Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 18, 1891, Image 4

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Oregon City Khtcrprfco
I position', df ni Sewnlh, im'l mih
;rty ownersvto try to vrtgiitc'oui of pay-
i mn their fiddler Tim IW i l
IHlUeneU Kvev Mny ! hs t, improvement (Vrt,,, KH,(8
Mll K1 K A I.
aw ki:m r..
use every htwlul means to avoid paying the
; assessment. Thp council had this element
Mblibri huiI I'roprlelors,. j to consider from the beginning, awl there. I
r. . r. P j no deception, about it, .. Hut .(how who
imaciuimoN hatk. :,oisht tli rovetmmi 'in ttk tw-tttnisiii
onyr, : I j i . i.''wlirt i my tor.it haw 'not
HtinionihSs I CO I ,. , ... , :
Three n.otuha, jo'h tho crtslil ot eoiisistoucy to place
iu u.ii.ttAi mi:i:ti(J at'!
MAK0.1MM. :
!' 1
I'lotiiinoiit Kittlnmtl Men
bo lYi'spitt. . ;
W til
Subscriptions jwyaMo in advance f
Advertising rieaivn on application.
i against tho debits they carry.
Canny. , ,
Mdwwuklc, "
Intou Mills
Nesdow Hrook.
V tola.
New Kra.
vct!,.n We,
l'k Piacc,
Mack slut ry,
ti. V, Pruvsser
i:oo. lu.iaju
' : W is, Kuinaa
, Arthur Hiwk
vi J. TriiUunscr
K. si IsrunaVd
K A. V nshl
B. i', l o is
V. S Xoft-tvrr
, tleurv toilev
Hamilton WaMitturn
. Th Uuiwr Habit,
AgWoddcal Ol' Hlie.lt.OII s being given
tho i;"'t:on of curing drunkards. This,
phase ot" thnintrntncVW ha beeusV
perllciaily treated in ittslUlvnvoltior
tor cars, hot it dons not appear to have re
ceived really serious consideration hereto
fixro. Tlio su'ooit h losiuim-vl tooivupv
ihoi liiot pitf in i(bcviUi bmiiitt rt'
IMrUm Co : oiu-o to tin- litiior evil, nl tloe who in,.
,t tt. .loyntr lion thtv mM'iwtt, '
C, V lliril , , ., ,, ,
A, I. (rU Ai " rtl'"l tiiUTimtionw imiikivvvi ot
K. M. ltanmu ; hyyiriit; and .lomocrai liy, heia ill Lomloii,
;rarvful anil seiemitie enniiiiatiou of thr
sm!ji iukiIp, Ir, Xornuui Korr, wl.
lnolgivou tmu'lututly to tli iuww, csiim-
AX0l"St'KSr.XT. iteti that 40,n0 iiii'hriates cmiho to a preimi-
Willi tliis issue Mr. J. M. Law rem eoimvt ! ture I'.eath tumually in Mrout I'rilaiu, " T
into Hi i.,mi!temeit of Thk KNTKKi-ai ,hi" ,,,nv a"""'1 1 rr fatality of 40,.
. . , i ... . .,, urn tuetiriaU's," sm Or. Kerr, "tlieit,liotilil
,,v I atiilt'il .lo.iWe t!mt mtn.NTOlMe.nl,
liereaiier have (Mitonal cmtrol of the ; er. j
, of, lnjrsniis oUjer Uatt lUme stain by m1co
tliat mtiuN-r ot de.nli nl
isului.liials oeeurriiii;, not ilirwtlv IKmi
Mr. 1jw reiee is a journalist of loi-j! .pe- their ow n Va'.situ, bm lmUrtly tlitcli lie
neiiee ami is a w riter of ability, the bust- j '"'. vi.i. tarvH.m, ii:let aiut ilis
, ... , , i , i ease owasionej bv the aUnholie imhili:iwuY
ot tne nnaers:t'it. ami n uiii ix u,t unto i i,i., ....w.,,,;,,
H)licy to i usU Ts i.jTiu rK ,9l Vx'l'.U i tt. Kctr b UL (lie d(uuUUtl4 tl whole
the hiulinij rar of Claikanas county, (sale slaughter is avoblablo. Ii iiiigbt take
" Cmi Miskuvk' I !wtioii lo wholly Malh'm (h tlisi,
' ' but h helievrst tho vil uuht lw remeilietl
Business. Not IVIitirt. ' UikI submits llm followinc i'h" :
. I-.. I, !' rmuiiiiiK Uwbrlely, or "nureii-
tnir esiwmeti eontemiorarv, the Couiwr !,.." ,, ' , , t ,
in chroimlinttthetransriTof a half inhivbt oft, t u tlM ot s.mpuim of ai,.
