klllS OF Tllli I'KISS. ilnK IWnaltina mill ( iitnmcnt. .eliiiiiire. ,VH IMfMI'VKWKNt , .m. Ait"t : Mr. William C uhUvUrli in Major llaiulbury'ii ,oluinel yttnrlny Imm a vl.li iiiM.r Willamette in m what t Iho i' ,um, t'wHl In mak- M)Ut. wlili li baa thor- repaired, clrn ul Captain UipoHlil,",wr,,,w- l i , a been on H" I'l'l' WllUnc 1 iweiity-oiw y '. ' Itli every pi'" " .1.1- .. i.u uuu J ,y Major UmiJIiury lo run the l, ll iifiinn iiarua lt lit clvMiwl rl.aiiiwl an h . - .......I tu..H tlltal Butt, Having rciiiuxm , i. ..! Aa f'nlilalll ltuahe Jalelll i.7 ' ' "I Llere.tod I" .""'". I iMumi"! that me money m . Ul.l uiil lu lb very ad iU. thaU'very liif dam tiulll iy ana- removed alii Imnelll the i tin river in low. am. me or !ilmc ""'y ,in,'u""' of i . ii"l over tlie bar IwluW n, U ltMV be expected Hint Hip I on tlx upper river win t ieiicr ntlT thall H "'"II ,ltll ,.ll I HHIIIH' ""'' i,. llulloUn .-Willi lli ril.l ulllw l"'!"'11'1"1 Wider t and unliiiif "I modem civili- hal in needed III " '" ' .um Ii.iI.U l children, but Ix lU r, lit) alter the minimnmi haa boon aorved Ull tlllf Council, llll l.alliillii'a HrAtKN WllttKM Mr. lMuii'itii Kuiikln, wliu in lu linvn eliarim i.i II in eonal ruction of llillaboro'a water woraa, Iimm muted hii olllca In the Union Hlmk mul operation mi the wurka Mill Ui pushed (ioiii imw on, Tlii win ka, complete, will coiil, mvonlliiK Ui Mr Kuiikln, nut loan limn HO,(to,aljitt IMHI Ul Wllilll Will llll ftaiUlllll In 1 1 1 1 ImImito (or labor. Tbora will li townr llKI lMt liluli, 64 fiKt wlilu nt tli Iihrm mnl I'D llHll Ht 1 1 III ton. Wllli'll will liolil Iwu trtiiku, mi ll IihvIiik (Himclty u( ;0,(KK) nullum Tim mini nm will l lii wiililn ilitt n,.X inunili tiul work will (Xiiiiiiiiiir on llm iiikIiih mi toun im tlii irtlvM, (.roUlily within thirty ilitv. Nl ihiwm n li e plmit will be l1fl, m llml liml,oro will Mi r pirwl u fnrnlali t' lo ni'lulilKirlnu lowtm, mul llm kililur i( tlm Tliiiri t-mi mti'iiro iiiilylu kwi vuul with, IllllnlMiro linl(tmiiiliiit. NKWm'AI'KK WHK KH, Talking iMiiit tiwnntxra, tli Wlml- com Uiitvllln uy: "Wlml In trim to Anlurln in trim to llm Hounl ronntry KiMirriilly. NiiwHH'rii Iimvii, wiililn li))i-r, irung tii liko wi-l In lirtflivtr.l narili'n, ftlnl llm inniki'l Imn lmn over miilli'i. At thn pu-wnt rule ( moiUtily iirn will, within yir, U I'li'iimn iimiM'il tym on the Kounl mn In the (irity'i IUrlKr I'oiintry to Imllml nII llm lil' llml ltave our "liurvii. A niiiiini'iit Ivhi fiiiimlry n-itiHi ki'I, nut lunn nince, llml Hutu wan ciioiikIi print ing llialiTlal ill wnhiiij!un lo liint it ten yi'um. Yet llm Hiitlniniuiiiiii ruh In,'1 t II K UlUlll' TIIIMI, llm rrinler'n Ink lu micukinn of llm il.Ti-K-ful nirn of thin KieiU country, wv the reiiulmlun ul Mna Urw ml- f ,.ii.lrer. Tin1"" ' lo U llm i vrrtlwr l m niplr.l hy the j.uhlii; n P.:,Hk, liolioro.l mii nuii'ii-jlmlu-ntliig tlm i...miuii uf Urit" ll. ni..lh.r' carv, mi'l !c.l. Thm U Hot mIwv tlm race, , - .till to U the urmi.Ul . lt ,,.i,ni,iii,u ilm flnBiicUl comli lUiiil" run plum. Tu Ho. pint Ji,, of, ,,, ,, f,.t, ),iH ,..,. ll.r l.nii l Ihnt ik llm ru.lm .ul. tnlilH hiI vr(iliiR in iinmillv rii!iirili'l A liillfuriilil IIomic At huruiiin mil' of the Iwwt loeittwl fruit forum In Thicur county, Citlilnrnmof I" inn'", Tiiiiih JiihI c.iiiiiiimmiiiK to