FII FIRE, FIKE!' oods will be Fired Out During the Next Thirty Days REGARDLESS OF COST! OUR 3E3 O O JST !D ( Annual Clearane Sale! Will begin September 1st and close October 1st. V'hhI ldiij;'l;i Kill Slim' fur. ve Jtiil'tr,. I.iuiir' Uh ltathT ( )xfrls that , will Hi ll for SI 60 Regular ju ice, $2 25 $1 60 Kcgular price, $2 50 Misses' and Chlldren'9 Shoes Cut Proportionately. f0 dose. M.-n'B fine Shoes per pair... .$2 00 Regular price, $2 75 Our Men's French Calf Hand-Sewed Shoes, every C2 Rn rr pair warranted Standard, price. 0 OV We will sell for UU This is One of the Biggest Bargains We Will Make. THESE A HE ONLY A FEW OF OUR BARGAINS ,,k!s ar, all in lM,hn .ha,. Udie- will ,.l,.-e cm, daring the day, as we cannot warrant them the same attention during the evening. We are now in our new quarters adjoining tho Hank of Oregon City, and even though we have douhle the room we had in our old quarters, j JVIust Make Room for Our 4eoi pall and Winter Stock. ml, ,1001 UIWKR NOW THAN EVER HOT HAVE BEEN SOLD IN OREGON CITY BEFORE, EVERYBODY TAKE NOTICE. Oregon City Shoe House, Bank Block, OREGON CITY, OREGON. vvmnmi am ntoi'N. Ikr llli.omT fr III Wcik ; VtunU), i'ti,niltrr li .,uiiin tu i'wi lower, y' i iH'iii'. The atm.wphore ilrttrr ul smoke, tho ni'iilh'-t ;tliy cloudy Blitl local show l during the- latter l'il "I I'm have .lotto no material Ilw have delayed "ii' I1" uJ ,ui ewliul reU.dod hp i lew ao-lions Tho lluesh ni pun tii ully out, only a . lulu ..t remaining h I Tin" wheat In being delivered I iiN'n and elevators. I n rioter lictti-r, lliii I"'")' I irmlK. llu- yield wa 'heavy mure tli.m was iiiHii'iut'l. I urn rd'oiled from I'vr'ry In Winliinutoii county for ex it farm yielded lit bushels I"'1' er.M bushels per inn. hintll iieully reported Hum usual. i ii'ii tiiin yciir so extensive. i."ut in moro iill'i'i'lcl ll'iiii at II l crop I iii" I Iml nut proportionally us 'In' wheat nop. I lop picking nut llninlii'il next urn 'f'l'iil ruins nIhiiiM ih'lay Ih '"' Hum in iiiiw expected, "I Huiiu'liiB countv wore "HP- free nun lice uinl mould, kii'K Hiiinii yards hid fiiiiinl to anmiiti.l . No lien urn ohsorv- ''i'1'liiini I'limilv. II is 'H,i" t li.-o iiinl niohl.l I'liv lllH llti I top to IllU I'Xll'Ilt of hi Jm-kson ami .1 . M ' 'III in ripe, of good i pmlity mill "iuiiit l.illowiiiL' Im in pioeries "f 1 1 10 Willaini'tto valley ,., M mvt, ,,,.,.111'ri'il. The 1,1 lm I it cooler mnl nlioiil :"' There IlitM hri'll loSNSIIIokl' !,, I,, i,o interior "" "'' higher (i lovnliniis friiflH I IIDI'H. 'I'M ho ,1 ,10' Tlnvnli- !" im,.n-M in huihc wrlimiH rmiliiH it in iii'Mi'lv ili "". i ailti o Ulii'i-nimi I'oim i" inino hIii hiiUkii llni" ''"l- H'lllllicH, il'lli I'f 'HI 1'mi.i1h iiro (iviiH'"t 1 Mo, row, Cumuli .n.U'i.i'in coimlien;1 In tl,Uiif wmiiy.ln IUU.t. .! iiifiior .ouiiIi.-h lo.rvi-initf thrr-liiiiK l ull ulonx i;-l'f' " v,l,l, aliOVM llm voriH!.. min o- ll. ..MHvlutioin. ul Urn Liniu'ii i every ,omii v. Tlieht lm i-i'iiun to inovi- to .Mhimr.l. Kruil r-mlnni Umrro iil.'i.lihillii mmiy lo-hii-it. Il nl IMiil Trmi-fem. Mmii-i Ki...i..y to W I' -'"."! ) I. V ul Wm I'oimi'll, t '! i,rle, ai :lm:h n.'n-n; V-w- lim.ii M. M..rr..y to 8rl. J -10 ,u r.' in H. t 2 . r 3 . f H"'- Marion Jol,.ioii to 1 -ttn, 1. Mrmi, lot 12, 1'lm kninim l'urk. HH. s.ii.h k iv. "'TW 0Kl,-.hy,m.o2.'.,t4H,r 1 , M Julius iii.nmi.1. -nil I'l'''' .!..''