in Thk KmcBi-Ri last week olscrvl : j Were this diseaio rec.)iilt.4 au.t ttrateit at an
In this ileal Ihe young rerjiihltraua Rnl away t early st ot Ue nialmlv Iir. Kerr had no
with Urns Hnrin. Airti. eie . u alw ,hl, ,h, ,,,.,., ', , mi ,
tried to obtain Judse Swmer interesi, j ," 1 th' """ ""J"") " '"r"l-
There is a hit of real new Vi this observa- ,nulu'!e'1 '
td: 'Hi for rt"'i!ioii oi Yoiiitit tr tn Iruife.
to buy The Kstkiu-kise they vtre not ; 0n a simple Hanu'ut with.Mit st'oanutoe be-rct-!-itrUy
' gotten away with" bcrau foro juiU-ps, sml cj hr thecmv mi trt't
nni mm a uv futtuj.Mj Hiuiitio wvukui nic pin j m titww vi tinmen melius, j , j ,
ma."le lo "get away with" anybody. It was ! In the .Um ussioii in the North America., j er H,1,, ov,-r
a souare business arrangement in which Umi Kevww it seeii.s to be concrded that the iwiveas imtltrrt, M'litUit'U nn a Mimli
tion; hut jl loaves r,n inference that the iacis
hanilv tvarraiit. If anvtvjv el vvunteil ,
Two TliiiiiMinil Uuiiitr Jicslileiifr t inier
Wajf f lOuiUntfllttti. IVrntttal j
ttltil Olhff Xoles. j
: m'ii.l in: m:i.i at
Lk H h IF
j,ii kom .MKtatNtt, Ihit cimeiia aio
livokitijt forward with ("Icasino for
.'Ml. to roll mourn! wlioti Ihov Will
from how lit a lunly to U ,rjilr.tol j
tntvtinttoboliolil at '.Mitiijitutit on tho !
Wthof Sotnml at tint amno llrtittuko
in the count t fair atlliat lac ' Yoitrj
corrvsmilout lia not lioaul aucth'unj '
front Mr, llartman, thu ncial cult- i,
vas.or (or tlia rvm.l, but our inoie in
thia vicinity aio daily lookint! lor him to j
litt in mi Hi)M'ar,inco, when tl.oy will all
boclail to assist him in the woik and !
vulwerih veiy lihortttty llii'iitlvy, A f
lottor waa uho'ivoiI by one oluitr cuiicna 1
that Hon. 1. V. s?miil. uml uthvr rail-i
rvttil tuaifitcla from 1'ort Towiisetid t
would be ioscnt and timl they would !
expM on their visit to m tnute a lib.
oral Hubsiily :ltervl, It is to the, jntvi-,
osl ol every man owning property on or :
near the route hero the ji'0iomi1 ruilroavl '
will run, to lie preaetil at tb6 meeting i
and be iiepnred to donate a libera ly
u h poxsibly can. Yon ninnot find i
railroad men and catiitnlbta
mow that yon have the matt
own tiaint. tome out ami snow- your
selves and see what can lie tlono. . i
Tiihkk l irrt K MAinaruoM Srttooj. !
