THE ENTERPRISE. I'nhllvhor m:i:m 1:. nml lrorlelr. Fiat'AY, AVul'ST 21, tS'.U. .ttiat navigation on the Hii' Will amette is tvtially stHpondcd owioit Ui (lie low water, the various towns rv aitita tins an 'n river. Tiie Statesman, of talent, Mys tlieonly way that they will ever reach the oar of the oers that Up, is to howl and tiowl Ions ami doon, and tuner lot congress forp-t (or a moment lliat tliif Willamette river is greatly in need of im irovenioiits. t'ontimied agitation is what lias liMUstu about the improvements now goin on, on tli ions liar'.wrs alonii tli cot ami on the Columbia river, ami it will be on'y by unit I efforts of the whole Wtl' a iu tte valley, that any elective work will vr be done on the Willamette river. If at the beginning of congress thia year ami at ea.'h succeeding congress hereafter, un til l object is attended, peutioi s from every town in the valley, b.uked ti(i by liurcs showing the value of the production of the country tributary to the Willamette, the volnmnof business carried oi, and the lii!i reiievs in frv Ulit rates between now ami what it would be with an open river were went m there would be a hope of getting so'u. th'ns done. Our delegate in congress aliouKl be able to show that the Willa nette is more than a little inland stream lined with iiisig.iilica'it towns having no com merce and no connections with the rest ot the country. If systematic agitation is kept up the time will ionic, anil not lar oif vv lien congress will realise our needs and give us such aid that we w ill have a river navigable for the larger Uvats at all seasons ol tiie year. " We have had thirty years of protection" McKinley in his address at Sandusky, O do. "We don't want to borrow any money now. The secretary of tiie treasury 11. lSMMHi, atter fourteen jears of revenue laritT policy, sent a message to congress ask ing congress to invite the states to endorse the bonds of the federal government that they might be more readily sold in the mar ket. The United States does n't have to have an endorser now it noes not have to K' t the states to go its bail. It can borrow a I the i onev it wants on a single name, a .it that a n- l ' The l. tiled States of America. alter I' irtv vans of protective taritf. And u i. ertlie ro.tnue tariff licy, wneti we ..a i to borrow, our credit was so bad ami our binds were so un-iiprcliantaMe that the government stood a discount of IS cents on every dollar. How is it now? The government does not pay any discount. If it wants its bonds to pay o'l it has got to pay a premium to get them in. That's after thirty years of protective tariff. It is un matched ai:d matchless in the economic hirtorv of the world." Rumor have been plentiful ol late In regard to Harrison declining the nomina tion for a second term. They had no real foundation and were evidently gotten up in the interest of other aspirants for president tial Honors to lest lh strength of Harrison, His administration has been such that the pirty can have no valid reason for not giving him a second nomination. He has proved himself to U a statesman worthy of the confidence ol the people and as an executive officer has shown that he lias tlrmness and a will ovver that will not allow scheming Hiiticana to use him as thev see i!t. It is mow than probable that the ordinance now under consideration by the city coun cil prohibiting stock from running at large in the streets of Oregon City will be passed, rhere is not another town in the state of the sie of Oregon City that allows the streets to be made a public pasture of. In order to avoid causing any hardship to the parties concerned, it would U well not to have the ordinance go into effect until in IVcvmber. or January, so as to allow ample time for all to disose ot their stin k. Tn tilth annual session of the Oregon I'rvss association will be held at Astoria the 2'.".t and "Oof tin mouth. The session promises to lie one of the most pleasant and profitable ever held by the association. Several important topics of interest to news paper men will le