A? CITY'S MILK SUPPLY, f Mas lwrikM ilia Uparallaa a Milking. jlil yontm limn 0r Um Ntw York t til rewlurs how tin oows r I tliftt supply tut laoUftl food of York. A country ponton would ; a ono that it olty man wruU that ln of milking. II My ailrory ; woman frets up bfor ilawo Mid .hi oaltoo wruppor by ths flicker t f UIluw cjukIIs. Mow, It ta ihal Ullow Mudloa art anarrvly In th mal oountry of today, . r, U triumphant. Tbnr art prul iii.ro tallow csndlns umx) la Ntw it, c ij Itwlf of a single night than art In Ilia rtiral district of tlia bU siata. L u ftur bright young man aocom- tha silver haired wuuian to tha tit tolls us ilia ay to hor cows: kn, . now uo country person jvt? aildroMitd a oow at "Coma, " Country pwiplo talk tliat way In fcW, rwvur ouublo of tlirro. Kuithr- , vfhmi tlm silver tiitired woman h -trly don milking ah takna a J! all and atrip frutn tli cow' r tha rich latter part of the milk, I FASHIONABLE INDIAN GAMES, ta .114 Intllaa ) U Iks MaM rad In I'anllr?. VTh Dwt fad In chickens la th In dian gamiM. Thar U In truth at prw nt something or boom In the bird, specimens of which w lay bofora sul raadan In th aooompanying Ulnitra- INDIAN OAMK COOL tlon, Th Indian gama siiis to pnwrnit all tha fttmoiu tiimlitlei of tha other unio liroeds and some striking one of own besides, aoma that uiaks him Ilka Duudmary bird "flock all by himself." Tlia Indian grime, will flght, flght till Uiuiruiitwd (urefur la (irlip. Wn aiillnirlr.il our advnilliwd druitglat lo ai'll you Ir, King' Nw Disiovnry lor 'iwiiiniliiiii, Coughs and Cnlila, upon HiIh condition. If you are ulll n:ti-l wl'li l.u (irlpp and will una thld remedy according to direction, giving It fair trinl, and exiutritinni no ImiiiiIU, you limy return tlni hot I In and Intve your nioi.cy rclumled. We make tlili oiler, '"I'Miixt' 01 Mid woili iirfu siiccmus of )r Klnu'a Nnw )li'ovciy dtii Inur lnt sea son a Kpiilumit!. Have lii'aiil of nocnx In which It hilled. Try it. Triiil bottle Ire at A. Harding' Drug store. Urge imrfiiic, and ll .(X). , Vault o( cilgoatlon cauaa diaordnm of of tliu llyer, and the whol system tia comes doraiigml. Dr. J. II. McUsn'i Htioiiglliciilng Cordial and Wood I'url ller periods the process ol digestion nd assimilation, and thu inukos par blood. CHARMAN &C0. THE LEADING to provide vouraelf mllutilo remedy for L 1 li viiiiiiir iii.ii "X ! k? ' U by no mean. th. W Lipj.if.K.- Why .liuoM .h. call It I J u ,A ' r wpliou.lly It do not drip, but utaW-.rwU..raot well known, bocaiue he ia ao much larger Tha pulltit In the pititura looka aliuunt the aliapa of phoaaant, with her "chunky" body and broad, dorp cheat and ahouldnrs. ther la, tnilead, aumnthing eaglnllk in th oonfuriuauon Tlia Oavur of th meat ti nnaurpaawd. It will b otuwrvod from th illuatration that the Indian gam ii not to long kggd a the common gam chickitu Auotlinr pvculiiuity of it t that a full grown bird ia about three iuund heavier t han it look to be. Tliia la on account of the aolidnraa of ita lltuli It la mil very uncommon fur an Indian game cuck to weigh over fourteen pound and a lixn nine poumla. It ia claimed fur llu'iii that thay are a heavy aa tlx tlrahnwu We aliimld U) glad to have tonm of our readur to whom luy are new try breeding the luituui gaiuea, ao an to certain if they oomUU-ly till tlio bill in i"!ed," which word I deaurltitlv of "ea by which Ihl last part of aik la drawn. -U tbla cormntloo w will let the mail num. Ill anoouut of how a t city ta lupptiiMl with milk la 'pio fc)U and In the main accurate, from . boutitry atatton where th milk la It In cn and loaded upon th milk down to the wagim In which It I Ml annul. I the city to ounnuinera. rndtua of ISO iiiilea around New d k