Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 14, 1891, Image 2

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4 '
4 II .
.n i:nn..
iiikI lritrt'tr.
KKII'AY, At'MVr 1-1, tSiU.
llIK !i!! ICjJ ttVIU tl l Kill I'latloisCO
I'ino! ii !o U.'vi llie vvomicittd crovtiYss tlio
ni.siiiilnctitivol tin I'utc is :i ; W i v; In Amor
ic.i. livrv, Iu'lmv Mckinley latitl' went
ii io ciievt, not a sund .'is niuniiteciuiwl,
Tl.is California iit,ut is tut atnall mrt of
t!o l'roduct ol tin' country, tM'rv Uinjt
fhou-ands ri' dollar invested in l:o Muck
iuiuo- aul wlddi r iuv lununj;
out tut u. line'-
"iti Kriiay the Tonocl tin initios
lrji ed to tie An e-ionn Ti! Plato t'ono
juny ol St. Loins, SSiHO couudso! tin
j lo.'.iced sit cited and rvtii.od at Tchicm al,
1 !at compu'y low lias orders on liund
tiotn now lv-i.e iced ti.i-i late companies in
llif I'niUM States lor over i worth of
block tut, and is liming day and nielli
wiili tliroo si ills of i, v'.i to n.cot the do-
"What will our denni-raitY and mug
wump fiicnd sny to tliis? ill tlioy insist
that wo cannot ami will rot :aki tin Into
in tin? I'nited Males, ;.d tli.it o onclit to
continue, a- heretofore, lillii i; the Welsh
men's pockets at puces vvm, h they mime?
V.'ill they ela'ni now Unit tin' McKtt lev hill
is;) tvorcec !'! (onnof words, or that i! vv.ll
not foster an I et.oiwraso at least ore do
niosiii industry .'
"It nui.-t he Isinie in tuii il that nii'i'tcen
tonsof block tin mean at least til tons of
tin plate, the tin bring only aisitil X por
coot, of tin- so called tin plate. Six hund
red tons of lin phito is not very much, hut
it will I etmuiili to disprove the i'lev trade
ussdrtion that tin plate in markarahle
liiantities is not tna.ie in the I'nited States.
This shipment, too, is only a single one,
mid will he followed hy others just as fust
as theore can lie mined ai d milled. The
Teniesi'jil company expects will. in sixty
days to lie smelting from lour to six tons
i:aii.oai mi:i:t-
Kimii utt Old Orciiiiiilitit how I.IMnif In
To he llt ltl nt rlsjhtN Nrint;s
nliinliiy Noxt. j
V KV DKI'tlT TO lit: IUIIT. j
I lie ( iiitntv Itcci hr the Woik on tlie
tliklejr Hlli, j
a day s outing a well as tnivt the railroad
men, a':d join witli thecrunit. We should
judjj from expressions at this eml that
a hup' sulidy will In' raised in and
around li.ulows; and why, then, if a
I'U sttlwidy is jjiien here what's the matter
wit ii Mol.-illa oomiui; lo the front? I hry
e.il a railroad to connect ihem with the
rest ot the tniv world, and put (hem w ithiu
reach of the market. Now, as reiuMs the
Sontiieru l'acilu' ImiMnu' a road tlirouijli
tnatioiintry, they never mil, for the reason
l.iat they i;vt the haul now ot almost all the
prinhice raiseii in that section, and they are
losing nothing hy not liaiitiii a rvad t lu-rv ;
and our Inendsof the interior may rest as
sured the Southern I'ucitic road is never
nig to parallel their own Mild. Neither is
any other railroad going to paiailel the
Southern 1'uciiic. as tiny am too gigantic a
corporation for any small fry to buck
You now have a chance for a railroad
which will positively h hnilt it yon nice it
the itiditcenieHts any niilroait company will
.Men ot capital-are not going lo
out put far hevond t!;at within a short j """" "..irjww J"" t 111.1m1n11111.it
r tarint'r. I ,,v ntl A trot wl si mi-ii hiriiiii
t'lne." when lliey invest their iiiouev. itlaysen-
V( are going through just the satneexpe tirely with the fanners hetfier thev want
hence with tin as we had with steel Mils, j 10 give inducements and get the road or
, . ., . , . x i -,i just go as thev nave before and do without
with wire nails, withcotton hl.ncs.and with ,.U yonr Hlmlll,1(ir!1 ,0 ,he wlrt, allll
every kind of manufacture that a Prone- j push it along, if you value your ow n inter
t vc T i:i T his encn'oa 'J. We are met ! ests.
wit'i the :.n;e r. . l ie s i ne slanders I (iaini Hki kiv kk. County Surveyor
awl laU-l i nine ' adivlions ol Smvth was in our town this week to ex-
fai urc. I.n' .1: ,;;e- i u.-irics have sue- amine the trade of the Oakley hill. The ,
cetdfl. .t 'i .-iia.e unking will do the ' grade wa-s leieiveil hy linn and cotiiph- j
mii..c." j inenled Keck llmtliers on the good work
! accomplished.