discussed, and it is prob able that a uniform rate lor legal advertising w;ll be established, as well us to regulate several oilier matters concerning the press, HiLisiioKohas anew paper, the I'euio erat. the first issue being published last w t!; by K. C. Hiclns and ti. A. Sauford. If the democracy of Washington county do not give it a better support than they have heretofore to papers advocating their doctrine, it will not be long uiitiltlte daises will bloom over its grave and HiHsboro will again be left with but one per. Tna London News says it is not many years since Kurope was practically inde pendent of American supplies. This sea son it is clear that without America's help Kuroi would be on the verge of starvation before next harvest. Th Kugene Daily Guard is dead; another man has found that the old conservative, slow growing towns of Oregon do not sus tain tiewspaiK'rs, though they may be large enough to, like the young, energetic towns of our neighboring states. KaxEMHia the board of trade meeting to night. He there w hether you are a mem ber or not, it is to your interest. New life must he infused into Oregon City. Now is the time when Portland oilers to help. Portmsd is at lat realizing that she can not secure all the factories that desire to come to Oregon, finding that though she cm offer the best facilities of any city on the coast for the distribution of their pro ducts, factories require in addition to that unlimited power and at a cheap rale to be a success. By combining with Oregon City the two towns can lie mutually lienetited. Tiioitgh not getting the factories within h;rrorporate limits, Portland can well af ford (o hel.i Oregon City in the buIMingup ! ol her industries for the dUturee is so small a. id river tra'isportation so cheap that if costs no more to lay goods down at the ducks, or de;iots in Portland from this place tlmii it does lrotn factorii-s in the outskirts of ciiy. The conference of President Osborn, of the Poitiand Chandler of Com merce, with our board of trade tonight Friday) is but the brining of the com mercial union of the two cities, the eonsn niative of which will he of inestimable benefit to Oregon citv. LKTTKR FROM WILHOIT. Wilhoit, August It, issi. EiiiToa E.MTitarstsE: We do not pretend to be a philosopher. rate man, but do take pleasure and derive ome proflt in the way uf knowledge in the study of the different phases ef tinman nature Perhaps some mlgnt think that one situated away back from civilization near the muuutains, would have but very Hide opportunity to observe people, but lhehai pens to be located on the route to Soda Hprlnju. he has an oppnrtuuity to maVe cunslderabl observations A great many people folding In town seem to think that weemiutrr people do not have tense eui nifli to knew the illtler ence betneeua lady or gentleman, and In this they are mistaken. While resiilrm. .if ,,,,,,!,, districts do not putou .pilte as much style, thev ! lBr"' slliI""'' from here this year, FROM BARLOWS. UAll.UOAD MKllTINU AT wimnirs nit.inus. E. M. Iliuliiuiii, or Mimituuii, Eloc'etl tin Imperial Agent. WILL C.U.I. I lON TIIK CO MM IT ft K And Assist I Item In (ieltlng MMthsldj -Wlicat I he talk ol the lu. Hop t;ructs l'rcialilng foranF.aily rick..Ol.r Note. Vm. Kviirovii Mxtrtttti. Xolwilhslandlng the busy season of the year, another rail road meeting was held at Wright's Springs on Saturday last, and uil a crowd was m attendance. At the close every one seemed to be highly pleased, am) thought there was no ipiestion hut what the farmers would raise the rettiired subsidy. At two o'clock those present were anxiously awaiting the arrival of the president. P. J. Killing; but from some cause, not know n to the writer, he did not appear, so at three o'clock W. W.Jesse, of Harlow s, was nominated ami elected to act as president of the meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were then read. New business was nel in order, i d a letter was read by the secretary from Messrs, lloliiian liros., regretting their tit ability to be present, yet stating that