Mans of tiii; miss. 1iiIi''('IIiih: News lli'm mnl ( omninil. mil' CIIiiki Fiiiiii Our llM'litmtri'H, itiiVtMSON MtllllMX Hill II I K in tv The Ihillii t'1'nmli ln: Whim timer H Mi.triillll IlllrriHinnl H,,, iwuii'lf mutch llni nt ho r i In v In Ht, till Im I'l'il.ininnl Hit i,, i f,,r vii'li lit. Iwww wwmrmn NEW TODAY. iii;i,D cr nv an iniha. I'miilli'lmi Kji On.umiliin: W Im,.. I'iy moult,,, u,, drunken tiulliinH w.tio ! ,.., , h , .,i i, . , . . . , . " " ii",n ii pi i i uni r. tin ; B1 T i'"ll tilling Hlmiit In l,i lower mrf I lf AihiIk linvlx hnttntt left wltl.nul t iU'Ii odid.rull..,.' .1.. I. ... ji'iiK. I will luirenlicr h"l In, rci,ntl,n lur '"""'riillim their suirea irT any. lent. c,,,ii,a,ii.,i,i,,,r. hum Ii.wim, ''"" Utlntt " A wl..! 1n,H ' ln tin- railroad truck'' ' r VM.K l,,,., i ln Welili ciiik.Iiiu l.v ! Ti in ' Mill I.r "I lliem, Hliu, ,r,,w I'iMlie Iimi locum I any mill In tin, county. tlin teliiMiiver hi. ,.' I..l 1 lie .nd rioliouil. hav- . . . ' ' " '" 'til, uml (Ui-1 lK ' tmif Kiiiln timwiiiH .luirl. i .rw tr Illientli'ly Imhl iliK ncli.,!,!,,,, l,!,l"",","."''l"'w'"r "lateen sciea.,1 good, idle li.ienio. n(i, IimiiiiLi ,ii. ..: i . ,"j,''l'.""l'""ll'il"'i"lll"".r!. 0 term ti.,. i...ii..n , , , " , r:1'""'? r have the r,,l,.f ,K, ( ,.,rv,;.d., uml lliel,,,.. ,,,,,1,, " ", '"" "ui.l c ,li , C " IJ-k Jit minded eillr.,..i, l,t .,.,. .ilj . iia,oi.gii. erc-d ot ' ty, Tlieao IiimMIvI I I ..k l.,w vii.ll. I J..I.11...11 Tdleman. A Homey.. 7: ,,ilotiiiti in nnili. I,, ,UI, m , n"" 111 ' """Hiiiii :. f ii... (i..,.,,,.,.! ahminihi luiuim No'lUK . I. II,.' luilttn ii'lli" ' I 'Illlig Ui .1 1.; Il y ilia ,tii,tf. Thl'V MH i ,, ,t ,, II,,, ,.jv , illnll ..I Ih," M.'e mill iiiiK, ,, pllglllll l" the lilatc" nf i, liy mm ,, In l, eiille.t n t',. nil, in mi ,tn ,ill il..'lll"ll,ll l,,,ll,lrl iir ,,,.. ,1 Smii,iIi hull lll,t . . .n-ieny u u iii.i .n .', I hi . 1,1.1,1, ,,:,, ,,,, lk,( )r .,.., , , ..,'.,,,. I'.Ht ill lln, Iivit, ej.,.i, II,., IM...... m I 1 V . .'r.v.ii, A,lniii,llriil., i ,,( llmi-.i nl I r. Wlui-li will I ..' .. , Al"'"' i All tm...i Im ' H I ,. i i, , " ' neiWepn . n, iilalni imillnl ,i, , .l it,. i rr.i.iit i , , iiiiiviiii; in Nti clll , . ..'iiiii'ip hi ui ,,nt' nl w ; ; " mv .,l hi,,,,,, Wi liiik( n'o " "!" ii'oivr I, phi tlii viMV iusi.1,11,,1 fm, in (i Ni,UiH (ir,hli'; Tim hlinmlail tiler itilli, Hlteiilluii In (In, , ,!,, .. i ti.'Tr "i"; ''"m, ,,,"i',u"1 lii Curtliiii,) i,,v. j.iii,,. , ixwynr, i in,.,,,,, riiv.ur,.,,,,,, with in U in,, ml, In, in n,,. ,hii, i,) n.iiiiui, in lliu .,11, IK will l. iiIi,hi.,. ANN1K IiiiI.hH All. NAU.iX Al. m-l-KliVIMIiiN (ir l.,SKH Tll.lllllll l.l,,l,., . TI ...., . ....i i, .1 ,,, il ii ... "Ki.iiieiii ,ir liel Ihi, .III 1 1 IK nll,U'l It U ...I. . . ... ""rr""""' t M.i.iv ir.., Thin r.t.t.,,1,, uml M,e,ii4 i..hIi Kn.,iv heneflt tin, t,,-in ,ne ill lhl 'rlli tili.r. TIi.t.. I Imnlly ',""trv. ,in.l,itiht,.,y lnv '"' hut "Miif. uiira , vvh :!',"',' , ' 'l" "'"'.I'""! Iler reu.hlv "11 Hie cninln iKlH I ,. ,t... ,,ti HIHieilllU (III till. ptlt,,tM id 1.. : ..1 .... . . " i,- " " "'',, ! "1 1 1, ll'll K I one n( Iliiw .U), lim , Nntli-i" uf Kliml Nrlllriiiriil IN TIIK MA I I I'll UK IHK KHTA't'P. Of l, i'i lilni- II ,1 ,-, ,.n N,,,. ,. il,,.r,-l,y Kl.rn li !,, ,, ., ,y ! ,,..! , nwniiir nl , .inn- lii lliu I'lMinty i imrt .,1 ( 'lirlmiMM t-t.tility an.. Ml,. lI(.j,,. ai llmn.Mirl ii,Iiiii., hiMitrmlirr V'lli. A. I ..( hnnkii In tin. 1 '"" in mI, r.M'rt II "1 HIHIMI t nun . . t ,,,r , ... 