A PLEA FOR THE BEAUTIFUL. RAILWAY RUMBLES. , The PaUlinor nnl Ohio company to muim two now locomotives ili.it veer built at tin' Mount Clare shop. The St, Oniric car work ti.tvo Just turned out seventeen tin chair ear for tin Missouri, Kansas niij Texas road. CROWN ANO SCEPTER. Cincinnati. Tli ttlehmoiid and Danville i now run nlnit ptwtal i'r tsvlwivu Atlanta uu.l Washington, liciitiux them with I'nusch Kiw. The supply from til Atlanta work runs tlu- round trip. The Columbus, Hocking Vlliy and To-' Kilo comany is itoltiii to place four (Mil brlvlh-vaon Its Hooking tlivlsiou, lira colt tract to hull. I which has been awarded to tho IX'troit liridg) company. , It la expected that tho Nw York, Istk ' Krieaud Western' new ooal dock at Wc- lr a Prtt MtM atuitlrtl In Koatl Making. Ther has at l-t come about an on-' thnsiiism for fttie roads; is it also to be for beautiful roads as wvll as solid drive ways? The land is so full of beautiful thiti that one can only pot a taste as one drives about- 1 should not Ih half Ati3ivl with Retting ri.l of dust and nmil I want to see the houses pushed farther Ni k from tlu street, and the barns hid in the grove-s Whv should tiioy U all cl.vso by tho r adsi.le, shut tin?; out or spoiling the view of fine land scapes? Tho poorest tvsintry house locks picturesque at fi distatve; hut if thrust uniler your inspection, aiul now as well, it is often only offensive. The finer Louses an little better. On J.X'S not ride to look at nouses, but to set) the , world as the Lord matte it. .Men may nave the right business in stinct, ami know how to build good roads for hauluiji loads, but they do not have the art of makiiiit roads so as to fcike.idvantaicf the beautiful scenes about Of course I do not expect thetu to run a highway over a high knob, just that we may look off; but when it road does climb a hill, why not understand tli.it it can pen to view delightful vistas? "But what nonsense!" you tvc claim "How impractical! Who U p.v nig to waste time aud money on the roadside?" It is no more wasted there than in your yard or garden. A beauti ful road front is the fiuest adornment your property cau have. It is the eh pant fringe on ft shawl, the trimmings cm your bat. And if you desire to acll, I a fine frontage is half the bargain in at tracting bnyers This is the age of summer tourists. Our ratio of city population has in creased so greatly that the country must be considered as not only a place to raise tooti tor uie uruan uweuers, uut as a , l .,,,. i he place for them to visit and enjoy in the ugara KalU without extra charge. Item ; b.-ated months. These visitors seek., tofor the Mlctiigau Ceutral hiu bud a alxive all. fine roads and pleasant ones, monopoly of thai wtuic rout It tys any neighborhood to become fa-; The Pvnnsvlvrfnia compaiiy hu set bide Clous for its beautiful drives. Sl.SiM.tM) to expcud in improving iu road- The cr x'lvl from hl Sllwrlmi gold mine aliout 1(000 aummlly. Th lx. iIitiumM woman In the world in laid to be l)ueou Margherltii. he aeldoiu wtmni a drew more than one. King I'harle of IVrtugal, though un it i reported that the Norfolk and V.t. der thirty yeamol ae, ha gmwu o havy em wanta to buy t hit Ohio am) NnrtliWNtt- that be can hanlly move nUmt. em to give an outlet from IMrUuiouth to- ArehdueheM Maria Therettaof Auiilrla makns gold brtxx'hea with her own hands autl given them .t preseuta to her family. The iieen of Madagiwear lately ttxik her yearly lath. a funetlou that waa at tended by the mngtuii of liymnv the llring ' of artillery and tli Inviting of tlj'U ma ! There vemt to lie mi quextlon ilhoiit the aging erteet of her many imm upon the I'riueeiw Clotilda, widow of th late I'rtuce NaixltMii. Though ouly forty eight yearn i old. her one blond hair i while. Queen Victoria's yacht, the (Mamie, hax eot Just JTSJ,ul In the last avvntvn itm s,m,,"l 'i,'ilt. F?Pi'''rt'r'':lt'.r. ;:luV.VvJ shasta line I f f "LiJLmT. , a--v- A -v aT .... t,, mri'nf priiMvJtwf. H et .'n I't'O'f I""' it. . m l.v ..,-1,1 I .b.ll'f ' ' I ' . li,ii Itfrftt ,...lii II til tit'll .HlMtX ll.tlll. ,,, Mill, , ,,,, . II. .in iti'iiii et II...II,..., ,.,; ''"' I'll)- W.HMll.HMI. H-.l-la , I l,r..l. Ill.r. lUtll.l.,,,,, , ,", ' IHU'I ktlBII '"'HIU, tlllHMII'K.I W U. l( I'MtlU IJt'l.ll ,lf ( , .H HANV l.iii'll. dun, hawken, X, J., which will l one of the years, She uses the yacht only a fortnight most extensive along the North river, will eeh rear, and it U sometimes tntrd a little be completed Iu the uear future. by other member of the royal family. THE . cv ' r N it e r X I.I l. II..-.- f H i Af Th latest scheme fur direct railway com tuuiiicatUm tx'twevn Kuglaud ami Krane provide for a double watertight tulia. capable of containing two railway tracks, and suuk about forty feet iu thechanuel. The New York Central now requires conductors to send In an accurate account of the total mileage travelnl by th xwu geraon each train. The work has hereto fore been done by clerks at headquarter. The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton was the first roatl to Introduce arlnrrars ou Its accotiiuitxlation trains, and they are proving so Hpular that the company has ilecltled to make (he arrangenieui perms neut The Sunday trains on the Midland and Rio Grand lines between latlville Slid (Jlenwood Springs are called laundry trains They bear this appellation because they are always tilled with miners who go to lue springs to wnab. Cutler a new arrangement naaseugers over the like Shore for Syracuse aud Princess Louise of IVmnai k, daughter of thee.mwu prince of that couutry, and IVInce Kugeno, tlilnl living sou of tlie king olSweilvn, are engaged to he married. The bride Is a descendant of Queen Ixiuiae of Pruiuila, mother of the late Ktnperor William The Onehess of Fife stand next to her two brothers, both of whom are unmar ried, in the line of auereuinn to their father, the lrl nee of Wales, and it would not he so very singular if t lie baby princess should some day be added to the number of Kuglaud' rcguaut umwiis. The young Chinese enix'ror ha cele brated the completion of hi twentieth year by picking out a new wife, l'recmleut allow a man of hi rank evu of thm companions, ami this acquisition la only th second. His mother examined the many caudidaie for the honor, and select ed ten therefrom, out of which number llwaugti mad the llnal choice. M1LLRMETTE band ; Company ut Ki US IMd i KM KM s To HOME SEEKERS Pullman Duffu siee (TOUHIST SLi:tliNC Ci . r,.r sunn in He,.,,,,. i l , H j. sUSl'lltd lu a . I l.iu, j , Wt Si. I. IHM.I,,, iiKjumr.s h'Kii.A.Mi ,M, L.ufe) ! alsll Tfsln, Kilt iK w Sa,,, ; ! ,i s ( v l'..td,- l i, I) me n I At i'..,i. j, j ! .41 AtlMiiv Mlltl f'.,tv.h.. i lllr,.u I'seMe llslll..l ' Mftvx Trln I'.il, r ,,,,,, fci "r a I . l,..iil,. i . , ' t J'f I Ar M.-Mn,,,,,; j , j) THROUCH TICKET1 T..W.I.hi EAST ANO SOUTH, r.if ticket Sll.1 lull liil.,....,. ... ' f.l nio'. le , rsl i.n i i,,u,,t ' t'rr..u t itr II ki.KIII Hit K I . kl,nar A.. i t oJrw f WORLD'S FAIR NOTES. Ieru has appropriated fc3,000 to defray the expcuseof making lu exhibit at the exposition. Kansas, which defeated It World' fair It is money in pocket to beep clean bed autl equipiuenu ou the line wwtof appropriating Is now trying to rata 1130,- UNION PAClFi RY. treets and to have thera planted with hrnbtwry and choice trees. We need a total revolution The stock law has re versed everything Once the street was public pasturage, a no man's land and :i all cattle laud. Now the fences are Rn:ie ! r'v hotrs .