Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 17, 1891, Image 1

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Viy Enterprise
hcil ICvery KrUtity,
I Ii (i
s 1 U)
4 : . t
if payahla In tiltim.
uti gnau uu apiilli'illna.
1 for rim bmtkhpkink.
I u w. rwf
1 knight
'? , A. Mailinr
Arthur i.k
0 J. Iinllliig. r
K H Rr.mhail
K A. Wrlhl
M. 0. La. la
W Nnwlfrry
llmiry Mllry
tins Co. Directory,
ft ,.:. . i, tt 3.J
. J W MaMriim
II II. J-him
W W II Hamaofl
W. 1. Whlil.a-k
H M 1 1 ft
John V. N.,1,1.
Alfl. 'I hulMM'M
l.ln Mmylh
ll (.' P Sullivan
I tharlra Morlinke
I ( 11111. i. Hair
) tot'RIS.
I rMhvpiiita itrnt M.iliilf. y hi No
l.l M.ill.lay III April,
- I n rulull Otal Vliimlay III anh
,ura r.Mirt mnu flrt W'a.ltit.alay
ulay ut aai-h iii.iiiiIi.
tK! CITY orriCKK
. - . W Sllllttall
I. I. l'..ri.r
9 J it I'urtlAiu
. a. II Orw.i
f. R. Charmali
. . II K ( r.iaa
aalonnr. - ' 0. llt.tw.rg
f Wntka, W lliiaroil
Frank Hllr, J W Nlila. J il
mm W Ilk niat.n , I ' H Utuili,
wan. 1 W. H i .miiall and T, I'.
ifaRral Waitiipa.lay tifaarh Month
Hra, M A. Ntnarl, Pral,Mil,
MM f. I. . I nollfnUt. t, '( V"1""'!'"'
alia I. II, Hauling, - HrniKinry.
Mwu mi Aral Hint Hi lr1 Prlilaya nl wit
in mi, Ui In i!iiiiiinl I hall Iwr, Mrinliura of iiirii
iroill ai'llMHi, tlllllliailj WHIIHIIU0I1,
0(ii.tMRlA lloog AND LAHIIKU CoT"
Mania flrat KrMny ,il a h minilli at
Poiinialii ulna linuaa. Cna Atimv, prua,
(J H. I'ii.iaiw, NHi'y. tNaa llirtia, I rni
KraiiUr mmlliin. noKniiit WiliiriiU)r In ih
ninth al angina hiiuw, aa aula Main itraL
Kilttaaii Sayanih ami Klihth
t Ai lianas, Hw y. iinmutniiiii, Fret
r.u. niuii, kiip w.i
Mewta , n, Tuaaday il rai t) mniilh al ((.
KiifiM hiMia, w II. lliiwKi.i,, I'rua
U. II. Iiaamw, hmi J. m (( (.'iinniii, r ru.
Armntjr, Tlilnt n, Main, RntuUr ,1rlU ulflit,
M"ii.a)(, rli-nular biim... mw(ii, Aral
Miimlay ul aarli mulllh
K Warrtin, . - Caiilaln
J, W llali.Miif . -. KIM lanilli-lialll
f. V, kulitlall, Hmiiiliil l.liHltiiliaul
llollt'd Dowu Fur tho IMilliullon
of Tlie IinfeiprlNC HmidcrK.
Hiuu r i.x di iioi'i:.
Llbfllhaaod or 'Ihrre llln
Ureal lrll.ll.
Sumlny Sirvicos.
Wamiiinutun, I). C, July 13. A re
Kirl on tha I urvent noii5t:tii in Fmiir
kikI Kroe Ilka Ixinu ruvuiv(t ut Iihi
aluto Oc)rliinint (rum Colnniorclul
Aifunt (itillln, of I-yoiin, Kraiiuo. Tlie
Nulloiml Millcra' Aimot'iuliuii ul KrHinsu,
(lie i'Mirt y, juat ImiuhI uii eali
iiihU) very cirvfully rollovloJ of the
rolnlilu wlinul linrvnt of I ruiuu Kiid
Kuiuiu In lMIlt, 'Jim llnrcii rujirt'iitiiil
till tint w lii-iit urM inu i-uiiiiiiif ut
Kuiu. (ii'iinmlly Hum u will tm tuily
mi nvnmita i'ic)i, wliilu in Kim
rminti inn, tut in I'VitiicK, thu vrup will I
4 II t.X.i; llill.M4 tl4.
Iltrltl 4 buiiu" ll Onlrnl
rili MiMilhrril I'urlllc.
