Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 18, 1891, Image 6

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Ot Loral ami Amoral Mature.
wanttsl at the Kntkri'Mrk
John Pix-m is Wilding a lai'ite brn on
hia pUu-v 011 the Viol road about six
utiles out ot town.
Anyone having jtood dwelling lion
or rooms to rnt may rvadly find tenants
liy applying at this office.
John Putty mlveiti in another ool
umn that he will carry light freight and
parcels to all purls of the city. He does
ilia work well.
Rev. Wm. K. Powell, assistant minis
ter of Trinity church of Portland, will
officiate at !St. Paul's Kpiscopal church
next Sunday evening at 7 :30.
Half and Xello Johnson left this
week for Menlo Paik, California,
w here they will enter the freshman class
t Leland Stanford, jr., university.
The dancing party given by
Mr. Ned Priggs, on Friday night opened
the dancing season for the winter. It
w as pronounced a decided success by all.
The Blue River Mining and Milling
Company of this city is pushing develop
ment work in its claims in Lane county
with fine prospects in view. The com
pany expects to put in electrical ma
chinery this fall.
An annoying error crept into an it.im
published last week in reference to the
law firm of Johnson A Idleman. The
law firm has not dissolved and the
partnership of lohnson A Janney is in
the real estate business only.
G. W. Holcomb has sold seven acres
from his farm on the Clackamas river,
between here and Clackamas station, to
Henry Gray, of Clackamas. It is good
second bottom land and will make a
pleasant location for a home.
Charles Bitner a machinest with the
tJregon litv iron works Has bought a
tine tract of timber land near Viola and
will build and operate a shingle mill
there. A part of the material for the
new mill is already on the ground.
John A Arnoldy, of Tipton, Kansas,
lias bought a lot on Clackamas Heights
and will build a residence and move his
family there. He will also build a store
and engage in the grocery business. He
has the energy necessary to make it a
City Marshal J. S. Purdom is attend
ing the Salem fair this week. He left
a week ago and Frulav, Saturday and
Sunday the town was without a day olli
cer on dutv. I lark Ureenman was
sworn in Monday to act until Mr. Par
don returns.
Near the corner of Seventh and Jelfcr
son streets a well 20 feet deep was dug 33
years ago. A lew years later it fell into
disuse and was filled up. T. L. Char
man is now re-digging the well and finds
the stone wall and water as good as they
were originally.
The Portland exposition was formall
opened Thursday evening, and a great
crowd of people was in attendance. It
IB the best exposition ever held by the
association. By Saturday night every
thing will be running smoothly and
thereafter it will be abundantly patron"
H. A. Vorpahl has a general black
emithing and repairing shop at Canby
that is one of the important bnainesses
tablishments of the town. Mr. Vorpahl
is a skillful mechanic, and having a
arge acquaintance in the adjacent
country, has his business on a substant
ial basis.
Fishing on the lower Columbia has not
been very remunerative this year. J. Y.
Humphrey returned this week with bis
family from Astoria, where they have veen
all summer. Mr. Humphrey lhas been
engaged in trying tocatch fish but his luck
was anything but encouraging and he is
glad to get back to Oregon City.
County Assessor J. VV. Noble has
jfinished the assessment of Clackamas
county for 1891 and finds the total val
uation of taxable property in the county
exclusiveof deductions of indebtedness
is f5.656.062.62. Deducting indebted
ness and exemptions leaves a total val
uation of $3,103, 372. 62.
J. B. Larking, of Marqiiams, brought
a band of beef cattle to town last week
which he sold to local butchers for the
eame price he would have obtained
in Portland. As a market place Oregon
City is looking up and it is in the inter
est of both the city and country to
develop this market to its fullest extent.
The thrifty town of Barlow, has a
large volume of business in the lines
patronized by a well-do-do agricultural
community. John Zeek is an enterpris
ing blacksmith and wagonmaker who
has been in business there many years
and has built up a trade that is a credit
to the town. lie abo does general re
pairing and horseshoeing.
To The Portland Fair.
The Str. Altona will leave Oregon City
Saturday night at 6:30 stopping at
Melilrums, Kisleys, Moreyg and Oswe
go. Returning leave Portland at 11:30
p.m. Round trip 60 cents.