I'i'iir, nil niaiiiliinl viirlelicii. due mill' '"'in nillroiul Hliliplim point. Good il mnl nir wutor. (iooil litaild i ritr. nil Ih one of llm nnwl iltiHimlilH lioinc In the HiicroniKiilii vliy, line viuw of wlilrll inn I hi Imil from the lioii-u. Term on ilit:iiiiun to TiuykbA Ai.iikm, (iri'Kon City, Oregon. ft MAItKKT IlKIWr llotow III nlvi-n th. (irrvoii City Market II ,irt cuirwiril nlily from miiiintloni lur Iililii.il limKiiTiixrHiaii by 111 local BieruhiuW. uin. Whi.l. Valley. IM) Ifca. I t 40 (lain, mr biiabel , 00o. PMM'a Orr..n CMf Mlllt, I'orilaiKl llrauit , b W rimnlry lltaml ., , . , ID Corn Mial, , , t Oal Meat bo raati. Hh.irn l Ion M Bran, " W (1 Tl mirth y bar. " VI 00 Cluyer Bay, " W ) raonuri. Pirtatiwi. ewl. 7o iiiilmia m A,,li', (roan, w Inn A..lM. artml, It. Hiillur, f I ... K.a, f'1,.1 . . ... Honey, y MRATS. Heel, tl vat. y tt .... Ili-el, ilr.)inl ... Mmliiti.llve r m . . Milllull. tllt'ntt'il, fl ti Pork. Ilva, y I Fiirk.ilrt-aaeil.y ft Veal, live, ytt I. ilrri.ai.il t ft llama t Ih llaiMill, " thlrkena. y inn. l liK ki na, ulil, ,it Ui I'u.-aa, ur tii.l ... 0.ae Mir iE ilrmee. p.rinl rnt'LTKV, n. .)... . I Vi ilVa)75 7l'j fl . W$ M . . 7(o , 'te If lie II V .. Nil. Id iall . 11' NEW TODAY. Inrtlin1. Orrr'n A I Armttrtinf, Frio, HmikIi liiii.Mil.t a i' ii i Ii iViu..aiK, isiIhii. orffon. (ain cuurw uf tU'ly, ( rklM uf ImUoU, Htmliicss, Shorthand, TvtwtUt' Vawe.'. AaW" Va'leei a"ln aranrti ifarmiftiout Ui tmt. muiltnla aluiH l4 al aiijr lliua. 1 alAl.Mjua fr.nu tltlir aawl. Irva. uwllm ili.lili- ul llm I'MtH'ii". aa i, uiil In hla fnt-or. Thia x omt ut a proiiinim. invcatiin'oi Ailmlnlalralur'a Sal of Ural Hmiwrly IN TDK NAITKH IlK TDK P.WIINKKHHII' etl n( lti'ikiii Krol , ll.'lkii ii Hrna. it k.'tii-iy ami Helkliii lima, ami Ki'llflv llroa. i ,vtii e u tit'ifl.y aiv"ii llml in i.nr.iiiuici. i.l an Banks. j JANK or OIIKUUN CITY, Olilcst h:m House Id lie Cltr. I'ald up CaplUl, Win. yaaaMiKar, Vli rKkaiiiKNT, laainta. M A aAHKR, THOk. C'MAKMAM. 0(0. A. HAaillXU I. 0 cal'rlaxtJ. I'HAKI.H M. I'At'riXI.O. I I beilu reirelveif aul.)roi to check. AM""m1 lillla a ml notea iHaniiiiilail. Cmiiity and clly warranlt bouilit. I.aiia nia'la cm available aeciirlty. Kirhaniie IioiikIiI anil ai.lil. (;.llti'liiiia maila prmnntly. Dratla a.,1.1 avallanle In any part (if the world elegraiililc eielianyea anlil i un Forllaait, Baa York. M. Hub Akviii o( THK LOM'ONCIIKUUE BANK. Freudian,, chlnaa and Near York. Inlereat paid on time ilepnaliM, rIHK COMMKKCIAL BANK, Of 0KK00M C1TV. t'aplUl, ..... 100,000 yaA aiAiTa a onai. AHiao luaiNiaa. Iiatia made. Illlla dlaroiiul.nl. Makea ro lertloni. Iluva and aella en-hanye on all polnta In the I nlli'd HlalM, KuroHi ami Hon Kniiy. iJi'kiMlta rei'el-ed anbjei:t to rberk InUjreat at uaual relet allowed on time riepoalta. Hank open Irom II a. M. to 4 r. M. Haturilay erenlua from & to 7 e, M. D C. LATOl'KKTTI!, Prealdenl. K t lioSAl.riHON, Caahler trr ,. lit" .-.'umv ri.uri lr Hi-iiImii roiiniy. u. i- .... .1.,1.,. .i . . t . .I'.tr ... .n a iT...r .... ,i,r .., j.tti, e llu- iininalili'.l Woinan l u : many c iiial.lcii.,! lullca thai go to ninkn i . In ihrmaiivr ul tM inaie ul Hrlkuap r on iiim e anil her own ' alvi.iUaiiig a pn.lliiiliU. inveatiiieoi in , XA ..