H.M'iiiMi, it has recently leaked mil ',
that three voting ladies Misses Hessni
Sheppard, of lnVer, I'ol,. Veva tull, of ;
Harlow ' ami Nettie Yotk, of llillboio,
Or., while in linlhiuii in the Moialla j
river, some ten Jays hj.m, luivl a liarrow
escape of being drowned. Thf voting!
ladies hud Iwen accustomed to l.ikui ,
their ti.oining dip dining the hot wcatli- I '
iu.; September
23, 24, 25.
. lb .' W. f II l(KI ." . . ,r . i "tiM . i . 5 '. ,
M. A I Q IT A M ,
Under tho Auspicos of tho
Fair Associate
HStonesclajV; Tluirsday and Friday, Sept 23, to
id show ' Vioir- ' ' ( ' ' "
l.tlieral in'tnltiniA I'lFerisI fr N-st
Amt.lo grvtinJ.i utnl rvi ry 1'ari'
ay i1' U prtaltwt cf llto fartn ittnl wrk ilti'ji.
i flulib)i to mke tli.tr i xlulntn attmctive. IV
it niiUUit iVt o iitt aptilit'titioii.
J. J'. JACK, Sccivtarv.
;k 111 vin, I'ivm.hi
mailer ol potitifal pilietcy was not eoti-j habit of alcoholism can he cured : but curiiit
sbienil by the purchaser. The present pro- j a drunkard is a lonir ami expensnvf priK-ess,
prietors of the pnn r bare no political i l'r- Crotliera says:
axes lo grind.' They an- w buying clun.ces Uk IttMUUty, arankenneu l cured, tint hf
10 -get awav with" reiclitljJ ci-.i. n., po j "'i" ' ' b' biiildlng np the txaly
litically or otherwise To publish the Hat ' """" 1! th "nu nuirttioB.heaUt.hu
0....tv newspaper in the state is their aim, J "",,"' MU,Uwa ntaUl !" PMIi r
. . , , , I niiiidine. and if pn..priiUe dtuta. PruaVeu-
and the.r energies will be exerte.1 to Wljn, m, t e r,.,,nlid disease le!!y,
m'- j and the victim frcel tntoeondttti ns where lie
But the lolilieal interests of the toule I ran live aloua the best tinea ..f h..,.in. rh.
fall within the line? of duty marked out f.r j medical treatment and e..utr.d enn be 0ci j l,ut w''at, when alio reached tlw p Water j
The Etkkphisk, and i shall urge those am' perfect: ami where physiokwical and In-i just below the rapid, , ) being)
measures of government which exjrieike iraiuitiK ui its broade-t and twt sente : unable to reach bottom, becauitt fright-!
liassnowntorrtiwetne greatest prosier-i 1 "
S.,ill,i..-ii ,, u !.,e
1 11110 . . .1. 1 'Until 1
I'.'ltUttii. 'ri.Ml,
t!utik .It ovn thei'tn'atii. Thev wtroeu-
joying a good rido when all of a sudden !
they came upon sulne raiils when two
of them were foi tumitoly thrown oll'lho
plank iiiul left upon the shoal rapnU
anil with a little ditTiculty were aide to
rench the shore. At this juncture Mia '
Shcppard was tho only one that held tn ' , . .
the plank, vet her hold was not i firm ' Vsi't'tlt ftlgc (warnUltt'tl.) i J f.M.r ll.Ulltt.
pros er-
ity for the people at lare. Politically the
paper shall continue to be republican, lim
it shall not wear the coliaroi'any ringor fac
tion. The situation in Clackamas counly
seems to possess unusual interest just at
this juncture. This is an important period
in the development of the county, and
every man in it may be better employed
than in "getting away with" ti! neighbor.
We are here to do w hat we can to promote
the best interests of the lople of the
whole county, and the speeitie job we have
in hand just now is the publication of a
good newspaper.
The lie.t plan and the one that the i-e
will adopt is not to set drunk.
