Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 14, 1891, Image 1

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f .s. K
OJtKtiON CITY, OltlCGON, Tl!J DAY, AUOUST 14, 1891.
LfAfU Hi' CI.Ai;iAAJ CUuUi'Y-
i, r. . rf4T
It te n it Hi
A Mnlli.
Anhut lumiji
cj 4, ri-litir
K. H Ufaii.li.ll
K A Wiuki
H I' I !
, . W H Nuni-frf
, . - Hniir
. , . llninlti'Ms Wa.liii.irti
, , . . Hurt.. A In
I' M '
- I It, Jnlin..
..' . I!, r ll..r.
, . A I. '.ilili
i K, M lUiiinan
", ik.U.
..uuua Co. Directory.
cmmY orKu-ifiiit.
I W Mrl.lrnm
...LIU It It J'lllllU'll
' '"' W W l fMI..t
' . t WNitl.Ml
s li t .mi
, . . J,ht , Until.
,.iliilBliiil. - 'AIM. rh.Mufc.tt
1 Mlrlnwv hn.tilt
I if i: - million
MrAliNi I M ! I K Oi;w, s , i,Hl. . ,,r
Mi M A. Nmart,
Sim I,. Cm. Ill mill.
JHr I- II IWr.lma.
Ail..,,. ..I. i.i .....1 ft. i.. i !.'...' :
jl.'lnWil,l..,.llli: ttlvoin,, ""'!'
I h"-f--.- '. .
!'.,( MiiU IIIM..K AMI I,Ali)iH
Mi "! fit-Uf ,il .,h ni.,Hib .1
K.mim li. h,,,,.,, ,.,.. A,
c, t.lfu.i.i,tmi win. Ilium, rm
fill' TAIN IIOXK CM. No 1
lMi.ttH.-,u,u.ii,Kiiul. .
i A!Mut,n !.. i)Mi j.rl,,
CAT'.A('T IIUK u. Nil 1
MlMUNNmml TllMnir n ...1, 1Mtt,
tat .Ktirnii hmi... W II. Hiri.iHfm
U, U li.l,,, j, o Ci-i.ha,Mtt.
rcoSH'AKY. riUKT Kr.HlilKNT,0..(l.
AtmtKif.riiiirl M.lli lliiuritrlllnllil,
"'l. H..,.ii.t l,,i.ii,. m,tii, St. i
Mi'iiilnji n(- ii ui.,uiii,
B rrii, . . . -.UIb
J '",l - ytrnl l.txiiifiiaiit
I, r l(.lil. . . HwuimI ,im.ut
('hrla MH.fiutf
('..riwllui Hair
,nn p.llla dial M"U'I" In No
. ...i... u....,lav lit Ai.rtt.
,u i.-ut lu aaaatut) lial MU.la III MuB
ll.iilrt HiimiU ta a.lli1y
oHwim rrv 'frcMi
I. iiilllfau
I. I. r.nwr
r . f , K. I'haf man
!.vi.l Wolat. I' lluwi il
rt( . MMiicl anailh
... 'dank Kiglar. J, NWa. i
, J.aira WIItM. ' l UlnUialla,
. ..in.!. I u iunnall l T. f
... .... ,.
. ....... N.mh a at A H .tvr. M.
... ..iu ...iili, i u) A H C V
ii. a a..i-i
I'll, lu M.-lalla, MUllno. I'alut an.)
U.vi. al luwi a ki MoaOay.
.n.l In. I.i. au.l laiuiut al lutVa m.
I u f.i Mltta. laraa. niiun. niM
I Vlr.'loW lna: lnaa al !'
H..H..I., an.) Mlui.U). ali i 1 1.111111.
'ii.i Uy , ,
tiociety Directory.
.ioX UIV (HiAKII or THAl'K
.1 C..111I llila llm'uua TuJ)r lU
Ih Vl.lll.la MrlMlttt
N ll.lmilS. 4- t AW".
.., rts.i.ifui.
i i.i i k i.ioKi.r v I' -i it
.iiiirit ball Hi Mai.j.l.m, ib.I al
i ii m..iith al lu a. in. W.iutif
in J. It Willi K.