!".! ' .... ..y :iiH!i). r i , ' " ' 1 " Am:, llornung, . -llknowii iiniini (ttotiiivr ol boot mnl ' " 2') Nolan hun Antonio, T.. will (ot'i.'t hU i-xiwri.-i.oo vitli mi atttuk ,ol tlui or,iin ftlii' H rA,U- iih fol- crHinp In thi' winch I lielievc woiil.l imv.' i-aiiM-u ' .. . .... .1, iimiiiiiL um ol I lullll- not nr.'.. r- i , , .. i iKMliiin'o folic t holvra anil lMurrhoi'ii 1!..uh-.1v. The I" mi .i-; uu ui i. ..'.vl tlmt I followed it up I" 20 tninuteii with the He.on.1 .lose, mnl he- lore tho P'M tor ronl.l Kel u wiierv I ,li.l not n.-e.l him. Thin Hhull lwttV" I oi' ,lH' ,nulln HU'8 of my fm'nily. Vot snl by A. I I an ling. Cai.imi Miuh, Texus, June 6, ln. I'toin inv own HTnoiml k owlediie, 1 can teioinineii.l fhrnnherlMii Colic, t holeni mnl 1'iiirrhoea ltenuly for rrninpnin tho Btom.u'h,' itlw for ilmrr luH'a.mi.l flux. It in the best medi cine 1 have ever wen lid mnl the best Helling, a" it lyn K'iveB HatHfii.-tion. . K Skerrill. 2". fiO eent bottleH for wile hvti. A. Um.lniK. 'oX C H I! Co tol-. A Metnicn i. mid n', " i2h, r le. n l'Jtl Mi-ten; , . , v i it-., k,. to W W Irvm ..0 '". we 'lit, 14, rl ; tl. I.' H Ki'veno.. - 4 ,,l;l,t'J,r .ineW Uime HvniMttoThonms IVvmo, nvv'., f-,'2(l, tilt, r He, I'lnal Seltli iiieill- ham: , ...mlt.-rollh,' IvIiHe; ol M. A. Hum. II. il.'miel.l -' 'h,.v"r" :,i A;. .II-.K -iii-i Now in tho timo to provide yourself an.l liiimiv iviin u i. -on,'." .v. ....... l.iiwel eoinpliiint". It is ainiosi cm in. to he needi'd, mid no family on" "'hint tohevvilhout it. It e.wts hut a time and may he the momix ot wiviuk noi. o Htillerini!, if mt hh'. ' ne.e '" "' .lillccnt ivniulii't. Ill use, hilt hilinhet lHiti'H Clio. Cholera mnl l'uinhoe:. is itniloithteilly the boHt. -o and .".(l.'vnt bottiex for sulo by v.. A. llarilinU, I'nWt- A Safe Inveiitnient. In out) wbi.'h is uiiarauteed to brim; ..liaf.i.-inrv rcHiilt-i. or in case ol iniluro a return o pureliiiM' priee. On thiK 8a(e pluii . . iim imv tw" " ,r advert iwd d riiK'niHU a hottle of lr. KiiiK's New lliwovery for t'onniiinption. It ia k-uarmiteed to bring relief i" every cbho, when used for any allection of Throat, Lung or Cheat, bikIi ay Con suniptioii, lntlaininiition of Lungs, Iti-ont'hitia, Asthiua. Whooping Cough. Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and Hgieeiio.ts io n,c, - . call always be depended upon. Irlttl buttle Iron at a. nmumn" store. For diarrhoea or summer complaint in anv form, there is nothing better than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr hoea Hemedv, Mrs. Nancy Berry, of Adams, Lawrence county, Kentucky, savs one dose of it cured her of an at ....".i. ..r ,i;.,.ri, i'u-n or three doses 111. IV Ul ....... ..v.. ... - - ill iMim anv ordinary ease. lion re duced Willi water it ia pleasant lo ta'no 25 and 50 cent bottles tor saio oj uou A. Harding. If vou feel "out of sorts" cross and b Di- Mi'I.enn's Sarsaim H-riinu ...... ... - - rill,.- .'lieiTl'iilues-i will return and life will tn-.ptire new r.est. Trensurers Nelico. t i.n, .. in n iv l.i.nil.4 funds ....i.i.. i, On. iinvni'i'iit of all warrant ....I,.,'! nr or to Hoc. 4, lhNi. interest Wlll.ClSO troll! OHIO o. Ulin uuuw. S. II. Cai.ikk H rut.Hliriir (Miickainas county. Oregon City, Oregon, Sept. 4, ISM. 8 Sale ot Iteai rnnwny. A (alirernlu II time. 1 a ntm nf the best located fruit farms in Placer county, California of 40 acres. Tiees just commencing to hear, all standard varieties. One mile from railroad ehiimuiK point. bood soil and pure water. Good buildings, and is one of the most desirable nomes in the Sacromento valley, a hue view of which can be had from the house . Terms on application to ihaubis Aldkn, Oregon City, Oregon. ft II vit i v, Kxi'.