-.re gone, and the c iu-s ,iv : t i; .':ie We can cultivate '.iwn to .ii'.tli'-s that border the tlriv - I ; .. say tliat for myself 1 desire u tho sntutner Ixiarder. but I'ittslHirg, not including the 1'iiulnirg. Fort Wayne and Chicago, on which a gtxsl deal is to be done lu laying a second track. Th Delaware, Lackawanna and Vi ern road has put on two vestibuled trains tsch way between Uuffalo aud Xew York, and Buffalo and Philadelphia, making th run from HutTalo to New York In eleven hours, and to Philadelphia, in counectiou with 'be Pennsylvania via Mauch Chuuk, In twelve hours The Concord and Montreal railroad baa for all t;i it it t.-u legitimate part of onr leased from the Old Colony railroad for present maimer of life that these people ninety-nine years the six mile link between North Acton and Concord Junction. Mass.. and the former wiil run all Its summer mountain trains via its Acton branch. Heretofore the through mountain travel has been via Lowell. The Poughkeepsie Bridge company ef- i fected a trallic arrangement with the New byways must be looked upon as i,.,,.., " , tl,. i.ri.i... .,r its through trallic 1 bis arrangeiuetit was conditional upon the construction by the bridge company of a connecting line from i the bridge to the New Kngland railroad. To build this link will cost about HtJO.ouO eh.ill Ih- in the country a part of each year In that way only can we preserve san itary conditions and prevent degenera tion of the crowded inhabitants of the towns It is a plau of recuperation that ought to lie eiic.mni.fed. Hereafter onr couutry not altogether ours, but in part the legit imate resort of the soul starved citizen ho spends ten mouths in warehouses aud counting rooms. It is even getting ' to be true that the factory hands follow the fres.i-air children, and find it nearly as die:;;) to spend a few days in the country as to fester in the city. For all th.-se the country ro ids should bo de signed an I ma le beautiful Cl.iK'sing between our yards and the trrei t. 1 would prefer to make the street o-n.'.nn nr'il and th jvirds simply clean u-,d pnctical I have h-ard it said that We Mioithl liave our flowers and shrub-ben-s r-tir-d from t:ie p-.i iUc and cou-ci-ali-d Til-re are t'.vi si.U-s to this qut'st'n:i We are social tx-iugs as well as individuals A plenty of retreats I would have, where one may commune with nature undisturbed but I see also a delicious charm ui tli fellowship of eiijo;,"iint. It is nut wholly as drive vr.ys we may use a highway, but as plaees for neighborly gosip Tliinit of the powerful influence which clean handsome roadways would have on the mind life of the people If we are to have a continuance of dusty, and in wet weather of muddy and disgust ing dirt roads, never well made, never WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. The Japanese have on the average aboil two earthquakes a day. " The amount of gnhl in the world would fit iu a room twenty four feet each way. Thero are KM authorised guides In ths Alps. Sis of them are over seventy years of age. There is a church building iu New York, every inch of the front of which is con cealed by a luxurious yrotvlh of ivy. Corca has a cave from w hich a tvlulry wind perpetually blows. The force of the wind is b K-li that a strong man cannot stand before it. The Ktltiest piece of water upon earth Is dike U rum la, Persia, more than 4.UU0 feet above the sea level It is very shallow, and no living thing can exist in it. It costs one uud one-fourth cents per pound to bring tea from Yokohama to New York, 7.500 miles, and ten cetits per pound to send tea by express one mile uptown in that city. The prevailing Sunday sport in Cuba Is ntistlr flirlifiri.r hihI if. ia m.t. uri I uf ifi itMlit enjoyable and often terrible, we shall do Ki(ht e)) a Cuban K(.ntenlau goiug well to hide our flowers and shrubs as : ulKmt tU9 reeUof Havana with his pet far as possible out of sight This need j bird on the way to a fight, not be, and 1 do not think it long will j The cultivation of tobacco has been pro be. The enthusiasm for road improve- ; hihited throughout the whole of Kgypt. tuent is rising. A dozen states have be- j The owners of