( geliiiia, ul pluUlillii",l'V, i 'llf, ui ,,, aii.l of nrl ate all willmi i ,,, aii.l it may ! Ilia' lull"' "'lil , an well aa prileai umtl ill", la.li.no fame ami fortune. Hilt; I'timiiniv aihi n Yamhill t'oiitily U'.liier : Ailalla ia ilealine'l to ri'Viilnliuniau fanning ln- tl t.,11 ......l.i.. Il.rf. t.H.J.if fiM.,1 r uithirii.e will niual ihal ui I he i 1 ' ' , ' . , , . lur aha k wheie one ia nuw gruwn. A . I 1 ....r,..! 111.. ail ' H" """" "'-' ' i ll. .1.1 ..I ll .1 J It1 1 'll in-mil i tH'iiirv our nam nun I Will (I'lllllt. hr r.itiwMttikf f rt K Mi'lklitii, (ir'i-M-,fi,i tii K M hi lkliH, I'ttMlirf. li. iilkiMt )ire. mu Krfitty. rnlinui( ttt H K it lktiMi, (.1. rrM-l ) mnl K M He Ekit iii mi J (j W Krii il iKtrinrn kimp Itri hikI Knly tin w ri-nUUtif of H K )u-lkuii, cccn'l.l K U lrikiiM. f, W Kriii-I, mnl K K K.'ihhIt paritirr. ihf hikIitwi'immI, tin- n! m lit J tr tr of riiUI trtitir.hiii fHifc will Ht Milillc artlt-n in ihr hlttin! tit'l'ttr (virrnati. ttoltl O 'ln u III I titt'f1 Hlai. d. -uhjet't to th roliflrtimtlfU of ihr fun. tn Hiturlijr thr Vith ty nl Hr.t, ttii. at ltinVl-wk n m ! Mt "Itv t Ihr court minrnrrdi Ui unm v h .n-" ri"t in ttt-ity nl irKoii hy, In t lrk thttrti aim! cutnW- or Bll mrtiirrni rmait, THE YAQUINA ROUTE. QregonPaciiic Railroad. T. K. HtVSU, Rwelver. OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO S 8TEAMEBS. Nil OUT LINK TO CAM "'0RMA. KK KK i I IT A N 1 K A KKH THE LOW KHT Train No. S will run Tilrmluya, Tlmra ilava ami Katunluya, and on inlcrnifiliuU' ilava wht'ii necearyi Train No 4 will run Monday, Wcdiien daya and Kriday, and on Intermedial daya alien nei easary: Ste.uner Hallinr I'utea. I.lArta Yaui iha .Wlllametu Valley, Au. 4, HI. I.cavia 8iraNi:iar;( Wlllamelie Valley. July ill. Aim. V. la, he company reaerve the right to chanie allltiy ilatra wllhout notlre. Traiua eoiiiiri l wllh the 0. 4 C. K, and Klver Hoata atCorvallla and Altmur. The Oregon Pacific aleamhoata on the 'Willmnette river iliviaion will leave rortland, aoiit-bounil, MumUy, Wednea ilav, aril Friday at A. M. Arrive ut Cnrvailia Tiiemlay, Tluireday ami Salnr d:iv at 3:30 I'.'M. Leave l orvallia. nurth hoiiml, Momlay, Wednesday and Kiidiiyat H A. M. Arrive at 1'oitland Tnen-lay, Thurwlay and Saturday at II :'M) I'. M. on Mondttv. Wedneadav and Fri duv, lioth north and aoiitlflHiiind hoata he over night at Halein, leaving here at UA,M. Krelsht and Ticket Ofllce, Salm-m alreel wharl Portland. C. C IIIKH K. 0. F. & V. A. O. P. R.. GREAT SPECIAL SALE -0F- Mens and Boys Straw Hats, Summer Underwear. Spring -AND- -Summer Clothing.- A liankr.ipt stock of SO dozen Men and Boys' Felt Hats. All of the above GOODS must be sold at once, T&ereforc ! will tell at i Discount of from 25 to 50 ssr cent until it; abort Ucf Goods are closed outJEE CALL EARLY AND SECURE A BARGAIN. J. W. O'COMELL, The Clother, Hatter and Gent's Furnisher. OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL MOUOUTH, OREGON. Itunrtl of UrgentM. Kiecutor'i Nut Ire N'OTIO! IS HKHKBY 1IIVKN THAT THE underalKiied haa leii duly app.ilnleil A W MEAT TWI at. .1 Sun. ihn giand wielary ul Allialici uf tlm l'nlle.1 alalia a liri illar a.iurvaaiiia; me niiicii ua ciov.t. a ol till' liullhwe.l l"i li'"'! I lie ,. ili.