1 ,,,,,,,, ,,, i KIIANK HKKK, Kxwiitnr ul miltl cui. (I. K. II)TH., Jlt'V (r (.,, f. jylJ Niillcn to llrili!iliulir(. BlliH FOI( TIIK KKKCIIiiN (iK A MM AM, lirllyMvu Hie liurtli lurk of lieep ;r,-i'k, will Im ii-iiilvii,! li II, ii IMiMt (;.. ll 'II Clin k' mien (,'uiiiity.Or,, n i l,i iii,.,iii, A'lvu.t . Mil I'lmm mel t"" 1 fl t f i m In tin- cl.Tk .i ,-i, II, 11. JIIIINMIiN. lyU (,i nnty ( lurk. OREGON STATD ORCDAL SCHOOL Kulniy Niillr. rMAKKN VP ll V TIIK I'MiKKHIONMi AT I ui)f ,ne In Wlmlm. A'Mlllnli In ori'viiii H)', i,n Jul)' Dili, ii,-,l,ni ,!,,l,,r,-, Melti t, tliri ii )ijii iiM, innrki',1 dy lintii i.,ir IIiik nilt. Willi )( 1 1 riir eiill, iiwiii-r (hiii li ivi, naiee I))' ,rnv IHK i,i,iieily mill .n)ini ehiriii'ii. Klll.l) . HAKKK. Trwinrfr' Nntlr, rllAVK NOW IN My jiaMiH PI'NIim AP pllrill,lt In Dili ,4ntp,l nl nil Witri'ilit ell l,,ri', ,rliir In Nov. I.,, hKj, IiiIi'ikM will rmmi lliilll il'llBlil lllln lltll'H. M 11. IIAI.II'',', 'I i.'mninir nf (Jlrtckniiimi rmifily, Ori'iioii. iri'ifii Cny, July 17, Jyl7 81 IUwuIvhI rurtiirmlilii Kl.T, Julv 7 N'OIICKIH IIKIIKI.Y (ilVKN IHAT IHK iirliierli, liiT,'lli,r,' rxi.thiK l,'lw,,.'ii Kly ,V lliiicl, In thU ilny ,l,.,,v,,l l,y iiiuiintl e.riiM'iit, liitii c hiy rfC'lvi' nil u ,',,, in. nii'l m ail bill riKiiliiBl (tin nrui. Jy 10 liKD.l'. KI.V KiiTiilnr i Niitleti VTOTli K IH IIKIiKliy (ilVKN THAT TIIK ) 1 uiifli'rlKii-'l lint lii'i'ii ilul ny tint Hun. lUiuniy ,'iinrt i,f t I 1 m Ctiifiril of Ki'KeliU. Hi" KX" vu.vmy (jov. HVI.VKHIKK I'KNyoYKIt; HON, li, W. M'lilMIiK Hi'i retnry nf ftute; IIO.V. K. 11. M, Kl, KY, H,ijrii,Uu,il(uit of I'ulilic lii.truc ti hi. Kx-oltlcio. lir.SM. HCiruU'IELl), I'reid-nt of the Hoiinl, Wa'tiliiKton county. i. I!, V. W'TI.KK, Merrn-titry; HON. J. D.AI.Y, il"S, I', VV. il ALKY, 1'uik ( illlllV Kxei'llli.e ' III I ' i 1 1 -. JAC'oli VOKIIKr'n. Marion riuntv. J. :. Will I K. I'oik Ciuniv. AI.KKKI) I.ACY, ( luekau'.ai ronnlv. A. N'li.TNKK, Mnltiiiiiiiuh ronntv.' W. II. JIul.MKN, Marion county." I'lic l ikIIiik ii rim, I 'liol of tw !orthwmt. H' iiutiful ii if 1 henlthy IwBtion. No .bI.khis. New A ,,aruliis. Kull lin-iilty. I.iirlit exH-ust".. Larim uttcnil.nii'g. Normal, Normal advance. liuinen. ,., wnrn iiuinw iy unit mnnnnii ., iif ,,ineiMni Held hull kilt,,,!, m fniHix-v Hk'tlill'l .l.'ll B ,ti'i, wj', l0 ,,ire,. Tip your lemii, mrrxruMV "t a flni KK m.'.iii. H.,1 III Imlilt KIIIHirvUillfl 1111,1 l,i:e..n.e,iiK.,t earelul I,,,,,, ,,,,.,..,,, V I T lV'1,iitt"" "l"'"'"!! 'l the ?irlli I'tielfle euimi, Hotti; to N-lf,x i;r,i,, TIIK I'DINT. ' ' ; There are TIMIIFK I. AMI ACT JI'NK S, l7. o i i i: it ii rio-v Twiirn ktik. t.ANi. orrit n. i ohion i:it, or.. Aer a), l.H I Nulire U lifri'liy kivch n,ni f cm pliiutr Willi lliu .,, n. I, t, thi, .i-i nf r,, l, ul June , h,. riiiiiliil an i i r Hir mIc nl ilm In i tie iii-. i, clilniiii, orfiiuu. NrvmU mnl V, i.lih,n,,i, rrrli.iry," Hiitnin. litirke,', "I I'lirtlainl e.iuiily ul Mullnmuih nf (no n, ha. nir, in llili niliir I,.. .rii .i.i. ' ""'iiia iuinu llieiiuKii.iuuo .".in I,,r Hi, U.r .,f il,n ,w'. nf l-m H.,., , ; Tt, ,tM u.i,,,, j ,:t'"f IT,1 ,'"'V1,""r- I ' ' ' W Z ,e.uit l.iii.-leith it the ...... . I... l . .... . . . " 1,1 """ 1 . ' ?,,"',."l","w '"' ' .e I,,. in-lit, iti ,11 la t,iiMlin lr iiimral irii aim to , , ", ",. a illllN ilf ll a ,11,1 , , ' i',,',.". niiiiiti n- ...,i inn,,, i filB ,M.iiiary u t, ,r,.,,. , mwtnt, ii,,.),,,,,,; wullM ; i''V'r1;;; v;'1.':::!'7r;j:r,,r;;ny; iatin rvM.rl, ilihli.lied mnl iiiftiiilnlne'i ,r ll,e iin iuv.HK mni.iii4f tlirm ttli i'l'i tahle lhal mnl Mite-Uiiiiurnt illt he VI'hm I,) iilt Hiiiii, Mullnu Nolra. Tin. ".MulliKi.sitrir" lia.uil,rnlv wnk. ur.H',11. nil Ml.l.y. Ilir .'1.1 ,a, .1 Annual. I' ll ll.