the lands which are found gun a serious agitation for a great evo- to be under tobacco cultivation will beub- Uritr.n. . leCted tO i fiUB of tl.UUO DOT aClT. shire to Texas are nrging action. The When the mosque of St. Sophia, In Con- j Proval- (XX) with which to uink an exhibit. It ia reported that the xxipl nf New Mexico Intend to raise 70UU to add to th tat' World fair appropriation of tS, OUX t'uited Stale Consul (ieneral llallen tine, of Itomttay, says that h Iwllerr sev eral native Iutlian priucea will attend th exposition. Virginia Is Interested In the World's fair. It is proxted to mnk th Virgiuia atate fair in lstrj a much grander atlair than usual, and then to take the best of the ex hibit to Chicago In Isttl. The Woman' Christian Tcmeruc union Intends to make a notable exhibit at the exposition. The headquarter and chief olbcials of the National and World's socie ties are already located in Chicago. An extensive display of pontage stamp msy be expected at the World fair. The American Philatelic association and the Philatelic society of New York have both sppointc.1 committees to work to that end. One of the Interesting objects which will lie exhibited at the World's fair is a table, made from the timlier of a house lu Kim chal, Madeira, In which Columbus lived for a time before he liegan his voyage of discovery. Frederick J. Skin", formerly editor of the Denver Tribuue, aud recently engaged in mining enterprises, has Ix-en npjioiutfd cuief of tiie department of mines and min im; of the exposition. He is one of the Colorado commUsioiicrs. Ohio, which has an appropriation of flui.uw to .ieiid on its Worlds (.or ex hibit, intends to put about a quarter of it into a biiildim:, " hu ll will be made the state headquarters on the uroiinds. The Ohio Archii'ulogical and Historical society wishes to make a separate display. ! 't have lots .MIx'JtN) fret, liHiV.'iHl feet, all favorably l.x'rtle.1. i'heso lots twice tlu' ordinary si.e are but half the usual pruf of other lots aim- i ilrtrly l.x'ilt.Hl. Vt have ..io-H. r.Mw..-.'r. nve ami in, . ,..,... isuitablt! for suliurtmn hoiii.'s, iMiiveiii.-iit to town. wlita.U. ihurth.., j U I'Aili.XAV I . . . . I i I...I....I " t' fto.,RIHl of very Jinxltlftive Soil. A lilfge, grow nig i run-........ . tiaih for the Ka.t lei0 I which wp will sell art in siunll trucls to suit .iirclmacr. mul on ' A M. ai.dH isi I', M tftllii. TIPWFTQ I" " .Mwl) IIVIXCIO lull., fsiir.i tuin oS t.tt..x ligant Htm Dmng Pulut b fl.Hiail I'alare Mrraeiv Call and see us and get prices at Civccrrr OA f ir nfflpo ,r tm Robert L. Taft at Portland office, s iuuuw No. 50, 13 1 ark street, rortiana. TbislMlus. is prepated to do till kin. I" of r,..l. and .loll Printing on sb r n di. e w Hb neatness un.l tb-p.ticli. Ilmi mi your work and give u a trial. J91 -Tt- ioMAHA, I'nUXCIL Xm, ; KANSAS CITT ! CIIICAO : A- St. I.l ! MIfMOt T CHA, ttni an t I (s'im.J f-Am, i V f ftirihrr prtlf ttUt lt))iir W it - r. 1. 1 r.tik.i. i. . 'i i i i.i: . sM' tlaist Northern Pacific R. FASHIONS FOn MEN- Never a made up tie under any consider aliuii with the ut-Klige shirt. The coat shirt a most sensible deviation out of the rut of custom is coming, aud coming strong. The toggery provided for the summer youth, while bright and picturesque, iu no phase transcends the Isiuuds of propriety Id color or design. The washable waistcoats that come In many well chosen designs will Is) worn with the coats and trousers. They tuny Is) worn with the cheviot, hut nut the Manuel shirts. The silk band has been tried again with success upon the bell crowned liondon hats. An ellort to carry the velvet craze to this extent has not met with general ap- peopie are originating legislation on the stantinople, was built, more than 1,000 gjri..c. i years ago, the stones and bricks were laid ti "in i . i, I in mortar mixed with a solution of musk, I lie Wheelmen s association la pub- , , , , .... . , ..,, ,. , . . , , I and the building has been fragrant with hshiug pictures of the average road i tue odor ever since. it is, and essays concerning the road as j tt ought to be. Prize essays are pub lished by the universities. But in all this stir 1 see no mention of anything but lietter road beds for hauling loads. JJy plea is for beautiful roadsides. Road adornment associations might wisely supplement road improvement as sociations. 