-ir wheal Hi lda aa long a r. in which a auUlantial ri'Wanl , i,. (..How, llm circular iimr t.. inn mil llm ahortngrt uf llm ct..p III I'liri'iai. and lhat ll i ll .in evvr U'fure, ami thai tlm ''. it,- all ehailt"l, and aaya that all . in i,-n..nutieiit aie il iMii"d and orii . lo wuhl otV a famine. a, i. I. . ll. uiuUn. e the Inn' value il in v;i.-nt.'l than ever hel"'"'. and i. an ailviod ii"l lo market tl ir ml.-.. tli.'V lilt Iho l.. l it of the nlui li la etlle to come if the wheat ,1 (i,.ii. the malket tlie pr..a'r 1 1( lime. i,y the Hon. Coiiuiy Court ol l lm kainaa riiuiitv and lilate "I Orea.ro, eieeutor of the lnat Will and leaiaraeul of Levi l.elaml, ile rraae.1. All peraoiia havln clalma aitalnal ..i.l ..i. ... l,.ml,v m,llrl.d to nreaeut the When cut and ,Br ''l" "" " ame 10 me lot pavment at the omee 01 nayea I I,. I i.l.vi in nar. .. I ol land lyllK and brim 111 I ....., i ,., li. .,.p,.,i,iiIi.,I with cured lur liav ll leiuina u auii'rnT line , me aaei roiiiny 01 1 laraemae ami m.ie .. Br,Kr vourhera wlllilu ix uiuntiia , ... i i i .i . l I a.m, ami iin-r particularly dew. UH-ilae lollnwe oimhly which ia reahiwd by the toc. i . H. vrlimi Uarirr of crilon an in ...1,,,-ca Hue,, ttmea aa much to the ; J- -' '"' ",'?i"'"',r.rj" , tiiiuea two mulitha lunger. i It pin ai re an our native g'ai, and twice aa aute of inenou riM: m i oa or I.MAIK. An rarhaiige euva : .unm line Vie I K M. Htl KNAP Admlnlalral.,r ol aa.d r.lale. Iial.d Alieuat 14. Iwt. 1 ll ! uf i-rain are reirted from auiiily. In the vicinity of liaytun. where 'the tlirahliig innchiiiea ham la'eii al ;..rk fur eeveial daya. !-mith Stevenr 1 aiui-.M'.!cl in getting oiiOO ImimIicIh olf a i lial ai re .Held, the avernge heilitf tlurly aihuhela to the m're. J. 'llll ('iimp U II'h lield MVi.iag.-d tliiitv-avveii tni.-lici mid that u( N.-lt Vi-ii-l il tlurly ciiilit hiiel.cla tu the ai re. .Notice. vii Al l. ttlluM If MAY ni.MTll MV a II.. Annie lvl hai Inn Ir II me uiinoiii protr muchera wlllilu ix uiontha Irom the date of thla iiottee. luted July Hlh. IW1. B. C. I.EI.ANK. Kverutor of the eMatenthevI I.elan.1, il"C'.-acd. Ilayea it Hrowuell, att'y for exeeuior. t mmtms wh ',i.,iliill I rMiiat. I Hill heronltrr nut hi' any .li'l.l. conuacie-i oy hit. i iu'-i llrrtfoll I lly. Jul) -fl, l'.'l XOIll K Foil i'l I1I.ICAHON. Laxd orrica at oikuon Cit . , Or,, July 13. lwl Notice la hereby iliell that Ihe loilowillj- haa filed uolire or run iiiieniioii I hia claim ami llrtllll'il iHllll- ri-.i,nlioe lor , , . . w,ii lw llla,tl. ,,rf t,.Ki,. 7-J4 a U ler and Keeelver ol the r. s 1 -ami omee Ht Ore gon Clly. circi!-.!!. on Si'pl.'mlier lwl, va: HollKKT J 8TKAI1T, llomeaieail Kuiry No. Ml... for the w U of e lie ol ii, of aec .'.'i, I 4 I, r 5 8. auJ lot 3 oi a.-o. W. I 4 . r fl e. Ile UH.ui a Ihe fi MnwInK wltneanea to prove hla c.'lilluiioua ri'Milence uimii ami ciilllvattou of, aniil laud, under aee. aw, K, S: l.haic. .I.TC...C.I. All periMMia liav j . ..,.......;,, -,.,'k iraaa Johaaon A IdhMimn, AMorioya, AI'VHNIrKAIOItS Niilll'K 1 her.kv clve mMlie llnl I ha dcp.-ltittrt to the t'oolity i omity . i Aiolr.'a I Wen : it rt of Clrtcl allium i Aillollil.trntor of tin' caute ol , ri n. r a aiviK. man, of Sun l'liiuic, Awumaii.uf nn I none, M . iluava he el.ld lhat she Im.k an limhivlla mil elmuia at nil"! a.ll'l ealale Hill prvai'iu tin in. du'y ierltle.1. al the office of W I'. J..hii.'li lawer. i iireon I'llv.ilr.'ton. with in alt lll.'lilha from the il lti'of thla notice, or Ihe mine 111 not Oe allowed. ANSI K IKll.SIIAii. I'hurlea Ci i-oiiutv, I irevoll. 