Nsw DitroT to git Hfti.T. Mr. Johnson,
tivKNktr, Kansas, July HI, sffl-,
IH'vk Kmroti: I ollen have the ipiestion
put to me. through the mull tiom Oregon,
" lo you hear any thing of the Alliance?'
meaning, I sn'se, an organisation of the
laoon.ig classes against the so-called "tr
ttnliy of capital," hut w hich has proved in
Kansas to lie mi organi.'atioiiol diMippoint
cd ollice sis kers who go ahout fhecouiilry
telling the ieople that they at slurving;
llial the ( rt'sciil s sfeni of government j
worse than moi. archie, il ; advocating; tnej
repudiation o dchti honestly due; howling I
for gov erunivnt loans o( money al if per'
cent on real securities; asking the govern
ment to own the lullinads; to huild Murage
w arehouses for grain ; to give us live trade,
or a tai ill "for revenue only asking lor free
coinage of silver for all the universe, no!
n iiliring tin' fad that the Culled States ?s
not the only country that handles Unit coin-
modify and cannot iMtitml ilsptit'e without
j the assistance of other nations; premising
the people to cut dow n the salaries of low n,
county and slate ollicials, and wit emit of
A gnat ntiniU r will leave here on that existence the numerous unnecessary oftlcc.
morning and take their baskets and enjoy j that drain the pockets of this scourge ridden
IM HuutSlh..... HAKDWAUK l,.-1l.,n.llf.,.gn, X
Nortliwenietii Ani'iil" I"'
peer ml..: rr,cel,.e,t. - W " - '-- '''
tin imnil
Civst'fiit Wt'tl
lo,.,..,.!,!.,.! n x s Prool' rii.uit. Amitlo
td i tt ! f i -
I.tisiucrs ami WoimI ('Iio'h r Sju-fiultit's
i Oilier Notes h riekftl iii Here
There by The Kt porter.
This K mi k vn. - -No douht the ixi i.tnilli-e
on stthscriplioti for the now railioad from
Hallows to Maini.anis have done .snuegpnd
work hy lids time. Their remrt will le
lieanl on the l.Mh of tliis mouth al Wright'
Springs, where a meeting has hce'i callcl
on thai day, anil which we anticipate w ill
K' larger even than any preceding meeting.
OlVjJOU City Ap'tlt,
W 1 1. Si i.N it,
of block tin per day, and to increase the j require
Ok'.on Citt at iaj-t is Incoming fully
aroused to the needs ol the hour, and is
taking hold of the i)Uestion of public im
provements with a determination that indi
cates the opening of a new era in the city's
growth. From one of the most conserva
tive ami slow- going (ow ns of the slate, Ore
gon City is now going to lea I the van in
public imi rovements. The city has
the liest water service
slate of its size, and w ith the improvements
now being mane hy the electric light com
pany will have a system of electric lights
that will he a - relit to the lace. Before
the close of the year ov er H'l.iHI will have
been spent ll.is season in grading and im
proving the street, w hile over rive miles of
good substantial sidewalks will have been
laid. A to;;i iete vs;em of seiveriure for
The Inhii.i'" part ot the city will I ''mn
I leted this la!!, aii'I reparation made for
the pa itigof Main street next spring. This
is but t'.e l. '-'inning of the good work, and
niier year I 'reon City
ii stri les in p ihlie us
vim-Ms tintt capilali-ts
lei.rit!'; to locate in a
beinre II
e:;i I.av
d .
depot and bridge superintendent, was in
Ion n this week making plans for the new
deot, wliicu is to lie put up by the S. I'. Ii.
R. This is a great necessity as the old depot
is entirely to small and is constantly
Steam Thkksiiek OiTriT.- Mr. Cox has
a new steam thresher outlit at work on the
prairie. Mr. Cox will have a busy season.