I l,HV lUIAIill Ol' I li Vl'K
il Kulghl. Hail l ali'.y " "ll all.l
I. ) ..I .a. Il noMllll I.H..I. acli'i.llio.
M 0 , K Kl'.lll, l'fv
....., '
mi 1 1 I .iiM.k, s . K 1'
nr.) ffl'lar lil!lil al M.'lilr hall
ki,i i,l. li. ) K M II .. '
i. M ..I Ii aii.l x
."M III l.nlu.l . Nil. I. A V A A M
ii ii t iUi ..mutmitr,ali.ii i Hi"'
i ...t. it.lM. of I'a. li iin.lilli al I". "
II. .uiti.lliia at In. Hi1. 1 allcli.l
w, i: i nl I , M .
1 ti AN.
I hIm.K. I i ll. r. N" s
.... I fiir..iay prrn ..a al ? nl'M-k
ll.r n,l. Vi,..' Hail. Malll U'H-l.
.1 Hi,, in.1. t tc III v' In HU'IhI.
l ,1 A M..Hrl..ii. N ii
I Ii..., hr'li. "rf ri-larf.
(Si vVII MhM. . I l " '
!; an. I llili.l 1 ,i...t.inl aai'li ni-iilh.
hill M.n,l,..r. ali.l vl.lllnil
,. r.lll) linll.-J Ll altrli.t.
,M v i II 1 I .
s.-Mi't lili'l I'alllan-li.
.....i l.ui.i.K. .So ui. I, i . '
il ii.l.l Cvllnw hall, ii.wi'it'i. rvrrr
.iriiiiin Vi.HllK .l.llnll Iliaile
II li. N1l!HMiH, , li-
I I !.,!
'.! l.iiliiiK, Ml '!. I II ! T
. r; .ai.ii.ia' v.xiiImii al K ii In in' hall
itlli,l mnnlii'ra aiay. ln.l '!
W KI . KlUlia, . !' T.
Sunday Services.
llltri- CONiiKKO ATION At. rHill. hiav
n w In.., CaMur hi,iii,. i k, M4
1i l m.,,., M,.l,i ntt,,t rn.itmi
I'tr,--!!..!., Umi.Iii A a,liir.,M)r b,t.Milf at
f m.n-iwK. lr.r rtu'wiua nl vuu. '.,,.,, .
H.wluiy nl I I.H.u.i, ku,t,avii ., HiiiuUV
It-Ill.,, (in ,,nlii,
H'l.- HACflir I'HCIirll -Hv (inn.
l'l C.....I U.iMllUI Hrlvlca al l Hn.y
kVh.aii at I J l,i, KiKiiHm aaivlea al, Idnular
oiiriilal llivllalli'h In alt
HI liill.UH I III Kl ll CATIIOl.ll' -K A
HtU .., Ia.'.ur. (Ill Mmi.lay ma.aal a alxi
lu au a, . Ki.ij ., ml ami luuiih M.m.l.,
liaiman aarutun altar tha a u'nliK'a ma.i.
At ait mtiet nuMi Kitgli.ti arrmmta. ttumlay
a. ii,.l at i m r V.t.i. au.il.aiiral
uliKcia. a ii. I nif,1lrll..ii al 7)r n,
MKIHlllilrlT kl'lal OI'AU CHCKl ll.-K
J.,N faaaio. 1'a.iur. Mirnlii .rrrlra al II,
auu-Lf HrbKil al U li, Kruliiarvlca at 7 Hi.
r.iima iau Hiaviiiig Hiiii.iajr avanliif at
tuaror maftlii(i t.ltiiila, avanliitf. Muuiltl
l'u0iialil Mretlli avoir WtHltit.la; avriilua
prfc.ln II, Rial rl,ili,l., lu lilt Uinlllll. A
hi, .,.r MVaUni llnir.,. tliln al 1 JU.
atraiifta p,f.iiii tuviti.ii
mar fhrriHvUKU- riifm'H.-Hv. o
iiiuB. fa.inr. narvlrm al II a. au.l
7 M r lialilMilh Hrb..l al lu a. M. Yuiin
Faupla'a rA.wivi uf l ariatlau KitgaTitf matt
avarr iuuilai availing al a W vVlliaiay
vanltit tirr maoltni al 1 u, H.t. Iim.