they would give one thousand dollars, provided the road would Is- constructed within four miles of them. Committees were then called upon to report; but on account of li e busy season they had been unable to see all the farmers In their respective vicinities, HABIGIIORST f, IM l.'r,mtStt,ot. I HARDWARE I N,trihniera Ante"1 Healer- 1'iiHiaiul, Oregon, -Hluniiiiid, . - l.aiiee Occident I'lllllxtoi'lll Heater I am-e Ntlvor KirsU n,Wl ft SItlvw',",,,- Cvscciit Wctlos (wananUHl.) U X S 1'ro.if Cii.iii.H. Aivmlo File. U. Vivm Lowers mul Wtiotl ('Iiijh'M Spcciulticrt, Oregon City Agent, and Mr. Samuel Marks ol Marks Prune , ieiit a few hottislu our town InH weidi, j Prof. S. A. l. Oiirley and wife, teacher j o( the West Oregon City Ihh.I paid u a , pleasant call last week. j Col. Hair, our county commission! r ; mil III our town last week. The Col. is much phased with the Oukly bill, and anl be would endeavor to gel gravel on aion as possible. Mr. J. P. I'i'V", litis Waltrom, J O. ; Johnson, of Portland, are rcgisieoo ni Hotel le tlonleii. Mi. Tims. Miller, of Oregon City is visitimt' Mis. Urn, Harlow. Mrs. Sneiiker, of Portia ..!, is vi-llinK her parents. Nf.rui utKVr.T I! KIMJ 11 T lleli.w Isitlven the Oregon City Market He ,mrt corrected wwkly iroill .ii..lll..ii fr nuhed l nKsreHil.) Hie h' merelianta nius 0. E. A. FREYTAG, . BEST AND CHEAPEST G ROGER VEGETABLES, FRUIT and FE FANCY AM' sTAIIK tiKiK'MilF-M IN till FAT VAUUTy Garden Seeds in Bulk. f ton timothy hay, Clover hay. Potatoes. V cwl. Olllona f I Apples, sreeu. f txi Apples, drlnl. V Iti Mutter, f l Ks. 'fdos ... . ilouey. t ! .... Hf, tlv. Y H.f. drpwed Multon. live f ta Miittnu. dresscl, f Pork. live, p Ik Pork, itreased, f tfc Veal, live, f Ik Vest, tlresscsl, ft Maim p tb Hacou, " rssn. asars. W heat. Valley, V Ml Its. Oats, per bushel rim a Oreeon City Mill. Porllau.t Itrsnd ii .. , , , . , ... : i otnnry riraiiu uiiii ueoce posifoncti iiiv ii iT(sii uiuu me ' ',,ru Meal .... next meeting to lie held at Maripmni, Sei- Oat Weal tenilver ii. Mr, K. M. Itartniau was then aborts nut in nomination lor stieeial airenL bv i bran, Wm. liarlow, and was elei ted, Mr, Har low suggested theailvisability of employing some good man to make the canvass in Hie meantime and pay him for the time it takes in making the canvass, and hlsduty would le to call ition (very farmer near whom or through whose place the proposed road may run, and get him to subscnlie what he can conveniently, and at the same time work in harmony with the committee men. Messrs. (iabe Trulltnger, Silas Wright, J. Purdam, Dickey, Wheeler and others, sanctioned it, and thought it the best and ipili kcsl plan to accomplish the end. We will tie glad to see Mr. Ilariniaiiinourviciuity making the canvass, and the people at this end mil do all they can to assist him in getting a subsidy and suhscrilie liberally. Wheat is Hodmiho. From the bulletin in front of Barlow ,v Co. 'a warehouse ran le seen every morning a heat quotation, and for the last few days the price seems to he going up daily. Very lilt le w heat at pres ent is selling, yet then.' is quite a lot being hautetl in and stored. Kakly Hop Pick. Chickens, v -.tine Chickens, old, per d" pucks, pr it" ilrn-se, er do Turkies, perpiiuud roi'i.Tav. pel dm I to See 0 .HI ft A' V Se is ft ii u In 'W .. 1j 1 3', ts;5 7i'J' , II JVf :v l ;' i "t Sr II 1 l,(S 11 wll 141 s' Sherir Jal. tlmwers of hops,are looking around enifiiging bands for Hie hop pick. Several yards will be picked earlv in September and the yield w 111 be larger than first eXH'i ted. SiiiCMKNT or Wiikat, Several carloads of wheat have been shipied over to the Oregon City mills already to la' put in store. From the present outlook tlicru will lie a 13th and Main Oregon C Wilson & Cook! .tun its t.v SUPERIOR STOVES, TINWARE AND HARDWAF. Sol.K AhlMs Ft TIIK Atkin Saws, -:- Oliver Plow. At.?'