I !,, m ..l- !.... Tl... W 11 i,
of any town in the ! . ' ' ,i. 'i wn,.nil cariuadsnf ',h.'r
' which they are shipping south lor leuce
' Aothkr Wiikit Ilrvm Mr. W. .
I Irvin returned from Portland this week.
: he made arrangements lor wheat buying.
; This puts two buyers in the held at this
I lace and we understand Iroin the farmers
that tiny can do from one and a half to to
cents better here than any point south ol
A Skit Mnskob. At the hotel del lordnn,
a very tine French plate mirror adorns the
barroom. It is quite in keeping with the
rest of the holle.
I. a Mi l'rtii ii i-f. Mr. Neil Ja. k-on, of
Molaila, pureliased twenty acres ol
llariow l,oi,r place. Mr. Mca"e. ilepniy
county snrv e or is now platting oil' nhout
t 'O hundred acres more in that place.
j people, and crying in a loud voice that Kiev
"would rather die al the stake than rule
to the state capitol on a railroad pass."
Well, what was the cried? ly fusing
with the democratic party Ihcy were en
hied to elect a givat many county olliivi s.
a majority of the slate representatives,
and defeat J. J, Ingulfs lor I'nited State
senator. Hut thev went lo Topcka cm the
"comp-," of the railroad company, everyone
of Ihem. The speaker of the house was
elected in secret caucus, and even proced
ure of that reform hodv was carried on with
locked doors and oalli Isuind socrcsy, and
when the "reform" meiuls'rs came to vote
on hill liter were brought up and voted
by the Isisses like sheep Utito the slaughter.
A strong republican senate and governor
alone suied the state from bankruptcy
and opened the people's eyes that they
might see the true character of these great
calamity howlers,
I would snv, ves - we have heard of the
"leniivK. M. l. A"."r'. A .'-and -K. of I."
Third party filsiom.ts ', and that the state
of Kansas is good for 4o,''i pluralilv fori
llarnson, Ihaine. or any other gissl rei'iib-1
lican candidate that meets I he approval of
the national convention in lSi'.'. ,
In the few weeks Just past there has been
more righting In this nc Ighliorliood than
has been here foryeara, Couldn'tthe pros r
authorities look into the matter and have
more order?
llohenligliliier's saloon is getting quite
J. Campbell. W. Todd and W. IMatt
are training theuiselv es for a foot race lo
occur in the near future. They ran to Ore
gon City bridge and back, starting from the
t'aru i
A slight alleiiation laku g puce I etwee" j
tiud Smith and r'ntuk Uullaol nt foilcrsl
dining lilhle. the father of the latler cahsi d j
the arrest of Hud on a charge of aaiiil and ,
battery, Hit I wa tic.piillcd, hut ln ! j
vei's fees amounted to J'.xi. lie ininii
has hud enough experience with law to hut
him some lime,
Johnny Hond started lor Clle Itoek Sal
unlay, carelessly phe ing his ticket money
III a vest pia'Uel, which, Inning a hole In the
bottom as well as al the lop, the monev fell
through, and when on reaching I'onlaiid
Johnny ivould fain buy hislicket the uioi ry
was missing. Ill another pocket he lolind
enough to take him buck lo New lira, til
ls at Cams again, and hopes lo have heller
luck next time.
A. O. ll.ii ward I. stowing awav lumber
for a new bum which he Intend" lo build
The null builds al McCord mill ore Ink
ing a rest while some repairs ate Mug
made. They re'rt a fair demand for lum
her, especially in the immediate neighbor
hood. Cum.
Letter l.l-l.
The following Is the 1.1st of Lellen re
maining in the ot otllce at tregoii City
Oregon, August Il.l"'l:
Hurkart, MnUitirge Melllan. Ijiwrem-e
Harlow, Mollle Mas-nm, K S
Haker, Mrs Jane Nwlv, Mr James
CampMI, Mrs I, A IVnibroke, Mrs May C
llavlia-k, Mr John I'ark, Mr James
tlaisler, Mr llerlwrl Jshnlti, Mis Mary
llriidersoii, Anson Smith, Mrs 1.1,
Smith, Mrs 1 K Henderson. W A
Sub, Mr Kind lliuhes. Mi Maggie
Triinisiwi'r,AllH'rt M Johnson, M K
Lindsay, Miss Alice Werhelm. I'
If called for, pleae sav when advertised.
