Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 14, 1891, Image 6

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Of l.ftfttl hiiiI (ioticral Satnrf,
Wood wanttl Rt the Kstkhnukk
J. Vit-oliu nd family left TiKfclny for
Long Bench for a few day visit.
Mr. O. W. Urookini-s, ih barlier,
has been foriously ill during th tsl
Tub EsTKKrKiss is under nhlitrptiont
to Mr. T. Huerth. of Vara l'lae for
basket of very fine pluma.
Mr. K. H. I'leinent. formerly of tliit
city, but now of Kag'eCnwk, waa in the
city a few days (lurini the rist week.
Mr. 8. M. Groom, a prominent news
paper man, of Mo'ine, lllinoie, is ill the
city the guest of Kev. Oilman I'arker.
Mr. F. E. Donaldson, cashier of the
Commercial bank, left with his family
Saturday for the Coast for a few day
Mr. J. P. I.otwi. of I'nion Mills, the
well known lessee of the flouring mills
at that place, was in the city the first of
the week.
Will the Mr. ttaum, who railed at the
Kntkktkisk office a few weka since,
p ease g his postotiice address u"L
B. Warner, with Shoreyo: Hall, 113 Third
treet, Portland, Oregon.
Mr. Wm. Anderson went ont to Soda
Sprini- after Mrs. Burmcisler List Sat
urdav evening, and returned Sundiiy
evening. Mra. Burmeister had a very
pleasant time while out there.
Miss Clara Konold has returned from
her visit to Mrs. Ueorcie (.traham at
Marshland, and will leave for her old
home at Sun Francisco Sunday, but it i
likelv she will return here.
Mr. I.oi is IK little will ntu n here in
a snort time and resume his old place in
E. K. William' store, where, the many
patrons of that estuldi-dunent will be
pleased to see him
Mr. J. P. Crocker, formerly proprietor
of the Mountain View meat market, has
purchased a shop on Filth and I stiect,
Portland, at which p a e The Exruu
I'KisK takes pleasure in recummeiidini
him. An ice ervani social will he given hv
the W C. T. U. and the (Grange at their
hall in New Era, on Saturday evening,
August 'J'.'. The public is invited and a
pleasant evenings entertainment is
The Epworth League will hold a social
at the Methodist church, Monday even
ing, August 17th. A hterarv program
will be given, after which refreshments
will be serveil. Admission 10
Come everybody.
Mr E. J. McKittrick, the well known
boot and sin" dealer, sometime during
the next week wdl remove his store to
the stand formerly occupied by lireen
Bros. fc Co. The building fc'as been
repainted and furnished, and now pre--Events
a handsome appearance.
S. L. Mjo, ebead. until recently, editor
of the A ess County Times, of Kansas.
but now of Eugene, was in the citv the I
first part of the week, a guest of Mr
Geo. C. r.rownell, S, L, Linnvjlle
i . i ii ..'.- . i . . i . . . I
mill tuner uri ii.-socnucs oi iirs niuce. i ,,,, i
ins r.NTKRi'RtsE acknowledges a plea
ant Call from Mr. Moon4ipud.
Present, J. W. Mcldrum, Judge; C,
M'H-nhke and C. Bair, eommissioneit.
In the matter of the Baker road, peti
tion granted, and road ordered opened.
Expense account of ordered paid
In the matter of the Holmau road, th
petition was granted, and road ordered
opened. Expense account of (;!" nrdeied
In the matter of the I lei pie road, the
petition wa granted, and the road
oidered opened.
In the matter of (he Pacific Bridiio Co.
a fainst Clackamas county, it was ordered
mt a warrant lor WlL'O in full be or lervd
paid for work rendered
Warrant lor $53 oid 'red issued to t"!.
Shindler. to reiiibnrso him tor money
expended (or Rudolph Phias, a pauper.
In the matter of E, G. Newkitvbner,
supervisor of road district No. 3t, lor a
resurvev of the Ilicenbothen road, J.
