Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 21, 1891, Image 6

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lIKIKr I'.uuc.Kvms
Of a l.cal Mini (ion era I Miiturv.
Wivvl wanted ttt tho 1'ATKNrmsK
Horti-To the wife of 8. . Mitchel.of
Sandy, Juiy L'Sth , H dimnhtor.
Ulu Hlxcr Orf,
'inonly afternoon we Imd the-
i lK aiit of wvni) nw on jn!uvU J
I wilh tlm oah mul nmrtor, which Mr,
IThorno had brought fiom tlu Woo liver
' mini. Severn! others including some
of ih stivk-holdori! in our mininir
ointny iion wore present. n nm-iv-vs
i very simtlo one, hihI w hen one
' lias hu o(Hiitmiiiy to ee mid examine
apiece of ore-, that is black or brown,
i hrtv'uifc' ho siitns of Miini'ial, anil then
Hon. IV K. liinvh ami if lotuim-d I see it nuiveriiunl ami washed down in a
U'vlT""" U"0;i' W,",'V ""'V Sl0", ' ",v,',,li"'s '',''I'K '''"'"!
particles ol com, u la nmon more a.la
f.ictory t'.ian an assay. Thia Minplo whs
from the Poor Man or IWowimville mine,
upon which there is now a email pnw
nvt mill in operation. Th amount of
.Mr. ami Mrs. !'. T. luitv. of Chitska
tiio, were visiting their relolive.s am!
friends in this county during (he week.
KK('OKl) IMU'Vl.S.
A t'iiiToioiulon Kntci n ('oiiiilaliil
A bunt lntlit.
Wo un loitai il the county court hail
the ip.estion up hoforo thorn for eonshl
oration ami act ion, relative to making
now indexes to iho teoud.. in the to
conlor'a oilico. If there in anv possible
method w liotohv'iur indexe can lo no i'laml omitti-dunei iiimmtf
improved aa to furnish a motere.idy ami j euunti' ol tho '.nh. H'l' hhi"1"'1'
reliable reference than now In ironoral I uf iwisou in tho "dab' between tho up'!"
use lot a havo it at once With tho in
crease of population ami ill) It Iho ac
I ho Mate TifilHiii. f Catni'lt'l'"
DUI llnilhiii-.ilioiiiimiiiit AUoW- j
oil Kill It ' j
lion I'hil Metwli.tii, Suite Ttcn-'iiei,
ha-, jut completed tho l i -I i I'tit i-.ti of
tho nUoiest niimi'K Irom tho i"ii"'
a, hoolinmliiMii iilot'.v tlichoittdolVl.nel .
iho v.nioui
litidhS (Ml MA I' AT
Ha vt m in. 11.
ZVX ti r ' 1 m 1 Of.
cumulation of roconln to ho lelei red to
hy indexes there should he mime betler
method than having tho nainoa uthlor
ach lottor enteivtl aa thoy now ie with
ou anv roforonce to clawiilicatlon. I'auao
Shoriir Samson imulv a trip to Wilhoit, !
WVdnosihiy, takintt out Mm. Samson i
at that it'sorl. ' ! 1"I,U'1 ' Kiuml, ami tho amount of
- - , ! ohl in tho yan was surprising, ami tluwo
onraoo luooi in: lonieniai ino fallliliir :,h lir... ....-i t,i, ..... ..!........:.:...'.. . ..
court honso. rrvshlonv Oslvrn oi tlio " . , ...... cui..j imr mo namoa iy
rortlaml olftimN-r of commoroo ill l , Mwt ! 1,1,1 " w",lW S ovor ",,v l"lf tho fl.st ihr. o lottors. V know thoro
or tints i-ruspooto.1 wa los than ono I HmJ H.ink what a task it wouhl ho to
ovnsult a diiootory or dictionary as wo.
are now hUIl-oiI to consult iihlonos.
of 4 ami '.' years is liHi.h.":. mi'i "'!
amount of (units suhjoct to ,hniUlliou I
wusl.Vl I 'l IK. Klving Ioimiim comity
the s.nii of l l,' per capita, iho sum'
rati.. I! Was ill IS1KI, iiltllolliih the l.mul'cr ;
olcMl.hfii is II .ii nioio, shoHiutf a.
hci'thv im ro.isc in Iho luml. I'hc '
jutting stii omclit shows the aim'iinl "''ii ,
to o o h coiiiily a nil ihi.-iuimhoi it .luhj
it i-it tho oiu ;
The best place to buy Goo !j the cheapest.