m Ani.ki.kh, July IX Ui.'ixirU of a
nlurtliiiK nut uru Iihvo buttn rwceiveit tinru
from New Yui k n-gnnling a ruilroml duitl
of grunt lKiiituile. A well known nil
ri-piilalilo OitiiiDii uf Loo AngU-i rtjcnntly
li-nriittil In New York tlutt thu IliintiiiK
ton iid Ktuirlft inturoiit, currying t'le
cotil roi uf the tfoututtrn l'aciflu, liml
clmngeil hind, and liad Ixtvn ai:iiiireii
by tlie HUsmiarii Oil t'piiimny, ami
Hoi kelnllur, I'aine, lirice, Tlioinaa and
We lufl our lioiniiH on Friday, JulylM,
at 4 o'clock a. m, Oti our way we
iuhim)iJ ai'verul Unit furin. The drnt we
Hiiull notire in Did Una (arm and reiti
donee of W'eitlny Iloulan. lltire can be
teen tome of the lieat wheat in the atate,
and will yield at leant ninety huahell to
the acre, while bin oat will average, at
low eatimate, fifty bunhela ir acre.
The next we itlmll notice ia the fine
farm and ruaiden'-e of Stephen A. IXug
laa; he hai by far the moat beautiful
reaidence in the Douglaa neighborhood,
lie aUo haa one of the beat farmi and
olherawho will be exjiecleO to go into ;8tev(, i, g rjM.t. for tie baa the nuah
the directiiryof the cotnnany Hi-j.tember j gn,j Kt up lllgt gny firat-cUaa farmer
City Fathers Meet Again In
Ordinance For Ataeaament of Improfe
f nl or Merentb Mtreet Orderf 4
'" - - oiie-tliird ahiirl.
flllM I IIKIiKKUATIDNALI lit 1(1 II.-Ml V.
i ( W I. i i aa, l'ainr Htirviiva al II a. m an't
7 ,11 r M H'lii.Uy HrliiHil ittlpr m,irnlii bit
viii, I'Mtrvr timi'iliiir WXiiraitay avtiiiiiii at
7 ,m ii.!liH-k I'rayrr ititilui nl Yiiiitii lv,iU,a
H.icloiy ul ChrUilaii Kmloavur avarjr aiimlaV
vi-iiiua at 1 Vi iirwnttil.
ri'iat HAI't'lar t'llt'KCII - llv liimtH
f.Hkaa Paa'.ir Mornli,. Hrvlf. .1 II NuihIbv i
ai'hiail al IM.v K.vi-nlni Marvlii s a), llinnl.r cli-lli'lt, eaiwcially the A rout lilt) liupill)-
flayer luvulluit Wvilltcailaf (ivullllii, Muiillily . . . , , - , ,
...nam Ui.tlni nvary WiaiuvMiay av.iiua Dut t,K,,y mentiou 111 uiaile of
pro. imIIiii Ilia Dial Hun, lay III II, a lil.ililli. A
III ctincluaiiiii, the ri'iuit aaya tint nut
only Franco, but all ol F.uiuh i louk
iug to the wheat Hi lda of the Uiiit.nl
SUtim, l.Mt year li.aiiv hojied that
Soiitli America would Imlp aupiily the
D.iriital li.vtlallt.it In all.
HT lollN a ClU'Kt It CATIIOI.It: -l(i, A
Mu.i.kaaaNp, l'aa:ur. on an inlay maaa a( a ami
Hi Ju 4. M. Rvary awuntt ami Imirth Hmulay
(iurniau arinmi altar ilia a u'vlm-k maaa.
