CLACKAMAS COUN TY. Uriel New Items Frmn Hit KiKerprU lllf (VtrS Of OtMTl'NlKMKll'Mts. osted In the piMv,,i railroad from ibirlows hv way of Wright's Springs to Wilholt Aiii-ust 4, tS'U i, s. Murk l'ralrle The rains atv nil over, the sim shliietli. and summer is a-cain here. Harvest lias vnsidcrally dclaved by wet weather, but far.icrs will make up for lost (inn1 this week, Tlio yield protnixs to he very good, il l t lie HsUity of the itrnin in excellent, Wolfer's Urge steam threshing ontiit will shell most of the grain on the prairif this year. Mr, Welter has tirst-clas otittit, thoroughly mnlerstatidsliis luiii, n.l in very popular amount the fraternity ; hnc his laiy run. Sam tyiesby's big liit lions is Hearing completion. It is artistically de-signed, tmt kamlsonwly fiiall structure, ami is o.uite an tiiiprvenrnt on the gentleman's former "alac." Uisoneof the substan tial improvements iwit being made on the prairie. Hop men are foeling rather easier regard intl the ravagass of the hop louse. It is now believed that they will not materially in jure the crop, tid preparations ar Wing rna.l to lake cure of the crop in season, f praying is twang resorted to in some yards, but opinions differ regarding the suivess anil prat'tieabiity of that mode of destrue-: tion. Mr. John AkOelUtuilate o( Kentucky, I complains bittc'ly that the boys won't in troduce him to the beautiful girls of the prairie. Brat np, John, ami introduce yourself. We took a pin over to Aurora a few days ago. and found things quite lively in tint bulling litfie bsirg. The several warehouses are making preparations to receive the large quantity of grain which will pourin (rom all sections of the surrounding country Hurst Stins have their large elevator all in shaeto store wheat, and oiler free stor age, kiglw prices and honest weights. They also furnish sacks for hauling w heat to their mills. This surely is a very liberal otler. and v. ill tf taken advantage of by our tanners havii.g wheat to store or sell. Rev. C. AlJerson preached his farewell sermon to quite a large congregation nt the Mark's Prairie school house last Sunday Mr. Alderson has been on this eharge Hr twoyi-ars, and 1ms proven himself a faithful and efficient mini-ter, and works in the cause of Cli.iet. Alter the morning serv ices lia-ket dinner was had and enjoyed by the eanigregntitui in the grove near the achol house. We are not given to kicking, but are sorry to say that we think the re tiring pastor has not been fully remunerated for his faithful see vice during the past two years at this plane. Welielieve "the laborer is werthy of his hire," and especially so w hen laboring in the vineyard of the Lord. Oct asios vt t'laiks. The weather is tine; harvest lias begun; the tain did a great deal of damage to th ripening crops. One of Mr. Heck's children fell from a barn, breaking both. lonea of one arm. Ir. Hoard set the tHuies. and all is doing well, Mr. I. I.. Clark gave a croquet party the lllchlnml The rain h cc.ic.l once more, timl the farmers rejoice to see the sunshine. The hay harvest is not finished yet ; the writer can see sailed luiv In the ilelds. The Highlanders, however, are mnking preparations to start their hinders at once, a." the gain is turning yellow rapidly, There N no excitement of liny kind In Highland at present, Our esteemed friend Sinisou quietly paed through, here and called on lour young men of Highland who hud violated the law, requiring them to CHARMAN&CO. TIIK I.KA 1 I NU mm !Hh. Oulte acrowd was gathered uinler the : annear in Oreiron t'liv Mr l,iii.. i,'...... shade of a small grove where a splendid dinner was served. Mahlou Montu has returned home from