1 know of many rural art societies which hava made villages very beautiful; why can they not exist every where? The planting of onr streets is the next national enterprise, 1 sincerely hope. Mary E. Spencer in St. Louis Globe- Democrat. SCIENTIFIC WAIFS. The Value of Good Hlebwajs. Relative to the value of highways, tho state board of agriculture of New Jersey has published a pamphlet showing how that state tuts been affected by some roids recently constructed there under the new law. This pamphlet says of them: Real estate has been doubled, trebled and quadrupled in value since the con struction of Telford roads from Orange to Dover, N. J. One of the chronio grumblers against taxes for road Im provements in Union county, when asked if he would consent to have the road re stored to its old condition in order to Dr. Dowd, of New York, has found that each cubic inch of soil contains from 00,000 to 2,210,000 minute organisms. It has been found that a small dose of strong alcohol shortens the time that food remains in the stomach by more than half an hour. A scientist of Tennessee thinks that the Gulf stream every day passes through thousands of miles of subterranean chan nel that is surrounded by a living fire, The earth is gradually growing larger from the fall of meteoric matter. An as tronomer estimates that the glob is an nually pelted with 146,000,001) projectiles. The cooling of milk immediately aftar it is drawn from the cow is said to be of the greatest assistance in delaying fermenta tion, and It is thought to b th most prac tical method which can now be recom mended. The amount of coloring matter stored In coal is snch that one pound of the mineral yields magenta sufficient to color SO0 yards of flannel, aurine for 120 yards, vermilion for 3,500 yards aud alizarin for 2uS yards of turkey red cloth. A new sewing machine by a Welshman has no shuttle or bobbin. The thread is supplied directly from two ordinary spools, and am through the assistance of a rotary save the taxs, replied- "Well, as I shall j iooper. It is vastly more simple than any not reqnired to pay more than two j other sewing machine. d l'!r.rs t year for the rest of my life, it , 0ne of the reccnt inventions for life sav woulit Jot be worth while. I he travel )n( app8ratns is the Irvine pneumatic gun has me eased on these roads tenfold in a , for throwig B line to ship in distress or c.u. cl ue. Since the law went into j I)ergong in a burning house. The air is ertr--i hI estate values m Union county adujted from B reservoir to the chamber -.d-.anced nearly $1,500,000, ex- behind tbs projectile at a prsssurs of ,4 slier v of property advances in Eliza- pounds on the square loco, beth of about 700,000 mow. -v..-.- , The spats are now worn to match the waistcoat by the swaggerest men lu town. Buff colored spats and waistcoat Is just abput the snappiest thing the season ha yet divulged. It will lie noticed that the new long top coats, while they have a plait down each side seam, i heating a skirt elfuct, have no buttons upon the waist line of the back. In place thereof there is a triangle done in self color silk. The more conservative men of the fash ionable world pretend to see in this revival of the models of HW iu men's wear a forth coming reuaissance in short clothes, and are deeply agitated thereover. Scratch an opponent of knee breeches and you will find a personage with bad legs, take my word for it. Clothier and