K. M. AMS. f. M
0. E. k FREYTAG, -. .
KANCY AM' Sl Al'l II t.liot I llll s IX filiKAT VAI(l, rV
Garden Seeds in Bulk.
AdmliiblrmUir't Notice
hnilHvii, by unlrf ( llw Cuuiily t'uiirl Urk
; It I II Km J full hi )' , t TriJiiU, iluly llItl 'lmtll
i ttrnttr tf tlii ottatto tl llt'iiry MlUrr,
i Ail iii-riui hMvlitit cliiiup niint niltl tu(n
Surkor orrvk lri lit. in 54 minute. At I mr rf.tmprM to I'trsi-ni Oicm, mlth tr-H f
rmirhcm atut hr.i ftt wic mint "i i aii'i
13th and Main
Oregon Ci!
Wilson & Cook
ir:.u.nis is
(oi.K AtirNTS KnU THK
will not ;
dt ad tin. n
Tiii;iiie-c-t in the pro) nsed llurlows and
.Moiii'l i-M ir.o' itn railroad continues una
hutol. ami fr-i.i rv;rt. rf cei.ed it begins
to !.m-.Sv a. i;"'i.'h the prvmotcrs are goii.g
to rai-e lie- i.nes.-ary siil'sidy to insure ita
buiiding. There is not another section in
irtgon w ithont a railroad that can oiler the
inducement- in the wav of a payintr trattie
to he had immediately on the completion of
the road, tl-.-an the Molaila valley. The
meeting ot to-morrow f .Saturday) afternoon
to bo held at Wright's Springs in the inter
est of the railroad promises to be well at
tended, and at it the committee on subsidy
wili ri pi
ant 1 1
' the amount that they have
the -nh-idy.
this ye
h ad a!
tin ir v. ar
with !':'
of NC-ei l
ti.fi' and
The mind;
The Cl.it.
and rat.k-
hcr ol'.-iiii
.ti er
Animal, an lii
d hv Lord lira
:;:e I'nited Sat(
, mid ti at
d I'a'y in
Ku'jlaud I
bnildin-' !l
and .-'l ain
siviltne-s of
., rank lir-t
the 'trenrtii
a l in ton
hd Franci' in
( ,-
-el- a'.aiiahle l"r wttr.
a:es ranks tidrd in touna;:.
i d with I-'ranee in the mini
iier roiistruction.
Tub w.i . ..I C.e trausgre.-.-or is haul, par
ticularly if he is an olhccr of tin.- Czar and
h.ii..':,s lo he . aii','1.1 in a treasonable trans
action. T he naval ollicer who was convicted
ol wiling plans id the ih fen-cs of ( jon
stadt. and -eii'euccd lo hani-liiiiciit lo Sibe
ria, w as a it li in of irrj-s; trcacliery ; the in-1
former who obtained the reuard from the J
goierntiienf for betraying hiinwasthe self,
satne individual who retained the bribe
given by the foreign power that eventually
secured poi-s-ion of the plans.
I iikat tilings are expicted of the Hjiani.-h
reciprocity treaty. It is even calculated
that the grain which American trade will
make front the special privileges with Cuba
will be greater than from any thres or four
of the South American countries with which
reciprocity maybe negotiated.
The rains of last week, and the cloudy
weather of this week have delayed harvest
ing. Much grain is now ready for the har
vester ami tine weather would be hi-'hiy ap
preciated. Oats are a tine crop. Potatoes
promise well. Hop lice very plenty. Some
are spraying their hops, while others are
trusting in the hope that the lice w ill do no
particular damage, hut like the aphis pest
tiiat can.e several years ago on fruit trees,
will only stay in ton e one or two seasons
and then depart for new lields. All things
considered we say Oregon against the world,
and Clackamas county at the head of the
Saturday, August sth, Oswego C range had
a tno-t ciijovable time, re oil ed I wo new
I members, bad u regular grange dinner (il l
j you are not a granger, M r, l-.dilor, yon w ill
j not know v bat a f. a-t that means), followed
: by i. e cream. 'J hey then proi-ecded to
"cane" one of the olde-t and most highly
: res;'cle.i incu.h-r- of the grange, I i-car K; -I
Ion, it being hi- 71-1 birthday. To .-ay he
i was surnrised is tame. It knocked him
j S;eec; Je for a time, hot when he ha. I suili
cienly recovered to -peak we all felt that
: our token of esteem was fully appreciated.