Kv4ui.n l Chi ai u -Kcv, J. M. fralaa, nl
lit Kvali(rliial Afc'lllin, will h'll wrvlr
alf'ilMi Mall vr, Humlar al II A M llimo,"
uml Huulv Kl,lei. l.viui.u al,l,lh fc auul
avrrv n.iii.l.r at ID A M.
I'M I Ml hUKIIIHKS (HI Itl'll -rlrv R.
Millar, l.t.il K.rtlr. Or.l auj llillil dilU'laf
III 'h m..iilh al Mal Uti. at II oclnck a
m : awouii aiiniUjr al Miuniaiu linm at 11
o'ctorh a. in ; lourlh Hmi'lay al llrmii
arh.H.1 bun al 11 a m. Iiiliar aiHiluliiiiiu
lllinl)tt(.r.l lr t ilm In llm.
Jlolleil Dims ii tor tiie Kiliiirulion
ofTlic H n to i i l n Hi' ii ilfrs .
Tin-: iii iioi ii u ii
4 li-ri linil u b falii-lvril unit
. Hlilliii) lid tl. (aliwiil
" iiril-lli.ti'tr.
Profesaionnl Cards.
H H UH-tlHilHH
A . miuin
Phillips &CillirtBham,
ltrl YMnU igfitl itt4 t:inilitticiil
I'tMitiuti (urlali(l or Ih'Ii ai'tiril kl
fiiimMli irti-M. Iluve iliminililn linu
ul ri'I i,UU. iS'i'iiinl Coot In mloll!i c,
(livii.it Citv
y M. ItANHH.
UN S hllANCH. Nn. f. K n( A.
lu.'..Uy inilillnl al liii'ir u
tin ami li'lilh Htrri'l.. "ii'lC'ti "J
W. hi l.l.t V A f. I
MM t.n K , Mi.t ,'.
M V I K A W. 1' T I'. , ,
'lr. M.,iit,y lii imii'Ii liinnlhal Ini'lr
' tr, r'ni'ii'l" HiiT.iii. mi' l
T. will Mn. i ' A 11 K V J,.IS-li.
IM iS. I'lL.ttliMit.
I'IMI'. N.l."'?.'. Mi ll K ii S ttilliliMKS.
n il all, I an-., li, I Tiiiiwlaf "I ai'li
' ..-Im,,. Hull.
I,. It. .Usriiiv, Clirk.
1-1 1 II Y J.'ilXiK Ol AO V. W.
"rry wrnii.t ami li.ilrth rrlilay ivru
'll in,, lllli 111 Oilil Ki'lli'W"' Inillilllilf.
.tnn,( liruthrcn cm. Hull) ItivUml tn at-
I AM. W 1 1 , K I N i N . M w j
MA1 liiliiiK, Nil M, A 0. V W.
"I ami llilr.1 Muliilny III rarh lllnlith.
"I . Hall Vl.l.lllH liri'llli.ril wi n imio.
miniin, I.. t.JiiNa.
K. M W-
AVKI. l.ninlKr ??. "Vi, A O. I'. W.
IV inrailnv nvull III HI Milk-'"'
VI. Ill,, j I, mlh, r. ina.li Wi'lonine.
W. U. Hit A H Hi V. M.
iHitini.K, Itoi'iirilnr.
"Nil".'" i :i i ft k 1 1 . r i a iia a iT-
"ml ami fnitrlli I nihility bvuiiIhk"
'I KulKhta ut i'ylliln hull
,1. I'KAaK, Onirltv
K. I'AiNTitiiHi-i.riiliiry
H"l l it r..IH.K. N.i. t!,"itiNM llf
vitv Niiniliiy nt 'J o'clock p. m. ill
'l' Hull. Kllttll llANHNKIiKH, I'm.
Ai.nitiiT Htm.i.iNii, H.-r'y
I.AI.l.A (iltANilK, NO. W, I', nl II,
"MlH'Irhall nt Wrlnlit'a Hrlilun nil Hie
siui,iv ,,l iiacli in, . mil at lx a. '
'"''iiilmra Hiinlii wotrnlii.
, Iliet iiKN VVhhiiit, Mimtur.
"AHNAI.I, Kl'll,
"ll'IN (IliANiiK, Nil, 111,1'. ol M.
l Hutu r.l.iv ,.l in, illtll Hi tllUlr
WIIm,,,, vtl), 1(. 11, 1IKNBY,
'''A MH,. Mnc'v. MllNltT,
tltNKIt liltANtlH, Nn "117, l'.oi II.