N. Clark, Charles Holman and W. II
Seliter, to review said road on the S4ih.
In the matter of tlie complaint of C. 8.
Porter and othei against the supervisor
of road district No. U. Complaint was
A petition came in from road district
No. o'.t, asking for an extra scmi-er.
Ordered that a rd scraper be furnished
in accordance with terms mentioned in
Keport of county treasurer approved
and ordered on file.
Ordered that per month tie again
paid to C. W. Houseii, a iaiiper.
In the matterof S, B. Miller who peti
tion for a county road, was denied.
In the matter of an appropriation for
repair of the bridge on Correl creek, it
was ordered that Richard li rret. sup
ervisor of road district No. 3), present
hie receipt, and receive a warrvnt (or the
work done.
Kepoitof superintendent of the Hea
ver creek hill, approved.
C Xloenkne made his report for the
the improvement of the Molalla road
Keport approved and warrant ordered
drawn (or t'Xl.
In the matte of C. K. Batv and others
for a county road. Petition grained,
and Sidney Sn yth appointed countv
cuiveyor. julin u'estfoi'd, John Stiow
bridge k:id Henry Cook viewers to meet
at Cheirvville on the ISth day of Aug
ust 1SH1.
In lire iniitier of W. F Kirk and
utuers fur a county road. Petition :r.uit-
ed. and C. T. Howard, F. tJ. Ncwkii-
febner anil Charles Fischer apHiinled
to view said road, and to meet at Fred
Vamleichie's rci deuce on the ti'ttenth
dav of Ai t i-t, ly.il.
Oidereo, that license he grunted to
Joseph Policy to sell spiritumir., malt ami
vinoiiK liiiois in Oswego precinct for u
period of six months.
Kepoitof K. W. t cik approved, and
warrant ordeied drawn in his favor foi
Petition granted lor a change in the
Damascus read, and J. V. Koots. Wm.
Boring and Uavid Live-ay nppointed
viewers, and Sidney Smyth rsurvetor, to
cents I ex'll"'ne and locate sjiid road on a gra.te
not io exeeeu leu er cent . mev u
meet at Albert Book-. on August LVth.
Complaint having been entered sg.iinst
Wales Kusseil as to the care and kcepn g
of S. Potter, a pauper ; after examination
complaint dismisstd
O.deied, that the time be extended
for the completion of the asscnsinenl
rolls and that tlie hoard of equalization
meet on the last Monday in September.
Petition grunted for a charge in the
llerrick road, and John Bradley, Her
man Bi tins and S. K. lliincaii appointed
viewers, and S dney Smyth surveyor.
Supt. Howell, of the city waterworks,
gives notice that during next week the
big pump will shut down to enable Mime
needed alternations in the machinery
to be made and that wa'er will l e sup
plied by the small pump. Water con
sumers w ill be as economical as possible
in their use of water, especially for
sprinkling, so us to prevent the supply
' from running short.
Mr. James Thorn left Sunday for tl e
Blue river mining di-tiict to inspect the
mines of several Oregon City pnriie
witli a view of put ing one of his dry
Concentrators to work the ore. Mr.
thorn is one of the best mining experts
on the coa-t and should his examination
prove sutisfact ory no time will be lost in
eetting up one of his machines.
''Work has been commenced by T. L.
Charman on his new residence on the
corner of Seventh and Jefferson streets
It is to be an eight room otfage of mod
ern style, well finished inside and out,
and will be among the handsome dwell
ings of the city. Mr. ('barman has a
half block of ground on which the house
will stand and which he will have im
proved at once. The location is such
that when the improvements art all made
Mr. ('barman will have one of the most
desirable residence properties in Oregon
"railing on hevenlh street commenced
ruesduy. Contractor Peters has some
forty men and teams at work and pro-
popes to piHti trie worn to an early com
pletion, T!ie improving of this street
w ill cause it to soon be one of the prin
cipal business streets of Oregon City. In
addition to the stores now on the street,
some Hix or eight more are under contem
plation to be erected this fall. Mr. W.