Portland, and will remain several luontlis. Mr, ami wife, of Portland, have been visiiing their Iriends In this part. Madam Kiimor slates that Krauk Keen was married the SHli Can't we serenade him? t. V. tirace, our merchant, has pur chased a new cart. AU he needs now is Absolute Piliily. v'ttielul li.'iilii. I'rescrlptions Filled by t'oniielclit Pliiinii.'iclsta, Toilet Articles. Perfumery. I'iue t'lgars. CH ARMAN'S BLOCK. some one to ride in it. We have a telephone, with a lady central, , residence of the bride's parents. This country is getting "way up." yah. August U lSirJ. They were examined and bound over to ai pear More the grand Jury, When will the day tvine when the young meii lit the laud will have sense sufficient to mind Ihelrown business? There are more In and around Highland w ho need a dose of the same kind of medicine, and In our humbleoplnloti the ; day Is not far distant when tbev will get It i 0. H. Miller Is somewhat improving in House, Sign and Oniiiinoiitiil painting. ,'l,- ! t ioot) woik iiuaratiteed. Krnk Welsh is hauling lumber. ; A nuptial knot was tied the h Instant ""op 0N r""'1' NKM,, T- I.. arAMt.ita between Fiank Ueea and Mary Smathers at ! . , S. S, Walker, i Walker K, M. 1'ukes, Dukos. Sandy Louis Varetti's new mansion is looming Up from its wt-ll c!ioen siie on the hill north of Sandy river. The main buildingis IS feet by 1'S. The culinary wing is some 2n fee' square, to say nothing of several lurches. Through many years of bachelor life Louis n'initiis-d paiicutty in a cahiu. Hut since the fair Italian took pity on him he has prosjH'rously advanced. lon t forget the harvest picnic on Satur day, August ?'tli, at Cedar Creek bridge. The iiiiii.itory committee vva- apsi!;te. t.) the Ml. Jli"l'e ot 'Farmers' Alliance, but manv others art enlisfe-l in the elh.rt to make it siicoelul. I'ne or more of the speakers will W of the Farmers Aliiance tinge. As tl.t .rogram hy the yiMing peo ple ami ihe uieeciiilt will he renewed alter dinner, and eMvuiicd to i F. M., it was thi.iigiit nut bet to p'ov i.le a dam ing lloor. The nimble, feet will r- tire hy sunset to the Thomas Uiiil, or clscuhere, and enjoy the evening. A tn.dtitiidif of canqiers have gone to the hills; mure r ! .an ever hel'ore. and we hear marvellous stories of luck in trout fishing. Some families from Alhina and Pleasant Home have been disappointed by the change of weather, hut have lceu hohling a livfly camp neurlitiil Run hri.U.i; in sj itc of Ore gon iiiist. shooting chipmonks and searing trout. We rgr't tonote tliat Mrs. Laird, of Alhina. was so much faticued bv the trip from Yju-t i'lir-land as to remain ill for some days and 'piite unable to g outside of camp. Wooukat. Rtvendtte. Thnshing will lie the next thing in order, as the farmers in this vicinity have their grain about all cut. Miss Jennie Haker, instructor of art In the Centralia seminary, is spending a few days of her vacation with Mrs li, W. Shank, Perry Miller bad bis finger broken last Suaday by fooling with a base ball. Hitter leave the ball alone on Sunday after this. A subscription paper was passed around last week for the relief of Mr. Hoit, who re cently had the misfortune of losing Id hu-e ami contents by tire. I he subscrip tions were as follows: Kiverside, J;IT,,VI; Canity, fcaT.V Oregon City, I4O.0U; Harlows. JS.OI; total, !:.. Mr. Hoit has rented a house in Canhy, and will goto housekeeping in a few days; we are sorry to lose so good a neighbor, ami hoe he will move back to Kiverside ere long. C. S. Shar k has returned from his visit to Kastcrn Oregon, and re'mrts poor crops throughout Wasco county. A letter containing the sad news of the death of