Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 21, 1891, Image 5

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    f h c
1C n t c r p fine
FRIDAY; AtHilHT at, Ihwi.
i(.;HI.:i)ULi:S OF time
SnlttM MiM NIl.
y al t " 1 7 A 4 Ml,
niia t ;'' Hli""nilil 114,111m,
Mil) l.tit'al ! Malllill.) i !,H ,, ,,
nut Til Kill li,
hum I "!'"' I"y lalliitia) . illt) m
Ln) I l't lll"lll 111111(1. in
I. OS 'l-" I ll l. iii
A N M,,.oi,KKiM.M.-!n..rf0f'spriAY OF THE FALLS.
" theory thai malarial lever uud ague,
well un many other of the (ll..iir !
""'I hefull .mm, I. caused hy VomJff fM,""y ,H'nl un,Ujr
mi. miiea, in aoiutt kllnlol 1111 Inllmlls.
a nasuna fil(. I.ttvl Matl tSIl
, III. 1 . IU.
tut in, mum in.
on in, 'Iv uui m.
m, f m,
.. . in ,1 Ml li III
Imin'f All"ii -H iin liii at wny
T laml.UM i'fi l lU(ii,
tii.il living organism tipuMo ol moving L Mr"' "' i,'l'-v visiting Mm, V,
Miimgli iiin ulr mid pnntriitlug ih.
troiigii, iimy I hi mentioned iin, ,,.
pcrioiien of llm rcaiduuta n Oawrgo,
Tint plueo foimurlv had h hud riilila
Ihm (or miil.irlul fever iiml nw. ant
every summer I lull inuny i( U,u resi
dents would Im wii Miit, ltl.p ,M).
JU'ii, crtU-i-d by Iin ,ixiniiy lu
the inaialic of K.. k-r lake, but aluee
tin) lmil.iiiK .,f i. Mh.t ir,m ())k t
tllMt place, III. IKK ll'KI'UlwH hllVI' been I 1 1 -
known, It in I'liilimvl that , filnxm
lnl.lnS 11".
' I"
Jl Ml.
IV. pnauaaii.
.Oil III
II ui m,
i m m
,'iuit (irowns, Attention!
Caiy iI.iIhiii.iii, al Scuvicw,
Captain Winston, of Damascus, in
vlailmg hia ditiiuhlci, Mm Henry look
Mr (', (i. 1 1 ii 1 1 1 It-v rt'liiniii.l Wednes
day, (hhii ii bii"( sojourn Ht llm fount.
Rev, W, l.aloiirctlo, ol California,
pleached u (1 hi; HlTIIKJIl Ul the Hapt'Kl
( Inn. Ii last .Sindny.
City Aaaersnr, H It Urcen with Iiin
luinily i -t 1 1 1 (! M.itnliiy Irom a week's
CUIIIpIng Ht Wlllllill.
I f U 1 II ;. -..I -.1.. l-tl
i . i "i n n. i. .niiir-v mi. I wur, in.
imm l. jtr.-iil nuii.l.ir ofihuico.il nils ; Saturday lor Wlllmit. hikI ancnd
tWU VM't'kK Hi llllll I .'Unit.
Hut urn cuiiBliii.lly InirnliiK lo liimUli
foul for llm Iwnmi'ii, i..ini'ling our tlie
'iiiir i.mii !,!! ii,,, ,i,.BH.
klllixl i.tV, mi, 1IUI muilii OnHfrfM oiiboI
llm lii'Hltlili-iii Umimin ttio hIhIk. TIh w
fm Uinti tm milMtmillHtil mill im the
irvi.inilvi. In ii. it iuti'iiti-il iiihi-r l.iim
wIkhhi ri'Hi.li'iiU mw mi.ijiit lo
nntluriiil InlliiiMiri'ii infill try tlm i-x.i'rl-
Mi'UBrii I. L, I'orlcr hikI Hhliiev Hinvth
Ifi'rniH ! Iiiivn iiiih IiiimmI Ion ilium ol llm JitckHon
mini lioin Mr, ruirmi
I.i'iirt MrC.mn ntlfiiihiil thr
li-urliiT' rxKiiiliiHllon In Murion county,
wIkth lu i ti ' i-ik Ih lo li'iicli.