drawn the milk aupply of th M'txill. Many farmer hav aban Idgrittn and gone Into dairy form. 1 Hi'ium It pay bettor. It Would ut'li tietter than It doe only fur ' tMtlr method of dlatribtitioii whero- e city uillkinau and the railroad II the in. iimy nearly, wlalo aha eh.tre U uiiwtly very umalL in young man ihoulit vimt (lie V ; un and try to leuru for him- . art of milking Ilu wouldn't "t'oine, tMaw," any inorti lie :. mi llgure than on the art of ; I We iioto below aouiu inter , : (-tr. ii!ii- alamt the piiormoua . '. milk net'ewukry to furnish the ' IVork milkman who hoa aerved I '.lti city many year a) that i ' niiiouiit of milk uken by an .miiy ia a quark no nax any f two ipuirl and four quart . however. They are familiea , V r of which are all fond of . prinking purpoee. Ill chain- j mer la au old man, who live drink nin quart of milk a F nv rrut conauinar of milk ar latatiranU and boUU, uch a XcNeir and the Aator llouae. iter concern undoubtedly naa ii :k than any other place of Ita t tlie world. It require 1,800 t f milk a day In winter and 1,400 It i i uininer, beaide SCO quart of I tbo year round. Th Aator lO'f i Mia th big hotel In th quaott- E which It noeda. Hut It doeen't ber near a much at th big 'fon ttreet reataurant In turn- It t.i)ea "00 quart a day, and In y ! get along with 600. Tbla. J conaidurud tomethtug of an round nuiulier D'JO.OOO.OUO milk are uaed In New York yn in a year. It value In vs- i SlS.OOO.tloa The iKxiiile of iiieeii eplioniilly fond of milk :e. They drink IfiO.DOO glitaxe xiipply the wholn deiumid like iltiu.ouo cowaure riijuired. Now I the time anil family with a bowel complaint". It l alinoHt ceitain to h mwtled, and no family can alfonl to lie without it, It coNl but a trllle and may he the meana of avlng much miirering, II not life, There are manv dilferant reuirdie In nan, but Chamber lulu'a C'oli'j, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itenieily I umloliliteilly the bunt. 25 ami M) cunt bottle for nl by (I. A, lliirdmg, Druugiat, llurklen'a A nil jit halve. ' The lleat Halve in the world lor Cuts, Illume, More, I'lcera, hull Itliviim, Fever Sure", Teller, Chapped IIhimU, CliilhliuiiK, Corim, and all Hkin Frup Moiih, unil Hnili vly cure 1'ilea, or no puv required. Ill gilnranlee.l to (live iM-rfeet autlHlrtrtloti, or money refunded. Price cent per box. F'or aale by 0 A. Ilnrdllig. Mr. ('lurk, to tha public I winh to uv to mv (i leu. In and the public, that I regard I'lminberUln'iiColic, Cholera and 1'iurrho a Ueinedy u the U-kI prepara tion In uae for Colic and Diarrho a. It ia the tlneat evlliiig medicine I ever handled, becauae italwava giveaealiafai tion. () II. Ci.AKK.Orangcvilln.Tem. F'oraale hv tiro, A. Harding. In elinoul every neighlorhoHl there ia aome one or more ixrMini luxe live have been ved by I hamlierlaiu'a Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhwe licine.lv, or who have la'en cured ol chronic dianhoie by it. Huch (htkxU take HMciul plcumirr in recotiiimuiihnit the reniedy to mlici. The pranw that fnlluwa the iutroHiiclion and inw make it very pifiilur, L'.'i and fill rent bolt I en (or mile by ti. A. lUnling, DruggUt. A UKKclmn: If you are trouhltrd w th rheuiiiulinui or u lame hack, allow iik to HUggent that vou trv the following eimple noneily ; take a niece of ll.iiinel the aire of the two biuiilH, Kuliriile it wilh Chitmherlain'Hl'aiii llulm and hind it ovi-r the aeut of your pain, It will produee a ptcumtiit warmth mi l relieve 1 von of nil pain. Manv oevere cuxe have been cured III thin way. The 1'iiin lliibaui can Ih ohluined from ti. A ll.ir.lirg. Druggiat. The following bank atnlement from J. 1'.. Ihue, ol Hviiton, Tesii. will tie of iolert-Ht to ninny