Al all nlhnr tliaawva Knillalt at'rm.ilia. Hilli.lay
auhuul at i Ml r. tk. Vaauvra, au.il.xlcal
aitl.l.ia. ami lletiaitUMiuii at 7 1 r a
MK'I IIDIUHT KI'IM'ufAl, I II I' 111 II -1( V
Mien N .nli.a " A M .! M.
B.,IUW nuiilli, a ill A M J V. U.
IH'I "t t
' ID M .laHa. Mullini I ania an, I
-n al IllW a III Mon.laya. tt ,
i(Uy an.l rt-iunia al Into a, in,
1,1 M Ink; l laik. M.llltl'i ' til. 11
lr..,ik Law. at I" HI in
vtl.. an. I tnf,Wy, ant r.-iurii
!f!V Dll'f'ltofV.
theae cutintriea. All hoi la built upon
(he United htatei harveat. The fuel ia
rei eiitly alaled, ia that the iMly for
Kurve iiiual come Iruia America.
alarm a Hamih Uakolia.
Ht. I'aui., Minn., July la, A furiuiia
Jnna faaacaa. I'a.i..r. kl.iriiliii aurvir.at ii; laUirut of wind, rain, and hail prevailed
,in.t.y Hi'liixilat I'J lit; Ryuilm aarytra al7 u. ' ,
K.w,.rlh Uaiut inaatmi Hun.lar vvnulni al i eight to ten liillvl liurtll of AtierdfUIl, K.
-SaMnHa"."'" M 1 , l"t night, cleiiding over the coutt
Kihr I HKMtVlhlilAM IIt Itt ll.-Kiv. 0 try tor miii-i. Ill wniie localttiea line
w Uianxit I'a.inr. .rvlrra al II A. a ami! . , , ,
in r a Hatii-aih K, ii,,i ai m a a. Vouin , promising cnipa were pnundcd into the
;i""rw:,,,.."r; , " -' y-
ov.i.iii i-rayir nir.iii.ic ai5 Ju Haia irw, I lliiudieila of acre of wheat Weie d-
y. kMuai.u at rut ai M K.'V. J. M, rr.laa, n(
tlia kaii.-M, ! A. uu. hi, will i.,l.l nriiina i KtrnVvd. Al t uluilltna, the liriilue over
al I'.pr a Hall ry ami.lay at II A M tlif Mr lla...a f .. K ,. 4,,t ,,, . ,;.., ...,,(
ii, x.imlay .u. i ,ic. i.ermait txtt.l.oth Ihm.i , ""'" riu,r ll lualicl to pltfit a, anil
H.iu.iay i i" a m latL'it lici a lii.riHiti'il. Milch diiiiutiitt la
.V I'lH of
kltkli 111, k I II 1. t K I'lll'lii'll . 1
MllltT. .aal .1 arrairra lll.t ail, I llilnl Hun, lay ri'potleil Iroill Oilier pulllW.
1, when Mr. Rockefeller will amuine the
olllee of piuaident Accordinil to thia
reMirt llm.Hlandard Oil Company held
the control pieviout to the laat annual
inet'ting in March, and could then arauuie
the adriilniatiutiuii of the r.ompuny'i
allaiia, but an agreement waa made by
wlili.li C. I'. Huiitiiiglon uh to remain
at the head of the roud until a certuin
objtH'l had Um.ii obtained. Tiiia infor
mant nay), he hua heard from Mr Uorke
fellor'i own lipito'tliiH report, when the
Ntiunlit;-. Oil kingauid it had long been
Ilia ambition to control a IrauHcontiuen
tul railroad. Ilia ambition will not rent
with the ai'iiuiaition of the Southern
I'aciHc ayatent, for be will be content
with nothing abort of a through line
front the Atlantic to the Pacific
f t II V IlilAlili OK 1 IUIK
if. II, in.-,,ii art-..ii,t Jiii-.Ly In
lt,,ia awl.-. mt.
J T AI,l"'l(H.iN.
s liUAIill OK TRAbR
if a Hall, t'alit.y oil Itfal ami
rll m, .lilll. Vtaltnfa w.ir.Hlu.,
a. kamai, I'tra.
