Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 25, 1891, Image 7

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3oods will be Fired Out During the Next Thirty Days
rand Annual Clearance Sale I
Will begin September 1st and close October 1st.
50 doas. Men's fine Shoes per pair 2 00 Regular price, $2 75
$1 60 Regular price, $2 25
we will Mi fur 01 OU Regular price, QA OU
Misses' and Children's Shoes Cut Proportionately.
Our Men's French Calf Hand-Sewed Shoes, every c3 RA Art
pair warranted Standard, price DO OU We will sell for pO VAJ
This is One of the Biggest Bargains We Will Make.
p.Ml are all in fir-l-df. xlm). I Adieu will ..lease come during the day, as we cannot warrant uiem tne same auenuon aunug u evening. u . uu. c a..
adjoining tho Hank of Oregon City, and even though we have douhle the room we had in our old quarters,
fe VIust Make Room for Oar Heat pall and Winter Stoek.
fl ... . .... ... , m., n-nw havp Tirirv sm.n TV CITY BEFORE. EVERYBODY TAKE NOTICE.
WE WILL Sr. LI. liUUl'S 1jUiv.iv -wm u.' miv ......
Oregon City Shoe House,
I Wood wanted at
If vou feel "mil f aorta" tnvm and
Itv'iali-iake Ir. Melons hr--
rheerlti iiom will return ami mo
I'.II juirtt lnw scat.
Tin farmer's friend has for many
i .1 V..I.
urs Iwn IT. J . li stri-raii "'
Uie Oil Liniment, (or horses, tatlle,
a and sheep. K !' '")V'' "
I'vili in thousand cw.
Tl,. ...I...t ..I. n n( the ircwnl
I ..... , .I.r-ll a llllRxl (llW'BW
I'iiicl. aggravates tho mucus iir(ai.e.
lUWiHuvralixl Koroedy i-urniM "
I l..,.lll, til II 10 alflH'UMl
Iwmhfanes, stops nllenelvri discharges
uid o.rrecla tho breath. Tor sale '')'
I ill (Irui'iiiKta.
Ilucalen'a ArnUn Suite.
Tla llcsl Halvo in the world for Cuts,
ilruiwn, Kores, fleer. Salt ,""
fever Soros, Tetter, ClmpH Hand.
ClullduiiiN, Corns, and all Hkin hrtip
Hons, and positively cures I'des, of ."
pay required. Ilia guaranteed to tcivo
perfect satisfaction, or money refiimle.1.
Win) W cent Hir box. ' "y "
A. Harding.
H vou airr from any affection
caused by Impure IiIoikI null an icrofula
aalt rheum. or-a, Iwila, piinplim, tot
tnr. ringwonn, Uka IT. J. U. Mt-Uan
Now la the tuna to provide yonrtwlf
and family with n-liablc remudy for
howvl complaint". HiaalmoHt witaiii
to I niHHh'd, and no family can allord
... 1. -.1 1. ..ii it it I'oata mil a iimu
'amo Mu.i.a, Toxaa, Jim , m-
nn my own jwraoiml knowldt.
1 rvwinniMit! C'liainlwrlain a Colic,
nl.r. mill nUrrlliwa ItOIUO'ly for
cm r
vnoicra anil inarrnowa -tmpa
In tho atomach, alao for tlmrr
hoaa.and flui. It lathe waim-ui-
cino I have ever wwn uwid and the ihbi
WllnK.M It always give
A. K Skerrlll. d and 60 cent bottloa
lumalo byU. A. Hardin.
. .. .....I. . i.M..ttl IIaI f'amnlMlll.
minor hln "I K. W. t'Kinil.rll, ilf-l. and
K.lr U Newion, drlcniUiiln. riimmuilln me
liiiliMiMiivnlth itl Orfiii.u iunikMle
I'mrdlui U) law of the herinIU'r UuM-rllK-il
rrl iri.iwn ol K. W. Oun.MI. dweed.
altutiVl in rUrkarau County. Heme Oregon.
I will u 8uin!r. iK'iolwr the aut, A. I ,
m at the hour of I o'clock, r. M.. ' "
front door ol the court home In Oregon Uty.