! Foit Speakivci of the decline in the Knglish tin-plate trade, the American Economist ays : In the course of a retrosncctro-liistorical article the Colliery Ouardian. London, says: "We may, therefore, take it for granted that, the tin-plate trade of the Lnited King domat any rate, so far as the Tinted States are concerned has reached the ze nith of its power in the first half vear of IsOl." And we learn from 'Griflith's Guide to the Tin-Plate. Manufacturers" that of the 4? tin plate nulls winch were in active,opcra tion in June. H77 ''are closed until the end of July " It is said that the balance will close for one week during each of the four succeeding lnontlis. This is undeniably done to raise the nat ural price of tin piiites in this market. It is done by a trust, a combination, a syndi cate. But those who in the past "have charged that the .Standard Oil Trust was a direct result of protection will be found in the ranks of those "strong-siding champi ons in Chicago and elsewhere," who "In,St work and work hard" for the Welsh tin plate trust. arc even mure quick to dlstliuriilsh the diRer euee between a gentleman ami a rowdy, or a lady ami a woman, than arc the town people, ami they admire the one and despise the other as heartily as any one can do. How do they distinguish the difference? Why, In several ways! Let me tell you one In particular. When they sec a crowd gulvt along the mad whooping and yelling like a lot nf wild Indians accosting every person they meet with some In suiting remark, throwing kisses al every woman they see al.injr the road, we know are nut ladles and gentlemen of the town. And when we see a couple of younir men coming up the road In a biuiry, yt'.llng at the top of their voice, whip ping their horse on the keen jump, up hill and down, the foam flying trom him, and nearly ready to drop from exhaustion, we know that they do not rep resent the respcctahle element of the town, but that they are classed among the fools, who ought to be In jail for craelty to animals now in conclusion we would say to our town friends, don't taks us all for green horns vtcn you come out for enjoynent have a good time like Indies and gentlemen and the country people will treat you well and re spect you the same. Avosr. A tear ago every stocking factory in Chemnitz and all over Germany, according to the Drygoods Chronicle, was running full blast day and night. To-day the condition of the Chemnitz hosiery trade is demoral ized, They have reduced the prices of all cut and circular hosiery to a starvation point in order to compete with American goods. The stimulating effect of the tarill on our ow n industries is shown by Wade's Fibre and Fabric, which calls attention to the .transformation brought about in the knit goods district of New York in the past year. Manufacturers of knit goods ure stead ily empldyed, and the only drawback to their business at present is the low prices for which goods must be sold. A great maijy knitting mills are running night and day, and many more are running over-time. The commendations of the river men are not very flattering just now of Major Hand bury ' for sending the government snag boat to work on the Willamette river above Salem when there are no boats running on that route and will not be for some time yet, owing to the low water. What they want is that nil work for the present be done on the Kv.ii- h-low Hak-m, where by removing a ii" her of snags and doing a small aruo'.b t of work on the bars, navigaliali coul l !;f kept up at the lowest stage of wrakr. LETTKK FROM XA(XHBl'tt(i. Finding myself in the vicinity of Macks burg on Sunday, August 9th, and learning there would be Sunday Hchool, followed by a Baptist service, in accordance with my Usual custom I attended the same. The services were conducted by Rev. J. K. Hargreaves, of Oregon City. The attend ance seemed quite large, and the greater prrqiortion of those present seemed deeply interested, Hut my attention was most forcibly drawn to the dilapidated condition of the room in which we were worshiping. Home of the seats, by virtue of having lost their end support, were made to accommodate by overlapping some other scat more favored with under props. The room was venti lated by a number