Mr. K. L. Shields, a former resi dent of this place, was received last week hv W. M. Shank. He was a member in good standing of Havel Lodge No. M, A. O. P. W. V. K. August 10, 1-tnl. There is pr,a. hlng at the Highland Han 611011 LlIV Y ISll MarKei list church the second Stuulav of each ' J HO FOR MOLALLA! :R0BBINS & S0 Ihtvo tiu'iii'il tmt tlio largest Stuck tif (i..nrilj Rfl r n O U A M n I o r a III C n U II n II U I 0 Kvcr I trough 1 1 Molnllu. Our Htis'tt ritibrseei rsunplel lls "I HKY (iiit)S, tJIUH'KHIKS, riUKJKKKV, HAU)V.KP t ntt.l SIIOKS, HATS iimU'AI'S, I.A1UKH iu (ilCNTS Ylv INi! liOiHiS, TtUI.KT AKTR'I.KS. t'.'lW l ninnth. I!ev. Short is the preacher In charge. Mrs. Thomas Jones, of Highland, is nrm- jtratcdwlth illness. Or. James, of Heaver .S 1. . , i i rrss, was summoned, ami pronounced It a paralytic stroke. Mrs. Uura tiithlns gave birth loagirli baby, and joy prevails. Likewise Mrs. Win. Tinnerstet. Weight thereof II S pound, j CoKHraeoNnrsT ! AllKII-st 10, 1S!I. StafTiiril. The Secular ''tion at frog Pond passed off quietly .Sumiay, A itgust '.'A. with a Xo. 1 puper, edded by ,Miss OllieCage, of Staf ford. Mr. J. A. Sauer it sinking a hole near his jiew barn intending to make a cistern. Mr Joe Miller is c-hiel workman. Six coyotes were wn in the road at one time by Jack Weisu. Jle thought they w ere Indian dogs. The mail has taken a turn; it now goes tfrom Oswego to Aurora in the morning, and back in the evening. Mm. Kate Moroeandlieryoungestdaiagh ier are speniling the heated summer season with her sister, Mrs. Larson. Jtolert liickleis having his well blasted town pretty well toward China, the work Jjeingdonc by Powder Monkey Jack. Samuel Mayer is erecting a new house. W heard the whistle from the thresher engine Tuesday morning, Augiiiit.'id, first of the season. Cultivated blackberries are in nea.iori. Mrs S, L. Hayes is slow ly improving in health. Wk L'kh. August 0. 1WU. larmut. The recent rains have dainpened the once jubilant spirits of the pleasure seeking campers. 'he post oflice has Is'en removed to the store, owing to the resignation of F. M. l'eake, P. M., who has faithfully icrforniei the otlieial duties for nearly six years. Mr. Adolf A-chotl haslieen aps'inted to till the vacancy. I.. Jaggar and family, formerly of l.'regon City, arrived from Portland last week in search of a i lor climate. They found it. Among tho-e rustii ating in this place are. l'oi-tors llo'angcr and A. J. Sparry. Mrs. Ilepp and daughters. Mises Maggie and j I.izie H,!e, a:, .1 Fred Hode, all ot Portland. ! W. S. Failing and family, of Portland, are ! dailv evixcte.t. i Among the arrivals at Salmon Uiver on the -."T t ; i ultimo, is recurdod at the home of j J. T. We. kert, a small hoy. j Mrs. Oakley, who has hpeti sutlering with : an ii!n r on le r leg f..r some weeks at the . home ot her Min. li. A. Ten I'v ck, wa. taken ! to St. Vim en's hospital this week, to re. eive tnatment. j Mrs. Sieve's revived a fracture of the ra ; dins or large hone of the w rist instead of a ' .li.iocat.oii, a" prev iou-ly stated. The hone . ha k it together, and niu-t he broken again ' Ix'fore the arm can U come perfectly strung, i Tart of thetiregou Alpine I lub eatnpe.l her a few nays this week. They were on thedr way to .Mount Hood which they ex-)-erte.l to (limit to-day. Mr. lie Wert is pre. pared to descet d the crater about twenty feet and taKe in the interior. We think his will '.can enviahlef '.') situation. Vnso. Augm-t M, lvq. ftp? ! BOXL'S J. Moore & Co., Prop'r. Peslrri In All kiiulit of FISH ami roUl.TUY Choice Salt Wider Fih, elnedny, Thursiiays and Friilavs. Poultry Isiught an. I sold. orr.wiTa roe .v co, . oiittoox citv. DAVIES' GALLERY. The lradiiiir, rhotinijihtT of rurtiaihl. t ' it s v. li f 1 1: s r s i. t A v li i: s r I ; i : I : is. 