IiiIm-I liilitket I'liro for UH't R
lUiir in iiiiml 1 '.'i) t!
cM'ImiiKo t'.-i'tii'tlliS.
tosont. IVn'tfail toattoiul.
! vr ton. As thore was not a Hrsin
i iirosont who hail ono conta intorost in
,. toivstoil in claims eloso to tl.o Hmwtis-
rtinuing into this
-lOinh ipiartu, of
' w hich tho Hrow nsvillo tunuol now shows
M 1 M n. M , t -
.. . am, ..ir. iorrn v.-m.rno u I cm- tljli )0 mo,jv( , ,u.t,mu
rvlloiut. roioice in th addition of a i ... , ,
daughter to thoir household, wh.w ad-; one t0 IVI'V'- " ' "''"I1'" '
vont dates from tho loth of this month. ' made to show what inferior hniking
! rock is hahlo to Ih rich iu tho shilling
Major .1. .x Kinoarson, now of m,ul s,,Voil of out townsmon are in-
oiuiiioi.i couiiiy, wen Known 10 our
ritixons. was renewing ac luaintances in
lregon City, during tho week. jvillo mine, that aro
Xl . . T " . . . j sain black, honey
...I . m.'imi VMi-ru ii..;. uiki'11 npKllloil v
the Dnvon I'itv shoo sloio. and iil
lieronl'icr Ih found iH'hind tho cotinlor of lafo ml incioising ainonnt. This
that well known establishment. ; test or pruspo. ting of this ore was nioielv
to show what thoy were liable to strike
. I I... i.i, ul.it... !i.u; .......... .1
J alieady started. Mr. IVosv'all. Harnett
land other milling experts a'o now in
The Young Teople's Sivioty of tho ' there oxainining the ledges already
rreshvtertan chim-h. will give a sociable 1 struck, though but little dovoloied, and
at the residency of Mr Wm. Myers, next they consider the camp promising. The
Tuesday evening. .Ill are invited ' ledges are numerous, the ground covered
, . , . . nn rich gold hearing float nn-k. that
xi , n rT:V,Hl , W.bms & Sin a. ,,ai eilveais..gotooikinail Blaster
Mo alia, Oregon, a laro and well select- ,,.,. n',,, llllllH,r Kvll (,, olt
ed hue ol Ik.vs and g.-nts. hats and caps, ; Vl, ,t!1 .,,,, making prospecting easv.
mall tl.o leading styles. n, u. ,,,,., t , ' :.'"
t'llty at present over a trail ; mil a i;.k ,1 nieui
wagon road could bo built lip liate creek ! as
ami reach the mint s in htcen miles Hum
the r.iigeno and blue river slag" load,
with an expenditure of not to eveed
twetv-fivo hilnd'i',1 doi'ars
Honal ctiiirch. are preparing a Hcvial. to '
r given about the &l of September.
Further annotiiHX'iuent next week.
Hi no hi
i lai kan ;i
i '..Imiilii i
by they aie onabled to r.'1'or to any name ; (',.
as dinvtly as bv a directorv. U ih V
are symptoms uf patent indexes now In
use for abstract and other oltlcos, whero-
ll such a system can li adopted for 1
private entoi prises, why not (or tho pub- i (ll ',,"t "
lie. Searches a'i' made to public records luihatn
oulv hv those whoso time is vahiablo to! Han cv
tho nselves or othtrs. Why not furnish
them the greatest facility for such con
sultation Indexes can ln o ai ranged
as to I aa ready a reference for names
as an ordinary directory, and wo further
kuowtheieisa way to make an index
even lor thousands of names under one
letter, so it will lm a eonlinnoiis direc
tory. What is the use of looking over
one or two hundred page ol ai. index
lor John Smith, whn it could bo so
arranged that all poisons w hoso names
begin with the three letters s, m, 1, can
! J n-ks
i Josephine .
