on a gold basis, and the
them. moment the I'nited Stales took a step tend-
It is delicate subject and one that it istru-1 ing in the direction of iucreaeil silver coin-
Tut Oregon City suspension bridge cost
$iHi. .nw prohibits the driving of Murk :
over it in kinds of greater number than ten
head, the design being to pieveiit undue I
strain to the structure. A large nuinlwr of
I cat lie cross on the bridge dining Ihe year, I
and many drovers while observing the letter
of the law iolate its spirit bv rushing ti n J
head at a tune over the river and causing j
the bridge to sway alarmingly. There is no i
jiifstion Unit the structure has liccn greatlv
damaged in this way, and the city audi
county should make some arrangement by
which police service would be extended to
protect the bridge.
ly painful to contemplate, but din-s notour
esteemeii Ux'alconteniisirary manifest many
of the symptoms of this distressful malady T
It has discovered a schism in the republican
iinksof Clackamas countya svljism that
age Kurope insisted on r,wiving actual gold
in all transactions w herein the balances were
in her favor. The fact that this goternme'il
was coining a debased silver currency did
not matter much mi long as the coinage was
'bodes no bliss", too. The wish is father to ! suthetently lituilcil and there was an ample
the thought. Were the republicans ot t'dslgolJ reserve provided bv law and in fact.
county divided in'o lighting factions the ! l'ut the tendencj of recent sih er legislation j
Courier would be the gainer thereby. Its j U to increase the volume of silver currency
lit 'jire for a republican split is so strong that j beyond the ability of the government to
it sees double every time it looks at the re- I sustain it with gold. So Kurope says, "keep
publican party. All summer it was chuck-1 your silver: it isn't worth to us what you
ling to its democratic self because of the j claim it to be worth and ne tear you will j
laneie-l weakening or the republicans soon De unatue to make it gmnl. lint give
through the defection of the farmers. Sow j us your gold ; that's all right." And the
it fancies Till Extskpkise is the cause of I gold goes.
trouble in the party. We wonder what the ! Sow, w hy is gold returning to this coun-
Attormkv lisNSK.u. Josks, of Washing,
ton, has prepared an exhaustive opinion m
Million to theconslilutioiialil.v of reading
the bible in the public schools of thai state.
The conclusion he reaches is that such read
ing is contrary to the constitution. Teach
ers might as well read chapters Irom the Ko
ran or the Talmud. Whether this will have
theeH'ccl of calling oil' Ihe sealous school
inarms whose action induced the Ucrtii
teiulcnt of public instruction to ask for this
opinion remains toiio seen.
next hallucination will be.
Prosperutis Clackamas County.
The most casual observer cannot fail to
notice the growing prosperity of Clackamas
county. The past three years have been
fraught with great changes, and especially
durinj the past twelve months has there
been a quickening, leavening spirit abroad
that is working marvelous results, louring
the boom period Oregon City failed to
" catch on" to any considerable extent and
it was reviled by many for its conservative
habits. The tributary country w as of a sim
ilar temper and was similarly regarded.
While tlie boom was sending its force i
ml severely racking many enterprising
communities in the Northwest the ieople
liercabiitits were quietly gathering them
selves to move forward. And they have
been steadily moving. Many laree and un
productive claims have been divided into
small farms that are being thoroughly and
properly tilled. Improved strains f stock
are, being put on the farms. The country
roads are receiving more attention than
formerly in every direction. A more popu
lar interest in the public schools is being de
veloped. Social and business intercourse
between neighborhoods ia freer than hereto
fore, and a really healthy interest in human
ity at large has grown up.
The farmers are closing an unusually pros
perous year. This is truly gratifying and it
is hoped they will make the most of it. lliey
will be enabled to still further improve their
farms and to make easier the heavy labor of
tilling the soil.
One of the signs of advancement in the
city is the tendency to scialize in business.
Instead of the old fashioned general mer
chandizing establishment, grocers, cloth
iers, dry goods men, etc., open stores where
in their respective sjiecial lines of trade are
handled exclusively. The disposition to
utilize the manufacturing advantages of the
town is more manifest than ever before.
The municipality is brushing the cobwebs
from various dingy corners and striking its
gait on the up grade.
Gratifying as is the retrospective view of
things accomplished, perfection is yet a
thing a long way off. There are many im
perfections yet to correct, many improve
ments to make. Iet us not weary in well
doing. A good start has been made; let the
spirit of progress continue to hold sway.
Immigration Abuses,
The latest outrage of American immigra
tion laws is credited to Englishmen. The
Rusfeian persecution of the Jews is driving
the chosen people from that country by the
thousands. , iianj' of them are inclined to
settle in England. So some kindhearted
Englishmen undertook to provide an asy
lum for the persecuted in the "new world.