: '""I iiitltrilily n( I'lli'll liliilltll, itl Ml"!
'HW Km. .1, ('ml'i, Mnalor
K. C. aluil.l.K'k, Moi-'y.
I'O.ST, N,.J."7i A, It.. UKl'AKTMKNf
or oitKuoN.
Iful 1'il.luy i.( Ii immlh, at 7:!I0
'I'M hvilnwa' Hull, ori'ifnti :it v
t'liU. A. IIAHUINU, UuiiimauJiT.
notauv li'iujo, hkvi. );.-r.vi i;
i.ruNt i:.
omrr. lth lh' Wlllaiiimn. I'alU Itivc.tmi nt l'"
Oiu,. hi llty, Oii-if.'tt.
U I'll Ml. II,
AtlaTHAI t r rrHt II IIMiHKI..
(Illn-otwii h.r li ..itllli'i., Orvitnll Clly
j, a tin," HKii"i "ii T i"i"
ItiKKKNHItol'iill A; flittl.Mi.
AII'i'llNi-YM AT I.A.
Allt'a.... I.i'f,". V l.mi.t "("''laity.
- - . ....I i . I' tt Uixl nltli'..
I 'llll I' pn'in" ,''.' ' "
,. t,ll!t,ll. o
t n-it'iii
oltKiioN CII'Y.- -
tillNMoS A 1 ll. KM AN
c-.iiri.-r Kiithlh ami M ilu .liwU. OruS'in Clly
-1 11. A IL I' UTOt'ltririK,
An'tn;Ni:vs am
, CiirNSKl.tiKS AT I.AW
HA IN IHKi;T, tlllKlli'K ('IVY , OltrtlnN.
ruriiMi Ahlr.n-I7rnili, Mail M.inr-y. Fnni
I'l... U..rl...i'a, "'! "-""""''t li"'"'rl
U UiiKlnrKH.
T. A. m iiiiii'it.
A. . II 11 K Kit-
Jlllltll'K I'lllMKIl
omi'dliiJnKKS' Illl,'k'
W.T. Ht'HNItV,
OrPK'iii CI')
J. W. IllCAl'KH.
f - Oregon
TivkHt. vi-itra iniwrli'tii' "Ji roulatiT nl llm .
Kira t..
lit tha Ki'imral Inml iiWif.
1 11. HYK,
Omi'i'uvor Ori'Kiin Clly Hunk.
0, 0. llltl'WNKI.I.
OKKni'N i iii, , ,.,,. .,.
llllllllftClllll1 U....-V.
Job Work done on short notice
at this Oil ice.
8ahahicia, A. H. The rult of tlie
imitit Kinfurttiiw cf the ruiiruMtiilntivei
of tliu varium clntitinruiio fiU;mAi hum
In Hint Pttviil P. Hill lift Imwii titially
fiUrMliudcd to furigu lii attililliim Bui
atnU hi I'olillrul ftittiicon nnuthcr t
Umijit to iictimjil Itlitiiwlf am HiitiHior;
Uml iinliiii of tliu fnrei'H lian lint. n iitttie
Umn Hoawvll I', Flnwnr aa the demo
erullc iitmiiiiBe for liovcrniir: tlmtOrover
C'Idvc-UihI U to Iks alii-lvi'il ami llmt the
I'uiuli lulu fur 'tliu national (li'iinn'raiif
ii'iii'liiiill-iii In 1H!I2 Ih to m ex-Stc'rftff
of tlia Nhvy Wliitney . . .
Nliiry HllnU u ludlii.
Iikimin, Aui(. H. Tliu iiowh of nuirva
tlon in 1 niliu, eimiltiK on top of 81 r Jolt it
(iomt' rrriilntiiiti oftlie In lian eatuto
luia oaiiKcil a painful luiprcriaion among
llm tiiinrul imlilic, It la fi-lt tliat funu
tlmig la railically wronK, anil that the
Iniiian H'lVi riuiii'iit liaa fnilnl In itadutjr
to iiruvi.le auaiimt luiiilne. Tliia coup
ilii! with tun irowx)iilloii' of a native
lournal for rfl-tini on tlia Imltan itov
enitiient, haa niaila but It the Martuia of
I.aiiiili) nt and tlie viacount the mbject
of aovere comment. The avntenve of
ileal ti in the cane of the Manlpur prin
ct'aa liaa not yet been carried out.
i'i-am the lilac I'raiaipa.