7 17.' l. Jl . API'KKSnS lU'UUT. lit" F.xcfimxct (iOV. SYl.VKSTKB PKN'OYKK: HON, fi. W. M. HHIHK, Hecretarv of State; HON. E. li. McF.L KOY, Siii erinti'iiileiil of Public Instruc tion. Kx-ollicio. HKNJ. Sl'lHU-FIKI.D, President of the Hoard, Wai-Iiiiiu'to" county . J 11. V. lil'TI.KR, Svretarv: HON. J. J. DALY, HiiN. P. W. HALKY, Folk (.'onntv K.ecutive (.'oiiinitttee. JAf'oR VOKHK.ES, Marion comity. J. ('. WHITK. Polk County. AI.FHKIl LACY, Clackitmas county. A. NOI.TNK.lt. Miiltnotniih county. W. H. H'H.MKS, Marion coui.ty. Tlie leudliiR formal Kchoail ol 4he .'orthM''t. Ileautiful and healtiiy liK-ation. No saloons. New Apparatus. Hill faculty, Light expenses. I,arre attendance. Normal, Normal advanced. Busint.-s. tL 'i"V ---- Music, mid Art Dcpart.i.enta. Fpeclal attention given to IMiyaical Culture, Voluntary J .'..,;".:'....,.. TI...V. ii .lioln.oRj. from tie iooI are entitled to teach in a iiv .IV in the state without further examination. Tuition reduced in Normal and fiusiiicHsMcpannients from W to m )ier year; in I repararory tronii f.i0 to Jtt. A year at a- hout for Kx,nseS: Tuition. Normal and Xn!? W rf wS 1,1 10 weeks; Preparaturv, fl per term. Hoard at Normal Ilnm g Hall, 1 50 r eek. ( '.Hid hoard and Wing in private families .l fio per week. Hrt term opens tpt. tl. W. Students can enter at any Icrim, ror A Vpr 0I a. n.l'OHi:i.la A. M., Ie-Hre. k. ci. doon. Notice ef HiibI Settlement IS THK M HI "Kit "F Ull' KSTATK )K with her when ahe went to pick rase I ' "'' ,i ,,, ll.l ....I o.m t III liru I Ct i riwillnt of anl.l ealale 111 me l omiiy . ouri o ai 111. MIIIITA ACCUIMMCM. : li...ol I 'ally I'ispatch.-'theaPl'ui'i' ( l; W. Mitchei; to the ulli.i. uf j ml o,..ra", wph the rank uf clo - iniichcur.liiillv received in mili ii, h e, i uiiiled aa It i .turn id Ci.li.nol Slmfiier, No mi" cutiMr-rtiuii or utherwiae wmilil iiiii.meiit ail cl that t uluimi .niu n- is a veteran, luit an. li la a lact, ni-.l dining the war in the Ligh li New Y.nk cavalry, enliatinK e ..I 17 yciiia. Ir. llmuy I'.. June" fii'll knuvvn ihyaicimi f tlii" city, i .1 mi Iho Hainehiittallion with I ol. hell ill the close ul hoi-tilitiea. They ot meet eitclt other Hince until a few ago in thla city. r 11 K OIIK AT Hit HI.AW AU. v FlurencB Weal aaya: old four lella in hia ollli iul reHjit Hint with .mm hu can get eight feet ol water flie tireat Slualiiw liar. e have 'ecu feet ul present ami not a cent verheen iixiiended. QiH'ry: What " going to do with tho extra alx lent uter we now have? The. mly iuui"" ry cunclualon we can arrive at i" thia 7lMl,(HK) la for the) purpoae of ivinu thia alx fi)t of aurplim water e Cuoa har harbor, th of which I'imhhi mini bouts to reuch Yarrow. hIuiII wittch lor a notice li"K for l rlnrming of HiIh work to he (lone mrHii In connection with the dealing 'e Htreela of Yarrow. Ml IT AOAINHT Til K CITY niiita 1'itnM (Hurler: ! Harnanl '., uf Si, LouiM, Iihvo hihhI the clly ninlH 1'nHa for iflSH for liooka and I'nmi v. S:nllh .V ( olvig itre anorneja 'iiintilt'. It nppeiira that during Ihe 'inihciicy ul It. H. Smith iih city re- 1 h-r Hint irimlleman onlcreil hooks hliililtH to that ilinoiint, lint they "ot leach hero until the new