of oureiit.en. "My little loy wu very bad olf for two until I Ii h with diiirrhoa. We lined vaii nm inediciiieK, aluo called in two doctor, I ut noihing it me him any good until we io-ihI Chauilwiliiin'a Colic, Cholera and Hiarrhira liemedy, which gave immedi ate relief and oon cured him. 1 con aider it the heat medicine made and can ronecientioiiHly recouimed it to all who need a diarrluet or colic medicine." For aale by (ieo. A. Harding, druggint. Abaolute Purity. Careful Dipenning. J'rvacriptlotii Filled by ('oniietnt l'haruiaciata. Toilet Article, rerfiunery. Fin Cigar. CHARMAN'S BLOCK. tt.H. Walker. F, M. Duke. Walker & Dukes. liouae.Hign and Ornamental painting. Good woik guaranteed. iiof on rirnt, kkai u. ii. t. A I. htahlki Oregon City Fish Market J Moore & Co., Prop'r. Honiara In All kind" of FISH and POULTRY Choice Hnlt Water Wwlnendaya, Thuriulayi and Krlilaya. Poultry iKiiiglitamt iiold. oproaiTK roi'K A co, - orroo city. DAVIES' GALLERY. The eading 1'liotograjihcr o I'ortiand. COltNKK K 1 1 1 ST a mi T A Y 1 ,0 1 1 KT It K KT8. Great Reduction Cabinet Photographs ONLY S2.50 PER DOZEN AT T hwai tci's , 167 Firnt Ntreet, ht. Murriaun and Yamhill. I'OKTI.AND, OKK;()N Confer & walker REAJf, ESTATE, A ENTS f V,; 5i)oiee Tract? of parnip lapds In five and len-acro tract" near Oregon City. Price ranging from forty dollars an acre and upward". A full lint of city proper ty. Home of the bent deeded timber land in Oregon fur tale (tale at a bargain. All correnpondence promptly an swered. Call and iniipect our property. Office over Caufield's Drug Store, Oregon City, Or WOOD TURNING SCRQtl'sAWiNG. BOXES OF ANT SIZES MANUFACTURED l'artice desirinu Wood Turning, I'at tiirnii, liracketa, or Shop Carpenter's Work Will Iw Suited by Calling on Me. Doors, Windows and Blinds TO ORDER. G3-. IT. BESTOW, the Congregational Church 0. E. A. FREYTAG, - - - BEST AND CHEAPEST GROCER VEGETABLES, FRUIT and FEED FANCY AND BTAI'U: GIKJCERIKK IN GKKAT VAEIETV. Garden Seeds in Bulk. 13th and Main Oregon City. Wilson & Cooke, DEALERS IX SUPERIOR STOVES, TINWARE AND HARDWARE. SOLK AGENTS KOK THE Atkin Saws, -:- Oliver Plows. ALSO KOK HARROWS. CULTIVATORS. DRILLS AND SEEDERS. FOR? trr )3 th l'u-0,i,rullv Crwiuvrjr. II you llmt tho faiinir can f Ins own liiisincM ita well no 1 if a coiiipitny of fiirincrit crt'iuncry py, no lu ll try lloro ar uiy rvaaont initnd nn a crcaiimry com- 1HWJ, and tx'Kun orutloin hud a settlciueut Jan. 8, md that w had a Jividend on capital invmlod alwra Yon can ace that thl i in far from a fiiilura, and It altoguthor by farmani In- "I In tho crnamnrv buninoM. V think that tho fitrmcrt did not I milk. Here ar tho ; if di in i Joimti i 'iit. i -'iili for Am. 'iHIO. ho -4'ic Imm to M : .... M .... I I .... I w .... 1 00 .... I 00 I 00 vill ay tha aame for Mnrcli. inuiiugnr to draw a high r butter niitker got ftfty dol- onth. Tha aeonitary Ii th tho company who draws I receives four dollars per creauiurlus are all around y lutva not coins tip to onr 4 Home of them ar tiow ouly iy-flva cents for rullk. Others M'ii'i'H whilu liiivinir (lift milk. fy fliiitcvor they ploaao, and do it isfao'tion, mid wti are rendy with nny crwuuery In this Ti'tarv Itni'ltnvA (!rnfttnrv 'deti, !,, iu Creamery Jour- INOUJt OAM ii an all that U claimed tor thmn. They ar thoroughly hardy and fn from diwMuw. As layers they are about equal to the other good standard breeds, and the beoa are esoellent mother. Tbare 1 al most a much meat, proportionally, on the breast of th Indian f am a on the breast of a quaiL It croswa snores fully with Plymouth Rocks. Wyandotte and Astatic Car ( IB Werklni Taam. I do not believe a boree 1 ever too wanu to have some water. If be la warm, give