Or.Tton, ell t public auction, to the blf heat
bidder, lor canh lu hand, the following des
cribed r..ale.lte altuated In Mid county and
""leglnulii'l at a po'nl 'n eaaterly boun
dary of Main atreel In Oregon l Ity. In aid
roiiiity and Ute, aevenly two ai.d l-M leet
nitiieriy iroin uie nuii"""" ... -
..I n.av I the meuna of aavmij niu. li
auircribK. II " '' T1,e? .? ntt0V ! m hliM'k i7, running thence aoiit herly along
dillcietn rc.ncdica In m. hut han.tx-r- I , ,,. ol Mar.. ..rcet tk , riy-two ft,
,' ('olio, t-holor. and I mrrhoca atjj ,
tain oiiu, x - -- .
. -i., ..... I. .11 1 it... II v the bent, -o
and .V) cent bottlon for al hy U. A.
Harding, DrtiKgrnt.
A California Home.
I ..f Hill lu'at liH'ntcd
lri.it farm, in Placer county, Ctthformaof
W acre. Tn-- coinmoncmg to
lH-.tr, all Mandanl v.rieUe.. . 118 '.''
ir...,. railroad eliipplng point. IxkhI
W)i,nd P. water, tiood m t .,
In the Hacromonto valley. ' view of
Which can lie Itatl iroin mo
Term, on ppliwitum to 1iia.m
. IMv llMlLnill. tV
AI.I1KH. vn'H'ni v iv i -
v... .ii i ....... Aiimolnlnt til
ny form, there la nothing MUr tlian
ri . ! . . ii . ni Inarr
vuttniDeriain e uont:, ,
hoea ltmnedy, Mra. Nancy Herrv.ol
Ailanm, Lawrence county, kotitucaj.
My Dim diiKfl of it citron nor . -
Uck of diairhoen. Two or three down
ill euro any ordinary ca. htm ru
"'iced with water It (a pleaaant to Uo.
JUaii.lM) cent bottles for tlo by uoo.
A. llurding.
A 1,1111.. Clrlu Vvi.erlelice III Mtf'1'-
, lloUNC.
' Mr. and Mrs. Loren Tnwcolt are
Hx.ru of the Gov. MuhthonHO n
llich. Mich., and are Moaned Willi a
latighUir, four yeara old. Laat April
flic tin tiiken down with Meaalea, lol
lowed with a dreadful Cough una
turning into a Fever. Doctor t boino
and m htr!t tmaind her. but in vain,
he grew worne rapidly, until alio was a
riiiip.. "i ir... ..V imiioa." Then ahe
iiniiiiiui ui w 1
tru.,1 ft. LM....L Noiu I) flcovei'V ami
tt,'U'r tho' tho iiho of two and a half bot
tom .... 1.....1.. onrod They say
Dr. Kin' N.,w Discoverv is worth Is
lght in gold, yet yon may get trk
bottle free at 6. A. Harding' drug
Dundarr ol block No. W. Hieiiee nmnam
along aald ea.terly boundary o block
to the northeast ii.ruer ol lot i "''' '
No H aa agreed upon aud eaiabllal.ed by A.
0 Bally and wife aud J. 0 Uoi.i.etl and wife
brdellHtweon aald partlea duly recjwded
lu book M, page 211, Itecorda ol lH-cda for
.aid county, thence W"l"l- o0 ''
,,i loi l and lol 7 aa elabliahwl and gred
iipoulu .aid dent, to plce"i w'"'"";
Dated at Oieon City tliln ah day ol Scp-
lember, 1"1. ;'M;0'
If you suffer pricking pains on moving
the eves, or cannot bear bright light
and find your eight weak and failing,
you should promptly use Dr. McLean s
Strengthening Eye Salve. 25 cents a
-ri... I..H..!,,.. frank statement from
i ,. w,i be
J. V.. Ilri 01 iroiioii
of Interest to many of ow nitons. My
li,tis hoy was very bad off for two
11,1,8 . " ,T VV naed van-
i t nolh ng none inn. . a; - -;
nstll Cl anilHirlaiiri Colic, Cholera and
ate relief and -oon ciirmJ m. I con
sidur it tne w'si num.' --- -
&lebr"A- Harding, druggi-t.
... ..lllnnnn HI 11 H 11
Aug. Ilornung, a.,n v,,i..n
facturer of boots and . hoes at M No n
Kt Han Antonio, iexii"i - -- .
t'J his exiHTienco. with an a tuck
of Hie cramp, which he reia,,.
lows: '1 was uo :;,;.,,,,,,:,.
i.riiiiii) 11 the Hioiiiacu .. V i :i
of my family. "-
Itpfcree JaU'.