council f1 taken olllco iiml the new member" '"Ned to receive the material. The Ml htm inHtruetod City Attorney 'oil to defend the city in the unit, Mi w ill probably not come, up until pit term, union tliinone holdH over ton ! he men. ! her (nun th" un, but from a tramp. ! She broke the nh over hi head, blind ed him lit one eve nilh the ferule, and threatened tu brain him with the club handle, if be did nut go on about bis huwneas. lie went, and elm picked a full mciimitc of borne ta-l'uio he went homo and told licr lulks. A UAIIMKO TO BAttMII.I MKX. Iliilshuru lmlcpciidcnt Fisk Onn missiiiiicr t 'ampladl has civaed the arrest of Wm Lyibtand Henry Mcl.eial on a chinge of throwing aiiwdunt in the water iieur'ti.eir mills. The auit ia brought under un act of the last legislature, which impuHca a Hue of not l""H than $10,1 fur each otlVnce, the money to tic ill Into a liniil Know n " Notice l heri'liy my II uia 1 report aa I ie i t'lackainaa l ouuly aie' Kiate of lireijon. and tlir court lii appolnie'l Kepiemeer .in. a o. I l'l, f.ir h.'tiril.tf .lijeollolia to aatd report If I any (here he and for n aettlenieut ol nld e'tate I ' KKASK 111 I Kxei'iitorof ai'.lil etnle. 0. K. Ilsye., atfv tor executor. )yl7 ' , i i.:..i. ....l...l.U. ..ooiiiuila .iuiii a - ... ,..',.'. . for Mr. I'unipbell'a interest in the matter. nours iiaii.koaii company. Milium Shitiwmim:-Another I0,0W railroad haa li' incorpor.ited in Port land, anil they are aiiid to be looking around lo llml aotue place to build and onerato a roa.L More liWy they are looking uround w ith something to build a road with-mouey, for iiiHtiince. be- haa 1B.2-.M such railroad compares now There aw piety P'l'M to build roads llonllOWTSU M0NKYF0H kOAOH. Kaliuuii liilletjii:-Tho question of borrowing forty or llfty thousand dollara for the purpose of constructing roads was ,Iiw,Hsed in the court house, Wednesday evening bv citixens from all wt of the ountv There was a gene... -,-ntm.cn of selling county bonds for that purpose. - in vr ciiKK milium. ,.-,lMtro,lliidfbroniclo: The people (lftlie Kst Side mo delighted (?) i .t e ,,spcctsfi1raf.ve bri, over ho -I,,,,,!,.,.. The promises recently .....to !;ri,!g':sl;::o,;;;;:i--'-i.e "Hweet bye ami I'.ve ohkuon KXlIlHfl. Kosoburg ph.l.ulealer:-The Oregon ex ibltat the world's fair will consist, ,1, r ,oaa and mossbacks, ST & oVMossil"mand siluria... UirowD In for good measure. Kveeutlrli Nolle IS THK VAlll.K iiKTHK KSTATK OK Wlllliuil 'luirli'k. di'Ce.iaeil: Notlre la Hero hy Blveil that 1 have heen duly anoouited execulrU ol Ihe etnte of Wlllnnn Shsrlck. ileeeaaeil hy the Hull. I'olllily l ourl of t'lack Hiiiiiacounlv. ami male of iinno... All peraoiia Imvltut elniria anulll-t aald ealale are hereby iiotitled lo prcaenl the aanir lu me for paMueui aecmip-iiiiwl with ailliiilent vouchers al liHinnaiua, tireitoii. within alx months from the .lute of Una notice or they will he forever hurred. I'alcd llll" J'lh d ly of July. A. D.. ,h t l.llHI.NHA A. HKlshli. Fxei'iitrU of the estate of William sharlck. deceased. Sr NOTH'K FOR IH IU.U'ATHlN, l.ia-n OKlll K AT UKKUON tMTV.Oll. July ism, Nollce la hereliv it I veil that Ihe followliiB named settlor has riled notice ot hla Intention to miike final proof lu support of his clniia ami thai ald prool will he made before Ihe Minis ter mid Iteeetvcr of the 1'. W. Land otllee hi Ur-cg-on Clly. Oregon, on Annual Ul, Is'Jl, via:, Jaiuea I,. Ofln. llomeaieait Knlry No. MTU, fio- (he lots 1, i, 8. 