B. Shively, who now has a store on Sev
enth street, has the plans drawn for a
large frame block, to lake the place of
his present building, to contain five stoie
rooms below and a fine hall above. Sev
enth street by another year will be one
of Oregon City's streets that can be
shown with pride to strangers, and one
that will reflect credit on the city
On Wednesday evening after the recti'
lar prayer meeting at the Baptist church,
a pound sociable was held fur the benefit
of Kev. Jas. Hargreaves. The affair
was kept a secret from Mr. Hargreaves
until the presentation speech was made
by Mr. A. S. dresser, to which, after re-
Onieied, that t'ie extra allowance for
la i ! Art bin , a p.uipei , h discontinued.
Con t met awarded to I. S. f-coit to
build a hri'lge across Deep creek for $'.i"i.
Ordered, that the sum of $.'.') be appro
pi iated toa-srst W. II. Filzpatiii k, sn
pervi or. in building a bridge across ra
vine on Bradley and liickry load
Ordered, that the vacation to Oreg'.ii
city I e made for school purposes only oi
what interest the county may have in
the ptib'ii' square ill countv addition to
j Oregon City.
I In the loafer of the grading of the
lOakiey hill road. Keport of Sidney
Smith, i ounty surveyor, approved, and
ordered that warrant for '',i!t." tie issued
to Jacob U' e'i in full payment as per
Ordered, that the county clerk adver
tise forbids for the improving of the Un
ion Mills and Meadow brook road, and
for the turning of the channel of Milk
Ordered, that a suitable person be ap
pointed to care for John Vane, a pauper
Keport of V II. Smith on improve
ments on Abernethy road, approved,
and warrant ordered drawn for same for
$1142 tl.
Ordered, that W. H. Smith be ap
pointed to superintend the graveling ol
the .Moss hill road
Ordered, that tlie county clerk adver
tise for bids for the graveling of the
Oakley bill road.
It appearing from statement of Kii h
ard A, 1'ineyak that bis mother, Mrs.
Ann Oakiy was unable to care for bei
self was in need of county assistance, it
was ordered that, as he was amply able,
the said Kii hard A. Tineyak care for
Mrs Ann Oal.ly in a proper manner
Proposii ion of Barnard & Co. to fiu
nisb patent foi ling voting booths, de
clined. Ordered that the county judge cause a
six-foot tight board fence to be erected
betwer-n the two wings of the court
house on the south side, a safe guard for
the jail.
Ordered that Commissioner Moelinke
examine bridge across Milk creek at
Meadow brook and make such repairs
as may be needed.
Jt' Ordered that Commissioner Bair ex
: amine t.h hriihe anil rnuka uneli rfomira
as may be needed.
The following bills were allowed :
F T Barlow, supplies for jail, f I 75 ; K M
Bands, stamps, $11 55 J E N' Foster ,
paupership, Zi 00; L L Porter, inquest
lees, -i) no; Honeyinan, Dellart A Co
covering his self-possession, he responded . road expenses, f-; nil; J Itoake, jail re
uruiKing ric uoriors lor tneir Kinuness.
The offerings were given in recognition
of the excellent missionary work render
ed by Mr. Har greaves in advancing the
cause of the church throughout the
county, and to Kev. Oilman I'arker is
due in a great measure the success of
the event.
The Last lull.
All parties indebted to Matoon &
Story, will save themselves further
trouble by calling and settling their ac count
i. Must have the money, it is
honestly due and we have waited long
nd patiently.
pairs, If i.j 00; St. Vincents hospital,
pauper expense, $10 On; Giant Powder
Co., road district No. H, $10 00; Giant
Powder Co., road district No. 22, $1 25;
L llines, road expenses, held for correc
tion ; Davis it Ambler, lumber, $t 50;
State vs. Henderson, $71 (io; State vs.