Hlato of Oregon,
County ol Clackamas,
Notice of Application for llpr Llcease.
To ALL WHOM IT May Concisni
rilAKK notice that the underalgned wllUpply
. ..I i-l..Wma colllitv.
B Ullh8 10lllliy imrii . ..v- .
sfateol Oregon oa cdne.day. the I of
lictouer, .r - '""."" "- ,.,
tits I ftnti vinuu inwi v-- - .
hereto annex hla petition, which be will
nreaeut to Vhe court at aald time.
........u vnVIIIVU
riannx aynio-B...
rsTiTioN ro LiQtioa licni.
To the Honorable County Court ol tbe County
We, the underalfttied re.lilenia ot and legal
vntera lu tauny urei-mui. v.....,. -
HSSyi do M r.-r.cmn r w m
lleiry KoeUler to ill aplrltuoui, malt and
ilnou. liquor, in Mid Cauby P'n"''"1"
qiiantitlri than one gallon, for the period ol
I aa
. ... i..D.i.i.l nut.
B. virtue ol adwree a psi ft,,, nf
ol and under me ; ,;.., county dateq
the Hiateoi Oregon ioV mn dlreoteu
the HUlay l May. '"JIn . H. Jol.n
nd delivered la. releroe A K, whU.
rkriltlpblu i 'moa.WUbur
W W Irvln,
Win Harlow,
Chaa Sclimltt,
0 P Harlow,
1' Limbauer,
Frank BchwarU,
1 Stolner,
fha. Klllgnt,
K Hotteker,
J M Nolan,
A H I.l.nmlck,
A Kocher,
J W geoggln,
K M llriK'kett,
i,u..l.l WIIIn.
u...,i,fa Uolirruau.
W H Ib.ldra,
h w will.
J y.eek,
.lo in Sim.,
N llrlgia,
Uo Zollr,
I. II Woller,
v-.l llin.lit.rt.
Snloinon Miller,
Pavld HHCurii.
.in.. I.. .11 Hrtckr t.
,1 A Hoiitborlaud,
0 Koi'lier,
II A Vornahl,
(I A (lurloy,
11 J Fierce
Joacpb Uuviccs,
1. 11 Lainiiklu.,
W A Work.
Jon T achook,
I, P Ulrku.,
Heury Koeblar.
(loo Snsl.nor,
A T llaatell,
H P Wlaon,
J E ration,
H 11 Wheeler,
H r Snger.
8 M Adkm.,
JcbhIc Adklna,
.1 L Thomas.
KL Adklna,
Chaa llalrda.
Jiunea Adklua,
Po.-cy OC luno,
Antone .-.ilii,
( baa Hchwarg,
I, M llrlgga,
Win MoCaualand,
W 8 Kellogg.
11 K Harbour,
8 r Hachler,
ilea l.li'HOr.
Jacob Sehneldor,
r LKldluga,
J 11 Joaae,
(' W Armatrong,
Win Adklua,
Valentine Klotao,
Wm Bhepard,
John Mollett.
(' M Van lliireu,
H Ki.ignt,
a Z lea.
Harry Well
wm now,
Walter Evans,
Ed Hope.
J H Cldey,
Notlre te TaI'ye'"-
Notice I. hereby given that the Board of
Equalisation for Clackainaa county, will meet
at the court houa In On-gon City, on Monday.
Sciitember , and remain lu aea.lon one week.
All partie. desiring lo examine their aaaea.
menl bclore the meeting of the Hoard ol
Kqi.aliiatlon can do ao by calling at my office
lu the court houw on Saturday ol each week.
10-23 J. W. NOBLE, A.aeaaor.
Administrator's Notice.
. I i. ........... lH.n thai 1I.A tlllf.lllll
i. . i. ,IHi.. .1 ih. Pnniil I'niirt nf rlark-
UUIIirH, " 1 M. ...V - w " '
amaa county, Oregon, duly appointed admin-
. . .... . . i . .. . . . . I II....... UIHav iImhuuu!
lairaioroi me www wi h.uij v..-v-.
All penoua baring claim, againat .aid eatate
are required to present them, with proper
voucher, attached at the oBice of C O and
u. K Latoureue, in uregou v.iy, wuuiu
month, from tbe date of this notice Dated
Augu.tlJ.lMl. J.K MOKRW.