Furnisher. SNAP SHOTS. Have th dark room and everything la It In perfect order. A poor camera box and weak lens will not give good result. Us on formula for a developer, and keep on doing so until you axs master of it. Do not neglect to dust th plate befor inserting it In the slide, or th pictur will be spoiled by dust spot. The proposition of the American photo graphic conference to establish a purchas ing and disbursing agency, where tba members of the conference can get their supplies and apparatus at manufacturers' prices, has created a big stir among dealers generally. To make a picture of one person with a double exposure, place the subject In posi tion on the right of ths center of the black background, foens and expose for two sec onds In good light. Now place the subject on the left of the center of background and focus again, giving the same exposure. Develop the plate, and you will have twin brother. This line of photography offare a gnat soop for originality Ld skill. Vnt 1 1 ) I Ills j It will i..t you Dialling and mil ' -uii'lv do you good, II V"U bit v a tough, ('old. or any trouble Willi l lno.it t bct ! or 1. nogs. 1'r. King's New iicovciy (or Consumption, Coughs u. I Colds is I giiaialiteed to gite relief, or inonei ie 'funded. Snll'erers fiom la t inpH- loon. I ' it just the thing and under its u-e had a sp.-e.lv and period recovery. Trv a -ample bottle at our cciiso and lenin (or yoiu-ell just Imw g.m.l a tlung il is. Tiiitl bottles live at t. A. IliiidiugV drug stole. Large size .'iilc, andl.l). A Sure liiH'slment . Is one which is guaranteed to bring you HiitiHlw tory results, or in cure of (ailuie a return o( purchase price, tlu this safe plan you can buy from our ad vertised Uruggist a bottle of lr. King's New Discovery lor Constniiplion. Il is guaranteed to bring reli.d in every case, when used (or any alb-ciion of Throat, I, lings or Chest, hiii-Ii its Consumption. Inflammation of 1. tings, Iboiichilis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended ution. Trial buttles free at i. A. Harding s drug store. A Wonder Worki r. Mr. Frank Hull'man, a young man of Burlington, Ohio, states that hn had been under the cure of two prominent physicians, and used their treiilinent until be was not able to get around. They pronounced bis caso Consumption and incurable. He wus persuaded to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds and at that time was Hot able to walk across the street with out resting, lie found, be fore he had used half a dollar bottle, tiiat lie was nititdi better; be continued to use it and is today enjoying good health. II you have any Throat, hung or Chest trouble try it. We guaranlen satisfaction, Trial bottle free at (). A. Harding's drug store. Aug. Hornung, a wellknown manu facturer of boot and shoe at M20 Nolan Ht., Han Antonio, Texas, will not, soon forget his experience with an attack of the cramps which he relates as fol lows: "I was taken with a violent cramp In the stomach which I believe would have caused my death, had it not been for the prompt use of Cham berlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The first dese did me so much good that I followed it up in 20 minutes with the second dose, and be fore the Doctor could get to where I was I did not need him. This Remedy shall always be one of tho main stays of my family. For sale by duo. A. Harding. Faults of digestion cause disorders of of the liver, and the whole system bo comes deranged. Dr. J. H. McLean's ... .,1 r i-i ,,, , .. nireiigiiiuiiiiig Domini uun moon rurl fier perfects the process of digestion and assimilation, aud thus makes pure blood. l.litilliUlraior Srtle uf lienl 'r..frrl) I .N I UK M M 1 1 i: i.l i il i. iii.in,-nii. .1 el h. .11. .- II. etO.-r if III- .-..u,.. S! Ill .if I !(. .11. I, I I- 'I. Ill II..- in .11. r III... ci,.!.! l,f ,, slul t M h.-Uhi I'-r, . mi. I K. H..U I .