I Then followed a poem, composed lor the
occasion, al-o congratulations, -peedi mak
1 i- . etc., -Mi-h a- all well ordered granges
;.,,ha,e. I
Our Iricnds ami neighbor.-, Mr. and Mrs. ! '
A. U. Shipley, have decided to go to Cor-
vuilw lo I've lor a tune. I he posilion he
has been elected to, 'hat of treasurer of the
at-'rieiiltiira! college, makes the move neces
sary. While we congraliiliite .Mr. Shiplev
1 on the honor conferred, we very much re
j grot to part v. ith him and his family. The
I church, Sunday school und grange will he
the greatest losers, as they were ul ways to
be depended on to lead the singing and
other exercises. We wish them a pleasant
future. IUzki..
that rate there will Is- no need of the liai
roiv guage In the future, not for them any
We are sorry lo report the death of Mrs,
Oscar Whitten Her remains were buried
in the Oswego cemetery.
4 f
.Ji,s Kutli and Minnie Conlcy were in
Oswego Friday.
The Oswego brass band will give their
first annual excursion this, Tuesday, ev cu
ing. Music und dancing will Is' the order
of the evening. All are invited to abend.
Mrs. H (lans lias U'en vi-iting friend-in
Astoria and Washiitiil Ihe pa-t week.
There were no er ices held at any of the
churches lu re Sunday evening.
' loo. Wigaud took a trip to Scnpoo-c Uu-t
I.eo. I'etltnger will s,m be a hr-tclu-s
t. W. l'rosser is hav ing hi- barn reiuod
The white riblsn, so.ial Thursday evening
at Mrs. I-'ishhnrn's was iitiite an erj. yabh
event. It was to have been a law n party,
but owing lo the incleijient weather it v.as
bcld in doors.
Andy Monroe and Hill Whitten have re
turned Irom the Columbia, where they
hav e been li-liing the past few months,
"Tne Watch Manufactory" Nine of port
land played the Oswego l-'lrst Nine here
.Sunday. The score stood It to ! in favor
of the latter.
'I. W. l'rosser's Friday evening socials
are ipiite a sun-ess. (J. w. knows we are a
pleasure loving community, lie lu lieves
in the proverb. "All work and no t lav
makes Jack a dull hoy."
We hear of two noted hunters
II. i'. iAloliri'Ke,
liienllis from t tins
August I.'. l-'Jl
In urn;. t Hy. wllliln u
Ute ,. llils n..ih I'sn l
J. K. Muliltls.
Atkin Saws, -:- Oliver Plows
AI-s) l oU
cRKAT Kunrcnox in
photo r. R A PS
R. Prier,
the old e.lllhe, n, relUt.l,.
I'let"lrii'tier. ,
I 'llliilK t I'liof itl'liUs. 'J per !. ,
W. S. MAIM 1.
We also cany a full line of Fishing Tin kle.
aihl - roitlainl pricis.
iivt u'i
0 tff.lD Cf t t&ii.t
V .
T"lii rear of 1'ope s h.irdw aie
Ol .
el V de-criptioll o
. itr.i iikims
I short II.. tl. e. !
ukai.fus IN
I haw on IijukI ;iu assortment of Hem;
Malliiiiisthat I will sell hclmv Cost.
going to
Store locad'il nt MtHllitaili View, on
Molalln riviitl. into milo fuulli
citHt of Orcpni City.
i We deal in l-Tonr, ( 'orn Mcnl, Feed.
liroceries oi all kinds, Hoots und Shoes,
lie Ills' Indcrweur und other styles of
U'lolhing, ami numerous other articles
Funiifmv. R-iIv Iiu--it s, Iljiiiimocks, (
(1;mip-Sto(ls mid Chairs. Tahlcs tc. at I
II I . ' F
iaini prices.
A full supply of Undertak
uooas always on hand.
I Ihe
Tnahliii and
bunt "bar ' ,
home a duck
ri'-kinit up an eastern paper we noiiee
the followiiit; "ad :'' "Wanted, to corres
pond w ith some lady between L'n and L'o v ears
old. I own P U acres of land, and id-ohave
a bank account. I am I'.'i years old, ood
lookinc, and would make nn allectionale
husband, l''or furlher particulars address
.l.f. I... 0-wc;ro, I irenoti."