'Great Reduction Cabinet Photographs ONLY S2.50 JPEI DOZEN AT Ap-nttt for KNA1T. Hl'KHKI.L xt COVS. Coin,.lf FA1.M MACHIXKUY. Full St.u k of liitnliiiji Tw in ntnl Oil, nihilist price iiil fur nit kinds of I'ltn mm f. II V.... - til 1... f .t-l.. I 1. ... jaw oiu utisi'iui. inn niu im iiniir (trail Willi, Our iiriivtt itroHtu li tlutt ymi can't nir.inl to piher. r VI.. r.i fV', e . 4. s" i I f. WM,.I I The New Remcilv - Adsntntniu t --jw ..-wwmiryii r ' W ai-ilOAT? SUCCJES3 Thousands Alrondy Cured VI lilitii cut j leu in. ul I. lt,! lnil irniatkal.te nirsllrli,, d,, llil. llm rr 1 .1 l.tnlll.. lFa II . i !, IU , , v j, ! i l,i . I.a M,,.l,r,ll llaL I. .....l.,. ... r, irii,o, lull no. in, .in. n lllnlH'a ta li ' ... nrriattar r. , i.,,,i- .iv.,i,, n-f . is. aan. . iiuniy, I II on A It 4 tl at AX 4 d Hllrf. wim:si:t a scinPTmii: I Jndertakers & EMDALMERC larm t at, an. T Ix xv aito s t 167 Itrst Street, Itet. Jtorrlaon ami Yamhill. I .ls I i I'OKN.ANI". OHKtitiN VJ a oi i oiiina an. I I aaketa kei l South .vf PuMlaii.l. Alaortul Metu'lte t uskrt s iiiiit.h..d to ,,,,1,-r t aii.e. lUirlal ttotseaaoi I.. nt loiilil ;.,IH. in at. K k I ,f, .... I ., VI, . It .'t ...'ii ..iim . iiiii.i-c .U K '. IliirsiK iiu.iiiii ...: T!l I'.lai-ksiuitliiii' on slitirt imtict., vol u liiimi ii fai th I'e.ids' on the romlitiim of your stomach and liver. These make uni'r lil.m.1 muni or ha t. MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY MRS. C. H. L. BURMEISTi "( n it inl (. f..r tit- iiti- t'to ifr-i'-irit. ) tin t "TU'"'tiv, Art "'. laillMiu ' Arc ynti Oiu of Moors !( c;i!od K(Mh ily uiil zm lit lirf. O M. l: ( a vi -U khi ii S.-tt!,. 'ifi-ifi-tt mvi M - i;.'M-.t!,.l i(i-tii.-.I rur.-l lil.u t-s--''!'! " t! 'Inu-wrNti. Custom Cnnliii. ( reiiil to ln Tirol CIiks u.irk Carding Rolls ! b'OK ! s.iiiiiniiir anil llnls for t oiiiforlcrH mill .MiiltrtMses. JT" Ilitrlicst pi ice puiil for Wool. MILWAUKEE CUSTOM CARDING MILLS. WOOD THRXIXO ' -A.2ST ID SCROLLSAVVING. OF ANY SIZES MANUFACTURED : ParlioM iloairiiiK WimmI Turiilni;, Pat leriiii, lirin kets, or Shop Carpenters Work Will ! Suited l.y Callinf on Me, I Doors, Windows and Blinds TO ORDER. Q. H. BESTOW, ; ALL KT0PA1 U-TlsTO WAHHAN: Watches, : Jewel !vSlLVERWARE,(' Clocks, Spectaci FOR- tlin t'oti'r... itt, mill I Inn, Central Point Tin ha-e hall (.'nine ut Central Point was a failure, jfulino failed to put in an aiipear anee. Kreil Miller is Lack home Inini the Cas cades, where he has heen at work. Miss Martha Penman is home from Port land. We understand that J, M. I'indlev and family are jroing to move to California this tall. A mail is in our midst from East Wash ington lookinjr for a home; hope he will lind o:ie. And (Mother one in here looking fora wife. Ho he find one. i. If. Brown of thin plane has one to Kastcrn Oregon to sell his timber claim. Don't forget that the Central Point Liter- 8 y So. 1; jr commences next (Saturday evet, tug, August 15th. Everybody invited. Four weeks of good weather is I wc want now to get the grain harvested and j ftacked. Grandma Burt was Imried at Oregon City last week. Arthur Burt is visiting his cousing at this place. Uno. E QUARTER Jftilino .Notes, i A (.'critic shower interfering with our linr vesting, I thought I would improve the time by sending Tiik Entem'kihk a few items. Grain, potatoes and hops all look well in Jthig neighliorliood, and promise more than an average yield. The Alliance takes the lead, and we feel dure the time will soon come when the op pressor's hand will he stayed. The farmers have been .fooled long enough. We Lave about seventy-Hye or eighty members. 