THIS liNTERTRISL MAYS 1 ROM BAR'.OWS. 411 IK, I'liWI-hef .nr.Kr.m v.. nml lr-lotr. THE Fill ST IMIU-r'i I! WKIV HI). hail o mi;o mtnt:it Ki:roitT. KKIO.VY, Alul'sT T, IS'.U. ! ill" SHIp.nrM-. I rvoiul hi: i i; vim: livuMon ot lute Im nmi , ! lv l p; wf the tat a t tho lv( j kh:'.,I in vvlnoli to imiUo C.e various' KlKsr M v;i. Uko' n.- iv.iu.'ic t lilio lueir ti!Uhidww!o'' t tli ni'ttly Hp..iitio.l im a lov r ol n.ieivM man now i;n,ows, i. e:voi mi '.lie iKlicvvm tr'i 1 1 i c'Hiiuion n 1muiM Uw-nlwu Mi. t'..)!!i -:i' m.s lrv: a ' .-oi'.it'.ie ':l, i".,l IV, VlWiv'H'l in ' i,i t.ii'i;i i; ite li'ne in.etoi ! in V.'-; 'uifts wll.ll .1 Cutt l.Ve.vily Moi.ev iidei an J iij .'. ! I A '.1IH1 . where ; a liviiii;. K mid lmii.1 lu. Jul I. .is e rial ,i i'ea ii it. hut VvT new count- j u tiles lime to vni;;;le to .i.l p.iy liijih t.ies to o; n I hn ;:s ami county Imilil-1 u-;?!, loiii; lor.ii Uviilis the most econom ical way in whiea to raise t lie money to carry wit the necessary pulilir improve ments.. Bonds can be lloated at a very low ra'.e of interest, and when they nialure the wealth of the people has increased to such mi extent, that their payment is made wii i no'.slitp to any person. "The Portland Teleitra a thinks the next legislature should pass a law allowing eouaties to dun! tlieir debts, thus making ag vat saving of interest. The Telegram umi'iurcclly is vainest In its advocacy ami thinks it svs a leiietU in such a law (or the people vf tiie counties, hut really t'nre is no benefit obtained Iroiu this ivut On its fat" bonded indebtedness would seem to be the mot economical, b'lt the fact is a people can better afford to pay themselves eight. and even ten per cent interest, than nay to eastern or foreign capitalists live or six percent., a (ue ease niav reouire. Of course with individuals tliis truth docs not hold gmxl, Imt so far as it applies to counties and towns it is entirely a fact. If the legislature lould or would give to each county the it.'ht to issue script in denominational amounts, say in one, two, rive, ten and t wenty dollar pieces, drawing four, six or eight per cent, interest, to an amount which vvould cover the county indebtedness, and running expenses for one year, limiting the issue to live percent, of the taxable wealth if the county, the people would be greatly bei.vnte-i I a v itv found for meeting cu.nity oblijt ni lis uuio. would be expens ive, vonseivati.e ant ileciueuly practical. This scri, t bjuUi in ti'is way gointocir Culali.i.i, and its interest earning power, between its issue and the time it would be redeemed in money or its equivalent by the county would enable it to pass at or above par In all ordinary transactions in the .-ounty. It would be looked upon as a good investment, and local people, with saving propensities, would soon make use of it. Through regular channels every taxpayer would have a cnance to secure during the year, enough of it to meet his annual -county taxes, in lieu of cash. It would in crease the circulating medium ami be the m"-i'is of keeping much money at home ro,v paid to outsiders and others because of the wav in which script is blunderingly, aw kwardiy and expensively issued at the reent time. Of course capitalists, bankers, irokers and their admirers ure expected to turn up their noses at this plan, but those whj earn their living, in addition to hav ing to earn the livings of others, owing to certain "siiial privileges," will ti in I relief trom this idea if it wa put in operation in all ot the counties of the state. The Tele gram is requested to give it a thought, even ii u feel i -.ille d on to admit, in its dignified and nu:!:;olitaii style, that it emanated tioni an obscure country puoer.' " Is re, nr. i to the decline in the price of steel no:- and tin plate the Philadelphia Prj-.s -.i; that the price of steel rails fell from 170 to K) from SPXi.To a ton to f!1.75 a ton, or eoii.