Malheur ...
!f..!k .. .
Sherinail . .
I'malillii . . .
I I'tiioii . , .
! Wallow , .
leo. K. Cairn, the singing evangolUt,
will conduct the services at the lUipt:t ;
ehurcli. iu this, city, on Sun. lav next,
owing to the abemv of Uev. It. I'arker.
.1 il
Mr. Thos. Hnndv. of the O'oiron Citv
boa! hoiio. iuis bu.lt a stmstantial walk
from Main street, adj uning IVstow's
t'actotv to Ids lx t iiou-e. an improve
inent that will be appreciated by his
Pros II A. Siiurev of Portland, will
oreupv Iho pulpit at the Congrejatiotial
flin-ch next Sunday 1'ies. Slmrer is
regarded as one of tho fir-t pulpit ora
tors in the wes. and those at all ac-,
quiiinled w ith los reputation as a speaker ,
will be ;d..d of this opportunity t hear
so talented a man
I lie Mall Aicnts' I'taleiiiity
The KiL'hth I'iviiuii Kadway
Clerks met 111 1'oltiaud post ollic
elle. ted a tempoiary organ an.
electing a. 11. liictiar.Uon pre
ami t . A Hermann, j
societal v ,
On motion of W.
temporary olllcers
i u .... .,
be classed togo'hoi as iu a directory, j iv.isl.inittoii
and conliiiued so by thus 'posting e.ii h ' Va:tdii I
i laMticaMoit toithcr, Instead ol mixing
up under the general loiter
is "S." thus lonuirmg the cxainihatii.u
of thou-amU of names in some in-tances I.
w lien itietv w ml. I not 's- tutt a ih oi or
two of su.'h clashen thus elassitlrd
h) theni'ivo..
W e are g.ad to a mh.v in tTiisdiiee- i. r nil
:i"ll, but we in 11 -t u l go it upi4i tho nt toll- 11 ''
thin of our ooit nty emit to lull , cuiiider i p ,
tlii ouiltur ..ml hv at! .... nw li t., lltt.l ' K: 'l
. of Oregon ( it v , i out the best, and then u-opt it. It is
I high time there was a sieptal-en In ad
..ang. -scr, ,ir .
l'r.. In i,l. lii-nii i. I
i records. It i a ipie.-lion
No of
2. VI 7 :
V M '.'
. I.lo-i
I IP.i
I '.7.i
4 I ,
V s. i
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:i ;'U i'v ;
n ;mi an
:t iil.' 4 1
clos:nc salb of summgn coods.
U Sii'iimp rt! It S. .1.1 ttt t'nst for CASH. t 1 Iiavo In n,U r,
for in v iiiiiiu lise Kail ami U iitler Strn k.
I hrii in
tr;i '.'"i
li d . N'i
I,;. n Si
l. Ml oh
I IIS in
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I :i
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I : i d
; Wagons and Buggies a Specialt)
AMI l' U I tl IX
IVmts, Wiihlows, !inLI)iiu Hor .ml Wiihl.nv -uuk
('ahum W.nk.riiMiii: Sioit, fit', KVjuiiinn nf Ki:.
Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed
jf4T Pricrs the Lowest. jjj
f fiJTM.i.p c- i I .iiith and Water lnH. k of I'ope .it Co'n, i),..-!,)'
III l.l
Mil I i
U 'l III. M toX.
e ami I
hi io j
iiient, !