Oeo. R. lVdman, of Portland, 1ms
bought th IVShnwr tract, consist hitf of
iOO acres near Clackamas station on the
river, aint lias navi it win on imu,vcrv
and llacrti lots which he will sell to act
ual settlers. It is lino second bottom
land, well adapted to growing vegetables j
and fruits. All the orchards of that
neighborhood are thriving and source
of considerable protit.
A large sturgeon came up the Willam
ette river last week and undertook to
ascend the Clackamas. He was not
wise in his choice of a rout into the
Clackamas and the lowering river left
him aground on the gravel near the top
of the rapids, ror two days be tried to
wade over the shallows but finally he
gave up the attempt and the ghost at the
same time.
Wastkh. A woman of
tact, Intelli
Addivss this
gence and push, M. L. A.
Local Personal Sotes.
Major Tnomas Charman, wite
daughter, Miss Mamie, left Sunday for a ;
visit in southern California,
is in search of health and
The major
thev will be !
gone several weeks.
Julius Logus and daughters, Misses
Augusta and Sophia, and son Willie,
have gone for a month's visit in central
Mr. Millard Hyatt left Monday for
Southern Oregon, to he gone until the
first of November. Mr. Hyatt will
spend his time in hunting and fishing,
and will go to Coos Bay Ixfore return
Mr. and Mrs G. C. Armstrong, ot
Viola, were among Tuk F.stkhi'Hisk
visitors last Saturday.
Maj. J. L. Rinearson, of Columbia
county, was in tne city last Saturday on
his way to the state fair at Salem .
He formerly resided in Clackamas
couuty, having been one of the earlv
settlers. His military title was won in
the Indian wars that enlisted his ser
vice many years ago.
Miron Babler, of Viola, left last Sat
urday for V illapa harbor. Wash., where
he will be employed in the fish canning
Miss Carrie Pilley, of Portland, speut
Sunday with friends in this city.
T. F. Ryan attended the Salem fair
this week.
Miss Norma Fox, of Oswego, was
visiting in town Saturday. She Willi
teach school in the Risley district near I
Oswego the coming tprm
I carried aw ay his daughter so prenia
Miss Nellie Kissel, one of the teachers turely.
in the Canby school, accompanied by j The funeral occurred from the Hap
her sister, Mrs. L. K. Sitton, of La- j tist church, Wednesday afternoon at 2
Grande, were visiting in Oregon City
J. P. Houser, of South Bend, Wash.,
is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Warner.
Mrs. E. L. E.' White, of Portland,
was visiting her sister, Mrs, A. B. Ora
liam, during the week.
Mrs. W. Buck, lormerly a resident ol
Oregon City, but now of Victoria, B.C.
is visiting Mrs. II. L. Kelly.
E. H. Parker and family, of La Grande
are visiting at the home of Mrs. Parker's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Williams,
who reside on the Highland road at
Beaver creek.
Dr. C. B. Smith, of Eagle Creek, has
returned home from the sea coast and
resumed his practice.
Dr. Charles Knight, of Canby is very
II. W. Mason, president of the Oregon
City Transportation company, returned
monday, from an extensive trip through
the East, going as far as Boston.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Skiff and Frank
Stetson, of Portland, were guests of Capt.
and Mrs. E. S. Warren last Sunday.
Postmaster E. M. Rands left Monday
on a tour of inspection to the different
post offices in the county in accordance
with the instructions recently sent out
by the postmaster general to the post
masters at county seats. He will be
gone a number of days.
Henry Smith, of the Willamette Paper
Pulp Co. . and wife have gone for a visit
in San Fransisco.
Miss Gertrude Finley leaves this week
for Monmouth where she will resume
her studies in the state normal school.
Capt. Apperson is busy at the state
fair this week and Receiver Burch reigns
alone at the land office.
John Hill left Wednesday to at
tend the Salem fair.
Among the Oregon City people who
are visiting the Salem fair this week are
Alderman O'Connell, Mr. and Mrs G. E.
Hayes, R. Prier, Mrs. Dr. Paine and
daughters, and Judge White.
Mr.'and Mrs. R. C. Grimm, of Needy,
attended the wedding of Mr. Woodstock
and Miss Stanton at the Livermore
house last Tuesday.