0. T. Howard, our miller, expects to buy . 100,000 bushels of 'yvheat this fall. Beme of (be neighbors are getting inter- Maple Lane. Harvesting operations have been greatly retarded hy the late rains, hut since tl e clear upevery iiiiiigiiiublcdeviee forslashicg it down is being brought into reouisitioti. and if the present line weather continues a few days longer our tanners will ho'rcady for the Hood. The Alliance held an open meeting Inst Saturday night. .Short addresses were made by W. W. Myers, (j. K. II. Miller, W. F. liraytnn, and T. B. liankins. A great deal of merriment was created by singing from the Alliance Songster a hymn entitled, " The Granger's Yankee Doodle.' There will be another open meeting on Sat urday, August 21st. Every body invited. J. Q.C Mr There set. 1 1 li .l in Iter county, ore- ACQ K'Jll, nar what UT l u now Baker City, PPIJ Ti JDl a man who liaa ftinre VCJl UMI become iilentific.l with the rcaourceHanU n r r Hevelopment of that country. This mull AvjU is no other than Mr. John Stewart, one of the wealthiest and most influential citizens in the county. In a recent letter he says : " I hail heen suffering from pains In my back and general kid ney complaint for some time, and had iisr.I many remedies without any but tern jxirary relief. The pains in my back hud become so severe that I was prevented from attending to my work and could not move about without the use of a cane. Hear- ini?, through a friend, of the wonderful cures ef fected by f irejron Kidney Tea, I was induced to try a nox, and trom that very hrst dose I found Instant relief, and before using half the contents of the box the pains in my back entirely disappeared. I have every faith in the virtues of the Oregon Kidney Tea, and can conscientiously recommend it to my friends. I would not be without it for anything." Oreiron Kidney Tea cures backache, inconti nence of urine, brick dust sediment, burning or painful sensation white urinating, and all affec tions of the kidney or urinary organsof either sex, FOIt HALE 11 V CHAHMAN & CO., LiRU.iOISTS. absolute ri'Ri; DRUGS j Q A. HARDING. Ni'SK HIT COMPETENT PHARMACISTS EMCLOVIO Fins Perfenerlss nl l:M Ar!l;!:s. Alfcn ft (nil Mi irk. tif PAINTy- OILS, KTf. FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH OroKon City, Oro'ron. Kcpairson all kinds of in:il! nun hlnes promptly Inipil, ate k.-vs to anv hu k iiianufiictureil. Shop' in Wincset ,V Si ripture's blin k Miii! 1 1 shop. j ! i i i i i nit h iiEii; ill Jeweler, w F. C. PBREY A. I, COUNWAUS NEW - DRUG STORE. Molalla, Oregon. "-i I ; ot , ,M., .( m n , ,s , DIAMONDS,! ai8is Wnichos, J(vdrj, Clocks and Oj ml (ioods. IJE ALKfl IX DKtrfJS, MEOiCINKS, NOTIONS, TOILET AUTICLKS, ETC., ETC. MOLALLA, 0 UHCi OX. Iieuler In all kinds of LIQUORS and Summitr DI!IXK,S. None but the best brand of CIGARS. Livery and Feed Stable, With Ample, Accomodations. Prlcn Heat-on able. Full Stock Of Patent Medicines. PrcHcriptioiiB carefully compound ed. Store in PoHtoIIine Hiiild ing. Agent for all had ing newHpaiiiirH. ALL KIMlH OF Tin, Sheet Iron, Cojiper, Roofing Sjiouting and II limbing Km Kirst Street, N,.;ir M , .,-riN,,,, s,. oltlicii.s KIlnM i hi-: l.ttilicH' I'rivnto EnlriitifP l'i ot S'I KV ITKII ii b si 'l lie nek now l,.,ee, .,iK ,..alt.r in GMAL. MERCHANDISE A UllKAT SLAUCJIITEIt In Our Work done to order at short notice and at Reasonable 1'rlces at Seventh Htreet JOBBI1TG SHOP. A. W. HClIWAHf. P. 0. Box 838. Lie f Sprii ij sur li Xevfi 1,of.,n. su, , mains oill-rod in Portlmul TH08. Oi'i'S'in City. I'n'ccs arc CHARMAN N0WIIE & SON. I S ie , ' '-h' Ws.i J 1 A T,,:.';,:hf