-iilor. !i U;IH II I'liutl Scltlcitii'iil. '"'I'uO.eiiialleroriho IMatu off , ). 1 llU-V.'V. il.-.i'ii-"'1- . I . , 1 1 , t ,.v ,riv ..-.lie '. 1 l,:,V" ..' 1 ,n,vri,cl i-tlnals.-llli 1,1,1 . ...ratorol'lhe. 't 1 !.. ,' V ,c .,-..-1. " " " ' I S. it , as II..' 2.1.1 d...V -I N-'V"'"1" '. , ;;t ,u Toiinl.'. ...! and lhee.-e,tioii tl..'i'-t'' I ' ,inl, III' 1 1 .1 it 1 1 : I'M I ... - r.,...,v r.i.1.;. J:,Xl v,,;Uh hei-l .11. .' " ' !,., bugs mid fheep. 1 worth in thousaiid cases. The following frank statement from J K, Hare, of Trenton, Texas, will be uf interest to liian.V of our ciitzens. ' My little hoy was very bad oil for two months with uinrrmea. ....... ..... us ntediemes, also called in two doctots, 1 ul nothing done htm m,v gonu iihi. ... used Chun. but lam s v one, v ., ... . i . 1.. i'livn nniiicdi- l iiart no a ... ...',. , T tl, relief and soon cured linn. I urn- aider it the best meilicino mane . ... . ... cotiscietilinlisly rc.-oinnie.l it In till who uce.l a diarrh.ea or colic medicine. hiiIo l.v (ieo. A. Harding, druggist. NOTICE FOR PfBiJCATION. Laud Ottlce at Oregon City, Oregon. A.nt. is. ts'Jl. Notlea In hereby (riven that the. followtng- i t...u ai.... .....liA tf hi. naine.i .. .... ......... ti.m to nuke final proof in mjiport of hi ..... i .1.... ...u.f .(ll ).a mail, hemre claim, a.... ..... ; -' , , , . : i...... ...... ........ ...... .tf tit.. 1 no im1 Stales HIV itki.i.'i nun i. . . . l.ami Ditice at oreiton City, Oregon, on Oct. a, vli: .Ta.nea Nicholson. .. ....... ...r.. Vrt r,-:- .lie k U' of nivl. IHiIllf.f... run j , . . ami w'j of 8w i4 ol sec. W, lUr'lt. lie name u.e 'ir".. . , hl conlliuioii" resilience upou ani cultiva tion ol. sain niii.i. via. . Charles Moran. J. J. Guard. Kobert Hlncold, (too. Hogem, all ol ClarKs, i laciiamas couuij, i.renou. . . ...,. x. h-'Jl: lrl J . 1 . A . r r. it nt.t . nisi.,... NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office i Oregon City. Oregon. Al'g. 1H, lS'Jl. Notice ia hereby given that the followlug uamed settler has filed notice of his imeulion lO ..lake .Ilia" pr,.. m nuce"i. "is iiftim. But that said pro..! will be made before the Kegis- . .ml U0i.nlfar IT M I ...wl . t.tu'A ... Ori.i.n City, Oregon, on Oct. 6, Ml, vis: Mathias Vetsch, A.linillIRin.l..r U. .lie CBinic ul rfnst-i-u, deceased. Homestead entry No. 5Z76, for the n e ?if sec 21, t -2 s. r o e. He names me ioi.owing wuaesses 10 pn.vo his continuous residence upou and cultivation of, said land, viz: K. liaulmbein, 1 H. L. Jiavbet, s. c. coiman, F Meiuig, all of Sandy, Clackamas county, Ore gon. 8 21: 9-23 J. T. Appebson, Kegister. A.liiilalstrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned ha been, hv ..rtl.'f of the County Court of Clack amas .couiitv, Oreeon, duly appointed admin istrator ol tlie estate of Henry Miller, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are reouire.i to present them, with proper vouchers attached at the oilice of C b and I) i', l.atouretto, 111 Oregon City, within six months from the dale ol this notice Haled August 12. lS'Jl. J. K. MOKKIS. Administrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office