- Iimiii,.. a. wltnf.ttih. T V ,l'li,,iiueU. aid J,,lm Miirtiptl uf I'nrilaml. l)riK,,ti:C. I'atuaini Pan, I ii iiuiiiirll. i,i i i.itivv ii;,- ori't in. Any am all iiframi. rlalluliiti a,vt,rely tll nHn, li.uml Ih.i .,. .. I ..i.fc '.,,-.rn ' . '" . n rIMr4 l Al , , ii ,.. . , ,, , ... i , iiivi.tiaiTii. in til), mil eo ui) i if In I, ,rt' aatl 'lat I, i. h. 1 U, ttatni. Wlw n wmKI ,; It. Mn Krt,lu ., rlnlttft ni!t, .ml In i " Aunu.i. iaj. j. T. AI-fKRwiN k. im iImi l, U ey wer wn,.,! .ill, i '"iu-.,iiiinin.,rillv i. i... -,i i ""' ' KntlaUir. iiu,ai!'ie 1.11, 1 lit l.lir.niiim vtTV f ' ' laMtiera1 !llanr.' nirpt ,,ui. imt , to tlaeir I ,,v " .v ' tTnm,l in ,, Ut.ry we In-nr-l not ,, ,w, , w. j. kimwii (turn 11MI1KII 1.AM), AI T JI NK J. huu. Roller It.r lul.llt ullun. I KIIHI KTT. I.ASI.Iirril . t N,,tl, (iai.,,,a flTV. Dr.. Al,f 'i7 la'll , la hrri-tiy aivrll Hint In i-uiiinliaii,- i i t year : luit tliir la ilun to J, ketaul liar, Wi,il, Tho Aaaorirall il"ii,iial h -lla It i-trtitm that but i.r i in, l It alai ln-r Ki.,r ,l,-a In the McKililef a, I liar Alneiiritl wihiI- er wottH U, tretlinif illlig ,irr v limn b, tu.wrffvlvea, U tiHiHirl . . ...mxiaioii ii iireaenu u lo with hi., Uii.ry i; wk bef..r. W la.Ta; J lie il.t Inn, in the ,i,i-.i of ui. .ilt-iw the .Iriien. In uke t few mi-aa-1'iiilai.lf Ilia l'il.J M.tna, tluriiiK I wwiihiiU nrvt tirut U-fcin taking off the IMJlt lew llitinliia ha. ....... I, ttuaaj. u!er heir. It It a ami lm, .ervuita In ..,k ty wai.l, h.i wa.walkinit i,,wn l iuiii JH l,a inn nor iaimii.. ' atrert, l,n U mH a Irir ml, .nil L-ratil,! 1,1a 1? '"' l'f". Iini .if the ait of cmmi.. ,,( 1 li,.,,,l I,. . .1 i i . ii ... , I June a. iiiilll,., "An ail Inr tlm aale of ikert Ity lliu le Wcml U-un. tow.y ! , "'"' h , tl. l-r lan.l. In il,,ru.Or,..u, .. ' . i ,, ..... j tlierxrlaiii.tKai, ."allow me to r'nirrntiilnls ',,,v-"'' J H aliliili,n larntnry." .'i Ih year In the t'nile.1 Stan-a I .....f i- ' . ... . n""" llmin.. K. ijiiw.n. K" uier. A. aim ' ot rnrtianfl, rniini) ,ii Miiliiiniah.atta nf Or I. I1. Nu. ti, an hit fllvil m ilila uitier bla awurii atatemt'iii , N" W'i. let Ilia nurrliaan ..f h a", nf n, Jielee alnklriiin waa 1 lie pue-it uf (", T. i '"" 4 wilmi Nu J. In i,iwuhi, ll.iw.rtl a,., ,,i.,l., ..I M i,... ..'?."". wt I'""1' lie waa ut khikltiK alter 111 luterettn of Hie roa I u. Molalla from Oregon City, TI hrttliio ... Milk rreek waariMiBiretl I '"'" Or.f. ii. on Krnl.y.tlia ilaiday M.itainy W'aieli waa IMjiin-. bv Hie niiiaaay I II" name, aa wltneaara: ll O'Dntuiell, T. C. I " ihiiiiu'ii. rraita etui, -.ivorK,' nan, all ul I'ort- laiiu. iirt'Kuii tu aliuw thaltlia lain) ,,i(lil Ii mure valualil lorlia tliilr or aiu than fur aitrlriiltural ii,ir..,.,'., ami Ui p.lal.luh hla claim al,l land iel,,rr Ilia n tlali-r ami rrralvrr nf thla ulllt riuriita om uni t niii, I Uert.ui AimJ : Wlilleakitr, li -r ittatiT yeara tiia.Wi a inieerwai till -(rwiit( on llro-aui'a Salami, r SMin, la attain an,wa-(nl Ihia The eltr nf Tea Kntmraiaa our Ihtle fcirrc a vlalt kwat ra k, and atwrnetl iimrli ,laarl wllhilif iUr font aK'aln. Uat NaiarOay nl&kt tlm lirau hantl ofOre finCuy oaitieotit anil (taveMr. J. W Hinlili af,ran,l trtia., TlilM'-iiii,iiiient totlielr fnriimr leaaler waa ell reielveil by Hie rill- w. Ho miC have, . iim 'I' i mj.'jeu a jileaaanl ' biaal ala ,( ,U,K