-iderably more than two-thirds of the price twenty years ago. The pri e of tin plate in 1ST0 was 5.11 cents a pound. The price in KK) was 3.07 ec. .is a pound. Instead of a reduction of 70 per cent., a in the case of steel rails, this is a i,.duct!,,ii of but 37 per cent. ; barely halt as much. Steel rjils are made in this country. Tin plafe is all made abroad. A heavy duty built up competition in this country in the ca -1 rails. 1'ntil the McKinley tarilt, the duty "ii tin plates was "for revenue old..," in d practically prohibited the man nf.'" -tore i till plate. If steel rails had had a let- d'.fc. and we wcm emitted to an Eng li, . 'i, : i; . a in the case of tin plate, they ii'loi ho sent di tn this t'uil tK. M i il Ti t. i.-i l. S, lVunc'it ('top. llcnti or llulicili, r.r tlto M ct'k I'ti'llii,' Num. tiny, August I. j WtM'MIN OKI.UON V; Alilt.'U. Tlu !. I'c I'll t";'o!T. i vvock luis I con wutn , ihoitidt lliero lias ;li,ct' Nui.v, ! liocn an iih-ciii o o( oi'c-sivo'y vvnrni Idavs The ii iiviuni li iiipct' lUin' ian,e,l Viie llisl in -ill i 1 " , l 1 ucgives; n o iniiiiuium i.,w , , ,,, , loin mo ringed fiom ii'i lo dc- i - ... . . Titos lay last, .''C.s Wlli'il t'ie oit.iV t vIIVon, 1 iio vv nos have In'cil goneiallv I nmttiorlj unit of llgln voh'o, ty, tin the j IlOili a few iliops ol i,un , :, in aoe'lciiH ,,i I.. ! ., i' i .., .rt. r, ii.,.,ii.., .e.l tli.iil L.?"!iu 1 'lllll'. Ii r e talleu no lower, and would now 1 it on. or con -iderul'ly more tdan t'H'ir piesei.t price. Jf tin plate had duty nl;i enocgh to create domestic lis. they wiitild have been as Ion '.;., as steel rails, or l.SJ cents ner in ' instead of 3.'l7 cents. Yd ilicre are ioi,le who think that pro tection does not pay. he : tWK lit ' pound A fio-,e! .vay of destroying the iiuniencc t.'ai.o.-, ol rickets that are pas-dug over the eas;i-ru portion of Hartley eo'inty at the present time bus been adopted by thestock m.. of that section. The Harney Times reports that they drive a large herd of sheep, several thousand in number, to where the cii. 't ts are about to do damage, and by driving them hack and fourth across tli.j i, ue of march the little chirping insects ara totally annihilated by the hoofs of the Mcmii y quadrupeds. However, it is only nct.:.-sary to kill a few acres of tiie foremost of i be crickets, as the rest of the bund will nto,i on 1 devour the deceased before con tin .Iff tl..-ir onward march. It n.iuires one .'i"!."t aljout three days to consume a oca ! comraue, anil he will not leave until he has ,.o;i ),h ;ed his ta-ik. Tn,. ci'y of'Kiigene has decidei toahan d,i the Willamette river as their source of Wat;;' supply and will sink large wells from vvhicn the water will he pumped into a reservoir ,'rom which the city will be sup plied. Tliev expect to be able to secure an ample supply suflinicnt for years to come of pure cold water, and are feeling exhultant to i.. i.i.i Die days for drinking the warm, in. i -d water of the Willamette is short. The ujy is not far distant when Oregon City will ,.i.ase using water from the Willamette ar-i 'II bring her supply from theClac ka." ? river, whose, headquarters are fed by the --r 'al snows of Mt. Hood and whose - -! c ice-cold and sparkling char the ?.- -unimer. 