4, 6,. and 7, aoe ia, ti ' i. r I e. Ho iminea the follow Inn witnesses to provo hi oonlliuioiia rcnlilencu upou and ouluvatieu of, aald land, via: tl W Htiimea, John Kverliart, J. J. Herman, John C. falaier, all ol Molalla f. O., Clackauma county, drufou. 7 I0:S-14 J T Ai'i'RasoN, Keslsler. NoriCK FOK 1't'llI.ICATION. Lakd Offick at Oroii City, On. July 2. lain. Notice la aerehy (ttven that the Jollowiim nnined acrtlw lias tiled nollce of hla iuleiitloii to make Suiil proof In aupiiort of his clalin and that aald proof w 111 he made before the Keitls tee iiml Heoelver of tho I'. S. laud olllee at tiro koii Clly, Oregon, on Aiiitust 'A 1W1, via: Charles K. Matey, Homestead Kntcy No liWi. for the, s of ne1, and n S of a e 1 see. Hll, ip i a r (i e. lie lniiiioa the tolluwlnit wltneasna to prove hla continuous residence upon and cultivation "chn'rlcssiiiiiik. O. II. Parker, (l. M. Shldler. J. S Ware, all of Cheiiyvllle P. O , Cliickmiias "TIoh"''""' J.T.AvKUsoN.Kctls.cr. NOTICH KOH Pt'rll.lCATIllN. I.AMU OKFICK AT OllKlloN CITY, OlIKI ., July 11. lxll Notice Is herebv Riven Hint the followhin linnu'il seillcr has filed notice of hla Intention to mnke dual proof In support of his claim and Unit snlil proof will he made before the Kenlster and Hecelver of the I' S. limit olllee at Oregon City, Oregon, on August '2S, lsid, via: Henry Tl.ontpHini, Homestead Entry No. Mils), lor the vv ! of ll e 4 and w ' of ' s'0. A tp 1 s,r 5 e. Ile names the following witnesses to prove his coiitiminua realdeuce upon and oultlvatlon of, said land, via: , Kuward Manning, John Y. Holmes, Klilrldgo II Thompaoii. all of Brower.Oregon.and Oeorge Hheppard, ol Utourelle. Falla, Oregon. 711)' a-14 J. X. ArrxasoH, Keglkter. NiiTK K FOH Pt'lll.H ATliiN. band Oltlce at Oregon City. Oregon. July 'A Mil. Nollce la hereby given Oiat the following n imed soUller haa riled notice of his iiilelillon to aiitke tlunl prool hi aupnort of hia eluim, anil that said prmil will be nmde liefore Ihe lloiriator and Itecelver.of the I . S l.aildOHice. al Oregotl i lly. Oregon, on September Is, Is'.il, via: Hurdel ll. Iiriimiigiur. Ilomeaieul eutiy No. TW. for thenw'jof ne'4 and no1 4 of uw !4 ot ee 17. t U s. r I w. lie names Ihe follow lug wilnesaes to prove hiaconliumuis re-iiilenco upou and cultivation of. aald luiiil. via: ,., C It. Williams. James IbsMlwin. C. F. Tagard and Andy W isidbv. alio! laggardsvlllo, Wash lugtoncuinly. Oregon. APPKHON. 7 ;tt: U-4 Keglater. NOlb K K i K iTili.H AlTliN. band Office al Oregon City. Or., Jaly :S, last Notice la hereby given that the following tinned settler haa filed nollce of hit intention to make flits! proof in suptmrt of his claim, ami Hint said proof will la" made liefore the register mid receiver ol ihe l". s. land i i'.ice nt Oregon city, Oregon, on Sepli'iiiber il isal, via: Joaenh SumtliT, Honieslead entry No. STiai, toi lots 1 and 2 ot ee '.'4, t .'i s. r e. Ile niiuies the lollow lug w itnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of hii 1.1 bind. vi: William lliirria. lhinlel Clltt'ord. Pay-Id Call! han.and bonis CaJliliau, all of Molalla, Clack amas coaiitv, Oregon. 