Waiiinotok, Aui, 7. The aecrntary
of the trvaaury haa been advlaed of a
bold attempt to be made title muirtli to
rub the treasury by a itrotiK and 'di-ter-tnliied
band of men orgaiiiMd that
purpuce. The plan la to aUrt fire in
variotu parte of the city for tW puriKieo
of divert inn the atlentton ut the police
and then overpower the'treanury watch
men and loot the money vaulta. The
information in k'vuii In a letter aiKiiod liv
the "King of the Trampe," who la said
to lie the leadur ol the band. The hitter
aa rvli-rruil to the captain of the watch,
wi'.li itiKtrui'tionato give virtitum proper
reis'ptiou. - ' ' ,
ItrinL Un llcr Itnln.
Ci.vriNNATi, Aug. V, Mra. Nellie
Webb, an aged and wealthy widow, of
I otiirtvilli, Ky., committed Riticide at the
('otli'iii Hill Hiiiiltariuin. llcr family are
I'lVniiiii'iit people of I.onirivillo. She
Wit a vii li'iii of drink and wus phu-cd
the BHiiltaritim. IK'prtvcd of her
KitiiiiuliintK hIiu duveliiietl a iiicIhii-
clu'ly tendency. I.ust nielli hIio went
into the litilhrootii. lockirtl the door,
threw herwlf in a tub and turned on
the water. The overflowing water ut
Irui ted the attention of the iitteniliints.
Au entrance waa for,ed into the rooiu,
nn. I nlie wus found dead fi'in dornwing.
A llriiiiK'io '! .Murder.
Sin Kkamhimio, Aug. tl. Williiini
Kiiritliiiul, an employ of tho. 1'itcilic
I'inc I , ii uil r coiiitiiiii y, while piiMfling
thhrntigli the yard at the corner of Fol
hiiiii and Stimrt HtreetH yesterdtiy morn
ing, ilirteovered hetween two piles of
liiiulicr, the dead body of a man lying
dice downward over a atriugur, with bin
throat cut from ear to ear. A blood
stained razor, tiuhlly clutched in the
right hand, indicated that the deceiined
had committed' euicido. The body is
now lying at tho morgue awaiting idou
tiliciitiiin. I rl il lo I.IkIM u l ice Ilia il
Kkihunu, Aug. 11. A lii-yeai-nld
daughter of Dick Cullict, a miner living
at Htuiiip ranch, between Kedding and
Shunt, while trying to light a tiro with
coal oil last evening, was dangerously
burned by tho can exploding. The
chances of her recovery are doubtful.
Tho children burned here last evening
are both dead.
I'Ioi-Mu'ki Noiiiilorlnl I'.leclloii.
iai.i.aiiali.kk, I'Ta., Aug. 8. The gov
ernor this morning announced that,
inasmuch as a quorum of the Florida
senate did not participate with the house
in tho joint asembly May 20, it is his
opinion that Call was not elected United
States senator, and therefore he cannot
certify lie is elected.
W iie'N lloii lblc Ikciilli.
Kii'on, Wis., Aug. 1). Mrs. William
Dinger, of this place, took three ounces
of Paris green early this morning. Then
sho went to an out houso and cut hoi
selt in tho stomach w ith a razor. She
lived four hours. She had (jnaroled with
her husband n few days before.
Mill Amillier OowwliiK Acehleiil.
Ukkai.oosa, la., Aug. (I, A central
Iowa train, at a crossing this afternoon,
crashed into a buggy, in which wore
John I.aiigstall" and four children. All
the occupants were injured. Two child
ren will die.
OhkIu-iI i Iki'lllll hi a llurar.
IIkooki.in, N. Y,, Aug, . John Un
n'k, age (oily, a teainesler employed by
I Ih'1 I'ljople's (iuslight ('oinptiny, and
bin foiii-yiiar-old ron, TIioiiiiih, were
luiiii.i.i it deal! by a horie in the
oonipany'a atables this iiiorriing t'nim'k
hud gone with his little hoy to feed the
horn, which altttckeJ them both, and
In-fore ansiatance could an ive both had
been thrown and their heads crunlicd to
The Supt-rlnlf uilrnt of Ko elgn Mall,
Ilrcmki, TelU Hhat Vtiu Dune.