Jas. Mills, tlS 40; LP Burns, lumber,
$8 50; Mever & Ackerman. supplies and
pauper expense, $2 50;Hidney Smyth,
surveyor and road expenses $02 50; B F
Linn, lumber, tl4 16; 00 Water Works,
water rent, $10 00; Inquest fees, body
of H Miller, ffifj 55; W B P, wood,
$107 55; Noblett stables, $4 00; C B
Noblett, Jury excuse, 4 !M; It J
llardiog. paiiier expense, $1 (HI; Slate
V II I'ldhl US ll' J.. SI .! V' itolmrt
Gartner, $'.'1 M; IVoc A Co , paiiwr
expense, $IA tk; r .1 W Nonlit, paiiHr
expense. ;o iw; itoruani ii i n., mtp
plies, $-l;!00; Statu v A Cankliiitf,
Mil 00; It II Johnson, clerk, $U4 NO;
w ii ii Miiison, slierit!, 4l w, J v,
Khoades, abstract, $15 00; J W Nob a,
i-essor, law 00: J W White, supplies.
$4 t0; W P Whit lock, leeordcr, I7S 7H;
S Punlom. hack hire. il 00: C Bair.
commissioner, $14 80; V' Motbake,
13 Ik).
All communications for this depart
ment should be sJdresscd to H A. 1).
Gurley, Editor, Oivgou City, Oroipm.
St tie Boanl ol Education. Pvlvesh r
Pi n ver, Gowrnor: tho. W. McHrn e.
Seciciary of State; K. B. .rtcElroy, Supi,
t utilic instruction.
County Roanl ol Examiners. Alex.
Thomson, Scluwl SuKnntendent ; E.
M. Bands, Assistant; S A. D Gurlev,
In assuming charge ol the Educational
IVpaitmenl of Tint Entkki-hisis, 1 desire
to say that it shall lie my earnest en
deavor to assist in awaking a deap inter
est in the cause of education ; to assist
in creating a Iwtter understanding be
tween leacltcis and patrons; to more
thoroughly unite the tenders of the
county in the g'eit work of education
by making them better acquuiuted with
one another.
HenUi(ore the teachers of the county
have had no organisation. Each strng'
gled against trials and tribulations alone
will out the counsel or encouragement ol
bis co-worker, but now it seems I hat a
bngbter day is drawing (or the teachers
ol the county.
The association recently organ ins I In
this county will prove to be ol great
It is boied that all teachers will join
the association and help in making it a
rand success
With an association organised for
mutual improvement, social and profession-,',
and an Educational IVpartmeiit
in our wide awake county paper.it seems
to me II at the teachers have cause to
congiatulato themselves on the outlook
for the future.
Mindful of the ressiusibilitv and laUn
necessary to the management of the
Fdiicaiioiial IVpai'ttncnl of this paper I
shall strive never thclcss to make it come
up to the expectations of the teachers ol
the county .
Teachers and school officers a e re
quested to send in news items, notices
ol entertainments, commencement oi
closing ol schools, building notices, etc,
The best methods of teaching, and
school matters of general interest will he
discussed in these columns.
The Clackamas County Teacher's
Association will meet Saturday, August
20, in the Oregon City High School build
ing All leathers nnd In. nds of educa
tion are cordially invited to be present
An interesting program has been pre
pared for the occasion.
.Mr. Milliard Hyatt will leach in the
I'hclpf district, -chool to begin Nov. 1.
Mr. Geo. 11 thinn is teaching a thiev
month's term in the laitumelle Falls
.Miss Tacy Wilkinson, recently fiom
Kansas, has been elected to till the
vacancy in the West Oregon City school,
caused try the resignation of Miss Grace
Baird, who will teach the primary de
partment in tlie liigli school.
Miss Jessie Waldion will teach her
second tenn lit Meadow Brook, begin
ning in Seiitrinls'f.