it out of a pail, and stop when bs bas drank sis to ten quart It Is a re markable fact that if a horse be brought In hot and thirsty am given one pnilnil. and in hull an hour is ottered another, hu will lie likely to rifuo tt. while ha would have greedily taken two or pcr- hiiM uioiv nt lir-t If hroiight in at! dark tlmnty unci tired. Iionwn drink too j frilly, cut tlicir grain and lie down, often not ruling llit'ir hay till very early the next iiioriiiiig I know of nothing that In necessary for the comfort of a horse during hot weather except kind caio. cleanliness, cool, well vcuUlaUHt sl.ibles. darkened during tly time, full and regular feeding and water ing and reasonable work. A borne is often ruineiu a few minutes when a man lets Ins ambition get the better of his judguioul It Is hardly necessary to mention the frequent raising of the col la from th neck when stopping, allow ins him to become cool and dry, and removing the harness at noon. Doing this not ouly adds to the ooinfort of the animal, but Is the beet remedy for collar gall. A very good rule is for the driver to now and then Imagine himself in the harness, and bis sense of humanity and justice will teach him bow to treat bis faithful servant. Uorsos that are doing full Work In the suiuuior time should not be sent 'to the pasture with the Intention that they i shall get any considerable portion ol i their food there. If a horse wonks all j day for you in the Held do not make him work all night for his board in a pasture. Uorsos may be turned to pasture during the night in summer with advantage, but ouly after thoy have had their full ration in the stablo, and because there tbey will be more comfortable and rest ki w than in the stall Wa make It rule to water our horses as soon as they are brought In nt noon and to feed them directly afterward, nud couslder that m,A hour is amnio time for rest at noon. If we can conveniently, we always give the teams a drink about 10:30 or o'clock.-Cor. Rural Now Yorker. BAIUiAII n REAL ESTATE. ONE-HALF BLOCK IN Jjrxit Troos. l-ol 3, 4, 5 and 6, in block 167. OREGON CITY. IVt CASH DOWN, Balance on time. 4-Inch Water Main on street fronting PROl'KRTY . Inquire of C. Y. DRAPER, at Office of llnrney A Draper. jylt QUEEN BEE RESTAURANT and LUNCH COUNTER. ABSOLUTELY . PURE DRUGS OO TO A. HARDING. NONK , IU'T OOMPETCNT PHARMACISTS IMPLOYED nee Perfoicric. ml Toilet Articles. Alto s full stork of OILS, ETC. KatabllMhetl C. N. GREENMAN, Drayage & Expressing Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the citv. He company has been formed to manufacture Ivory from 11 Rubbish under which rats can liarbot should not he allowed near the poultry house or yards. RaU often prove verj destructive to young poultry. Mrtili served day ami niulit. Oystero mid Chops In any style. Wile entrance for ladies. M MN STKKKT, - OltKOON CITV. The North AmoricHii Mutual Benefit Associ ation. Or Chioaqo, Illinois. Easy Monthly Payments The plan challenges comparison. Reliable Life Insurance st cost. Insure while you are young. J. W. THOMAS, Dentist. (1KNKRAL AGENT. Molalla .... Oreiion United Hack, Truck anil Livery Company, W. II. Cooke, Manager. Corner Fourth and Main Streets, O11EG0N CITY. Tho LEADING LIVEUY STABLE of the City, ltigs of any description furnished on short notice. All kinds ol Truck and delivery Busi ness promptly attended to. Horses Uoardud and Fed on reason able terms. FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Orecron Citv. Oregon. Repairs on nil kinds of small mai'bires I promptly made. Duplicate keys to any lock uiaiiufaciiired. Shop in Wine.