South American countries did not look with
favor on the efforts' to coloiilze the evicted
Hebrews within their borders; andthetur-bul'-nt.
condition of all'airs., there, made it
extremely imprudent to try to force matters.
So these benevolent Britishers with hearts
fcieoding for .their sutu ring fcllo-f men are
johuii.g ilifc.wjr lo this Loiim-nf tin: down
trodden; auilj. Oppressed alfl inviting the
lev.js to .'tti liithW, ,.' i ; '
Jlht it so happens thai the American
ciic'rces at its llurt .sssi6n stiiflir.foritot it-
try ? Is it because aoulidrnce in our govern
ti ent's finance ts returning? If it were
what a blessed thing it would be for the
owners of silver mines. There are two rea
sons for the return of gold from Kuroiu
the face of the impaired confidence in the
soundness of our money system, namely;
Enrol is very short of food this year ami
must buy in America: and prudent Ameri
can capitalists are bringing gold from
abroad to lock it up until it shall be at a
premium. The tirst reason has nothing to
do with financial jugglery. KuroK-an mis
fortune and American piosiierity for the
season are the elements in that, liut the
second indicates a condition of atlairs that
should awaken the gravest concern. It
shows that Americans themselves recognise
the fact that the Tinted States seems'about
to begin eriod of monetary trouble.
Wild nations of finance are spreading with
amazing rapidity and are likely to crystalize
into laws. The inevitable disturbances will
result to the great gain of the gold hoard
ers and they are preparing for it. It is as
impossible to maintain gold and silver at a
parity of value when their coinage is not
restricted as it is to make water run up hill,
and in the fluctuations which the chcaiH-r
metal undergoes the poor man gets the
worst of it every time.
List Tuesday nearly .Vm people partook j
ot an Ojii air dinner at Stciilienville, Ohio, !
at which the table service was entirely of j
tin-tin plates, tin spoons, tin knives and'
forks, etc. It was all made of tin plate of I
domestic manufacture. Major XlcKiiiley j
was present and it was a great occasion. I
As investigation of municipal affairs is
in progress in San Kranciseo, and Hie unan
imity with which ring bosses and thug wire
pullers have sequestered themselves in "un
known places outside the Hay city, is quite
alarming lo the guild that has been "in it"
for so many years.
I)k. Hauky Lane, erstwhile siirintend
entof the state insane asylum , talks right
out in meeting in a letter that just came to
light this week. He was appointed by that
democratic paragon of a governor, I'enn
oyer, and of course is a good democrat him
self, but he does not hesitate to talk vigor
ous English, and among other things his
condemnation siieeities
The more prominent state official who would
willingly unload all the dunderheads and un
shackled rogues In chrlatendom upon an Insti
tution provided for the care of the tniserable vic
tims of the saddest phase of human suffering;
wbo alms to make the saylum roosting place
for every deadbeat and bum who has served
him ttthe polls; who finds fault If the bum It
forced to earn his pay, and who will not fight
fair but will insinuate a calumny he dure unt
assert, ami with half a lie will smother truth;
who will regularly every quarter draw a salary
for services which he has not rendered and the
coaitltutfon of the ittte forbids him to accept;
and who tu all probability will spend his de
clining years In a vain attempt to dodge the fos
tering care o! this same Institution.
This is pretty rough. The letter was writ
ten Augus 1 1. In accordance with the prob
ability indicated in the last clause ot the
above excerpt it may be observe 1 that Gov
ernor I'ennover has already more than liulf
joined tlie recently born people's party.
The fair held at Marquam last week was
a complete success. It is growing to be an
institution that the whole county may be
proud of. Indeed, its patronage is not at
all confined to Clackamas county, uu im
portant section of Marion being tributary
and joining heartily in the enterprise. The
Butte Creek fair linn grown in ten years from
a small begiiiniiigcoiiducted by a few neigh
boring farmers to be one of the best county
lairs in the state. It is distinctly agricul
tural and as such is of more value to the
community at large Hum half n doeu sjiort
ingexpositions ycleped fairs. The practical
producers have a real if lere.st in it, and to
observe the improvement in the exhibits of
self as to makr! a law 'that ccrlain'indigefit, ! the successive years is one of the best tni-aii
dis u-e.l and i.rioiiiuil classe-, sFiOuld iere
jVr !e ,(-A''lui'wl Jroyl oir Jiilie i t too irj,
:&i?' fi 'f L.i'i'i-tMf
f r Oi'i f.ri;'-fi ut.iriHi i: tni-iMft' rtii
V f')r thm to l: row, mi Amr)V
t! ;os of ii'MOi'iT 1, r..rt;Ut-:fV.t!s
! -j'.uis wlio Mi le ln'!iue 1 to t firry in the
E';;;l'!) mm t,s, Jut' now.it is proposed to
retain counsel and to hygtcmatically set
upon a plan to drive Uio Kussinn Jews
of judging of the n-al
uli-talitial indu trie.
sl.-ilc. K'.'i IV ; . i I!