eariiea varlelec , tram l.r...l II.h "r ""-"" " ran.i,lnK hat thla arrt ..n o( Orejraa a liehimi 4't nl Uie eawutry in U riMltii'tin nachet. Tb ..i lieai taUei am rf utli,iiiornl their flavar la Hie line-at 1,0 aoihl. t klatH Klilitl HV t HaAM. tny l)oiu, rt : VMtt at KUh rttrwillf, Mr. W. IT. Ite.,1 waa liiiiK lit lino in Hnani them, n, a,kiiiai mi, ha m lila. li hear utt H thirty r forty feat alve him. Ila t Itali any more Juet then. Th tU.i run. Iloth rru e,l wlthoui Mr ll' gun m at raniti, )'nnr Ihj .Inlit't eare to thoot hia e at the at Milk iia-ek on llmrlirollier alarm, known Hi TI J'ant placat, n.lting, butitltiK, anil ha, iii a neneral ial Un a). Mle k'aie ( aalo im a .vll,! viait Maiiilay, Tlie InawaiH-p aireaia ait lining a lively tneote-aa. We alao bava a J.M'alaitent. Ex--t n to a all tlir leine iltoraleil Mil Inanrajiin ara. Wr, K. B. Yoiidr linat a .miit hortm lat Kuiiday, A nmli li tiaae hall iraiiie Viu playeil on la-4 Citinlay tietweeti th Central I'liint club ami the Mill inn Ixivaai ibf Ull Bniumlof tin falter. I'he Central Toi'iit bovi went hunie In KiMirl aplrita, the Kn,e atamlliifr. ) to a In iheir lavor; hut wa think the two that lyiunilu'- i at homo on the " hint's day" areikwervliiK wl more riur limit tlieirrom radea. Anotlitr match jrauie yr ill l playetl at Central I'liint on the Mk of A liRUKt. Jlope the Wya may have a good time. Mr. S. W. Smith, the miller of the Mnlino roller will, telia na that -every lliliiitls in ItneoriVr, and the ma, him ry in No. 1 con dition t n i eive the new crop, and that Hie Any ami all peramia elalmlm tdveraeW the al.iva ite-M-rllM.,1 latulaare raiiueatptl Uiftlettietr claim lit thla udica u or Iwlureaaid Jlt,l.iy ol Auut, taut. J. T. ArraiEiix, Kexlater. Eieeuttrll Notlr IS TIIK VA1TKK urTIIK EUTATK Or William Hharlrk. di-eeaanl: N',ll,-e la hara by ahen that I have btHn duly atipotttti-il aimutrli ol Hie eatate of William Hharlck. iteea.e,l by ilia Hon. Cniinty Court of l iack amaa eouttfy, ami Hiate of Oregon. All peraotti ha, Im claim, axaln.t aal.1 ealau ara hereby aiitntiHl in prcarut Ilir aame lo me fur tvavment areumpaule.) with aiiltlrletu voui'liara .1 l' urea.iii. wllhln all mnntha from the date uf Ihla notice nr they will lie forever barred. Ihlled Ihla JTuh day ol Julv. A. V., I-VI CI.OKINI.A A. HK1KKK. Kim-utrli nf the eatate ol William Hharlck, Ueceaaed. Jyill wtt.l. KtrKNli m, iska. tW, Dally )iat(, li : Tim W. U. ' ctiMul ila llnmi two milM l Ml, Talvir, ami lla,iroti)h the Tin, loitijviiiiy mrw Itita :lii,ik)t) ml (jr Huh uir,i,hi alone, no there d.tilil alxiut the irruiort lieinif I mil. Th. Vilhi laone of lln. ii,,t hirinera will Mcet-.e .r.nnic attention mid K OTIC I rtiR Pt'HLICATlON, Laku Orrici at OxtatiN CiTT.Oa. July I W. Notice la hereby given thai the follnwlnr named aettler ha. filed notice nf hla tutentinn tn make final ur,H, lu aii,H.rt ol hla claim and that aald pro..! will be made befnre the Keirlt ler and Uecelver ol the I'. 8. l-aiiil nm.-e at Or e,,u City. UreifoH, un Augual H, lvl. via:. JaroN L. Ogle, llnmeatcad Kntry No. M7. lor the lota 1, 2, S. 4, 6, . and 7, aec is, tn i a, r I a. He namea the following wllneaaeatn prove hla coiitluiioua realdeuee upon and cultivation uf. atd land, vll: 0. W. Slurgea, John Kverhart. J. J. Herman, John '. 1'almer, all ul Uulalla P. 0., L'lackautaj count e. Oregon. 