Waniiinoton, Aug. , Cupt. T'.rooka,
luperliitniident of the foreign mails, has
Jtmt returned from Vienna, where lie
was in attendance as a delegate to the
international postal convention. There
M'-ri), he says, delegate's present from
every civilined country In the world ex
"t the Transvaal and Natal. Captain
l.rookrt Ill-lie vt that bv the time the next
convention, which meets here in 18!I7,
is held that every civilized country on
the globe will lie, In the union. The
principal event of the Vienna conven
tiou was the admission of Aoatralian
countries. They agreed to come in Oc
tober of this year, provided the inter
national postal rates are not reduced.
They Claimed they could not stand a re
duction. The present rate between this
country and Australia is 12 cents, and
from that country to this 6 pence n half
ounce. Under the union the rate may
be any where from 5 to 10 cents a half
ounce. This country will at once reduce
the ratos to 5 cents. Australia may keep
its rate at 10 cents, but it la likely it will
reduce it at once to Scents. Another
matter of interest included in the treaty
ia the I'liamie lu the size of sample pack
ages of merchandise which maybe sent
through the mail to and from countries
in the anion. The present treaty limit
such package! tolx4x2 inches. Thenew
treaty increase the limit to 12x8x4, al
most double the old limit.
roLmc-t am) itunimss.
A Scheme lo Make Carter Secretary of
tile Interior and .funnel Harrison
a Senator.
KrJ'ACi,, Aug 10. A political intrigue
of national interest came to the surface
in Washington today. "I'rirlce" Kucsel
Harritton, tiVneral Clarkson, president
of the national republican league, and
Coumiiaaioner Carter, of the general
land office are credited with being the
patties to the political conspiracy that
w ill create something of a iurotew hen
the details become public. This intrigue
has for its main object the retirciurnt of
Secretary Noble from the interior depart
ment and the elevation of Commissioner
Carter to his position, l.a'i-r on, if
the first move succeeds, Kussel Harrison
is to be made senator from Mon
tana in place of Thomas li. Tower.
There are politicians who believe that
Chukson will succeed in his design of
forcing Harrison to accept Nobel's resig
nation, and also that he will be success
ful in securing Carter's appointment in
view of the intlneitce that "l'lince"
Kussel Harrison wields with his father.
In return for "l'ri nee" Kussel' work in
behalf of Carter the latter is credited
w ith a willingness to use alLhis influence
in Montana in securing a Harrison del
egation in 1st)-, and the elevation of
"1'rincc" Kussel to Tower's place in
the United States senate. It has all
along been supMised Carter would try
for Tower's place himself. It is believed
now that he will work lor the
"Trince," hoping to retain a cabinet
position during Harrison' second term,
provided lie gets it .
A lMiori'cil lluilntii.il lojuiiol Anil
IllNllllllly Kit led lJ Hi Soil.
Si'iiiiliirMUclii ll Aikcd t" Help Major
.Mckinley In Ills Ifiueror the
United Wales Kenator John II. Mitch
ell is just in receipt of a very kind invi
tation to stump Ohio for Major McKinly
this fall. It i from the republican state
committee and ia signed by Chairman
William M. Habu and Kecretary W. H.
Matthew. It follows:
. Coi.t ktiit's, Aug. 5.
The republicans of Ohio would tie very
glad to have you Bieak in the campaign
in this state, which shall open about
September 1. The iiniiortance of the
campaign and the necessity for a repub
lican victory you will appreciate. We
are to have a hard fight and the enemy
is alrerdy at work. I assure you that
your acceptance of this invitation will
be appreciated, not only by the commit
tee, but by major McKinley, our candid
ate for governor. We would like all the
time you can give ; and will you please
indicate such dates as we can assign
Senator Mitchell may not be able to
go to Ohio, but if he can spare the time
he will.
Ad rices Received From the Special
Commissioner Sent to Brazil.
Washington, Aug. 9. The burean of
American republic i in receipt of in
formation from Lieutenant Sawyer. U.