I on.-, or
P...'!, r,
1 1, a il nil
1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 !
li I:
i : it
i .'.-I
is now
The Willamette Silver C.rnet band
gave an open air concert last Satmdav
evening on Main street. The boy had
their old leader, Mr. J, N. Smith, of
Multno, with them at:. I their music was
The constitution and bvdans of the agitating 'lit public mind t the least,
sixih Incision were adopted, except that j,ere population has become dense and
where the words Sixth Ihvision" occur ' ., . . . ,, , ...
the words Kightli Uivisioti of Pottlami ' ",.. t.r.U pru. i .cul ly me!e tt. the
were substituted. huhlic, resulting in tho formation of
After the adoption of the constitution j abstract companies to supply tho public
Kd. ti. Weuler was elected vice presi- L .inls ,) nV!1iih , r. ul eMate trans
oi.tir huh i 4. t lu.-r niiiHi iir n-.i
i.l ;.!. a
I M .r.-
II I Kiwi. l
K'- 'I A K nk . it...
CVIII1L. tMI-l(i
s.-l .M J
i.t I'-
nl I
Nt i U K Knit 1-1 n'.ii .iiii'.x
I.AM. It. Ml K AT I IM.itnN I IT. He ..s,
A I i IV l-ll
.X.illr.i' I. It..r...y Bl.i-ti lltit Pi.. ..l "..In,
I ll ttH.. f.-IPlT ll.. 111.' I ttl.t.r.' i. 10, llllrllili.
In ttinkf rtiti' ir,iut Pi .upp.irt i-f hi. . l.on ntt
lint Ktit.l t.r.mt s i,l 1... tn i.l,. l. l..r,. iu.' lu-,!.
ItlTrtllil li...','t r I', 4 t still I illil', Mt tl.-i;.i
-1 r .i I
ha 1 of .my ..tin r II.-;
i ;ol mii.i'i 1 1 1 act . i'ti i
ir.. t! C..tri-s't.
I Kstalo linn. IU
,iV tortus, A'.fv;
li lli c fiilli'lti i. Ii
I iu a building as we see by late papers the ,
Chicago Abstract Cninpanv is doing, we '
executed in a manner that refWliHi ! werealsoelwUHl as aiia.lvts.jirv " 1 ' ... 1 . 1 ' 1 ' u'' ''" "' ' " f "
hoan to act on all matters with t he utvei .io ..ooo in lirijtnm ami ishi.imo im.iiiu it. i ..:
Koilowing is a list of ollioers el'.'cted to
; serve until the next regular annual
meeting in June, lMi'J, to meet hi Port
land subject to the call of the pie-idenl :
J. II. Kicliar Ison, president : r.d li.
W'etzler, vice ptesidutit; C. ,. Pits'r,
treasurer; C Hermann, j-., secretarv.
j Board of Directors W. h . Hangasser,
i Port la ml and Sin Francisco ; II. M. I'tuije
, er, Huntington anil Portland; Alvan
Karnes, Seattle and Portland ; C. A. Ilea-
tun, Spokane and PorilandjA. I. Me
I Cully, Portland ami Airlie; II. M. Co!
i lier, chief clerk, chaii'imi.i of tnis hoard
Mr l'. A. Herman, jr., the secretin v
college of Po.tland. and the San Fran-' '..,,..,, ,.i..',.i.. .." i ... . . ,!4 butrliereil nga'ti throiiglt some
credit on the hand and was listened
by a large number of our ciiizer.g.
Mrs. M. .1. Crosby, daughter of J. (i.
Pilshury, returned to her home in (his
city last week, after a live years residence
in Boston, where she has I een attending
the Conservatory of Mu-ic in that city.
As a result of her studies. Mrs Crosby
is now one of the most talanied musician
in the state, and her Oregon City friends,
feel proud of her succe.s.
Among the recent arrivals in Oregon i
City, is 1'r. Orvill lergain, who has
taken a position with and will etmlv
under Ir. Curil. I'r. Yergain is a grad- j
uate of both the illarnette Medical !