.en the liiittef'r- e :
ll.ed r:iN!if.!'-tu-' l
'ieu'iirU- of Oi'eion
ipign-ss of tin; most
of tlie county and
, eiiUid should he
;;.r, T"',e lin-ivliutil.s
I1,.: c'l'iid y and p.ir
ntv would find it
For the EsTiarsiss.
SeiteniWr-s Chrysolite.
Among the supcrnttttiiui old,
Which ceuturU-a gnu have iiiiuly told.
Is this: To each mouth ut the year
belongs a gem, sacred sud dear;
tso great tu charm all pulsing Itte
It with Its vestal ninnliigi rile.
01 all the gems In amulet bright,
Septemlar owns the chrywdlle
A stone of gulden emerald tlnl,
True lo Its season In Its hint
()( coloring. Like uwuy fiehli
Keren ot grain, or fruit, which yields
Its mellow shinies sgaluat the green
Where falls the hazy light between
l ife's fullnem, glnry manifest,
Kh h meanings thus this gem Invest.
Fullueas nf Ills! Fullness of time!
The passing year hu reached Its prime
From bud and bloom lo ripeness sweet,
Housuous and itrniig ; and It ts meet,
Kre rest of winter's ulght comes oil,
That autumn's glury crown is on.
Lite's fullness comes Just ere theclosfl,
Ihe soul, strong, grand, walls In repose
TUI death shall rnme. Fullness of tune
In reached, and fsltti ami hope sublime
Point to the glory manifest
Of flulithrd work. Illvluely blest
Is he who claims at his birthright
The magic of the chrysolite.
Carut, Or. 8ept. 22, last.
Hon. W. T. Burner Addresses C'ollls I.
II tinting tou.
io llu ir rulvnnl;!"'; lo null;.; di,i,!.iys of
(heir wares nt Marqntim, It would be a
method of attracting business that would
benefit both town and country.
In an open letter to C. P. Huntington
regarding the courae pursued hy the
Southern Pacific company in Oregon Hon.
V. T. Iiurney takes occasion to speak
rather pointedly regarding the opera
tion!) of that corporation . The letter was
published in the Oregonian ami is of
sufficient interest to warrant republiah
ing the following excerps:
In January, 1S91, with mighty flourish of
trumpets, you called on Hon. B. Pengra, of
Oregon, constituting him your duly authorised
tgent, to go forward and immediately determine
upon the most eligible route for a flrst-clatt
railroad, to be built from Portland, via Powell't
Valley .south to Hllverton, and from there the nar
row gauge wat to be made a broad gauge system
and extended from Coburg, via HprlngfleliJ and
the middle fork of the Willamette, through
Houtheasteru Oregon to Wlnnemiieca, Nev,
Mngnifleeiit scheme, and "our pcoplo" were
able and willing to nutld ft, to vou said.
Pursuant to your instructions, Mr. Pengra, In
company with examiners In the field and com
petent engineer t, mapped out a route, and the
same was duly submitted to and approved by
you, and the rig htof way was secured together
with depot grounds and sullleieiil material to
construct the road, with the assurance of a
bonus more than siifticicut to tie the same
Whereupon engineers were placed In the field'
with extraordinary restrictions upon them,
Indeed, as to grades and curvature; but, never
theless, a line was flnnlly located, mid a pur
chase and shipment of enough iron nuide by
you to build ninny miles of thisroiid. Then as
If by nniglc a halt was culled and all operations
were sin-peudud
It vvit.Uiun 'iiiuounci-d tint the Oregon iCnl
ff.,ra!a r Callfortdj it "m;on or the Seutlieni
P'ue.'le li .d b 'l'ht til: niri'u.v giiu::e Hy:-ti-iri
nnd iln et. ii In this di.'eefluti would lie
made until fitrtii'T nut!;:', fit h-ist, Thus ends
the eoii-id"l.il i in t'1 tiie proposed Mind by
Die Puwi'll's vnlley to Hilveron, Koutlieuhtorri
Oregon ami Wliinmunueca, Nev.
before we leave it let us say the Ilnu. 1). P,
Thompson seul out the engineers of the Union
I'sctnV " during the wliilerof ' ainl't".