AUUliUlStl (ttua
Final Settlement.
In the County Court of the State ofOre-
gon for Clackamas uouniy, Diiiing m i -ate:
In the mitir of the Estate off
. I). Harvey, deceased. I
r i.AH.i.w ivA niitii thnt. I have tiled
in tho above entitled Court, my accounts
and vouchers ior mini soiueiiicni. in
.,r i..u Miuia nl I 1). Harvcv. de-
lOllSVUl Ul mo w. -
ceased, and the Court has appointed the
lime tor hearing and settling said accounts
and the exception thereto it' any.
Richard Scott, Aumr.
9-11 ;10U
Final Settlement.
i- .... r,i,,i PnnH nf the Slnte of Ore
gon for Cliukamas County, Bitting in Probate:
r .. .1.. m.it.e nf the Estate)
ofM. A. Burnelt, deceased.
I hereby give notice that I have riled In
.i.. -i 1 ...ii.jul fVinrt mv accn.tnta and
ine aiwi. uu.i.iw v..-.. ..v -
vouchers tor final settlement as executor of
the will and estate oi m. a. surneu, ue
ceased, and the Court has appointed the
.... . i ' a v...nK. A t 111 aa the
time for hearing and settling said ac
count, ana Hie exception liioiem iinj.
N. B. HAvat, executor.
the Entebpkisc
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
tne l.ouuiy ui vii;aiiii -L.
G. Young. Plaintiff,
Pearl Richard., Defendant)
To Pearl Richards, said defendant:
In the name of the 8tte of Oregon: ou are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed againat you In the above entitled
ault within ten days Irom the date of the service
of this summons upon you, u wjrveu wiunu
thl. county; or, if served In any other county
of this State, then withlo twenty days from the
date of the service ot this sun.mona upon
you; and if served by publication,
then by the first day of the next
term of Mid court, to wit: Tuesday. Movember
2d, ISM; and if you fail so to auswer, lor want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court lor
the relief demanded In the complaint, to wit:
for a Judgment against the defeudaut in the sum
of two huudred dollars in Culled States gold
coin, with Interest thereon from June 12th, 1SS3,
at ten per ceut per annum, less I.SO.00 paid Sep
tember 8th, 1SX8, and IJO.OOpaid September SWtb,
KM: lor the further sum of .').00a attorney',
lee herein and lor the costs and disbursement,
of this action: Also, for a decree ol foreclosure
of that certain mortgage executed by rearl
Richards and Sarah A. Richards, on tbe 12th
day of June, 1WS, in favor of this plalutlff, to
secure the sum and Interest above named,
which mortgage la recoiled on pee SW of
Book "M" of mortgages lor Clackamas county,
Oregon. This summon. Is published by order
of Hon. Frank J. Taylor, Judge ol said Court,
made at Chambers on tbe ib day of Auguat,
1S91. H. E. CROSS.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
9-11. 10-U
Lakd Ornci at Obsgok Citt. Obeoon,
Aug. 18, 1891.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof In support of his claim, and.
that said proof will be made before tbe Regis
ter and Receiver, 1'. 8. Land Oltice, at Oregon
City, Oregon, on Oct. 6, Ml, vis:
Mathias Vetsch,
Administrator of the total of Joseph Weber,
deceased. Homestead entry No. 5276, for the n
X of sec 21. 1 2 s, r 5 e.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, vis:
R. Ganlmhein, J. H. L. Maybel, 8. C Colntan,
F Meiuig, all of Sandy, Clackamas county, Ore-
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for tne county oi vwaoiuaa.
P. W. McKeclinie, plaintiff, 1
vs. f
Liizie B, McKeclinie, defendant.)
To Lizzie B. McKeclinie, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon: You
are hereby required to appear and answer
I..1..1 uiil ....tt.ul vim IntliA above
tne cuuii'ii.iiii' mi:" "h."" j i
entitled court and cause, on or before the id
iluy of Isover.ii.er, ireu, me nnmo ii"s
Hret day or the term of said court next fol
lowing six weeks publication of this sum
mons: and if vou fail to appear and answer,
for want thereof the plaintiff will take Judg
ment against vou, and will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for in his com-
. . . oi. i i.. i ...11. f,. . HivirAA
plaint men Herein, lu-wi.
dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing
between yourself and plaintiff, and for such
Oilier ami Iliriner irnui no win j
in tlm nraniises. and for costs and
disbursements in this suit.