.1 t mt n ttmt.r ut Hit- r.uir nt l.i.,.,li W. l.pf,
I.....M....I. Iln.i.t..t.. ! ptitry So 'i.'.i.. 1'ur (mt n c
4 nt r 1, I '. r .' I
. . i , , ,. , i . I im unit... I'tf t. it-a. mt wittic..,-. r
..... ,,, puotic in ; h r,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, r,., ,.,,
make the requisite iiuproveineiits in "'i 1 ' , ,, ,
1 I H . !..iniin!.fiti. I II I. XI . v r... i s f ciini.ti
iiitltitv records hv gt tting out of the old I K MviHtc.all .l s.m.ty. Clark mor.mnit.orr
.... .1 I :.. ..... t ! "
.... ...c n., , .,,,, ,,,,., tU. ,a., J T ArtiK
i e snail which Willi interest the action
of our county court in this
uti'.n Mii.l rii!il..itt..ti
. Hrfl.1..
i m i li i:, tn th-iti: ctnisrit ki:m mrur ihu sk,
Oregon City Sash and Door Co
t'arrv tlio I,
t St.- k -if
j uta'ter. tiive us the hi st since wo now
j have to set for the same purpose, (an
j old ami a new sol,) as we are informed,
: neither set being what they realy should.
fiiere will bo no excuse if this matter 1 c"' "r,'i;""' "" '
Mil'tl'K Knit PI'lil lt: i ; pi.s
I.am. (iiiiir Ar iiin..,is i it. too
AU8 11. I." 'l'
Notice I" llrirl.v t't pint !!,,. l,.;,,Bi.
mintt.,1 riilrr ltn. na ! ti ,n,,, ,,f hi. ininoi,.
In imtkr ttnnl pri'i.t in .upiHitt ,( In. i i... in ,i,
Iti.l ttnl.l -r. .f . ill l.i- tit ..r i...ilf.. tllr ;, ,.,.(,
ml li ii rt ..I tlf :' i. I iii.i ,. :., iM',v,,
Sash, lioiirs. Blinds. Moiililiuiis, Kic.
I n in gnu I 'il v,
1, I VI I. I ll
II M.i r...
ciscu Medical college, and is well posted
lor a young man, an t tieing industrious
and thorough in all that he undertake
he will be sine to succeed. Ilr. Yergan
is a nephew of Hon. T. A. Mt-Bride of
this citv.
resent them in the national convention
to I' held at St. Louis, Mo , Aug. Pith
and Jhth, IS'.M. Mr. Herman lives heie.
tlf the visitors to the MxrKRi'KtsK
otlice this week, none were inure welcome
than ex-! ounty Judge Jos llo'ihins, of
Coluiiilca coiintv. an old time friend of
the moprii-tor of this paper. Jm!,. near thi
Dobl ins. for the hint tw o j ears, has been
a resident "f Southern California. He
. : , ... I,'".' ' ' ' 1 dinner served under
n:g tro.n the ef! 'ds of the col, ape of tn-auiiiuilv decoraied
their liin iii, and that business is now hlAh ,-,,va and dainlv,
gelling on a sin d busts and that real u Ze,t hi.-p IMil.,.
estate is rapidly ineieasmg in value , t.s t.i,ini,.)v w
wnn le.tuy Miles, no anticipates Unit thi
nines win ne very goon in I alilorina
next vear. The Judge is spending a few
days visiting his sister and brother-in-law.
SW. and Mrs. O. Katun, of Osweyo.
lltrili-B.iy Parly.
One of the tno-t plea-ant i.'atherin.js of
the season, was that of riinisilay, Aug !
Kith, at the cainpof Mosms Harding and
('barman, on the bank of Clear crock, j
citv li was to celcbrato the i
birth-day of Mr. Geo. A. I larding, and I
the principle feature of which wa a'
spacious arbor
book house or otherw.se, and the
payers w ill not accept any excuse for a
repetition of blunders
the court, with the late example ami ex-
pense of making the new set of indexes
j so fre-dt hefoie them. At ioi viAvr
t l tor1,
t 4 .,
1 1 !.---
ti iilel ri
1,1 ,.,l. I
tax ' nW . it mi nt'1 . el mi 1 . ,i ..