Tiiei'.k is a jit-eat dearth of rentable houses
in this city. This neck three fainiliei com
ing to town have sought diligently over the
city for eliL'ihle houses, and nothing at all
suitable could th- found. Modern collages
of from live to eight room would rent read
ily at a good price, and the lack of them is
keeping desirable people away. There area
number of houses in the citv that are emir
ty, hut the reason they ure not occupied is Kvuns for a two thousand
The Seventh Street Improvement.
Progressive citizens have taken a good
deal of pride in the improvement in pro
gress on Seventh street. Where an ill
conditioned wagon road wound its tortuous
way anion); the rocks ami hills a city street
is being built, ami Hie work necessitate!
making cuts through the hills and tillinj; in
the low places. It is expensive work, tint it
is unavoidable. The change in the apiar
ance of that part of the city that has already
been made by reason of thisimprovement.
would seem to justify tliehopea of the most
sanguine as to the ultimate benefit to be de
rived front it. The moment the enterprise
was determined npon there was a distinct
rise in the value of property in the district
penetrated by the street. Private improve
ments at once began to be planned and they
are being carried forward. It is safe tosay
that by the time the contractor is done with
Seventh street it will surpass any other thor-!
oughfare in the city in attractiveness and in I
the evidences of business enterprise and pub-!
lie spirit which it will display. Visitors)
cannot but be favorably impressed by such
improvements, and they will be an inspira- j
tion to cur own citizens. j
More than two-thirds of the owners of!
property abutting on Seventh street, j.re-J
sumably with a clear knowledge ol'theprob- j
able cost and the means of paying it, peli-'
tiotu-d the city council for the improvement j
that is now in progress. Not one has failed
to recognize the. int-rea-ed va.ue it gave l is ,
property. lint large number are searvh- i
ing I'of a le.'al froln.icaiji' tlutt 'n.ay i-bil)
from (hem the tipun-c they so eagerly be. i
sought the city to permit them to bear, with j
the idea that the general taxpayers will have ;
to loot the hill. Many have promptly paid f
their asse-sriiciits. but a number are still j
neuinjtieni. .vuioiik mi: oeijixpienrs an;
some of the large-t property owners, those
who reap tho greatest bcnellt from the
money expended.
Independent of the equities in the case
tor eipnty ooesn i couin j0r tntieh it not
sustained by law-tbc course pursued by
many of those who are seeking some menus
whereby they may avoid paying their street
dues ought to bind them in honor to
promptly pay their assessments. Under
standing rwrfectly that they were expected
to stand the expense of improving the street
in front ol their property they prayed for a
municipal order to have the work done
They virtually promised their fellow citi
zens who arcjtaxpaycrs in other portions of
the city that theyjwould pay the bills if per
mitted to do so. All the administrative ex
pense attending the job is borne by the city
at large, and there is no grumbling about
that. But there is very audible growling at
Ihe bad faith displayed in the manifest dis-
that they are out of repair ami no one of
! cleanly habits and good ta.te will consent
I to live in them. This would seent to be a
good field for capitalists to make paying in
yestnieiita in neat and comfortable cottages
within a reasonableriistanee from the schools
and the business portion of the city. ' More
cosy homes are one of the city's greatest
need at present. - ; , ; - ' '; i J ; .;
KvBVeJltor and publisher in Oregon that
did not attend the press association at Astorta
lost something. Independence West Side.
7tldeert they did. They lost an opportu
nity to see an organization that should pos
sessirteiligei.ee and self respect, prostituted
to achieve the personal ends of an ass. Kv
ery act of the association bore .the mark of
the beast. Hut those who did not attend
this convention are distinguished from
those who did attend also bv the fact that
they did not lose their temper. ' ,
ened and at once sank, hut fortunately j
when she came up the cuneiit rariied'
her nearer the shore, when Ihe two!
girls were then in reaching dislnnco. ',
She was at once taken out ami tiller a ,
few momenta thought an I considein- !
tion of miiiil, she declare I aim would
never go near the w ater again,
. TkN TltorsAMi J'ol.I. VK Kksiuks. K. !