0 P St", Inciter ol Sells l'.ios liicus, inudo iiuuici'oiis ii(,ea'ioiis m mi." town last w-'vk As lln circus shows no pi n e le iwcctl roilland mnl Salem, the i hililion are imich "pul out" in not having u chai'Cu to sc' tl. lhd.lVKKIM) Vl.llbT.VIII.KS. Tin' HOIlilll Andy Kivlier was innicvit in tow n several ilavs this It delivoring Veeliililes to his mtuieixms ciiKtonu'rn Th vogv tallies proi'uiied by the thrifty Amlv are hard to I beat. SwtiT Away by Kikk. On Friday night of last wok, a log ilUiiiiiiuilioii wasiiotioodtow.ini Kivoiside. tmx amiiuiion it was found to be the resi dence ol' Mr. 11 yt. Mu riieswept away about everylbiiig .Mr. Hovt (Hissesseil and a colUs'iion was tiunle tip for him from the ct'ijcns vif lUrlows and the sur rounding coiintiy wlucli was liberally iloiiated lo. Lakce I'aixt Sun uixrs. Sciirct'ly a day p.vsscs hilt w It ,( the S I'. K. K. fivigl.t bruu's in a shipment of paints and oils from I'ortland, w hich me lo lie usl on the many buildings already built ami for the many in comae of con struction. Our towns people will agitate ihat every building he nctly painted. Bt'sv Mk-AT VVadon. T'ie meat wagon of the energetic Mr. Irvin can lie seen around town every morning delivering meals to bis many cutoines. For a choice roasl, sleak or chop, Mr. Irvin's selection is hard to exiede h-s IN Alt NDAXii. A large quantity ol ic is received from I'ortland on the express every morning, which is dis- dtnbuled in pieces lo suit the purchaser bv the gvnin.1 hotel man Mr. Williams. It has been a great accomodation to all our people. Kktihnkd Fkom WtLiioiT. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barlow accompanied hv Mr. and Mrs, ti A Sbeppard, Misa Tull and Mm. Khoadex. returneil from Wib hoit where lin y have heen camtiinu for the past few weeks. Thev are all much improved by the mountain air and report quite time at the springs tins season. Hons it and BrociiE Stolen We re gret to learn of the loas of our neighbor Air. Jacon tjiesy, ol Aurora. Last week a portly man of good address took dinner at the Hotel deGordon, after which he started for Aurora, where Jie engaged a horse ol Mr. Uiesv. slating he would be absent in the interior for two davs and would hrst have to drive to Barlowi to get a valise which he claimed to have lelt there U'lore going to Aurora. Tlv wsAar. untruth, as he had no valise at the hotel here. Evidently he drove away lo some far distant town and sold the outfit, as horse, buggy, or man has not lieen seen or heard of since. RKOfLATIXO TUB (iKAUK. As the grade on the Oakley hill is nearing com pletion. It necessitated Surveyor Symth and his assistant Heed te come here this week and regulate the stakes to the exact grade as named in the Biecilica tioin. Soon as the grade is completed a contract will tie let for the graveling whicii w ill be finished soon after the grade is completed. I'ka pKKiNfS Ovkr Messrs Will lirrw. hae completed their pea picking for the season. They found it impossible to engage sulficient hands to d the picking ami consequently a large lot got too ripe which t'.iey wil! cut and thresh. We undeiHtand from those who picked that they netted a prolit of over $o0 jier acre, SOJOl'KNIStl AT TIIU Sl'KIMiS. Mr. Linn Shanks and family have been so journing at Wilhoit lor the past two weeks, Wkli.s, Fahoo Rkcipts. We are in formed from the gonial agent, Mr. John Sims, and also the auditor lor W., F". & Co., thit the receipts of their new ollice in Barlows, was equal to many of their old established ollices along the line. llieofliee has been found a gt cat con venience for the public. Off foii Nkwi'oht Mr. Ja. Ciirrin left here last week w ith his family for Newport, where they will enjoy the cool ocean breeze for a few weeks. Contimcts Lkt Mr. W. Evans receiv ed the contract of building the residence of W. W. Jesse. The plans show the cost to be ifL'HX). Mr. J. II. Hwurlz re ceived the contract on the cottage of II. Myers. Messrs Mohett Hros. received the contract on the cottage of A. Zeith. No Hop Lice. Reports tell us that the reported hop louvse that appeared on some hops some time ago have vanished. Growers now say that they think its nolhinii more than the common fo.i ige vertnine. Soon to Start. Wo are plnascr to learn from Mr. .Smith that his mill will soon ftturt up again . lie may feel sure of a good patronage from Barlows. Comes Smiling Rkoii.aki.v. The smiling face of Mr. James Adkins, the mill