7-l'tV tt J T ArpgaaoM. Reglmer. iiuiiy . iinrt oi i I,,, kaiu ia cuunly and Mali of Oregon, exei-lllor of the Inat will and l. t,iminl of Ivl 1,-nn,, ile eeaaM. All H'raona having elnllna agln.t ailil e.talr are hcri'liy riullli, to preaeiit lliu ame lo me fnl payment nl the olTiec of Haye. A Kruwuell, III Oli'gull City, ercom lia tiled with proper vouehera wlllilu aix in,, i, tin from the date nl thla notice. Hated Julv liili hI. B. C, I.KI.ANI). Kveeiitor i,f the ciarc nf Levi Ixdnnd, deccaaed. Hayca & llmw m il, all y lor executor. .MiricK F ,' H( i I'll I , I ("l T I (KsT " Lakh Orrtcg ATOggnon Cir.,0., July 111. ml N'rtlce la hereby given that lliu following--lMini',1 atttler haa filed notice nf hla ilileutiou tu iiiiike final pr,a,r lu aupport nf hia claim and that .aid pro,, I will tie made lielorr the Ketrla-u-r an, I Id, elver nl the 1' H Uml oflice at Ore gun City, Oregan. on He ptemlier 'J, Hwt, via: Ki.ekRT J HTKWAKT, Ilninealead Knlry No tr.'i.'i, lor the w W of c !, lie , of a e nf ac : i a, r 6 e, and l,,t 3 l aec. NO, I a. r e. He liaiiiea Ihe fi llowlng witneaaea to prove hla noniiiimiua re.ldem-e uii and cultivation ol, aalil UiiiI, umler aec. U, H h: J W. Hnyer. K ll Jliliea, J H Wlltalnw and ..'hnrlea C.lH-ll.all of Currlnavltle Cl ick inn county, Oregou. J. T. AI'l'KKMiiN ' 17. K Iteglalcr. Mnaii u, id Art l)",nrtu,ei,i. Hpiclal atlention given to I'lirajcal Culture. Voluntary .Mililiiiv ()r;:jiii.lii,n. Tlui-e r ! ii tr Hi; lo-na from the aebool are entitle') to ti n, tj in anv coin ly ii 1 1 ii- at ate wiiltoul fnrt,';cr cxttiiiii.tttion. Itiitioit reilticcl in Normal Mini It'iuififh. .1... ... el ........ fr..... '.ill ... '. . ... ........ I.. ......... r. ... ..... .... illv Hl.tet'lileil , , ' i ... v .... j.. ,,,., in i ,.1'uia.or,, 111,111 f.l 11) f.-o. A of i '. ki,iii'.i .v'.'ar 1,1 ''''" l lor;.'iii. I.xl ii'. : 1 union. Nnrnial and Hu-ine-,a coure n r term in in we.-iii; i n'i'iirniori , o per term, itnanl at Normal liming Hall, il .Vi per week, c.o'.il Loud M'.rl i.niriiis in private la-iiilm. f .'M ir week, Fir-t term oii, rx-i.t. -n. any teriii. ror cataloiiie, Hililre.a, l. 1.. ,4fi:i,l,, A.M., !., or .1. ?t. l'0t'i:i.l A. ,tl., l e-l're. 1!1. rituili-ma , ui, e..ter i Banks. ;)(l. JAMK8 THOKXE. GOOD 8c THORNE'S CRY CONCENTRATOR, Pulverizing by Impact and Separating by Air and Gravity, Gold, Silver, Galena, Nickle, Tin, Sulphurets Or Other TlelnU From Their (aitUKue. Th tlllilug refactury well aa free milling oree without loo. Manufactured at the l'MU UUiS V.OIIKS, tor. Front anil Main Street, Portland, Or. ANK or OIIKIiCN CITY, Oldest! Hoase Id tit citr. Paid up Capital, fO,0(J0. mtaiiicxT, vug raaaiiiKKT, CABHIta. Htaaaga. THOI. ( HiKMiK. 0X0. A. MKI,1N0 I. o charlkk h. I'Airir.i.u A general hanking bnatneaa tranaacted. Uepnaila received ait bject tn check. Approved bllla and nolea dlaeounled. County and city warrant! bought. Uiana made un av. liable accurlty. Kichange bought and aold. CnUectlona made promptly. Uralta aold avallanle lu any part nf the world. Telegraphic eichaugee Bold on Portland, Hao Chlcag.iand New York. Intereat paid uu time detKailta. Sub Aecuta of TIIK LONDON CHEOl'E BANK. rjl II K COM MKItCIAL HANK, OP OREGON CITY. Capital, ..... lioo.OOfl TRAKBACTt A QBNgaAL lAKKtMa H'SlKgaa. Loam made. Bllla dl, counted. Make co lectiona. It.. ya and aella exchange on .11 polnu In the t'nlted Htatea, Europe and Hong Kong. Hepoalta recel-cd i.ib)e'l to check Intereat at u.ual ratea allowed on time depoelta. Bank leu from 9 A. at. to i T. at. Haturday evenluga I rum ft to 7 r, at. D C. LATOl'KKTTE. Prealdent. f E DuNAl.DSON, Cashier GREAT SPECIAL SALE -OF- ii! Mihiirlm of thin city, mnl Ila Unta an, ynty