1 1 re ,V I'll,, hm IMK Iruuil llm dm.
rilv itryi'f. Itr, wvor rni. uf mi'iil.
r Hulllll -f, ' li, 0.1x1 kkh .. .. ... : , , ,
' .. . ... ., iionk l'.r. On lui'H. In v ol t i U viiM-k
, , V limy t arrn HI Hip I llrhliurf , ,. . ,
. l-.v,.,.!. Ili hour, i.f 1-n .,,,1 .., "r A' '' N' Vork
hiur.t)iMl M.m.1,1)., hwn ifivfn llm ..l-
iion ul ri-Hulmil iiymi Inn In St. ( iillii-r-Intm
liiil, oini ul II. ! Inrifi'iit in lliul
i-ity mi.l ImviiiK hI nil liuicH ovur lldt'ioi
huii.lnxl pitU. litw in im whkIh. I r.
AiiiiT Fihm I'n.h'r llm Hun
n( Jmiii' niol II. J.Tlioin A Co.,
LlKimrl olhrt' linn hrfii oimiii in llm
..iil.iii,l, nr.l t..r to T!.vi.r A ' h"""""r '" y"K """ ol ni.,r llmu
i'ii rt-kl t'ulalii Dlh.n. Mr. Tliotn
Ihm.ii ttoiklim ovrr yrr on Inn
i, li'.li.'ii up uii.l.'r yl.'.ii v Iiin
4 iiiM'.itl.iii tlmt i thn in. ml riiiii't
I .y hlri It WlinKMMiililii, If ininrly
1 1... to hv mi rrrKf In mi tlmUm-i.
t .... . ...
vii-iu ol (Miii have ikmoi purm la
1 14-1
Ik I ....
ul iho roiuiliMi 111 liKAily evHiy
. in I Im I ii Ion, mill l.y tlii'ir mi
;v m' uV.i'K llm h'l. So tn u 1 1 y ul
t'i' to rviil oIhI In thia r.ninlr
Ihtii ai IiikIim up l.v ilniialinn
', a 1 1 1 1 n. il.i'lli'i I Intimlrra, Unit
!li kll" a I HI.1 to l !'
in'tlivi ii i mwava i-ii ui iinvn
,11.1, I ..( Ml.' hi I'OK I'M) i" I'll '
,11.1 l.i Thorn A Co. ill tm
I . jn l.il iiiul .r.iiiit in Hi. Ii w.uk
iiuLk Id. ir rlmi;r rv.iw'iuiU.'.
t ir' Imi mikimmi hliuk
i ii t i. Willi tlm flrat rihtion In
..inl Mr. K, J. Mi KlHil. k.of thr
,,n l ilir Mum M'.iti, nnmiiititv
ii.'li tin' coliliriia ol thn l:ti rmK
lull i .iii .vprlii'mfiil, tlmairlval
ii nT.'.il at.a k of limit ami ahm-a
mi ili.'.r way linu thn I l Mr.
.ittili k i'oii.in tathpo!ilyim liiiv',y jeatinu ol'j.v
an lilim-hoiiao In tirviion City. Tim , ruiintv
ail-run.' aliility an. I in.hilry ami will
lnaki liia murk in tin' pf u(i 'iuii. II..
fnx'la to he (iiih. tlirw yrnra ami will
takn an.ithi'r rniuan in the KM'iit iiie.ll
cut lolli'iie ol Nfw Yoik, tukitiii aurm'ry
a a s ially. Tho iKu'lor lua mny
(liniula in tlii'K.in City lm wiah linn
evory aiu i raa in hia Uliora.
K. I llollllKIl llllH Hlllllll aH!('lul
I'liriilna In clinira noil lK'HtMti''n ;
nightly iIhiiihkiiI hut kh'mI an new. tf
I'or anil' Ht a Imiiiiiin IK) hcud of atoi k
Hhl'l.p, J, . H.MIlKKMAI.,
HptiiiKnaU'r. Or.