The people of Bair district, No 74
will soon b' gin the election of u neat
-clesil house. Many pleasant recollec
tions to us cluster about tne ' I.In Ii.k.I
House, for there we taught out tiisl
-ciiool. We shall always reim-iuher
a nh pleasure the nine monlhs we taught
in tiiat d. strict
The popular school sii'rntcnJcnt of
Million county, 1) W, YoUcr, informs
Us that at Ibeiecent institute held ill that
county, 154 teachers wereeniolled, more
than ihe whole number of teachers in
that countv .
Mr. W 0. Kobertsis principal of the
Hubbard school, and Mi's Helena Me
l.'ow u is to be his assistant for Hut coming
Mr. John Graham has Inhu re-elected
principal of the Woodhurn school.
The people of Wooilbiirn will build an
eiglit-room school house this summer at
a cost of $7100. It is the intention p
use four ol the rooms as soon as the
house is completed. This speaks well
for the intelligence of the people in that
nrosperous little town. New school
houses seem to be replacing old ones in
many o our districts, this is an indi
cation that people in all parts of our
state are taking a dccjicr interest
in school matters.
Last Friday, literary exercises were
indulged ill by the West Oregon Citv
school. It was the last day of school li
the old school house, school having been
dismissed for a three weeks vacation.
The children presented Miss Giaco
Baird w ith a very neat fan, as a test i
niony of their regard for her. Miss Bniid
will spend a part of her vacutiou in Mc-
Minville, visiting friends
Mr. Kico has been elected principal of
the Silverton school. He has four
The Marion county Board of Examin
ers consists of Supt. Yodcr, A. W. Mizu,
and John Graham.
Mr. H. S. Gibson has been retained as
principal of the Clackamas school. Mr.
Gibson has taught several terms in that
Mr. J. R Nelson is spending his va
cation in Oregon City.
1 he old Bcnool house in West Oregon
City lias been sold to the Baptists, io be
useil lor a church.
Miss Wiseinantlo has bem engaged Io
teach in district No. 18. The school in
that district will begin Oct. 1st.
Mr. C. I'.. 1 ease, one of the rwing
young teachers of the county, will again
teach in tho Ninvsido dii'trict, No. 71.
His school commences in September.
The fine four-room school building
that the enterprising citizens of Cunhy
are erecting for til, t place will bo com
pleted by October 1st. It is one of the
best arranged school buildings in the
county, and besides being both a neces
sity ami an oriiimerit to tho town, will
be the means of attracting many families
io locale there in order to have the
benefit of the superior educational ad
vantages to be had. School will I e
op med a iout October 12ih, with Prof.
. Y. iiraper. of this city, and Miss
R issel in charge.
The regular quarterly examination of
ehora began Atiud PJIh. Tl j
nuiinatioit Is being emi hided
Thomson, S. A, l, tluilev am IE. M, j
Batidi. The other ineuiln'r ol tlw ex
amining board being ub-ent.
The followinn named applicants are
present: 'll.e Misses Winnie Undiani, I
ll.lo.i Taylor, Am Taylor. ;'" i
....... i M.,ii.. I n oi. Iletiy win-'
leiimnlel'.' Mi e liainnglou, Idtth
Glasspool, Emilia Plans. tui'V alli
um, Fannie A.idroiis. Nell,.. Bi--e..
O i Tt oiiiiis. liil-ta Wsid, Jessie l
dron, Jennie Wade. Ida Sluikweaiher,
(Icrhiide Flnlcy, Minnie SiinUlle. Mr.
Fn.ma llci.,, Mis. Nellie Sn.-'k. and
Mess.s. K.UkmI lleuiv, I at rick II
Mu o , Funk Mullan, W. F. Kogors,
C .spei.vr, C. E. Cone and J. (.Gray.
Mes ts II i Sl.uk weiu her and Geo,
L. story me t ik ng the examination lor
slate diploma.
Mis. II. J. I.iverinure returned 1. 1"
Fralwv.fioin Ysqahi bay, where she
had been on a trip lor lest and recreation.