Mrs. M. M. Charman and her mother
Mrs. Diller, left Wednesday for a visit to
Puget Sound.
Sidney Clack, superintendent of the
flower garden at the Hotel de Monte,
Monteray, Cal.,js in Oregon City this
week looking after the nursery which he
owns just north of this city. Ho formerly
resided here.
Henry, Lyman, and Pearly Andrews
have gone to Corvallis, where they will
attend the Agricultural college.
Th Washington A Idaho Hallway
A Transportation eompanv has tiled
articles of Incorporation in the olllce of
the secretary of state. The object of the
company is to own an.t operate boats en
the Columbia and Snake rivets and to
build portage railroads at such places as
they deem iieeessary, and also to own
snd oHrate railroad and telegraph.
The capital stock of the company Is fixed
at '-IXK000, divided into SO.lKH shares,
The piincipal otlh-e will h at Portland.
The chilled plow company was also
incorporated. The principal otllce la
at Portland and the amount ol the capi
tal stock W 2W, divided into i'Wl
share. Their (uirivwe is to engage In
,lu, n,anufacture and sale of plows and
,th..r agricultural iimtliiiumta and to
Ciry on a general foundry business
An Kartlxiiiake Shock.
Wednesday night at 8 s:W o'clock thee
was a very distinct earthquake In west-
jcm Oregon. It was policed In Portland
and Salem, and in this citv buildings
shook so that dishes rattled on their shel
m' ( vi. s ml mhiiiih1 lHtatn!tr of fullillil. Ill all
of . u, hlH.k Wll( mim,
i - - .
by people within doors but outside it
was less noticeable. The earth shivered
violently forahoul twenty seconds. No
damage is reported as having Kvn done
by it. Nearly twenty, years ago there
was a seismic disturbance here that was
even more violent than this.
Wooih-ock Stanton At the Liver
more hotel in Oregon City, Tuesday
Sept. IS. 1SIU, by Jusiice-of-the-Peace
Fonts, W. C. Woodcock and Miss
Amanda Stanton, both of Needy, Ore
gon. At Cle Eluni, Wash., Sept, 0, Fled
O. Seaton, of Teanaway, Wash., and
Miss Carrie I. Sutherland, of Aurora,
Oregon, were married. John C. lye
and Mrs. Clara K. Hudson were mar
ried at the ssme time and place. The
Cle Kluui Tribune savs the event drew
the largest gathering ever
the valley.
assembled In
Heath or Mattle fleam.
Mattie, the eldest daughter of Mrs.
I-ouisa Means died, Tuesday evening at
5 o'clock at the family residence on
Fourth street on the bluir. Her age w as
nineteen years. She had been sick
about six months with consumption and
she gra.lually sank until death resulted.
She was a young lady of many estimable
traits of character. Her, lather, who
was a I' n ion soldier, died some three
I years ago of the same dread disease that
o'clock and was under the general direc -
tion of Grand Armv
nient was in the citv
men. The
.Mrs. Mary llltier.
Mrs Mary liitzer died at the homo of
her daughter. Mrs. W. II Howell, in
his city, last Tuesday, after a long ill
ness with cancer of the stomach. The
funeral occurred from the residence
Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev.
O. .V. Lucas, officiating. The burial was
in Mount View cemetery.
Mary Lost was born October 31,
1834, in Frankfort, Germany. When
twenty years of ago she came to
America with her sister ami settled
In liockville, Conn. The next
year she married John Bitzer and the
young couple moved to California the
next year. In 1870 they came to Oregon
and made Oregon City their home. Mr.
Hitzcr died in this city six years ago.
Three children of this marriage are
iving, Mrs. E. W. Richards, of Port
land, Mrs. W. II . Howell and Charles
Bitzer, of this city. Mis. liitzer's father
and three brothers aie titill living in
Benjamin Carroll Lewis.
Benjamin Carroll Lewis, an old set
tler and prominent business man of
Viola, died at his home last Wednesday
afternoon at 1 o'clock of paralysis. He
had complained the day before of feeling
unwell and W. C. Ward, whoso wife is
a daughter of Mrs. Lewis by a former
marriage, spent most of the night with
him. About 2 a. m. he lost conscious
ness and he continued unconscious till
he died.