in,l,'ciid, lit. i.'su ami i .Mtn.y nu i nt ' 1 "Itlatnl ( 'I, I. ,nii In ; I Inn of tin. tiiiiliuoat i-oilly nttH't riiilnuiil " hi lln country la now hniiiB ll'Vilm I'nitJii Ivillc i-tiiHM the 1,'ia liver nt 'uiHotivi,r, Wimli. "a'tli from Uu, Wniitiir(on (o Hit.. 1 "horn will ho irh) fiN't, hs.1 the ler will I, ovor fo( I,),,,,, '" "I tin, atturtiiio . will Im over 110. "N'lWSKD IN TIIK IANTIAM. '''hut Aiioiil. (ieorie Clevolajid. f'urrieil man g,, 21 yea n, of ko, fJnil in the flouth fork of the ""Mr Jnirurmm Knnility gftor- I" WilH in hathlnif aail la antv-I Ukim with crami and mink 11 io wiitnni, The tlrownlng oc "Imttt thren milea iHitit.lM.MHt of T'n. Ilrl -flam work at all times: nlt.ii. Hint M r. Ilm. mil is ,rcmriJ to Imy al! their wheal at a K'""'t figure. We hear .nine tail, of niuitker slnre here. Slioulil that he the ciim btna'ttcn will he lively. The hop grower re allll aprayliiK their Itnpa In the hope of nwvlllK llicni. Mr. Flinii i .reinre.l toftirnleh traveleni their meals next iloor l V. K. Kallogg'a. July :'.s, Nort?jernPacific R. R. Grea t Overland Route. TWO FAST TWAINS PAII.Y1 SO t'HANUE OF CARS I Shortest Line to Chicago And al) point" Enat, via ST. I'Al'LA MMillNNKAl'01.18. The Norlhe n I'uritlc R. It. Ia the only Hue running 1'n f)Kttti)rer Train, Sei'iniil-Class Slceji (free of cliarifo; l.iixiiiioiiH l)uy Co flies. I'liliuati ralimt. S 'copiiiK Cum, ruhice I kinin ( Vs (tneiila 7m-). Fi nnt Purfliiiiil ;,i I lie Knsl .' Ki I hat your tickelH n ll(l V1 the Northern I'm illc R. 1 avoid clnuiifo of ca. sg Cara, ele- THE YAQUINA ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad. T. K. HOC.d, Reviver. OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO S STEAMERS. SIKMIT LINK TO CAL1F0KMA. FR K1UHT AND FARES THE LOWEST Train No. 3 will run Tuewlars, Thurs days and Saturdays, and on intermediate days when neceasary: Traill No 4 will run Mondays, Wednes days and Friday, and on intermedial days when necessary: . Meaiiier Sailing Hate. I.gAVia Yac in a Willamette Valley, Aug. 4, IS. 21,81. l.aAvaa RANraaNciaco Willamette Valley. July 81, Aug. 9, 1H, 26 The company reaerve the right to change ailing (..tea without notice. Trains connect with Ihe O.AC. R. and River Boats alCorvallli and Albaur. The Oregon l'acific steamboats on the Willamette river division will leave Tortland, aout-hound, Monday, Wednes day, and Friday it 9 A. M. Arrive at Corvailia Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day at 8:80 1'. Al, Leave Corvallis, nortli-hoiind, Mondny, Wednesday and Friday at 8 A. M. Arrive at Portland Tuesday, Thttrsdny and Saturday at 3:30 P. M. on Monday, Wednesday and Fri dav, both north and south-hotitul boats he over night at Salem, leaving here al (1 A. M. Freight and Ticket 0111 cc, Salmon street wharl rarttauit. 0. C HOOl'E. Q. F. A P. A. O.P. It., Mens and Boys Straw Hats, Summer Underwear, Spring Summer Clothing, e A bankrupt stock of SO ilozen Men and Boys' Felt Hats. All of the above GOODS must be sold at once, Ttafore I win sell at a Discount of from 25 to 50 per cent, mill tie abort OSTGoods are closed out.jgO CALL EARLY AND SECURE A BARGAIN. J. W. O'COMELL, The Clother, Hatter and Gent's Furnisher. MARK FT RFPOHT Itelow la given Hi Oregon City Market Ko- ,mrt currecloil wecmy irnia qiiiiianuiia nir ulalied Tils Kara. ai'RiK hy theliaial merukanis: oaAiN. Wheat. Valley. V 100 tha,. nei. Oata. ner bnah Oregon City Mllli, Portland Ilrsud tnuntry liraim lllll . Ma. A 7fi0 I'OtlNO IlKlfll NI.AIM. II, f'l'mm: Mr. J. M. Larkiim, of f!"k valley, killud one of the ''w on the Coord' Almiti river H ovr linen known in those iiarta. ''d Wii. iiulin, i.,,l ,.i -rr.ii ..,,. la ' ""r'H ineiiHiiied four fetit from 'I1. ' ItlililHNO WOIIOH. I"!n,1,-''"'fl Wcat Htile:- We say "Mu-rM, walcli tho nmrkot closely. 