Mai tied At the residence of II. M
Jackson, near this cilv, Aug"'! iOih,
M ss M..y Tun: y Io Cl.rcn.e II. Jack
son, Kev. John lriell. oiticiating.
The I'nited Hrethien, who have tl r
chor. h nearly completed, have complete
arrangements for holding a amp mcut-
inn the ItiSt ol Hie llionui It! then
ground In Central addition,
M.ssrs. I a dmg ami I atonretm i sm
let the lonlracl for tl e big brick bloc't
which Ibcv il eiecl on Mam street
adjoining 'ii ' Conimerc ul bank , to W elch
, .It Hamilton, of Portland, ( r $o'lll,
Work will ho commenced on II l once
The block will contain live lauesto e
rooms, and will be tlni-he I in a -tl
that will be sn urnamont slid ci. .Ill I
' (regon City.
While Mm Myeis, of Stafford, was
driving along the road Tuesday withs
hiiv-rack on Iho wagon, Ihe loam got
frightened at sometbiuc and lanuwav
hrcakuig the w.ik'on, lirnismg up tin
hor-.es cou-i letiil'lv. breaking one of tin
o'd lady's rib and cutting a lernl e gash
upon her forehead besides doing some
: other slight mimics.
Vile f Thank.
I II ill of Veteran's Association of California
j Pioneer building, 21 Ironl wheel.
! S Fkamum'o. Cal., Aug. 0, IS;i.
Chiel Engineer II, M. I'lamtg.iii and
'members ol the O c' U Citv l ire I
pattiu-'iit Geii'l' men : VI a nicc'ing
of the Ve'can l iiciiien (-' i.ilioii ol
iCaiiioiniii.it w is resole".! by nn:i.
1 iitous Voti of the u -oci t'l 'i that a "te
j ol thanks l. mi i and ihe tin dei'a tmoiil
o( Oregon City for Ihe ho-pil ihl,. 'in-ep.
' Hon and g.ssl fcllowshiii ,etone. mi u
i dining our lii'o i-i'. of a few In. in sin
your ciiy Hoping at some fiitme ilav
! that we will be able In return Ihe com
i plum lit, I am our r. - us iiully ,
! IG.nuv I.imii M., Secretary
The Oiegoii t H v Fire l 'partnii'id
lake tins inethod o (l.mikiug lie- men, I.
j ers of the Calif. riua Volunteer I ue !.'
put tmeiil ,'or their kind appreo; .lion o
! favors extendeil them on tl is m'ca-ion
j ( aril of Tlialikn.
I Mr. and Mis T. W. 1 1 . v t isliloi
j tend their bearttelt thanks to I t. people
w ho responded so hheiallv to I hen in
tho lo-s of lli.'ii home bv lire on tin
night of Juh ;ilst, and ulso to Ihe i eop,.
of Park Place and Oregon Cpy. Tl c
-hall always remember the kindness
show n In them.
M a, v t m a ik'd
Tho best place to buy Goo tho cheapest.
Hear in mitVl I imy llm highest mitrket price for I'UOIilVs
vxchitiw' for (itHlS.
All SutinneritiHsls SM at Cost for CASH, w I have toinv,
for tit v immense Kail ami Winter Stuck.
Bargains. Bargains. Bargains.
. AT
All new -Ivies for Indie-, miiwa sml
children, trimmed and noli inilncd, '."-t
per cent. Ic-s than Portland or Oregon
t itvpri.es Vl-.al.ii.e --oiliin-ul ol
men's an I b" Mimiiier list.
Just re. ene.l bilge line ol la. ben.
ttiis-e slid cliil.hens slns-n, whiih we
ale i-eliiug at l .r U low r. gulai pi l.vs.
So i heap (JI1...U- all bv-t lim!eiil,
Ito-lKKY .
Ihirllogton Fsat Itls. ks for
Cbildirn, From IhiM.T-waid-.
liltiK'FKlFS .