The yellows have hud a withering ell'cc-t
on the Delaware peacli-groweis' dreams of
opulence. Fir.-t the crop was estimated at
;. 0,'jD5, lhenj.';:0's"),l;W, and deal f-'oldowii
as low a.s oa
Al.MosTevery week w in
in the probabilities for (
cra'.c- ctindi'iate for (lie tii,mg pre
tial ra- e. Tliere is ev ideutly a dissatisfac
tion cxUtirig among the democrats that
forebodes success for the rerullkans.
Sunny Side.
Mrs. McKinlcy has been quite sick
hut in now improving.
Johnson anil Reed arc dicing find work
with their new machine, hut am laid up
at prt'Hfctit on account of the weather.
I AlefiHrn. V olle and l ease have returned
Irotn tlieir trip to Alt, Uoou. 1 hey re
port a good time and a successful
attempt to reach the .summit.
Two bright young hopefuls undertook
to fill a lighted lamp with coal oil flu:
other evening, as a consequence they
not a
What's the mailer w ith Oregon's drl-, .1.
I..? Are they not as lmoiI asOhio idrls.
in a paper or w hich state the "ad" up
Charles Hurlman is on his ranch in
Wa-hiiifion. HkU'iN.
- new chanf.
possible demo- j are niinim hand's ami eyebtoivs,
i ffiL' mesiden-' two bit Hinue eillier.
August 11, IWll. MiA Too,
Subscribe for The Entkupkibk,
The buzz ef the threshers can now be
heard on all sides.
I'. A. Mariuam has (Traded his yard and
the street in front of his dwelling, adding
greatly lo its good appearance.
K. M. Hartiuati is making preparations to
build an addition to bis store building.
There was asocial hop at Willioil on hist
Saturday niijlit, attended by a number from
this place.
There are now some forty or lilty camps
at the Hoda Springs,
I'erry Ihivldson has his house completed
on the tract in the lower em) of town,
bought from Kobert Thompson, and has
moved into it, and is ready to work for Ihe
more successful farmers.
The building of a windmill is being agi
tated among the people of this town, a
thing which is very badly needisl, as we
have no wuter, and if a lire was to breakout
we would ail burn together.
he needs ol Ihe farmer and I
Hv prompt und fair dealing !
receive in liiliiie, as in Ihe j
,1 slnue of patioiui'c
hiehest lintrket one,, o.ii.l '
I suitable for
1 his family.
, we hope lo
' pasl, a liber
(or liulter, Kevs ami Cowls,
September 1 1, 1SIIII.
Comer of I'lonl and Morrison,
IS N'l'ICL ON Y. ItT'll.
For treiMd'.'tl rciuii'in In; hIhiuIh
without a pour. For lii'st-clusH, ru
liublo goodH 1 1 i h Kturu iH second tti
none. 'I'ry him !
Farmers, Attention.
I nil Wll
S.'IVI III. .hey
y i:ik.-n y..ur MACHINERYi1
Dr. C. P. Sullivan,
m only DRUGGISTS between Portland and
Oregon Clt7.
Carry a full line of
TIONH ANIJ llAHICMAl.t, (lo(il)S.
I'ltliSCItll'TIONH HAUI!l'tI,I,y CoMI'dllM),.-,!)
M. II. Flanagan.
.1. I'. Mill
Flanagan & Hill,
S, of Wines, blquors, Ale, ilcer. ,le., In he
round in the Htutx. in LoguK-Kaxthaiii ilLocli
(live me a call.
nil I,,,,,,,,.. -. iviAf ntn i "
TIk- IH-Ht ol' iiinti'i'iiil
tin ll trial ami Hoo if
h , i
JOUH lltti'luleil will
'no hut hkilloil litlmri'iiil1
mi' iinf an low an dm lott'wl
limit) promptly.
iiHi-il, anil
our prices
''pr'i'i'llte.l, All u'.ii'L
'"'tl. All kiutUof
Machinery Supplies Kept
" ,1,,'i-i.tii'i'it!atuig l'Hcking,
on Hand.
& CO.. lVonriciors,
cu r-ii ....
ulluUi oin ana Wntpr Rf
... . Near LuitiihA Alhrio
iNliil.likln..! lxl,i.
1 1. Ehiii,
Drayaso & Expressing
VnW lmrcelN deliven-d to all
parts of the city.
Orecrnn CAfv. Oreg
in h liiitchor s ion,
Mcnls served dnvnnd nled''' '"
'lioi.sliuinvslvle, Hide fill"1
for lad leu.
t, III on f Ii ,1m . ff ( ,