Clniriiiiin A Hun urn imyiiiK the lili(hiiHt
prii H lur wool, hikI hiiMiiik g.KKla, ipmlity
I 'liiaiileii-d, chimiwr iIihii any atom in
Orouoii City,
li. I.. IIhIiiiiiii, mi Inrliikcr nnil fin-Imliiii-r.
Orrifon City hank huikliliK.
Uonn at lull of heal of atuiraoviT atur
'Ui loChurniHii A Hon, and examine I
llm liniiicnai' aloik ol aiiminer kwIh,
lai'e and fiinry hata In Kn-iit variety.
Lmliea' miiiinier jiirkft forfl.
I)inifa, inullrcHWH, Btv,, can he
lioiilflit cliciiMir at lloliimn'a Ihuii anv
plare in the city, iH-rauae they are inaiiD
lBi hiri.il in hia ahop. and lie i;ivea hi
I'liatoini'ii the cyiiJ in innKJii other inuat
pay to t'orlUnd dcalera. tf
Nkw Manaokmknt. Ixivcra of fine
('Lara will ttnd Caaler'a eatfthllahiiipnt,
lirat diKir aoulh l.ivermore Hotel the
pi'ipt-r pliicw lo make their pun huwa.
The heat of ifoiila uriied In "I'M'k.
KruitH nml milt) uf llm freaheat Viiriety.
)y 17-41.
Ki iirmiAM Homk kok Sai.k In Cune
iniih nddition to On'ifnn City. Ha a
u-rand view ol the Willamette liver fulla
anil ol Hie (artoriea. H'a arrea of land,
Mr. (i. K. Iluvea, of llavea A lnme Hint harn, tine liearinu or-
llrownell, iillnmeva ol lliia i-iiy. Ima ! '"'"': Uonae lia reH'TVUrol Jill tiarrela
Im'imi iippoinleil Hliomey for thia comity
(or the Slule achool land hoard.
Oregon City, Or.
M.'aara, II .loluiaon, I,. I.. Toiler and
Kv.tney Smyth aie iciii'Koii an outing on
KoiuiiiK river in a few iluva
Miaa l'ciil Meldriiin, dauiihter ol
lleiiiv, l HeiidiiiK a lew day in 1'ort
l.inil wild iter aunt, Mra riiiiiiipaon.
Fancy Groceries
Mr W H. Walker haa moved hia law
olllre fiom over Ciintli'ld'a drii atore,
nml will lii-r.-rtdcr have hia ollire with
Thorn A Co. in their alialrart ollice.
The Molher'a MeetiiiK connwled with
the W. C. T. V. will Iin held at the
I'reahvtcrinn church next Friday, All
Kual 21al, hI 2::i() p. in. The lu.fiea are
nil invited.
II S. lMliuny Ima liniiiilit tlirouuh
Ntk Fi.hi.ih Nkw N .lorn. Humus,,.- '''''''''I'" ,.ill,i"lfJ'"."1; ,,hr l ",!?'e
. . , , ; d'-iilcra. lola , nml H, in I.I. xk 107, in thii
Slio..(l..rk Slevena Ima U-n cni-.il- Mr. I!.-I.iiiv will have t lie prop
al ii.ii a (a-lilluii tliiawKck to ! pteaeiitcd erly improved and will have a reaidence
l ul i h r r y i 1 1 hut one Imeof yiaxla,
lUat well ai'livt.it, I allow n in the
' ii.. rr.i-o ill Ida ttade, which haa
inn fi'Mii a ainall U'i;iiiliiii.' t.iau.'h all
il tl.al he wa c.iiii-ll".l to a.'i k
lo the c.uiily coin I mid ll.e city ruined
akili! Ili.it 1 1 ic a. li.aililialni't Ik' mII.iu.'.I
lo iiim '.11 liiinihcd teet .!inr nl the
piililic .ii,tr.. on Hi'Vcnili mil Tutor
clr.'.'l. I n ri Iiik.I purp Nciuly mci
taspavcr In llie city li.i m,'ii... I hi' ti i
ti'UI an ' il i ipille nre to Ik' i:iiiIi' I,
a prui.ilmnl lawyera liae y i vtn llicir
opinion h In tlm Ici'i'y of Ihc piiH'i'.'.liii.