S. N., special commissioner of the world'
far to Brazil, which would indicate that
great interest is manifested by the
northern province In behalf of the
world' Columbian exhibition. The
governor of Tar a, Beno Lairo Saidio.
received Lieutenant Sawyer and the
Hrazilian commissioner, who were ap
pointed to accompany him, with great
cordiality, and placed at the disposal of
the commissioners a room In the palace
where they are to do their work and re
ceive collections, which may be sent
from the upper Amazon part. The
governor was of the opinion that ad
ditional commissioner should be ap
pointed by Brazil because of the enorm
ous territory to be prospected, and the
convenience of making shipments to
Para. Later on the governor appointed
ten prominent business men so that now
the commission consists of twenty
memliers, nearly all in close business
relations w ith the up country merchants
and planters. The provinces of Para
and Amazon promises a superb collec
tion of all their products, and it would
appear that the boards of trade in Para
and NanoB are determined to throw their
iurlucnce in the direction of trade with
North America
Tin: ir a i us i cini.i.
A 'oiiiilriU'j Siiild to llavr Ili-i'n
IMm'oi cti'il lo lllow I i Hill-iiai-i-ilitN
Sen Vowel.
Cincinnati, Aug. 9. About 8 o'clock
this morning, Charles Nietnnn, aged '20,
shot and killed George Nieman, his fa
ther. Nieinnn had been divorced from
bis wife, hut still lived in tho same house
with hor and their children. Ho had
frequent quarrels with his divorced wife
and her family, and the tragedv was the
culmination of one of these disputes. He
came down after the boys had risen, and
while they were dressing demanded that
the door be opened, which was done.
The old man entered the room and began
to abuse his son. and finally assaulted
him. The boy's mother interfered, but
was roughly pushed aside by the di
vorced husband, and fell to the floor
in a swoon, The old man pushed the
son out of the room, and backod him
down stairs. At the foot of the stairs is
a yard. So soon as he reached the bottom
step Charles stepped buck, and draw
ing a revolver tired, killing his father
instantly. The boy was arrested, but he
takes the arrest very quietly.
filiiipciiMition Ikciiimuled.
London-, Aug, 8. Owners of the ships
Strivtlioain, liirdstown and other British
vessels, demanded compensation from
the Chilian government for harboring
refugees during the attack of the con
gressional forces of Pisague.
London, Aug. 9. Startling informa
tion is in posession of the Chilian lega
tion in reference to a conspiracy to
destroy the two iron dads President
Pinto and Krrazuriz. It appears that
the sum of t';!000 was offered to an
Knglish maritime otlicer in the service
of the Chilian government, if he would
undertake to blow up Err.uuriz. He
refused the oiler with indignation.
While the viwel was in the harbor
of Lisbon suspicions boats were seen
approaching on several occasions at
night but the careful lookout of the
vessel kept them at bay. There was
no doubt a purpose to explode the vessel
at J.isbon. While the Ptesidente Pinto
w as at Toulton a party of men attempted
to join the crew. They as unlike ordinary
sailors, two of them being unable to con
ceal their refinement of manner, that
suspicion was arrouaed and the com
mander concluded to reject them, al
though in need of men. Proof afterward
came to his knowledge that the men bad
been engaged to sink the ship. There
is no reason to believe that the running
aground at Toulon was owing to treach
ery. The commander was so convinced
of this that he sent a report to that
effect to Tuns. Tho Errazuriz is already
safe at sea, and it is understood that
the l'uito will soon follow, and that their
arrival in Chili will put an end to the
Will lNolule the I uiti il Silatos.
Bkiiijn, Aug. 9. The North German
tlazette semi-oliieialy declares that tier
many intends to conclude commercial
treaties with all the powers, including
France, insisting that all Europe must
combine in self-defense against America.
The article asserts that Germany will
aim at isolating the United States com
mercial! v rather than France.
W KAMI Kit Rfcl'OitT
U.S. I'agne'a Crop-iVentlier ItiillctlB
fnrflie Week Ending Saturday,
A n go it 8,
The temperature has been from Z to
degree a day Mow the average for the
week. On Tuesday and Wednesday
thunder storm were quite general and
rain fell, especially in the Willamette
valley and along the coast; lain also fell
on Thursday and Friday, while today 1
clearing weather and warmer. The rain
fell was heaviest ill Multnomah anil
Columbia counties and gradually de
creased to the south, especially south of
Marion county ; south of the Calapooia
mountains less than 15tb of an inch of
rain fell. In the northern part of the
Willamette valley about 7,rth of an
inch of rain fell; in a few sections hail
fell on the 5th.