.. rl
. IjiIKiR. NO. W, K Off
t'l.lay night al Maamitr halt
-llivllct X kM, ii, I ,
H m Ii an. I H
i I.iIh.R, Nil. I, A f Jt A M.
ilar (Mlumiitilrallntta mi flrat
t lay a nl rai h ni-.iilli al 7 ill r. a.
c 1 alaii.tlni are Invtlp.l lu allaliu.
n , a, i Aiu.i., vt . m
T, R. KVAN.tiroMUry.
UilHil, I. o. O. r Nn. I.
fiuiralay avail. m al t )o'rliri
O' l r.ll.' Hall. Main airaaa
a) Dntarara Itialiad ki allrml.
A Hlillrlou, N U.
1 ha. Ryan, aorrttary.
In ra.-li ni.iiflli al Mnhl. l-.tlr. al II uii.a.k
lu a,',,ilnl h,ilnlay al Moiititalli llotni' al II
itrl,M-k a lu ; (iarlli auii,iay al llaflll.iliy
a,-t,M, liMiik,' al II a in nilu-r ai.ltitiuciitK
atiiii'iim -! fi.'iti Ulna 1.. tllur.
lYofossiorml Ciinls,
(1 Ki.
Mill iiiarllic In all l nulla ul the alatu. (litli-e
with II ii i nr-) trmMr, t hatinali llroa. U.at k,
onin c ity. iial.
fAMI'MKNT. No. ti ll 0 F.
II Hi In! Tuoalayanl a-h mmilli,
hall, Matnlwra ! tlallltif
Wllallf IiitIicI In all.n.l
if J W. Ol'.iaaiiu
tjbf llilrl 1'alilarrh.
l.ol ilR. Ml Itt. I. . 0. f
1 r.U..w a hall, Mawmn. vary
4 " Vlailllii hrvlhlon lila.le
II U at a an a a Atiika, n. ti.
HM.K. NO I 0,0. T.
iiiT.lay rvriilm al Kiilihri hall
lu.-ml't.ta alwaya nia,tn wi't
W l.lu.N eilAMI, w. o, T.
KAM'll. No. t , K nl A
lM.-.,lay rvciilni al llwlr hall
I I t-iiili !4iri.i-i, iirt-tintt t'iiv
a. M-f )', T V. Hi l.i it K, I'lfa
A I It A W f T t'.
ir liv In 'i-m li in.iiilli at thi-lr
I'll.-li-U it( (In- rnllai- art' III
hi Mita t'AliaV J,niNuN,
mihI afi-iiinl t'liraitay ( i.m-ll
K. H. Waaaaa. V. .
I.. It, Janmiv, (Murk.
. W.
V 1lHtiR (If A.tt I!
p'T 1 ami fourth Rrl.lay i-vcn-
nth In 11,1.1 Frllowa' tiiillitlni.
limtlircB onlillally tuvltail tu at-
MUM IK, No. IW, A 0- I'-
tlilnl Mnnitny III ch month,
mi t iHitinit iiri'tniirn wfiitMiiiit).
1 1), JllNKa.
N. W.
"IIK, NO. ,W, A 0. V. W.
('niiirmlav avanlna at Knlnht'a
1 laltiiiK brnilit'ra innitit weU-ume,
w m. t:iAK, yi. m,
i K, km-oriltT.
Il'ii'aitay Kvautlif at 7:80 It hall
miiu mri't'iM.
M. (I. II Arai.KY, Orarla.
K, Paintii, Honratary,
Htinilay at i nVlnck p. m. it
I. KHitii (lANaNKiixa, I'roa.
1 OIIANOK, NO. 40, P. ol II.
f hall itWrlirhl'a Hrl(la nu tha
f'lr ni Kaon imiiitu at lu a. in,
t" mailn wnlmiina.
kii una waiUHT, NMier,
i t,, Hiio,
V (illANHK. NO. 111. P. ol II.
nirilny ol each tnonlh it their
ft'"'"- It. U. Ilaaiv,
i a up, Hwy Miiatiir,
M. Il A.N I 'S,
SOTAIlY l't lH.If, liF.AI. KSTATK t
om.v allll thu lllauieltn Fall. Iuvaimnt Co.
o.'aauu City, oreaun.
yil.l. II WAI.KKR
()rMn City, - Oron
OtBoai nvnr Caulalii'l Bear drug alma
lloaiaataad. rrottimillon ami Tlnitn-r lam ip
plirailiMia an.l whar laml emvaj bin
luaaa prnniHy oiibiiiIihI la.
aaTaAtTanrra.iraaTY rimiaMin.