ai Oregon City, Ork., Aug. IX, 1S91 Notice is hereby given that the followirjg named settler has Altai notice of his intention, to make final proof in support of his claim auA that said proof will be made before the Kegister and Receiver of the V S. land otiic. at Oregon City, Oregon, on Oct. s, ts91, viz: Thos. H. Moore, Pre. P. I. No. 7628, for the ni2 of nw'i se'i of .mi . nd ue1'.' of nvr'j of see. 2S, t 4 s, r5 e. He names the following witnesses to provo his coiitiuuous rcsldeuce upou aud cultivation of, said land. vi: J. V. Palmateer. Wiley Boyer, Hiram Overton all of Currinsville. Claeksmas county, Oregon, and Uavid Hatch, of Portland, Multuouiau county. Oregon. 8 21: K-25 J. T. Apperson, Register. If v,m sillier from any nil'.-clion caused hv impure sucl. us s.'i'olnla B,.H rheum, .m, l-ilf. 'iipU. ' " " u!" lako Pr. . I. II. Mcl.eanV Sai-sapmill11, Tl.MUKK LAND ACT, Jl'NE 8, 1S7S. rtiltcl States Land Oftloc, Oregon City, Oregon, July ill, lS'Jl- ,.. i ..... nl..,tn l,n. In eninnllntice rtoni .' is in-,.-, .j s'... ---. with the provisions of tho act of Congress ol isVs ,.i,iiil,.,l "An act for the sale of Umber lands in the States of California, Ore gon, rv.'VUtfll, lino .. llsiin'K,"" . ... . ..... j , Thomas II. Moore, nf Currinsville, countv of Clackamas, state of Oregon, has this day tiled in this otlico Ins sworn statement No 24.'.tl, for the purchase of .he s i.j of ne '4 n ml 11 of s e '4 ol section No. m in township No. 4 soulb, range No 5, cast, and will oiler proof to show that ill. 1,111,1 Sl'utini i" ...... - for its tluilu r or si, mo than (or its .urooses, and to establish Ills claim to said lu, 1 before the Kegister and Receiver of Ibis , , .1, ..I... 1 II-.,.. on on Wednesday, the i day of November, is-.d. ,,..., , He names as witnesses: Pavnl llateli, 01 I Portland, tlreaen and Hiram Overton, tleorge I l oelierhy, and Wiley lioyer, nil of Currinsville, i "ifn"' 'ml nil persona claiming adversely the ! iib.n ;--.lecriln'd l iiels are re,iieste,l t,. lilc their el aims In this on or before said -Aith day of November, lxU. J- APpcrsou, s-2s:ltv:;u .viS,s,f.. If you stiller pricking pains on moving the eves, or cannot bear bright light and tind vour sinht weak and failing, von should promptly use lr. McLean's StrenL'tlienimr Eve Salve. 25 cents a hox. Nimiiiious). 1 - Ilnln f..n,iiii"',iv'sn I'inrtPst .' ,. ., l.v A,,,,., A-.;. , .1 1 li....... T.'l.-.l .Ml.,, ft..-: .Hi 111 N)ii ' V i.l' fill il..- tin..'. i'iH nii'iivj 1." " Kt V- 'ft '-. l''.iU"Vi' IHlklli.lMl lllill.Hpt lll' ii". U.1IU.1I"" I'." ll..I.Mal" ottoe lo Tn-9"yr. Notice Is hcicbv given that tbe board of roieiliiitlou forc'lnekimins counly. will n.eet ,r ili,- court house in Oregon City, on Monday, toi.iciiiber'JN and remain in session one week. All ii.uues ,UV.ri to eaui-ne their assess mem before the meeting of the Hoard of l. onali.alioiicni. do so by calling nt my othce In the court house on Saturday of each week. 10-25 J. W. NOlll.K, Assessor. Ill the Circuit Court, of the State of Oregon, for inevoiiuii .'i v .iivi.,.,.....