Ht Ittllll... the Ittll'i . Iti
; ItiH riillllli leu. ri-drli-uri, nr
peciallvthat o f ' "'
.1. W '.lneil....r Wilrv llnwr. Ill
nil .if I'lirrin.. III.- I'l .. I. on.:, r,.
mul P'lilil Ihiltli. ef I'urPiOil.
rulttll). llrritmi.
H'il. J T At rt -ti...
i .r.ii
Sj.. rial m.'.s of 1 h ii us ami Wimlnw - male to ot.l.r Turning of all k;t
Estimates for Stair Work nnd Storo Fronts
oil ll. ll.'.ltol. 1, miller", e,Ve u- II call, ulltl see ifotir.
i r 1 1 r 1 1 1 ?
! is lint
:idl II p
if tilt
,H. d
it 'ice Ii I OA a t lie
"t. I'rico l.idt
.i:'il nli,
, r. Whit.
iii Hun. ii
ii pi r pica..'
I he dinner wa
and enjoyed with
Trust the Hoys.
The best way to make, a boy trust-
have been giatllvim
n prepare I il. Alter
iu place of a siesta, a stroll to the
salmon hatchery was proposed which
was found interesiing ami occupied the
lime left until the departure of the
Among those present were: Mr. ami
Mrs. Thos. Chiirinun, Mr. and Mrs
iJeo. Harding, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
worthy is to trust hint, and the surest ('harnmn, Mrs. West, Mrs. Pilsl.iny,
wav to drive him into untrtistworlhiness ' ilVr"!)'K'. 'Mrs' Jull,V u'alli,;r.
'. ,. , ... ,r. . . .. . ; the Misses Mamie Charman, V era Pils-
18 to distrust him. riiis truth is w bury, Cora Harding, Imo Harding, Neila
strongly exemplified by experience in Hauling, (ieiievive. Harding, and the
actual life that it ought to become an Masters Geo. West, Melville West, and
axiurn to he remembered by everyone
who has anything to do with boys. The
throwing of a boy on his own sense of
responsibility stimulates him to do his
level best in any trust given him. It
makes hun believfe that you regard him
as worthy of being trusted, and he will
not only dislike to lose your good opinion
of him hut he will wihIi to show you that
he is the kind of a bov you took him to
be. When he has fulfilled your trust he
naturally feels a pride in thinking that,
when placed on trial, he had n.-oved
himself to be the trustworthy boy you
supposed him to be.
It is very bard work for ahoy to be
trustworthy when you distrust him. He
feels certain that you expect him to fail
you, ami he has little desire to disan-
point vou. Many a man who is un-j
trustworthy and dishonest has been
niatle so by beiny always distrusted I
when he was a boy, ami many a man!
owes his hal its of honesty and trust-
wotthiitosH to tin; fact that he was!
trusted in his boyhood. Honesty is1
often nil a habit, and if a boy gets into;
the l.ahit of doing the tight Ihing, that
habit slavs by him when he becomes a I
Kay iN orris.
An All
Bay Meeting.
The W, C. T. U. will hold an all day
meeting at the Baptist church next
Tuesday, August 2.rth, at len o'clock,
Mrs. Meade, president of the Multnomah
county Union, will hold a consecration
meeting, followed by a paper on evangel
istic work, by Mrs. Foster, state corres
ponding secretary.
In the afternoon Mrs. T.iggs, state
president, will conduct a school of meth
ods. The evening service, which will be
held in the SI. K. church, will he filled
with choice music and addresses from
the visiting ladies.
The ladies are invited to bring lunch
and remain all day to the various ses
sions. A Hop Dryer's Opinion.