Ottira two ilonri iboye p.iatiirnra, Oreiiiin OUy.
j, a. aa.ii kknaani iiil T r cowiao.
RittKK.NliROl'llll & L'OWINO.
AlllWa hvinrti f a I.an.l ofllra a aprnlalty.
I illli-.. loi. ma Hand I ', I' lall.l iilhi o
ii liiilhlliu, ti
OHHiinN CirV.-
r. M, I1H.KMAS
H, lllltV 4U1I HX.'N.
Corner Klithlti ami Main niuota, Ori-ttou (Ml)
, p. i D C. LATOl'RKTTR,
Furiil.ti Ahatraeti olTlllaTuHin Money, Fore-
clnaii MoriKiiaea. """
T. A. ai iiaini.
cnillDE DRKS8RR.
omr-e In JaKKar ltliH-k, OroriClty
I. w. DHAran.
OreionClty. "
Twalva veara axnarlanoa roKla'!
a l!anil ofllt'a hare raoonimoiiila na in our atifo
ty ol ill kln.la ol an land nl-
n'ind U,rco..rS..!i..dlnyolvii.g tU. ptaotlo.
lu tha inuaral laud oMo.
CRANOK. Mil. 117. P. ol II.
J ilunlay of oiioh nionlh, at their
.1, dint.., Mnaior
I!, C. Miiililoi-k, Hco'y.
ft No a. ti A. Il HKI'AltTMKNT
P''hliiy ol imi-h moiitli, It 7:1)0
jIIowh' Hull, ()nt(im City,
j- A. 11AKD1NU, Cominaniler,
Q Jl. DYK,
. Office ovor Orojun City k.
ohldllN CITY,
o. a, iiAYia, y"
"Tof oor'nor Main and Eighth Hreot.,
oppoillo lawrt home.
lile ia ruuiiiriul, but liol coiilirmed.
4 Ii! n it lirl Itullrontl.
Lommin, July lil. llcrr llrandit, ut
I'oU'aim., one ol tlie IfM-known rail
way i-iiginei-ra and conittructom in (ier
iniiny, baa been iimtnu ti-d by the
t'liincae guvernment with the work of
huililing the limt railway In China. The
to-ma Umiii which be hua undei taken
the work are tiuderatood to be more
liberal than any of the cuiicennioiil which
the Cbineae yovermnent haa hitherio
expii'SM-d willniKiicaa lo grant, and in
cludea tlie atipulution that only Oertnan
labor and tiermnn material ulnill lieuaed.
A 'I'rnal llualed.
St. ih, July 13 A prominent
jeweler received a telegram from Chicago
this afternoon ataling that the watch
truat hai gone to piecea under the action
of the lllinoia antl-truat law. The
"watch truat" waa jobbers' aaaoclation
of manufacturers of American watcbea,
and coruproiniaed every large watch caae
manufacturing concern in the country.
The dimolution waa cauaed by the Elgin
company, which, being an Illinois cor
poration, was amenable to the law. This
waa follow ed by the withdrawal of others
until the truat crumbled out of existence.
Nulrlalrt nl Aahlnntl.
Aiu.ANu,Or., July 13 Dr. L.Town
aouil. a well-known ilontint of this plain,
committed suicitle thin morning by blow
ing the top of hia hiMtd titr with a shot
gun. Of Into he has bud much domeatic
trouble, and thin, together with exoes
aivo drinking, it ih thought, drove him
to auii-ido. lie was tl,'t yenra of age, mid
hUhkI high in his profewdun . lie Icavca
a w ife mid one sou, a doutirit, of l.oa An
geles. .. ,.
I Ii.. llhU r !