We t now Milling
IA patllllda giuullrd ugnr
H .-iiii'l- eli4 t sugar,
111 poiiii.U O.ilden C sugar, .
tlivi' us .i t all ami Kiti-fv Voiir.clv
witli otir 'iiri'3.
It you sutler pi li king pans on moving
the eci s, or ctniiol bear bright light
and lind y mr sigtii weak and lniling.
you should proni tlv ue l'r M. Lean's
Slrenjj'bemeg hve S.de :',' .'cuts n
! 0'.
iiiiiiltoii & Waslilim
Architect and 3EKviilclc
AM' I t U I K IS
iv-ns Vi:i,i,vs, Mnull-.-s, a!1 Winluw I'ranuN
r.i!i:ici Wi.ik, riin:i','tip Stuns, rtc. KcjMirif.rf 0fa!It
Plans With Estimates Furnished f0r anySi
or Class of BuiLDi'aCS
T','i,,l'f t Fourth .iint Water t'j, '' k
Citf Restaiiran
Hot Meals at all Hours
I.liliclies also Ki-ned A full line of
Cigars, Caiiilics, Nuts
ami CiiiiiiimI Kinit.s.
I iivc us a trial and remember tha place
al ll.son Louis' old stand,
Tlie North Ani'Tlcaii
-Mutual Benefit Associ
ation. Of Chicaqo, Illinois.
Easy Monthly Payments
The plan cliiillciij:es comparison. II.-lmMi-Life
I nsiirance at cosl, Insum
tt Idle you are yoiin.
J. W. THOMAS, Dontlst.
Molalhi .... Oregon
United Hack,
Truck and Livery
W. H. Cooko, Manager.
Corner Fourth and Main Streets:
The LKADINd I.IVKItY ktaihi,-
of the City, Hin of any description
fiirniHhc.d on short, notice.
All kinds of Truck and I'clivcry Itiwi
neHH promptly atlended to.
Horsca liourded and Fed on rentem.
n'do tcruiH.
f P"pe .( Cu', ilir-i
6 T a HOME!
("'in r.'ii'm r.tol t..,,,i pr.-p.rtv i, l.,uil t ,olv.u.cc in pric.
tl..- man intli ,,,,.,11 ,,. W ,,,, li v , ,,,,,. , ,)V ,
lor Iniiisi-lf, I'n.-i-s are bnv n,,w, und
iilAl IJi iV AIiULi
r:in Kive yi.ii Pnc s t . ,:1 f ,lllV ,1(.r ,.,.) ,.;,,
fliotco I'ariii l.iiiuls in lar.',. and small tracts, e,v icn.is. A'
Hiruble loivi. ami Suburban ,,r, ltv, Corr-MHnlc'ice s.d.cit.J.
IIH 11 C.'lll.
(IKKK K, ON'osi'iF. CHUNKIt .'l;nM ( (M KT IIOl'SE
Oregon City Sash and Door t
Curry tlm r.nt Si,x- of
Sasli, Doors, Illimls, Mouldings, Etc.
In Oregon city,
Vcial "im-H of J)rH tuul Wiiulown i,m,,. tuonlcr. Turning of IH
Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronti
h , h hr, on iipphcajm,, Iliiil.l.TH. Kiv,. um a cull, ,ln.l M if '
1 "-i l,nv h tho l,t. I'rWl'
Factory, Cor. Main and 11th Sta., Oregon City
Plain and Fancy Groceries.
The bovejoy Hole) hisU tho best tuhle in
the city with the vury choicest tho market
i I.:., v
-ih.".m,v .Minjij,,,, .s f,.,,,,, ,,,,., V)0l,il() Molalla H;
1 l.v II ii. . j
n r till Mock ol
Kiislic Flooring and Cciliufft
AntlullenulcHofUo,,,'), Liunln-r of the bHt quality. BllU
ror and delivered promptly.
''"'K)i-'imii.i.lwtU )
l.ionll, ,k , rfrX :