1 -".tion KiVo rumirii of a fair re ' hihors of the past year. ! biead and the liumcrg of ""M help supply It. I 10 6 at) Sc be XI IB IK) Pi on 16 UCI Corn Meal Oat Meal rgKii. rlhnrta V Ion llrini. " Tlmnthy hsy, " Clover hay. " raoDucg. Pnlalnea, V cwt , Onlotta f is : ,.!... irruen. W box 2nt7 Applea, dried, t lb Wj ii.,,,.. -at it. US" Kgga, ydoa Honey. lb WW MKATH, 'ng cara be -tie direct Through Pitlliiian Palace Bleenl Irani il.v AD.eli,,. a,,.,ui m..M tweeit j'orllaud, Tacoma and Sea, I'any arrvico., VOI. A.Jenl Paaa. Aicont, 191 Hi.. I'orilnsid. Or. aTlaF-liepot. corner First and 0 8treeU. Ileef, live, V lb Held, llrcKacd Mllttnu.ltvo Ih Mutton, drcHMCil, fl i Pork, live, 'IS ll Pork, dressed. lb Veal, live, l lb Vcui, ilicNHcd, -J1 lb II lima ym Uncoil, " , PUI'l.TBY. Chlckena, y:'.ting, pel dos . Chickens, old, per dos. .S'afaW fie . 8Mle . 7tmso . ;:i,i'l , tl'.,e lo lie 11 ... w 0. J. LOYEJOY, UKAI.IR IN Plain and Fancy Groceries. The Lovejoy Hotel seta the best table in the city with the very choicest the market all'.mls. NOTICE FOK PCT11.ICAT10N. Land Oflloe at Oregon Citv, Oregon. July 3, H.91. Notice Is hereby given that the fnlioitiug named sclulcr hits filed notice of hia Intention to ntiiketiiiHl nrnnf in aittienrt of his claim, and that suit! proof will be made before the Kegister mnl Receiver, of the l'. S. I.audoillce, al Oregon . lty.uregon, nnt,eiiemner i twi, vts: Hurdet 0. Hrumagiiir. Homestead entry No. tiT'i'. for the nw'i' ol ne'i and no1, nf nw, nf sec 17, t '1 a. r 1 w. He names the following witnesses to prove nis coutinuniis resilience upou auu cultivation of. aald land, via: II B. Williams, James Goodwin, C. F. Tagard and Ati.ty WiKiitiiy, allot TaggsMsvlllo, Wash' lngton couuty, Oregon. J. T. APPEKSON. 781; 9-4 Kegister. GOOD BEDS AND BEST ' COHNKH KOCRTII AND M ;l'M0DAT101fr "OH cty NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Or., July 26. tstll Notice la hereby given that the following named settler has Died notice of hia Intention to make fltial prenf in support of his claim, and that aald proof will be made before the register and receiver ol the U. 8, land office at Oregon Miiy, uregou, on aepiemoer a, laai, vis: Joseph tiurauer, 'omestead entry No. 57uti, for lots 1 and 2 of " i 24, t li a, r a e. . t names the following witnesses to prove contiuiioiis realdeuee upon and cultivation ''j' Id land, vis: 0I,f.H, Hum Harris, Oaniel CllrTord. Pavid Calll ),,, 1 d Louis Calllhan, all of Molalla, Olack- " ounty, Oregon, aulas e 4 J T. AergasoN, Register, I.....I,. .,..r.i... w1" . .. ..... wnn Turklua, porpound insnue Sullivan : & Davidson OSWl-XiO, OREGON. Tie only DRUGGISTS between Portland anil uregon cur. Carry a full Hue of Dltl'OS, MKIHCINKS, TOILKT ARTICLES, NO TIONS AND BASBBA1.L O00DB. I'RKSCUII'TIONS CARKFULLY COMl'OUNOSD NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION. ljitid Otllce at Oregon City, Or., July -2. tstil mii. i. hereby given that the following . .., erttas filed notlee of his Intention .J ,th a . ' P'l,t ' support nf his claim, ami i?. . b mode before the regln- inai snto pro, , otlh s, i.mi 0nu,e Ht 0rl!. ter aim recei gou City, Orcgi ,u, on September Hi, ism, vis Jamos I Pre-emption I), , and s'5 of aw'; o ne names Hie his continuous r Hon of, said land, Myers, I. U. Iocy, i water, Clackamas Oi 781; tr-4 Minor, S. No 7396, for the s'.' of ao'i ' sec 22, t 4 , r 4 e. following witnesses to prove esiileuce upon aud cultiva vis: John Pago, Sr., H. 0. md E. Lucy, all ot Sprlug- mmy, .iregon, T. AeesasoN. Retrlster. J CITY VIEW 3IARKET. BOYER & LACEY, - Proprietors. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Fresh Beef, Mutton, Pork, Ham, Bacon. Lard. jfa!a'Tlie best of MEAT kept and satisfaction given. VEAL, PORK, and PRODUCE Bought. Shop on SEVENTH STREET, at head of Stairs. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Land Office at Oreoos City, Or. Julv 2. Notlee is hereby given that the following n hiii e,l settler has Bled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and Dial said proof will be made belore the Regis ter and Receiver of the I'. S. land otllce at Ore gon City, Oregon, on August 2S, 1.VJ1, vli: Charles E. Batey, Homestead Entry No 6569, for the s !j of n e li and n 1. of s e l., see. SO, tn 2 s r 6 e. He names the following witnesses to prove nis continuous residence upon ana cultivation ot, said latin, vis: Charles Shank, P. H . Parker, O. M Shidler. J S. Ware, all ol Cherryville P. 0 , Clackamas county. Oregon. 7-10: 814 J. T. Appkrson, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offkk at Oreoon City, Or., July 6, 1891 Nutlce Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of hia intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of the V 8. land otllce at Oregou City, Oregon, on August 2S. Is91, vis: Henry Thompson, Homestead Entry So. 8439, lor Ihe w of n e !, and w V of s e i, sec. 2. tp 1 a, r 5 e. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said laud, vis: Eawanl Mauntng, John Y.Holmes, Eldrldge H. Thompson, all of Brower.Oregon.and Oeorge Sheppard, of Latourelle Kails, Oregon. 7 10: 8-14 J. T. AeeKRsoN, Kegister. No! ice. The partnership heretofore existine be tween the undersigned K. 8. Warren and K. L. Jloliiuin, (loine business in Ureeon Citv as furniture dealers and undertakers, under the tinti name of Warren A llol nian, ia this day dissolved hy mutual con sent, fc. h. Warren retires, while U. h. H nl until continues the business at the old stand, who will assume all debts, and col lect nil moneys due tlte late firm. B. V AK Kr.N, R. h. HOLM AN. Oregon City, Or., July il, mi. NOTICE FOR Pl llLICATIiiN. Land Office at Oregon Citv, Orkuon. Julv 6, 1891. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice ol his intention to make final proof lu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Kegis ter and Receiver, II. 8. Laud Ollice, at Oregon City, Oregon, on August 27, 1891, vii: , George F. Bonney, Homestead Entry No. 5741, for the s of s e M anil s - j of s w sec 8, tp 7 8, r S e. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said laud, vii: A, E. Thomas. W. Russell, D. 0. Covley, Elmer Thomas, all of VYilhoit P. O., Clackamas cuuiy, Oregon. 7-10: 8-14 J. T. AppgRSoy. Register. GKO. C. ELY W. J. BATCH ELY &RAUCH DEALERS IN Merchandise. Store located at Mountain View, on Molalla road, one mile south east of Oregon City. oo We deal in Flour, Corn Meal, Feed, Groceries of all kinds, Boots and Shoes, Gents' Underwear and other styles of Clothing, and numerous other articles suitable for the needs of the farmer and his family. By prompt and fair dealing we hope to receive in future, as in the past, a liberal share of patronage. JTThe highest market price paid for Butter, Eggs and Fowls. September 11, 1890.