Wahiumiton, July lit. Rids have
bi'uti oiKined loilay for the construction
of a tiumbur of large guns for the sea
coast defense. Only three bids were
eceived ; from the Midvale Kteel Coin
company , the South Boston Iron wtrks
and the Bethlehem Iron Company, the
latter being the lowest bidder.
Itlornionaj lleiilen.
Salt Lakh, July 13. In the school
election here bxlay the Mormons and
their allies made desperate ell'orf to
capture the board of education, but the
liberals carried precincts heretofore car
ried by Mormons. The liberals retain
six of the ten membora of the board, and
carried the city by 700 majority.
Fati-ny the llejevieil
Ciiicaoo, July 13. The nomination of
Win. Forsythe, one of the California
World's fair commissioner!, to be chief
of the ngriculteral department of the
World's fair was finally rejected today
by the board of reference and control.
lteclprocllj With 'li lflen.
City of Mksjco, July 13. A dispatch
from San Jese. Costa Rica, says : 'Rec
iprocity with the United States is con
sidered necessary, and all concessions
asked for will be granted."
UN .Itmi-iicj- I'ikIi-iI.
Nkw Whatcom. July M. George
Francis Train arrived hero today titter
limiting B trip around tlio world in sixty-six
days. He is lecturing to a small
audionco tonight.
A Plan la ( ili h the 4jlir-rB-wral'i
TorM'clo Oaliaera
Nw Y'oiia, July 13. Cables from
Chill today slate that a plan to cap
ture the government toqiedo cruisers,
the Lynch and Condell, at Valparaiso
hy bribing the crews was discovered by
thu government.
Tuesday and Friday of last week the
insurgents engaged llie government
force in l atte at Coipiimbo, and were
defeated with great lo.is of lif. All tlie
iuaiirgenlH' veeels took psrt in the en
gugeineiit. The attack, il is stated,
was resolved by the insurgents, when
they received the news of tiie Paris
decision in regard to the new cruisers
just completed in that country. Owing
to this defeat and the growing strength
of the government, great demoraliza
tion exists among the insurgents.
StlHIn ('niwlaalaurra,
Sai.ku, Or., July 15 The board of
the state land rommisslonera met today
and late tonight. It accepted the
resignation of Napoleon Davis, as clerk
of the board, and appointed George W.
Davie to succeed him. The new cleik
will probably qualify soon. A strict
party vote prevailed, the governor vot
ing for Napoleon Davia and the secre
tary and treasurer for George Washing
ton Davis.
The state military board waa in ses
sion today auditing the accounla of the
late encampment which will be about
The board of state building commis
sioners today met and oiened bids for
the construction of twenty-four, double
and thirty-two single iron cells at the
penitentiai-v. The Western iron works
had the lowest bid, $U,tHk), but the con
tract was not awarded. The matter was
taken under advisement until morning.
Itt'Miotlcliiitf I lie 4'onrl lloiioc.
KosHscmf, Or., July 14. The ton
tract for remodeling and building addi
tions to the court house were let to the
San F'rancisco Bridge Company for
$.".(1,000. When completed it will be one
of the finest court houses in the shite.
Today J. R. N. Hell , purchased the
Oregon State School Journal and will
hmvalter be its manager.
A 4'wwnrilly IcmI
Albany, Or , July 14. Mr. Ray, who
lives below Mill City on the Oregon Pa
cific railroad is in Albany today seeking
relief for his 10-year-old son, who was
thrown over a bank at a picnic near
Gates on the Fourth, and had his skull
fractured. The deed was done by
Henry Sullivan, 17 year old, without
provocation. The Ray boy is not ex
pected to live.
F.vcry Cent Accounted For.
Washiooton, July 13 The count of
money and bullion iu the treasury, con
sequent on the transfer of the olllee from
Huston to Nebecker, will be concluded
tomorrow. The representative of the
new treasurer states every cent has been
accounted for.
4'oiiitTCKiitloiint 4'oiiucll.
London, July 13. Delegates to the In
ternational Congregational council met
this afternoon In Memorial hall, Rev
Robert Williams Dalo, presiding. After
tin ail.trnaa nf wnlnnmA hv tllA nrAAIilent
Rev. Bean, of Melbourne, Australia, was ley, oats, fruits and prunes look well.,,
elected president.
should have.