7-31 : 'J 4 J T. Accebsos, Koglstor. NOTH'K FOR PCIHJCAI'ION. Ijitid Olllee at Oregon City, Or., .IiiIt 24. issl Nolle Is lierehT given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention in.niie Anal nroof ill support of his claim, and thai said priaif will be made before the regis ter and receiver oi me u. inno oun-o n. uro- ion City, Oregon, on SKMitemner 1ft, mm, Vli: James I. Minor. Pre-emption P. S. No 7HWI, tor the a1 of te'i and a'a of sw1 of aeo 22, 1 4 a, r 4 e. Ile uamea the following witnesses to prove hia continuous residence upon aim cultiva tion of, ssl.l land, via: John Page, Sr., H. 0, M vera, I. I). Looy, and E. Locy, all ol Spring water, Clackamas county, Oregon. 7 31; 4 J.T. Avi'KasoK, Register. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offh b at ohboon City, Orimon. Jnlyli, lsai. N.,iion la herehv tlveil that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention i,i mnke Him nroof In support of his claim, and that snlil proof will lie made before the Regis ter and Keeelver, U. S. band Otllee, at Oregon City, Oregon, on August u, uwi, via: Ueiirge K. Bouncy, Homestead Kntty No. 5741, for the s M of 8 o U and s of s w see S, tp 7 s. r S o. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation of, siiid liiiui, vi: A K. Thomiis. W. Kussell, H. I . Covley. Miner Tllo'inns.iill of Wlllioit P. 0.,Clackainns county, Oregon. . , , ., , . 7.10: 8-U J- T. ArcKBfON, Koglstor, Dlssoltiliiit. Notice. The lmrtnershin heretofore existinir tie twecn the undersigned K. S. Wnrren and H. I., .llolniiin, lining business in Oregon City us I'.irniluio dealers ami unclcrtnkcrs, iiiiilor the linn mime of Warren iV, Dol man, is this (lav dissolved by mutual con sent, li. S. Warren retires, while K. L. Holnuui continues the business at the old stand, who will assume all dents, and col loot all moheys due the late firm. K.S.WARREN, R. L. HOLMAN. Oregon City, Or., July 22, JAMES THORN'E. GOOD & THORNE'S DRY CONCENTRATOR, Pulverizing by Impact and Separating by Air and Gravity, Gold, Silver, Galena, Nickle, Tin, Sulphurets Or Oilier Metals from Their tniigue. Thus miming refactory as well as free milling ores without loss. Manufactured at th. I'MON 11.0S W ORKS, Cor. Front and Main Streets, Portland, Or. CITY VIEW MAKKET. BOYER & LACEY, - Proprietors. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX Fresh Beef, Mutton, Pork, Ham, Uaeon. Lard. ffiF-The best of MEAT kept and satisfaction given. VEAL, PORK, and PRODUCE Bought. Shop on SEVENTH STREET, at head of Stairs. TEE GREAT EASTERN STORE! ! MAYER: & : AOKERMAN, THE OLD RELIABLE DEALERS IN GENERAL " MERCHANDISE! Headquarters for Boots, Shoes, Clothing and Dress Goods. Pay the highest prices for "Wool and Pro duce, and sells the best Goods at the very IO'TESJST FIGURES IgQKTiKTT Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECON CITY. LOCATED BETWEEN 'l'llK BRIDGE AND DEPOT Double and Single Rigs, and sad die horses always on hand at the lowest prices. A corrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information reuardimt any kind of stock promptly attended to by person 01 letter. Horses Bought and Sold. WORK. B. .S Bellomy, . OPT. C1IARMAX BROS.' BUI-DIXS, ' Carries a Full Stock of HARDWARE, TINWARE, NOTIONS and Household Furnishings. New and Second-Hand Furniture Bought and Sold Can give you bargain.