Mr. Lewis was born in Ohio, near
Toledo, about sixty years ago. He
came to Oregon with his parents in
1852, since which time he has made bis
home near Viola. In 1H73 he went back
to Ohio and married Mrs. Antonette
Fergusen, who survives him. Mr.
Lewis was a prominent Mason and was
master of Lone Fir lodge several terms.
Last Friday he attended the Masonic
celebration in this city and made a
pleasant call on Tim Entkkfuisk. He
had accumulated a comfortable estate
and was a man highly respected in the
the community. The funeral will occur
at Viola today under Masonic auspices.
Letter l,lt.
The following is the List of Utters re
niaining in the post oHIee at Oregon City,
Oregon, heptcniher 1H, 18!)1 :
William Butts, Chas. Hunker, If. W.
Green, Mrs. Helle Humphrey, Mrs. P. C.
Humphrey, John II. lliekey, Mrs. Hill,
John A. Hall, Mr. J, (! Jlulliden, Mr. Wil
lie Hauke, Miss Ida Knott, S. MeKiiiney,
Dan Young, J. Vegttlurn.Mr. K. W. Nelson,
L. C. Porter, Robert Price 2, Mrs. Augus
tus Hchoenlioon, V. W. Htovall, Willie
Stickler, Tom I'csner.
If called for, please say when advertised.
js. m. ranks, i m.
0K WOMiN PP.ItlSllt'H AM AS.
Accidental Cimlact of mi Oiled Apron
with a Hut Steve Owta Mlaule
Hrown Her Life,
Last Saturday n accident occurred
In the household ot Thomas J, Ilrown
which resulted In the death of an
adopted daughter, Minnie, and the seri
ous burning of Mrs Itrown. 'Jacob
Saier. who undertook to rescue the gill,
was ao severely onriieu oum nv
It was shortly before noon and Mini"
Brown was at work in the kitchen. She
had cleaned some lamps, and, it is sup
posed, got some keiesene on her apron j
and then went to attend to the mc.il (
w hich was cooking on the stove. The j
apron came in contact with the hot j
stove and ignited. The girt was at on. e
envclond in tlamea and ran through
the house shoiiti: g to her mother and j
grandmother that she was on lire but
More anyone co-ild reach her she
dashed out 'if the turns ami lied into
lli.i street. Those who saw her as
she came out ol doors screaming say !
that her clothing wasallame from head
to fool, Mrs. Ilrown ttritt reached her
and tried to tear away the burning gar
ments but she was unsuccessful in tree
ing the girl and her own clothing look
tire. Jacob Sager, A night watchman
who boards with the lamily, was sleep
ing uwlaiis when Cie commotion dis
turbed him, and i-artially dressing
himrelf, he rushed to aid the burning
women and had his own hands severely
burned. Several men from the street
hastened to the rescue and by covering
the women with coats, succeeded in
extinguishing the Hames, but both were
frightfully burned and the younger a
Hared to have already passed be
yond suffering F.very shred of clothing
except her shoes had been consumed by j
I the tire, her hair was gone ami tne nesu
I was badly burned. I'r. Powell who was
among Ihe rescuers, iiul everything
post-ihle for the immediate relief of the '
victims I'rs. tioiiiiier, teargam and
Paine were subsequently in attendance
and the family physician, Pr. Carll, was
placed in t hai ge next day upon his re
turn fiom Portland.
Minnie Ilrown experienced no pain tor
three hours when she began to complain
of a pain in her stomach, She had in-
haled Ihe tire and her internal iiiimy and
the shock she received caused death at ,
1) o'clock the same evening She was con' j
scions to the last and able ,U move her" ;
self at will but did not sulTer much pain, j
Mrs. Ilrown was seriously burned about
the lower extremities. The upper;
' ,,,,., ( her bmlv escaiKd bv rcaoi of
her weaiiim a Corset which the tire did
nut burn through etcept ill one or two,
places. Her recovery was at first doubt- j
Ml hut she escaped internal injury and. i
though in many places the Mesh was
burned deep, the wounds admitted of'
medical treatment and she -impro.'ed as j
rapidly as the nature of her ijury would !
permit and is now out of ilr ' r. It will,
be many weeks, howoe. , oefore she is j
entirely recovered.