man, is often Hcenlaround town, as in his vieils lie generally goes away with his pockets full of twenties. Wiikat Sacks Aitnivivo. A largo consignment of wheat sacks have hi rived lor Harlow unit Co., and an: ready lo be distributed to the farinois. Vikitohs. Mr. P. I!. Whitney, the genial traveling freight and passenger agent of the S. I'. II. li,, accompanied by his family, were registered at the Hotel (let jordon this week. Mr. Geo. A. Sheppard, of Portland, and Mrs. L. 15. Gaines, of Grants Pass are visiting Mr. Wm. Barlow. Mr. A. Ualdra paid a visit to rela'ives at Iliilsboro, last week. Mr. Cohlentz, of the linn of Coblentz & Levy, San Francisco; A. Hteinlierg, of the firm of Barry & Co., San Francisco; N. E. Hamilton, Oswego; J. Hall and B. Jackson, Molalla, Or.; W. Strong, Chehalis, Was.; Sidney Smith, F. C. Reed, Oregon City, were among the reg estries at the Hotel deGordon this week. hi.s l i-i ll viellerillv cloiiilii ss. w til light MUoke appealing. t'Hoi's. Fall wheat is nearly all cut and sin eked, Thr.isliets will U'gin op positions next week, Hosits all indi cate tl.ut (he fall wheal was never better liolh s lo anility and quantity. Spiing wheat is being cut in places. Rust in IVniglas county has seriously ell'ei ted spring wheat. Spring isvts are iH'iug cut in places; some earlv oala a-e being delivered and a repvirt from Cor vsllis says Ihat it weighs UK) pounds to the sack. Some young orchards were injured by the extit-am heat ot the lrd. All reports indicate that the U.ird was the warmest .lay on record. Hop lice have developed ispidly in the past ton davs and serious results are feared from them. The eodlin moth's ravage con tinue. Jvuithoi n Oiegon fruit is better than that of the valley counties, i. . more plentiful and more free from insects. In Curry county live and six tons of clover hay to the acre was secured ; t nii thy hay averaged three tons to the acre. Kastkkn Okkiion Wxatiikh. Warm weather has continued and no rain re ported to have fallen. The maximum temperature ranged from W to UK) de grees ; the minimum temperature ranged from GO to 70 degrees. Few cloud hare been seen, and smoke ia appearing in the atmosphere. Caor. The weather conditions have been favnrable to the wheat harvest which is in full opperation. As was ex pected the wheat ha never been better, both as to quality and quantity. In section of Wasco and Umatilla counties the wheat is generally poor and thi year is no exception. Sherman county has had an extra good crop, larger tlyin ever before. Morrow, Gilliam, Sherman and Warn counties will ship about 1,300, 000 bushel of wheat, last year these counties shiped 900,000 bushels. Uma tilla county has a remarkable fine crop; lo the north and east of Pendrlton it i as usual, the best. Union, Wallowa and Baker counties have fine prospects; in these counties harvest is later than In the previous mentioned counties. Throughout this section the hay crop is the largest on record. Of Interest to Sellout Hoards. The new school law in pamphlet form has lieen received from the state printer by Supt. Thomson and he has been busy dming the week Sending out copies to all ol the clerks and directois of the one hundred and nine school districts in Clackamas county. The only important change in the school laws is that Tier ing to the date cf holding examination for teachers, which has lieen changed from the last Wednesday to the second Wednesday in February, May, August and November, and in the matter of certificate of teachers. Here after a teacher taking out a certificate and going to another county to teach will, before commencing a school, have to file tlieir certificates with the county superintendent. Supt. Thomson will also receive in a short time from the state printing ollice the new record books and school regis ters, which on tuuir arrival will be (oi warded to the clerks