The Mock ia one ol tin' moat aiuhlly
w illiin the city and ia tl.e o uter for a
lame p.ut ol llie cilv iiiukiiu il c uncic
lent ul aivcaa fur a. huol piupica.
l'l.Ai r.H Cm srv oi WiiKki a Our fit i
n.iia were trcutcd on Thiiraday und
Fiid.iv ol lii"t week lu a rare and inter-
I'd icomui in how to adverliae
from "l'luier Coiiulv on
put mi tlieiii in the near future.
lie ice cre.iiu aiHM.ilile nnd leatival at
ll ip.ial rhnn li on tlm Weal aide 10-
captu ily Hiipplied will, water from aonnrf
capahle of aupplyiiitf 511 huniliea. la one
of the moat deaiialilH houae in Oregon
(ily. ill he aol.l cheap on euay terma.
Addreaa. K W. I'ohtkk, Oregon Ci'y. tf
Ilon-iuen can find whale oil, aoap,
Kpiaaaia chipa, etc., at C'hariuaii A Co. 'a
' i :... 1,... .
v-i.y iTiin ruiri..
I have ten or twelve head ol tine No.
1 yearling and two year old heifeia and
aleara, which I will dell at a hargain.
Call on or addreaa,
M W Randaix,
Iheaon Cilv, Or., July 31, 1MU.
Fat ray .Notice. i
Htraved from lturlima Station on or
ahout.liilv III. lMlil. one fillev, ahoui two i
and one-half veara old. hay color, hlai-k
MASON FRUIT JARS ean?eed to fit"
iiinhi, will Im- mi ei.joy.ihle cnlerliiii.- I ,,. ttn, tail, no mm . and one light)
men! Our lioine lallenl will make die ! ,11V ,.-p ,.0t . one and one-half veara I
On the went side of the river on the Oregon City and Portland road,
and Willamette river. Twenty-five minutes walk from the DUfpennion
bridge. Affords a nplendid view of the river, Portland and the Eat
Hide. ThiH tract has been nlaHhed and sown in grass. Will be gold
cheap on eacy terms. Apply to
an iuterexling treat.
Wlieela." The ear a under the man
agi'iiient ol l."k' advertiaing hiiremi,
and w una marvel of heautv and coin
plcletioa It Hiia III up ootnida and In
auli' lv elei tricitv. finninhe.l lioin a
i-i innlioiia iiiaM"ra in whlrh lo ,ynaiu.i ?.uried on the car. The cxhi-
ilv i!iply hia g ku. Al hia tie i, iimn eoinplele and ahowa what a
am, adjoining the Hank ol Oregon j cunity c.iu i!o when they luve the elieigy
. he w.iil.l I lea'd to tee hia old J n, jmlili,-,trito ahuw to the world
meta nml mi I'liicia w no iicne a i w lint Ihey iiin pro.ime,
hicraiy cxeniaea
All are invited.
V.. .1. Swiilfinl nml family returned
Monday from Wilhoit wheie they were
in tump for (he p.i-l two weeka. Mr.
Swniroid reiairta a pleaaant 'inie, hut not
an many cmniM'ra aa hint year.
I, imt Monday n.ght tiie Ktiworth
League Soiietv gave an enlertainment
and leatjval at the Methmliat church for
the pnrpone of pavinir for a window in
the new chtireh. It waa a complete auc
cena aia-ially a'l'l liuaneiiilly.
C.ineinah ia having a riptde of excite
ment over llieir luat aurvev ol a part of
the lown plat. Il would I e well for them
lo aettlellie lauinilury line of their
proartv, nine for all, while it ia Iwing
agitate. I.