who reported ah'sMl'le row I" iUlverli.it. ami
vvIipu about to pal lb" siifveyms III Ihe field h
was stoinied by your IMnlereiic. claiming- '
to ts'lhe lerilmry ul theXmillioru I'aelne I'um
psuy Why? lleesiise II or any w " proi-ir
has ever luillt mil " roa.l tu tin-gun ten 'l
maybe few miles l aprlintrtehli No Nur
ooiil.ttliey claim II ou any rtlher theory llisii
thai uf the limn who wmiiedsll the land ilisl
ji.llir.1 him
You laid to Ihe people ol Al"rl llisl H Ih)
denlnst your miiiilrteiit hand rie. tu Iwhslf
of llielr lout huHsl lor rAllrusd. ttiey mmd first
itipene with Ihe servbes and llier illy cell
rlseste the pioperly UgliK ul Mr lliiam Itidd
is nun, hy the way, who haa dune more lo de
letup Oregon Itian Ihe winds Suiilliern I'aeiae
cmibliiedl and like Ihe gtaldvu uf dlawmloa
Villi sllis-MNted wllh your lllirlgllte-iila pUii and
since then have leu making i.ropoailluiia,
ahleh being aeeepted. were tlirusl aalde aula
new on uttered. In lael. eoiillniiuualy kxtqilug
Ihe word d promise to lh ear and breaking
to Hour bean
THE Itlll.WAY (OKMirirK Mill.
Catholic Purchase lliilldlng Mle
(ieneral Ileitis tr local News.
I! viikoaii MnnrtMi r MkiI'm,
tjnitc a few raiiro.ii co uuiitti--iin'ii were'
on soino coiiiiiiiltoi' ut tin' county
fair, at Manpiam, Sept. '':!- ami it
'niii iinpriii lical'le for them lo in gle. I
their duties thole on the cloving day of
the lair, tlm tiiting held, hero was for
the purpose, ut Kstp,ui'iii action on
tailway nmttors to snine lutoie day when
nothing dsc sboiiKI interferu. The
meeting was irei'led over by I J. Hid
ing ami on motion ot W. V. Jensoe it
was adjourneil till the first Saturday in
November Tne nieeting will then t
held ill llarlow.
Fhkktiioi'iiiit SrgAKKH , Saiiiucl I
I'lltman, the great froetluKiglil sH'iiker
will address the people at Zeek's ball,
Friduy night, '.'ml, on Ircs'thought. Mr.
Mr. Putnam writes from Taeotii umlur
date ut '.'3rd that he is packing the louts,,
and the 'i inst. be is lo U at Portluud
at the Cuiiveiitioti ot Freethinkers Af
ter the convention he will push through
to San Francisco and then on east, an I
will not return to the Pacific coast tor a
year The tieuple of llarlow consider
themselves very fortunate in gelling such
uu able nun to address them.
Possiiily a Catholic Ciukiii. In
behalf ol Moat I!ev. VY. H. Gross, ut
Portluud, Hev. lluclilumer, ol Now F.ra,
came up and liuiilo selection ot 100x100
on Maple street for a church building
and possibly a school Archbishop
llross is expected tip w ithin short time
to determine us to when they will
build. Wo will lie glad lo see our town
dotted with churclieH. Toe inure the
Tint Skhmon was 'jooD. Key. I.owery,
of the M. K. church, delivered a aeriuou
at Zeek's hall last Sunday night to
large congregation. The text wan
taken (rum the twelfth chapter ot Tim
othy. There will be services in the
hall two weeks from that date at II A.
M. Let there he large turnout.
Wnx Guuw IIkuhikh. -Mr. (jus
Scliiele, ot Quiiicy, III., arrived In our
town a tew days ago and purchased uf
Harlow A Co. tun acres ami will make
specialty of raising lierriea for the
Portluud market. IleliaH hud long ex
perience in the culture ot berries and we
bespeak for him a prosperous future.
On IUu Way. A letter was received
from Denver, Col. staling that Mm. (ieo.
A. Sbeppard would have that city for
Barlow on the flrat ot Octuher nnd ar
rive here about the 4th. On her return
he will commence her building. We
hall be glad to welcome the lady to our
Auction Sai.b There cun bo seen
around the wugon shop ol John Zuck
a varied lot of agricultural implements
that w ill be luld at auction by Win . Bur
low, Oct. 10th. Anything the farmer
wishes he can get titthis mile.
Social Hop. A social hop watt given
at the ruHidence of Mr. Scoggiim lust
Wednesday und was well iittuntlod by
our young people.