The rain did no material damage to
the wheat crop; moch of the fall wheat
was cut and in shock, ready for the
thresher, and all the damage done was
the delay which will crowd fall wheat
threshing and spring w beat cutting close
together. There are a few reports of
wheat having fallen, but this is practi
cally nothing. A continuation of the
rain would have caused the wheat to
sprout; the clearing weather was most
timely. Threshed wheat in Polk and
Yamhill counties has been averaging
from 25 to 40 bnsbWs per acre ; oat also
yeilced well. In some section plowing;
for summer-fallowing ia in prog res. The
rains were of great benefit to root crops,
gardens, pasturage and young orchards,
and bad a tendency to destroy and cause
a cessation of the ravages made by tbe
bop louse and codlin moth. The four
days rain was mot unusual for this
season of the year, but fortunately no
damage was done and good results from
it are expected.
The temperature haa been consider
ably below the average tor this season of
the year. The weather ha been cloudy
and general showers prevailed on Thurs
day and Friday, ranging from 4th of an
inch at The Dalle, 7th of an inch at
Heppner, and 33d of an inch at Baker
City. In the Blue mountains in Union
Wallowa and Baker counties snow fell
on the night of the 5th. The tempera
ture was so cool that fires were necessary
in the house for comfort. ........ ...
The rains delayed harvesting and
threshing for two days; no damage was
done to the wheat by the rain, though it
did some damage to the hay crop east
and south of the Blue mountains. In
Wasco county from Dufur to The Dalles,
the wheat is shrunken and tbe yield ia
poor; some smut is to be found ; in other
sections the wheat yield is good. In
Gilliam county there is some rust. In
Morrow county tbe wheat is yeilding
even better than was expected. In Uma
tilla county the yield is better than for
many years. Wallowa, Union, Baker,
Crook," Grant and other interior counties '
have excellent prospects.
The Oregon State Fair.
The prospects for a good State Fair
were never &o flattering as they are this
year The Premium List has been re-vii-ed,
and in many important points the
prizes have been increased . Tho entres
in tbe Speed Department are the largest
unit the best in tbe history of the fair.
The State Fair is under the manage
ment of the State Board of Agriculture,
and over $15,000 in cash is offered in
tiremiunis for exhihits of stock, poultry,
agricultural products, fruit, etc., works
of art and fancy work, and for trials of
si eed . Tho board is making every prep
aration foi a great, meeting. Many
valuable improvements have been made,
and the grounds have been cleared up
and greatly beautified. Electric and
horse-car lines now run t'rom Salem to
ttie grounds. All persons wishing- a
premium list for tbefair of 1801, can ob
tain it by addressing J. T. Gregg, the
secretary, at Portland, Oregon, or Geo.
W. Watt, assistant secretary, at Salem.
The fair begumon the 14th of September,
and vill last one week. Send for a prem
ium list and prepare something for ex
hibition this year.
Arbitration AK-1 1'or.
Maiiuui, Aug. 9. The imperiale says
President Balmuceda and the leaders of
the Chilian insurgents have appealed
to the' Spanish government to net as
arbitrators and end the w ar.
I'm- Over 1-Nirty Veiii'n He Hits
llceii on Hie Federal llcncli.
San Fransisco, Aug. 9. Judge Ogden
Hoffman died early this morning at St.
Luke's hospital, of paralysis of the
heart, lie has been ill with heart
trouble since April 2, but at times so far
recovered as to be pronounced cured.
Friday another attack set in and this
time proved fatal. He was unmarried
and had always lived at a club. He has
been federal judge shue March, 1851, a
term of over forty year. No other liv
ing United States judge has been on the
bench for so long.
Shells FrcJii the Sea.
Ablone, limpets, sea urchins, and sea
moss albums, petrified wood spar and
specimens ot wood. Also paper man
ufactured from Oregon cotton wood.
Address with stamp, for particularsto
Pacific Coast Soi venib Co. Clatskanie
Oregon .
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