Passing on a couple of miles, we come
to the residence of Mi. Charles Cassady
He has some fine grain and is making a
fine farm where it once was heavy timber.
The next farm we shall notice is that
of Mr. John Strowhridge. He is an old
settler and has a fine farm and a large
amount of cattle. Here we saw as fine a
place for slock raising as any one needs.
Passing on we notice the elegant resi
dence of Mr. Bruno. Here we came to
the Barlow road, and we whip up as we
want to eat lunch at Alder creek. This
is as good a road as any one could ex
pect. We make good time and soon
will reach the sinal1 village of Cherry
villo. It consists of a store, poetoliice
and hotel; D. W. Parker ia mine host.
We did not get to see "Wood Rat," but
saw his residence. Passing on we
arrived at Alder creek at V:30 a. m.
Here we made camp and fed our teams
w hile the ladies of our party got dinner.
Some of cur party went out to catch the
speckelod beauties, and after fishing
about one hour returned to dinner, hav
ingaught just flfty-six One trout. After
eating a hearty dinner we proceeded on
our journey.
ilie next place we pass is the tarm ol
Mr. ,S. Ware. He has a very large barn,
large enough, we presume, to hold nil
the grain and hay between Cberryville
and Salmon River.
We soon coiue to the farm of Mr.
Melntire. He bus a very good pluee anil
raises hay as his ptkipal crop, which lie
sells to travelers at a good price; he also
has a small store iu conjunction with
his farm.
We pass on and arrive at Salmon
river bridge and stick camp near tlie
residence of Mr. Baufimin's. Here we
are and soon enjoy a first-class supper
and soon get leady for fishing. We go
down to the river and in one hours fish
ing return to camp witli ninety-eight
line trout.
Our tiarty consists of Geo. E. Ogelsby,
w ife and three children, Mr. K. Rhoades,
wife and family, and Mr. John Marshall,
the lutter being the best fisherman of
the party.
July 4th. Some rain and Oregon mist,
but we are bent on having a good time.
We are off for a fishing trip up the river
nd our party waa joined by Mr.- Walter
Strunk. After fishing np Salmon river
five' miles, we return to camp, arriving
at 2 p. m. and wet as rate. After drying
out by a rousing fire we take a look at
the grand scenery aa the lun haa come
out and ia shinning now. Here can be
seen some of tlie hnest views ot Alt
Hood we ever saw. Turning aad look
ing south great mountain peaks loom up
as far as the eye can see. To you who
think that you enjoyed a Fourth of July
better than we did we will say are
badly mistaken. We arrived home July
5th, 'at 12 o'clock noon, having had a
first-class lime, and our party caught
four hundred fine trout and our heads did J
not feel aa large as some of those who
attended the Sandy celebration.
" tCiKO. E. Ooki.sby.
Crop ami Weather Reports.
B S Piigtie's crop-weather bulletin
for the week ending July 11, ISM, shows
that the teuipeuilifie has been tour ile
um's a dav below the average in West
ern Oregon. The lains did some damage
to the hay cut and dow n. Considerable
buy has already been housed, and some
remains to be cut. Generally, the crop
bus been heavier than for many years,
live tons per acre ot clover hay is report
ed from Curry county. The wheat pros
pects continue to be unusually good.
Twenty-two to thirty-four Btalks Btood
out from one grain in Yamhill county.
The beads are large and berry full and
plump. The grain is turning yellow
and harvest will begin in ten daye. Oats
and barley are promising large yields.
Fruit trees are heavily laden and indi
cate more of a crop than was expected,
insects are few and no damage from
them as yet. Hops are coming on well,
and the lice are not as destructive as waa
anticipated. Early corn is in the eilk.
Early potatoes have been a very full crop.
Cherries are quite plentiful, peaches are
In Eastern Oregon haying is in pro
gress, yielding well, but some has been
injured by the rains. The hay crop
through the stock section is especially
heavy. The rains will have tendency
to help spring grain to fill better. Fall
wheat has headed remarkably well and
tlie excellent prospects continue. Bar-
Fuller For l'rt'Mldcnt.