W. W. Jesse, our live ami active mer- :
chant, h:..s hid plan drawn by Wnllcc
lollar house.
Ort'm City Ajrt'iit,
Atvadi' l'il.'si. Ki.h, Crt'Sfpiit
Luu'oops aii.l WihkI Cliuj.jii fsj jm'i ialtio"..
- WILS vlC
.V.UtkKT afl'OliT
Ilelea iKiveu iheiir.n..a Ihiy VUrliet He
,,r corrected Sect. ' lo in i.oi.h., bir
n:!ie. "I nr. Ksrf ai-Bi.a hv ihe l.s l mere tiu.
0. E. A. FREYTAG, - -
VVhe.it, Vr.'
'U, per t. ' 1
!S 1UI !1,
llretfi'tl City Ml'!'
1 (iiiutry iitsiiitl
l orn Me.tl,
lint Men!
urn a
. pi.r'.Uiel lltih l
Shorts loll
f bran,
: 1! inoihy tmy,
' 1'ie.ver h.
'T g'ouou oq wtinjn jt Tana
great care will bo
l'Hoii:i a,
I'oIfjUhi. fi et.
ouiot). f n
Apples, lireetl, t hoX
Apples, (toed. V tt.
Hotter, ( I''
l'.CK, ,. .
Hiaiey, t tt . .
Heel, live, (I Ih .
II. 'Ct, dressed
Million, live r n
Milium, dressed, f
Pork, live. Y th
Pork, dressed, 'f. Hi.
Veal. live, f Ih
Veal, dressed, V Ih
llion p th '
iiaroii, " . . '
Tiik mayor of Portland has refused to re
ceive a salary. There was an earthquake
the same day.
In -Ipswich nfirhta are cool and fnir, '
And the voice that eomesfroia thevonderea
Sink's to the qiuint obi mauslous thure,. -"
'the time the time that used to he:"
niii in.. iuHini oei iiroisioiis rocii atm groan
And they see, a to ay tn an undertime.
With halt a sigh anfl.ivilb luitf a inr.aii:
"It was, hut it never again shall he!"
In Ipswich Hitflc's weave at icifht,
'I heir rnnalc spells with uniduli irlee
'Itiey slirn-k aiidlniirh in their. teinoii ti-lit '
; Fn.ari theoal M:dn Iionsu to tlie friiliial!
son. - .- ; : J , :
And ghots .if elil come oar to "".'.') i
Over the town that Is hisf nsleep
And they koh and tl.ey wail, us on they creep:
"It was, hut it never again shnil lu"
In Ipswich riseth He.irf Rre'uk hill,
Over niciinst the calling sea,
And, through the nights so deep and chill,
Watcheth a maiden constantly
natcheth alone, nor seems to hear,
Over the roar of the waves ancar,
The pitiful cry of a far-off year:
"It wa. but It -never .(gain shall he!" i
In iDavteh oaoen witch I knew, -- i I i-
An artless Saxon witch was she:
By that flaxon hair and those eyes of blqa,
Sweet was the pell she cast at mcf i
Alas! but tbeyears have wrought me 111,
And the heart that Is old and battered and
Heeketh again on the Hcart-Break hill,
What was, but never again can be., '
Tiear Anna. I would not conjure down, '
The ghost that cuoicth tosolaee mo; .-, - -;, .
I love to think of old Ipswich town, ; 1
Where some what better than friends were
we. i
For with every thought of tho dear old place,
Cometh again the tender grace,
Of a Saxoa witch's pretty face,
As It was, and Is, and ever shall he.
Eugene Field, In Chicago News!
and accepted his plans and awarded liiin
the contract. The bouse will hu ;!0x3',
two atory and havo all thu modern con
venience. This, when finished will
mid greatly to tho appearance of our
tow n
will he beautiful ami
taken of the lawn
Tiioaouiiiii.Y : KiKHf ; Cum, Mr.