A riiovemenl is on foot among some of "m'ctioniite wife and mother, mid a useful
mir (mil i,m.,,.rg tle.t lu a ,!. """""" int. -r'ilc lo rest
rii'lit direction mivp tin St-in IVpuu It iu
to 'form a sort of hop growers- associa- i y,,Ue S""m ',M,H-
lion, and each grower contribute 1,1(1 for j , Kwr' r",i, ""l-TViHor shall erect d
a purse V, constitute a premium for Iho , k,'''l' "I1 al "IU f'"'1"1 "f svery highway
best cro'i of dried hops. ft. is thom.dit I and every crossinu of nubile road within
man. A cor turn boy who has reproached j that all dryers would compete lor the his road district a guide or linger board
by a niched playmate for making extra nurse, and in ooneuiience the entire,., ; :.. i , ,
, ,,,,-,,,,;,, uie assuciaiioii woiiiu ; Jctters three in g ,,. wav ttm sot
nl'l'l TAKY.
Ihiin Near i mvego, i ir. g.in, Ai
I sol, llullie N. Wliillni, wile of tl
ten. agist ill year. ' n.ii'tilis tcid -.lohn-oii
coiiniv, Nehrnska. Vi
county loan, and .Miiinc.oin pa
Ilanie N. Wltitleii wa. horn in Van I'm
, re, i county, Iowa: turned Willi her areitls
j tn Tc'iiinscl,, Nehra-ka, lit an early i!av;
from there lo iMcgoii in spring nf 1,;;
j where site was married the following Sep
tember to her now bereaved hiishanil. ,Shc
left five children to mourn a mother's Insy,
She united with the Christian church when
hut 1.1 years of iijte. At ti e time of her
death she wan nota member of any church,
hut her patient fortitude through her three
months of sullering was proof Unit she relied
on an ar.n of strength and safely. Her last
hours will never he forgotten by tho many
relatives and friends w ho clustered around
her bedside at her reipiest to hear her last
wishes. First in her thoughts were her dear
children and husband, iheu her far away
parents ; but no one of her many friends
was forgotten. Klie planned the arrange
ments for her funeral perfectly; who were
to conduct the services, singing, and to act
as pall bearers, and wnere she was to ho
laid at rest, and finished with the ropiest to
be covered with pretfy flowers, as in life she
loved them. Hhe often repeated the words,
"I am so happy; I have no tear to die; a
group of dear ones is waiting to receive me."
By her request the Hov. It. M. Jones con-
ducted the funeral services, ant the choir, of
which she had been a member, sang, "Near
er, my find, to thee," "Asleep in Jesus,"
anil '-Kister, thou wast mild ami lovely," the
sanii! pieces that were sung at her sister's
funeral nine years before. A, loving anil
.V.- in; ft
I.IM' Oi l Ii
i: im i i r.'
r. at in. i ..
Noll.'.. P lirr.l.y ptwri
inline. I .i'!ll:-t h i- Mir. I a,,
ike to a, n. ml in s ip
,lcii Mill pr.xil ,11 l.i
:i r iilel I . i-.e ..I tne I
iill l-'ily. or. e ll. mi Of". ' , s
I li a t It N l.li ,i
I re. Il I. No 7.:7,fi. nli. ..',,
lie Inline. III.' fn.l'.t, n. ' v
In.. r"!i!llllliiil- II-. 1. 1, -in v an. I
..f. Mill Inlnl, 11
l A II. latter. Pul l II. .trli
lliiyer. nil el l iiritisvU;e, t :
i i-i'y'.n.
s-.'l : 'J 'A".
I In
.1 Ii
Factory, Cor. Main and 1 1 1 1 Sts.. OrCKun City.
.1. T. Act ,
Mr. si.
ii'l, lliei
n . I;.
ol. Mr
l'u'll,l ,
A I liis New Mill, ill mil
II. in 1 1
Im a l''u
II tin' Mo lull,!
it I 'if y,
k id''
Comm. i
cfi'oits to fulfil a trust confide
replied: "A f.dlow can't do anything J be the betler for it.
wrong when Ins mother trusts him
Kipiily Chicago.
... leini.