-, L. G. Young. Plalnttir, versus ( Pearl Richards, Defendant.' To Pearl Richards, said defendnnt: In the name of the Stale of Oregon: vou are hereby rciiuired to appear and answer the com plaint Hied against you In the above entitled suit within ten days from thedate ot the service ..r 11, is numinous noon vou. if served within Ibis county; or, If served In any other county Ot l tits St 111 e, l .It'll t. Hilt,, iiiciu. r date ot the service of this suH.mons upon vou and if served by publication, then hv the first day of the next term of s'aid court, to wit: Tuesday, Movcmher ',1 IS'.I- and If vou fail so to answer, for want thereof 'the plniiilitV will apply to the court for llm relief demanded in the complaint, to wit: tor 11 tinliMiicnt auainstihe defenilam 111 the sum of two hundred dollars in I'niied St iles gold coin, with interest tner. on iron. .i,,e 1. m. nt ten per cent per annum, less s. ,11.110 paid Sep- iss'.;- for the further sum 01 .itUKias attorneys Ice herein and for the costs and disbursements of this action: Also, for a decree of foreclosure of that certain mortgage executed by Pearl ltiebai.lsaud Sarah A. Itlchnrds, 011 the lJth .lav of .bine, issl, In favor of this plaintifl. to secure the sunt and interest above named, which mortgsgo Is reco'-ded on past' :!i:t .'f book "M o morlg.iges lor iiickii n,as ,-i.iiu, , , , Orcuoll, This summons is published by order of Hon. Frank .1. lavlor, .lu.e.-e el sam. oun. made at I numbers ou the 2m!i day of An . v, 1st, 11. K. CKOsS, I Attorney for PlaiinitV. 1 9-11, 10-10 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Land Office at Oregon City. Or. Aug. IS l.v.1. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Regis ter and Receiver of the U. S. laud oilice at Ore gon City, Oregon, on Oct. 9, KM, viz: Charles N. Rhoads, Pre. I L. No. 7627, for the se'i of sec. 26, 1 4 s, r5 e. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ud cultivation Ol. sam mini, . .. L. A. 1). l'uter, David Hatch, Mr. Stewart, Mr. Boyer, all of L'urinsville, Clackamas county, Oregon. . .... 8-21: 9 25 J- T. Apperson. Register. IN THE MATTER OF THE PARTNERSHIP estate of llelkleip Pros . belknao Urns, .fc Kenedy aud Belknap Pro's, and Kenedy Bros. Notice 'is hereby given that in pursuance of au order of the countv court for Bent,i county. State ot Oregon, lutuni on nit-inn tin. 01 ji. ism, in the matter of said estate of Belknap Bros., consisting of S, K. Belknap, (deceased.) and li. M. Belknap, as partners, and Belknap J'ros. aim rtciicut, i-oiisisiiii t.i o. ... ............ (deceased.) and K. M. Belknap and G W iveji edy as partners. Belknap Bros, and Kenedy Pros, consisting of S. K. Belknap, deceased,) E M. Belkn ip, O.'W. Kenedy, and K K. Kenedy as partners, the undersigned, the administrator of said partnership estate, will sell at public .meiioii 10 iliehiirliest bidder fur cash .'"id fill of the United Sou, s,, to the cot flr.tumou of the court, on Saturday the 2,ah day o: Sept. IS'.d, at 10 o'clock a. m. ot said day. at the court nous" door in the city of orejon City, In . hu'k aniiis county, slate oi Orcirnii. all the right, title interest ami' estate of said parteerslup estate, being tlie ieo simple in and to all tli"t certain lo', l ieeeor parcel i t b, .i t lying and being-in the said countv of Clackanvis and Stale oi Or... gen. and more particularly desciibcd as louu.ya to-vlt: .Nor;!l.est tiuaner tu sie:-ii ... tcwnslii). four, south of ranee live east. ll lamette mcrelian, situate in Claekauias county, suite of Oregon. E. N. I.EI.K.SAP. Admiuisit-a.ur of said estate. Dated August 14, S '2S:9 ol -. "" '" """"" '' "' " I " ...w...- .V--vw---J ?-':'"'... .rV-. - -4 - I - ,- I, M .-. iv. , I --.-' ,. , ,.,