of broken window panes, and its general appearance betokened neg lect and indifference. On making inquiry I learned that the room above the school room had been built for general purposes, as public meetings, entertainments, religious services, etc., and that recently the school trustees had locked the school house helow against religion services. With such a public huih imr in thedistrict there is no need to use the school room for public purposes, which is often done to the iiiconvenicnceof both tvachersand scholars. It is to the interest of every taxpayer to see that the building is repaired. One part of a building cannot be neglected very long except at the expense of the other. A very trilling expense only is needed to put the structure in goon shape tor future use, and make it a credit to the district. Yours, A Visitor. Damascus. Our school bonne Is getting a new coat of paint at the hands of Mr. P. Origgs. We hear that A. M. Lovelace has sold his properly In Damascus pi Mr. L. 1. Jiohna. .Mr John Ifllleray, who had his foot badly hurt some time ago, by the fulling of a horse that he wis riding, is Improving, lie Is able to W'tlk shout with the help of a crutch. Peter firings and family expect to laae b.uiiaseus soon, rl liuy will go to Lyiideu, Wash hiljlon, where they formerly teslded. A bull w given by the proprietor of Mnm power's hall, Saturday evening, August St.h. 1 nose who attended report an enjoyable time. On Tiii!oAii.- Mr. P. ti. Cline, ol ilarlow .1 I'ii. left here this week to make a lour of Oregon and Washington and w III advertise ill all the town and cities he visits. Arrange ments will also ! made to advertise at Huntington on all trains bound West, also at Pasco Junction on the Northern Pacific lines, lly this plan they will evpect to get a good many emigrant interested and lo cated in good comfortable Ii.mmcs Oi'ts Aia Snow. -Three Frenchman and lira wen iraineii wars nave an open air show a few days ago on our streets. The kars were well trained and danced around as graceful as an artist In th business. The little folks were all worked up with rulhus asism and thought It a great treat. Go k Down KAT.-Mr. A. J . Strayer left for his old home m Lcwistown, Pa., a few days ago. lie came out several moiithsngo to look after his brother's interest and likes the country splendidly. H. P. R. If. TKfsTi.a. The long trust le north of tow n is now finished. The spans put in, instead of(2o) twenty feet a few-m arly, are now sixteen feet apart. The rail road commissioners are deserving of this credit. Cash Ptaciusi. Mr. Henry Koncher has purchased of Mr. It. J, Crntn, bis farm. Consideration four thousand dollars cash. C. a.nii M. Mr. Davis, the traveling salesman of the firm of Corbilt A Mai lay, was in our town last .Saturday soliciting trade. imkub ucinBga l lEi.u. -f or the nasi week could lie seen at the depot, sacks of cucumbers, marked Portland l'erservingf'o. from Anda (voucher. To your reporter Mr. Koncher said: "I made a contract with the P. P. Co. early in the year to raise them some cucumbers as an experiment, but really I was surprised at the great quantity I grew from two acres. It averaged ton tons to the acre, repaid me a net prollt or three hundred and forty dollars.'' Mr. K. ia Ycry well pleased with the experiment and will put out several acres next year Moiik Dkmand kok Loth. Mr. John Hiins. formerly of Canby.purchascd four acres from T l . . , . .... ! unriow mul., aim is now platting it up inlo lots. The properly will be put on the market about the first of the mouth, mid those wishing to invest will no doubt do well, aa they will go from twenty-live to forty dollars each, About Finish KD.-Messr. Mollelle Jlros. have been busy working for the past ten days on Mr. Antone Zcath's dwelling and has it nearly cumpleatcil. Land Pi.attinii.-Mr. Mensc, deputy county surveyor, is at work for Mr. W. W. Irving platting oil' live and ten acre tracts, adjoining liarlow. I'ltliSONAI,. , Miss Lura Miller rclurned to her home oi'.