Minnie was adopted int i the family of
Mr. and Mrs. Itiowu about (our years
ago. She would have 'm.'cii eighteen
years of age had she lived till the Tues
day following her death. She was un
estimable young lady, and had a large
circle of friends. The funeral oceurcd at
2 o'clock Monday afternoon fiom St.
John's Catholic church and was largely
attended. The burial was in the Cath
olic cemetery in this city.
Itiieklen's Arul.a Salve.
The Best Salve in tb world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, l ie, s, Salt Rheum,
l ever Sores, Tetter, ( .lapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, ami hi. Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pity required. It is guaranteed to cive
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 'US cents per box. , r sale by li
A. Harding.
Speculation lluiigeroiis.
Scarcely a day passes without the
news of some large failure flashing over
the wires the usual result of hik cuIh
ti'in in stocks or swine cqiiullv danger
ous venture. The same electric cm rent
carries to dear distant friends the sad
tidings of death of dear ones too often
the result of Scciilittion in patent nos
trums. Moore's Revealed Remedy is
no speculation but is sold on positive
guarantee. Do not fail to go to vom
druggist and ask for your money if not
sutiHlied. We know you will go und
buy another bottle, For Sale by all
r. F. WHITE,
Practical Architects Builders.
Will prepare plain, elevations, working clu-
OiIIk, aol ipeolflcallmn fur nil kliiila id lunlil-
iii mieciai sttc'Hion xivcu tu modern cut
tHKea. fcatlmatea (iinilaned on application
Call on or sddreai WHITE HKOH.,
Oregon Cllr, Okd
The Best Place in the City
Next Door to blvermore Hotel.
tiii: i'1"i:nt CM.umi:..
coons ciiKAP at
fl-U si v 1 m
2 17- CASH KACKKT STttltK.,
IVI n 1" Oi
The best place to buy GooJs tho cheapest,
Ilcnr in ti.in.l I jwy tl.o highest nmrkrt priro for MODIYK
exclmtigo fur tit It U S.
All Summer ti.xxlx Sold at Tost forCASll. as I lutve to make n,m
for iitv iininciise Fall ami Winter Stock.
pc urn tf
Doors, Windows, Mouldings,
Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores und Repairing of all kiiuls.
WAgons hikI Ituggie a Srialty.
Jolil.itig trtler rrotui'tly KxecuteJ.
i'iim 'i:m i hi: low i r.
fShop coiner Kmrth and Water streets, lnik of Pope A Co's, Oreg.ni Cllr.
Oregon City Sash and Door Co.
Carry the Largest Stock of
Sash, hoars. Winds, Moulding, Etc.
tu Oregon City.
Special sizes tf lhrs an. I Window s tnmle toorler. Turning of all kind
Estimates for Stair Work and Storo Fronts
Kuniislirtl mi application, lluilih rs, give us a call, mttl i if our work
is not of the best, itinl our prices ns low as the lowest. Price List srtit
on application
Factory. Cor. Main and
I have on hand an assort incut of Remnant
Mattings that I will sell Mow Cost.
Furniture, Baby Busies, Hammocks, Cots,
Camp-Stools and Chairs, Tables, etc., at Tort
land prices.
A full supply of Undertakers
Goods always on hand.
Both rar.n ami town property is !mn.l to lulvnnre in i.rico, until
tho innn with Hinall ummn will lin.l it next to iniiKiHsible to l.uy a home
tor himself. l'riceH are low now, und
can give you i.ricra not to bo luul of any otl,r Uoal Kutate firm. Have
choice farm Lan.lH in largo and H.nall trurU, on v,xy ionnH. AW de
B.rablo Town and Suburban property. CorrenpondenVo elicited. OiW
uh a call. 1
no to
Fine Perfumeries ana Toilet Articles.
Aluo a full topk f
lUh Sts., Oregon City.
Hot Meals at all Hours
I.iinnlidd aim) mirvud . A full ot
CIbiu-m, CaiidlcH, Nuts
nntl I'liiiuod Friilto
iiv uno trial und reinunibor tliei'e
in OIhod & Louis' old atand,
Citi kn