This publication is maoc oy onicr
Hon. Frank J. Taylor, judge of the alKive
entitled court, made and dated on the Mh
day of August, 11. MARK0,NEIL
25-11 25-17 Attorney for Plaintiff,
LiSD Ornci at Oeiooh City, Oa.
Aug. IS, 1S9L
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Regis
ter and Receiver of the U. S. Land office at Or
egon City. Oregon, on Oct. t, lsal, vis:
James M Greene,
Homestead entry No 9417, lor the eVi of ne
snd lots 1 and 2 of sec. 9. 1 1 a, r i e.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of. said land, uudcr section 2sui.
Li, K. Moore, t;. l. Moore, m. r. uij, iu.
Hood River, Wasco oouuty, county, Oregon, aud
Fred A. Roseukraus, of Portland, Multnomah
county, Oregon.
8-21: -25 J. T. Appkrson, Register.
e-2i: y-.
J. T. ArriasoN, Register.
Land Orrica at Oregon Citt, Oki,
Aug. LSloal-
Nntlce is hereby given that the following
nametl settler has filed notice of his intention
to make Anal proof in support of bis claim and
that said proof will be made before the Register
aud Receiver ol the U S. land oltice as Oregon
City, Oregon, on Oct 8, 1W1, vis;
Thos. H. Moore,
Pre. D. L. No. 7628. for the n' of nM ot
nw'j and oeU of sw1 of sec 26, 1 4a. r5 e.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and. cultivation
of. said laud, vis:
J. W. ralmateer. wuey uoyer, Hiram vvenuu
all of CurrinsviUe. Claekamas county, Oregon,
aud David Hatch, ot Portland, Multnomah,
county, Oregon.
s-21:-25 J. T. ArrxBSOM, Register.
Land Officb atOssook Citt, Oa.
Notice i. hereby glveo that tbe following
named settler has filed nottoe of his intention
to make final prool In support of hi. claim and
that said proof will be made before the Regis
ter and Receiver of the U. S. land office at Ore
gon City, Oregon, on Oct. t.1891, vis:
Charles K. Rhoads,
Pre. D L. No. 7627, for hse of sec. 2S, H s, r e.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, via:
L. A. D. Puter, DarM Hatch, Mr. 8tewart, Mr.
Boyer, all ol Curiueville, Clackamas county,
8-21: 9-25 A T. Arrxasos, Register,
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon.
Aug. 18, 1S91.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the register and receiver of the United States
Land Ottlce at Oregon City, Oregon, on Oct.
8, lti'Jl, vis:
James Nicholson,
Homestead entry, No. 67r3, for the s i of nw!i
and w'. of sw U of sec. 24, t 4 s. r 2 e.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, vis: ,..,
Charles Moran, J. J. Guard, Robert Rlngold,
Geo. Rogers, all of Clarks, Clackamas oouuty,
ree5l'l-25 J. T.APPEK80N, Register.
United States La ad Office, Oregon City, Oregon,
July 31, 1891.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provislous of the act of Congress of
June S. 1878, entitled "An act tor the sale of
timber lands in the 8tates of Calilornla, Ore. ,
gon, Nevada, aud Washington Territory,"
Thomas H. Moore,
of Cnrrinsville, county ot Clackamas, slate ot
Oregon, has this day filed lu this oltice bis
sworn statement No 24"0, for the purchase of
the s H of ne V4 and n V, of s e of section No.
20, IntowDship No. 4south, range No. 6, east,
and will offer proof to show that
the land songht Is more valuable
for Its timber or stone than for its agricultural
aurposes, and lo establish his claim to said
f j..tn,K. U.to,ui. anil Receiver Of tilts
1HII11 ucil'i ."w ....d.v. " . , - -- -- - -
oftice at Oregon City, Oregon on W eduesday, the
2iilhdayof November, 1891. .
He names as witnesses: David Hatch, of
Portland, Oregon, aud Hiram Overton, George
loekerby, and Wiley Boyer, all of CurrinsviUe,
Auy'andall persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to flletheir
claims In this oltice ou or before said 2Mh day
of November, 1891, J. T. Apperson,
8-28:10-30 Begitr,
5 ,
IIs '
f 1
1 1 f
"' f "
r - -'- - VJ