Miaa I. mini l'oa left for the North
Iteiii h coant laal week where nlu will
la'cupv a collage near Stout 'a, Aceoin
punying her were Miaa May Kellv.
Miaa Ncila liarlow and Miaa Kelt a
i,ii in lout wear
V.. V. . .. ...... I... n.. ' . u.i
, . . , - ,, . ... . ., ; conference, hem e there will 1 no
need lor a ...an to W idle in O.egun , , mUv at hia chu.rh. Sun
City. Contractor Hugh 1'ctera, wi n hiia liav M.IIK) m young people'a meeting
the contract for the giuiling of Seventh , will meet ill the uaiiul time.
nlitx't. romplaiiia of the nun-ity of! ,, . i ,. y i
, , 1 Mr C. W. l'orler left Monday for
lahori'ia, and yet then, ia ao uiaiiy Vwrw -lU. , HIa,,., w,ere in .'om-
conliniially ''looking for a joh." To ( lJtllv witti "liin hint her, C. K. l'orler, he
will go into Hut Ilouiltiir null uutineaK.
The hoy have many fi icn.la here" w ho
wiah theiii prosperity in their new
old with two while feet and atar in fore
head ; mi other marka. A liheral re
waid will Ik- paid for the recovery of the
a hove ileacril'iKl anitnala, and their de
livery to Canhv, Oregon.
IIknkv Knkiiit. Canhy, Oregon,
A Farm to Kent.
The iimteraignu.l would like to rent an
improved farm. Would prefer one w ith
alork, toola and eed fiirniahed. Hehaaa
fam ly and can givethe la?at ol references,
la young and not afraid to work. Ad
dreaa, Oregon City, tf I!. I.. Ki.lIh.
From the farm of the underaigned at
New Km, one hay mare, hlind in right
eyo and about eleven years out ; is
known liy the name of Fannie. A reward
af 5 will lie given for her return to my
place. A. K Mii.i.kh. !
jy'J-lif New Fra, Or.
Why Sot.
Now ia the lime to paint youi honces,
harua, atoiea, fences, etc., and Cha'inan
Co. have the largest stock of leads,
oila. colors and mixed paints in the cilv
liev, John I'araon, the minister of the ! at the lowest price. Uememher the City
Melhodiat church, of Una city, left for i llrtig Store.
aleiu laal Tuesday, lo ultend tne annual
Oregon Picture Frame Company
Mouldings, Mirrors, Frames, Pictures, Bric-a-brae,
Engravings, Etchings, etc.
108 Third Street, Portland. Arlington Building
ff"0nlers by mail or boat promptly filled.
. III. I K liiVKM MiMiS Mr. Jua
a reluriied Sunday, from all m
!mii of the lllue river ininea, wlul'icr
1 1 U-ii wnl hy (iicen llrothera, J
onf.-r, I.. 11. Janey and other partici
i.i-nv, who own cxteliaive i hiima
4l mtiiiiig district. Mr Thorn w aa j tltiat clans t.f "joh-sc. kera" we would
i. ii. d wilh the proa'ita of the any, he careful, for you might g.-t woik
n, and ia confident that wllhitl a on the least iiiliniatinn that you desired
v. ata I'.lue river will !a one of thejji. 'e have too many improveuieiils in
: minimi ilmlru la ol the stale Dm i nrocn'aa. for anv one to he idle.
vr I '
li. h in hoih gold and aiher, hut ' "
,u , ..a,l,il,tv of the mines will rv V I'1 1 '" -' '"") j
llii ird.'.elopini.l.t for the prenenl. M-M- iH l-ve Sa.unh.v w h,a
-in willl.,, ,,h. hv the own. .-to fumilv f-r ., two weeks In,, for test a.,. ,
' i i. ti....i.v ret ri'itlioii. Tiev will travel overland!
ii next season one of Mr. I horn s . ... . ,'
i .. ii,, I..I.UI inn in iro hv l ie way of
lit i ,iiom mill wuik I nor iii ne in a "
li.irliiw roinl lo ine n nun r-inuiu
Mr. W, W. Jesae, who for several
veara paat has condu' tetl a store at New
F.ra, will move this week to Harlow,
where he w ill again engage in the mer
cantile husiness. Ilia i.cw store hull. ling
is one of the largest and most coimno
ilions in the couu'v, and the stock of
goods that he will (I'll it with will em
li.acceveiything demanded hy the trade.