Mr. Henry Burk, of Monmouth, Mr.
and Mra CluiH. Cnaody, of liroat Fulls,
Montana, (Jus. sichiolo, ot Quinoy, 111.,
are among Hioho rcgiRtorud at The Kuttli-
Mr. W. V, HimiHliy, of New York
atitti!, litiH moved in nnd taken charge) of
Miller's fiirtii.
Mr. Jus, f)gl n liira; grnin trnm'i r
fitmi Miifiiiuiiii wiih in town lliifl wnek.
Col. W. I Whito huh Iln; gucd of
Win. Lai low thin week.
Col. l'uiir wuh m town ono duy this
Best and Cheapest Groc
Fancy and Staplo Grocorios in Groat Vark
Vogotablos, Fruit and Food.
Thirteenth nnd Main, ORECON CITY.
MauiifaelMxn nf slid l;rt la
Fir, Spnifo aiul Ci'ilur. itim Lut-lia, liVkt't-t, .shiiilit!,
r-liipjit'd hi till jioints on th rivt-r, tr ly rail.
Mill Located on Willamette River at Setlwood Or.
f. r, WIS:T.
r. , airnu
I.nrv-Ht aim k ol Ciilliiia and t'akela kept 8 nth uf Poillati'l. Altai-hake i
and Metallic Cketa ftiriitfilied lo or-li-r. t.adic llurial IfnlietirJ
lii iil,' llurial l!.d in al,ak
Also Vainnnil t'nrriai Miiktni:, llurso Shot'ii) and '
t'ral Ithicksinitliiiii ui hlmrt notirt.
r r. white.
Practical drchitsrts - luilj,rs.
Will ,re,are t'lan.. vli-vatloti., wurklliK i1
Ullii, . .pvrllt"ntl"ii fur nil kiln I. "I l.ull.l
ItlK. Ht.f,Ul atlr'lltoll Klvrtl tu tlliotrftt 14
iHKi'ii. k.ltlnfth.. ttirttl.iieij iii ,if.tla
I nil on or mlJre.i III I f. mum ,
ore ton " It jr. on
1 1 mm
Drayage & Expressing
Freight and parct' dellvnred I" all
larta ut the city.
GKLvr KUDucnoN In
R. Prier,
til old italillihixt and reliable
( alilnrt lhntogritih, fl er iloi.
Dr. C. P. Sullivan!""
Tie onlF DRUGGIST between Portia., and
Oregon citr.
Ctirrlena full line of
I'KKHflllf l'lt.NH ('Altl.l'I'M.Y O M ! t : M, K II
I Oregon City Express Hi
i I IkIiI frriitlil and rU ilciurrri
, iti,iie city.
I ,tf nrtn llh F f Ik"
4.rurrul ttlu kinlt tiUg '
Wiifnii mid IIiikkj Work fr'i
ll.ir nlnirlii lii a (Iml clan bub
t'anliy. - . . Uw
Illnrkumlih and M MVH
lloracalmelnt a NiwlHf.
Ite.slrln of all kind .nim.tl)f ilwj
ai reaiHMiauie pricca.
1)11, 1. IIM IN
Storo local,.,! at Mountain View, on
Molitlla road, oim mil,' Hontli
citHt of On 'iron "it v.
'iVe .I,,,,! i I'UI, CUI ,.,,1 .. .
:r,";,-,,,,;,"f. kifiH, p.o..iH.,l,.is'i.;
:;',"! 1 "r nnd I'll,,.,- MVi ;
1 '"'"''"l'. 'iml liilinnriiiiK ll.r ,;,i,.H
HinlaM,. f(,- tl,. m.,.,M f(t ,1,,,,,,, .J
iitnily. liy p,,,,,,,,, ,) (,, lU.ly
hoin Ii, nn-ni'lli lull.,,. aH j,, ,1,,,
f7 Hie IhIichI inurki't i,. .,,,1,1
beiiloinbor 11, 1HU0.
111 rearnf pu' hanUaruilnr' J
Ofrvery decrl'tlon on almrt nnUi
Oregon City, Orotfon.
HepiiirH mi nil kind of mnall
(roni ptl v iiiuile. liiiilliiitfl key
any luck iniiniifnctnreil. HIiopH
Wliieni't iV Scrip! nre'l hlack
HI 11 i 1 1 1 bIiiM'.
I C, PE111
lii'iiliT III nil kind" '
UfjrOIiS mill Sun.incr
Kniie Iml Ihe liel ln Jil1'
Livery anl Feed Stab
Willi Ainplo AnniiiiKMliitli"!''
UT- Vr ! It ciifoiia '