-It P- . si. I K . o II ia .l hi j '.r.-i o.. , I-..U.I I l I.. ii:,i e .-ii do- uoi a . ! i .sol t.i . i n, l..- kl. ,1 I. . , t. t hrill' r oi, )! II. I-III,.' el S l;. n I r t h. :ki, ,i, l.iltnrt. I.eiLiini. hi,.. I . It 11,'" IMll.l.ll,,, ,, ( 4 i.elku ke ii t ip n,-r !lu- i.iel. i .1 jTirti!i-i,l,.. ..lei K .-1 , c 1 y -I . .-lie.,)- ill s. ,J Uliil. .1 si. I k k -.1, lli.-.i.liiuti ..ill ...it ... . ... SIH linll Ie Ill, tlitfill-.l I.l.) rl I., I . -a.il 1 ,- of I 111" I .1 I --1 SIM.., .l,,,.,. I., thi . -..1,11,1, ,! "1 Hie r.-illl. nil rt.,IH,l Hi.. l;il, ,1a, l--'l. si In .. ri.nll s til .. ..!. a,., on le.u .,.,.r iii tin- en. .,( i inn, hi i iu h, . 0,., mn.i. i-.. .mi), .int.- ui on ...ii, Mi a,, rl.-hi, imip llilert-.l sud i-.oui. of i.srluiT.lii B. l.elne till- Ire .ltn.it III mot .,,! 1,., lot, , l.re ..f .nt. i. ,.l Inml Ii ihk .n,l Hon. hi.. I m..r i.an l. uU , U .1,..,.. 0....1 1 io-i.il .-...t-inui'si ,,iiirl.r ., .-, u 01 .it ,, ti wii.l,l, t.nir, .,, ,11, ,, r,i,-i. fi, tt, IninelO- 111 .-n. 1 1 all. KJI tltllf 111 I Ui ksina. r,,.,nv Into ill lilt-Hi HI K Si, HU kN.ll' A.mllillr.it..r ui snl r-ui,. Ilitli'd .iuill It. s u il II riuiu . 111 III i.l llri. Dlssiilni inn i,(ic,., " The luirliier.lilt. I.i.r,,ii.l.., ...1.,.-... 1 Itteen the iu,.er.lg..ed K. X. iirren and n. 1.. minium, uoiiiir i.ii-ii,,.,, m iiri-jjiiu I itv as I iniluie dealers ami undeiinkers under the linn name of vViurcn ,t ,,! man, is ,hiv .h-.ot,., l,v mhiiu,,! ,,,. sent. L. S, U'srren irtires, tthil,. , ,, llolinan coiiiimies the business a! I he 1,1, slaiid.who will iissihi,). ,1,1,,, mull.,,! lei t nil tiioueysdiin the laic linn. K.H. AIII'.KS, Ii I.. IHU.M AN. liregon t dv, dr., July Wi. F. L. Posson &i Son, SEEDS Umerul AgU. for 1). M. Vcrry & Co's SEEDS Garden Seed. SEEDS Grass, Clover and all kinds of SEEDS Trees, J!iill, Fertilizer Hc SEEDS Bee Keepers' Supplies. We want you fr a customer. f;ive . a trial order. F. L. Posson & Son, 209 2d St.. Portland n ISooMor.u)llUln8rr Great Overland Routt I Wo I .W IliAt.Ss) inn Y! .Sill II ANi.I tdi Shortest Line to Chia; And all l-.-li.ls ( i.l III sr i-t i. m NisM-iryta The Northern I'arlllr K.I ( His ..ui lino inii.iim I'aswiiger Trains, r-.-i . . 1 1 .1 - lass MeepMS (reol(!. I imiriotis iv Cos. Ins, I'oliiiiin fUi-e si,., pmjfr I'alitcti Dining 1 a ('' limit I'l.rtlaud ; the IV Sen that your tickets reml a Northern Cat Iflc K It avoid change ol car. 1 lililll I'lllltlisl! I'aKe SllsftlSli' (liliUt iM.sehi . Slli-.l HIe iillf li-rii roitlsn.l. larnRis and si' Psll) tvi . It. (lit KIT ts.4Jsi'l !'. .tgral.1411 (.. 1'orilniiil. Or. fsr-l'.-iwl. r..tiir rtrst sli t U m THE YAQUINA ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railrc T, K. lllKili, KiM-eiW- I OREGON DEVELOPMCHT WW SHOUT LINK TO C AL1FUK KltKltiHT AND KAUKHTIIKU1 Train No. 8 will run Tui'i"l!"' days and Saturdays, aud on i'll',t' iiitvsnlien necessary: Train No 4 will run Momlne, days and Friday, and on inurme alien necessary: Meaiiier SmIIIih lulf. l.Vs YMCISA-:WlllalllP!l i. IX it, .11. . I.tva MsMraaN.-tst' Wl!im'tl 1 II I XI III In. U I. 'nire'.imia'ii)r ri.iorv Ilia rlhl t siiin, u.iei wiihuul nolle. ., Trslna eomiret with the O. C. RoslaattliirvsllUanil A Ilia nr. TboOrnnon I'aciflt! slesmbitt WlllainetUt river division ' 11 I'ortlaml, sotit-botind, MondaTi "i 'lav, and r riday at A. "J CorvalliRTnssilav. ThiirsdsV a"'! day at 3iU(l I', M. I.eav (i nortb-boimd, Monday, Wtalne rntiayai A. Arrivn"-- Tuesday, Thursday and Hstiiraw' l M M I ... UliiesitsrV"1 - . ... . v... nw t.v. ---7 , my, noiii norm aim boihii-.-.-v n over nluht at Halein, iov"' A,M. Kriilidit inj Tlot Oltlc, Hslnlnl"l,, I'nrtlsinl. .pi c. !' limine, o. t. & P. K.K.WIIITK. , WHITE BROTHER Practical Architects iff Will propsrs plana, elevsll""". ."",( 4 ta II. .l ............ ...... I... .11 klPlI', ,; Ins. Hpeolsl stle.itieu lv W P! ts, , . Kallmann fnrulalicd ""..fl Wi CM