I In. li.ir ow r
! i niiiiii v east ul th tin.ui'ttiina, returning ! Ilatiiilton t Wiislihiirn, of I'ark l'laco
in. i or Knni if Anos Mi:i:r.Mi.- j ,)V ,,1(I'H 1V ,l( ,,( s.mliaui road. They ! have just received a large invoice of
'11 "-i. hy the notice elsew here , ,., , ,, , .,.. ,,v v atages rvgiwais ,r. . ....
, ,. i line iissoriiiieni in .lien's ihi.s (iiuiin mm
unity Assessor Noble, the li ' ao as to enjoy ll.e ben ut it1 of t he count ry ; rjj nv,.j,.a. These goods are choice
'.' hoiiid ol e.Mliiliialion nl this j o i ... i i...,. I and are lo he sold at bargains, llefore
iv w ill take place on the last Mo. i-
iii Sepicmhcr. The change nl dale
in. ,ile in order to allow the assess
l rolls to he completed. The delay
i euusei I hv the slowness of .Milium-
f I'l'iiulv hist fall in sending in their
l.ilhe state hoard ao that the stale
v could he matin. Nearly all the
iv courts of the Btulii have made
'filar on lei s postponing the I. . .tiling
nir hoards of e iUiili.at!on.
lHii.ica or t'l.Ar Wanthh. It i
fn that them ar a number of lada
y in thia county that have every hi-
fiion ol being good poller a clay,
I'gli nolhliig aa yet linn ever been
to lest them. Arrangement have
made hy the Kntkhi'Kihk with a
"rv works to lest all sumplcs uhu.it-
d all samples of clay left at this
' ill he forwarded to the works,
w Wiikat Ukckivkii. fifteen car
fH of new wheat, besides a small lot
""I, has linen received by the Hour
M of this city. The highest price
?"K Ih'i'H paid for the saini) this sca-
'"eiglil v-threo ct'lits. Tha mills have
dint down recently, principally
'f "pairs, hut will start, up again in the
" "f a week or ten days.
Mill ik ''iiaiik Mkictinii . A Hpucial
'tliMg fur Hiia (Friday) evening Ih
''I of tl, (. Oioon fit y boanl of trade.
''M'ei'lod Hiul ovtii'v member will
'"will a wiill as all who are intyr
1 'a niii'buililing i j of Hiia city,
,,H of vital linuiitiinco o all are to
Okk F..K Tin: Coast. liev. (lilniai.
Parker, with his family, accompanied
by Mr. S. M. liro.un and family led Wed
nesday for Astoria ami the oast. They
expect to h absent seveial days and
will visit Vancover on their return
where Mr. Parker will till the pulpit i
the Iluplist church iu that oily on Sun
day of this week.
Ai.i.ianck Mkktino. A puhlie meet
ing of the farmer.1 alliance will las hold
at Clackamas on Monday next at 3 and
7 o'clock p. iu. I'i'of. N. V. Kork will
address tha meeting. The public gen
erally including the ladies are invited to
ho present,
Position Wantkh -An experience!
hook-keeper and salesman wishes em
ployment !" this city. Address Hook
keeper, F.NTKIll'H.SK Ollifflj
The r.aplist Young people will give
one of their popular entertainments ami
socials next .Tuesday evening, Aug..,.
The eulclaimneut will he unusual y
line, ll.cy having hen so fortui.alo as to
secure a solo from Mm. Crosby, who has
Inst linishcd a (We years musical wiir
nlioslon, and also Iron. M.ss hagla d,
of Texas, whose singing so tie ighlcd the
ience at their last cnlortam.en .