-t't A Scripture's black smith shop. We also carry a full line of Fishing Tackle. and get Portland prices. Give us a call HARVESTING We are Headquarters on the Pacific Coast for MACHINERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. - SlBMBMMMiMajBM. Ol R BTiK'k COMPBIHESTHK CELEBRATED Empire Mowers, Empire and Tri umph Reapers and Binders, "Hoosier," "Daisy " "Famous," Hol- lingworth and "Gazelle" Sulky Hay Rakes,Barnes' revolving Horse Rakes, Sterling and Ohio Hay Tedders. F. F. WHITE. W.a. WHITK WHITE BROTHERS, Israel ioa l Architects $ Builders. Will prepare plans, elevation, working do talla, and apei'lflcutliuia for all kinds of tiiuUI Inita. Special stueitlon stven to mmlern cot tBk'. tCatlmatca liirultlieil on aiiill-alloa. Call on orsddreat WHITK BK08., Oretnn Cltv. Om TUY THE liNTKKPKlSK WOKK. ON .TOH F. L. Posson & Son, General Agts. for D. M. Ferry & Co's SEEDS Garden Seed. Grass, Clover and all kinds of SEEDS Trees, Bulbs, Fertilizers, etc. OiiJCiXaJO Bee Keepers' Supplies. We want You for a customer. Give us a trial order. F. L. Posson & Son, 209 2d St., Portland, Or. Successor to M iller Bros. Catalogue Ftf lirjNtoiic IIii.t l.oiKlcn., 1'1Im, StH U'i nnl 'Unci Rukrsf .11 j ! Ituj I'oi-Kn iiikI Carriers, ii ikI tlw Celebrated Steel Frame RANDOLPH HEADER It will pay all farmers and dealers to call and see us, or write for quotations before pur chasing elsewhere. STAVER&WRliKER New Market Block, Portland, Oregon, JOHN NISSEN, Ag'fc, Oregon City, OFFICE NEXT POOR TO POST OFFICE TIMBER LAND ACT, Jl'NK 8, 1S78. United Stales Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon. April 11, Notice it hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June S, l"78, enlliled "au act for the sale of timber Uuda iu the States of California, Ore gon, evada, ami n ashiugtou Territory, t'harlea Y Draper, of Oregon Oily, county of Clackamas, has this day Died iu this ollice his sworn statement No &j, lor tne purcnaso ot tue nw' ot se4 ana ne'i of swof section No In township No. 8 south, of raiiKO No 8 east and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for ita tlmlur or stone than forttsars-ricultunil fiurposos, and to establish his claim to snid and before tho Ueelstor and Kecetver of this oftlee at Oregon ciiv. OrcKOU ou Tuesday, the Aith day of Aiiitust. l'ssll. tie namesas witnesses: Simpson or tort land. J. T Mason, of Viola, Oregon, J. W. Dra wer. of Oregon cltv, Oregon and J. M Farrish, of Highland, Oregon. Auy ami all persons churning adversely the abovtwlescribvd lands are rtipiesteilto llletlo'ir claims In this ollice on or before said "iatli day of August, 1SUI. J. T. Appersou, o-o:-7 Kegister. TIMBER LAX D, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. Tnitbd Statss Land Orrics, j Oksuok City, Or.. Apr. 4th ISDl.i Notice is hereby given that in compliance; with the provisions of the act ot Congress of Juue 8, IS,, entitled "Au set for ths sale f timber lands in the states of California. Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," David O'Dounell. of Portland, Comity of Multnomah, state of Ore gon, has this day riled Iu this ofAce his aworu statement No. tor the purchase of tne uw'i of section No. 4 in township No. 2 south iu range No. 7 east, and will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone thau for agricultural purposes and to establish his claim to said laud before the Kegister and Receiver ot this office at Ore gon Cltv, Oregon on Friday, the 21st day of August, 1891. He names as witnesses: G W Morine. of Cen tral point, Oregon, and F Boll, T C O'Dounell, ami T Gibson, of Portland. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the aboo-iloscribea lands are requested to file their claims In this oftlce on or before said 21st dav of August. MM. J. T. Al'PF.KSON, 6-6:8-7 Keghter.