Of cotirHO a proper I the tliutattei. to nevi i, ...... ,,,,1.1;,. ,.'i
so.' j committee would have to judge as to ; situated on each roail respectively. Sec
whom the premium should be awarded, tion 40! 4, Hills Code.
.Ntll li K Full PI'lli It ,l ion.
I.uiiil tilfui. nt Or.TiUi i lly. iir,'Unii,
Aut. I .,i
Notice in hereliy glvi'ii Unit lit,. f,,,,lvi,M
luilltvd dell lT Int. flli'ti lliitlct, nf hi. in!,. i,
Hull to tii'i ke fluid prn.if In siiinirl nl In.
cliitin, ntnl Unit M.ilrl tir.inf u-itl he iiiitih' t..iri!
Hid renlster ami rcci'lver ef Hie I " it ,-. t son,.,
I . ml outre at (iri'iii.tt I ily, im-isuu, uit tu i
s, isjtl, vl.:
Jnraett Melinlsfiii,
lhimeteml entry, No, ftTJ.ll, lor ideal, nfnw1
and w9 of itw nf net; 24. 1 4 a, r 'I ti. 4
111; Il ii me Hut fnlliiwhiK wIIiichm'S hi irnvi'
III. roiitliiuuin raaltleiieu npi.ti ntnl culifvii
linn of, Hull land, vl.:
t httrlea Moruii, J. J tlinirtl. Itnhert IthnpiM
tieo. Kogera, all of ( lurks, I Inrltaiiian cniiiity'
H-21: (Ki'i J T. AI'I'KIIHON, Iti Klnti r.
.Holice in 'I'm. nj crs.
Notlco la Itoretiy rIvoii that tlio llnaril nf
Rtpmlfattliiii for cltit'lntiiiaa eottnty, will ttiottt
at theeonrt lioimi! In Ori'ttnn (.'ily, on Mninlity
8i ilmiitier is, Ami remain In kcksIiiii hup week'
All (mrtlKR th'slrhiK tn examine tltrtlr aaneKa
riietil befnrr. tint tunetfiiK nf tits lltmril nf
Kiplalir.Htliilt can tin an hy chIIIiiii at my 111111.,.
In the court linttHfl on Sittiirdny of each wuck
l-26 J. W. NOItl.K, Aaaeaanr.
f c nm
XI Ul JL 11 11 11 1 j
Ilciilcr In nil klmlsuf
f.Hil'OI.S ami Kniiiini r l)l!INKS,
NniH! hut tlm hunt hr Hid nf
Livery and Feed Stable,
With Aiiiilu AcciiiiniiliilliiiiH
IW I'i'IccM ICetiMoiiable, f
Rusiic Flooring ;iikI Coiling
And nil
if 1 1 M 1 ; '
I LlHnls-l' nf (lit
r iimi ii. -liver
I iiunlilv.
ills cill
City Eestant.
Hot Meals at all Hours
I.iinches also served flM ilM, ()f
('item's, Ciimlips, Xuls
ihkI CiiiiimmI I n,iv,
(livt.iisrt trial and rememhnr II,.. .,:,
l Olson A .oi,iH'l,
ilif Not Hi American
Mutual Benefit Associ
ation. Of Chioaqo, Illinois.
Easy Monthly Payments
'I'll" I'hill bulh'iiios i iiiniinrisoli.
l ife Insurance ill cost. Inailf
tthlln vim tire yoiimt.
J. W. THOMAS, Dentist.
i km: 11 a 1. AtiK.vr.
MnhlilH .... 0W",j
-lniv..r..n-,,.'K ,H ,,,
1 0, J. LOVDJOY,
! , ' PUA I.Kit IN -
.- F'iin and Fancy Groceries
"-V.I, , z:tr"u
The hovejov el m..s tho bet ,le
"'e cliy nil), j V(.rv el,,,!,.,,!,!, tin) mrt"
fiOOI) i,'lg AND BUST "'Jit
(.'oi iinj. l otirth and Main StroeH.