Henry Koehler, our new hotel propri
etor, has recently purchased from Bar
low A Co., their interest in The Koehler
for 4(K). Mr. Koehler is 'ho sob.
proprietor of the !ionne and has a forte
of carpenters nt work making Home
good and valuable improvements in ami
around the hotw.
Mohk Bnt.iiiNriM. Mr. fieo. Schneti-
kcr ha eximtjieticed the eredtion of his
second huihlinir sttm.f. oorel,ui.,,. .......
..!,. i., ,......., ..' .1..' hl ' i XT'l'r('K IS HKItKtlV (11VKN Til
,,, , , , "'oninHi pursuance of nil eeeitilon is ins
ago. Illy building; he Is) now putting nri I utnl tun ler the seal of the circuit cuiu
will be used bv him for a boot, nn.l . Oregmi, for Uliiek uieo. ei.uni
store Mr. M,.,n.ike is.io .. """- '"'
...... .ii'ijais
ing uian, ami ho no doubt will do a good
business, as he has had long experi euca
in the iiianufacturi' of hoots and shoes.
Kvkryosk I't.i'.tsKD. The party given
under the management of Messrs. Wills)
& fiiesy, at Zeek'a liall last Snturdiiy
nigiu. was well nttenUo't uml eynrvomt l.rtv of Julv. l!it. lew umi ti
seHint'd to" havo. a' gooil t j 1 1 1 1 . " Tlnrc- ' ''-'I'Kfli'g I" ld defendant
.'J isi
I , .11 1
G li
FANCY AM" SI'.U'l.K OIiH.;!r!px IN (i;K,vr VAUIKTV.
Garden Seeds in Bulk.
13th and Main
Chlekelts, v:aillR,
Chickens, old, per do
jmicks, pur mix
to'ese, par do,
Turkies, tier pound
roi i.tav.
jiei doa.
la, a
fJ',e ".'.asc
: X
. )'
. a:IO
Sherllfs Sale.
I nl
Sleil eied
Oregon Ci
Farmers, Attention.
Vim will Havo money ,y (akonir vmir MAPUtWPRVIa
I, and to me 'lireeoal a id I
lo its sh'iriil ,d said county an. I siate
of 1'. I. Voudi'rahe, piainlitr, mid
'I'honoiH Jones, defendant, ciiiionaiHltl j
the unmaiifthe tioifc of oriafoti, thai i
persona! properly ot the 0, defend
sultielenl could iiol be found than o
real property licl.iiii.-lug to said d !
in-iug unai.lc to find suil.eieiit ix-rs!' i ,i ,,,,
eny, to s itislv said eveciiloti. f did on ti ,. ;uh
the f pr ,,erlv
I'll fn a no of I
in' In
or il
d t-bii
dull I
Tito la-st of jii.-ilciiul iisi.-il, )UI,1
'live us a ti-inl uml sc.; jf tlr .,ri,vs
WOI-K gtutl-illilc il ,S rr,'csi iilcl, All
jous .-luiqiumi n, Wlllliilit lll-liiv, All k
skilled Infior t mil
l"W risi tho lowi'sl.
I'k iiiiii itiiin.(ly. 'J
were ahut tJlirt,vMi ,,,1,c,h sold ,,,,,1 Ml? i lTX alSK
k)J fnl
and Vnrtland ami all went homo well
i sitislied. The music by I ti Aurora
, lifting Bund wiiH good and togdher Willi
;.ti)o luncheon served tit. The Koehler,
-tiOthing was Jacking on tho part oj 1M)
' iiniriagciiietit. '
! l-i i i'hi-: IIomks .Assistant counly sm--:
vyor of Cliti-kniiuiri, Me, Morey,' h;ls
j been engaged f-.-Mhej piift tin j. lays l,v
I Mr. Win. IrwirV- fmrvfriiig' rfll" !oual
Jtracksofliveandt.cn ne'rea ' that will ho
1 put on the. market eiirlv next tnoiilh
pun based from Barlow A Co.. a lol on
Main-street. , He baa wittchoit tlu ,,, -f
riHof our town from the start and now
ln.fcttinlied that tho town hits reached a
point where It n bound to prosper and
grow lo considerable. Hind. ,. ,
Cmcim Day. Several of oitr citizens
went to l'ortland on Monday anil Tues
day to see the wonderful Fornpaiigh's
Circus. They expected more and ro.