I1,., from ahr.mil iH also hike par .
a wo can assure a most enjoyable
! ',ing I nil who allcnd. Alter the
nl will follow one of. those
Ilv oeii.1 for ulii.'h.th" society is
oleil nml Hie seniugol relroslunenls.
AduuHHion lo ce.HH.
.. . i . oi.,.,.,. nleiiso cull al
Win air. j. ; ' ,
I bo KNTKiirWHU nhice. orwini
purchasing elswheie call in and let us
iplote prices to you and see for your
selves that our goods are as represented
liis utl-
The prisoners in the comity jail hav
ing at times been rather too free in
sbouling at and annoying people passing
on the street, County Judge Meldruin
has had a high hoard fence put in be
tween the wings of the ccurt house,
which will obslruct their view of the
street as well as render it more ililllcult
for persons on the outside to hand in
tools to tho prisoners to make their
escape with;
Main street as well as most of the side
streets have been cleaned up in such a
manner that they now present a respec
table nppcaianeo. Property owners
should hereafter attend more closely to
the matter and not allow them to be
come so unsightly, as lllthy atreeta are
not, only an eyesore to the residents, hut
gives strangers who might otherwise be
induced to locate with us, a bad impres
sion of. the town.
Among the callers at the Entkkpiusk
ollice Momhiy, was K. Stricklin, of High
land. Speaking of the harvest Mr.
Stricklin staled the farmers of his neigh
hood were hut half through, owing to
tho lateness of the crop. The yield
promises to ho very large. Other crops
in tlmt part of the county were in excel
lent condition and good returns were
lion. II. K. Cross after induring the
loneliness of a halcbelor's life for several
weeks, was m.ido glad Tuesday hv the
return of Mrs, Cross and tho children
from a visit to her parents., Mr, nnd
Mrs. N. Tingle, of bower Heaver, Col
umbia county. They hud a very enjoy
able trip, ui.tl Mrs. Cross' health was
greatly i.nnrovod by the bracing air of
the lower Columbia river.
Money to l.e.in.
From "iOO up. Interest, six per cent
Time, b lo it) years. Privilege of pay
ing off loan after two years, Will loan
vou 75 per cent, of value ol property, or
all mcney needed to buy lot ami build a
a house. I'nlimited capital. Call on
Jamks Shaw, or V. A. Wothekni'oo.v,
Hooins 5 and fl. Charman block.
H. T. mARTlN
All Kinds of Rustic Furniture
All work guaranteed and the best of material used.
B. It. bAUf Inbll 0
The best grade of Taints, Oils
and Varnishes at the low
est market prices.
Brands Mixed
Remember the place near the
court house.
S60D Lead Fensils
25 Gross of Dixon's American
Grophite pencils, direct from the
manufacturer on which we save you
the jobbers profit. We have them
for school children, general business
use, carpenters ami hook-keepers, at
prices ranging from
io to 85c. per Dozen.
Our school supplies bought in the
the F.ast, w ill he here on time. We
can save you iiione? the first week
of school.
The Sept . Fashion Magazines me
nearly all in. l.'Ait Ie ha Mode,
Delineator, Hon Ton: N. Y. and
Paris Fashion lliizar, Toilettes, etc.
Our periodical department, con
tains all the popular papers anil
Magazines.. If you can't Mud what
you want on the' counter, we'll get it
for vou.
Arm Chairs,
Lamp Stand,
fti 00 Rocking chairs,
4 00 Flower Stand,
$2 and $3 Diningroom Chairs per set,
5 00
f 'I to fl
15 00
Small Rocking Chairs and Pabv Chairs to order.
0PE& CO.
Thie old and reliable firm always keep in slock a full line of
Heavy, Slielf al Miiciel
Wm Mm, etc.
Plumbing, Gas Eitting & Jobbing
Attended to Promptly,
timates Furnished.
& t Young !
Fir, Spruce and Cedar; also Lutlis, Tickets. Ishin-
gles, Etc. Shipped to all points on
' the river or bv rail. '
I Mill situated on Willamette river at