Ciiicaoo, July 14. The Daily News
will say tomorrow; "There is a well
formulated plan here to present the
name of Chief Justico Fuller for the
presidency. Tho news article argues
that Hill and Gray may destroy Cleve
land, but if so the choice will fall to a
man other than either the New York or
Indiana executive."
Cut His Throat.
Astoria, July 14. Ayeung man by
the name of Dennis Hynn, a clerk in
the dry goods storo of Shanahan Bros.,
attempted suicide by cutting his throat
tonight nt 9 o'clock. Ho was found in
bis room at tlie residence of his brother-
in-law, . 1. Mianahun iu an uncon
scious condition. He is expected to
live but a' short while. The mo
tive for his act is not known.
A sjiecial meeting of the city council
waa held Monday evening for the pur
pose of passing the ordinance making
5-mill levy for city taxes, and attending;
to such other business likely to lie
brought before the meeting.
The mayor and all the councilman
were present, except Prof. Rigler, who
waa taking an active part in a teacher'!
institute at the high school building.
The meeting was a very busy one,
and lasted until such a late hour that
when they came out on the street, night
policeman Kelly hurried un the street
thinking that a gang of hobos bid
struck town, but on reaching Seventh
street, discovered it was only the city
dads starting for their respective places
of abode .
The first business on the program
was the reading of the second time the
ordinance making a 5-mill tax levy,
which was passed.
Ordinance read second time to call
Nameless street Moss street, and passed.
Ordinance read second time establish- .
ing grades on all street! between bluff
and river read second time and passed.
Committee on health and police re
ported that the chief of police needed
stars, clubs and other paraphernalia for
the police department. On motion re
port was adopted, and committee or-
deaed to purchase the necessary articles.
Committee on streets and public
projaerty, reports lavorably on the im
provement of Eleventh street (rom Jack
son to Main, and surveyor directed to
make a survey of the street and report
to the council.
Committee on fire and w ater report in
favor of purchasing new ladders and
other appliances for the fire depart"
ment.but were not in favor of buying a
new truck at present. On motion the
report of the com m ft tee, was adopted.
Committee on streets and public
property rettorled probable cost of as
sessments pro-rata for abutting property
for the improvement of Seventh Btreet.
After some amending, the report of the
committee was adopted, and the ordi
nance ordered published.
The ordinance establishing a sewerage
system is still in the hands of the com
mittee on health aad police, who did
not bring in a repoit at this meeting.
The committee on health and police
reported that a building occupied by
some Indiana back of the Chinese wash
bouse on Main street was iu a very
filthy copdition, as was also a certain
building on the river bank, and rec
ommended that they be declared a
nuisance. On motion report of com
mittee was adopted.
Resignation of Frank Rigler, council- "
man from the second ward was read and
accepted, and Hiram Cochrane was
elected to fill the vacancy.
River Notes.
The Shaver company will build an
elegant fast steamer to run from Port
land on the lower Columbia. Capt. J.
W. Shiver has gone east to examine
the plans of rapid and substantial steam
er there, and when he returns their new
boat will be pushed to completion, and
w ill be a marvel of speed and capacity .
combining all the latest improvements.
The Kellogg company will now make-
daily tiips between Portland and Rain
ier, returning on same day.
The bottom is evidently falling out of
the combine, as the Astoiian which haa
been tied ny for'some time, will soon
commence running on the river again.
The Dalles company that were nego
tiating for the purchase of the G. W.
Shaver, have secured the hull of the
wrecked steamer Isabel, and will make
tho same into a new boat, to run on the
upper Columbia.
The Willamette river still remains at
an unusual good boating stage, and the
Salem and Elwood, as well as the Ore
gon Pacific boats are making regular
trips 'up and down the river. Many
of the residents along the river will be
pleased to learn that the Salem and El
wood will remain on the river.
Tne Oregon City Transportation Coin -pany
are putting in a donkey engine at
their Portland dock to enable then
the more effectually to handle their in
creasing freight,
; New Try This.
It will cost you nothing and will
surelv do you good, if you have a Cough,
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funded. Sufferers from La Grippe found
it just the thing and under its use had a
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Trial bottles free at G . A. Harding's
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