-fi'iii i.iiy nisi wciik, aim was accom panied hy Miss JJesslc Klieppard und Veva 'full. Mr. Chas. Wait, attorney of Portland, OTIC'K IS IIKKFIlV filVK.N THAT IN imriiiaiice ol all eneeiltl..n Issued mil of and under the seal of the circuit court of (he stale ol i iregoii, fnr i'!cama oonitiy, dated S July itst. isii, and lo nieitirccn..l and .IciiVfrM j to as sh-rlll of said county and lutein favor I ot I'. K. Votntcrahe, ualtittlT. and against j I'honiaa Jones, dt'fritdain. eoiumaiiiliiig we tit the name of the State of llrctfoli. Hull mil of thr ' ncrs.-tml property of the ii defend oil or If itilicleiit c.iiild not he found ihau out of Hie . iretl property In-lunglug lo said defendant j being unaMe to ft ud sud'cleiil i.ers..iial prop-i erty. to Justity s,ild exceutlt.ll, I did on the .'Oh day of July. Isyl. levy ii.i Hie real pruperlv I lieioiifc'lrg lo ?,id defendant for the sun, of. fliri Ai. and Interest at ten per cent per annum j since the nil day of Vlareh ssl, nd Hie further i sum of M ;v aeerued est. and for III as an i flt'orney fees logelher with Interest thereoli ! since September J.ul, ;s-o. N,,, will, on i i Ssturday. .sepiemtier l'.i. ls,d. at Hie ftont ,u.,r ' j of the court li.Mise, In said county and stale, at I the hour of lu o cpa-li. a. in , of said day. ai j politic auethot. pr..eee. In sell all defendants ' right, title all. tlitere-l in and to the (.it UiM I lot i desortlied real property to wit l he s.tiilli l, 1 of sooth c, of s.miiIi east , of seotWi,. A loan ship .1 smith. rmiKe ." east. Ill I'ltoliBiii is . mi til y, Oregon. H W. II hsMniiN. j sherlfT.d ('Uckniints cmouii , t iresom Hated fllv, llleg..n. Am s, si. HARROWS. CULTIVATORS. DRILLS AND SEEDERS. W nlso curry a full lino of Fihhii,' Turkic. ainl p't rortlaml j.rin-s. iivuibi m&m). W W ft t f r i I., Cfecv s ier., ., i .,!, sew kCC;i.HF;S5. SHGKIHAHD. muni vhi arssooi i i si BEST. ;klt KHnicnoN in PlIOTOOliAPIIS R. Prier, the old e slalillshed and reliable photographer, 4'ablnrt I'liotouraplia.N'J pcrilnt. BELOW COST. United Hack, Truck siikI Livery Company, W. H. Cook!, Manager. Comer Fourth and Mnin Strwtn, ()KK(i(). CITY. Tho I.KADINfi MVKKY STAHI.E of tlio City. liign of any description ftirthHliiut on sliort notice. ff'All kinds of Truck und IVIivery flusi ni'HH promptly atUindil to. Horses Boarded and Kcd on reason able tnrma. I have on hand an assort incut of K Maitinslhat I will sell helow (W. Furniture. Flahv I 1I til ivid; t' 1 1. anip-Stools and Chairs, Tallies tte. at f land prices. ' ' A full supply of Undertake uoods always on hand. GEO. C. ELY, DKALKUS IN Merchandise. Store located at Mountain Viuw, on Molalla road, one milo south euHt of Oregon City. 00 Wo deal in Flour, Corn Meal. Feed. GroceriiiH of all kinda, Jloota itnd ,Slioon, (ionta1 IJndcrwcur and other Mlyles of Clothing, and nuinnroua ollmr articlos Hiiitalile for the tioetln of the fanner and lila family. Hv prompt and fair dealing we hope to receive in future, as in tlm pant, a liberal Rliare of patronage. Htm 1 he lii(!heHt market price paid for liuttor, Kkkh and KowIh. KepUiinhiir 11, 1H1KI. . Farmers, Attention, Hie OltUUON CUT IRON WOW FOR REPAIRS. Hone hilt Hkillod laluir eillBltt! lhohcHtof ,at,riul uh,,1. n,l U Vtt UK n e o I , ' """" "ill KK I'd work,iti.o,l ' ... .. "r ',r!,!,'K ftr 't rh low an tho lommt. i . "T"w'hl"il. All M-nrIt !,.., U, Sn l'.'O U LI, 11 II II' 1 I Ii. ,1.,, I...... 1 I l" "iiiiuill (liuy, All klllilH of Suppiios Kept ilonn iiroinjitly. on Hand. Till! Dr. C. P. Sullivan, OSWKflO, OltHflON. 1ISTS Dclwccn Portland aim Oregon City, Curry a full lino of DRUGS, MKDieiNHH, TOII.ItT AHTICUIH, NO TIONS AND IIAHKHAI.I, (100IIH. ritBSCBlPTIONg CAHKIfUtil.lf COMl'OUNDiJf) Machinery n ... mm IiOAKE & CO., lriclm bhOD. Rth anrl ;-! . L i'" Oregon rifv. Oregon " i IL' H A' A .... ii . . ' " w mr r - AlhriKl,t'H Itutflif.r Simp. iii.i;.i.i ttt.i. Drayage & Expressing Kruitht ami i,,i,....i.. .i i- ami lutrcn l,.i; i QUEEN BEE and LUNCH COUNTER Meillx wvod ilny nml iik;lit. O'"11"' 'how In uny y, .side ciitrmw for Itiiliea. I'artH of tho city. MAIN .'i .,lil''i;'