of the various dis tricts. Wednesday a party was up Iron' Sun nyside to have tlieir troubles sotfled, A, Hunt r having Albert Conkling nircsted under a charge of ai unit and buttery. A jury was impaneled and after a lively tilt between District Attorney Dresser nml George C. BrowneU, of Hayes oi Brown ell fr the defense, the jury decide to acquit Conkling. One of the cosiest eating rooms in town, with carpeted floors, has been opened in the room lately occupied by Price's tailor shop, by C. L. Dodge, from Albany. The tables are neat and cleanly sot, and Mr. Dodge proposes to give as good a meal iih cun be found it; the city. F 0 U R T II 7T M M 1 F 1 J i Vi WILL UK 1 1 1 : 1 -1 AT f 4 J 1 Li SI A UO September 23, 24, c , - , .' u.. V - .--a-jsl.k7j "ft - ' fpll'lllll: 24, M Butte A Q U A Under tho Auspices of tho Creek Fair M Associatios Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Sept 23, to 2 Liberal premiums offered for best display of a products of the farm and work-shop. I Ample grounds and every facilities afibrdei exhibitors to make their exhibits attractive. Prec! ium list mailed free on application. J. E. JACK, E. SKIRVIN, Secretary, Presides Pexi.r - -llmoBil,. IM Front Mreet" j HARDWARE I Ninh..irn Ann It ATKI1VS SA-WS I'n'tUurl, (trxon. -OeetilrM- -Tnlilrt.-.lli -mutt ntwt Subscribe for Tub Entekpise. Why Not. Now is the lime to paint your houses, burns, stores, fences, etc., and Churnian Co. have the largest stock of leads, oils, colors and mixed paints in the city at the lowest price. Koinember the City Di u Store. Hops, flop-men can liud whale oil, soup, fpnim-ia chips, etc., at Cliarmaii & Co.'s City Drug Store. CoiiileiiMitlnn.H, The Shun Chinese, a people living be tween iSurmah and China, show their love for their permits by killiriK them and eating them to save thctn from the misery of old aye. Doniphan, Kan., is said to La the only town in the world that had a river anil two railroads and lost them all at one swoop. The shifting of the Missiouri river channel did it At Munich there is a hospital which is entirely supported by old steal pen-nibs cnllected from all purtH of Germany. Tiiey are mado into watch springs knives and razors. "" " '' '"l.O'i. T, ,.."v rf.v .1. I'MII l'i,-.Vllwl IS CrcsciMit Wodgo.s (warranti'tl) 15 .t S Truof Cluiim. Arcatle Files, I.oi'is ami h ( 'hojipt rs Sinrialti.'s. Oivgiiti City Agent, ...... KlIIX'. Crt'rift'llt ?v WILSON ciCU CLIFF : HOUSE, J. Bitner, Proprietor. The only -oluss Hotel in (In-cjiii) City. BEST ROOMS. COOb BOARD GREAT RliDLXTlON IX IMIOTOC RAPS R. Prier, the M oMiil.lMicl nml rellnWc ehntoLTiiplicr, 4'nlilliel llini,r:il,.H'j imU. kl '' N Vrzi '' I , Mmity In SKCKIliAXO. PMiliS!:?. THI .CHOI ( t( BCST. W. S. 11 AVLV, ltF"n rear of I'npe's hardwari' ilnre.jSr.f ltI.A'l4lil'l Itl l' IIICIXJ Of every description on nlmrt notice. A SPECIALTY. Custom Carding. How rriiilj- to do l"lrl liisn work Carding Rolls spinning nml lints for ('iiiiifnrters unit Muf treses. ItT Highest piico paid for Wool. MILWAUKEE CUSTOM CARDIM MILLS. A. L. COUNWAIJAS NEW DBUG STORE. Molalla, Oregon. DEALER IN DIUJdS, MEDICINES, NOTIONS, TOILET ARTICLES, ETC., ETC. Full Stock of Patent Medicines. PreKcriptions carefully compound ed. Store in I'trntolljco liuild ing. Agent for all luutl ing newspapers. BELOWJOST. 1 ji.ivc oh hand an assurtiwiil . of Knnna .'laHiiisllml 1 will sell Mow (W. Fnniihire, Hal.v Hiiics, Hanimocks, (V jjiniKStooIs and (1,:1irs Tallies ( v at Toi land prices. ' ' A full supply of Undertaker: urooas always on hand. Farmers, Attention. You will KllVI '""""y h your M AC. HI N F H Y to Tho OREGON CITY IKON WOltK FOR REPAIRS. WiviIi'aSlaKSnrllH lM,t Hkm",, workman,,,,,.,,,, , ' F nr. t 0H !ow llH tho ()West. job attoMil,,! to without d.l!y. All kidH or V"11' Machinery Supp08 Kopt Qn Ham, JAMES ItOAKE & CO., IWricloi. Shop, 5th and Water qt- nr