turned home as usual with circus head
aches. , v','
I'KKhonai.s. . '
Mr. and Mrs. Tvler VVor1 ward on1
daughter, Miss Hattie .Tity, of Portland,
Mrs. C. R. Provinder, of Spokane, Wash,'
.uisses jteita r.nrlovr and May Kelly,
Mrs. Joe (innong and Mrs Marie Hnw-
arn, ot uregon City were visitors of Mrs.
Wm. Barlow a few ilays this week.
Geo. Gibson of LaG'riindo and Ben
Harrington, of St Joe, Mo. were among
the registered at The Koehler.
an goon iiipe,M. ,'Jilim a Pn.fiil mih of l :r. accrued Host, sad
yointg isBopIo nUotiilfcd from On'gori Cilyf: "t'omey
fees tocclher Willi II,;
unco September aid, ;sn. No
K.ilurday, September I'l, U'.H. a' '.'
of the caul house, in said coillll '
the hour of Uio cp.ck, a. in
publut aeclliiii, .ri.ced to s,;) i
right, .title and hccrest. in ii.i,
ih-iairilMd real pn.pirty l.o--v'
of south ol s-.io ti i -nM ' j of :
ship Jlsou'ih. range 2 east. luC
Oregotl. ' W V
Mietill of Clackaicy;
Hilled (Iregoii t.ltv. Iircgic.
er f irinm
lb" I utiier
: 111. as 0I
st id reoii
I e 11,(01
IllltIO litlt
lll'l' IH 't Its
mils of
Machinory Supplios Kept on Hand.
t'ilHtlllL'si fllrilislnd. Aeelds fur U',.s,l f. I I , I
. inioiv S I (MI'l'lillCH
.Uiil J'lwui K ,Vl.J,,ru.
Friction Mvl
a I
k' l'acking.
Ill: l-O
l lit
JAMKS Ii'()AKK A-CO.. l',-o-ioloi's.
iShop, 5th incl Water Sis.,
,-vl'.'H' l.llgHH
a ICS-,-1
nlv. Hl'-s
iii '.is, i .:
Orosron Citv. Ores
i ulit's Iliiti-hcr Sini.
l:s.lllbllsbci' Ml.l,
ii B
Drayage & Expressing
freight and puree . i delivered to all
;i parts of the cityj
R. Prier.
the old established and reliable
' nliotographor, "
Cabinet llio(oj;riiilis,p4 per ilox.
2Cto.o Tinner,
. Al.l. KIXlis'iji.'
Tin, Sheet Iron, ('uiiiici, (mm
Spouting anil tMiimbinp:
Jobbing Work Done to Order
A'Hhort Notice and at It,w,b,e Price,
Jin I'riill CiiiiMiit r.iiHnini p,.,,(,s
i)(Shop on Seventh 'HCeet Near tl.
S.S Vulker.
Menls served day and night.
Chops in any sly),., side
for ladies,
main s'i'iibkt,
Oysters; and
Walker & Dukes.
House, Sign nhil Oi niimcntal
bioil wink gitftriinti'wh
Sllop oy uri-ii, xit.Mi , ii, T. & I.."1
'I'lio NorfTTTnuMinUl
Mutual Benefit Assc
Easy Monthly Payme
Tho plan chiillengescoinpiirlsoii. 1,(''
l.lfu Insurance at oiwt,, lnsuro
while you are younK.
J W. THOMAS, Deritls
(HON Kit AT, AfirCNT,
Molalla ! . ' . . 0"